Proclamations of the Global Community
Global Information Media editorial page
The Global Community has had letters sent away ever since 1985.
A short list of our previous letters is shown here. A short list of our previous letters is shown here

For more recent letters read the following table.

 Date sent  Sent by who? and to who?  Theme or comments  Read contents
 August 1, 2007  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community   China’s Transition into a Society of Social Harmony (Part II)
China represents one of the oldest civilizations in the entire history of our earthly society. Its dynasties managed to leave legacies that have enriched the culture of China in many unique ways. By nature, the Chinese are very kind people and they try to be helpful with those around and with those they come across. They also tend to live in peace and to let others live in peace as well. The only ambition the Chinese people seem to have is to see the members of their relatives and friends equipped with all the vital needs of life.
  Read  China’s Transition into a Society of Social Harmony (Part II)
 July 28, 2007  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community   China in True Perspective
  Read  China in True Perspective
 June 10, 2007   Sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community   Global Justice for all life on the planet
The Global Community Global Justice Movement has many inter-related components: monetary, social, economic, environmental, democracy, and peace. The Global Community Global Justice Movement promotes new thinking to benefit all economies and societies – the true, fair, democratic and efficient solution to poverty. The Global Community has the productive resources to eliminate poverty and injustice. Humanity is now in the process of developing the democratic and transparent communications infrastructure which can bring this about. Our approach transcends left-wing/right-wing designations. We see both conventional capitalism and socialism as being two arms of a philosophy which concentrate power in an elite, to the detriment of society as a whole. Reforming the current money system, to empower each and every person, is a first step for justice.
  Read Global Justice for all life on the planet
 May 26, 2007  Sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community   The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year
The Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at any location at any time between the Ozone layer above and the core of the planet below
  Read The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year
 May 5, 2007  Letter sent by Tea Kovacevic Molnar to the Global Community   God government
Jesus comments on political issues

  Read  God government
 May 4, 2007  Letter sent by Bill Ellis to the Global Community   The Soul of an apathist
To be or not to be -- mortality and immortality

  Read  The Soul of an apathist
 April 9, 2007  Sent by Murray Dobbin to the Global Community  The militarization of Canadian Culture   Read The militarization of Canadian Culture
 April 4, 2007  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community  Prophet Mohammad:
God’s Messenger of Peace
  Read  Prophet Mohammad: God’s Messenger of Peace
 March 17, 2007   I am the new long awaited prophet to help humanity through this century and beyond by Germain Dufour, with the Global Community  In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Community, there are laws I ask everyone to comply with.   Read I am the new long awaited Prophet
 March 16, 2007  Sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community   Nature Law
Nature Law, a fundamental pillar of our social values
  Read  Nature Law
 March 17, 2007  Sent by God to the Global Community   Revelations for the 21st Century and beyond
God Law
  Read  Revelations for the 21st Century and beyond
 March 8, 2007  Sent by Grassroots Women to the Global Community   Grassroots Women International Women’s Day 2007 Statement
Strengthen Women’s Resistance: Oppose Imperialism’s Intensifying Attacks! Assert Women’s Basic Human Rights!
In Canada, a patriarchal resurgence and ever-more entrenched systemic racism are intensifying the exploitation, oppression, and economic exclusion of working class, (im)migrant, refugee and Indigenous women. We are hard hit by the neo-liberal policies of the Canadian government of liberalization, deregulation and privatization which leave working class women unable to earn a decent income or to access affordable housing, health, and other services. Amidst rising corporate profiteering, government corruption, and military spending, government funding for childcare and women’s programs have been slashed. The insultingly paltry and unjustly distributed $100/month childcare benefit has been a slap in the face for women demanding a genuinely universal national childcare program. (Im)migrant and refugee women face the punitive and exploitative nature of immigration policies such as the Live-in Caregiver Program and unjust deportations. Indigenous women face the ongoing colonization of their land and resources.
  Read   Grassroots Women International Women’s Day 2007 Statement
 March 9, 2007  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community   The Crime of War in Iraq   Read  The Crime of War in Iraq
 March 10, 2007  Sent by Triaka Smith to the Global Community   GREAT SHIFT OF POWER, The CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY, The New Earth Cooperative To explain, since "Justice" is the principle of Moral Rightness, its a rational view that to force a human being into submission when that person has neither threatened nor caused harm to others, is both Irrational Enslavement and Morally Unjust. In this connection, it's worth noting that while civilized people have voluntarily agreed to make illegal the Initiation of Physical Force by one human upon another, as in murder, rape, and robbery, no government on earth has yet been held to the same Moral Standard.   Read GREAT SHIFT OF POWER
 March 5, 2007  Sent by Connie Fogal, leader of CAP/PAC to the Global Community  Connie Fogal, leader of CAP/PAC, identifies critical issues and solutions for Canadians   Read Connie Fogal, leader of CAP/PAC, identifies critical issues and solutions for Canadians
 March 2, 2007  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community  The Criminality of War   Read The Criminality of War
 February 26, 2007  Sent by Livia Varju, Universal Alliance Servitor for Switzerland, to the Global Community  Is towards a totally spiritually ethical politics possible?   Read Is towards a totally spiritually ethical politics possible?
 January 1st, 2007  Sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community  ECO Award in the Global Civilization category   Read ECO Award in the Global Civilization  category
 January 1st, 2007  Sent by Germain Dufour to Ban Ki-moon just sworn in as next Secretary-General of the United Nations  Global Parliament and the Global Community welcome Ban Ki-moon just sworn in as next Secretary-General of the United Nations   Read Global Parliament and the Global Community welcome <B> Ban Ki-moon</B> just sworn in as next Secretary-General of the United Nations


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