1985 to 1988 |
Part of the period from 1985 to 1988 not shown here has been covered in an other article.
Historically, the Earth Community Organization (ECO) was called The Global Community organization. The name was changed during the August 2000
Global Dialogue. Thereafter, we used both names as meaning the same organization. The Global Community means the Earth Community Organization and vice versa.
Global Community WebNet Ltd. has operated its business under the name of the Global Community for several years and is still doing now.
The Global Community organization was first discussed in a report on
global changes published in 1990 by Germain Dufour. The report contained 450
policies (workable sound solutions) on sustainable development, and was
presented to the United Nations, the Government of Canada, the provincial
government of Alberta and several non-profit
organizations and scientists.
The Earth Community Organization aims to establish a new, permanent dialogue on
measuring and managing sustainable development. It is a grassroots process.
Everyone is involved. Everyone is part of the Earth Community. Your
views are important. We want to hear what they are.
Submitted reports on sustainable development to Green Plan of Canada, the
Alberta Government and the United Nations.
Submitted to the United Nations the definition and a method of measurement of sustainable development. The method is
based on a scale making wide use of hundreds of indicators, indices as well as statistical and field data. Two local / global
indicators were developed to measure the quality and cost of development: the Gross Environmental Sustainable Development
Index (GESDI) and the Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP). Measurements were made and a benchmark for the 21st
century was obtained for Calgary, Alberta and Canada.
Wrote 450 environmental policies towards the development of the Green Plan of Canada and the Alberta Environmental
Protection Enhancement Act, Bill 23. Title of the report:
Global Change
A grassroots process
To develop new policies, and create new mechanisms and strategies, to increase our planet's ability to assure the continuation
of life, and to pursue the goal to make Canada, by the year 2000, the world's most environmentally friendly country.
The following people and organizations participated directly or indirectly in the development and publication of the Report on
Global Change, or/and were given a copy of the report.
Lucien Bouchard, Robert de Cotret, Al Johnson, P.L. Black, Harry Brightwell, Jim Prentice, Robyn Youell, Jay Park, Scott Tannas, Dick
Cotter, Pam Cholak, Martin Herrington, Dr. Teja Singh, Ina Given, Frank Hickey, Don Dabbs, Rob Nelson, Richard Theissen, Ada Rawlings,
Dick Gillespie, James M. Culkin, David Farran, Donna M. Christensen, John Shiry, Christopher S. Davis, Wes Serra, Tim Boston, Michael
Lohner, and Stuart Michaelson.
Energy, Mines and Resources Canada,
Statistics Canada,
Environment Canada,
Transport Canada,
Alberta Environment,
Alliance for Responsible CFC,
Global Releaf,
Worldwatch Institute,
International Energy Agency,
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
Energy Probe,
Independent Petroleum Association of Canada,
Canadian Petroleum Products,
World Commission on Environment and Development,
National Task Force on Environment and Economy,
United Nations Environment Program, and
Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland.
Organized a Global Dialogue worldwide requesting both national governments and people of each country to send delegates.
Formed 'The Global Community Organization' (also called the Earth Community Organization) and the 'Interim Earth Government'.
Germain Dufour elected President. First Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government was held August 20, 1988.
1991 |
Registered Global Community WebNet Ltd. with the Government of Canada, a federal corporation of Canada, the first
corporation on Earth to qualify and obtain one ECO, the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship, and is a unique way to show
the world that our ways of doing business are best for the Global Community.
Since 1990, the business has operated under five other names: Property Environmental Consultants Inc., Earth Community, the Global Community, Earth
Government and Global Dialogue.
Second Global Meeting of Earth Government was held in Calgary, August 15th, 1991.
1997 |
Created the Society for World Sustainable Development.
The Global Community Organization made a call on National Governments for participation in the Interim Earth Government.
Third Global Meeting of Earth Government was held in Calgary, August 26th, 1995.
1999 |
The Society for World Sustainable Development
was legally registered as a Society with the Government of Canada on April 30th 1998.
Head Office was in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Board of Directors (founders of the Society)
Joseph Germain Dufour, President, Consultant on Sustainable Development and Environment
Researcher and business person on Sustainable Development, Environment and Energy
Professor James S. Frideres, Vice-President
Kenneth M. Campbell, Treasurer, Remote Sensing Technologist
A. Virginia Conn, Secretary, Retired teacher
Felicity Caron, Communication Officer, Artist
Witness for the registration of the Society, Diane K. Whitlow, Secretary of Dr. James S. Frideres
The Global Community organized a Global Dialogue for developing the best suitable model of Earth Government.
Fourth Global Meeting of Earth Government was held in Calgary, August 11th, 1998.
2001 |
Fifth Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government was held in Calgary, August 19th, 2000.
Again Germain Dufour was elected President. Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor was appointed Minister of Family and Human Development for the Global Community.
James Mwami was appointed Minister of Water Resources Protection for the Global Community.
The Head Offices of 'The Global Community Organization' and the 'Interim Earth Government were moved to Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Drafting of the Charter of the Global Community on basis on alternative choices.
Plan agreed for an Interim Earth Government to meet regularly.
Global Dialogue 2000
August 17-22, 2000, in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, and August 1-31, 2002, on Internet.
Global Dialogue 2000 was promoting The Global Community organization, the Earth Community Organization (ECO), the Human Family, the Earth Society, (different names
for the same organization) with the mandate of managing Earth. The World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development - Global
Community Action 1 was about establishing the foundation for a sound Earth Government. We estimate that so far the World Congress and The Global Community concepts have made contact by 'ricochet' with at least a million people throughout
the World. We have three mailing lists: the Participants list of about 500 businesses, NGOs, universities, professionals, and the public from 90 countries;
an intermediate mailing list of 5,000 "interested" individuals (an 'individual' here may either be a person, a corporation, a NGO, a local community, a group of
people, a business, or a government); and finally an extensive mailing list of 18,000 individuals from all countries of the world. Again by the effects of 'ricochet' and
chain reaction after creation of new thoughts we will touch the hearts and the minds of the billions of people on Earth. This will happen very quickly. Most likely
within a year. The World Congress has broken grounds not only in the number of interested participants but also in its new global dialogue on Earth Management. The
hundreds of people who have sent us their research work (280 research papers were submitted) from around the world represent only a part of a great
ground-swell of concern for the future of our planet. It is quite possible the men and women who have produced this body of work will go down in history as major
instruments of change. We now have 73 Discussion Roundtables divided into the four interacting quality systems: Social(37), Environment(16), Economics(8) and
Availability of Resources(12). We went past previous Earth Summits organized by governments who have been focusing only on a specific issue without including
the public throughout the world and without taking into account all impacts. We are proposing here to The Global Community that sound solutions to world
problems can only be brought forward after analyzing all important interacting impacts.
The Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC) publishes monthly reports and articles concerned with Earth governance and management; Global sustainability;
the Global Community overall picture; Humanity's new vision of the world.
Established the criteria to obtain the ECO Award.
Global Community Earth Government is offering training and educational programs related to all issues of the global dialogues.
Established the criteria to become a citizen of the Global Community. You may be:
* a person
* a global community
* an institution
* a town, city or province
* a state or a nation
* a business
* an NGO
* a group of people who decided to unite for the better of everyone participating in the relationship, or you may be
* an international organization
Humanity's new vision of the world
It is about being a Global Community citizen and seeing the world and living a life through:
- the Scale of Human and Earth Rights;
- the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities of a person and the Global Community; and
- building global symbiotical relationships between people, institutions,
cities, provinces and nations of the world.
The Sixth Global Meeting of Earth Government was held in Guelph, August 22th, 2001.
2003 |
Global Dialogue 2002
August 17-22, 2002, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and August 1-31, 2002, on Internet.
Earth Management - All Peoples together theme Earth Government for Earth Community - A grassroots process -
Global Parliament meet in Toronto and through the Internet. There were 550 Participants from 135 nations.
Some of the major achievements are listed here.
Earth Government
Earth governance and management
Global policies and strategies for climate change
Earth Court of Justice
Earth Government
Criteria to obtain the Global Community Citizenship
Scenarios for what may become of humanity
Earth flag
Global concepts
Global policies and strategies for the proper governance and management of the Earth
Earth Community
Charter of the Earth Community
Scale of Human and Earth Rights
Peace movement of Earh Community
Statement of rights and responsibilities of a person, a Global Community, the Global Community
Celebration of Life Day
Global policies and strategies for global cooperation and symbiotical relationships between communities and nations
Global concepts
Global policies and strategies for managing world overpopulation
Earth Community Organization (ECO), the Global Community
Global strategies for proper governance of the Earth
Global Community
Defined 'the Global community'
Defined 'a global community'
Evaluation of sustainable development locally and globally
Sound solutions for an equitable global sustainable development
Created the Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
Global Community Overall Picture: a country by country description of needs and problems
Vision of Earth in year 2024
Global concepts
Global Dialogue
Established a global dialogue between people, businesses, communities and nation governments
Promote peace in the world through dialogue
Finding sound and equitable solutions to local and global problems
Protection of life on Earth
Help humanity survive this millennium
Established the process to obtain on ECO, the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship
The Global Community Earth Government established the criteria that was used for the development of the Global Constitution. Work begun on drafting the Global Constitution.
Many issues were resolved: Earth Government Global Law, Activities of the Global Community,
Humanity's new vision of the world, Global Community institutions and bodies,
the Global Constitution, Global Constitution Advisory Board, Portal of the Global Community, Global Exhibition,
and Earth Government Legislation: Statutes, Codes and Bills.
Established the Earth Executive Council:
1. Global Council
2. Cabinet Ministers
Established the legislative branch of Earth Government consists of the Global Parliament, which is divided into three chambers:
1. House of Elected
2. House of Advisers, and
3. United Nations (UN).
Established the Organs of Earth Government: 1. Earth Executive Council
2. Earth Government Departments
3. Global Civil Service Administration and Planning
4. The Global Judiciary
5. Agency of Global Police
6. Global Community Ombudspersons Office
7. Global Investment Bank
8. The Court of Auditors
9. Global Community Citizenship Office
10. Human and Earth Rights Office
11. Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
12. Earth Security
13. Global Civil Society Council
14. Agency for Research, Planning and Development
15. Global Community Justice Network
Established many additional Earth Government Resources.
The Seventh Global Meeting of Earth Government was held in Guelph, August 20th, 2002.
2005 |
Global Dialogue 2004
August 17-22, 2004, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, and August 1-31, 2004, on Internet.
Global Parliament meet in Nanaimo and through the Internet. There were 560 Participants from 130 nations.
New Age Civilization of the 3rd Millennium: the age of global co-operation and symbiotical relationships,
theme: A Vision to Caring for Life and Earth
Global Dialogue 2004 involved 260 leaders from 63 countries on Internet. Participants were from 130 nations to dialogue on 59 issues.
First and second drafts of the Global Constitution presented to the Global Community and approved by Global Community Earth Government.
Established the Global Community Parliament with its governing institutions and bodies.
- Head Office
- Earth Government
- The Global Parliament
- The Global Constitution
- Second draft of the Global Constitution
- Quaestors
- Conference of presidents
- Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee
- Earth Executive Council
- The Global Council
- Charter of the Global Community
- Council of Ministers
- Citizenship
- Committee of Nations
- Delegations from Civil Society
- Ministries of the Global Community
- Global Community Ombudspersons Office
- Global Bank
- Global co-operation between nations
- Advisory Board for the Global Constitution
Global Law Legislation was approved by Global Parliament.
Created the Portal of the Global Community
The information gateway empowering the movement for the protection of the global
life-support systems, Earth Governance and Management and
Global Societal Sustainability. The original and best Global Community portal
- with search engine, links to sites and news, press releases, letters, reports, action
alert, educational and training programs, scientific evaluations, business assesments and support, workshops and global dialogues and more!
Global Dialogue 2005
August 20th, 2005, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, and August 1-31, 2005, on Internet.
Politics and Justice without borders
The Global Constitution
The raison d'etre of Global Dialogue 2005 is to find sound solutions to sustain the Global Community and all life
this century. New concepts and strategies had to be developed and are shown on this
Global Dialogue 2005 will bring forward many more new concepts
and value systems, and positive actions to sustain the Global Community, and actions for the good of all as per the
Statement of Rights and Responsibilities of the Global Community citizens.
This Global Dialogue is also about politics and Justice without borders. The Global Community is involved with the affairs of all levels of government
anywhere, anyplace.
The Global Community Parliament (GCP) has developed a strategy for implementing the area of freedom,
security and justice without borders. This strategy along with the Criteria for Global Citizenship and the
Charter of the Global Community will be integrated into the Global Constitution. More development will be
published in the coming months. The Global Community Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee will
have a third draft of the Global Constitution by August 2005 and a final document by August 2006.
The Ninth Global Meeting of Earth Government will be held in Nanaimo, August 20th, 2005.
Politics and Justice without borders
Actions for the good of all as per the Statement of rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of the Global Community citizens.
Global Dialogue 2006
August 17-22, 2006, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, and August 1-31, 2006, on Internet.
Global Parliament meet in Nanaimo and through the Internet. There were 580 Participants from 130 nations.
New Age Civilization of the 3rd Millennium: the age of global co-operation and symbiotical relationships,
theme: A Vision to Caring for Life and Earth
Global Dialogue 2004 involved 260 leaders from 63 countries on Internet. Participants were from 130 nations to dialogue on 59 issues.
The followig recommendations were found appropriate as a result of the Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2006:
* That the Statement of rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of the Global Community citizens
be used as a fundamental concept, ideology, social way of life by all Peoples of the world;
* That the Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act be made a part of government in all nations.
The Global Community Parliament (GCP) has approved the Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act and to be made a part of government in all nations.
The Tenth Global Meeting of Earth Government was held in Nanaimo, August 21th, 2006.
Global Dialogue 2007
August 17-22, 2007, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, and August 1-31, 2007, on Internet.
Global Parliament meet in Nanaimo and through the Internet. There were 580 Participants from 130 nations.
Global Dialogue 2007 recommendations were derived from the Global Overview 2007. Recommendations were explained and described here in the following comprehensive summary:
Recommendations of Global Dialogue 2007
- Global Justice Movement for all life on the planet
- Global Protection Agency (GPA)
- Compliance with Global Law
- Abolish the business of conflicts and war
- Security for all life on Earth
- Who owns the Earth ?
The Global Community Parliament (GCP) has approved the establishment of the Global Protection Agency (GPA) and to be made a part of government in all nations.
The Eleventh Global Meeting of Earth Government was held in Nanaimo, August 21th, 2007.