Politics and Justice Without Borders
Global Community Newsletter main website


Volume 14 Issue 1 September 2015

Theme for Global Dialogue 2016 (September 1st, 2015 to August 31, 2016) and for this month

Global Exhibition 2016 is about Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet.

SoulLife God
August 2015

Global Exhibition 2016 theme is about Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet.

Global Exhibition 2016 is about Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet.
Artwork by Germain Dufour
July 6, 2015
( see enlargement Global Exhibition 2016  establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet )

Promo video of Global Exhibition 2016

mp4 (52 MB) file

Artboards and movies of video found here
 Images in the video


Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2015 (September 1st, 2014 to August 31, 2015) are ready for reading. Please do verify that your articles, comments and papers were correctly published, and that recommendations were appropriate, useful, pertinent, and proper. Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for Global Dialogue 2015 were published in the Dialogue Overview section at http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/Dialogue2015/gd2015dialoverview.html

Proceedings of the Global Dialogue 2015

Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2015.
Artwork by Germain Dufour
August 2015
( see enlargement Proceedings of the Global Dialogue 2015)

For the ninth year since the first time ever promoting of a Global Exhibition, there will be a Global Exhibition at the time of Global Dialogue 2016. It will also be occurring anywhere in the world along with Global Dialogue 2016. The Global Exhibition is a replacement to the usual Trade Show we have been promoting during each previous Global Dialogue. The Preliminary Program to the Global Exhibition will be the same as that of Global Dialogue 2016.

Preliminary Program for the Global Exhibition   Preliminary Program for the Global Exhibition
Program for Global Dialogue 2016     Program for Global Dialogue 2016

Global Exhibition covers many aspects. It can be about creating high profile, highly targeted business and consumer exhibitions, where buyers and suppliers from around the world can come together to do business. In an increasingly digital age, nothing can replace the power of human contact for establishing and maintaining business relations. And with more market leading exhibitions than any other organiser, no organiser delivers more business contacts. We specialize in exhibitions, trade shows, conferences and event planning.

Global Exhibition must allow multiplicity, diversity and contradiction to exist inside the structure of an exhibition ... a world where the conflicts of globalization are met by the romantic dreams of a new modernity, a new federation of nations, Global Community.

We divide the Global Exhibition into "platforms" -- conferences and lecture series engaging figures from a wide range of disciplines -- that take place at different communities around the world over the course of the year leading up to the installation in a large Global Exhibition in one country.

Getting to know one another and ourselves as one humanity.

Unity in diversity

The Global Exhibition must allow multiplicity, diversity and contradiction to exist inside the structure of an exhibition ... a world where the conflicts of globalization are met by the romantic dreams of a new modernity, a federation of nations.

I would certainly plan to promote many aspects such as:

1.     the global life-support systems
2.     Earth flag A campaign to design the Earth flag for the Global Community is going on right now and I call upon and encourage students from all over the planet to participate in the design of the Earth flag. It will be their first unified achievement.
3.     Celebration of Life Day
4.     Global Community
5.     the Global Dialogue
6.     Portal of the Global Community
7.     Global Community Citizenship (every participant would become a global citizen)
8.     the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC)
9.     the ECO Award and have an Award Ceremonies
10.     actions for the good of all as per the Scale of Global Rights and the Statement of Rights, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities of Global Community citizens
11.     a global co-operation between nations
12.     humanity's new vision of the world
13.     global societal sustainability
14.     global governance and Earth management
15.     the Global Community overall picture (6 world regions approach and hundreds of issues)
16.     Earth Government and its Global Constitution
17.     Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
18.     all educational, cultural, political, social and religious aspects
19.     people are asked to produce any creative work (in arts, music, engineering, research, etc.) of their vision of what Global Community can accomplish.

In this millennium, the affairs of humanity appeared to be unfolding in more profound ways.

Cause and effect is now more apparent and happening more quickly. Those of you who are educated and aware will find themselves urgently called upon to action for the good of all humanity.

Global link-ups are already happening at a fast rate.

Business leaders are much more sensitive to the greater, wider needs for their expertise and are already in the process of creating a new kind of civilization.

One of the most important factors in our lives is the inter-connection we have to others, to other countries. Through these connections you will be able to create changes for good on a global scale.

We must now all become linked to others in faraway places on a much deeper level if we are to work together to keep our planet healthy, productive and hospitable for all people and living things.

As your awareness of this global need deepens you will want to join with others to see that good changes happen.

Right now you can use your skills, your knowledge, your abilities, to realize how your strengths can help bring about the best kind of changes in the world by connecting with us in our aim to promote sustainable development on four major levels: the land, the richness of our land, our economic endeavours and the welfare of all our peoples.

We believe the world is at a turning point. We can no longer perceive ourselves as a People who could survive alone and a People who does not need anyone else. We belong and depend to a much larger group, that of the Global Community, the human family. The 21st Century will see limitless links and interrelationships within the Global Community.

This third millennium is a new challenge. New standards, goals and objectives have to be defined. Firm universal guidelines are essentials in keeping the world healthy. Already we notice new ways of thinking being embraced, new behaviors and attitudes adopted. Global ethics are required to do business and deal with one another to sustain Earth.

Indeed, we are becoming the Global Community made up of an infinite number of small units and Global Dialogue 2016 will bring us all together. Every human being lives within "a Global Community." This is his (her) global private community. The Glass Bubble image is designed to illustrate the concept of a global community One imagines he is inside a glass bubble ~ everything he can see from this glass bubble is his own "global community." Wherever we go, we are inside "a Global Community." Everything, every living creature there, interacts one upon the other. Influences inter-weave and are responsible for causes and effects. We are worlds within worlds orbiting in and out of one another's space, having their being. This interaction can be planned and executed in a caring, considerate manner so that all may exist and not destroy the other. The Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC) GCAC is also the Centre of assessment of local/global indicators about the four major quality systems: Environment, People, Economic Development and the Availability of Resources. The assessment of
these indicators will result in giving the Global Community a sense of direction as to ensure a sound future for Earth. is the centre whose objectives are to measure, assess, and integrate the interactions and present results to the Global Community. GCAC proposes a method based on fundamental principles, a sound science, and results are used to propose policies for management of global changes.

Building global communities require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are several major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, human activities critically endangering the survival of all life on our planet, as population increases the respect and value of a human life is in decline, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, deforestation, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities for all life on the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of the above problems.

Perhaps the greatest change in our way of life will be the acceptance of the criteria to obtain the Global Community Citizenship. The Global Community Citizenship is given to anyone who accepts the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship as a way of life . It is time
now to take the oath of global community citizenship. We all belong to this greater whole, the Earth, the only known place in the universe we can
call our home

Every single human being must deal responsibly with the affairs going on in his (her) own "glass bubble" ~ when a person takes personal responsibility for his own affairs ~ he becomes empowered as a person. He can then reach beyond his own property and family, and help to work with others living in and around, even a part of the local community he lives in ~ the villages, the town community, the surrounding territory, and so on.

The key is personal responsibility.

Therefore the individual is the important element, one who takes responsibility for his community. This individual cares about jobs, homes, streets, the community.

Controlling our overpopulated planet has now become a necessity. World overpopulation at the turning point requires each and every one of us to take a stand on rights and on being a part of Global Community, the human family. Today we are not asking women to have only one child as is done in China. No! First of all it does not work in China. Their population is still increasing.

We are asking it to be socially acceptable for women to have the freedom of having or not having children. We are asking  it for women to have the freedom to say no I dont want children, or yes I want to raise a family, and to make that socially acceptable. For this to work, women must also be given equal rights to men in every way. The Chinese family policy does not work because women are not given the freedom to choose for themselves and the equal rights to men. Women are 'persons' just like men. Those men and women who choose to raise a family of one or more children will be given support if needed.

The effect of such change in our ways will be acceptance of being a part of the global community and that each one of us is doing things for the good of all. In this way, the heart, mind and  spirit of the Global Community will  be in the forefront of positive actions to ensure our survival.

When a group of ordinary people realized they, personally, will make the changes they need in their fields, in their village. They can then find ways to bring these changes for all. There is a wisdom in the ways of very humble people that needs to be used. Every humble person deserves to have ideas respected, the courage to develop his own life for the better. Sound solutions to help manage and sustain Earth will very likely be found this way. Everyone can help assess the needs of the planet now ( measuring sustainable development ) and propose sound solutions for its proper management, present and future ( managing sustainable development ).

Sound solutions to all our problems will have to be researched and developed and made available to everyone on the Internet. This is la raison d’être of the Global Community.

Sound solutions made available to all Global Communities should insure a sound future for Earth. Exchange of creative solutions to the varied community problems around the world will benefit us all on many levels ~ socially, economically and ecologically. We can all help to manage Earth this way. We invite you to participate in Global Dialogue 2016 and its Global Exhibition to insure a sound future for Earth.

Participate in:

*    promoting the VISION of Global Community
*    developing the Vision of Earth in Year 2024
*    brain-storming exercises on all issues of Global Dialogue 2016
*    Workshop Sessions and Discussion Roundtables


Germain Dufour
Project Officer and Chairman
Global Dialogue 2016



Canadian Maple Leaf

Global Peace Earth

Ministry of Global Peace in government

Over the past decades we have shown that peace in the world and the survival and protection of all life on our planet go hand in hand. Asking for peace in the world means doing whatever is necessary to protect life on our planet. Protecting life implies bringing about the event of peace in the world. Let our time be a time remembered for a new respect for life, our determination to achieve sustainability, and our need for global justice and peace.

Our Global Peace Mouvement is about the courage to live a life in a harmonious peace order and showing by example, thus preventing poverty, wars, terror and violence. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and global sustainability being some of them.

Soul of all Life said in Global Peace Earth "Soul of all Life teaching about Peace: Introduction"

Peace is being who you are without fear. It is the "being who you are" who must be taught a value based on principles to live by. Only principles described in Global Law are necessary and required to attain Peace in the world.


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Survey regarding the new Global Community web site
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How did you find the new Global Community web site (informative, friendly accessible layout, useful, etc.)?
What section of the new Global Community website you found most useful?
What parts did you find the least useful or informative?
What device have you used to visit the new Global Community web site?
Will you be sending us an article, a research paper, or some work you wish to be published on our monthly Newsletter (If yes please read about the info in Global Dialogue 2013 program and the section on volunteering)?
Yes No
Your article, paper, opinion, comment and recommendations:
Will you be organizing activities in line with Global Community in your own local community?
Yes No
Your Global Community activities:

Register your Ministry of Global Peace in government

How and when was Ministry formed.

Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year.

Cultural Appreciation Day: August 22 Cultural Appreciation Day

Along with all the global communities, the Global Community, all life on Earth, and the Soul of Humanity can rightfully claim ownership of the Earth as a birthright: October 6 Claiming ownership of the Earth as a birthright

Founding of the Global Community organization, Global Community and the Federation of Global Governments: October 6 , 1985Founding of the Global Community organization, Global Community  and the Federation of Global Governments

Global Citizenship Day: October 6 Global Citizenship Day

Tribute to Virginie Dufour, the first Secretary General of the Global Community organization, who passed away April 28,2000 Tribute to Virginie Dufour

The Global Exhibition: August 17-22 The Global Exhibition

Nationalization of natural resources: October 6 Nationalization of natural resources

Global Peace Movement Day: May 26 Global Peace Movement Day

Global Movement to Help: May 26 Global Movement to Help

Global Justice for all Life Day: October 6 Global Justice for all Life Day

Global Justice Movement: October 6 Global Justice Movement

Global Disarmament Day: May 26 Global Disarmament Day

Planetary State of Emergency Day: May 26 Planetary State of Emergency Day

Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010): October 6 Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010)

Celebration of Life Day: May 26 Celebration of Life Day

Planetary Biodiversity Zone Day: September 26 Planetary Biodiversity Zone

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Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for this month

John Abraham, Nafeez Ahmed, John Scales Avery(2), Fidel Castro Ruz, Shamus Cooke, Finian Cunningham, Environmental News Service, Pepe Escobar, Global Footprint Network, Jeff Hayward, Bill Henderson, Information ClearingHouse, Sharon Kelly, Michael T. Klare, Tara Lohan, Andrew Moran, Anastasia Pantsios, Dr Gideon Polya, Michael Graham Richard, Thomas Riggins, Jean Shaoul, Robert Walker, Eric Zuesse (2),

John Abraham, Global Warming Is Causing Rain to Melt the Greenland Ice Sheet Global Warming Is Causing Rain to Melt the Greenland Ice Sheet
Nafeez Ahmed, Beyond Extinction - Transition To Post-Capitalism Is Inevitable Beyond Extinction - Transition To Post-Capitalism Is Inevitable
John Scales Avery, The Need For A New Economic System  The Need For A New Economic System
John Scales Avery, The Need For A New Economic System, Part 4 Neocolonialism And Resource Wars  The Need For A New Economic System, Part 4 Neocolonialism And Resource Wars
Fidel Castro Ruz, Reality and Dreams Reality and Dreams
Shamus Cooke, Obama's “Safe Zone” In Syria Will Inflame The War Zone  Obama's “Safe Zone” In Syria Will Inflame The War Zone
Finian Cunningham, Deal or War: Is doomed Dollar Really Behind Obama’s Iran Warning? Deal or War: Is doomed Dollar Really Behind Obama’s Iran Warning?
Environmental News Service, World’s Glaciers Melting Faster Than Ever World’s Glaciers Melting Faster Than Ever
Pepe Escobar, How China And Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington How China And Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington
Global Footprint Network, Humans Have Consumed a Year's Supply of the Planet's Resources in Less Than 8 Months Humans Have Consumed a Year's Supply of the Planet's Resources in Less Than 8 Months
Jeff Hayward, What the World Needs from the Paris Climate Conference What the World Needs from the Paris Climate Conference
Bill Henderson, Renewables And Carbon Pricing Are New Climate Denial Renewables And Carbon Pricing Are New Climate Denial
Information ClearingHouse, Russia and China to stage naval drills in Sea of Japan, train for beach landing Russia and China to stage naval drills in Sea of Japan, train for beach landing
Sharon Kelly, Key Greenhouse Gas Study May Have Systematically Understated Methane Leaks Key Greenhouse Gas Study May Have Systematically Understated Methane Leaks
Michael T. Klare, Big Oil In Retreat Big Oil In Retreat
Tara Lohan, The Big Reason Why America Is Turning to Renewable Energy  The Big Reason Why America Is Turning to Renewable Energy
Andrew Moran, Peter Schiff Says Impending U.S. Dollar Collapse should be Getting Attention, not China’s Devaluation Peter Schiff Says Impending U.S. Dollar Collapse should be Getting Attention, not China’s Devaluation
Anastasia Pantsios, 7 Climate Records Broken in 2014 Reveal Earth Is ‘Gravely Ill’ 7 Climate Records Broken in 2014 Reveal Earth Is Gravely Ill
Dr Gideon Polya, Green Left Pope Francis Demands Climate Action “Without Delay” To Prevent Climate “Catastroph Green Left Pope Francis Demands Climate Action Without Delay To Prevent Climate Catastrophe
Michael Graham Richard, The U.S. Is Now #2 Worldwide In Wind Power With 66 GW The U.S. Is Now #2 Worldwide In Wind Power With 66 GW
Thomas Riggins, Decline Of Earth's Plant Life Threatens Human Life As We Know It Decline Of Earth's Plant Life Threatens Human Life As We Know It
Jean Shaoul, NATO Backs Turkish/US Regime-Change Offensive In Syria NATO Backs Turkish/US Regime-Change Offensive In Syria
Robert Walker, Too Many Humans: Overpopulation Is Bad for People and the Planet Too Many Humans: Overpopulation Is Bad for People and the Planet
Eric Zuesse, Another Big Lie About Ukraine’s War Another Big Lie About Ukraine’s War
Eric Zuesse, Ukraine Bans 14 ‘Artists,' Mainly Russians, As ‘Threat To National Security' Ukraine Bans 14 ‘Artists,' Mainly Russians, As ‘Threat To National Security'



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