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Global Civilizational State: the application of the Scale of Global Rights to the most important global issues   threatening humanity's survival worldwide.(with videos)
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Theme for this month February 2021:
Global Civilizational State: the application of the Scale of Global Rights to the most important global issues threatening humanity's survival worldwide.

Over ancient time to this day, morality in society made its way into our ways of doing business. So the set of behaviors that constitute Global Civilizational State ethic for a business evolved largely because they provided possible survival benefits to increase evolutionary success. Consequently, peoples evolved socially to express emotions, such as feelings of empathy or guilt, in response to these moral behaviors. Humans developed truly moral, altruistic instincts. When looking across cultures of geo-cultural areas and across millennia, certain virtues have prevailed in all cultures, the major ones include:

wisdom, knowledge, courage, justice, love, truth, empathy, kindness, and social intelligence.
These virtues were not always incorporated into the ways of doing business because the 1% business world became corrupted, greedy, no longer in line with humanity's survival on the planet, and more interested in keeping most of the wealth, resources and power for themselves keeping the remaining 99% of the world population in poverty.

In recorded history, humanity has been depleting and degrading the natural capital of Earth, its global resources, rich agricultural soils, its groundwater stored during ice ages, and its biodiversity. Overpopulation and increasing per capita consumption are major reasons for the depleting of resources and deterioration of humanity common heritage. Politicians and business executives are under the delusion that such a disastrous end to the modern human enterprise and institutions can be avoided by technological fixes that will allow the population and the economy to grow forever. People from Wall Street live a dream Life. Our current way of Life is unsustainable. We are the first species on Earth that will have to self-consciously impose limits on ourselves to survive.

Realizing that the world global economic development and use of global resources are out of control and forcing a complete collapse of nation states worldwide, and realizing that international trade agreements are all obsolete and primitive, and that all human activities by large are causing the destruction of livelihood worldwide, endangering all lifeforms on the planet, putting in great danger all global ecosysytems, in short threatening the survival of all Life on our planet, we need a complete turn around of our ways of doing business and trade, in global development and the management of global resources. While telling lies about caring for the Earth, most of our governments are deepening the crisis with new plans for expanded resource exploitation, unregulated free trade deals, more invasive investments, the privatization of absolutely everything, and unlimited growth. This model of development and governance is literally killing the planet and the fundamental cause of Life extinction.

The enormous productive capacities and market forces of the planet have been committed to satisfying human needs and desires with little overall regard to the short-term and long-term future of Life on the planet, or Life in other nations and of future generations. Capitalism is at the core of this unsustainable system.

We need to recognize the failure of fundamental systems, and to abandon the notion that what there is to do is recalibrate the institutions that structure our lives today. We need to realize that the way we thought things would work out truly is gone. The extinction crisis was caused by economic systems based on capitalism which promotes accumulation by dispossession, and ceaseless growth designed and calculated to encourage a higher yearly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that is destroying ecosystems the world over. As measured by GDP, those economic systems have become addicted to “growth at all costs”. They assume that GDP growth is synonymous with increasing wellbeing and prosperity. However this approach has led to growing inequality, an escalating out-of-control climate crisis, and the depletion of natural and social capital. We must set-up measures to stop speculators from benefiting from the misery of others, by punishing corrupt politicians.