Global Business and Trade
Global Information Media editorial page
The Global Community has had work on Global businesses and trade ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on the Global businesses and trade. A short list of our previous work on the Global businesses and trade is shown here

For more recent work on the Global businesses and trade read the following table.

 Month/year  Theme and Author  Read contents
 November 27, 2006   Looking at the Impact of Hurricane Ivan on Florida Coasts, by Alliance Communications Group, with innovations-report   Read Looking at the Impact of Hurricane Ivan on Florida Coasts
 October 24, 2006   What happened with Spirit in Business?, by Sander Tideman and Anders Faijersson Ferguson, Co-Founders & Co-Chairs of Spirit in Business   Read What happened with Spirit in Business?
 November 20, 2006   Balance between trade ambition and development must: AFGC - Asian Farmers' Cooperatives , by ASHOK B SHARMA , with Indian Society For Sustainable Agriculture and Indian Express Newspapers (Mumbai) Ltd.   Read Balance between trade ambition and development must: AFGC  - Asian Farmers' Cooperatives
 September 22, 2006   International Car Free Day, by Leanne Minichillo The Green Tourism Association Newsletter  Read International Car Free Day
  October 13, 2006   California Sues “Big Six” Auto Companies on Global Warming, by Lisa Grob , Friends of the Earth  Read  California Sues “Big Six” Auto Companies on Global Warming
  September 23, 2006   Task On Running Unions -Role Of The State, by V.Krishnamurthy  Read Task On Running Unions -Role Of The State
  July 19th, 2006   The Cancun Summit Mandated The North American Union by 2007, by Jan Allen  Read The Cancun Summit Mandated The North American Union by 2007
  June 19, 2006   The Nestlé Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility As Implemented in Latin America by Nestlé Headquarters, Nestlé S.A., Avenue Nestlé 55, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland, a comprehensive review of Nestlé operations from Mexico to the southern tip of South America.  Read The Nestlé Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility As Implemented in Latin America
 February 26, 2005   Corporate global citizens responsibility and accountability   Read Corporate global citizens responsibility and accountability
 February 26, 2005  Corporate global citizens ethics   Read Corporate global citizens ethics
 February 26, 2005   Preventive actions against polluters   Read Preventive actions against polluters
 February 26, 2005  Business and trade responsibility and accountability: new way of doing business and trade for everyone   Read Business and trade  responsibility and accountability: new way of doing business and trade for everyone

A short list of our previous work on the Global businesses and trade

 Month/year  Theme  Read contents
  February 2006   GGNA vs NAFTA and the FTAA: the Canadian view point  Read  GGNA vs NAFTA and the FTAA: the Canadian view point
  1985   Global economy and trade  Read  Global economy and trade
  1985   Corporate social responsibility  Read  Corporate social responsibility
  1985   Status of business and consumer rights  Read   Status of business and consumer rights
  1985   A global regulatory framework  Read   A global regulatory framework
  1985   New way of doing business  Read    New way of doing business
  1985   Business responsibility for sustainable development  Read    Business responsibility for sustainable development
  1985   Code of conduct for corporations  Read    Code of conduct for corporations
  1985   Preventive actions against polluters  Read     Preventive actions against polluters
  1985   Certified Corporate G. C. Citizenship  Read   Certified Corporate G. C. Citizenship


Report 1

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Report 2

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Report 3

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