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Earth Community Organization (ECO)
the Global Community

Newsletter        Volume 3       Issue 1,    January  2005

Help Tsunamis victims

Table of Contents

1.0    Introduction    
2.0     The Global Community resources centre to help tsunamis victims, their relatives and friends    
3.0     Members of the Global Community who are from one of the twelve countries affected by Tsunamis    
4.0    Letters and press releases    
A)    Letter to the Global Community concerning the creation of a global ministry coordinating efforts during rescues and emergencies due to natural disasters    
B)    Letter to the membership of the Global Community and participants of Global Dialogue 2006 in need of help with problems concerning the tsunami disaster   
C)    Letters sent in 2004    
D)    Press releases published in 2004    
5.0    Reports
The most important development in 2004
6.0    Research and development papers
A)    A lesson we are learning from the tsunami disaster:
the wisdom to create global ministries in several aspects of our global life    
B)     Becoming a Global Community citizen is now a necessity    
7.0    Comments and recommendations
A)    Creation of the Ministry of Rescues and Emergencies Due to Natural Disasters
B)    Earth Ministry of Health: universal health care to all Global Community citizens
8.0    General Articles
A)    Celebration of Life Day    
B)    The Compassionate Global Society, by Robert E. Cobb    


Help Tsunamis victims
Tsunamis strike Indian Ocean

The recent natural disaster in Southeast Asia and eastern Africa have shown how vulnerable we are and how powerful Nature can be. More than 130,000 dead from the earthquake and tsunamis. Up to 5 million people around the tsunami-struck Indian Ocean are now struggling for access to drinking water, shelter, food and health care.

The following are some facts about tsunamis.

A tsunami is an ocean wave, or a series of waves, caused by a rapid large-scale physical disturbance in the ocean such as an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, a landslide, an undersea slump or a meteor impact. The waves radiate outward in all directions from the disturbance and can propagate across entire ocean basins. In less than 24 hours, a tsunami can cross the entire Pacific Ocean.

Persons caught in the path of a tsunami are at extreme risk from being crushed or struck by debris, or drowning. Children and the elderly are particularly at risk, as they often have less mobility, strength and endurance. Residents are advised to seek higher ground or travel inland to get out of the tsunami’s path.

Friends and family desperate to learn the fate of loved ones thousands of miles away in South Asia are turning to the Internet to plead for news of those who survived the weekend's tsunami disaster — and who didn't. In some cases, the Web can bring good news. The Global Community website is a good resources centre and a source of help for all. Check our website for more details:

We ask you to help tsunamis victims in one of the 12 countries hit by the tsunami waves. Contact an NGO listed on our website and make a donation. Sponsor a child.

This newletter was sent to our membership and to participants of Global Dialogue 2006. Let us know if any of you, a relative, or a friend was a tsunami victim. The Global Community will do what it can to help you.

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The Global Community resources centre to help tsunamis victims, their relatives and friends

Dozens of countries lost citizens to the huge tsunami waves that hit twelve countries of Southeast Asia and eastern Africa. Several popular winter havens were devastated. A definitive count of foreigners killed or missing was difficult to determine as authorities sought to identify bodies and survivors contacted relatives or government agencies.

The confirmed death toll from the quake and tsunamis passed 130,000. Up to 5 million people around the tsunami-struck Indian Ocean are struggling for access to drinking water, shelter, food and health care. They are not able to access what they need for living.

Dirty drinking and washing water combined with lack of proper sewage disposal can cause outbreaks of life-threatening diarrhea diseases such as cholera, typhoid and dysentery, as well as some forms of hepatitis. Sources of clean water and sanitary toilets have been largely wiped out in many areas.

The waterborne illnesses threatening the region are caused by bugs in traces of feces, which can easily end up in the mouth not only when people don’t wash their hands before eating or preparing food, but also if plates and utensils are washed in sewage-contaminated water.

A common way that such diseases get spread is by fetching buckets of water from rivers and lakes where people bathe and defecate.

There is enough food coming in, but it’s mostly rice and noodles, which is not enough, even in the short term, to maintain the immune systems of the struggling survivors. Malnutrition increases vulnerability to infections. Efforts are under way to bring in more nutritious food, such as high-protein biscuits.

In some countries, rescue efforts are being slowed by political disputes and lack of infrastructure. Transportation difficulties delayed aid to coastal communities.

The Global Community website is a good resources centre and a source of help for all. Check our website for more details:

There are aid agencies listed on our website, and they are accepting contributions for assistance that they or their affiliates are providing for those affected by the earthquake and tsunami waves in Asia.

Members of the Global Community who are from one of the twelve countries affected by Tsunamis

We are asking all our members to participate with us in helping those of our members in need of help. The list below show members of the Global Community who are from the countries hit by tsunamis. Please do contact those you know need our help. The complete listing of our membership is found on our website.

Casualty numbers by country

As of December 31, 2004, at least 121,562 people were killed in 11 countries in Asia and Africa in Sunday's massive earthquake and tsunami waves, according to official figures. A breakdown of the toll so far:

Indonesia: 80,246.
Sri Lanka: 28,551.
India: 7,763
Thailand: 4,560
Somalia: 200
Myanmar: 90
Maldives: 73
Malaysia: 66
Tanzania: 10
Bangladesh: 2
Kenya: 1

Members of the Global Community who are from one of the twelve countries affected by Tsunamis.

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Letter to the Global Community concerning the creation of a global ministry coordinating efforts during rescues and emergencies due to natural disasters

The Global Community is proposing the formation of

a)     a permanent global ministry, the Ministry of Rescues and Emergencies Due to Natural Disasters, and

b)     the Earth Ministry of Health to provide a universal health care to all Global Community citizens.

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Letter to the membership of the Global Community and participants of Global Dialogue 2006 in need of help with problems concerning the tsunami disaster

The Global Community will do all it can to help its membership and participants of Global Dialogue 2006 in need of help with problems concerning the tsunami disaster. Let us know your concerns or problems. We will do all we can to help you.

Friends and family desperate to learn the fate of loved ones thousands of miles away in Southeast Asia or eastern Africa are turning to the us to plead for news of those who survived the weekend's tsunami disaster — and who didn't. In some cases, our website can bring good news. The Global Community website is a good resources centre and a source of help for all. Check our website for more details:

This newletter was sent to our membership and to participants of Global Dialogue 2006. Let us know if any of you, a relative, or a friend was a tsunami victim. The Global Community will do what it can to help you.

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Letters sent in 2004

 Date sent  Sent by who? and to who?  Theme or comments  Read contents
 July 2004   Germain Dufour, sent to Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights  Scale of Human and Earth Rights,
and Earth Court of Justice
 Nov 22, 2004  Germain Dufour, sent to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the business category given to Germain Dufour by the Global Community   Read
 Nov 25, 2004  Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, sent to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the social and human development category given to Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor by the Global Community  Read
 Dec 2, 2004  Robert E. Cobb, sent to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the societal sustainability category given to Robert E. Cobb by the Global Community  Read
 Dec 22, 2004  Dr. Xiaohui Hao, sent to to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the Mitigating GHGs in Power Sector category given to Dr. Xiaohui Hao by the Global Community  Read

Newsletter       Volume 2       Issue 1,    September   2004
A)    Letter to the American People concerning the invasion of the Middle East
B)    Letter to George W. Bush, President of the United States
Newsletter      Volume 2       Issue 2,    November   2004
A)    Letter to Russia President Vladimir Putin concerning the Kyoto Protocol
B)    Letter to George W. Bush, President of the United States, and to my fellow Americans
Newsletter        Volume 3       Issue 1,    January  2005

A)    Letter to the Global Community concerning the creation of a global ministry coordinating efforts during rescues and emergencies due to natural disasters    
B)    Letter to the membership of the Global Community and participants of Global Dialogue 2006 in need of help with problems concerning the tsunami disaster   

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Press releases published in 2004

 Month  Press release  Topic  Read contents
 January 3rd, 2004  #1  Final Program for Global Dialogue 2004  Read
 April 15th, 2004  #2  Two wrongs dont make one right, never did never will  Read
 June 11th, 2004  #3  Climate change: responsibility and accountability of cities (Part I)  Read
 Nov 22, 2004   The ECO Award in the business category given to Germain Dufour by the Global Community  Global Community WebNet Ltd.   Read

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The most important development in 2004

The most important development in 2004 is the establishment of the ECO Award process within the Global Community. We now have an official site of the ECO Award offered by the ECO Award Committee of the Earth Community Organization (ECO), the Global Community.

Who is eligible for the ECO award?

Although the Criteria to obtain the ECO Award varies according to the categories, the basic requirement is the same for all candidates: only Global Community citizens can be nominated.

To be considered eligible for an award it is necessary to be nominated in writing by a person competent to make such a nomination. Then the candidate must go througth the process of obtaining the award, the selection process.


The ECO Award is an international award given yearly for achievements in 76 distinct categories.

The Selection Committee of the Global Community has selected 76 candidates and given away the ECO Awards.

The ECO Award in the business category Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship

The ECO Award in the business category was the very first award given in 2004 by the ECO Award Committee of the Global Community. It was the first award ever given by the Committee.

The ECO Award Committee has decided to award the ECO Award in the business category for 2004 to Germain Dufour, Global Community WebNet Ltd., for his contribution to:

*    a sustainable Global Community development,
*    the development of the CCGCC,
*    democracy, and
*    peace.

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A lesson we are learning from the tsunami disaster: the wisdom to create global ministries in several aspects of our global life

Global ministries are a very specific and useful type of symbiotical relationships on Earth. There are urgently needed. The Global Community has been promoting the formation of 51 global ministries for the proper governance of Earth. The proper management of Earth resources is certainly a very important aspect of this new initiative. So is the protection of the global life-support systems. Global ministries are world wide organizations just like the WTO for trade and therefore should have the same power to rule on cases as that of the World trade Organization (WTO). Global Ministries

Perhaps now after seeing the need to coordinate efforts in helping Tsunamis victims we all see the wisdom to create global ministries in several aspects of our global life. Canada has joined a coalition of developed countries delivering relief to tsunami-struck Southeast Asia and eastern Africa.

Prime Minister Paul Martin pledged Canada's commitment to a four-country coalition with Australia, India, Japan and the United States to co-ordinate humanitarian relief for the devastated region.

The group will work together - with the United Nations - to ensure rich nations are not competing against each other in the delivery of aid and that all our efforts are complimentary and not competitive.

The Global Community is proposing the formation of

a)     a permanent global ministry, the Ministry of Rescues and Emergencies Due to Natural Disasters, and

b)     the Earth Ministry of Health to provide a universal health care to all Global Community citizens.

Becoming a Global Community citizen is now a necessity

Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC)

All peoples on Earth have been wondering what will it take to create and obtain a global community citizenship that is based on fundamental principles and values of the Global Community. Now is time to enact your dream! It is time because humanity has no time to waste as we have done in the past. It is time to be what we are meant to become to save us and all life along with us. It is time to be citizens of the Earth. It is time to gather our forces and to stand for our global values, the only humane values that can save humanity and life on the planet from extinction.

You may be eligible to become a citizen of the Global Community.

To become a citizen of the Global Community you may be:

*     a person
*     a global community
*     an institution
*     a town, city or province
*     a state or a nation
*     a business   Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC)
*     an NGO
*     a group of people who decided to unite for the better of everyone participating in the relationship, or you may be
*     an international organization

The Global Community Citizenship is given to anyone who accepts the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship as a way of life . It is time now to take the oath of global community citizenship. We all belong to this greater whole, the Earth, the only known place in the universe we can call our home.

Before you make your decision, we are asking you to read very carefully the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship, make sure you understand every part of the criteria, and then make the oath of belonging to the Global Community, the human family, Earth Community and Earth Government.

You do not need to let go the citizenship you already have. No! You can still be a citizen of any nation on Earth. The nation you belong to can be called 'a global community'. But you are a better human being as you belong also to the Global Community, and you have now higher values to live a life, to sustain yourself and all life on the planet. 

You have become a person with a heart, a mind and Soul of the same as that of the Global Community.

The Global Community welcomes you!

Negotiations with the United Nations are under way concerning worldwide acceptance of the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship. It is expected that the U.N. accept worldwide the Global Community Citizenship and the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC). A global community citizen could travel the world with the global community VISA and work in nations where the VISA is obtained.

The Global Community would conduct the proper investigation concerning the security aspects of the global community citizen requesting the VISA and also be responsible for the legitimacy of the application for the VISA. A VISA could have several different applications depending of the request:

a) work permit
b) short visit
c) volunteer work

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Creation of the Ministry of Rescues and Emergencies Due to Natural Disasters

Perhaps now after seeing the need to coordinate efforts in helping Tsunamis victims we all see the wisdom to create global ministries in several aspects of our global life. Canada has joined a coalition of developed countries delivering relief to tsunami-struck Southeast Asia and eastern Africa.

Prime Minister Paul Martin pledged Canada's commitment to a four-country coalition with Australia, India, Japan and the United States to co-ordinate humanitarian relief for the devastated region.

The group will work together - with the United Nations - to ensure rich nations are not competing against each other in the delivery of aid and that all our efforts are complimentary and not competitive.

The Global Community is proposing the formation of

a)     a permanent global ministry, the Ministry of Rescues and Emergencies Due to Natural Disasters, and

b)     the Earth Ministry of Health to provide a universal health care to all Global Community citizens.

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Earth Ministry of Health: universal health care to all Global Community citizens

Universal health care, education, retirement security and employment services to every Global Community citizen

Implemented through the Global Community with built-in mechanisms for optimum input and oversight guaranteed to all member-states, the Global Community offers a practicable starting point for achieving:

(a)     a healthful, sustainable environment for every global community citizen,

(b)     universal health care, publicly supported,

(c)     education for all based upon individual capability,

(d)     creative/productive employment for every global community citizen, and

(e)     post-retirement security.

This effort will lead over time to an escalation of human values and symbiotical relationships transcending money centered economics.

The Global Community is calling for the immediate formation of the Earth Ministry of Health. The globalization of trade, the extensive mouvement of people all over the world, the increase of poverty and diseases in developing countries and all over the world, have caused pathogens and exotic diseases to migrate over enormous distances and now, are an increasing threat to local ecosystems and communities, economies and health of every human being and all life. The Global Community, the Human Family, is calling this threat of the upmost importance and must be dealt with immediately by every nation. We must manage health in the world. We are calling for the immediate creation of the Earth Ministry of Health .

Formation of a Global Ministry of Environmental Health

1.     Must be non-profit, grassroots, and at community level.
2.     Finances: drug companies and governments.
3.    Global Declaration

a)    very strict and mandatory
b)    all nations participate
c)    scientists and professionals in the fields who have dedicated their lives to environmental health
d)    humanitarians


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Celebration of Life Day on May 26

Celebration of Life Day on May 26

Dear friends,

On and around May 26, 2005, millions of people around the world will join together in a global call to celebrate Life, the gift to the universe from God.

The Global Community is asking all Peoples of the world to participate in this celebration of Life in your own community. The following project is appropriate to everyone.

From the experience in your life and local community tell us:

*    Why are you important to this "Global Community"?
*    Why is it important to you?
*    What do you like about it?
*    What bothers you about it?
*    Anything need to be done?
*    What is really good there?
*     What is very very important?
*     What is not so important?
*     What is not good?
*     What is needed to keep the good things?
*     What could make them even better?
*     What could you do to keep the good things good?
*     Could they help get rid of bad things?
*     What unimportant things need to go?
*     How could you help get rid of these things?

to sustain Earth, humanity and all life.

Please send us the following information:

1. What is the most important issue in your community in order to become more sustainable? Many communities held Life Day 2004 dialogues to determine the answer to this question. We look forward to hearing from all of you.

2. A brief story of success in your community from the last 10 years in regard to a sound sustainable development.

3. A picture related to the above or to a Life Day event.

4. A sample of your idea of the Earth Flag.

We will gather this information from groups all over the world and compile it into a comprehensive report. Your work will be shown during the new Global Dialogue 2006. Please mail or email your ideas, pictures and descriptions, Earth Flag samples to:

Germain Dufour, President
the Global Community

Visit our website for more details concerning the Celebration of Life Day.

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The Compassionate Global Society, by Robert E. Cobb

 Dec 2, 2004  Robert E. Cobb, sent to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the societal sustainability category given to Robert E. Cobb by the Global Community  Read

This ECO Award was given on November 22, 2004.

  13  Societal sustainability  Link to related site work  Robert E. Cobb    Forelaws on Board  United States   Read

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