Articles, papers, comments, opinions and new ideas worth sharing

Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for this month

Milena Akel, Dr. Elias Akleh, MARÍA CRISTINA AZCONA, Medea Benjamin, William Boardman (2),, ZZ COUTO, Guy Crequie (5), Jordan Flaherty, Justin Gerdes, Steven Hsieh, JEAN ILLEL, Mahboob A. Khawaja (2), Michael T. Klare, Ryan Koronowski, Tara Lohan, Erin L. McCoy, Charles Mercieca, Leslie Moyer, Père MUSALLAM, Lisa Song, TERESITA MORÁN DE VALCHEFF, Tatiana Vorontsova Jay Warmke

Dr. Elias Akleh, Israeli Massacre Of Deir Yassin Israeli Massacre Of Deir Yassin
MARÍA CRISTINA AZCONA, La paz es posible. La paix est possible. A paz é possível. Peace is possible. La paz es posible. La paix est possible. A paz é possível. Peace is possible.
Medea Benjamin, Life or Death Struggles Emerge Over Arab Spring as Tensions Boil Over at Social Forum Life or Death Struggles Emerge Over Arab Spring as Tensions Boil Over at Social Forum
William Boardman, 14 Things You Need to Know About the Horrifying Arkansas Oil Spill 14 Things You Need to Know About the Horrifying Arkansas Oil Spill
William Boardman, 15 Things You Need to Know About the Tar Sands Oil Spill 15 Things You Need to Know About the Tar Sands Oil Spill With Surging Emission Global Climate Change Goal Is At Risk, Say UN With Surging Emission Global Climate Change Goal Is At Risk, Say UN
Guy Crequie, Peut-on transformer la tendance de l‘humanité à la guerre ? ( PREMIERE CONTRIBUTION : UNE SECONDE SUIVRA !) Peut-on transformer la tendance de l‘humanité à la guerre ? ( PREMIERE CONTRIBUTION : UNE SECONDE SUIVRA !)
Guy Crequie, VOILE ENTR'OUVANT LE FUTUR ! (poésie ,philosophie de la vie !) VOILE ENTR'OUVANT LE FUTUR ! (poésie ,philosophie de la vie !)
Jordan Flaherty, Together, We Can Change The Course Of History: World Social Forum In Tunis Together, We Can Change The Course Of History: World Social Forum In Tunis
Justin Gerdes, Copenhagen’s Ambitious Push To Be Carbon Neutral by 2025 Copenhagen’s Ambitious Push To Be Carbon Neutral by 2025
Steven Hsieh, Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace
JEAN ILLEL, A toi jeunesse du monde! To you the world! Para que el mundo! Para você o mundo! A toi jeunesse du monde! To you the world! Para que el mundo! Para você o mundo!
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Global Paradox: Peace Not Wars Global Paradox: Peace Not Wars
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Towards Understanding Global Peace: Warlords Are Killing Mankind Towards Understanding Global Peace: Warlords Are Killing Mankind
Michael T. Klare, Entering A Resource-Shock World: How Resource Scarcity And Climate Change Could Produce A Global Explosion Entering A Resource-Shock World: How Resource Scarcity And Climate Change Could Produce A Global Explosion
Ryan Koronowski, EPA Slams State’s Draft Impact Statement For Keystone XL EPA Slams State’s Draft Impact Statement For Keystone XL
Tara Lohan, Keystone XL Pipeline Protesters Take to the Streets Outside Obama Fundraiser in San Francisco [With Photo Slideshow Keystone XL Pipeline Protesters Take to the Streets Outside Obama Fundraiser in San Francisco [With Photo Slideshow
Erin L. McCoy, 4 Lessons for Building a Solar Economy 4 Lessons for Building a Solar Economy
Charles Mercieca, American Culture of Death in Perspective American Culture of Death in Perspective
Leslie Moyer, Tar Sands Is Worse Than You Can Imagine: Incredible Images You Have to See Tar Sands Is Worse Than You Can Imagine: Incredible Images You Have to See
Lisa Song, Exxon Confirms 80,000-Gallon Spill Contains Canadian Tar Sands Oil Exxon Confirms 80,000-Gallon Spill Contains Canadian Tar Sands Oil
Tatiana Vorontsova, Pardonnez-nous Terre. Perdonan Tierra. Forgive us, Mother Earth. Perdonan Tierra. Pardonnez-nous Terre. Perdonan Tierra. Forgive us, Mother Earth. Perdonan Tierra.
Jay Warmke, Fact vs. Fiction: How Renewables Outshine Fracking Fact vs. Fiction: How Renewables Outshine Fracking

Articles and papers from authors

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 March 31, 2013  

The story first appeared on InsideClimate News.

A pipeline that ruptured and leaked at least 80,000 gallons of oil into central Arkansas on Friday was transporting a heavy form of crude from the Canadian tar sands region, ExxonMobil told InsideClimate News. 

Local police said the line gushed oil for 45 minutes before being stopped,according to media reports.

Crude oil ran through a subdivision of Mayflower, Ark., about 20 miles north of Little Rock. Twenty-two homes were evacuated, but no one was hospitalized, Exxon spokesman Charlie Engelmann said on Saturday.

In an interview with InsideClimate News, Faulkner County Judge Allen Dodson said emergency crews prevented the oil from entering waterways. The judge issued an emergency declaration following the spill and is involved in coordinating clean-up efforts among federal, state and local agencies and Exxon.

The 20-inch Pegasus pipeline runs 858 miles from Patoka, Ill. to Nederland, Texas. Engelmann said the line was carrying Wabasca Heavy crude from western Canada when it ruptured.

Wabasca Heavy is a type of diluted bitumen, or dilbit, from Alberta's tar sands region, according to the Canadian Crude Quality Monitoring Program, an industry source that provides data on different types of Canadian oil.

Because dilbit contains bitumen—a type of crude oil that's heavier than most conventional crude oil—it can be harder to clean up when it spills into water. A2010 spill in Michigan, which released a million gallons of dilbit in the Kalamazoo River and has cost pipeline operator Enbridge more than $820 million, continues to challenge scientists and regulators as they work on removing submerged oil from the riverbed.

Dodson said emergency crews led a "monumentally successful" effort to prevent the Exxon spill from entering nearby Lake Conway, a popular recreational area. First responders set up earthen dams to contain the flow of oil, he said, and crews are working to shore up the protections as rains continue to fall and complicate the cleanup operations.

The size of the spill remains unclear. Dodson said the Environmental Protection Agency has estimated the spill at 84,000 gallons. The EPA and the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management did not return calls for comment.

According to a Saturday afternoon press release from Exxon, 189,000 gallons of oil and water have been recovered from the site so far, and it is prepared to clean up more than twice that amount.

Exxon's release said the company is "staging a response for over 10,000 barrels [420,000 gallons] to be conservative."

"They're absolutely going above and beyond" what's required, Dodson said. He praised Exxon, local, state and federal agencies for their "amazingly fast response." More than ten agencies responded to the spill within the hour, he said, and "everything fit together perfectly. It was such an efficient response."

According to Exxon, crews have deployed 2,000 feet of boom and 15 vacuum trucks. Dodson said the EPA and Exxon's contractor CTEH are monitoring air quality.

According to Exxon, crews have deployed 2,000 feet of boom and 15 vacuum trucks. Dodson said the EPA and Exxon's contractor CTEH are monitoring air quality.

The spill comes at an inopportune time for the industry, as it lobbies hard for approval of the controversial Keystone XL oil sands pipeline that would carry Canadian dilbit from the tar sand region to Texas refineries on the Gulf Coast. The Obama administration must approve or reject the project because it crosses an international border. Last week, a train hauling Canadian oil derailed and leaked 30,000 gallons of crude in western Minnesota.

  Read  Exxon Confirms 80,000-Gallon Spill Contains Canadian Tar Sands Oil
 April 9, 2013  

The solar era has begun: the industry is booming, prices are dropping, and solar energy at last seems poised to help topple the climate-altering dominance of fossil fuels. But bringing it to the masses won’t be as simple as just soaking up the sun..

To gain a better picture of the challenges to come—and of some possible solutions—electric companies and solar developers throughout the nation are watching Hawaii, which derives a larger fraction of its electricity from the sun than any other state. Homeowners and businesses have led the charge here, something that distinguishes Hawaii from other states at the forefront of solar, like Nevada and Arizona, which depend more heavily on large-scale installations.

The reasons for Hawaii’s solar boom are many. The Polynesians who inhabited the Hawaiian islands before the arrival of Europeans were entirely self-sufficient. But in 2010 it was a different picture: the state generated 86.1 percent of its electricity from imported petroleum. The high price tag on that energy, along with a heightened awareness of the islands’ isolation, has led the state to set an ambitious goal: to derive 40 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2030. It reached 13 percent in 2012.

Hawaii has roughly doubled its solar power capacity every year since 2007, and in 2012 installed more solar than in the last six years combined. It’s not hard to see what’s behind the solar frenzy: With the average electric bill stacking up to roughly $230 per month, Hawaii has the highest electricity rates in the nation by far—nearly twice as high as the second-most expensive state.

Solar has the potential to decrease a homeowner’s electric bill to zero, except for a monthly $18 service charge. Those kinds of savings, combined with federal and local tax credits, mean a Hawaiian homeowner can recoup the cost of a solar investment in just 3.1 years. Even if all the tax credits were removed, it would still take only 8.9 years for a Hawaii solar installation to pay for itself.

But so much solar has also created problems. Each island’s electric grid is isolated from the others, and therefore less stable than a typical mainland grid, particularly when unpredictable solar energy enters the picture. But solutions are beginning to emerge. Better energy storage systems and weather-prediction technology are being developed to stabilize those grids. Meanwhile, the Hawaii legislature is poised to reduce solar tax credits, which some say are too expensive. In short, Hawaii is solving problems today that other states may encounter tomorrow.

Hawaii’s high rate of solar adoption makes it a likely picture of California’s future, according to Elaine Sison-Lebrilla, renewable energy program manager at the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. The district is collaborating with the Hawaiian Electric Company to develop solutions to many of the obstacles it’s encountered.

“They’ll see these problems much sooner than us,” Sison-Lebrilla said, “and the hope is that there will be lessons learned from them and we’ll be prepared.”

Obstacle 1: More power than the grid can handle

“What about cloudy days?” That’s the perennial question for an industry striving to improve the efficiency of solar technology. But it’s too much power, not too little, that’s the problem in Hawaii.

“The system was not designed originally to have energy flowing two ways,” explained Peter Rosegg, spokesman for the Hawaiian Electric Company, or HECO, which provides electricity to 95 percent of the Hawaiian population. “Now all of a sudden you have rooftop solar and most of them are sending power back over these [lines] during much of the day because they’re producing more than they can use.”

Traditionally, a human operator at a centralized system operations center tracks power generation to ensure that it stays exactly equal to demand. But solar power generated by individual homes or businesses is invisible to these operators. This increases the risk of a sudden spike or drop-off in power, which can damage generation or transmission equipment—even home appliances—and cause outages and instability across the grid.

Solution: Grid upgrades, meters, and batteries

Ultimately, infrastructure upgrades—probably massive ones—will be essential. HECO and several solar industry and advocacy groups have developed a plan for rolling out these upgrades, which they presented to the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission for review in January. They recommend what they call a “proactive approach,” and advise utilities to prioritize grid upgrades in areas where they anticipate seeing the most demand for solar.

The technologies that will be used to redefine the grid are under development. Among these are “smart meters” that would make solar power generation visible to system operators. The Maui Smart Grid Projectwill be collecting data from smart meters it’s testing throughout 2013.

Short-term battery storage systems are further along, with experiments using 1-megawatt batteries now underway on three islands. Such batteries could store excess power to smooth out power spikes and lulls.

These batteries are expensive, but if they’re proven to work, Rosegg says it’s reasonable to expect demand to go up and prices to go down. And lower prices for a proven technology could pave the way for other grids around the country.

Hawaii is an ideal place to test these technologies: Unlike on the mainland, where power companies can draw electricity from surrounding areas if they run into problems, each island has its own grid that is unconnected to the others. That’s why Hawaii is in such a precarious situation in the first place, but it also makes the success or failure of any technology that’s being tested immediately visible.


Obstacle 2: The unpredictable politics of solar tax credits

Hawaii is doling out more solar tax credit dollars than ever, and now state legislators are seeking to reduce that spending. But some argue that the expenses have been overestimated, while the benefits have been overlooked.

But one solar industry leader, Mark Duda, contends that those projections were overestimated by more than $56 million, according to actual year-end figures. Duda is principal and founder of Oahu’s top solar company, RevoluSun, and president of the Hawaii PV Coalition.In September 2012, the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism projected that Hawaii would spend more than $173 million on tax credits for solar by year’s end—five times as much as in 2010.

It’s a staggering difference, and an important one, considering how closely the state legislature is watching these numbers. In the next month, the legislature is expected to vote on a measure that could gradually decrease the state’s 35 percent capped tax credit—which solar adopters receive in addition to a 30 percent federal tax credit.

How the tax credit should be handled is just one piece in a puzzle of controversies. Also on the table is a Department of Taxation administrative rule, effective January 1, which aimed to cut down on the widespread practice of claiming multiple tax credits for a single project.

Nonprofit law organization Earthjustice is now representing the Sierra Club in a lawsuit over the rule, pointing to past releases from the department that defend the practice it’s now trying to eradicate.

Such policy changes create uncertainty that hits the solar industry hard, said Isaac Moriwake, an Earthjustice attorney. “That’s the exact wrong message you want to send the market: ‘We support renewable energy. No, just kidding.’”

Solution: A more stable tax policy

Cutting back on the tax credit may look like a sure way to save money in tough economic times, but Moriwake and others in the industry say uncertainty is the problem, not the tax credit.

Hawaii Solar Energy Association’s Executive Director Leslie Cole-Brooks says that when legislators worry about high tax credits, they’re overlooking a wealth of benefits and revenues.

Aside from the environmental benefits of clean energy, increased economic independence means that Hawaii’s energy prices won’t spike when oil prices do—which is what happened after the Japanese tsunami in 2011. Cole-Brooks also points to the increased income and sales tax revenues from local and mainland companies riding the solar wave. After all, the solar industry now lays claim to 26 percent of the state’s construction-related spending.

The economic benefits Hawaii is experiencing are promising for any state, at least according to a January 2013 report from the Blue Planet Foundation, a Hawaii nonprofit.

The report estimates that for every dollar spent in solar tax credits for residential installations, the state receives $1.97 in additional tax revenues. That number bumps to $2.67 for commercial installations. And the benefits don’t end there: over its lifetime, a 5.27-kilowatt residential system creates more than three jobs—and a remarkable 81 jobs are created over the lifetime of a 118-kW commercial system.

Despite these benefits, the Hawaii Solar Energy Association and Duda now support a gradual ramp-down of the tax credit. The association views this support as a compromise, but Duda says that in the context of Hawaii’s high energy prices, the credit is “unnecessarily generous.” His main goal is eliminating uncertainty in the solar industry, and for that Hawaii needs a stable tax policy.

Obstacle 3: “The 15 Percent Rule”

Power companies have long been concerned about too much solar energy overloading the grid. Too much can pose a danger by suddenly powering lines which, during a power outage, utility employees don’t expect to be electrified. So for several years, Hawaii adhered to “The 15 Percent Rule,” which prohibits the owners of solar installations from producing more than 15 percent of the maximum energy demand in a given day.

Because of the 15 percent rule, some homeowners who wanted to install solar were required to undergo “interconnection studies” to test whether their installation would overload their part of the grid.

Rosegg says that 29 commercial and residential studies were required in 2012. It doesn’t sound like much, but the studies have raised a lot of controversy about whether the 15 percent rule is too strict—and with the help of that popular pressure, the rules are changing.

Solution: Lift excessively cautious limits

As Moriwake sees it, electric companies arrived at the 15 percent rule somewhat arbitrarily. He believes that percentage can be increased safely, while stimulating the industry along the way.

The Hawaiian Energy Company also refunded the cost of any studies conducted on systems 10 kW or smaller.That’s just what happened last year: Hawaii raised solar’s maximum allowable contribution to 75 percent of minimum daytime demand, or about 23 percent of maximum daily demand. Actual minimum demand generally occurs in the middle of the night when most people are sleeping, but there’s no risk of too much solar power at night, so minimum “daytime” demand is looked upon as a fairer approach.

The “proactive approach” proposal recommends increasing the allowance all the way to 100 percent of minimum demand. The Public Utilities Commission will need to review the report’s recommendations, but Moriwake hopes for a decision in the next several months.

California raised its limit to 100 percent of minimum last year without major problems, and if Hawaii, too, can handle that amount, it may encourage other states to skip overly cautious maximums that limit solar potential.

Obstacle 4: The unpredictability of the sun’s power

Hawaii’s weather is a lot more complex than the cloudless skies and unblinking sun most of us imagine. And with complex weather comes unpredictable solar power generation. That’s one reason many utilities hesitate to adopt solar.

“If you’ve ever been to Hawaii, their cloud cover comes in much more quickly and goes out and is a lot less predictable,” Sison-Lebrilla said. And it’s not all sunny: parts of Hawaii log some of the highest rainfall averages on Earth.

So to stabilize its grids in the face of unpredictable weather, Hawaii needs better weather prediction technologies—if utilities know when the sun will be shining and when it won’t, they can plan ahead and adjust for spikes or dips in solar power generation.

Solution: Better solar prediction

Solar forecasting aims to predict levels of sunlight and the level of solar power generation that will result. This requires predicting the cloud cover in specific areas, which the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research calls “one of the greatest challenges in meteorology.”

Developing solar forecasting tools is one of the primary goals of the collaboration between the Sacramento Municipal Utility District and the Hawaiian Electric Company, and they’ve already begun testing such technologies.

“We’ve put up a network of sensors in [the District’s] territory, and Hawaii has done that also,” Sison-Lebrilla said.

The Sacramento and Hawaii utilities aren’t the only organizations working on such a project, but Hawaii’s variety of microclimates could make data there more broadly applicable than if the test were conducted in a lower-penetration and more interconnected grid such as Sacramento’s.

Their research is already paying off on a national scale: The two utilities are now partners in a three-year effort, announced in February, to develop 36-hour forecasting for solar energy. The project is headed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Hawaii’s high demand for new solar installations is expected to slow down in 2013, but one thing is certain: solar is here to stay. All eyes are on the Aloha State as it overcomes these obstacles, one by one, to pave the way for solar nationwide.

  Read  4 Lessons for Building a Solar Economy
 April 15, 2013  

Post Carbon Institute and Alternet have partnered to shed a powerful light on the true costs of our addiction to fossil fuels, starting with the Alberta tar sands

Every powerful photo is linked to three meaningful actions that you can take right now to fight back against tar sands mining. We need your help getting the word out; please take a look at the images, with your friends, colleagues and neighbors.

The mining of the Alberta tar sands is the biggest industrial project on earth and quite possibly the world's most environmentally destructive. The visuals are hard to stomach, but the story is an important one to tell. 


As conventional oil and gas, the energy industry must resort to unconventional resources that are more expensive, more technically challenging to access, and pose far greater risks to ecosystems and communities than ever before. The result is destruction on an unprecedented level.

The tar sands tale is told frame by frame, guiding us from the clear-cutting of pristine Boreal forest and creation of vast open-pit mines all the way to the pipelines that transport diluted bitumen across the continent. 

The connection between the astounding environmental destruction taking place in Canada and the debate over approval of the Keystone XL pipeline here in the US is clear. As the recent rupture of the Pegasus Pipeline in Arkansas makes abundantly clear, the transport of diluted bitumen from Alberta via pipelines to oil refineries thousands of miles away poses unacceptable environmental risks. 

As important, the Keystone XL Pipeline is a key litmus test for the Obama Administration and the country as a whole. And the rest of the world is watching. 

Although the Canadian tar sands contribute a small percentage of total global oil production and the Keystone XL Pipeline is just one of many contested fossil fuel projects in the world (in fact, First Nations and thousands of other Canadians are fighting an equally dangerous tar sands pipeline, the Northern Gateway Pipeline), this decision by President Obama is a keystone of a different kind - representing the kind of energy future we want for ourselves and our loved ones. 

For that reason, it's not mere hyperbole to say that this is a life and death decision. 

We're reaching out to you to speak up against the Keystone XL Pipeline by sharing these images with your friends, family, and neighbors, and by clicking on one of the calls to action associated with each image.  

  Read  Tar Sands Is Worse Than You Can Imagine: Incredible Images You Have to See
 April 15, 2013  

Originally posted on

The practice of hydraulic horizontal fracturing or fracking to extract natural gas from the shale beds of the U.S. began, for all practical purposes, in 2007. Since that time, the production of natural gas within the nation has increased, gas extracted from shale beds more than making up for a decline in production from conventional sources.

And the industry has not been quiet about this growth. Hardly a day passes without some national media outlet expounding the benefits the nation will derive from this recent production “boom.” But just how real is this boom when compared with other developments within the energy industry—specifically the exponential growth of renewable energy?

Just the facts, ma’am

To be sure, there has been an increase in the production of domestic natural gas. As President Obama noted in his recent State of the Union address, production of natural gas within the U.S. has never been higher. But since 1971, when annual domestic production hit about 22,000,000 million cubic feet, natural gas production has remained fairly stable, hovering at around the 20,000,000 million cubic feet level.

In 2011, annual domestic natural gas production rose to 24,000,000 million cubic feet (growing by about 20 percent since 1995). An import fact often overlooked in discussions concerning this recent spike in production is that, while output has indeed increased, the number of gas wells needed to produce this gas has increased at a much greater rate (up about 180 percent over the same time period). 

Perhaps the real story in these numbers is that the amount of natural gas per well continues to decline. A sign of an industry past its peak, with declining reserves and lower productivity.

Where has the Real growth been?

While a 20 percent growth in production over a dozen years may be considered a “boom” by some, almost ignored in the national dialogue has been the recent growth of renewable energy

In 2012, renewable energy accounted for 55 percent of all the new domestic energy created in the U.S. For the first time in history, renewable energy (primarily wind and solar) has become the dominant electrical energy of choice within this nation.

Over the past ten years, wind energy capacity within the U.S. has grown by more than 960 percent. Last year wind  alone accounted for 42 percent of the total new U.S. electrical capacity installed, and wind energy capacity grew an astounding 22 percent in 2012 alone.

One reason for this remarkable growth can be found in the declining price of renewable energy installations. Since 2008, the price of commercial wind turbines has declined by nearly 30 percent. In 2011,  the State Department’s Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP) published that wind power production costs had reached parity with the cost of producing electricity with coal (traditionally considered the cheapest source of electicity). And while the cost of wind power continues to decline, the cost of energy produced by coal continues to rise.

But what about Solar?

While the growth of wind energy capacity has been dramatic in recent years, it pales in comparison with its comparatively small renewable energy cousin—solar electric. 

For all practical purposes, the solar industry in the U.S. is only about ten years old. Prior to 2006, just a very few early adopters had deemed it practical to install relatively small and relatively expensive solar arrays. But in recent years, the price of solar energy has fallen dramatically, and as a result, the installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems has increased in an equally dramatic fashion.

The U.S. currently has about 6,500 megawatts of installed solar capacity, enough to power more than 1 million homes. This represents a growth in generating capacity of more than 1,200 percent in just five years. 

Once again, this exponential growth can be traced to declining prices. Over the past five years, the price of installed systems has been more than cut in half. And in recent years, declines in the cost of solar panels have resulted in even more dramatic price reductions.  From the third quarter of 2011 to the third quarter of 2012, the average cost of an installed PV system dropped by 33 percent, and the average price of a solar panel declined by 58 percent.

Critics argue, however, that while renewable energy growth is indeed impressive, the numbers are quite small when compared with energy derived from fossil fuels. And they are, in fact, correct. In 2011, the U.S. consumed a staggering total of 79.02 quadrillion BTUs of energy. Of this amount, only about 11 percent was obtained from renewable sources (primarily hydro and biofuels, with only about 2 percent coming from wind and solar). 

However, exponential growth is a powerful force. Should the growth of wind and solar slow and  only double each year, within five years they would account for more than 50 percent of all the energy consumed within the U.S. While this dramatic growth rate seems highly unlikely, given production limitations and inherant barriers to market (hard to convert a natural gas power plant to solar just because it is a cheaper process)—should give one pause. The transition may take place much faster than most industry watchers imagine.

The Revolution is underway

Our society is poised to transform as renewable energy becomes the dominant source of power. How these transitions will manifest are anyone’s guess—but they will be massive and dramatic. To be sure, we as a nation have undergone such changes before. The automobile was, at first, a silly plaything for tinkerers and the wealthy. Mobile phones were status symbols, and nothing more. It was a certainty within the industry that they could never compete with the more efficient and ubiquitous land lines.

Yet our nation changed, despite the best efforts of the powerful railroads and Ma Bell. We are in the process of changing once again. 

So why all the fuss about a small bump in domestic natural gas and oil production? We need only look to politics and marketing. The fossil fuel industry is long-established, wealthy and well connected. By comparison, the renewable energy industry is a child. 

In a marketplace dominated by headline stories of visible failures such as Solendra, few Americans realize that (according to the Government Accountability Office) the electricity generated by fossil fuels receives $5 in federal subsidies for every $1 received by the renewable energy industry.

In a very real sense, the only reason the fossil fuel industry can now compete with renewable energy is because of government subsidies. 

My how the mighty have fallen. For more on this story, stay tuned to your local station …

Visit EcoWatch’s RENEWABLES page for more related news on this topic.

  Read  Fact vs. Fiction: How Renewables Outshine Fracking
 April 3, 2013  

This article was published in partnership with

More than 1,000 people took to the streets on an cold and foggy evening in San Francisco’s glitzy Pacific Heights neighborhood. Protesters carrying signs and chanting awaited the arrival of Obama’s motorcade, expected at a nearby fundraising event. The crowd’s message was a unified opposition to the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline currently under review by the Obama administration.

"The American people want President Obama to stand on the right side of history and take the real action he promised on climate change by rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline," said Becky Bond, Political Director of CREDO, one of the groups that helped to organize the event. "The only oil Americans will ever see from the pipeline that benefits foreign oil companies is the dirty tar sands crude that spills from it. Over 1,000 Obama volunteers, voters and donors turned out in San Francisco to remind our president that his legacy will be judged harshly if he approves Keystone XL. And we have over 50,000 more Americans from every state of the union willing to risk arrest in peaceful civil disobedience to stop him making the most catastrophic decision of his presidency."

CREDO was joined in organizing the event along with Friends of the Earth, the Sierra Club and other groups. More than 53,000 people have recently signed a CREDO pledge to risk arrest in acts of civil disobedience if the Obama administration does approve the pipeline.  The Sierra Club is also currently organizing c ommunity town hall meetings across the country to urge to president to take decisive action on climate change.

“American families can’t wait any longer for real solutions to the climate crisis," said Michael Brune, Sierra Club Executive Director. "Thousands of Sierra Club supporters, as well as millions of Americans nationwide, are looking for bold moves from the President to establish his legacy by reigning in the carbon pollution of dirty fossil fuels and moving our country to clean energy."

The protest in San Francisco comes less than a week after a pipeline spilled tar sands oil in Mayflower, Arkansas.

  Read Keystone XL Pipeline Protesters Take to the Streets Outside Obama Fundraiser in San Francisco [With Photo Slideshow]
 April 8, 2013  

Within a week of the ExxonMobil tar sands oil pipeline burst in Mayflower, Arkansas, ExxonMobil was in charge of the clean-up, the U.S. government had established a no-fly zone over the area, some 40 residents were starting their second week of evacuation, ExxonMobil was threatening to arrest reporters trying to cover the spill, and several homeowners had filed a class action lawsuit seeking damages from the world's second-most-profitable corporation, which had helped keep the pipeline secret from terrorists.

Before March 29, even some people living next to ExxonMobil's Pegasus pipelinedidn't know it was there. All that changed abruptly around 2:45 pm that Good Friday afternoon, when a resident of the suburban subdivision reported a fresh rivulet of diluted Wabasca heavy crude oil from Canada snaking across the lawn, pooling around children's yard toys, filling gutters, and flowing on down the street, to the nearest storm drain.

(Horrendous slideshow here)

And it smelled! The smell carried for miles. Up close, prolonged exposure was potentially unhealthy, for lung, brain, peace of mind. Environmental responders monitored the air quality for days, but only some of the cleanup workers wore breathing masks.

The pipeline gushed for almost an hour before ExxonMobil had it shut down.

The cleanup began at once and continues. Local volunteers responded immediately to keep the spill from entering nearby Lake Conway, with apparent success so far. Rain hasn't helped. ExxonMobil has promised to be there till it's done. Local, state, and federal teams are also on site, but the situation remains fluid, as it were, with potential impacts possible from local to global.

Eight days into the Mayflower spill, here are some of the questions it raises and some of the current answers, subject to future refinement.

1. Why Didn't People Know They Were Living Near a Pipeline?

Excellent question. And if it gets to court as a real estate dispute, a judge may have to weigh the comparative negligence of a seller's failure to disclose against a buyer's failure to do due diligence.

But government decisions in recent years made due diligence more difficult. After September 11, 2001, fear of further terrorist attacks led to concern about the pipeline as a target. As the local KTHV television station reported, "details of its location were somewhat suppressed, but the information has become more public since then."

2. Is That Why There's a No-Fly Zone, Fear of Terrorists?

Probably not. The official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) notice was effective shortly after 2 p.m. on April Fools Day and stated: "No pilots may operate an aircraft in the areas covered" by the notice, which cited unnamed "hazards" and was effective "until further notice." The area covered is a circle with a 5-mile radius around the spill, up to an altitude of 1,000 feet.

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported on April 3 that relief aircraft in the no-fly zone would be "under the direction of Tom Suhrhoff," who turns out to be an ExxonMobil employee.

The same day, FAA spokesman Lynn Lunsford told Dow Jones that at least one helicopter was needed to move workers around and scout the area for further spills, and that helicopter (or helicopters) needed to be able to move about freely without needing to worry about other aircraft in the area.

A five-minute aerial video, shot by Adam Randall the same day the FAA put the no-fly zone order in place, shows some of the cleanup activities at the subdivision and in the surrounding wetlands, where the oil spread is measured in miles:

Rivulets of oil filled up ravines and trenches in the marshes near Mayflower. Black balls of crude rolled on top of the water, with the major portions of Lake Conway protected by floating partitions.

3. How Big Was the Spill in Mayflower, Arkansas?

Probably nobody knows yet. ExxonMobil said it was providing equipment and manpower sufficient to deal with a spill of 10,000 barrels. ExxonMobil also said that was a "conservative" response to the spill, which they expect is smaller. ExxonMobil considers this a small spill.

Published estimates of the size of the spill range from 2,000 to 12,000 barrels. By April 5, USA Today was reporting the spill as "tens of thousands of barrels of heavy crude oil."

The U.S. Dept. of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration estimate is 3,500-5000 barrels. (A rough estimate based on the pipeline capacity of 90,000 barrels per day, with the pipeline gushing for an hour would produce a spill of about 3,750 barrels of Wabasca heavy crude tar sands oil.)

By the standards of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a "major spill" is anything more than 249 barrels.

Regulators recently levied a fine of $1.7 million on ExxonMobil for a July 2011 spill in the Yellowstone River in Montana, where the amount of oil spilled was about 1,500 barrels.

4. What's the Worst That Can Happen from This Spill?

The biggest concern when the spill was first discovered was that the raw oil would reach Lake Conway, only a mile from the hole in the pipeline.

As an Arkansas state promotional website explains:

At 6,700-acres, Lake Conway is the largest man-made game and fish commission lake in the United States. Construction of the lake began in 1948, with its waters coming from the runoff of Stone Dam Creek, Gold Creek, Palarm Creek, Little Cypress Creek and Panther Creek. Its average depth is six feet, with a maximum depth of 18 feet. The lake is approximately eight miles long with 52 miles of shoreline.

The lake is separated from the pipeline by an Interstate highway (a source of daily pollution itself), and within a few days of the spill the oil had migrated under the highway past several sets of oil booms set out by ExxonMobil.

So far the spill has injured or killed 16 ducks, two turtles, and a muskrat.

5. Who Filed a Lawsuit? And on What Grounds?

Two residents of the polluted Northwoods subdivision, Kimla Greene and Kathryn Jane Roachell Chunn, filed a class action lawsuit in federal court in Little Rock on April 5, seeking an unstated amount of damages on behalf of themselves and their neighbors, anyone living within 3,000 feet of the burst pipeline.

The suit seeks compensation for damage caused by the pipeline failure, including lost property values, environmental damage, and other harm, the value of which could reach several million dollars, if they win the case.

6. Who Decided Who Should Be Evacuated?

The Mayflower Incident Unified Command includes ExxonMobil, Faulkner County, the EPA, and the City of Mayflower. Local officials reportedly recommended the evacuation of 22 houses closest to the pipeline soon after the spill occurred. There seems to have been no resistance. ExxonMobil has promised to pay the expenses of the some 40 people evacuated. The City of Mayflower maintains a web site with details of the spill and response.

Residents may not be allowed to return to their homes for a month or more. So far they have filed about 140 claims with ExxonMobil.

7. Who Instituted What Amounts to Martial Law in the Subdivision?

Nobody, at least not officially. Some reporters have complained about the heavy-handed controls imposed by authorities, who have effectively closed off the spill zone as they see fit. Suzi Parker in Grist argued that ExxonMobil "has instituted something like martial law."

Lisa Song from Inside Climate News and Michael Hibblen of local public radio KUAR described similar encounters with the Faulkner County Sheriff's Department. Both recount the sheriff's deputies first denying them access to the site and herding them into a restricted area. Then, soon after, without explanation, the deputies ordered the reporters to leave within 10 seconds or face arrest for criminal trespass.

This use of county sheriff departments is a pattern in East Texas, where TransCanada is building the Keystone XL pipeline to carry more dilbit, tar sands oil, to Gulf coast refineries. In Texas the deputies under the control of TransCanada used pepper spray, physical violence, and forms of torture on protestors before arresting most of them. There have been no reported arrests in Arkansas.

8. What's the Difference Between Wabasca Heavy Crude and Tar Sands Oil?

Little or nothing.

If there's any significant difference, it's not widely known yet. It all comes from the same wide region of Canada, it's all bitumen, and it all has to be diluted to be moved by pipeline. What's in the pipeline is all diluted bitumen, or dilbit.

It's hard to find out what the dilutants (or diluents) are, which is probably important.

9. Where Does Wabasca Heavy Crude Oil Come From?

Wabasca Heavy comes from the tar sands region of Alberta, Canada. It moves primarily via Pembina and Rainbow pipelines to Edmonton and on to the pipeline nexus in Hardisty. From there it is distributed to destinations in Canada and the U.S.

One route takes Wabasca Heavy through the existing Keystone pipeline to Patoka, Illinois. There it transfers to ExxonMobil's Pegasus pipeline which takes it to Nederland, Texas, by way of Mayflower, Arkansas, about 25 miles north of Little Rock.

10. What Is this Pegasus Pipeline?

ExxonMobil owns and operates the Pegasus pipeline, a 20-inch diameter pipe that is 858 miles long and is mostly buried between Patoka, Illinois, and Nederland, Texas.

Pegasus was built in the 1940s, to bring refined oil north from Texas. In 2006, ExxonMobil reversed the direction of the pipeline's flow to carry Wabasca Heavy south. In 2009, ExxonMobil increased the carrying capacity of the pipeline by 50%, to 90,000 barrels per day. Published estimates of its carrying capacity range from 80,000 to 95,000 barrels per day.

An ExxonMobil press release announcing the expansion added that: "Operational enhancements, such as new leak detection technology, were also incorporated to support ExxonMobil Pipeline Company's primary focus on operating its pipelines in a safe and environmentally responsible manner."

The federal class action lawsuit alleges that these changes – including reversing the flow and increasing the capacity – weakened the pipeline and contributed directly to its failure in Mayflower.

On April 3, CBS News reported – falsely – that the pipeline had "carried crude oil from Canada to Texas for decades." CBS did not mention tar sands, bitumen, or dilbit, treating the spill by omission as if it were not unusual.

In 2010, ExxonMobil was fined $26,200 by the Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration for failing to inspect the Pegasus pipeline as frequently as required by law.

The pipeline was last inspected in February 2013, but the results are not public.

11. So What Happens to the Wabasca Heavy in Nederland?

In Nederland, which is part of the greater Beaumont-Port Arthur metropolitan area along the Gulf coast of Texas, Wabasca Heavy will leave the pipeline for processing at one of the many local refineries.

12. Does Diluted Bitumen/Dilbit Corrode Pipelines Faster Than Other Oil?

The answer is in dispute.

Environmental groups like the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) say dilbit corrosion is greater, based in part on the fact that pipelines carrying dilbit oil have spilled 3.6 times more oil than the U.S. average. A study by the Alberta government concluded that dilbit oil causes more pipeline failures than conventional oil. These arguments address somewhat different questions. The U.S. National Academies of Science has a committee studying the question, but it has so far been hampered by the unwillingness of pipeline companies to share sufficient data.

13. Has Dilbit Oil Ever Spilled Before?

Of course, although records are not comprehensive. The most notable diluted bitumen spill in recent history was in 2010, when an Enbridge owned-and-operated pipeline burst and dumped an unknown amount of tar sands oil into the Kalamazoo River in Michigan, polluting some 40 miles of river and wetlands.

The Kalamazoo River cleanup is now in its third year and has cost more than $800 million so far.

14. Who's the World's Most Profitable Corporation?

Gazprom, the Russian oil company, with almost $44.5 billion in annual profit, as reported in Fortune's Global 500 list (using 2011 data).

ExxonMobil is #2, with annual profits of $41 billion. This is good enough to rank ExxonMobil #1 among American corporations, way ahead of #2, Chevron, with annual profits of $26.9 billion.

Coming in third, at $32.2 billion a year, is the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China.

William M. Boardman has over 40 years experience in theatre, radio, TV, print journalism, and non-fiction, including 20 years in the Vermont judiciary. He has received honors from Writers Guild of America, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Vermont Life magazine, and an Emmy Award nomination from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

  Read 14 Things You Need to Know About the Horrifying Arkansas Oil Spill
 April 9, 2013  


The first "Tar Sands Oil Arkansas" (published April 7)discussed a number of questions raised by the ExxonMobil Pegasus pipeline that burst in Mayflower, Arkansas, on March 29, pumping tar sands oil — technically Wabasca Heavy crude oil — into a residential neighborhood for almost an hour.

Among the questions touched on in that piece were protecting the pipeline from terrorists, residents suing ExxonMobil in federal court, the nature of Wabasca Heavy tar sands oil, some effects of the spill, and the "martial law" atmosphere described by reporters trying to look at the cleanup site.

As the second week of toxic air in Mayflower begins, here are more of the questions this disaster raises and some of the current answers, subject to future refinement. A reader writes:

1. What is the point of origin of the leak? In front of whose house? Why no image of the hole in the ground or in the pipe? Was it corrosion, a weld failure, sabotage by cutting or explosives, or WHAT? Do we have to wait for NTSB for answers? Are ExxonMobil and their execs too big to jail?

The point of origin appears to be in the woods, behind the houses, and underground. The absence of images is unexplained.

Corrosion or weld failure seem to be two likely possibilities for the cause of the leak.

As reported so far, the spill started quietly, with no one aware of the moment it started. It's not clear how long it took for someone to become aware, but not too long, presumably.

The circumstances known so far make sabotage (or inadvertence) by cutting, explosion, backhoe, bulldozer, or other means seem unlikely.

Several of the press releases issued by the Mayflower Incident Unified Command Joint Information Center over the past several days conclude with the statement: "The cause of the spill is under investigation."

Since ExxonMobil and its employees have not yet been convicted of committing a crime, it seems premature to consider jailing them.

2. Why were the pipeline and the residential subdivision built so close together?

Close is a relative term. There's no suggestion so far that the subdivision was built illegally, or didn't have the right permits, or interfered with the pipeline right of way, or anything like that.

Interestingly, though, the Arkansas Times interviewed a former ExxonMobil pipeline worker who raised questions about the company's commitment to safety.

The report continued:

He raised, too, a question mentioned here yesterday by another pipeline engineer about the wisdom of building new subdivisions over existing pipelines, as happened in Mayflower.

Considering the potential stress of building on top of a pipeline and the high pressure used when transporting heavy crude,É the developer of Northwoods should have worked with Exxon to reroute Pegasus around the neighborhood.

Other options, he said, include replacing the section of the pipeline with newer, stronger steel or burying it deeper under the ground. But ... pipeline companies have little incentive to take costly preventive action.

Even if they get a fine the fine will be a small fraction of the cost to correct a dangerous condition, he said.

3. Who Is the Mayflower Incident Unified Command?

The command's letterhead includes the logos for ExxonMobil, Faulkner County, the U.S. Environmental Protection Service (EPA), and the City of Mayflower, Arkansas.

It has been hard for reporters on the scene to learn much more. Even CBS News had to stay outside the yellow tape.

4. Hasn't ExxonMobil been forthcoming with information and documentation relating to the Pegasus pipeline rupture?

Well, no, not really.

As a result, Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel has issued a subpoena for relevant documents from ExxonMobil. The deadline for complying with the subpoena is April 10, almost two weeks after the spill. ExxonMobil has said it will comply.

5. Why isn't ExxonMobil more open, since we give them subsidies and tax breaks worth billions of dollars every year?

Don't start with that. This is about Mayflower, Arkansas. You can read about the tax shelter and subsidy thing somewhere else, such as American Progress.

6. But ExxonMobil does have to pay into the federally mandated fund for oil spill cleanups, right?

Yes and no. It's the "no" part that matters here.

With the Pegasus pipeline pumping Wabasca Heavy tar sands oil, ExxonMobil is not required to pay anything into the oil spill cleanup fund. Not a penny. Why? Because tar sands oil, according to the law written by Congress and interpreted by our tax collectors, is not oil. So its pumpers are exempt from contributing to the cleanup fund.

If it were more traditional, lighter crude oil in the pipeline, someone would be paying 8 cents per barrel into the oil-spill liability trust fund.

7. Isn't tar sands oil like Wabasca Heavy more difficult and more expensive to clean up than lighter traditional oils?


8. Doesn't that make a difference?

Apparently not to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which administers the cleanup fund. In a 2011 decision, the IRS exempted tar sands oil, diluted bitumen, dilbit fron the 8 cents tax per barrel (42 gallons).

9. Why doesn't Congress do something about that?


10. Seriously.

Congressman Ed Markey, D-Mass, has tried.

11. After a week, has the tar sands oil been contained?

Probably not.

Arkansas Online reported on March 29, the day of the spill, without indicating the source of the information, that "Oil that spilled into waterways from a ruptured pipeline in Mayflower has been contained."

The report continued:

Faulkner County Judge Allen Dodson said blockades have been set up at two different locations along a waterway that flows into Lake Conway. Those blockades are preventing the contaminated water from passing.

A dam made of dirt, wood and other building materials has been erected in the initial ditch that contains a majority of the oil, with an additional blockade set up in two culverts connected to coves that allow water into Lake Conway.

The obstructions will prevent any oil from passing through for an extended period of time, possibly days, Dodson added.

12. If the oil was contained the first day, what's all the fuss about?

Early reports appear to have been overly optimistic.

There are more than 100 photographs on the web site for the EPA On Site Coordinator, from the period March 29-April 6. They show that the oil got into active waterways almost immediately on March 29. And at least some of the oil was also flowing on the ground and into the street, ending up going down a storm drain.

EPA image #78 shows "Sorbent boom in place at discharge point from neighborhood underneath Main Street" — four days after the spill, on April 2.

EPA image #90 shows "Containment boom installed in Lake Conway" on April 2.

13. Has tar sands oil reached Lake Conway or not?

ExxonMobil reportedly says it has not. reporter Suzi Parker says that Arkansas Attorney General McDaniel "reported Friday morning [April 5] that there is oil in Lake Conway despite ExxonMobil's assurances to the contrary."

The Grist report adds:

"Great efforts have been taken to limit the spread of the oil to only one area of Lake Conway, which is referred to as the Cove, but the Cove and Lake Conway are hydrologically connected and are therefore one body of water," Aaron Sadler, spokesman for McDaniel, told Grist.

Meanwhile, access to the site continues to be tightly policed. According to InsideClimate, ExxonMobil threatened reporter Lisa Song with arrest on Wednesday when she entered the command center looking for government officials.

14. So is it like martial law or a police state in Mayflower, or are these just more whiners and media frenzy whippers?

Hard to tell. Of course it could be both.

The restricted area is considerably smaller than the no-fly zone's 78 square miles.

It's not clear what happened to the press conference that was announced for April 6.

Here's the way the Arkansas Times saw it as of April 6:

Public accountability remains a pressing issue. The Faulkner County judge disclaimed responsibility in refusing an Arkansas Democrat-Gazette FOI request for county records related to cleanup activities. This is on top of police-state actions by Faulkner County officials to let Exxon Mobil set rules on public access to affected areas.

The secrecy is wrong. The delegation of authority to a private company is wrong. But Faulkner County officials are deeply in the thrall of the energy industry thanks to the Fayetteville shale play. Public interest takes a backseat.

15. But didn't Exxon Mobil just win a big time safety award?

Yes, indeed, it did.

The National Safety Council announced on April 3 that ExxonMobil had won the 2013 Green Cross for Safety, awarded at the annual fundraising dinner in Houston that night. The award was for ExxonMobile's "leadership and comprehensive commitment to safety excellence."

According to the National Safety Council press release:

ExxonMobil distinguished itself over a period of years for outstanding achievements in workplace safety, community service, environmental stewardship and responsible citizenship. It believes the best way to meet this commitment is through a capable, committed workforce as well as practices designed to enable safe, secure and environmentally responsible operations. ExxonMobil accomplishes this through clearly defined policies and practices, and with rigorously applied management systems designed to deliver expected results.

It remains steadfast in its goal that "Nobody Gets Hurt."

Past recipients of the Green Cross for Safety medal include the Dow Chemical Company, Schneider Electric North America, Exelon Nuclear, FirstGroup, Delta Air Lines, UPS, DuPont, Liberty Mutual Group, Chrysler Group of DaimlerChrysler, Kenny Construction Company, Ryder System Inc., Intel Corporation and AK Steel.


William M. Boardman has over 40 years experience in theatre, radio, TV, print journalism, and non-fiction, including 20 years in the Vermont judiciary. He has received honors from Writers Guild of America, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Vermont Life magazine, and an Emmy Award nomination from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

  Read  15 Things You Need to Know About the Tar Sands Oil Spill
 April 23, 2013  

On the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, EPA rated the adequacy of the State Department’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) as having “Insufficient Information.”

Yesterday was the last day to submit public comments to the State Department regarding the proposed pipeline that would transport 830,000 barrels of tar sands oil through the U.S. per day.

EPA’s Cynthia Giles, the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Enforcement, has submitted the agency’s public comment. They could have rated the adequacy of the impact statement three different ways: “Adequate,” “Insufficient Information,” or “Inadequate.” They rated it “Insufficient Information,” which means that they do not know enough to fully assess the environmental impacts of a tar sands pipeline traversing the continent.

Here are the reasons EPA said that State’s DEIS needs more work:

  • Increased carbon pollution: EPA acknowledged the DEIS’s attempt to do a life-cycle analysis of the pipeline’s emissions, which found that emissions from oil sands crude would be 81 percent higher than regular crude, or an incremental increase of 18.7 million metric tons of CO2 per year. EPA noted that “If GHG intensity of oil sands crude is not reduced, over a 50 year period the additional CO2 from oil sands crude transported by the pipeline could be as much as 935 million metric tons.” These statistics are alarming, yet EPA’s analysis did not stop there.
  • Not inevitable: Like other experts, EPA doubted State’s assurance that this tar sands oil would come out of the ground with the Keystone pipeline or without it:

    The market analysis and the conclusion that oil sands crude will find a way to market: With or without the Project is the central finding that supports the DSEIS’s conclusions regarding the Project’s potential GHG emissions impacts. Because the market analysis is so central to this key conclusion, we think it is important that it be as complete and accurate as possible.

    It then goes on to detail the ways in which this market analysis is incomplete: It uses outdated modeling, and the expense and infeasibility of rail shipping as an alternative to Keystone both need to be considered.

  • Pipelines don’t pump themselves: EPA recommends that renewable energy be used to power the pumping stations along the pipeline, because otherwise the constructed pipeline itself will actively emit GhG emissions.
  • Tar sands oil is particularly dirty to clean up: The EPA notes that diluted bitumen is very dense and sinks to the bottom of rivers and lakes. The 2010 Enbridge spill will require dredging, because normal cleanup methods do not suffice. The Keystone pipeline would be 36 inches in diameter — larger than the pipe that leaked 20,000 barrels of oil in the Enbridge spill. EPA notes that dilbit contains some very toxic materials “such as benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and heavy metals” that “could cause long-term chronic toxicological impacts” to wildlife. EPA recommends including a seriously revamped and rethought response plan as conditions before any permit is issued to build a pipeline.
  • Who needs drinking water?: Though Keystone’e proponents received praise for moving the original route away from the Sand Hills, it still crosses the Ogallala Aquifer. The EPA notes there is another way: “The alternative laid out in the DSEIS that would avoid the Ogallala Aquifer is the I-90 Corridor Alternative, which largely follows the path of existing pipelines.” There were additional alternatives that State’s EIS did not address, and EPA asked it to do so.

That does not sound like the a “no-brainer” that Keystone’s advocates have described. That sounds exactly like the nation’s top environmental cops on the beat responding to an assessment of a project made by a firm being paid by the pipeline’s owner.

  Read  EPA Slams State’s Draft Impact Statement For Keystone XL
 April 26, 2013  

The death toll from a garment building collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh climbed to at least 200 Thursday, more than doubling initial reports, according to the Associated Press. The updated body count comes amid revelations that factory owners ignored police orders to evacuate the property, leaving more than 2,000 mostly female workers to perish in a ramshackle building.

As search crews combed through the rubble for survivors, NGOs and activists spoke out against Western corporations that push international manufacturers to cut costs at the expense of workers’ lives. According to the New York Times, activists discovered labels and documents in the wreckage from Walmart, the Spanish brand Mango, British chain Primark, Dutch retailer C & A, Benetton and Cato Fashions.

“What we're saying is that bargain-basement (clothing) is automatically leading towards these types of disasters,” John Hilary, head of War on Want, told Reuters.

“The front-line responsibility is the government’s, but the real power lies with Western brands and retailers, beginning with the biggest players: Walmart, H & M, Inditex, Gap and others,” Scott Nova, executive director of Workers Rights Consortium, told the Times.

Bangladesh is the second biggest clothing manufacturer after China, but rising wages in the latter country has pushed corporations to look elsewhere to cut costs. The minimum wage for Bangladesh the country is $37 a month. Times’ reporters Julfikar Ali Manik and Jim Yardley explain how Bangladesh’s miniscule wages have transformed the country into a global center for garment manufacturing.

Such low labor costs have attracted not just Walmart but almost every major global clothing company, including Sears, Gap, Tommy Hilfiger and many others. Bangladesh now has more than 5,000 garment factories, employing more than 3.2 million workers, many of them women, and advocates credit the industry for lifting people out of poverty, even with such low wages. Exports also provide a critical source of foreign exchange that helps the government offset the high costs of imported oil.

Just five months before the collapse in Dhaka, a fire in the nearby Tarzeen factory killed 112. That carnage compelled multinational corporations to pledge higher safety standards for their hired sweatshops.

“I made clothes for Walmart, Sean Combs, Disney along with others … and I’m here to ask them to pay the full and fair compensation to us and at the same time ensure factory safety in Bangladesh,” Sumi Abedin, a survivor from the Tarzeen factory fire, told Democracy Now Thursday through interpreter Kalpona Akter, who is also Executive Director of the Bangladesh Center for Worker Solidarity. Akter said none of the companies attended a meeting to discuss paying compensation to the fire’s victims and their families.

Corporations have been silent, cautious or completely dismissive of responsibility in the wake of the Dhaka disaster. A Walmart spokesperson told the Times that it’s looking to see if the company produced clothing in the collapsed factory. A spokesperson from Benetton denies any link.

Meanwhile, the corpses pile up while emergency workers continue to scout for survivors. The Associated Press reported a chilling account from Dhaka:

An Associated Press cameraman who went elsewhere into the rubble with rescue workers spoke briefly to a garment worker pinned face down in the darkness between concrete slabs and next to two corpses. Mohammad Altab pleaded for help, but they were unable to free him.

"Save us, brother. I beg you, brother. I want to live," Altab moaned. "It's so painful here ... I have two little children."

Another survivor, whose voice could be heard from deep in the rubble, wept as he called for help.

"We want to live, brother. It's hard to remain alive here. It would have been better to die than enduring such pain to live on. We want to live. Please save us," the man cried.

And disturbingly, while search crews pulled bodies out of factory rubble, victims sept and moaned and families mourned the deaths of their loved ones, Slate’s Matt Yglesias used the collapse in Dhaka, which he wrongly reported as a fire, to defend the premise that “Different Places Have Different Safety Rules and That's OK.”

Steven Hsieh is an editorial assistant at AlterNet and writer based in Brooklyn. Follow him on Twitter @stevenjhsieh.

  Read Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace
 April 2, 2013  

“This was like a dream come true,” said a radiant Sossi Mohamed Sadek, a Tunisian second year engineering student who was one of the hundreds of local volunteers at the World Social Forum in Tunis. “To see our university overflowing with over 50,000 people from Africa, Europe, Latin America, the United States, the Middle East—it was extraordinary. I came away with new ideas and new friends that will surely have a great impact on my life.”

Many Tunisians were thrilled to have hosted the eleventh World Social Forum, held from March 26-30, 2013. It marked the first time that the world’s largest global gathering of progressives—a gathering born in Brazil in 2001 out of the protests against corporate-dominated globalization—took place in an Arab nation. It came at a time when the world has been rocked by grassroots uprisings in the Arab world, but also increasing mobilizations to counter the climate crisis, and massive economic protests from southern Europe to “Occupy” groups in the United States to student movements from Quebec to Chile.

In recognition of the overarching danger of climate chaos, this was the first Social Forum to have a dedicated “Climate Space” with ongoing discussions about issues such as the need for food sovereignty, water justice and respect for the rights of indigenous and forest peoples. The climate sessions also denounced false solutions being put forward by many governments and corporations, including biofuels, GMO crops and geoengineering.

The debt/trade section of the Forum focused on ways to counter austerity measures, destructive free trade agreements and the onerous debts imposed by banks on both governments and individuals. Participants searched for alternatives to the undemocratic economic reforms being pushed by international lenders in countries such as Italy, Greece, and Cyprus, but also in Tunisia and Egypt, where the people are being asked to pay for debts incurred by previous dictators.

Interspersed throughout the forum’s hundreds of workshops, dozens of assemblies and street rallies were the challenges, contradictions and unresolved clashing visions since the early heady days of the Arab Spring.

One of the contradictions involves the role of women. The Arab Spring has spawned a new women’s movement in response to the rise of conservative religious governments in the region. According to Forum organizers, that’s why a women’s assembly was chosen to open the Forum. “The new regimes want constitutions to be more religious, and women all over the region are taking a stand against this,” said Hamouda Soubhi from Morocco. In the raucous, jam-packed women’s assembly, women cheered, chanted and applauded their sisters standing up to male oppression. “When we have situations like in Egypt where women are raped while attending demonstrations, we obviously have unfinished revolutions and need this kind of gathering to re-inspire us,” said a beaming, young Egyptian activist.

This clash between Islamists and secularists in the Arab world was present throughout the Forum. Plastered on the walls was the photo of Chokri Belaid, a Tunisian lawyer, Marxist, and leader of the leftist Popular Front who was murdered in February. Many Tunisian leftists used the Forum to denounce the new government run by the Ennahda party. But government supporters insisted that Ennahda is a moderate, tolerant Islamist party and felt that the secular vision was overrepresented at the Forum. At one of the closing assemblies, a government supporter encouraged forum goers to talk directly to Ennahda members instead of simply talking about them.

But it was the conflict in Syria that really spilled over into the forum in an ugly way, with supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad shouting down and beating up opposition supporters—even women. Rumor had it that the Assad government purposely sent provocateurs to the forum. The atmosphere was so explosive that a group wanting to discuss nonviolent alternatives in Syria felt compelled to leave campus and meet instead in a downtown hotel.

Other conflicts highlighted at the forum were the Palestinian struggle and the lesser-known 37-year-old liberation struggle of the people of Western Sahara, now occupied by Morocco. There were several confrontations at the Forum on this issue as well, when Moroccan government supporters—at workshops and on stage at a plenary—attempted to shout down (and on one occasion punch) the independence activists.

Given the life-and-death struggles in the region, coupled with government infiltrators and agitators, organizers were proud that they managed to calm tensions internally, without ever having to call the police, and that no one was seriously hurt.

At one of the closing gatherings, participants were asked to evaluate the forum. Many of the criticisms were about poor planning and logistics: 20 percent of the hundreds of workshops never took place; locations were hard to find and there were scores of last minute room changes; nothing started on time; translation equipment rarely worked; speakers spoke too long, leaving no time for discussion.

Some complained that for a forum that is supposed to pose alternatives, the sessions are old-fashioned “talking heads” instead of interactive. US environmental activist William Kramer said, “I’m used to more participatory processes, not just presentations. For me, it was really the spaces between events where I learned the most.” Some of the younger folks, including US participants from the Occupy movement, created their own democratic space to have an open dialogue with Tunisians.

Other criticisms were about lack of concrete solutions. The larger assemblies often turned into simply denunciations of corporations, governments and capitalism.  “If slogans could win,” said one participant, “the left would be in power. Chanting ‘smash capitalism’ might make us feel good, but it doesn’t provide a path forward.”

Others wanted more global actions to emerge from the summit, not simply statements. Past forums have led to critical global actions, such as the February 15, 2002 global day of protests against the pending US invasion of Iraq, or joint campaigns to stop international free trade agreements. At this forum, groups working on different issues came up with new networks and joint campaigns—for example, the anti-drone workshop was attended by people from 15 countries who decided to form a global anti-drones network—but there was no call for a particular global action coming from the Forum as a whole.

When asked if the forums should continue, there was unanimous support. “Where else could we possibly come together like this and inspire each other to create another world?” said Eyad Bilad, a Tunisian student. Evoking the name of Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian fruit vendor who set himself on fire, triggering the events that led to the Arab Spring, he added, “For all those who have died struggling for justice, we must continue to learn from each other how to build a world that does not respond to the greed of dictators, bankers or corporations, but to the needs of simple people like Mohamed Bouazizi.”

Medea Benjamin is cofounder of Global Exchange and CODEPINK:Women for Peace.
  Read Life or Death Struggles Emerge Over Arab Spring as Tensions Boil Over at Social Forum
 March 29, 2013  
'Together, We Can Change The Course Of History': World Social Forum In Tunis
by Jordan Flaherty, Countercurrents

TUNIS – Tens of thousands of people marched through downtown Tunis on Tuesday in a spirited march celebrating the beginning the 13th World Social Forum – the first to be held in an Arab country. The majority of marchers were from Tunisia and neighboring nations, but there was substantial representation from Europe, as well as from across South America, Asia, and Southern Africa. An enormous annual gathering that bills itself as a “process” rather than a conference, the WSF brings together by far the largest assembly of international social movement organizations, aimed towards developing a more just and egalitarian world.

The WSF was first held in Brazil in 2001, and is billed as an alternative to the wealth and power wielded at the World Economic Forum, an elite annual gathering in Davos, Switzerland.

Tuesday marked the official opening of the WSF, but official sessions start Wednesday and will continue through March 30 at the El Manar University Campus. The theme of this year’s Forum is “dignity,” inspired by the movements collectively known as the Arab Spring, launched here just over two years ago.

As of Tuesday night, the WSF had reported registration by more than 30,000 participants from nearly 5,000 organizations in 127 countries spanning five continents. Since that estimate, thousands more have registered on-site. The officially announced activities include 70 musical performances, 100 films, and 1000 workshops.

Tuesday’s march traveled three miles from downtown Tunis to Menzah stadium, with chanting in multiple languages and representation from a wide variety of movements from the Tunisian Popular Front to Catholic NGOs to ATTAC, a movement challenging global finance. At Menzah stadium, an opening ceremony began at 7:30pm with female social movement leaders from Palestine, South Africa, Tunisia, and the US taking the stage, including Besma Khalfaoui, widow of Tunisian opposition leader Chokri Belaid, who was assassinated last month.

According to Forum organizers, only women were chosen for the opening as a response to the rise of conservative religious governments in the region as well as patriarchal systems around the world. “We decided this because women are the struggle in the region,” said Hamouda Soubhi from Morocco, one of the organizing committee members. “They are struggling for parity, they are struggling for their rights. The new regimes want the constitutions to be more religious, and we want to take our stand against this.”

In short speeches – each about 5 minutes in length – the women projected a vision of a global movement that was inexorably rising, as the audience roared in approval.
“We are trying to hold our government accountable for what it has done and continues to do around the world,” said one of the speakers, Cindy Weisner of Grassroots Global Justice, a US-based coalition of social movement organizations. “Some of the most inspiring movements and people are gathered here in Tunis. Together, we can change the course of history.”

Among the loudest cheers came when speakers mentioned left political leaders and movements, including the jailed Palestinian leaders Marwan Barghouti and Ahmad Sa'adat, as well as sustained applause for Hugo Chavez and the Occupy movement.

After the opening speeches, legendary musician Gilberto Gil took the stage. Known for his politics and musical innovation, Gil was a leader of Brazil’s tropicália musical movement of the 1960s and more recently served as Minister of Culture in the administration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. As a sea of people from around the world danced ecstatically, Gil played a set that ranged from his own songs to pieces by Bob Marley and John Lennon.

Among the opening sessions on Wednesday was a press conference led by members of La Via Campesina, an organization representing more than 200 million poor farmers from 150 local and national organizations in 70 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas.
“The false solutions of the government have been affecting us worse and worse,” Nandini Jayara, a leader of women farmers in India told Al Jazeera. “I feel the WSF is a stage for us to share our problems and work together for solutions.”

Over the past decade, the WSF has been credited with a number of important international collaborations. For example, the global antiwar demonstrations in February 15, 2003, which have been called the largest protests in history, came out of a call from European Social Forum participants. In the US, labor activists who received international attention for a successful factory take-over in 2008 at Chicago’s Republic Windows and Doors factory said inspiration came from workers in Brazil and Venezuela that they met at the World Social Forum.

Among the many movements seeking to launch new campaigns and coalitions are indigenous activists who are seeking to educate activists from around the world about the problems in the climate change solutions, such as the “cap and trade” strategy put forward by the United Nations and mainstream environmental organizations.

“We have to look at the economic construct that has been created in this world by rich industrialized countries and the profiteers that have created this scenario,” said Tom Goldtooth, director of Indigenous Environmental Network, an international alliance of native peoples organizing against environmental destruction. “We have ecological disaster, and that is capitalism’s doing.”

Goldtooth’s organization is also seeking to raise awareness about REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), a United Nations program promoted as an environmental protection strategy that Goldtooth calls “genocidal” because it promotes solutions like carbon trading that he says will lead to mass deaths of poor people due to environmental catastrophe brought about by climate change. “We’ve come to a time where there has to be a transition to something different," Goldtooth added. “Our communities are saying we need some action now.”

Every year, some Forum attendees must overcome travel restrictions from various countries, and the WSF is also plagued by infighting from a sometimes fractured left. Among the incidents reported this year, Human Rights Watch reported that Algerian border authorities illegally barred 96 Algerian civil society activists from traveling to Tunisia.

Meanwhile, in Tunis, a group identifying themselves as Tunisian anarchists said that they were boycotting the Forum, and appeared at the opening march, parading in the opposite direction of the rest of the crowd.

“For us the forum is already done. We have succeeded,” declared Hamouda Soubhi in an interview with Al Jazeera at the close of the opening ceremony. “Tomorrow will be problems, as there always are.”

Jordan Flaherty is an award-winning independent journalist and the author of the book Floodlines: Community and Resistance From Katrina to the Jena Six.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

  Read  Together, We Can Change The Course Of History: World Social Forum In Tunis
 April 1, 2013  
Global Paradox: Peace Not Wars
by Mahboob A. Khawaja, Countercurrents

?Lies of the Iraq War? the 10th anniversary of the Iraq 's genocide approximately 3 million human beings massacred and human habitats destroyed under the false pretext of WMD. This week, the global news media hurriedly doing the damage control of its complacent image and showing the belated facts of the bogus ?War on Terror.? The facts were facts in March 2003, when George Bush, the Congress and Tony Blair planned aggression against the innocent people of Iraq , the Western news media served as a weapon to launch the cruel war. Now it wants to distance itself and perhaps repair the self-inflicted and well sponsored atrocities carried out against the mankind.

The Western warriors with small wisdom and big thinking are looking for an escape route from the facts of life. ?Lies of the Iraq War? would simply reaffirm, not change human perceptions and forcefully depict on screen how cruel they are like the Russian Ivan the Terrible who roasted innocent people and burnt alive citizens to entertain the psycho pathetic mindset. Likewise, George Bush and his neo-conservative accomplice and Tony Blair - the leaders who claim to lead some of the top most Western democracies. Leaders and their public institutions failed miserably to offer fiction instead of facts. They lied and deceived the people and perpetuated heinous crimes against the mankind. The then German Foreign Minister and Chair of the UN Security Council session made it clear, he knew the facts that Colin Powell was lying to the world. No one is remorseful for the loss of millions and destructions of the life and habitats in Iraq . They simply attribute all reasoning to the ?intelligence failure? without any accountability of those who were in power and architect of the Iraq war. The Western nations under NATO waging the bogus ?War on Terrorism? used the mass media as a weapon to misinform and deceive the public of a possible threat to their life and security. There exists a wide gulf between the aspirations of the masses in the Western nations and thinking of the few warmongering leaders they have in the ruling elite. People want peace not celebration of bogus wars on the innocent humanity.

Tom Engelhardt (?The 12th Anniversary of American Cowardice What You Don't Know Can Hurt You.? Information Clearing House: 3.28.2013), co-founder of the American Empire Project and author of many publications including The United States of Fear offers a penetrating insight to the US war culture:

It's true that, last week, few in Congress  cared to discuss , no less memorialize, the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.  Nonetheless, two anniversaries of American disasters and crimes abroad -- the ?mission accomplished?  debacle  of 2003 and the  45th anniversary  of the My Lai massacre -- were at least noted in passing in our world.  ?..Or what about celebrating the 12th anniversary of Congress's  Authorization for Use of Military Force , the joint resolution that a panicked and cowed body passed on September 14, 2001?  It wasn't a declaration of war -- there was no one to declare war on -- but an open-ended grant to the president of the unfettered power to use ?all necessary and appropriate force? in what would become a never-ending (and  still expanding ) ?Global War on Terror.

Still, in our post-9/11 world, there are so many other anniversaries from hell whose silver linings don't get noticed.  Take this April.  It will be the ninth anniversary of the widespread release of the now infamous photos of torture, abuse, and humiliation from Abu Ghraib.  In case you've forgotten, that was Saddam Hussein's old prison where the U.S. military taught the fallen Iraqi dictator a trick or two about the destruction of human beings.  Shouldn't there be an anniversary of some note there?  I mean, how many cultures have turned  dog collars  (and the  dogs  that go with them),  thumbs-up signs  over dead bodies, and a  mockery  of the crucified Christ into  screensavers ?

Wars and aggressions kill people and do not produce peace and harmony but resentment and degeneration. History illustrates when a nation or its leaders challenge the limits of the Laws of God and approach near the end of their lifespan, insanity takes-over common sense and they tend to ignore warnings and reject all voices of reason. Most of the conscientiously responsible Western scholars and political intellectuals are getting increasingly concerned, not to identify their interests with the minority ruling elite of the United States and Britain as these war criminals Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Blair and their role in large scale massacres of the civilians and using uranium powered missile for destruction of human habitats in Fulljah, Iraq, and killings of civilians by drone attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Professor John Esposito of Georgetown University - a distinguish scholar of Western-Islamic civilizations (author of Unholy War and What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam), makes a candid observation: ?in many parts of the Muslim world the war against global terrorism has come to be viewed as a war against Islam and Muslims. The image of America has become that of a neo-imperial power that has sought to redraw the map of the Middle East and the Muslim world, influenced by an unholy alliance of neoconservatives and the militant Christian right.?

Once again, humanity appears to have been pushed back to the shameful annals of the European Dark Ages. In search of new animosity, few utopian scholars wanted to distract the humanity after the end of the Cold War to keep the liberal democracy working and ensure electoral voters active participation. In early 90's, Samuel Huntington reinvented and re-ignited the old cliché - ?a clash of civilizations? between the West and Islam - a new age of confrontation between the predominantly technologically advanced culture of the West and the subdued interdependent societal religious culture of the Muslim world. The powerful mass media and the official policy makers throughout the West, fuel the insane imagery that the Arabs and Muslims are ?fundamentalists? and ?terrorists.? Every day, the corporate run media outlets organize massive propaganda campaign alleging Al-Qaeda involvement virtually in all conflict situations across the Middle East, West Africa and Asia and elsewhere. The facts remain unchallenged that al-Qaeda was planned and created by the CIA and they know well it does not exist anymore as an active body of political activists pursuing any strategic goals against the Western highly sophisticated war machines, be it in Afghanistan , Pakistan or other locations.

Analyzing the contemporary global affairs, the image of a single most World Power is fixed and unquestionable, be it fair or foul. The net outcome shows the manufactured imagery of Muslims as the alleged terrorists and the sole inheritor of the 21 st century political ideology. With massive corporate sponsorships and the Western mass media collaborative alliances, Islamic civilization is the only targeted client of this emerging business. What about the Arabs and Muslims, have they done anything to challenge the absurdity of the so called ?war on terrorism? and to safeguard their political interests and human survivability?

There are no educated, conscientious or publicly chosen leaders in the Arab- Muslim world except the recent President Morsi of Egypt and political leaders in Tunisia . The authoritarian ruling elite are the outcome of neo-colonialism. There are no Muslim institutions to provide honest analyses on the global political affairs or reflect on the possible remedies. Throughout the Arab-Muslim world, there is not a single established university teaching global peace, security and conflict management - the institutions dealing with the present and envisioning the future that the Western nations are built upon for change and development. Leaderless Muslim masses appear desperate to look for a visionary and intelligent leader to offer some consolence and intellectual security. Not so, in the Arabs or Muslim countries, leaders live in palaces, not with people. All the leaders are pre-screened by the CIA and the World Bank before taking a shape and form to move into a palace. Accordingly, Saddam Hussein, Shah of Iran, General Musharaf, Zardari and Karzai fit into that facilitated image and governance.

The neo-colonial rulers have helped the Colonial Masters to make the Muslim masses helpless victim of their warmongering and inhuman atrocities being carried out at Gutanamo Bay , Abu Ghraib Prison, and Massacre at Fullajah, Haditah, Bughdad, Kandhar, South-North Waziristan-Pakistan and elsewhere. There is no Sultan Salahuddin Ayoubi that the European would fear for centuries to come, there are no Sultan Babyar and Sheikh Izzuddin to give blowing defeats to Halaqu Khan - the Mongol warlord, and no Allama Iqbal or Ali Shariati to awake the sleeping folks and guide the believers to success.

If there were educated and intelligent leaders in the Muslim world, one could reason the unreason. But the oil exporting Arab leaders operate from a position of political weakness, not strength to play any useful role in international politics. They have built palaces over moving sand, not institutions to educate and protect the interest of the Muslim Ummah. Imagine the dichotomy of the living history, the Christian Crusaders came, ransacked and killed 170, 000 Muslims just in one day to occupy Jerusalem . Despite assurances of peace and religious sanctity, the Crusaders moved horses in blood-flown streets to capture Jerusalem . When Sultan Salahuddin Ayoubi reconquered Jerusalem , the visionary leader allowed and escorted all the Christian Crusaders to safety with human dignity, honor and material wealth. History shall describe a corporate world run by greed and animalistic savagery, preoccupied to influence and control the destinies of the living human beings under the guise of economic feasibility and market interests.

Zbigniew Brzezinski (The Grand Chessboard, 1997), former Security Advisor to President Carter, makes an historical reference: ?American primacy and its geostrategic imperatives describe American priorities as the economic subjugation of the Soviet Union and the control of Central Asia and the Middle East .? With the continued wars of aggressions in Iraq , Afghanistan and Pakistan , the international institutions overwhelmingly controlled and managed by the Western Powers have become irrelevant to the 21 st century needs of the global humanity. Across the Western world, masses vigorously oppose the on-going deadly wars in Iraq , Afghanistan and Pakistan . In wars people are killed, leaders are not. None of the Western leaders have ever fought a war on the real front. Simply put, there are politicians lacking reason and honesty of purpose, and are engaged in time killing discussions. The continued wars serve the interest of the corporate establishments and the Western economies. The image of deliberately dismantled system of global governance is meant to appease the economically influential and politically smart Western elite. Hitler and Mussolini were Europeans, not Arabs or Muslims, and they did not rule alone on their own, as there were millions to cheer them up and support their leadership egos with galvanized news media alignment of the time, and their personal ideologies as law and order of the day. At the initial stages of the 21 st century, the replica is exactly the same from the pages of history, only the names and titles have been changed and adjusted ? a small minority of ?sick puppies' are determined to occupy the oil and gas resources and to wipe out the Arabs and Islamic civilization under the guise of terrorism.

Changing the names of Hitler and Mussolini, now historian and prosecutors responsible for conducting the war crimes will mention Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Blair and many more. Britain knows what it lost, cannot regain in colonial history, but the American empire has yet to learn the hard lessons. It is more fearful that soon it could be replaced by China in combination of another economically viable power or group of nations from the emerging rival economies of Asia . Professor John Esposito (Unholy War and What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam) . provides us the History Lessons in a rational context:

?An important lesson of history is that rulers and nations do rise and fall. Unforeseen circumstances can bring up unanticipated change. Few expected the breakup of the Soviet Union and the liberation of Eastern Europe to occur when they did ??now is the time for those in all walks of life (political, economic, military, media and academic) who wish to see a new order not to be silenced but to speak out, organize, vote and be willing when necessary to make sacrifices in promoting a new global order.?

On the 10 th anniversary of the Iraqi genocide, there were no statements issued by the Obama administration or apologies by British politicians. Even the BBC broadcast simply offered visual facts and commentaries but no remorse for the dreadful crimes against the living mankind. Tom Ingelhardt (?The 12th Anniversary of American Cowardice What You Don't Know Can Hurt You.? Information Clearing House: 3.28.2013), sums up the paradox of contemporary global affairs - how the history will judge the warmongers by their actions or claims:

?We should already know more than enough to be horrified by the state of our American world.  It should disturb us deeply that a government of, by, and for the war-makers, intelligence operatives, bureaucrats, privatizing mercenary corporations, surveillers, torturers, and assassins is thriving in Washington.  As for the people -- that's us -- in these last years, we largely weren't there, even as the very idea of a government of, by, and for us bit the dust, and our leaders felt increasingly unconstrained when committing acts of shame in our name. So perhaps the last overlooked anniversary of these years might be the 12th anniversary of American cowardice.  You can choose the exact date yourself; anytime this fall will do.  At that moment, Americans should feel free to celebrate a time when, for our ?safety,? and in a state of anger and paralyzing fear , we gave up the democratic ghost.?

?Among the many truths in that still-to-be-written secret history of our American world would be this: we the people have no idea just how, in these years, we've hurt ourselves.?

(Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in global security, peace and conflict resolution, and comparative Western-Islamic cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest one: Global Peace and Conflict Management: Man and Humanity in Search of New Thinking. Lambert Academic Publishing , Germany , May 2012)

  Read Global Paradox: Peace Not Wars
 April 13, 2013  

The Danish capital is moving rapidly toward a zero-carbon future, as it erects wind farms, transforms its citywide heating systems, promotes energy efficiency, and lures more people out of their cars and onto public transportation and bikes

Wikimedia Commons
The Middelgrunden wind farm in Copenhagen Harbor.

Among the first sights to greet visitors to Denmark on the descent to Copenhagen’s airport is a sweeping arc of wind turbines rising from the harbor. From the airport, passengers can board an automatic Metro line that hustles them to the city center in just 15 minutes, crossing the path of the City Circle Line, a subway project that will place 85 percent of Copenhageners within 650 yards of a Metro station when the line opens in 2018.

Everywhere, visitors are greeted by streams of bicyclists; 36 percent of trips to work or school in the Danish capital are made by bike, and more than 20,000 cyclists enter the city center at peak hours, filling Copenhagen’s 249 miles of cycle tracks. Less visible are state-of-the-art facilities where waste heat from power plants is used to keep buildings warm via the world’s largest district heating network, or where waters from the city harbor are deployed to cool department stores, office buildings, hotels, and data centers.

These innovations are just a prelude to what is planned in the coming years, all designed to make Copenhagen the world’s first carbon-neutral capital by 2025. Acting on a City Council plan approved last August, Copenhagen intends to replace coal with biomass, to add more wind and solar electricity to the grid, to upgrade energy-guzzling buildings, and to lure even more residents onto bikes and public transit.

“Copenhageners like the ambition, they like being part of the idea of going green for the whole city,” Copenhagen Lord Mayor Frank Jensen said in an interview with Yale Environment 360. “Our focus as a city, as citizens, is all about livability.” The mayor said that city residents are putting their own money into the low-carbon drive, noting that half of the turbines in the harbor wind farm, known as Middelgrunden, were funded by individual Copenhagen shareholders.

Clearly, Copenhagen’s plans face significant challenges, especially since city planners expect Copenhagen to add more than 100,000 residents by 2025. But at stake is the notion that a growing, modern city with more than a half-million inhabitants can systematically wring carbon from its economy. The battle to slow climate change will be won or lost in cities, which are responsible for more than 70 percent of global CO2 emissions and two-thirds of worldwide energy consumption.

Copenhagen has already made major progress, reducing its emissions by 21 percent from 2005 to 2011. The city currently emits about 2 million tons of carbon dioxide a year, and earlier initiatives were on target to reduce emissions to 1.16 million tons by 2025. The new plan approved last year will slash CO2 emissions even further, to about 400,000 tons by 2025. More time will be needed to wean private cars from fossil fuels. So Copenhagen plans to add at least 100 wind turbines to the grid over the next dozen years, and wind electricity not used in the city will be exported to other parts of Denmark to offset Copenhagen’s remaining several hundred thousand tons of transportation emissions.

Nearly three-quarters of the emissions reductions identified in the 2025 plan will come by transitioning to less carbon-intensive ways of producing heat and electricity. The goal is a diverse but complementary clean energy supply: biomass, wind, geothermal, and solar. “The Danish energy system is very much a systems solution – it’s not power as one, and heat as one — it’s integrated,” Jørgen Abildgaard, Executive Climate Project Director for the city of Copenhagen, says. Wind turbines now supply 30 percent of Denmark’s electricity, and under a national energy plan passed last year that share is set to rise to 50 percent by 2020.

Though not as visible as Copenhagen’s bicyclists and wind turbines, its heating and cooling infrastructure is playing a key role in slashing CO2 emissions. One of Copenhagen’s most innovative infrastructure projects is the Adelgade cooling plant, sheltered within the brick-clad shell of a retired power plant in the historic city center. Opened in June 2010, the plant is the hub of the country’s first district cooling network and a model of climate-conscious engineering.

The Adelgade plant draws cool seawater from an intake pipe located near the picturesque Nyhavn Canal and then delivers the chilled water through insulated pipes to buildings; the pipes are located below ground in the same tunnels in which steam is distributed via Copenhagen’s district heating network. Thomas Grinde, an engineer with Copenhagen Energy — a private firm owned by the city — took me on a tour of the plant. He said that every degree Celsius saved by pre-cooling with seawater saves 15 percent on electricity at the site’s absorption chillers. The city estimates that district cooling reduces carbon emissions by nearly 70 percent and electricity consumption by 80 percent compared to conventional air-conditioning.

From the cooling plant, Grinde drove me south to the Amager power station complex, which sprawls across a spit of land jutting into Copenhagen Harbor. There, a pilot project supplies geothermal heat directly into the district heating system. In March, construction began nearby on a clean-burning waste-to-energy plant that will provide electricity and heating to 150,000 households. According to Mayor Jensen, half of Copenhagen’s indoor heating comes from combusting waste.

The two major combined heat and power (CHP) stations that serve Copenhagen, Amager and Avedøre, largely burn coal. But because waste heat from the stations is sent to the district heating system, they operate at around 90 percent efficiency, compared to around 40 percent for conventional coal-fired power plants. Rather than use furnaces or boilers located in individual buildings for heating, Copenhagen delivers hot water or steam to radiators via a network of pipes covering 98 percent of the city.

Under the climate plan, district heating is to be carbon neutral by 2025. The Amager and Avedøre plants, which today burn a limited amount of biomass imported from Poland, Russia, Sweden, and the Baltic countries, will replace coal entirely with wood chips and straw certified as sustainable by the Danish Energy Association.

Copenhagen’s pursuit of carbon neutrality also rests on its ability to meet demanding energy efficiency and transportation goals. Commercial and residential buildings are to reduce electricity consumption by 20 percent and 10 percent respectively, and total heat consumption is to fall by 20 percent by 2025.

In an interview, Bo Normander, director of the Worldwatch Institute’s Europe office and a Copenhagen City Council member, noted that new buildings in Copenhagen must now be constructed to Denmark’s Low Energy Class ratings; the 2020 standard calls for near net-zero energy buildings.

It will be considerably harder to achieve energy savings in existing buildings. More than 70 percent of Copenhagen’s buildings were constructed before the introduction of Denmark’s energy efficiency standards, and a major hurdle is the so-called landlord-tenant dilemma, since many Copenhageners rent and neither tenants nor landlords have a strong financial interest in retrofitting buildings to make them more efficient.

“Most of the people here rent,” Marianna Lubanski, executive director of the Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster, told me. “If I own a building, and I have 10 people living there, and I invest a lot of money in energy savings, my tenants will get the savings, not me. We need new ways to share the costs and gains of energy efficiency... Copenhagen can’t succeed with their plan if they don’t find a way.”

She said she would like to see an ESCO (energy service company) market launch in Denmark, where private firms take on the risk of guaranteeing energy savings and in return are paid a fee by landlords or tenants.

Another key component of becoming a net zero-carbon city is further reducing the use of cars. Bo Normander, like many Copenhageners, does not own a car and bikes to work. “It’s the most convenient, quickest, and healthiest way to get around,” he said.

Newcomers to Copenhagen quickly learn the same, as did I. Within a few weeks of starting a job in Copenhagen, in 2008, I abandoned the Metro for a bike, which became my year-round way of getting around, no matter the weather. Weekday mornings, I pedaled along the perimeter of the cemetery where Hans Christian Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard rest, girding myself for the merge into the horde of bicycle commuters racing along Nørrbrogade, Copenhagen’s busiest bike corridor, toward the city center. It was exhilarating and invigorating, and easily the fastest way to my office. Why would anyone own a car here? I often wondered.

The question is even more relevant today. Intent on reducing transportation’s share of the total city emissions, currently 22 percent, Copenhagen is expanding its cycling and public transit infrastructure to attract even more users. The improvements include “green wave” traffic signals set to the speed of oncoming bikes, angled footrests that enable cyclists to rest without dismounting at intersections, and an additional 44 miles of cycle tracks — paved paths separated from cars and pedestrians by curbs. To entice suburban commuters to abandon cars for bikes, Copenhagen is partnering with neighboring cities to add wider, smoother, better-lit cycle tracks. In April 2012, the first so-called “bike superhighway,” an 11-mile link connecting Albertslund with Copenhagen, opened. Two more are under construction and a total of 26 are planned, Normander said. By 2025, the city wants 75 percent of trips to be made by foot, bike, or public transit.

The city will also invest in alternative fuels. Abildgaard said Copenhagen is looking to convert its bus fleet to models powered by hybrid drives running on biogas. The city projects that 20 percent to 30 percent of all cars and small trucks, and 30 percent to 40 percent of all heavy vehicles, will run on electricity, hydrogen, biogas, or bioethanol by 2025. By 2015, 85 percent of the city’s fleet of 1,000 small vehicles will run on electricity, hydrogen, or biofuels, officials say.

What will all this cost? Direct city investment in the 2025 Climate Plan is estimated to be $472 million through 2025. Add private funds and total investment could hit $4.78 billion over the same period, Copenhagen officials say. “We can see that we have to invest a lot of money to reach the target,” Mayor Jensen told me. “But we can see also that we can create a lot of new jobs with that huge investment. Copenhagen can be a green laboratory for developing and testing new green solutions.”

Normander was upfront about the challenges. He will be watching to see, for instance, if the Avedøre and Amager power plants can sustainably source enough biomass. And he worries that as Copenhagen adds 1,000 residents per month, traffic will increase, even though the city lacks room for additional cars.

“It’s a very ambitious plan,” he said. “But it’s also something we can do.”

Justin Gerdes is an independent journalist specializing in energy issues who is based in Concord, California. His work has appeared at,,, and Chinadialogue. From October 2008 to December 2009, he worked as an editor and writer for Monday Morning, a publishing house and think tank based in Copenhagen. The reporting for this article was supported by a grant from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Press Initiative.

  Read Copenhagen’s Ambitious Push To Be Carbon Neutral by 2025
 April 13, 2013  
With Surging Emission Global Climate Change Goal Is At Risk, Say UN

A global goal for limiting climate crisis is slipping out of reach and governments may have to find ways to artificially suck GHG from the air if they fail to make deep cuts in rising emissions by 2030, a draft UN report said. [1]

A 25-page draft summary, by the UN panel of climate experts and due for publication in 2014, said emissions of heat-trapping gases rose to record levels in the decade to 2010, led by Asian industrial growth.

The surge is jeopardizing a UN goal, set by almost 200 nations in 2010, to limit a rise in temperatures to below 2 degrees Celsius above levels before the Industrial Revolution.

The panel, made up hundreds of the world's top climate scientists, is trying to condense all the peer reviewed findings since 2007 into a summary for policymakers.

An Oslo datelined Reuters report by environment correspondent Alister Doyle added:

Governments must sign off on the document that emerges from the draft by Working Group Three of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and which will serve as the climate policy road map for the next six or seven years.

Delaying deep cuts until 2030 may make targets for limiting warming by 2100 "physically infeasible without substantial overshoot and negative global emissions ... in the second half of the century", it said.

"Negative emissions" mean policies such as planting more forests that naturally absorb carbon dioxide from the air as they grow or burning biofuels, for instance wood or farm waste, and capturing and burying their greenhouse gas emissions.

Temperatures are already 0.8 C above pre-industrial levels and creeping higher despite a slowdown since around 2000, perhaps caused by more sun-dimming pollution from nations such as China and India that would reflect heat back into space or by more heat entering the oceans.

Most climate experts say the rising trend will pick up in coming years, though the reasons for the pause are unknown. Parts of Europe are having a late spring, for instance, while Australia suffered record summer heat.

Fossil Fuels

Almost 200 nations have agreed to work out by 2015 a new deal to combat climate change that would enter into force from 2020. Negotiations are sluggish, partly because the slowdown in warming has made many governments skeptical.

The draft, dated Feb. 25, lays out options such as a shift to nuclear power from fossil fuels, more use of renewable energies, greater efficiency in building insulation, biofuels or a shift to vegetarianism to cut emissions by livestock.

It said it was hard to quantify the 2C target in practical terms, but said it was 60 percent likely to be met if concentrations of GHG were kept below the carbon dioxide equivalent of 450 parts per million (ppm) of the atmosphere.

If concentrations rose to 550 ppm, the probability of staying below 2C would be only 40 to 50 percent. Carbon dioxide levels, driven up by fossil fuels burnt in factories, cars and power plants, are now almost 400 ppm and steadily rising.

Scenarios showed that cuts of between 15 and more than 50 percent below 2010 levels by 2030, along with shifts to renewable energies, would be needed to limit concentrations to 450 ppm by 2100, it said.

A previous report by the panel in 2007 said tough action to rein in climate change would cost less than 3 percent of global gross domestic product by 2030, slowing growth by less than 0.12 percent a year.

The new report does not give a direct comparison, but says a 450 ppm goal could be reached at a cost of less than 4 percent of GDP.

Another section of the draft, which is still subject to changes and revisions, was leaked in December by climate change skeptics.

It said it was "extremely likely" that human activities had caused more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperatures since the 1950s.

The IPCC and several climate scientists declined comment on the draft, saying they would wait until final publication.


[1] The business Times, Apr.13, 2013, ?World climate change goal at risk as emissions surge: UN?,


[2] Apr. 12, 2013 , ?World climate change goal at risk as emissions surge-UN?,

  Read  With Surging Emission Global Climate Change Goal Is At Risk, Say UN
 April 15, 2013  
Israeli Massacre Of Deir Yassin
by Dr. Elias Akleh , Countercurrents

The state of Israel was established and is sustained on the continuous perpetration of genocides, destruction of whole towns, land theft, home demolition, ethnic cleansing, and terror against Palestinians. The massacre of the Palestinian small town of Deir Yassin in 9 th of April 1948 is one such massacre which the Palestinians will never forget.

Palestine at the time was under the British occupation (Mandate) that ended on 15 th of May 1948. Until that time there was no Israeli government or Israeli army, rather Zionist Jewish militia groups financed and armed by World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency. The largest was the Haganah; a secret Jewish terrorist group armed and trained by officers from the British army. The Haganah, later, formed the backbone of the present Israeli army. Within the Haganah there was an elite striking force called the Palmach, who specialized in assassination, terror and demolition. There were also two other smaller underground terrorist groups; Itzel or Irgun founded by Se'ev Jabotinsky the head of the Jewish Zionist Organization, and Lehi or Stern founded by the Zionist terrorist Abraham Stern.

Before the end of the British Mandate the Zionist leaders launched on April 4 th 1948 their general expansionist colonial plan dubbed as ?Plan Dalet?; a Zionist master offensive military plan with many sub-operations such as Nachshon, Harel, and Maccabi, whose aim was the systematic ethnic cleansing of as many Palestinians as possible and the theft of as much Palestinian land as possible before the end of the British Mandate. The Haganah had committed many massacres against the Palestinian population and had totally razed as many as 400 Palestinian towns. The Haganah thus gained popularity among the Zionist Jews.

There developed a competition between the Haganah on one side and the Irgun and Lehi on the other for popularity among Jews and for political leadership in the perceived future Israeli state. Such gain was achieved by one side in uprooting and transferring Palestinians and in the destruction of their towns and villages more than the other side.

During the first week of April 1948 the Haganah launched Operation Nachshon to carve out and hold a highway passage for their forces from Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean coast in the west all the way to Jerusalem in the interior of the country committing on their way many massacres of Palestinian civilians and demolishing their towns. The Haganah, at the time, was held up still by Palestinian fighters at Al-Qastal; west of Jerusalem and a few miles away from the village of Deir Yassin .

On the other side Irgun and Lehi terrorist groups wanted to gain popularity over the held-up Haganah through a military victory. They chose an easy virtually unarmed defenseless village of Deir Yassin as their target. Deir Yassin was a small Palestinian village located west of Jerusalem with about 750 inhabitants, who lived peacefully with their neighboring Zionist Jewish colony of Giv'at Shaul despite all the political and military conflicts of that time. The two communities had signed a non-aggression agreement between them. Yet, typical of Zionist Jews, who throughout their long history had never honored any agreement they signed with non-Jews, Zionist Jewish terrorist groups of Irgun and Lehi came out of Giv'at Shaul, attacked the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin on Friday 9 th of April 1948 and savagely murdered scores of them; men, women and children, blew up their homes and wiped the village off the map.

Irgun was headed by Menachim Begin, who became the 6 th Israeli prime minister, while Lehi was headed by Yitzhak Shamir, who became the 7 th Israeli prime minister. Israel is the only country where terrorist leaders such as Menachim Begin and Yitzhak Shamir (also Ehud Barak and Ariel Sharon) are rewarded with the position of prime ministers.

In a joint operation coded ?Operation Unity? the two Zionist Jewish terrorist groups attacked Deir Yassin in the morning of April 9 th , 1948 with the aim of killing as many Palestinians as possible and of forcing the rest out of their homes and land. Driving through the only street leading to the village the attackers were held up by Palestinian snipers using old one-shot hunting rifles. When four attackers were killed the terrorist groups called the commander of the Haganah, David Shaltiel, for help. He sent some of his troops among them a Palmach unit commanded by Mordechai Weg. With an armored vehicle and a two-inch mortar they were able to silence the resistance and occupy the village in a matter of two hours.

A process of cleaning up the village was, then, conducted by the terrorist groups which included the rape of some women, the cold murder of many Palestinians, and the blowing up of homes. Men and women were lined up against the walls in the main street and executed in cold blood. Members of whole families were murdered in their homes even after surrendering. Girls and women were raped and then murdered. The Zionist terrorists had bayoneted the wombs of Pregnant women and crushed the heads and bodies of dozens of children and babies. This cleanup process continued through the next two days, Saturday and Sunday, and demonstrated the savagery of the Zionist Jewish terrorists.

Members of the Zionist terror groups, themselves, had reported such atrocities. Among the many of them was Yehoshua Gorodenchik, an Irgun physician, reported that they had to withdraw at one time and had decided to murder all prisoners. ? We had prisoners and before the retreat we decided to liquidate them, we also liquidated the wounded? we eliminated every Arab we came across up to that point.?

Eliyahu Arbel, a Haganah operations officer, inspected the village and reported: ? I have seen a great deal of war, but I never saw a sight like Deir Yassin ? largely comprised of the bodies of women and children, who were murdered in cold blood.?

Israeli colonel Meir Pa'el admitted that ?The Irgun and Lehi men came out of hiding and began to ?clean' the houses. They shot whoever they saw, women and children included, the commanders did not try to stop the massacre ??

Zvi Ankori, who commanded one of the terrorist units at Deir Yassin stated: ?I went into 6 to 7 houses. I saw cut off genitalia and women's crushed stomachs. According to the shooting signs on the bodies, it was direct murder.? (New York Jewish Newsletter in October 1960)

Alfred Engel, a Jewish physician, who was on site, saw that ?It was clear that the attackers had gone from house to house and shot the people at close range.?

The most damning graphic description of the massacre of Deir Yassin came from Jacques de Reynier, the then representative of the International Red Cross, who was the first to reach the site. His statement indicated that ?there were people rushing everywhere, in and out of houses, carrying Sten guns, rifles, pistols and long ornate knives. They seemed half mad. I saw a beautiful girl carrying a dagger still covered with blood. I heard screams ? everything had been ripped apart. There were bodies strewn around? cleaning up was done with guns and grenades, the work finished with knives.? Reynier estimated seeing some 200 bodies, one of a woman, probably eight months pregnant, shot in the stomach. There were also butchered infants. Schoolgirls and elderly women have been raped and then murdered. Ears had been severed to remove ear rings, bracelets had been torn from arms and rings from fingers.

Journalists Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre had obtained a dossier of 1948 British Mandate criminal investigation into Deir Yassin. According to the dossier, one woman among others described being sexually assaulted while ?other women around me were being raped, too.? (Statement of Safiyeh Attiyeh, dossier 179/110/17 GS, ?Secret,? quoted in Collins and Lapierre, O Jerusalem! 275,276). According to Collins and Lapierre, the British investigation was corroborated by physical evidence obtained through medical examination of the survivors.

On hearing of the atrocities committed at Deir Yassin the Haganah commander, David Shaltiel, insisted that Irgun and Lehi terrorists never leave the village before burying all the dead. The Zionist terrorist groups refused the order and left the village, so a burial crew was sent to do the job. They hauled about 70 bodies to a quarry, piled them in a heap, poured gasoline and set them ablaze. But when the fire did not do a thorough job, they used bulldozers to fill the quarry with dirt to bury the bodies. (Milstein, Out of Crisis Comes Decision, p. 273; Milstein, ?Deir Yassin?)

In an attempt to boost their popularity the members of the Zionist Jewish terrorist groups of Irgun and Lehi loaded about twenty five Palestinian men, women and children into trucks, stripped them naked, and paraded them victoriously through the Jewish Zakhron Yosef quarter in Jerusalem, then they drov back into a stone quarry in Deir Yassin and executed them in cold blood. Harry Levin, a Haganah broadcaster and future Israeli diplomat, recorded seeing ?three trucks driving slowly up and down King George V Avenue bearing men, women and children, their hands above their heads, guarded by Jews armed with sten-guns and rifles.? (Levin, Jerusalem Embattled, 57)

Fifty five children, who survived the massacre, were dumped at the Mendelbaum Gate in Jerusalem . Some of them knocked on the door of Palestinian Jerusalemite Hind Al-Husseini seeking shelter. After hearing about the massacre Al-Husseini rushed to find the rest of the children deciding to care for all of them. She turned her grandfather's mansion into an orphanage and school calling it Dar Al-Tifl Al-Arabi (Home of the Arab Child). Al-Husseini dedicated her whole life to the orphans of Deir Yassin and to other Palestinian children.

The number of massacred Palestinians was disputed. Most sources, including The New York Times of April 13, put the number of the victims at 254, including 25 pregnant women and 52 children. Many sources had quoted Irgun's commander, Raanan, who in a press conference, described the massacre as a successful battle and exaggerated the numbers of dead in order the boost the Jewish moral and to frighten other Palestinians into flight. He later explained ?I told the reporters that 254 were killed so that a big figure would be published and so that Arabs would panic ? across the country.? (Milstein). A 1987 study undertaken by Birzeit University 's Center for Research and Documentation of Palestinian Society ( CRDPS ) found the numbers of those murdered does not exceed 120.

The massacre of Deir Yassin has a significant importance in the history of the Arab/Israeli conflict although it was not the first or the last massacre the Israelis committed against Palestinians. Unlike previous massacres of Palestinians and the wiping off of their towns, the massacre of Deir Yassin was the first to be known by the outside world due to its vicinity to the capital of Jerusalem . This allowed the Red Cross to investigate and to report the massacre.

Also, the commanders of Irgun and Lehi had called for a press conference, during which they announced their victory in occupying the first Palestinian town in cooperation with the Haganah's Palmach forces. Their exaggeration of the number of victims was echoed through press into the Arab and Western capitals resulting in strong international condemnations. Such condemnation embarrassed the Jewish Agency, prompting its leader at the time David Ben-Gurion, to send a telegram of apology to Jordanian King, Abdullah, condemning the ?rogue? Zionist organizations of Irgun and Lehi.

Although the Haganah had tried to distance itself from the Irgun and Lehi and to deny its role in the massacre, its full participation is very well known to everybody. The leader of Irgun, Menachim Begin, had admitted on December 28, 1950 in a press interview in New York that the Deir Yassin ?incident? had been carried out in accordance with an agreement between the Irgun and the Jewish Agency and the Haganah. In October 1960 the New York Jewish Newsletter reported that Menachim Begin had bragged that ?The massacre was not only justified, but there would not have been a state of Israel without the victory at Deir Yassin.?

Mordechai Nisan of the Truman Research Centre of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem wrote an article for ?The American Zionist Journal? in which he expressed his concern about the failure to understand the major significance of terrorism in the struggle for Jewish sovereignty. He wrote: ?Without terror it is unlikely that Jewish independence would have been achieved when it was.?

Nisan's statement describes a fundamental fact throughout the three thousand years of Jewish history. Jewish independence and statehood could have never achieved except through terrorism and genocide as prescribed in their religion. Their Talmud commands them to perpetrate genocides against all non-Jews, including women, children and old, even their animals, and to destroy their towns. Check Isaih 13:16-18, Samuel I 15:2-3, Numbers 31:16-18, Deuteronomy 2:34, Deuteronomy 3:6-7, Ezekiel 9:5-6, and Joshua 6:21 for just very few examples of their genocidal religious teachings.

Unfortunately, western countries such as UK, France, Germany, Canada and particularly the US, who claim themselves to be the champions of democracy, freedom, protectors of human rights, and the fighters of terrorism, are providing blind and unconditional financial, military and political support to Israeli state terrorism. I can understand Zionist Israeli Jewish genocidal and terrorist tendencies in lieu of their religion, but I cannot understand western support to such terrorism. I wonder what religion are they, really, prescribed to?

Dr. Elias Akleh is an Arab writer from a Palestinian descent, born in the town of Beit-Jala. His family was first evicted from Haifa after the “Nakba” of 1948 war during the first Zionist occupation of part of Palestine, then from Beitj-Jala after the “Nakseh” of 1967 war when Zionist Israeli military expansion occupied the rest of all Palestine. He is living now in exile in the US and publish articles on the web.

  Read  Israeli Massacre Of Deir Yassin
 April 17, 2013  
Towards Understanding Global Peace: Warlords Are Killing Mankind
by Mahboob A. Khawaja, Countercurrents

Global political affairs are a complex discipline and often require serious, critical and impartial mindset to see the man-made problems truthfully, objectively, rationally and dispassionately. The 21 st century of hope for Peace is fast turning into a fraught history of highly sophisticated wars both on Earth and in Space poised to destroy the mankind. Previous wars of centuries were aimed at annihilation of political and economic enemies but the 21 st century conflicts are ready-made recipes not only to eliminate the mankind but also the environment in which human beings survive and the planet Earth that sustains life. Given the strategic know-how and the scientific-technological developments, it is an established fact that any futuristic global warfare could end the very existence of man and humanity on this planet. The Weapons of Mass Destruction that the US, West Europeans and Russian have positioned on the planet and in space are a ready-made menace to the survival of mankind. With massive news media propaganda campaigns and falsification of the facts of human life, common folks and even the intelligent ones do not seem to have the rational understanding of the wars and their consequential impacts on human life and the greater universe. One would have imagined that more knowledgeable people become, more rational world will emerge in the coming ages of rational thinking. Not so, we continued to be occupied with false images and misleading rationale of the global conflicts. Like always, few cynical and mentally unbalanced people plan and wage wars against others, not imagining the dreadful end results of their intrigues and conspiracies against life, human rights and dignity and futuristic possibilities for survival on the planet.

Those who plan and wage wars are not innocent belligerent or without knowledge. They know well what they are engaged in and its consequences. Those who go to farfetched lands to kill the innocent people, divide and massacre men, women and children, fully understand what they are doing. Perhaps, common people are misled by the warmongers enabling them to sustain their war agendas under false political perceptions and imagery as is the case in the US . The undeniable TV imagery - the massacres of innocent Afghan women and children, bombing of the civilian population and the US spy drone attacks targeting innocent civilians in north western Pakistan are fast becoming media entertainment and soap opera to the American audience and of the US scheme of militarization of the culture. During the first week of April, 11 innocent Afghan children and two women were bombed by the US led NATO forces in eastern Afghanistan . BBC showed their tarnished bodies but nowhere in the US any news media broadcast this horrible crime against the humanity. In his article Professor Camillo "Mac" Bica, School of Visual Arts , New York City and an activist of Peace and Justice (? Atrocity and War?, OpenedNews, 4/28/2010 ) offers a penetrating insight:

??war is not accessible through the understanding, rationally, intellectually, by watching a film or by reading a book. To "know" war, you have to experience it, live it, feel it in your gut the anxiety, fear, frustration, boredom, hopelessness, despair, anger, rage, etc. In truth, warriors exist in a world totally incomprehensible to those who have never had the misfortune of experiencing the horrors of the battlefield.?

Some scholars argue that wars are planned in a cycle of chauvinistic historical events ? every now and then wars are repeated - the ?worst time in human history.? Paul Buchheit author of America Wars: Illusions and Realities believes that War or Revolution happen in Every 75 Years. It's Time Again. (Common Dream, 6/11/2012 ). He thinks of various developmental cycles including the revolution against inequality, French Revolution, time of Great Depression, WW2, and now after: ?nearly 75 years after we started World War 2 production, we again feel the agony of a wealth gap expanding, like grotesquely stretched muscle, to intolerable limits. If history repeats itself, we will be part of another revolution of long-subjugated people. Indeed, it has already begun, in Europe and Canada and with the Occupy Movement. The face of plutocracy has changed, but not the consequences. Just before the French Revolution, Paris and London were dismal places for the masses, with islands of unimaginable splendor for aristocrats, who, like the multi-millionaires of today, found it hard to relate to the commoners.?

To Chris Hedges - a global scholar of rational thinking and author of Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle (?How to Think?, Common Dreams, 7/9/2012 ), visualize basic problems with Human Thinking, the delusional concept of war by the masses:

Human societies see what they want to see. They create national myths of identity out of a composite of historical events and fantasy. They ignore unpleasant facts that intrude on self-glorification?. The psychoanalyst John Steiner calls this phenomenon ?turning a blind eye.? He notes that often we have access to adequate knowledge but because it is unpleasant and disconcerting we choose unconsciously, and sometimes consciously, to ignore it?.. At night you could hear gunfire. But they were the last to ?know.? And we are equally self-deluded. The physical evidence of national decay?the crumbling infrastructures, the abandoned factories and other workplaces, the rows of gutted warehouses, the closure of libraries, schools, fire stations and post offices?that we physically see , is, in fact, unseen. The rapid and terrifying deterioration of the ecosystem, evidenced in soaring temperatures, droughts, floods, crop destruction, freak storms, melting ice caps and rising sea levels, are met blankly with Steiner's ?blind eye?? The Shakespearean scholar Harold Goddard wrote: ?The imagination is not a faculty for the creation of illusion; it is the faculty by which alone man apprehends reality. The ?illusion' turns out to be truth.? ?Let faith oust fact,? Starbuck says in ?Moby-Dick.??..?It is only our absurd ?scientific' prejudice that reality must be physical and rational that blinds us to the truth,?

Strangely enough, warmongers hire war propagandists to classify wars as ?noble?, ?good?, necessity of the ruling nobility and to protect the flag, borders and national interests. George Bush claimed being ?Man of God? who started the day with the Bible, to orchestrate the bogus war on terrorism. These are cynical notions implied to enforce the monstrous viewpoints of the few warlords in every age. There is no quality criterion except falsification of information and facts of human life.

Paul Buchheit (?War or Revolution happen in Every 75 Years. It's Time Again? 06/11/2012 ) reminds us: ?In our 'civilized' times people aren't being run down by noblemen or forced to eat grass. The aristocracy has learned a lot about suppressing crowds in 225 years. But they need to fear the growing revolution. They need to fear, as Dickens put it, "the remorseless sea of turbulently swaying shapes, voices of vengeance, and faces hardened in the furnaces of suffering until the touch of pity could make no mark on them."

Chris Hedges - author of Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle (?How to Think?, Common Dreams, 7/9/2012 ) gives context to the global dilemma:

And here is the dilemma we face as a civilization. We march collectively toward self-annihilation. Corporate capitalism, if left unchecked, will kill us. Yet we refuse, because we cannot think and no longer listen to those who do think, to see what is about to happen to us. We have created entertaining mechanisms to obscure and silence the harsh truths, from climate change to the collapse of globalization to our enslavement to corporate power that will mean our self-destruction. If we can do nothing else we must, even as individuals, nurture the private dialogue and the solitude that make thought possible. It is better to be an outcast, a stranger in one's own country, than an outcast from one's self. It is better to see what is about to befall us and to resist than to retreat into the fantasies embraced by a nation of the blind.

Professor Camillo "Mac" Bica, School of Visual Arts, New York City and an activist of Peace and Justice (? Atrocity and War?, OpenedNews, 4/28/2010 ) makes it known in bold words:

??..while I do not justify nor excuse the actions of these individuals, neither do I seek scapegoats in order to absolve myself of culpability and responsibility as a citizen of a democracy in whose name and with whose tax dollars these atrocities are committed. Consequently, if there is to be condemnation and punishment, let it begin with those whose incompetence and desire for wealth and power make war inevitable and unnecessary; whose apathy allows the slaughter to continue; and whose blind allegiance, misguided patriotism, or utopian idealism hamper their ability to understand and appreciate the true reality and nature of war and its tragic and profound effects upon the warrior. We must see through the mythology, the lies and the deceptions, and understand that all who become tainted by war are victims. Consequently, we must recognize as well, that their culpability must be mitigated and that we all share responsibility and blame for the inevitable atrocities of war.?

More than a decade earlier, George Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan under a false pretext of combating ?terrorism.? The only known terrorism of wars that the US and its hired former colonial Europeans are leading against the innocent people of Iraq , Afghanistan and the tribal belts of Pakistan . None of the perpetrators of these wars of aggression are held accountable by the humanity except of the few ? George W. Bush and Tony Blair indicted for war crimes in Iraq by an International Tribunal in Malaysia but not punished. Nobody seems to be pursuing any rational course of plan to enhance global peace and understanding amongst different cultures and civilizations or the need to stop the bogus Wars on Terrorism and help the humanity to return to normal setting of co-existence. To shield his broken pledges for change- ?Yes We Can? and to uplift the US public morale after his re-election, President Obama wants troops withdrawal from Afghanistan with honor and dignity. Killing of the fellow human beings and genocidal acts in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot offer any dignity to the warmongers. The US led NATO forces are killing the civilians without any stoppage and rethinking. The US and some Europeans are living in a state of paranoid thinking, and fail to see the prevalent realities and reactions of the global masses against their warmongering. The Western world is terribly naïve in its approach to warmongering against the poor, deprived and divided mankind in other parts of the developing world. History has a role to teaching and learning which is denied by the global war strategists. All wars are the outcome of anti-human thinking and cruelty and none can or will bring peace and security to the mankind. After the Two WW, the Europeans have learned it in a hard way but American political minds are trying to escape the prevalent truth. Those who try to overrun the humanity, do get overtrumped by their vicious plans. Hitler and Mussolini experienced it and so did the former USSR and so many other tyrannical empires. Every beginning has its end. This is the Law of God that no worldly materialistic or political power can change or challenge. All wars intrinsically lead to self-defeat and self-destruction. Those nations or a people claiming to be most powerful on the visual screen is not a reality but a delusional imagery ? falsification of truth carved up by the political propagandists and hired media agents of influence. The historical record clearly demonstrates that whenever great powers went haunting the large segments of the mankind in farfetched lands, it is usually the end game of their role-play in global affairs. America and its allied Europeans live in constant FEAR that soon they will be replaced by others - the natural course of history.

The global community is informed, mature and vigilant, and no single nation can dare to use weapons of mass destruction unilaterally and defy the dire consequences of self annihilation and destruction. American leadership knows it well too. So what is this all fuss about? What is this nonsense of nuclear weapons development in Iran ? Imagine, if the Shah, the absolute king of Iran was alive and buying the weapons from the US , would America move to strangle Iran ? No, certainly NOT. The dead Shah was a fraternal friend during the time of seven America Presidents. Isn't this another myth of the continued bogus War on Terrorism raged on the false pretext of the WMD in Iraq ? Paul Craig Roberts ( ?the Next War on Washington 's Agenda.?    01/12/2012 ), has offered a rational context to the current problem:

?We, as Americans, need to ask ourselves what all this is about? Why is our government so provocative toward Islam , Russia , China , Iran ? What purpose, whose purpose is being served? Certainly not ours ... Where do we go from here? If not to nuclear destruction, Americans must wake up.?

(Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: Global Peace and Conflict Management: Man and Humanity in Search of New Thinking. Lambert Publishing Germany , May 2012)

  Read Towards Understanding Global Peace: Warlords Are Killing Mankind
 April 23, 2013  

Brace yourself. You may not be able to tell yet, but according to global experts and the U.S. intelligence community, the earth is already shifting under you. Whether you know it or not, you’re on a new planet, a resource-shock world of a sort humanity has never before experienced.

Two nightmare scenarios -- a global scarcity of vital resources and the onset of extreme climate change -- are already beginning to converge and in the coming decades are likely to produce a tidal wave of unrest, rebellion, competition, and conflict. Just what this tsunami of disaster will look like may, as yet, be hard to discern, but experts warn of “water wars” over contested river systems, global food riots sparked by soaring prices for life’s basics, mass migrations of climate refugees (with resulting anti-migrant violence), and the breakdown of social order or the collapse of states. At first, such mayhem is likely to arise largely in Africa, Central Asia, and other areas of the underdeveloped South, but in time all regions of the planet will be affected.

To appreciate the power of this encroaching catastrophe, it’s necessary to examine each of the forces that are combining to produce this future cataclysm.

Resource Shortages and Resource Wars

Start with one simple given: the prospect of future scarcities of vital natural resources, including energy, water, land, food, and critical minerals. This in itself would guarantee social unrest, geopolitical friction, and war.

It is important to note that absolute scarcity doesn’t have to be on the horizon in any given resource category for this scenario to kick in. A lack of adequate supplies to meet the needs of a growing, ever more urbanized and industrialized global population is enough. Given the wave of extinctions that scientists are recording, some resources -- particular species of fish, animals, and trees, for example -- will become less abundant in the decades to come, and may even disappear altogether. But key materials for modern civilization like oil, uranium, and copper will simply prove harder and more costly to acquire, leading to supply bottlenecks and periodic shortages.

Oil -- the single most important commodity in the international economy -- provides an apt example. Although global oil supplies may actually grow in the coming decades, many experts doubt that they can be expanded sufficiently to meet the needs of a rising global middle class that is, for instance, expected to buy millions of new cars in the near future. In its 2011 World Energy Outlook, the International Energy Agency claimed that an anticipated global oil demand of 104 million barrels per day in 2035 will be satisfied. This, the report suggested, would be thanks in large part to additional supplies of “unconventional oil” (Canadian tar sands, shale oil, and so on), as well as 55 million barrels of new oil from fields “yet to be found” and “yet to be developed.”

However, many analysts scoff at this optimistic assessment, arguing that rising production costs (for energy that will be ever more difficult and costly to extract), environmental opposition, warfare, corruption, and other impediments will make it extremely difficult to achieve increases of this magnitude. In other words, even if production manages for a time to top the 2010 level of 87 million barrels per day, the goal of 104 million barrels will never be reached and the world’s major consumers will face virtual, if not absolute, scarcity.

Water provides another potent example. On an annual basis, the supply of drinking water provided by natural precipitation remains more or less constant: about 40,000 cubic kilometers. But much of this precipitation lands on Greenland, Antarctica, Siberia, and inner Amazonia where there are very few people, so the supply available to major concentrations of humanity is often surprisingly limited. In many regions with high population levels, water supplies are already relatively sparse. This is especially true of North Africa, Central Asia, and the Middle East, where the demand for water continues to grow as a result of rising populations, urbanization, and the emergence of new water-intensive industries. The result, even when the supply remains constant, is an environment of increasing scarcity.

Wherever you look, the picture is roughly the same: supplies of critical resources may be rising or falling, but rarely do they appear to be outpacing demand, producing a sense of widespread and systemic scarcity. However generated, a perception of scarcity -- or imminent scarcity -- regularly leads to anxiety, resentment, hostility, and contentiousness. This pattern is very well understood, and has been evident throughout human history.

In his book Constant Battles, for example, Steven LeBlanc, director of collections for Harvard’s Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, notes that many ancient civilizations experienced higher levels of warfare when faced with resource shortages brought about by population growth, crop failures, or persistent drought. Jared Diamond, author of the bestseller Collapse, has detected a similar pattern in Mayan civilization and the Anasazi culture of New Mexico’s Chaco Canyon. More recently, concern over adequate food for the home population was a significant factor in Japan’s invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and Germany’s invasions of Poland in 1939 and the Soviet Union in 1941, according to Lizzie Collingham, author of The Taste of War.

Although the global supply of most basic commodities has grown enormously since the end of World War II, analysts see the persistence of resource-related conflict in areas where materials remain scarce or there is anxiety about the future reliability of supplies. Many experts believe, for example, that the fighting in Darfur and other war-ravaged areas of North Africa has been driven, at least in part, by competition among desert tribes for access to scarce water supplies, exacerbated in some cases by rising population levels.

“In Darfur,” says a 2009 report from the U.N. Environment Programme on the role of natural resources in the conflict, “recurrent drought, increasing demographic pressures, and political marginalization are among the forces that have pushed the region into a spiral of lawlessness and violence that has led to 300,000 deaths and the displacement of more than two million people since 2003.”

Anxiety over future supplies is often also a factor in conflicts that break out over access to oil or control of contested undersea reserves of oil and natural gas. In 1979, for instance, when the Islamic revolution in Iran overthrew the Shah and the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, Washington began to fear that someday it might be denied access to Persian Gulf oil. At that point, President Jimmy Carter promptly announced what came to be called the Carter Doctrine. In his 1980 State of the Union Address, Carter affirmed that any move to impede the flow of oil from the Gulf would be viewed as a threat to America’s “vital interests” and would be repelled by “any means necessary, including military force.”

In 1990, this principle was invoked by President George H.W. Bush to justify intervention in the first Persian Gulf War, just as his son would use it, in part, to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Today, it remains the basis for U.S. plans to employ force to stop the Iranians from closing the Strait of Hormuz, the strategic waterway connecting the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean through which about 35% of the world’s seaborne oil commerce passes.

Recently, a set of resource conflicts have been rising toward the boiling point between China and its neighbors in Southeast Asia when it comes to control of offshore oil and gas reserves in the South China Sea. Although the resulting naval clashes have yet to result in a loss of life, a strong possibility of military escalation exists. A similar situation has also arisen in the East China Sea, where China and Japan are jousting for control over similarly valuable undersea reserves. Meanwhile, in the South Atlantic Ocean, Argentina and Britain are once again squabbling over the Falkland Islands (called Las Malvinas by the Argentinians) because oil has been discovered in surrounding waters.

By all accounts, resource-driven potential conflicts like these will only multiply in the years ahead as demand rises, supplies dwindle, and more of what remains will be found in disputed areas. In a 2012 study titled Resources Futures, the respected British think-tank Chatham House expressed particular concern about possible resource wars over water, especially in areas like the Nile and Jordan River basins where several groups or countries must share the same river for the majority of their water supplies and few possess the wherewithal to develop alternatives. “Against this backdrop of tight supplies and competition, issues related to water rights, prices, and pollution are becoming contentious,” the report noted. “In areas with limited capacity to govern shared resources, balance competing demands, and mobilize new investments, tensions over water may erupt into more open confrontations.”

Heading for a Resource-Shock World

Tensions like these would be destined to grow by themselves because in so many areas supplies of key resources will not be able to keep up with demand. As it happens, though, they are not “by themselves.” On this planet, a second major force has entered the equation in a significant way. With the growing reality of climate change, everything becomes a lot more terrifying.

Normally, when we consider the impact of climate change, we think primarily about the environment -- the melting Arctic ice cap or Greenland ice shield, rising global sea levels, intensifying storms, expanding deserts, and endangered or disappearing species like the polar bear. But a growing number of experts are coming to realize that the most potent effects of climate change will be experienced by humans directly through the impairment or wholesale destruction of habitats upon which we rely for food production, industrial activities, or simply to live. Essentially, climate change will wreak its havoc on us by constraining our access to the basics of life: vital resources that include food, water, land, and energy. This will be devastating to human life, even as it significantly increases the danger of resource conflicts of all sorts erupting.

We already know enough about the future effects of climate change to predict the following with reasonable confidence:

* Rising sea levels will in the next half-century erase many coastal areas, destroying large cities, critical infrastructure (including roads, railroads, ports, airports, pipelines, refineries, and power plants), and prime agricultural land.

* Diminished rainfall and prolonged droughts will turn once-verdant croplands into dust bowls, reducing food output and turning millions into “climate refugees.”

* More severe storms and intense heat waves will kill crops, trigger forest fires, cause floods, and destroy critical infrastructure.

No one can predict how much food, land, water, and energy will be lost as a result of this onslaught (and other climate-change effects that are harder to predict or even possibly imagine), but the cumulative effect will undoubtedly be staggering. In Resources Futures, Chatham House offers a particularly dire warning when it comes to the threat of diminished precipitation to rain-fed agriculture. “By 2020,” the report says, “yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 50%” in some areas. The highest rates of loss are expected to be in Africa, where reliance on rain-fed farming is greatest, but agriculture in China, India, Pakistan, and Central Asia is also likely to be severely affected.

Heat waves, droughts, and other effects of climate change will also reduce the flow of many vital rivers, diminishing water supplies for irrigation, hydro-electricity power facilities, and nuclear reactors (which need massive amounts of water for cooling purposes). The melting of glaciers, especially in the Andes in Latin America and the Himalayas in South Asia, will also rob communities and cities of crucial water supplies. An expected increase in the frequency of hurricanes and typhoons will pose a growing threat to offshore oil rigs, coastal refineries, transmission lines, and other components of the global energy system.

The melting of the Arctic ice cap will open that region to oil and gas exploration, but an increase in iceberg activity will make all efforts to exploit that region’s energy supplies perilous and exceedingly costly. Longer growing seasons in the north, especially Siberia and Canada’s northern provinces, might compensate to some degree for the desiccation of croplands in more southerly latitudes. However, moving the global agricultural system (and the world’s farmers) northward from abandoned farmlands in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, India, China, Argentina, and Australia would be a daunting prospect.

It is safe to assume that climate change, especially when combined with growing supply shortages, will result in a significant reduction in the planet’s vital resources, augmenting the kinds of pressures that have historically led to conflict, even under better circumstances. In this way, according to the Chatham House report, climate change is best understood as a “threat multiplier... a key factor exacerbating existing resource vulnerability” in states already prone to such disorders.

Like other experts on the subject, Chatham House’s analysts claim, for example, that climate change will reduce crop output in many areas, sending global food prices soaring and triggering unrest among those already pushed to the limit under existing conditions. “Increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events, such as droughts, heat waves, and floods, will also result in much larger and frequent local harvest shocks around the world… These shocks will affect global food prices whenever key centers of agricultural production area are hit -- further amplifying global food price volatility.” This, in turn, will increase the likelihood of civil unrest.

When, for instance, a brutal heat wave decimated Russia’s wheat crop during the summer of 2010, the global price of wheat (and so of that staple of life, bread) began an inexorable upward climb, reaching particularly high levels in North Africa and the Middle East. With local governments unwilling or unable to help desperate populations, anger over impossible-to-afford food merged with resentment toward autocratic regimes to trigger the massive popular outburst we know as the Arab Spring.

Many such explosions are likely in the future, Chatham House suggests, if current trends continue as climate change and resource scarcity meld into a single reality in our world. A single provocative question from that group should haunt us all: “Are we on the cusp of a new world order dominated by struggles over access to affordable resources?”

For the U.S. intelligence community, which appears to have been influenced by the report, the response was blunt. In March, for the first time, Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper listed “competition and scarcity involving natural resources” as a national security threat on a par with global terrorism, cyberwar, and nuclear proliferation.

“Many countries important to the United States are vulnerable to natural resource shocks that degrade economic development, frustrate attempts to democratize, raise the risk of regime-threatening instability, and aggravate regional tensions,” he wrote in his prepared statement for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. “Extreme weather events (floods, droughts, heat waves) will increasingly disrupt food and energy markets, exacerbating state weakness, forcing human migrations, and triggering riots, civil disobedience, and vandalism.”

There was a new phrase embedded in his comments: “resource shocks.” It catches something of the world we’re barreling toward, and the language is striking for an intelligence community that, like the government it serves, has largely played down or ignored the dangers of climate change. For the first time, senior government analysts may be coming to appreciate what energy experts, resource analysts, and scientists have long been warning about: the unbridled consumption of the world’s natural resources, combined with the advent of extreme climate change, could produce a global explosion of human chaos and conflict. We are now heading directly into a resource-shock world.

Michael Klare is a professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College, a TomDispatch regular and the author, most recently, of The Race for What’s Left, just published in paperback by Picador. A documentary movie based on his book Blood and Oil can be previewed and ordered at You can follow Klare on Facebook by clicking here.

  Read Entering A Resource-Shock World: How Resource Scarcity And Climate Change Could Produce A Global Explosion
 March 23, 2013
Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix
Universal Ambassador Peace Circle



Creo firmemente que habrá armonía y felicidad en el mundo cuando consigamos que en el corazón de cada uno de nosotros, la ansiada paz se instale como un valor supremo, como la sustancia de nuestra vida.

Es un camino que debemos construir día a día y en todos los actos que realizamos en relación a nosotros mismos, con los demás seres y con la Naturaleza. Necesitamos erradicar la violencia en todas sus formas, bien lo dice el Profesor Ernesto Kahan, benemérito defensor de la paz: “Tenemos que extirpar a la violencia humana o ella nos extirpará a todos”.

La humanidad se ha divorciado del mundo del espíritu embarcándose en el engranaje que le propone la sociedad de consumo, que la obliga a codiciar todos los bienes materiales que puede conseguir y también los que están fuera de sus posibilidades y que conducen muchas veces a cometer actos de violencia y hasta delictivos que producen el efecto contrario al buscado, con tanto afán. Este alejamiento de los valores espirituales ha producido una crisis sin precedentes en el mundo y es causa de serios conflictos en todos los órdenes de la vida.

La ambición desmedida, la envidia, la codicia de los bienes ajenos, la corrupción enquistada en los gobiernos, en las empresas, en las organizaciones sociales, en los organismos nacionales e internacionales, en fin en todos los campos de acción del hombre, político, económico, religioso, educativo, científico, ecológico, unidos a la falta de solidaridad y de amor al prójimo, son causantes del caos actual y del origen de conflictos en la sociedad y también entre los países.

Necesitamos un cambio profundo para revertir el actual estado y lograr una convivencia feliz y sin conflictos, en el hogar, en la escuela, en la calle, en las instituciones deportivas y recreativas, en las empresas, en el seno de los gobiernos y entre las naciones. Estas necesarias transformaciones se darán cuando desde nuestro interior comencemos a producir el cambio, tomando conciencia de que todos somos Uno y no partes separadas de la Unidad, por lo que nuestros actos de amor, solidaridad y paz llegarán a humanizar la cultura y redundarán en beneficio de todo el Universo.

Otro aspecto fundamental que debemos revalorizar es la concepción que tenemos del planeta en que vivimos y nuestra relación con la Naturaleza. Es necesario volver a la cosmovisión de los pueblos originarios que consideran a la tierra como un ser vivo que merece respeto y cuidados y no la depredación de la que ha sido objeto hasta el presente, con el deterioro de sus recursos y de la calidad de vida de sus habitantes.

También es un acto de suma violencia y un delito contra la existencia misma, que los gobiernos permitan y fomenten la tala indiscriminada de los bosques y la explotación de las minas a cielo abierto, con la consiguiente contaminación y envenenamiento del aire, del agua y el suelo; la persecución y hasta la cárcel y el exterminio de los hermanos aborígenes que viven y defienden las tierras ancestrales, solo para que los que ostentan el poder las entreguen a terratenientes y empresas trasnacionales que se enriquecen desmesuradamente, sin importarles nada el destino de los originarios que fueron heredando esas tierras, de generación en generación, desde tiempos inmemoriales. Ellos son custodios de esos valiosos recursos y saben cómo preservarlos para el bien del planeta y de la humanidad, sin embargo en nuestra América son parias de los usurpadores que con papeles fraguados y en connivencia con la Justicia los arrojan de sus tierras, de donde parten sin tener un destino cierto.

Hago un llamamiento a los educadores, científicos, artistas, escritores, pintores, músicos y a todos los seres con Luz en el corazón, para que usando con sabiduría y amor los dones que cada uno ha recibido, creen con sus obras una Cultura para la Paz humanizada, que denuncie la violencia en todas sus formas, la discriminación, el sectarismo, el abandono de los pobres y desheredados, el autoritarismo y la corrupción que llevan al enfrentamiento y a la división en las sociedades.

Construyamos la Paz viviendo en conexión con la Madre Tierra que nos sostiene y nos sustenta y en equilibrio con todos los seres de la Naturaleza y con el Cosmos. Algún día la humanidad dará ese maravilloso salto cualitativo. Aunque parezca una utopía, no pierdo las esperanzas de contemplar esa maravilla desde el ojo azorado de una estrella.


J'ai la conviction qu'il y aura harmonie et bonheur dans le monde quand nous obtiendrons que la paix attendue dans le cœur de chacun de nous soit installée comme une valeur suprême, comme la substance de nos vies.

C'est un voyage que nous devons construire, jour après jour et dans tous les actes que nous effectuons en relation avec nous-mêmes, avec d'autres humains et avec la nature. Nous avons besoin d'éradiquer la violence sous toutes ses formes, dit le professeur Ernesto Kahan, éminent défenseur de la paix: « nous devons retirer la violence humaine ou elle va nous enlever tous ».

L'humanité a divisé le monde des esprits se lancant sur les produits qu'offre la société de consommation, ce qui oblige à convoiter les choses pour obtenir tout le matériel ainsi que les possibilités de l'extérieur et conduisant souvent à commettre des actes de violence et même criminels qui produisent l'effet inverse de la recherche avec tellement d'envie. Ce mouvement de valeurs spirituelles a produit une crise sans précédent dans le monde et est une cause de graves conflits dans toutes les sphères de la vie.

Une ambition excessive, l'envie, l'avidité de prospérité, kystique de corruption dans les gouvernements, les entreprises, les organisations sociales, dans les instances nationales et internationales, bref dans tous les domaines d'action de l'homme politique, économique, religieux, éducatif, scientifique, écologique, ainsi que le manque de solidarité et d'amour du prochain, sont les causes du chaos actuel et l'origine des conflits dans la société et aussi entre les pays.

Nous avons besoin d'un profond changement d'inverser la situation actuelle et d'atteindre l'harmonie sans conflits, à la maison, à l'école, dans la rue, dans les sports et les loisirs, dans les entreprises, les institutions au sein des gouvernements et entre les Nations. Ces transformations nécessaires seront quand on commence de l'intérieur pour provoquer un changement, prise de conscience que nous sommes tous un et pas séparés les parties de l'unité, afin que nos actes d'amour, de solidarité et de paix viendront à humaniser la culture et profiteront à l'ensemble de l'univers.

Un autre aspect fondamental que nous devons réévaluer est la conception que nous avons de la planète dans laquelle nous vivons et notre relation avec la nature. Il est nécessaire de revenir à la vision du monde des autochtones qui considèrent la terre comme un être vivant qui mérite le respect et les soins et pas la prédation qui a été soumise à l'heure actuelle, avec la détérioration des ressources et la qualité de vie de ses habitants.

C'est aussi un acte de violence extrême et un crime contre l'existence même, que les gouvernements permettent et encouragent l'abattage indiscriminé des forêts et l'exploitation minière à ciel ouvert, avec la pollution qui en résulte et l'empoisonnement de l'air, l'eau et la terre ; persécution et même la prison et l'extermination des frères indigènes qui vivent et défendent leurs terres ancestrales que de ceux qui détiennent le pouvoir leur donnent aux propriétaires fonciers et les sociétés multinationales qui s'enrichiront excessivement, sans se soucier de leur sort original qu'ils avaient hériter de la terre de génération en génération depuis des temps immémoriaux. Ils sont les gardiens de ces précieuses ressources et savoir comment les préserver pour le bien de la planète et l'humanité, dans notre Amérique, sont toutefois exclus les usurpateurs qui ont fabriqué des papiers de connivence avec la justice jetèrent de leurs terres, d'où ils partent sans avoir une certaine destination.

Je lance un appel aux enseignants, chercheurs, artistes, écrivains, peintres, musiciens et tous les êtres de lumière dans le coeur, pour l'utilisation avec sagesse et amour des dons que chacun d'eux ont reçus, croire, avec leurs œuvres, une culture de la paix humanisée, dénonçant la violence dans toutes ses formes, de discrimination, sectarisme, négligeance des pauvres et les démunisautoritarisme et la corruption qui mènent à la confrontation et de division dans la société.

Bâtissons la paix vivons en relation avec la terre mère qui nous soutient et donne l' équilibre avec tous les êtres de la nature et le Cosmos. Un jour l'humanité donnera ce merveilleux saut qualitatif. Bien que cela semble une utopie, ne perdez pas espoir de voir cette merveille de l' œil étonné d'une étoile.


I am convinced that there will be harmony and happiness in the world when we get peace in the heart of each of us to be installed as a supreme value, as the substance of our lives.

It is a journey that we must build, day after day and in all acts that we carry out in connection with ourselves, with other humans and with nature. We need to eradicate violence in all its forms, said Professor Ernesto Kahan, eminent advocate for peace: 'we must remove human violence or it will remove us all '.

Humanity has divided the world of the spirits is throwing on the products offered by the consumer society, which obliges to covet things to get everything as well as the possibilities from the outside and often leading to commit acts of violence and even criminals who produce the effect reverse searching with so much desire. This movement of spiritual values has produced an unprecedented crisis in the world and is a cause of serious conflict in all spheres of life.

Excessive ambition, envy, greed of prosperity, cystic corruption in Governments, businesses, social organizations, in national and international bodies, in short in all areas of political, economic, educational, scientific, religious and ecological human action, as well as the lack of solidarity and love of neighbor, are the causes of the present chaos and the origin of conflicts in society and also between countries.

We need a profound change to reverse the current situation and achieve harmony without conflicts, at home, at school, in the street, in sports and recreation, in companies, institutions within Governments and between Nations. These necessary transformations will be when it starts from the inside to cause a change, awareness that we are all a step separated parts of the unit, so that our acts of love, solidarity and peace will come to humanize the culture and benefit the whole of the universe.

Another fundamental aspect that we reassess is the design that we have on the planet in which we live and our relationship with nature. It is necessary to return to the vision of the world of Aboriginal people who regard the Earth as a living being that deserves respect and care and not the predation that was submitted at the present time, with the deterioration of resources and the quality of life of its people.

It is also an act of extreme violence and a crime against the same existence, Governments allow and encourage the indiscriminate felling of forests and mining open pit, with the resulting pollution and poisoning of the air, water and Earth; persecution and even the prison and the extermination of the indigenous brothers who live and defend their ancestral lands that those who hold power give them landowners and multinational corporations which will enrich themselves excessively, regardless of their original fate they had inherit the Earth from generation to generation since time immemorial. They are the guardians of these valuable resources and know how to preserve them for the good of the planet and humanity, in our America, however, are excluded the usurpers who fabricated papers of connivance with the justice threw their land, where they depart without having a certain destination.

I launch an appeal to teachers, researchers, artists, writers, painters, musicians and all the beings of light in the heart, for use with wisdom and love of the gifts that each one received, believe, with their works, a culture of peace Humanized, denouncing violence in all its forms, of discrimination, sectarianism, neglect of the poor and the demunisautoritarisme and the corruption that lead to confrontation and division in society.

Build peace live in relationship with mother earth that sustains us and gives the balance with all the beings of nature and the Cosmos. One day humanity will give this wonderful qualitative leap. Although it seems like a utopia, do not lose hope to see this wonder of the eye surprised a star.


Estou convencido de que vai haver harmonia e felicidade no mundo quando temos paz no coração de cada um de nós para ser instalado como um valor supremo, como a substância da nossa vida.

É uma viagem que temos de construir, dia após dia e em todos os atos que realizamos em relação a mesmos, com outros seres humanos e com a natureza. Temos de erradicar a violência em todas as suas formas, disse o Professor Ernesto Kahan, eminente defensor da paz: 'temos de eliminar a violência humana ou removerá todos nós'.

A humanidade tem dividido o mundo dos espíritos está lançando os produtos oferecidos pela sociedade de consumo, que obriga a cobiçam coisas para obter tudo bem como as possibilidades de fora e, muitas vezes levando a cometer atos de violência e até mesmo criminosos que produzem o efeito reverso pesquisando com muito desejo. Este movimento dos valores espirituais produziu uma crise sem precedentes no mundo e é uma causa de grave conflito em todas as esferas da vida.

Excessiva ambição, a inveja, a ganância de prosperidade, cística corrupção em governos, empresas, organizações sociais, em entidades nacionais e internacionais, em suma em todos os domínios da ação humana político, econômico, educacional, científico, religioso e ecológico, bem como a falta de solidariedade e amor ao próximo, são as causas do caos presente e a origem dos conflitos na sociedade e também entre países.

Precisamos de uma profunda mudança para inverter a actual situação e conseguir a harmonia sem conflitos, em casa, na escola, na rua, nos esportes e recreação, em empresas, estabelecimentos de governos e entre as Nações. Essas transformações necessárias quando começa de dentro para causar uma mudança, consciência de que somos todos uma etapa separada partes da unidade, para que nossos atos de amor, a solidariedade e a paz virá para humanizar a cultura e beneficiar todo o universo.

Outro aspecto fundamental que devemos reavaliar é a concepção que temos do planeta em que vivemos e nossa relação com a natureza. É necessário retornar à visão de mundo do povo aborígine que consideram a terra como um ser vivo que merece respeito e cuidado e não a predação que apresentou-se no momento presente, com a deterioração dos recursos e a qualidade de vida dos seus habitantes.

É também um ato de violência extrema e um crime contra a mesma existência, governos permitam e incentivam o abate indiscriminado de florestas e a céu aberto de mineração, com a resultante poluição e envenenamento do ar, água e terra; perseguição e até mesmo a prisão e o extermínio dos irmãos indígenas que vivem e defender suas terras ancestrais que aqueles que detêm o poder dar-lhes a latifundiários e empresas multinacionais que irão enriquecer-se excessivamente, independentemente do seu destino original, que eles tinham herdam a terra de geração em geração desde tempos imemoriais. Eles são os guardiões desses recursos valiosos e sei como preservá-los para o bem do planeta e a humanidade, em nossa América, no entanto, é excluído os usurpadores que fabricou papéis de conivência com a justiça jogaram suas terras, onde eles partem sem ter um destino certo.

Eu lançar um apelo aos professores, pesquisadores, artistas, escritores, pintores, músicos e todos os seres de luz no coração, para usar com sabedoria e amor dos presentes que cada um recebeu, acredito que, com suas obras, uma cultura de paz humanizados, denunciando a violência em todas as formas de discriminação, o sectarismo, negligência dos pobres e o demunisautoritarisme e a corrupção que levam ao confronto e divisão na sociedade.

Construa paz viver em relação com a mãe terra que nos sustenta e dá o equilíbrio com todos os seres da natureza e do Cosmos. Um dia a humanidade vai dar este salto qualitativo maravilhoso. Embora parece uma utopia, não perdem a esperança de ver esta maravilha do olho surpreso uma estrela.
 March 26, 2013
Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix
Universal Ambassador Peace Circle


Quase sempre, o medo e a ansiedade
bloqueiam soluções.
A ansiedade dá poder ao problema,
não à solução...
Causa um alvoroço terrível e não ajuda...
Não ajuda!

A ansiedade é, quase sempre ,
nossa primeira reação a um conflito,
a um problema, ou mesmo a
nossos temores...
O melhor recurso à resolução
de problemas é serenidade,
é a Paz.
E quando estamos em estado de Paz,
as soluções emergem fáceis
e, naturalmente...

Podemos cercar-nos dos recursos
do Universo. ..
a água, a terra, o por-do-sol ,
a caminhada, a oração, o amigo. ..
Assim, então, podemos relaxar e
nos permitir sentir Paz.

E apesar do caos e dos problemas
não resolvidos à nossa volta,
as soluções e o bem, despontarão naturais
e harmoniosamente,
da inesgotável fonte da Paz ,
porque ela existe.


Presque toujours, la peur et l'anxiété
solutions de blocage.
L'anxiété donne pouvoir au problème,
pas la solution...
Provoque un vacarme terrible et n'a pas aidé...
N'aide pas !

L'anxiété est presque toujours
,notre première réaction à un conflit,
à un problème, ou même nos peurs...
La meilleure ressource pour résoudre
le problème est la sérénité,
C'est la paix.
Et quand nous sommes dans un état de paix,
facile de trouver des solutions
et, bien sûr...
Nous pouvons nous entourer des ressources
de l'univers. ..
l'eau, la terre, le soleil couchant,
la marche, la prière, l'ami.
Alors, alors, nous pouvons nous relaxer et
nous permettent de sentir la paix.
Et malgré le chaos et les problèmes
en suspens autour de nous,
les solutions arriveront naturellement
et harmonieusement,
la source inépuisable de la paix ,
parce qu'elle existe.


Almost always, the fear and anxiety
blocking solutions.
Anxiety gives power to the problem
not the solution...
Causes a terrible DIN and did not help...
Does not help!
The anxiety is almost always
our first response to a conflict,
to a problem, or even our fears...
The best resource to resolve
the problem is the serenity
It is peace.
And when we are in a State of peace,
easy solutions
and of course...
We can surround us resources
of the universe...
the water, the Earth, the Sun,
walking, prayer, the friend.
So, then, we can relax us and
allow us to feel the peace.
And despite the chaos and problems
outstanding around us,.
the solutions will come naturally
and harmoniously.
the inexhaustible source of peace

Casi siempre, el miedo y la ansiedad
soluciones de bloqueo.
Ansiedad da poder al problema
no es la solución...
Provoca un terrible estruendo y no ayuda...
No ayuda!
La ansiedad es casi siempre
nuestra primera respuesta a un conflicto,
a un problema, o incluso nuestros miedos...
El mejor recurso para resolver
el problema es la serenidad
Es la paz.
Y cuando estamos en un estado de paz,
soluciones fáciles
y por supuesto...
Podemos nosotros rodeamos recursos
del universo.
..el agua, la tierra, el sol,
caminar, oración, el amigo.
Así, entonces, nos podemos relajar nos y
nos permite sentir la paz.

Y a pesar del caos y problemas
pendientes alrededor de nosotros.
las soluciones vendrán naturalmente
y armoniosamente.
la fuente inagotable de la paz
 April 10, 2013
Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix
Universal Ambassador Peace Circle
A toi jeunesse du monde! To you the world! Para que el mundo! Para você o mundo!

A toi jeunesse du monde (Appel)

Nos pères sont allés à la conquête du monde
à coups de sabre, de fusils, de canons, de bombes,
élevés dans la convoitise, la peur, la haine de l'autre

ils ont dressé aveuglement des murs dans leurs cœurs.
Toi jeune, libère toi de cette peur et de cette haine.
Dis : nous sommes une grande famille humaine, tous frères.
Dis : nous voulons nous connaître, nous aimez,
partager nos douleurs et nos joies
dans la fraternité, la solidarité,
la non-violence et la paix.
Dis : la planète est notre maison, nul sera l'étranger.
Dis : nous bâtirons un monde nouveau fait d'amour et de partage,
un monde humain où il fait bon de vivre sans peur et sans haine.

Comment diriez-vous : "Aimez vous, le temps presse"
en italien ? en espagnol ? en russe ? en chinois ? en arabe ? en hébreu ?
en japonais ? en grec ? etc. .....
Merci de m'aider à diffuser ce texte dans toutes les langues,
je compte sur chacun de vous.
Soleil au cœur

Devenez membre de la communauté du Drapeau Universel sur facebook,
flambeau de la grande famille humaine,
symbole de fraternité, de solidarité, de non-violence et de paix.
Sur facebook, chercher "Le drapeau universel communauté" et cliquez sur "J'aime".

To you the world (call)

Our fathers went to the conquest of the world
blows of sword, rifles, guns, bombs,.
in lust, fear, hatred of the other

They drew up blindness of the walls in their hearts.
You young, frees you of this fear and hatred.
Say: we are a human family,
all brothers.
Say: we want to know us, like us.
share our joys and our sorrows in the fraternity, solidarity,
non-violence and peace.
Say: the planet is our home, No one will be abroad.
Say: we will build a new world because of love and sharing,
a human world where it is good to live without fear and hatred.

How would you say: "Do you like, the clock is ticking"
in Italian? in Spanish? in Russian? in Chinese? in Arabic? in Hebrew?
in Japanese? in Greek? etc...
Please help me to publish this text in all languages
I am counting on each of you.
Sun in the heart

Become a member of the community of the universal flag on facebook.
torch of the human family,
symbol of brotherhood, solidarity, non-violence and peace.
On facebook, search for "flag universal community" and click on "Like".

Para que el mundo (la llamada)

Nuestros padres fueron a la conquista del mundo
golpes de espada, rifles, pistolas, bombas.
en la lujuria, el miedo, el odio de los demás

Elaboraron la ceguera de los muros en sus corazones.
Joven, le libera de este miedo y el odio.
Decir: Somos una familia humana, todos los hermanos.
Dicen: queremos saber nosotros, como nosotros.
compartir nuestras alegrías y nuestras tristezas
en la fraternidad, solidaridad, la paz y no violencia.
Decir: el planeta es nuestro hogar,
Nadie será en el extranjero.
Decir: vamos a construir un mundo nuevo
por amor y compartir, un mundo humano donde es bueno vivir
sin miedo y el odio.

¿Cómo diría: "te gusta, el reloj está corriendo"
¿en italiano? ¿en español? ¿en ruso? ¿en chino? ¿en árabe? ¿en hebreo?
¿en japonés? ¿en griego? etc....
Por favor ayúdeme a publicar este texto en todos los idiomas
Cuento con cada uno de ustedes.
Sol en el corazón

Convertirse en miembro de la comunidad del indicador universal en facebook.
antorcha de la familia humana,
símbolo de la Hermandad, la solidaridad, la no-violencia y la paz.
En facebook, busca "comunidad universal de la bandera" y haga clic en "Like".

Para você o mundo (chamada)

Nossos pais foram para a conquista do mundo
golpes de espada, pistolas, fuzis, bombas.
em luxúria, medo, ódio dos outros

Eles elaboraram cegueira das paredes em seus corações.
Jovem, você liberta deste medo e ódio.
Dizer: nós somos uma família humana, todos os irmãos.
Dizer: queremos conhecer-nos, como nós.
compartilhar nossas alegrias e nossas tristezas
na fraternidade, solidariedade, não-violência e paz.
Dizer: o planeta é nossa casa,
Ninguém vai ser no exterior.
Dizer: vamos construir um mundo novo
por causa de amor e de partilha,
um mundo humano, onde é bom viver
sem medo e ódio.

Como você diria: "você gosta, o relógio está correndo"
em Italiano? em espanhol? em Russo? em Chinês? em árabe? em Hebraico?
em Japonês? em grego? etc...
Por favor me ajude a publicar este texto em todas as línguas
Estou contando com cada um de vocês.
Sol no coração

Tornar-se um membro da Comunidade da bandeira universal no facebook.
tocha da família humana,
símbolo de fraternidade, solidariedade, não violência e paz.
No facebook, procurar por "Comunidade universal de bandeira" e clique em "Like".
 April 22, 2013
Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix
Universal Ambassador Peace Circle
Pardonnez-nous Terre. Perdonan Tierra. Forgive us, Mother Earth. Perdonan Tierra.
by Tatiana Vorontsova, RUSSIE

Pardonnez-nous Terre, Pardonnez-nous, chère Terre,
Pardonnez les enfants fous,
Que la vie vous a donnés,
Vous versez des larmes dans les herbes vertes.
L'eau est boueuse, le fleuve est sec en haut
Ces oceans et golfes,
Sont empoisonnés deja pour toujours.
Par ce sang vous expirez,
Vous brulez en feu et en cendres vous vous délabrez.
De la cruauté vous souffrez,
D'un brouillard qui vous enfume sans espoir
devenant aveugle.
Desolées, pour le bon et les forces,
Que vous nous donnez - voyez seulement le mauvais:
Battement de tellement de cruauté ,
Et vos fleurs vous respirez toujours.
Ah, Terre, vous pardonnez, vous pardonnez les fils.
Vous les alimentez et donnez de la boisson:
Vous nous caressez et vous nous protegez,
Et de l'indifference vous ne vous rappelez pas.
Quand de la somnolence nous regagnerons la conscience,
Quand nous protégerons la terre
Alors nous comprendrons notre chère terre
et nous aimerons la terre qui sera heureuse.

Perdonan Tierra, perdonan, costosa Tierra,
Perdone los niños locos,
Que la vida los dieron,
Paga lágrimas en las hierbas vertes.
agua es fangoso, el río es seco en cumbre
Estos océanos y golfos,
Ya se envenenan para siempre.
Por esta sangre expira,
Quema en fuego y en cenizas se dilapida.
De la crueldad sufre,
una niebla que le ahúma sin esperanza
que se ha convertido en ciega.
Afligidas, para la orden y las fuerzas,
Que nos da - vea solamente lo malo:
Pulsación de tanto crueldad,
Y sus flores respira siempre.
Ah, Tierra, perdona, ustedes perdona los fils.
Los abastece y da bebida:
Nos acaricia y nos protege,
Y de indiferencia ustedes no recuerda pas.
Cuando de la somnolencia recuperaremos la conciencia,
Cuando protegerán la tierra
Entonces comprenderán nuestra costosa tierra
y nos gustará la tierra que será alegria.

Forgive us, Mother Earth
Forgive us, dear Mother Earth,
Forgive children mad,
Whom life has given,
You pour tears in herbs emerald.

That your scars fields,
Water is muddy, the river dried up...
That oceans and gulfs,
Are poisoned already forever.

For that blood you expire,
You burn on fire and in ashes you decay.
From callousness you suffer,
From a smog without hope you grow blind.

Sorry, that for the good and forces,
That you give us - you see only the evil...
Cruelty beat you so much,
And you blossom and still breathe.

Oh, Mother Earth, you are forgiven,you forgive the sons.
You feed them and give to drink...
You caress us and you protect,
And indifference you do not remember.

When from drowsiness we will regain consciousness,
Let's refuse the evil, a profit, -
Then we will understand that we ????????,
When Earth becomes happy...

When there will be no wars and conflicts,
When the planet will be pure...
None in the world more beautiful than our earth
And there is no dearer its light.

When hearts of her sons
Will be filled with good and mercy...
When we will diligent protect Mother Earth,
To feel sorry for it and to love.

Perdoam Terra, perdoam, cara Terra,
Perdoem as crianças loucas,
Que a vida deu-os,
Verte lágrimas nas ervas vertes.
água é enlameada, o rio está seco em parte superior
Estes oceanos e golfos,
Empoisonnés já para sempre.
Por este sangue expira,
Queima em fogo e em cinzas degrada-se.
Da crueldade sofre,
um nevoeiro que os enfume sem ao passar a ser esperança invisual.
Desolados, para o cupão e as forças,
Que dá-nos - vê apenas o mau:
Batimento de tanto crueldade,
E as vossas flores respira sempre.
Ah, Terra, perdoa, vocês perdoa os fils.
Alimenta-o e dá bebida:
Acaricia-nos e protege-nos, E de indiferença vocês não recorda pas.
Quando da sonolência reganharmos a consciência,
Quando protegerem a terra
Então compreenderão a nossa cara terra
e gostaremos da terra que será alegria.
 April 22, 2013
Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix
Universal Ambassador Peace Circle
La paz es posible. La paix est possible. A paz é possível. Peace is possible.

La paz es posible a nivel mundial si se comienza por educar a los niños de todas las culturas en este sentido. Los que ya somos adultos estamos inmersos en demasía en un entorno violento, al que lamentablemente ya nos hemos habituado. Pero la educación sigue siendo un remedio infalible para propender al logro de un hábitat más pacífico en el que nuestros hijos y nietos puedan crecer, mediante la creación de seres más libres y más críticos y pensantes. La verdadera inteligencia y la verdadera sabiduría nunca pueden producir violencia, ya que ésta no es otra cosa que el producto de la ignorancia, no sólo intelectual sino también emocional y moral.

Existen problemas acuciantes, como la pobreza extrema, a la que se asocia con la violencia, ya que los sectores más humildes al estar marginados y provistos de escasa instrucción, son más propensos a la diseminación de la delincuencia en sus hogares, y consiguientemente de la violencia social a posteriori. Sin embargo existen otros tipos de delitos como el homicidio y la violencia contra la mujer y el abuso infantil, que parecen no estar ligados exclusivamente a estos sectores poblacionales más carenciados en su caudal educativo. La incubación del terrorismo y la guerra, como acciones violentas, en general no se producen como consecuencia de aquella sino que vemos su origen principalmente en reclamos de tipo económico, territorial, racial y en algunos países, hasta religioso. ¿Entonces cuál es la causa principal de la violencia?

La destrucción de vidas humanas tiene muchos y complejos orígenes en todos los niveles de la sociedad, y su común denominador es la carencia de una educación en la que prime la defensa de la vida como valor esencial. Esto no está relacionado exclusivamente con la pobreza, sino también con fenómenos como la droga, que supera los niveles de pobreza y alcanza a la clase media. La drogadicción libera los impulsos y hace posible el crecimiento de la violencia intra y extra familiar a todos los niveles sociales.

Hay países en los que prima una cultura sumamente diferente a la nuestra, que utilizan la pena de muerte de una manera cruenta y para nosotros injusta. Sin embargo en Occidente hay países que también utilizan la pena de muerte como moneda corriente y en los que no parece haber ningún freno religioso ni moral para evitar que esto ocurra. Parece más bien que “el fin justifica los medios” (Maquiavelo) y que “muerto el perro se acabó la rabia” solucionando el peligro implícito en un delito eliminando al delincuente.

¿Es la vida un valor primordial en algunas culturas y no en otras?

¿No es acaso un bien que tendría que ser universal, más allá de las diferencias raciales, religiosas o culturales?

¿No podría ser acaso un camino hacia la paz intercultural a nivel mundial, abrazar la defensa de la vida como primer paso de encuentro?

El intercambio de valores educativos y culturales en una y otra dirección, es probablemente el camino más directo que tenemos a la mano para construir un nuevo horizonte más pacífico y consiguientemente menos violento a nivel global.

Esto permitiría que sepamos más sobre otras culturas que vemos como menos respetuosas de la vida humana y a la vez podríamos instilar nuestros propios valores en esos lejanos países que se beneficiarían enormemente al incorporar, además de sus propios valores, los nuestros, al menos como una opción a ser estudiada y en el mejor de los casos probada o seguida.

La educación no es un entrenamiento sino una construcción sólida de un concepto de humanidad que más allá de las creencias religiosas y de los bagajes culturales y costumbres aprendidas, remite a una idea del hombre como ser digno y a la vida como valor a ser defendido y protegido, en armonización con el medio natural que nos rodea.La cultura de esta época, a nivel mundial, y en los sectores económicamente más favorecidos, supervalora el éxito.

Estamos satisfechos grandemente cuando vemos a nuestros niños crecer para arriba y alcanzar su propia independencia financiera. Esto no es malo, pero contamos solamente triunfos materiales y nos olvidamos a veces de otros progresos, como el pensamiento que busca la verdad en asociación con un corazón sensible. En el otro lado de la realidad, la educación rescata a los niños que viven en la pobreza, porque es capaz de salvarlos de un futuro doloroso de delincuencia, prostitución, enfermedad, vagancia y abuso de drogas. La educación en este sentido puede ser un instrumento inventivo para alcanzar una moralidad actualizada, en el recorrido muy largo pero apasionado hacia la paz.

Pero ¿son solamente los menores los que podrían beneficiarse de una educación orientada a la no violencia y a la paz en el sentido positivo, como convivencia armónica?

Debemos incluir la educación permanente o la educación del adulto, en la educación de la paz. María Montessori dijo “la vida de las poblaciones depende de la paz y quizás también el progreso o la extinción de la civilización entera” y promovió fuertemente el objetivo de la paz en las ciencias educativas.

La paix est possible à l'échelle mondiale si elle commence par l'éducation des enfants de toutes les cultures à cet égard. Ceux qui sont maintenant adultes sont immergés dans un environnement violent, ce qui malheureusement aujourd'hui nous avons pris l'habitude. Mais l'éducation reste un remède infaillible pour la réalisation d'un habitat plus paisible dans lequel nos enfants et petits-enfants peuvent se développer, par le biais de la création plus libre et plus critiques et les êtres pensants. La véritable intelligence et la vraie sagesse ne pourront jamais engendrer la violence, puisque c'est autre chose que le produit de l'ignorance, non seulement intellectuel, mais aussi émotionnel et moral.

Il y a des problèmes urgents tels que la pauvreté extrême, qui est associé à la violence, étant donné que les secteurs les plus pauvres étant marginalisés et fournis avec peu d'instruction, sont plus sujettes à la propagation de la criminalité dans leurs maisons et la violence sociale en conséquence par la suite. Cependant, il existe d'autres types de crimes comme le meurtre et la violence contre les femmes et de maltraitance des enfants, qui ne semblent pas exclusivement liés à la population de ces secteurs les plus défavorisés dans leur flux de données éducatives. L'incubation du terrorisme et de la guerre, comme les actes de violence, en général ne se produisent pas en raison de son origine principalement dans les revendications de type territorial, économique, raciale et dans certains pays, aux religieux. Alors, quelle est la principale cause de la violence ?

La destruction de la vie humaine a de nombreuses et complexes origines à tous les niveaux de la société et leur dénominateur commun est l'absence d'une éducation qui amorce la défense de la vie comme la valeur essentielle. Ce n'est pas lié exclusivement à la pauvreté, mais aussi à des phénomènes tels que les médicaments, qui dépassent les niveaux de pauvreté pour atteindre la bourgeoisie. La pharmaceutique rendue libre et rend possible la croissance des violences intra et extra famillial à tous les niveaux sociaux.

Il y a dans quelques matières premières une culture très différente de la nôtre, qui utilisent les pays injustement de manière sanglante et pour la peine de mort. Cependant dans l'ouest il y a des pays qui utilisent aussi la peine de mort comme monnaie courante et qui ne semble pas être n'importe quel frein religieux ou moral d'empêcher ceci de se produire. Il semble plutôt que « la fin justifie les moyens » (Machiavel) et « la rage des chiens morts est finie » résoudre le danger implicite dans un crime en éliminant le délinquant.

La vie n'est une valeur primaire dans certaines cultures et d'autres non ?

N'est pas une marchandise qui doit être universelle, au-delà des différences raciales, religieuses ou culturelles ?

Pourrait être un chemin vers la paix interculturelle dans le monde entier, embrasser la défense de la vie comme la première étape à la réunion ?

Échanger des valeurs éducatives et culturelles dans une direction différente, sont probablement le chemin que nous avons à porté de main pour construire un nouvel horizon mondial plus pacifique et par conséquent moins violent.

Cela nous permettrait d'en savoir plus sur d'autres cultures que nous voyons comment moins respectueuses de la vie humaine et en même temps nous pourrions inculquer nos propres valeurs dans les pays lointains qui bénéficieraient énormément en intégrant, en outre à leurs propres valeurs, nos propres valeurs au moins comme une option à étudier et mieux prouvé ou suivi.

L'éducation n'est pas une formation mais une construction solide d'un concept d'humanité qui, au-delà des croyances religieuses et horizons culturels et des coutumes apprises, renvoie à une idée de l'homme comme un être digne et la vie en tant que valeur d'être défendue et protégée, en harmonisation avec l'environnement naturel qui nous entoure.

La culture de cette période, dans le monde entier et dans les secteurs économiquement plus aisés, supervisera le succès.

Nous sommes très heureux lorsque nous voyons nos enfants grandir et atteindre leur indépendance financière. Ce n'est pas mauvais, mais nous n'avons que des matériaux et nous oublions parfois d'autres développements comme l'idée de la vérité en liaison avec un cœur sensible. De l'autre côté de la réalité, formation sauvetage des enfants pauvres, parce qu'elle est capable de les sauver d'un futur douloureux de la criminalité, la prostitution, maladie, vagabondage et drogue. L'éducation dans ce sens peut être un instrument inventif pour atteindre une morale actuelle, dans le passionné mais très long voyage vers la paix.

Mais ils sont seulement une minorité qui pourrait bénéficier d'une éducation axée sur la non-violence et de paix dans le sens positif, comme une coexistence harmonieuse ?

Nous devons inclure l'apprentissage ou l'éducation des adultes, dans l'éducation à la paix.

A paz é possível no mundo se ele começa com a educação de crianças de todas as culturas, a este respeito. Aqueles que agora são adultos estão imersos em um ambiente violento, que infelizmente hoje nos acostumamos. Mas a educação continua a ser uma cura infalível para a realização de um habitat mais pacífico em que nossos filhos e netos podem desenvolver, por meio de criação mais livre e mais críticos e humanos pensando. A inteligência real e verdadeira sabedoria nunca podem produzir violência, uma vez que é algo que não seja o produto de ignorância, não só intelectualmente, mas também emocional e moral.

Existem problemas urgentes, como a pobreza extrema, que é associado a violência, dado que os setores mais pobres, sendo fornecidos com pouca educação e marginalizados são mais propensos à propagação do crime em suas casas e a violência social como resultado. No entanto, existem outros tipos de crimes, como assassinato e violência contra as mulheres e criança abuso, que não parecem exclusivamente relacionados à população destes sectores mais desfavorecidos em seu fluxo educacional. Incubação do terrorismo e da guerra, como atos de violência, em geral não ocorrem por causa de sua origem principalmente na reivindicação de tipo territorial, econômica, racial e em alguns países, religiosas. Então, qual é a principal causa da violência?

A destruição da vida humana tem muitas e complexas origens para todos os níveis da sociedade e seu denominador comum é a falta de uma educação que começa a defesa da vida como valor essencial. Isso não está relacionado exclusivamente à pobreza, mas também para fenômenos tais como drogas, que excede os níveis de pobreza para a classe média. A enciclopédia possível farmacêutica e torna o crescimento da violência intra e extra familiar a todos os níveis sociais.

Existe uma cultura muito diferente da nossa, que usam o país injustamente sangrenta way e a pena de morte em algumas matérias-primas. No entanto, no Ocidente, há países que também utilizam a pena de morte como lugar-comum e que não parece haver qualquer freio religioso ou moral para impedir que isto aconteça. Parece que ao invés de "o fim justifica os meios" (Maquiavel) e "a fúria dos cães mortos está acabada" resolver o perigo implícito em um crime, eliminando o ofensor.

A vida é um valor primário em algumas culturas e outros não?

Não é uma mercadoria que deve ser universal, para além de diferenças raciais, religiosas ou culturais?

Poderia ser um caminho para a paz intercultural no mundo, abraçar a defesa da vida como a primeira etapa da reunião?

Trocar valores culturais e educacionais em uma direção diferente, são provavelmente a maneira nós na porta com a mão para construir um novo horizonte global mais pacífico e, portanto, menos violento.

Isto permitiria-nos saber mais sobre outras culturas que vemos menos respeitosa da vida humana e ao mesmo tempo como nós poderia ensinar nossos próprios valores nos países distantes que beneficiariam grandemente integrando, para além de seus próprios valores, nossos próprios valores, pelo menos como uma opção para estudar e melhor comprovada ou seguido.

Educação não é um treinamento, mas uma construção sólida de um conceito de humanidade que, além das crenças religiosas e origens culturais e costumes aprendeu, refere-se a uma idéia do homem como um ser digno e vida como um valor a ser defendido e protegido, em harmonização com o ambiente natural que nos rodeia.

A cultura deste período, em todo o mundo e em setores economicamente mais abastados, irá supervisionar o sucesso.

Estamos muito satisfeitos quando vemos nossos filhos crescer e alcançar a independência financeira. Isso não é ruim, mas nós temos materiais e às vezes esquecemos de outros desenvolvimentos, como a idéia da verdade em associação com um coração sensível. Do outro lado da realidade, treinamento de resgate de crianças pobres, porque é capaz de salvar um futuro doloroso da criminalidade, prostituição, doença, vadiagem e drogas. Educação nesse sentido pode ser um instrumento inventivo para atingir uma moral atual, apaixonado, mas muito longa viagem em direcção à paz.

Mas eles são apenas uma minoria que poderia beneficiar de uma educação centrada na não-violência e da paz no sentido positivo, como uma convivência harmoniosa?

Incluímos a aprendizagem ou a educação de adultos, na educação para a paz.

Peace is possible in the world if it begins with the education of children from all cultures in this regard. Those who are now adults are immersed in a violent environment, which unfortunately today we have become accustomed. But education remains a surefire cure for the realization of a habitat more peaceful in which our children and grandchildren may develop, through creating freer and more critical and humans thinking. The real intelligence and true wisdom can never produce violence, since it is something other than the product of ignorance, not only intellectually, but also emotional and moral.

There are urgent problems such as extreme poverty, which is associated with violence, given that the poorest sectors being provided with little education, and marginalized are more prone to the spread of crime in their homes and social violence as a result. However, there are other types of crimes such as murder and violence against women and child abuse, which seem not exclusively related to the population of these most disadvantaged sectors in their educational stream. Incubation of terrorism and war, as acts of violence, in general do not occur because of its origin mainly in the claims of territorial, economic, racial type and in some countries, religious. So, what is the main cause of violence?

The destruction of human life has many and complex origins to all levels of society and their common denominator is the lack of an education that begins the defense of life as the essential value. This is not related solely to poverty, but also to phenomena such as drugs, which exceeds the levels of poverty to the middle class. The free made pharmaceutical and makes possible the growth of violence intra and extra family at all social levels.

There is a culture very different from ours, which use the country unfairly bloody way and for the death penalty in some raw materials. However, in the West there are countries that also use the death penalty as commonplace and that doesn't seem to be any religious brake or moral to prevent this from happening. It seems rather than "the end justifies the means" (Machiavelli) and "the rage of the dead dogs is finished" solve the implicit danger in a crime by eliminating the offender.

Life is a primary value in some cultures and others not?

Is not a commodity that must be universal beyond racial, religious or cultural differences?

Could be a path to intercultural peace in the world, embrace the defense of life as the first step at the meeting?

Exchange educational and cultural values in a different direction, are probably the way we at door by hand to build a new more peaceful global horizon and therefore less violent.

This would allow us to learn more about other cultures that we see less respectful of human life and at the same time how we could teach our own values in the distant countries who would benefit greatly by integrating, in addition to their own values, our own values at least as an option to study and better proven or followed.

Education is not a training but a solid construction of a concept of humanity which, beyond the religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds and learned customs, refers to an idea of man as a being worthy and life as a value to be defended and protected, in harmonization with the natural environment that surrounds us.

The culture of this period, worldwide and in economically more affluent sectors, will oversee the success.

We are very pleased when we see our children grow and achieve financial independence. This is not bad, but we have materials and we sometimes forget other developments like the idea of truth in association with a sensitive heart. On the other side of reality, training rescue of poor children, because it is able to save a painful future of crime, prostitution, illness, vagrancy and drug. Education in this sense can be an inventive instrument to achieve a current moral, in the passionate but very long journey towards peace.

But they are only a minority that could benefit an education focused on non-violence and peace in a positive sense, as a harmonious coexistence?

We include the learning or education of adults, in peace education.
 April 26, 2013
Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix
Universal Ambassador Peace Circle

by Père MUSALLAM and Milena Akel, PALESTINE

People who are in captivity are deprived from all essential human rights. Such people are stressed and under frustration.

People in captivity will with time be under hallucination and then as a result not being able to think, not even pray.

HATE will dominate the mind! Finally, the people will lose the control.

Freedom means equality between equals.

Peace means unity and having healthy relations with others. Peace is to be able to pray.


A happy nation is a free nation.

A free nation is a peaceful nation.

A violent person is not a free person.

He is captured by frustrated feelings.

We have rights to freedom, peace and joy, but joy can’t be a reality under prison:"There our captors asked us for the words of a song; Our tormentors, for a joyful song: "Sing for us a song of Zion!" But how could we sing a song of the Lord in a foreign land?” (book of Psalms 137: 3-4)

In the Holy Land we need justice and peace to embrace each other. Justice and Peace are the most important symbols of calm in the world. “And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.” (Isaiah 32: 17)


Ceux qui sont en captivité sont privés de tous les droits de l'homme essentiels. Ces gens sont stressés en vertu de la frustration.

En captivité, les gens seront avec le temps sous hallucination et puis ainsi ne serons pas capables de penser, pas même de prier.

La HAINE va dominer l'esprit ! Enfin, le peuple va perdre le contrôle.
La liberté signifie l'égalité entre égaux.
La paix signifie l'unité et avoir des relations saines avec les autres.
La paix est d'être capable de prier.


Une nation heureuse est une nation libre.
Une nation libre est une nation Pacifique.
Une personne violente n'est pas une personne libre.
Elle est capturée par des sentiments de frustration.

Nous avons des droits à la liberté, à la paix et de joie, mais la joie ne peut pas être une réalité dans la prison: « nos ravisseurs nous ont demandé les paroles d'une chanson ; Nos bourreaux, pour une chanson joyeuse: « Chanter pour nous une chanson de Sion! » Mais comment pourrions nous chanter une chanson du Seigneur sur une terre étrangère? » (livre des Psaumes 137: 3-4)

En Terre Sainte, nous devons la justice et d'embrasser la paix les uns les autres. La justice et la paix sont les plus importants symboles de paix dans le monde. « Et le travail de la justice sera la paix ; et l'effet du silence de la justice et l'assurance pour toujours. " (Esaïe 32:17)


Los que están en cautiverio se ven privados de sus derechos humanos básicos. Estas personas están estresadas bajo la frustración.
En cautiverio, la gente será con el tiempo de la alucinación y luego así serán incapaces de pensar, ni a orar.
ODIO dominará la mente! Finalmente, las personas perderán el control.
Libertad significa igualdad entre iguales.
La paz significa unidad y tener relaciones saludables con los demás.
La paz es para poder orar.


Una nación feliz es una nación libre.
Una nación libre es un país Pacífico.
Una persona violenta no es un hombre libre.
Es capturada por los sentimientos de frustración.

Tenemos derechos a la libertad, paz y alegría, pero la alegría no puede ser una realidad en la prisión: "nuestros captores nos pidieron la letra de una canción; Nuestros verdugos, una alegre canción: "nos canta una canción de Sión! Pero ¿cómo podíamos cantar un canto del Señor en tierra extranjera? "(libro de salmos 137: 3-4)

En Tierra Santa, necesitamos a justicia y abrazar la paz entre sí. Justicia y la paz son los más importantes símbolos de la paz en el mundo. "Y el trabajo de la justicia será paz; y el efecto del silencio de la justicia y seguridad para siempre. "(Isaías 32:17)


Aqueles que estão em cativeiro são privados dos direitos básicos do homem. Essas pessoas estão estressadas com a frustração.
Em cativeiro, o povo vai ser com o tempo de alucinação e então assim será capaz de pensar, nem mesmo para orar.

ÓDIO vai dominar a mente! Finalmente, o povo vai perder o controle.
Liberdade significa igualdade entre iguais.
Paz significa unidade e ter relacionamentos saudáveis com os outros.
A paz é ser capaz de rezar.


Uma nação feliz é uma nação livre.
Uma nação livre é uma nação pacífica.
Uma pessoa violenta não é uma pessoa livre.
Ela é capturada por sentimentos de frustração.

Nós temos direitos à liberdade, paz e alegria, mas a alegria não pode ser uma realidade na prisão: "nossos captores nos pediram a letra de uma canção; Nossos algozes, para uma canção alegre: "Cante uma canção de Sião! Mas como nós poderia cantar uma canção do Senhor em terra estrangeira? "(livro de Salmos 137: 3-4)

Na Terra Santa, precisamos de Justiça e abraçar a paz uns com os outros. Justiça e paz são os mais importantes símbolos da paz no mundo. "E a obra da Justiça será paz; e o efeito do silêncio da Justiça e garantia para sempre. "(Isaías 32:17)
 April 17, 2012  
American Culture of Death in Perspective
Dr. Charles Mercieca
by Charles Mercieca
Charles Mercieca, Ph.D.
International Association of Educators for World Peace
Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education
Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament
Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University
Hon President & Professor, SBS Swiss Business School, Zurich
The best way to bring into perspective the culture of death in the United States is to examine what this nation seeks to do in theory and then in practice. Over the years, many statements were formulated to portray this phenomenon with clarity. The Romans used to say: Aliud est dicere, aliud est facere - One thing is theory, another thing is practice. The Italians tell us: Tra il dire e il fare c’e’ in mezzo il mare – Between saying and doing there is an abyss.

Leading Political Parties

Like in virtually any other country in the world, the American people are virtually helpless especially in the sphere of politics. In spite of the fact that the United States is a huge country with over 300 million people, there are practically only two major political parties: Democrats and Republicans. Although the two parties have quite a few things in common, they present a very different agenda which often seems to be diametrically opposite. Ironically, when they criticize each other there is at least one thing in common, which is conspicuous.

Both tend to play on words as to confuse people in an effort to bring them under full control. This explains why so many people seem to be so confused. The right hand does not seem to know what the left hand is doing and the other way round. There are many reasons for this eventuality, which consist in the political tendency to make statements that reveal half truths that tend to make lies become more effective. This explains why so many people in the USA feel so frustrated as to lose all faith and hope in their politicians.

Ascetical writers tell us that the devil that is described as the “father of lies,” is too smart to utter full lies. He always resorts to telling half-truths. He shows you one side of the coin making you believe that the other side is similar. Before we proceed to talk on the American culture of death, we need to bring the philosophy of both major political parties fully into perspective. Democrats are identified with the middle class and the poor while Republicans tend by all means to represent big corporations and the rich.

At this stage, let us keep in mind that this presentation is focusing only on the fact that in the United States the culture of death is very obvious. It is being promoted by both leading political parties from a different perspective. To this end, they create a kind of vocabulary and formulate a type of phraseology in a deliberate attempt to deceive the people. The promotion and implementation of the culture of death in the entire nation has become the primary goal of each of these two major political parties.

Democrats in Operation

Democrats tend to support abortion, which is condemned by Republicans as murder. The killing of the unborn is viewed by churches and all religious groups as a heinous crime. Since the USA is predominantly a Christian nation, both Democrats and Republicans believe in the Ten Commandments, which God gave to Moses. One of them says: You should not kill. Apart from God no one on earth has the right to terminate anyone’s life. At times, Democratic politicians are rebuked and criticized by members of the clergy and leading religious groups.

Besides, several clergymen exhort the members of their congregation not to vote for political candidates that favor abortion. At this stage, the Democrats and their supporters try to find a way out by devising a new vocabulary and structuring a new phraseology. They substituted the phrase “pro-abortion” with “pro-choice” as to have their stand softened as much as possible. Also, several women’s groups that viewed abortion as a woman’s prerogative created a new terminology known as “women’s reproductive rights.”

This phraseology evolved into becoming literally the mantra of many Democratic politicians. Hence, there is no surprise in hearing Democratic senators and congressmen, and even the US president when he is a Democrat, speaking of “women’s reproductive rights.” A more recent trend among Democratic politicians is to state openly that they are personally against abortion, adding at the same time, that the decision to terminate a pregnancy is to be left solely in the hands of the woman involved.

They also recommend to the woman involved in seeking for advice from relatives and friends before proceeding with the termination of a pregnancy. But even so, Democrats view a woman’s “right” for abortion so strongly that they are now moving to urge hospitals to perform abortion when a woman requests it, otherwise they may lose any kind of governmental funding they may have. No wonder why thousands of abortions in the USA take place every month. At the same time, the Republicans remain highly critical of abortion, which they view as murder and criminal by all means.

The traditional religious teaching of various religious leaders lies here. Human life is sacred and it starts at conception. Also, human life has been always viewed as a gift of God that should be respected. Hence, we may begin to realize and understand how the philosophy of Democrats tends to be based on the culture of death. For the Democrats as the whole, human life seems to start at the moment of birth. We need now to explore how the Republicans, in spite of their respect for human life from the moment of conception, they also have their modus operandi when it comes to the promotion of the culture of death.

Republican Philosophy at Work

The Republicans have their unique way of promoting the culture of death not only in the United States but around the world as well. Like the Democrats, they have their own way in playing with words by using a type of phraseology that is meant to mislead as many Americans as they can in the entire country. As we have seen, the Democrats support the killing of human beings at their very early stage of life individually, that is, one by one. On the other hand, the Republicans seek to kill masses of people at a time.

These masses consist mostly of children, women, the elderly and the sick. To this end, they put top priority in expenditure on products and actions that would lead to their ultimate goal of mass murder. This is demonstrated in the enormous amount of money they use for the manufacture and sales of weapons. They are quick to wage wars to achieve politically what they want by all means, no matter how brutal their means may be. This explains why we witness in them the tendency to solve all kind of problems by waging as many wars as possible.

We have seen in recent times two useless and needless wars waged in Iraq and Afghanistan. It caused the nation a 2.2 trillion dollars debt and now the American people are being forced to give up their social security and medical aid to compensate for such a financial disaster. However, what makes it worse lies in the fact that Republicans refer to their destruction of the infra-structure of cities and the massacre of tens of thousands of people, amounting to millions, by the well-formulated phrase national defense and security!

When former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, was asked by reporters how many Iraqis were killed with American weapons, he was quick to say: We do not keep a count of that; we view such incidents merely as collateral damage. While Republicans view the killing of the unborn as the termination of a sacred innocent life, they view the tremendous massacre of thousands of people merely as a piece of furniture. To turn an insult into injury, most of the people killed through Republican war policies happen to be pregnant women!

So here we have the American culture of death in true perspective. While the Democrats refer to the termination of the life of the pre-born child as “woman’ reproductive rights,” The Republicans refer to the termination of the life of people at all ages through the ruthless destruction of the infrastructure of cities as “national defense and security.” This carefully formulated phrase was meant to keep prospective war critics completely silent to the best they can. To this end, the Republicans may formulate the following slogan when it comes to abortion: “Save it now and kill it later.”

Unmasking Blatant Lies

What is highly ironic in the religious sphere of the nation lies here. While self-proclaimed right-wing politicians proclaim to view the human life as sacred and that it should be safeguarded, they continue to take money from the people’s vital necessities of life as to make more weapons and wage more wars. In their foreign policies, both Democrats and Republicans continue to proclaim loud and clear that the United States is a nation of freedom and democracy! This is very misleading for obvious reasons by all means.

Instead of having our American politicians demonstrating great respect for the safeguard of human life from conception to natural death, they devise careful plans to literally destroy this sacred element with no regret whatsoever. In this respect, it is unfortunately true that in the USA we do have freedom. We have the freedom to destroy human life at any moment we like from conception to natural death. In this process, we adopt a kind of philosophy that makes us accountable to no one.

We often hear American government officials, especially through the news media, that the United States is a nation of democracy. This is due to the fact that many in the US government have a distorted concept of democracy, which is derived from the Greek: demos + kratia, that is, people + government. In democracy the people are, in essence, the ultimate power. They choose the members of their government freely to provide them with the kind life they prefer. However, in practice things are conspicuously different.

As a capitalistic nation, the United States is controlled by money and wealth. To reach the people, one has to resort to the news media: radio, press and television, which charge a fortune. In capitalism, the idea of having businesses giving a free service to the people is virtually out of question. When it comes to ultimate analysis, everything is controlled by money and wealth, which is literally anathema to the very concept of democracy. In the sphere of politics, methodical deception becomes the rule of the day.

Going back to Aristotle, some 2,500 years ago, we were always told that nemo dat quod non habet – no one gives something one does not have. If we have one hundred dollars, we can give forty or even ninety but we cannot give, say, $120 and far less $150 dollars. If people were to believe we can give them the money we promised that would have constituted deception on our part! If it has been shown that the USA does not have freedom and democracy, especially when it comes to the safeguard of the human lives, why is it that we continue to hear such a blatant lie periodically, especially from our American politicians?

Power of Big Industries

Needless to say, big industries tend to finance and control the election of many American politicians, both Democrats and Republicans. Once elected, such politicians do not hesitate to help boost the products of those corporations that financed their election. The weapons industry and the promotion of wars have turned into a very lucrative business where money is made overwhelmingly. This explains that when it comes to global conflicts and the promotion of wars both Republicans and Democrats become heavily involved.

It there is no enemy, both try to create ones as to justify their continued effort to pour more and more money for more weapons and wars. We have witnessed this in virtually every war that the USA was involved in throughout the entire 20th century. For money and wealth, US politicians continue to exploit their own people’s economy to their very own detriment. The American people at large have proved to be very good and conscientious people who do care about others by all means and they often prove to be generous.

However, the world at large judges the USA by the policies of those few in government that amount to less than one thousand individuals of a population of 300 million! In this regard, several questions have been raised in academic circles everywhere, one of which being: If the United States does not ultimately care for the welfare of its own people, how can we expect such nation to really care for the good of the population of other nations? This explains why the USA is increasingly experiencing a credibility gap around the world.

Faced with such a problem, can the USA ever succeed to be viewed as a beneficial nation? Few US politicians gave an affirmative answer. Republican Ron Paul of Texas, who ran for US President in 2012, was very critical of US big expenditures on wars. He promised that as US President he would close down 50% of the 900 US foreign military bases. This statement brought great hope among all people in the world. Let us hope and pray that the American culture of death be replaced by an American culture of life, the sooner the better.
  Read  American Culture of Death in Perspective
 April 7, 2013  
Dans sa proposition pour la paix adressée au secrétaire général de l’ONU le 26 janvier 2013 : Monsieur Daisaku IKEDA, s’appuyant sur les propos de Monsieur Harda RIZVI, a indiqué qu’il était estimé à environ 105 milliards de dollars US, le montant total des dépenses annuelles en matière d’armement nucléaire dans le monde. Ceci, sans compter les dépenses d’armement traditionnel. Si on ajoute à cela : le montant des fraudes fiscales dans les paradis fiscaux, sans nul doute, l’essentiel des problèmes liés aux épidémies, aux malnutritions liées à la pauvreté, aux questions du logement, etc. Pourraient être réglés !

Le philosophe français Paul VIRILIO = pas le plus médiatisé, et cependant intéressant a écrit dans 2 ouvrages (1) des propos profonds qui démontrent l’inutilité et plus la dangerosité des discours sur la dissuasion nucléaire lorsqu’il écrit : » le danger de l’armement nucléaire et du système d’armes qu’il suppose : ce n’est donc pas tant qu’il explose, mais qu’il existe et implose dans les mentalités. »

Dans un autre ouvrage, il précise que la continuation de la guerre totale par d’autres moyens : la dissuasion atomique marquait la fin du distinguo entre le temps de la guerre et le temps de la paix. »

Par ces dires, il exprime que cette force de dissuasion, loin de rassurer, d’éloigner le spectre de la guerre, au contraire, par son existence, en fait planer la menace continuellement.

De son côté, l’économiste prix Nobel de la paix : Amartya SEN, a indiqué (2) que le plus grand espoir d’harmonie dans notre monde troublé, repose sur la pluralité de notre identité qui peut seule nous rassembler et nous aider à lutter contre les divisions violentes….

De son côté, la philosophe germano-américaine Hannah ARENDT (1906-1975) (3) dont j’ai présenté l’œuvre dans un éditorial pour UNILETRAS « Semences de jeunesse » a précisé ces mots d’une grande portée : » Quelque intensément que les choses du monde nous affectent, quelque profondément qu’elles puissent nous émouvoir et nous stimuler, elles ne deviennent humaines pour nous qu’au moment où nous pouvons en débattre avec nos semblables.

Transcendant les siècles, les cultures et les civilisations, il est des propos de penseurs divers qui symbolisent bien que si la guerre naît dans l’esprit des hommes….Il peut aussi être planté dans leur cœur et leur conscience, l’aspiration déterminée et agissante de leur engagement sans faille pour la paix.

Sauf quelques citations immédiatement ci-dessous émanant exclusivement de ma recherche, les autres citées ensuite sont extraites du mensuel Valeurs humaines n° 30 - avril 2013.

Mes ajouts personnels sont : « l’Esprit qui anima la résolution de la création du mouvement de la paix a été : » la paix ne s’attends pas = elle se gagne !

Valentina TERESHKOVA, qui fut la première femme cosmonaute dans l’espace a déclaré : » Une fois que l’on est allé dans l’espace, on sait combien la terre est petite et fragile : une petite planète bleue qui étincelle. Nous ne devons pas accepter, que cette planète se trouve recouverte par les cendres noires d’une guerre nucléaire.

Toutes les femmes du monde doivent se donner la main et œuvrer à la réalisation de la paix. Nous sommes tous des passagers du même vaisseau terre. »

De son côté Paul VALERY, le célèbre écrivain français a écrit dans Variété –volume 1- lettre 1 : » La paix, est peut-être l’état des choses dans lequel l’hostilité naturelle des hommes entre eux se manifeste par des créations au lieu de se traduire par des destructions comme le fait la guerre. »

Citations publiées dans Valeurs humaines n° indiqué :

- la bonté de l’homme est une flamme qu’on peut cacher mais qu’on ne peut pas éteindre (Nelson MANDELA, cité dans un long chemin vers la liberté.)

- Les droits humains doivent être tenus pour sacrés. Mention d'Emmanuel KANT, dans son projet de paix perpétuelle.

- Une société qui prive les jeunes d’espoir ne peut prétendre à la durabilité et l’on ne peut pas y bâtir une culture des droits humains. (Exprimé par Daisaku IKEDA, dans sa proposition pour la paix du 26 janvier 2013.)

- La non-violence, n’est pas synonyme de passivité. Les gens doivent être solidaires et lutter pour la dignité humaine. Paroles de Aung San Suu KYL, dans ma Birmanie.

- Personne, n’est assez insensé pour préférer la guerre à la paix ; en temps de paix, les fils ensevelissent leurs pères ; en temps de guerre les pères ensevelissent leurs fils. Propos tenus par Hérodote - Histoires 1

- Qui vit en paix avec lui-même, vit en paix avec l’univers, affirma Marc Aurèle dans pensées pour moi-même.

- La grande majorité des peuples déteste la guerre et appelle la paix à grands cris majorité des peuples. Texte d’ERASME dans son plaidoyer pour la paix.

- il ne faut pas se contenter de faire des pas qui mèneront un jour au but, mais chaque pas doit-être un but et être considéré en lui-même comme un pas. Johan Wolfgang GOETHE-conversations avec Eckermann-Editions Gallimard 1988, p. 63

- Aujourd’hui instaurer une culture de paix est devenu l’affaire de tous. Il est vital de s’en convaincre car l’avenir sera pacifique ou ne sera pas. Propos de Federico MAYOR, ancien Directeur général de l’UNESCO, publiés dans la paix demain.

- La non-violence est la loi de notre espèce, comme la violence est la loi de la brute (…) La dignité de l’homme exige d’obéir à une loi supérieure : à la force de l’esprit. Cité par le Mahatma GANDHI, dans la voie de la non-violence.

- Un être humain….perd aussi sa propre dignité, s'il ne respecte pas la dignité des autres. Propos tenus par le grand historien britannique du XXe siècle :Arnold J. TOYNBEE, dans l'ouvrage "Choisis la vie"
Ma prochaine contribution traitera d’exemples concrets de communautés ou peuplades vivant en paix et recherchant l’harmonie, et ce en démystifiant la théorie de la violence innée chez l’homme.

(1) Paul VIRILIO - « Victoire et politique-Editions Galilée Paris 1977, p.146.

- Ce qui arrive = même éditeur 2002, p.73.

(2) Amartya SEN « Identité et violences » Editions Odile Jacob 2006- p.42.

(3) Hannah HARENDT « Vies politiques »Traduit de l’allemand par Barbara CASSIN et Patrick LEVY, éditions Gallimard - Paris 1974, p.34.

(Can one transform the tendency of L ` humanity to the war)?

In its proposal for the peace addressed to the general secretary of UNO on January 26th, 2013: Mr Daisaku IKEDA, being based on the remarks of Mr Harda RIZVI, indicated that it was estimated at approximately 105 billion dollars US, the full amount of the annual expenditure as regards nuclear armament in the world. This, not counting the expenditure of traditional armament. If one adds to that: the amount of the tax evasions in the tax havens, without any doubt, the main part of the problems involved in the epidemics, malnutritions related on poverty, the questions of housing, etc Could be regulated!

The French philosopher Paul Virilio = more not popularized through the media, and however interesting wrote in 2 works (1) major remarks which show uselessness and more the dangerosity of the speeches on the nuclear deterrence when he writes: ” the danger of the nuclear armament and the system of weapons which it supposes: it is thus not as much as it explodes, but that there exists and implodes in mentalities. ”

In another work, it specifies that the continuation of the all-out war by other means: the atomic deterrent marked the end of the distinction between the time of the war and the time of peace. ”

By this statement, it expresses that this deterrent power, far from reassuring, to move away the spectrum from the war, on the contrary, by its existence, in makes plane the threat continuously.

On its side, the economist Nobel Prize of peace: Amartya SEN, indicated (2) that the greatest hope of harmony in our disturbed world, rests on the plurality of our identity which can only gather us and to help us to fight against violent divisions….

On its side, the German-American philosopher Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) (3) of which I presented work in a leading article for UNILETRAS “Seeds of youth” specified these words of a great range: ” Some intensely that the things of the world affect to us, some deeply that they can move us and stimulate us, they become human for us only at the time when we can discuss it with our similar.

Transcending the centuries, the cultures and the civilizations, it is remarks of various thinkers who symbolize although if the war is born in the spirit from the men….It can also be planted in their heart and their conscience, the aspiration given and acting of their commitment without fault for peace.

Except some quotations immediately below emanating exclusively of my research, the others quoted then are extracted from the monthly magazine Human values n° 30 - April 2013.

My personal additions are: “the Spirit which animated the resolution of the creation of the movement of peace was: ” peace do not expect = it gains itself!

Valentina TERESHKOVA, which was the first woman cosmonaut in space declared: ” Once one went in space, one knows how much the ground is small and fragile: a small blue planet which sparkles. We should not accept, that this planet is covered by black ashes with a nuclear war.

All the society women must give each other the hand and work with the realization of peace. We all are of the passengers of the same vessel covers over with soil. ”

On his side Paul Valéry, the famous French writer wrote in Variété - volume 1 - letter 1: ” Peace, is perhaps the state of the things in which the natural hostility of the men between them appears by creations instead of resulting in destruction like it makes the war. ”

Quotations published in Human values n° indicated:

- the kindness of the man is a flame which one can hide but that one cannot extinguish (Nelson Mandela, quoted in a long way towards freedom.)

- The human rights must be held for crowned. Mention of Emmanuel KANT, in his project of perpetual peace.

- A company which deprives the young people of hope cannot claim with durability and one cannot build a culture of the human rights there. (Expressed by Daisaku IKEDA, in its proposal for the peace of January 26th, 2013.)

- Non-violence, is not synonymous with passivity. People must be interdependent and fight for human dignity. Words of Aung San Suu KYL, in my Burma.

- Nobody, is enough foolish to prefer the war with peace; in times of peace, the sons bury their fathers; in time of war the fathers bury their sons. Remarks made by Hérodote - Stories 1

- Which lives in peace with itself, lives in peace with the universe, affirmed Marcus Aurelius in thoughts for myself.

- The large majority of the people hates the war and calls peace with great cries majority of the people. Text of ERASME in its plea for peace.

- one should not be satisfied to take steps which will lead one day to the goal, but each step must-being a goal and being considered in itself as a step. Johan Wolfgang GOETHE-conversations with Eckermann-Editions Gallimard 1988, p. 63

- Today to found a culture of peace became the business of all. It is vital to be convinced some because the future will be peaceful or will not be. Matter of Federico MAYOR, former Chief executive officer of UNESCO, published in peace tomorrow.

- Non-violence is the law of our species, as violence is the law of rough (…) The dignity of the man requires to obey a higher law: by the strength of the spirit. City by Mahatma GANDHI, in the way of non-violence.

- A human being….also its own dignity loses, if it does not respect the dignity of the others. Remarks made by the large British historian of the 20th century:Arnold J. TOYNBEE, in the work “Selected life”
My next contribution will treat concrete examples of communities or tribes living in peace and seeking the harmony, and this by demystifying the theory of innate violence at the man.

(1) Paul Virilio - “Victoire and policy-Editions Galileo Paris 1977, p.146.

- What arrives = even editor 2002, p.73.

(2) Amartya SEN “Identity and violences” Editions Odile Jacob 2006 - p.42.

(3) Hannah HARENDT “Political lives” Translates of German by Barbara CASSIN and Patrick LEVY, editions Gallimard - Paris 1974, p.34.
  Read Peut-on transformer la tendance de l‘humanité à la guerre ? ( PREMIERE CONTRIBUTION : UNE SECONDE SUIVRA !)
 April 20, 2013  
Voici la seconde contribution annoncée, suite à l'avant-propos et à la première contribution adressée :

Cette seconde contribution s'appuie sur les articles de :Bertrand ROSSIGNOL et de Faïza MELIOUH, pages 18 à 21 publiées dans le n°30 du Mensuel Valeurs humaines d'avril 2013.

De nos jours, bien des Chefs d'Etat notamment ceux membres du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, mais également d'autres qui possèdent l'arme nucléaire, et d'autres, qui aspirent à la détenir et ce, malgré le TNP, et son article VI ,certes non signé par tous les pays, pensent que cette possession valide leur puissance économique et financière, et suscite la respectabilité et la crainte.

Cependant l'arme nucléaire ne règle en rien la réalité du terrorisme, elle contribue à faire augmenter les dépenses militaires, et ce alors que l'humanité a tant de fléaux à combattre, elle fait peser une menace écologique sur notre planète et menace même de la détruire, ceci, alors que nos dirigeants politiques font mine de s'intéresser à la protection de la nature.

De même, que le système libéral dominant n'est pas inscrit par nature dans les gènes fondateurs de l'espèce humaine,

l' homme n'est pas voué sans autre alternative, à être un loup pour l'homme, faisant de la guerre une caractéristique innée du genre humain, indépassable, non discutable, et plus encore non réalisable.

Les dépenses militaires mondiales ont totalisé 1 750 milliards de dollars en 2012, soit une baisse de 0,5 % en termes réels depuis 2011, selon les chiffres publiés aujourd’hui par le Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri)*.

La mise à jour annuelle complète de la base de données du Sipri sur les dépenses militaires est accessible à partir d’aujourd’hui sur :

Cette diminution — la première depuis 1998 — est due aux réductions importantes des dépenses aux États-Unis ainsi qu’en Europe occidentale et centrale, en Australie, au Canada et au Japon. Ces réductions ont cependant été largement compensées par l’augmentation des dépenses en Asie, en Europe de l’Est, au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, et en Amérique latine. La Chine, au deuxième rang des plus grands dépensiers en 2012, a augmenté ses dépenses de 7,8 % (11,5 milliards de dollars).

La Russie, en troisième position, a augmenté ses dépenses de 16 % (12,3 milliards de dollars).

Malgré cette baisse, le total des dépenses mondiales reste encore plus élevé en termes réels que le pic atteint vers la fin de la guerre froide.

Selon l'ONU, le trafic d'armes est l'une des quatre activités illégales les plus lucratives avec le trafic de drogues, le trafic de médicament et la prostitution[réf. nécessaire]. Le marché international du trafic d'armes est évalué à 1 200 milliards de dollars par an1. En 2004, on estimait à 500 millions le nombre d’armes légères en circulation dans le monde2, armes qui ne font l'objet d'aucun traité international1 – dont plus de 100 millions en Afrique, soit : une arme pour 12 personnes.

C'est ci-dessous que je prends en compte les articles publiées dans le mensuel Valeurs humaines :

Le Manifeste de Séville sur la violence est une déclaration visant à réfuter la notion selon laquelle la violence humaine organisée est déterminée par des facteurs biologiques. Il a été rédigé en 1986 par une équipe de scientifiques, lors d’une réunion à Séville, en Espagne, à la demande de la Commission nationale espagnole pour l’Unesco. La déclaration, adoptée ensuite par l’Unesco en 1989, nie l’idée que les hommes ont hérité de leurs ancêtres la propension à faire la guerre ou que la guerre ou tout autre comportement violent est génétiquement programmée dans la nature humaine. Elle nie également l’idée qu’une sélection s’est opérée au cours de l’évolution humaine, privilégiant les comportements agressifs, ou que les êtres humains ont un « cerveau violent » et que la guerre est le fruit inévitable de l’ « instinct » ou d’un mobile unique.

Les trains qui arrivent à l’heure n’intéressent personne, répètent les journalistes. Prôner la paix entre les peuples est un message difficile à faire entendre, qui peut vous faire passer pour un grand naïf. C’est d’autant plus vrai dans une société hyper médiatisée comme la nôtre, où téléspectateurs et internautes réclament leur dose quotidienne d’émotions fortes.

Les êtres humains ont toujours eu un attrait –teinté d’appréhension- pour ce qui est interdit, sensationnel ou magique. Ils ont toujours éprouvé une certaine inquiétude face à la nouveauté, l’inconnu, l’étranger.

Certaines idées ont la vie dure : les êtres humains sont foncièrement mauvais ; les peuples dits primitifs, essentiellement cruels. Des recherches récentes remettent toutefois en cause la supposée « férocité » de ces derniers. La parution du livre, en 1979, de l’anthropologue américain William Arens, Le Mythe du cannibalisme (1), a levé un doute sur l’existence réelle du cannibalisme rituel. L’étude de Napoléon Chagnon, Les Yanomami, le peuple féroce, qui fit sensation lors de sa parution en 1968, est quant à elle critiquée pour son manque d’objectivité. Chagnon serait « obnubilé » par sa volonté de fournir la preuve anthropologique de la cruauté humaine (2). Ses travaux constituent pourtant « la pièce anthropologique maitresse utilisée comme caution scientifique par les adeptes de la croyance en la violence naturelle de l’être humain (3) ». Or, aujourd’hui, David Kopenawa, chaman des Yanomami, est parfois appelé « le dalaï-lama de la forêt amazonienne », pour son action en faveur de la protection de la nature et du respect des droits des Indiens d’Amazonie …

(1) Le cannibalisme de « survie » ou du fait des malades mentaux n’est pas mis en doute. Voir à ce propos, Jacques Lecomte, LA BONTE HUMAINE, Odile Jacob, 2012, p.208

(2) Il traduit, par exemple, le terme yanomami waiteri par « féroce » alors qu’il signifierait « ne pas se soumettre ».


La dévalorisation est, en fait, un moyen d’avilir l’autre afin de justifier de pratiques inhumaines. Comme le dit Claude Lévi-Strauss : « le barbare, c’est d’abord l’homme qui croit à la barbarie(4) ». Si certains sont cannibales, alors on n’aura pas de scrupules à les réduire en esclavage. S’ils ont des comportements condamnables, alors on pourra plus facilement en faire des bêtes de somme…. C’est la fonction du bouc émissaire : l’animal, sur lequel, le jour du Pardon, le prêtre du Temple de Jérusalem chargeait les péchés d’Israël. Les juifs et les chrétiens du IIe siècle sont aussi accusés de cannibalisme par les Romains. Plus tard, ce sont des chrétiens qui accusent les juifs de cannibalisme et de pratiquer le meurtre rituel d’enfants chrétiens, etc. Nous croyons facilement que les autres peuvent être déviants, mais avons du mal à croire que certains nous considèrent comme tels. Pourtant, lorsque Tanzaniens ou Mélanésiens ont rencontré pour la première fois des Européens, ils en eurent peur, car ils croyaient qu’ils étaient cannibales (5) ….

Les peuples pacifiques sont présents sur les cinq continents, mais ils ont été largement ignorés par des anthropologues avides de sensation. La sociologue américaine Elise Boulding, pionnière des études en matière de culture de paix, définit celle-ci comme une culture « qui promeut la diversité et qui gère avec créativité les conflits et les différences propres à chaque société, parce qu’aucun être humain n’est semblable à un autre (6) ».

Elle distingue ainsi conflit et violence, cette dernière étant la « souffrance intentionnelle infligée, pour ses propres fins, à autrui (7) ».

Il n’y a pas de société sans conflits, mais il peut y en avoir sans violence. La violence ne résout pas les problèmes, elle les envenime.

Ces peuples promeuvent des valeurs permettant de prévenir les conflits : égalité, contrôle de soi, non-violence (considérée comme une force), évitement (une personne voire la population entière, se déplacera si un conflit risque de dégénérer), négociation (présentation d’excuses, échanges de dons), médiation (lors de celle-ci, la réconciliation est considérée comme plus importante que de savoir qui a raison), éducation ouverte (essentielle dans la transmission).

(4) RACE ET HISTOIRE (1952) Gallimard, 1987, p.22

(5) Cf. William Arens, cité par J. Lecomte, p.214


Dialogue Path Press, p.95

(7) CULTURES OF PEACE, THE HIDDEN SIDE OF HISTORY, Syracuse University Press 2000, p.89

De nombreuses cultures défendent ces valeurs : Tasaday, des Philippines (ils n’ont pas de mots pour la colère, le meurtre ou la guerre) ; Ifalik du nord de l’Australie : !Kung, de Namibie et du Bostwana ; Zatopec, du Mexique ; Semai, de Malaisie (8) …

Le sociologue Johan Van der Dennen recense ainsi jusqu’à 520 peuples chez lesquels la guerre est absente ou défensive.

Un exemple significatif est la Ligue des Iroquois qui, pendant plus de trois siècles (de 1450 à 1777), rassemblait cinq, puis six nations d’Indiens d’Amérique du Nord. Cette ligue a permis d’éliminer la guerre entre ses membres. Les Iroquois ont codifié leurs principes, fondés sur la négociation et la consultation, dans une Grande Loi de paix, ébauche de Constitution pacifique et démocratique.

Dans son dialogue avec Elise Boulding, Daisaku Ikeda dit à leur propos : « les femmes avaient un pouvoir considérable dans la tradition iroquoise. Elles choisissaient les chefs de clans et pouvaient au besoin les révoquer (9) ». Ceci explique peut-être cela ….

La paix est source de prospérité. Comme l’a bien montré le scientifique américain Jared Diamond, ce sont les conflits répétés, la perte de partenaires commerciaux ou la dégradation environnementale qui provoquent le déclin voire la disparition des sociétés (10).

(8) LA BONTE HUMAINE p. 216-218


(10) EFFONDREMENT, Gallimard, 2006
Son nom sonne comme un appel à la paix : Neve Shalom en hébreu, wahat as Salam en arabe, signifie « Oasis de paix » (d’après le Livre d’Isaïe,32,18 ; Communauté devenue village, situé géographiquement et symboliquement à égale distance (30km) de Jérusalem et de Tel-Aviv-Jaffa, Neve Shalom rassemble des israéliens et des arabes chrétiens et musulmans, tous citoyens d’Israël. C’est le premier modèle de société binationale et bilingue dans cette région du monde. 57 familles, près de 230 habitants, y résident et œuvrent à une coexistence pacifique.

Dans les années soixante, Bruno Hussar, un religieux dominicain, nourrit le rêve ambitieux et en apparence impossible d’un endroit où vivraient et travailleraient ensemble les habitants de cette terre, en dépit des différences culturelles et religieuses. Son projet se concrétise en 1970, quand il s’installe sur une bande de terre prêtée par un monastère. « A partir de là, dit-il, nous avons eu à l’esprit un petit village composé d’habitants de différentes communautés du pays où juifs, chrétiens, musulmans vivent en paix, chacun fidèle à sa foi et à ses traditions, respectant celles des autres. Chacun trouvera dans cette diversité la source d’un enrichissement personnel (1) ».

A Neve Shalom, dès les premières naissances, l’idée d’un cadre éducatif suivant l’idéal de la communauté s’impose. La crèche binationale voit le jour, puis le jardin d’enfants et l’école. Ces différents lieux d’enseignements sont destinés à tous les enfants du village. Ils ont la particularité d’être paritaires c’est-à-dire ayant un effectif équivalent d’enfants arabes et israéliens et proposent un enseignement fondé sur les valeurs de respect, d’égalité et de justice. « Le but du village : être le théâtre d’une école pour la paix. Pendant des années, il y a eu des académies dans les différents pays où l’art de la guerre a été enseigné… Nous avons voulu fonder une école pour la paix, la paix aussi est un art. Elle n’apparaît pas spontanément. Elle doit être apprise (2) ».

Les enfants semblent très réceptifs au message de paix et de réconciliation ainsi transmis comme en témoignent certains de leurs dessins.

La vie spirituelle est très présente et s’est concrétisée dans la création du Centre spirituel pluraliste : lieu de prière, de célébration des fêtes traditionnelles et d’études comparée des écritures.

Tout n’est pas idyllique. En 2012, le village a subi une agression : les murs de l’école ont été recouverts par des slogans de haine. En réponse, enseignants et parents d’élèves ont décidé de repeindre les murs avec des dessins colorés et des textes prônant la paix.


(2) Bruno Hussar,

Le village manque aussi du soutien gouvernemental notamment d’ordre financier pour les infrastructures publiques. Il dépend en grande partie des dons d’associations amies.

Fondé sur une éthique de coexistence, Neve Shalom - Wahat as Salam fonctionne sur des liens de collaboration à tous les niveaux : éducatif, social, religieux et politique (Israéliens et Arabes se relaient aux fonctions de responsabilité). Démonstration réussie du passage d’une culture de conflits en une culture de compréhension mutuelle, le village a reçu le prix Niwano de la paix (33) en 1993.

Né en Egypte dans une famille juive non pratiquante, Bruno Hussar (1911-1996) fait d’abord ses études au Caire avant d’intégrer une école parisienne d’où il sort ingénieur. Il se convertit alors au christianisme et entre dans l’Ordre des Prêcheurs. Envoyé en Israël en raison de ses origines juives, il fonde un centre dominicain d’étude du Judaïsme à Jérusalem. Il obtient la citoyenneté israélienne en 1966. Son désir d’établir des ponts entre les hommes l’amène à la création de Neve shalom – Wahat as Salam en 1970.

(3) Attribué tous les ans par la Fondation Niwano (fondation japonaise d’inspiration bouddhiste) à une personnalité ou à un groupe travaillant à la compréhension mutuelle entre différentes cultures et religions.
Ces quelques réflexions et exemple tendent à démontrer, qu'au-delà des idéologies de légitimation, l'être humain dispose d'une conscience, d'une créativité, aptes à provoquer des dépassements porteurs d'espérance et de transformations fécondes pour notre devenir.

Copyright Guy CREQUIE
Ecrivain français à finalité philosophique
Auteur de "Chroniques sur le monde et enjeux planétaires (2)
Editions Edilivre Paris -2013



Here the second announced contribution, following the foreword and the first addressed contribution:

This second contribution is based on the articles of:Bertrand ROSSIGNOL and of Faïza MELIOUH, pages 18 to 21 published in the n°30 of the Monthly Magazine Human values of April 2013.

Nowadays, many Heads of State in particular those members of the Security Council of UNO, but also of others which have the nuclear weapon, and others, which aspire to hold it and this, in spite of the NPT, and its article VI, certainly not signed by all the countries, think that this possession validates their economic power and financial, and causes respectability and fear.

However the nuclear weapon does not regulate of anything reality terrorism, it contributes to make increase the military expenditure, and this whereas humanity has so many plagues to fight, it makes weigh an ecological threat on our planet and even threatens to destroy it, this, whereas our political leaders make mine be interested in protection of nature.

In the same way, as the liberal system dominating is not registered by nature in the genes founders of the mankind,

the man is not dedicated without another alternative, with being a wolf for the man, making war an innate characteristic of mankind, indépassable, nondebatable, and more still nonrealizable.

The world military expenditure added up 1,750 billion dollars in 2012, that is to say a fall of 0,5% in real terms since 2011, according to the figures published today by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute*.

(Sipri)The complete annual update of the database of Sipri on the military expenditure is accessible starting from aujourd' today on:

This reduction - the first since 1998 - is due to the important reductions of the expenditure in the United States like in Western and central Europe, in Australia, in Canada and Japan. These reductions however were largely compensated by the increase in the expenditure in Asia, in Eastern Europe, in the Middle East and in North Africa, and Latin America. China, with the second rank of largest extravagant in 2012, increased its expenditure of 7,8% (11.5 billion dollars).

Russia, in third position, increased its expenditure of 16% (12.3 billion dollars).

In Spite Of this fall, the total of the world expenditure remains even higher in real terms than the peak reached towards the end of the cold war.

According To UNO, the traffic of weapons is one of the four most lucrative illegal activities with the drug trafficking, the traffic of drug and prostitution [ref. necessary]. The international market of the traffic of weapons is evaluated to 1,200 billion dollars by an1. In 2004, one estimated at 500 million the number of light weapons in circulation in the monde2, weapons which are not the object of any treaty international1 - of which more than 100 million in Africa, that is to say: a weapon for 12 people.

It is below that I take into account the articles published in the monthly magazine Human values:

The Manifesto of Seville on violence is a declaration aiming at refuting the concept according to which organized human violence is determined by biological factors. It was written in 1986 by a team of scientists, at a meeting in Seville, in Spain, at the request of the Spanish National Commission for UNESCO. The declaration, adopted then by UNESCO in 1989, denies the idea that the men inherited their ancestors propensity to make the war or that the war or any other violent behavior is genetically programmed in the human nature. She also denies the idea that a selection took place during the human evolution, privileging the aggressive behaviors, or that the human beings have a “violent brain” and that the war is the inevitable fruit of the “instinct” or of a single mobile.

The trains which arrive per hour do not interest anybody, repeat the journalists. To Preach peace between the people is a message difficult to make hear, which can make you pass for large naive. It is all the more true in a company very popularized through the media like ours, where televiewers and Net surfers claim their daily amount of strong emotions.

The human beings always had an attraction - tinted apprehension as regards interdict, sensational or magic. They always tested a certain concern vis-a-vis the innovation, the unknown, the foreigner.

Certain ideas have the hard life: the human beings are fundamentally bad; people known as primitive, primarily cruel. Recent research calls however into supposed question “the ferocity” of the latter. The publication of the book, in 1979, of the American anthropologist William Arens, the Myth of the cannibalism (1), raised a doubt about the real existence of the ritual cannibalism. The study of Napoleon Chagnon, Yanomami, the wild people, which created sensation at the time of his publication in 1968, as for it is criticized for its lack of objectivity. Chagnon “would be obnubilated” by its will to provide the anthropological proof of human cruelty (2). Its work however constitutes “the main anthropological part used like scientific guarantee by the followers of the belief in natural violence human being (3)”. However, today, David Kopenawa, Shaman of Yanomami, are sometimes called “the Dalai Lama of the Amazon forest”, for his action in favor of the protection of nature and the respect of the rights of the Indians of Amazonia…

(1) The cannibalism of “survival” or the mentally ills is not questioned. See on this subject, Jacques Lecomte, HUMAN KINDNESS, Odile Jacob, 2012, p.208

(2) It translates, for example, the term yanomami waiteri by “wild” whereas it would mean “not to be subjected”.


The devalorization is, in fact, a means of degrading the other in order to justify inhuman practices. Like Claude Lévi-Strauss says it: “the barbarian, it is initially the man who believes in cruelty (4)”. So some are cannibals, then one will not have scruples to reduce them in slavery. If they have condemnable behaviors, then one will be able more easily to make beasts of burden of them…. It is the function of the scapegoat: the animal, on which, the day of Forgiveness, the priest of the Temple of Jerusalem charged the sins with Israel. The Jews and the Christians of the 2rd century are also accused of cannibalism by the Romans. Later, they are Christians who show the Jews of cannibalism and to practice the ritual murder Christian children, etc We believes easily that the others can be deviating, but has difficulty believing that some regard us as such. However, when Tanzanians or Melanesian met for the first time of Europeans, they were afraid of it, because they believed that they were cannibals (5)….

The peaceful people are present on the five continents, but they were largely ignored by avid anthropologists of feeling. The American sociologist Elects Boulding, pionnière of the studies as regards culture of peace, defines this one as a culture “which promotes diversity and which manages with creativity the specific conflicts and differences to each company, because no human being is similar to another (6)”.

She distinguishes thus conflict and violence, the latter being the “inflicted intentional suffering, for her own ends, with others (7)”.

There is no company without conflicts, but there can be without violence. Violence does not solve the problems, it poisons them.

These people promote values allowing to prevent the conflicts: equality, self-control, non-violence (regarded as a force), avoidance (person even population whole, will move if a conflict is likely to degenerate), negotiation (presentation of excuses, exchanges of gifts), mediation (at the time of this one, the reconciliation is regarded as more important than to know which is right), open education (essential in the transmission).

(4) RACE AND HISTORY (1952) Gallimard, 1987, p.22

(5) Cf William Arens, quoted by J. Lecomte, p.214


Dialogue Path Press, p.95

(7) CULTURES OF PEACE, THE HIDDEN SIDE OF HISTORY, Syracuse University Close 2000, p.89

Many cultures defend these values: Tasaday, of Philippines (they do not have words for anger, the murder or the war); Ifalik of the north of Australia: !Kung, of Namibia and Bostwana; Zatopec, of Mexico; Sowed, of Malaysia (8)…

The sociologist Johan Van der Dennen counts thus to 520 people among whom the war is absent or defensive.

A significant example is the League of the Iroquois one which, during more than three centuries (of 1450 to 1777), gathered five, then six nations of Indians of North America. This league made it possible to eliminate the war between its members. The Iroquois ones codified their principles, based on the negotiation and the consultation, in a Great Law of peace, outline of peaceful and democratic Constitution.

In its dialog with Elects Boulding, Daisaku Ikeda says about them: “the women had a considerable power in the Iroquois tradition. They chose the chiefs of clans and could with the need to revoke them (9)”. Perhaps This explains that….

Peace is source of prosperity. As indeed showed it the American scientist Jared Diamond, in fact the repeated conflicts, the loss of business partners or the environmental degradation cause the decline even the disappearance of the companies (10).

(8) HUMAN KINDNESS p. 216-218


(10) COLLAPSE, Gallimard, 2006

Its name sounds like a call to peace: Firn Shalom in Hebrew, wahat ace Salam in Arabic, means “Haven Of Peace” (according to the Book of Isaïe, 32.18; The Community become village, located geographically and symbolically at equal distance (30km) from Jerusalem and of Such-Aviv-Jaffa, Neve Shalom gathers Israelis and Arabic Christian and Moslem, all citizens of Israel. It is the first model of with dual nationality and bilingual company in this area of the world. 57 families, nearly 230 inhabitants, there reside and work with a peaceful coexistence.

In the Sixties, Bruno Hussar, a Dominican monk, nourishes the ambitious and seemingly impossible dream of a place where would live and would work together the inhabitants of this ground, in spite of the cultural and religious differences. Its project is concretized in 1970, when it is installed on a strip of land lent by a monastery. “From there, he says, we had with the spirit a small village made up inhabitants of various communities of the country where Jewish, Christian, Moslem live in peace, each one faithful to its faith and its traditions, respecting those of the others. Each One will find in this diversity the source of a personal enrichment (1)”.

With Firn Shalom, as of the first births, the idea of an educational framework following the ideal of the community is essential. The with dual nationality crib comes out, then the nursery school and the school. These various places of lesson are intended all to the children of the village. They have the characteristic to be equal i.e. having an equivalent manpower Arab and Israeli children and propose a teaching based on the values of respect, equality and justice. “The goal of the village: to be the theater of a school for peace. During years, there were academies in the various countries where the art of the war was taught… We wanted to found a school for peace, peace also is Article It does not appear spontaneously. It must be learned (2)”.

The children seem very receptive with the message of peace and of reconciliation thus transmitted as some testify some to their drawings.

The spiritual life is very present and was concretized in the creation of the pluralist spiritual Center: place of prayer, celebration of the traditional festivals and comparative studies of the writings.

All is not idyllic. In 2012, the village underwent an aggression: the walls of the school were covered by slogans with hatred. In answer, teachers and parents of pupils decided to repaint the walls with coloured drawings and texts preaching peace.


(2) Bruno Hussar,

The village misses also governmental support in particular of a financial nature for the public infrastructures. It depends mainly on the gifts of friendly associations.

Based on an ethics of coexistence, Firn Shalom - Wahat ace Salam functions on bonds of collaboration on all the levels: educational, social, religious and political (Israelis and Arabs take turns with the functions of responsibility). Successful Demonstration of the passage of a culture of conflicts in a culture of mutuel understanding, the village received the Niwano prize of peace (33) in 1993.

Born in Egypt in a Jewish family not practising, Bruno Hussar (1911-1996) initially made his studies in Cairo before integrating a Parisian school from where it leaves engineer. He converts then with Christianity and enters the Order of the Preachers. Sent in Israel because of its Jewish origins, it founds a Dominican center of study of the Judaism in Jerusalem. It obtains the Israeli citizenship in 1966. Its desire to establish bridges between the men the pleasing one with the creation of Firn shalom - Wahat ace Salam in 1970.

(3) Allotted every year by the Foundation Niwano (Japanese foundation of Buddhist inspiration) to a personality or a group working with the mutuel understanding between various cultures and religions.
These some reflections and example tend to show, that beyond the ideologies of legitimation, the human being has a conscience, of a creativity, ready to cause goings beyond carrying hope and fertile transformations for our becoming.

Copyright Guy CREQUIE
French Writer with philosophical purpose
Author of “Chronicles on the world and planetary challenges (2)
Editions Edilivre Paris -2013
 April 21, 2013  
Récemment, j’ai adressé un document relatif à : NON, la guerre n’est pas inéluctable !

Certes, c’est la logique du système actuel ou tout devenant marchandise, et où seul : ce qui est rentable (et souvent d’ailleurs car les esprits durant des lustres, ont été formatés par les idéologies de légitimation relayées par des médias) pour recevoir : ce qui devient une évidence fabriquée de l’importance ou non d’un bien, ou d’une prestation selon son contenu.

C’est le choix de la rentabilité favorisant l‘argent et la réussite individuelle des élites dirigeantes qui devient la norme sociale établie et ce en utilisant le pouvoir médiatique des idéologies de légitimation.

Alors, bien entendu, dans cette optique le philosophe du peuple est soit décrié, soit marginalisé, ou censuré

Actuellement, il devient dramatique que tout ce qui touche à l’élévation de la conscience par la culture, la musique, bref l’art sous ses différentes facettes, et à l’œuvre de l’esprit par la philosophie, la poésie, sont présentés comme accessoires, le supplément d’âme non indispensable.

Alors, faute de financement étatique, ou par les collectivités locales et régionales, même des organismes qui œuvrent pour la culture, faute de financement reportent sur les créateurs leurs difficultés existentielles.

Des sponsors privés qui dépensent des sommes colossales, pour voir leur nom médiatisé sur des maillots dans un stade devant des dizaines de milliers de spectateurs et des millions de téléspectateurs, disent par exemple, ne pas disposer de 1000 euros pour financer une œuvre de l’esprit littéraire ou musicale.

Alors, au célèbre indignez-vous, il faut ajouter : faites œuvre de résistance interpeller, mobiliser, agissez vis à vis des élites dirigeantes !

Ceci, car nous vivons une inversion dans la priorité de la hiérarchie des valeurs : l’œuvre de l’esprit, la créativité utile au genre humain pour son épanouissement, son devenir, sont présentées comme secondaires, inférieures, aux jeux modernes du cirque.

Alors pas d’argent : pour la culture, l’art sous leurs formes multiples ?

Dans mon document, j’ai précisé que même si les dépenses d’armement ont diminué en 2012, elles avoisineraient les1000 milliards de dollars actuellement et restent à u niveau extrêmement élevées, bien que nous ne sommes plus au temps de la guerre froide d’après la seconde guerre mondiale. Aujourd’hui, combattre le terrorisme= passe par des moyens non exclusivement militaires.

A cette somme, s’ajoutent celle des fraudes fiscales et de l’évasion fiscale dans les paradis fiscaux. Pour la France : cette perte est estimée entre 50 et 80 milliards de dollars, entre 300 et 500 millions pour l’Union Européenne, et à entre 1000 et 1300 millions de dollars de par le monde.

Alors : pas d’argent pour la culture ? Je laisse chacune, chacun à sa conscience, sa perception de la citoyenneté universelle.

Poète, écrivain et chanteur français à finalité philosophique


Recently, I addressed a document concerning to: NOT, the war is not inescapable!

Admittedly, it is the logic of the current system or all becoming goods, and where only: what is profitable (and often besides because the spirits lasting of the glosses, were formatted by the ideologies of legitimation relayed by media) to receive: what becomes an obviousness manufactured of the importance or not of a good, or a service according to its contents.

It is the choice of the profitability supporting L ` money and the individual success of the leading elites which becomes the established social norm and this by using the media power of the ideologies of legitimation.

Then, of course, accordingly the philosopher of the people either is disparaged, or marginalized, or censured

Currently, it becomes dramatic that all that touches with the rise in the conscience by the culture, the music, in short art under its various facets, and with the work of the spirit by philosophy, poetry, are presented like accessories, the nonessential supplement of heart.

Then, official fault of financing, or by the regional local government agencies and, even of the organizations which work for the culture, for lack of financing defer on the creators their existential difficulties.

Private sponsors who spend of the colossal sums, to see their name popularized through the media on shirts in a stage in front of tens of thousands of spectators and million of televiewers, say for example, not to have 1000 euros to finance a work of the literary or musical spirit.

Then, with famous you make indignant, it is necessary to add: make work resistance challenge, mobilize, act with respect to the leading elites!

This, because we live an inversion in the priority of the hierarchy of the values: the work of the spirit, the creativity useful for mankind for its blooming, its to become, are presented like secondaries, lower, with the modern plays of the circus.

Then not of money: for the culture, art in their multiple forms?

In my document, I specified that even if the expenditure of armament decreased in 2012, they would currently border les1000 billion dollars and remain with U level extremely high, although we are not any more at the time of the cold war according to the Second World War. Today, to fight the terrorisme= passes by average not the exclusively military ones.

With this sum, are added that of the tax evasions and tax avoidance in the tax havens. For France: this loss is estimated between 50 and 80 billion dollars, between 300 and 500 million for the European Union, and with between 1000 and 1300 million dollars all over the world.

Then: no money for the culture? I leave each one, each one with his conscience, his perception of the universal citizenship.

Poet, writer and French singer with philosophical purpose
 April 23, 2013  
(poésie ,philosophie de la vie !)

Tant de grains ont levé
Qui deviennent vendanges
Tant de pluies ressourcées
En d'infinis ruisseaux
Allèrent vers la mer
De nos vies

Le poète écrivain de la nuit
Dépose une aube sur le temps
Sur la routes sans fin
Et qui demeure à faire

Où resplendit l'étoile, au couchant du soleil
Toujours, ton existence abreuve la mienne
Et les empreintes se gravent
Un jour viendra, ton printemps sera le mien,
Durant chaque journée
Un peu de nous
Prépare …..demain.

Copyright Guy CREQUIE
Ecrivain français


So Many grains raised
Who become grape harvest
So Many ressourcées rains
In infinite brooks
Went towards the sea
Our lives

The poet writer of the night
Deposit a paddle over time
On the roads years end
And which remains to make

Where the star gleams, with laying down sun
Always, your existence waters mine
And the prints are engraved
One day will come, your spring will be mine,
During each day
A little us
Prepare ..... tomorrow.

Copyright Guy CREQUIE
French Writer
  Read VOILE ENTR'OUVANT LE FUTUR ! (poésie ,philosophie de la vie !)
 April 25, 2013  
Si internet et les réseaux sociaux peuvent être de merveilleux instruments d’échanges et de convivialité positifs, c ’est cependant également avec les réseaux sociaux que des terroristes et apprentis terroristes apprennent à fabriquer des bombes, et à trouver des interlocuteurs des mouvances salafistes djihadistes, avec lesquels, ils peuvent communiquer, et parfois ensuite très rapidement suivre des formations adaptées à cette triste cause dans les déserts :Pakistan, Afghanistan, Niger, etc..

Parfois, des films très bien faits pour exciter la cause du Djihad, présentent ce qui est appelé le complot international occidental avec des raccourcis historiques depuis les croisades, dont la présentation favorise les accents de haines et rancœurs.

Pour autant :le monde occidental n’a-t-il rien à se reprocher qui non pas justifie l’horreur, l’abominable, mais permet aux fanatismes de tous bords de tenter de se construire une légitimité avec l’arme idéologique de la justification historique tronquée ou manipulée.

Cependant, et je l’ai constaté lors de dialogues avec des Palestiniens frustrés de ne pas avoir un Etat reconnu et sécurisé du sentiment d’injustice au désespoir, il peut ensuite avoir le plus terrible :le passage à l’acte par la façon la plus abominable ou l’empathie n’existe plus, ou le caractère humain de l’autre est ignoré, c'est-à-dire par l’attentat, la prise d‘otages, ou pire la décapitation parfois filmé comme en Tchétchénie lors de la guerre cruelle, horrible avec la Russie et dans certaines situations lors du conflit en Irak avec la présence des troupes américaines.

Ce qu’il faut tenter de faire, même si humainement ce n’est pas facile de tenter d’approcher l’injustifiable, ,l’abominable, c’est d’approcher les ressorts psychologiques du passage à l’acte.

Auparavant, on se convertissait à l’Islam comme à une autre religion par besoin de spiritualité Ainsi, il y a eu des conversion spectaculaires : GARAUDY, BEJART, ou récemment le footballeur RIBERY. Tout ceci qui relève de la sphère privé est tout à fait respectable, est affaire de conscience.

Ensuite l'Islam comme d'autres religions est une grande religion universelle, qui a apporté à l'humanité, et il ne faut pas confondre : l'Islam politique comme d'autres courants fanatiques et fondamentalistes existant par ailleurs, avec les valeurs religieuses de cette grande religion à qui l'on doit certaines découvertes et trésors culturels, architecturaux, ou de l'art et de la littérature.

Alors : comment expliquer que des personnes souvent jeunes, intégrées depuis des années parfois sans problèmes se radicalisent et passent à l’acte terroriste ?
C’est pour elles un problème identitaire, un sentiment d’auto défense, face à un vécu plutôt un ressenti d’agressions de leur système de valeurs, de symboles, de représentation.

Ils ont un sentiment de frustration face au décalage de l’étalage de richesses entre les pays du Nord plus riches, qui prônent selon eux un matérialisme ambiant de l’argent et de la réussite individuelle, qui ignore Dieu et ses prescriptions, face aux pays du sud.

Ainsi leur croyance se traduit par l’adhésion à un Islam politique et idéologique de refus, et de combat contre ceux identifiés comme les agresseurs.

Ensuite : un terroriste qui tue seul, isolé, ou en groupe organisé de façon ignoble et spectaculaire bénéfice cependant de l’onde de choc médiatique. En quelques minutes ce crime est relayé sur toute la planète par les réseaux sociaux et les grands médias. En quelques heures, un anonyme a une diffusion médiatique équivalente à celle des déplacements et agissements des plus Grands Chefs d’Etat, ou des vedettes mondiales du sport, du cinéma, ou du show business artistique.

Ainsi l’éducation et la lutte contre la pauvreté fléau des droits de l’homme restent les meilleurs remparts et remèdes pour éradiquer ce fléau du terrorisme. Cependant, il y a 2 énormes difficultés : la première, est que la mise en œuvre de politiques économiques et sociales abaissant puis éliminant la pauvreté = prendra beaucoup de temps, malgré les décisions prises en septembre 2000 lors du sommet du millénaire et les impulsions faites par Kofi ANNAN, alors Secrétaire général de l’ONU.

Ensuite, et d’autant plus difficile en période de crise économique, il y faut la volonté politique, et plus encore la mise en œuvre de politiques étatiques, et économiques par les grands acteurs économiques volontaristes, déterminées à cet objectif, quitte à s’attaquer rapidement et véritablement par exemple aux paradis fiscaux.

Enfin, il convient :que les grandes philosophies humanistes laïques et les grands courants religieux universels conjuguent leurs efforts pour doter notre jeunesse d'une solide philosophie de l'existence avec le respect du caractère sacré de l'existence.

Dans cette optique, le spirituel actif, qui ne signifie pas forcément s'investir dans une religion organisée, mais qui fait partie de la constitution même du sujet, peut , comme l'exprime le bouddhiste Daisaku IKEDA, prix de la paix des Nations Unies, être = créateur de paix et d'harmonie !

Copyright Guy CREQUIE


If Internet and the social networks can be marvellous instruments of positive exchanges and user-friendliness, it is however also with the social networks that terrorist terrorists and apprentices learn how to manufacture bombs, and to find interlocutors of mobilities salafists djihadists, with which, they can communicate, and sometimes then very quickly to follow formations adapted to this sad cause in the deserts:Pakistan, Afghanistan, Niger, etc.

Sometimes, films very well done to excite the cause of the Djihad, present what is called the Western international plot with historical short cuts since the crusades, whose presentation supports the accents of hatreds and rancours.

For as much:the western world does not have it anything to be reproached which not justifies the horror, the abominable one, but makes it possible fanaticisms of all edges to try to build a legitimacy with the ideological weapon of the truncated or handled historical justification.

However, and I noted it during dialogs with Palestinians frustrated not to have a State recognized and made safe feeling of injustice to despair, it can then have most terrible:the passage to the act by the most abominable way or the empathy does not exist any more, or the human character of the other is ignored, i.e. by the attack, the catch D ` hostages, or worse decapitation sometimes filmed as as Chetchnia at the time of the cruel, horrible war with Russia and in certain situations at the time of the conflict in Iraq with the presence of the American troops.

What it is necessary to try to make, even if humanly it is not easy to try to approach the unjustifiable one, the abominable one, it is to approach the psychological springs of the passage to the act.

Previously, one converted with Islam as with another religion by need for spirituality Ainsi, there was conversion spectacular: GARAUDY, BEJART, or recently footballer RIBERY. All this which raises of the sphere private is completely sizeable, is business of conscience.

Then the Islam as of other religions is a great universal religion, which brought to humanity, and one should not confuse: political Islam like other fanatic and fundamentalist currents existing in addition, with the religious values of this great religion with which one owe some discovered and treasures cultural, architectural, or of art and the literature.

Then: how to explain that do people often young, integrated since years sometimes without problems radicalize themselves and pass to the terrorist act?

It is for them an identity problem, a feeling of car defense, vis-a-vis one rather lived one felt of aggressions of their system of values, symbols, representation.

They have feeling of frustration vis-a-vis shift of display of wealths between country of North more rich, which preaches according to them an ambient materialism of the money and individual success, which is unaware of God and his regulations, vis-a-vis the countries of the south.

Thus their belief results in adhesion with a political and ideological Islam of refusal, and combat against those identified like the attackers.

Then: a terrorist who only kills, isolated, or in group organized in a wretched way and spectacular benefit however of the media shock wave. In a few minutes this crime is relayed on all planet by the social networks and the great media. In a few hours, an anonymity has a media diffusion equivalent to that of displacements and intrigues of the more Generals of State, or world stars of the sport, cinema, or show artistic business.

Thus education and the fight against poverty plague of the human rights remain the best ramparts and remedies to eradicate this plague of terrorism. However, there are 2 enormous difficulties: the first, is that the implementation of economic policies and social lowering then eliminating poverty = will take much time, in spite of the decisions taken in September 2000 at the time of the top of the millenium and the impulses made by Kofi Annan, then General secretary of UNO.

Then, and all the more difficult in economic crisis period, one needs the political will for it, and more still the implementation of official, and economic policies by the large voluntarist economic actors, determined with this objective, since it is necessary to attacking quickly and truly for example the tax havens.

Lastly, it is appropriate:that great laic humanistic philosophies and the large universal religious currents combine their efforts to equip our youth with a solid philosophy of the existence with the respect of the crowned character of the existence.

Accordingly, the spiritual credit, which inevitably does not mean to be invested in an organized religion, but which is part of the constitution even subject, can, as expresses it the Buddhist Daisaku IKEDA, price of the peace of the United Nations, being = creative of peace and harmony!

Copyright Guy CREQUIE


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