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Theme for this month February 2021:
Global Civilizational State: the application of the Scale of Global Rights to the most important global issues threatening humanity's survival worldwide.
- Global Issue 1, sections 1,2,3, and 6 affected: Replacing both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Charters from all nations by the Scale of Global Rights will give more importance, substance, value, gravity, and urgency to human life, all life on Earth, and to the protection of the global life-support systems for this generation and future generations.
Short explanation of global issue 1.![]()
Video about global issue 1.![]()
Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 1.![]()
Full explanation concerning all nine (9) global issues.![]()
Global Civilizational State has researched nine Global Issues with respect to humanity's survival worldwide. Today Humanity is dealing with global issues related to COVID-19 pandemic, the global warming of the planet, globalization, political instability and a social and political regress to irrationality. Each one of those global issues are threatening the survival of life, especially humanity, on our planet. What is even more worrisome and fearful is that children stand on the precipice of a climate crisis and wealthy countries are threatening the future of all children in the world through the global warming of the planet.
All global issues are impacting critically the survival of all life on our planet, and especially humanity, and have been assessed with respect to the six sections of the Scale of Global Rights and compared to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Section 1 on the Scale has more importance than all other sections below, and so on.
This assessment worldwide resolted in nine critical global issues. Ever since 1985, Global Civilizational State has researched all 9 global issues with respect to humanity's survival worldwide.
Global Issue 1 is about replacing both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Charters from all nations by the Scale of Global Rights to give more importance, substance, value, gravity, and urgency to human life, all life on Earth, and to the protection of the global life-support systems for this generation and future generations.
Global Issue 2 is about human activities being responsible for the global warming of the planet, mostly through our use of fossil fuels.
Global Issue 3 is about our ways of doing business and trade that are causing the destruction of livelihood worldwide and that of the next generations, in short threatening the survival of all life on our planet.
Global Issue 4 is about the need to educate Peoples and to emphasize moral virtues and a healthy intellectual development.
Global Issue 5 is about the 1% of the world population being richer by far than all other Peoples, along with corporations became corrupted, greedy, no longer in line with humanity's survival on the planet.
Global Issue 6 is about poverty, racism, religious and ethnic conflict, terrorism, being further magnified by the widening spread and quickening pace of globalization.
Global Issue 7 is about
several distinct paths or tipping points to imminent human extinction. A global critical tipping point that is evident, obvious, clear, is the way society view Nature around us. Capitalism is the system that can only lead us to our annihilation, all Life extinction. This very important tipping point has been the primary cause of all global crises and is due to human activities, our ways of doing business and trade, and to our ways of consuming resources. Other critical tipping points are the rapid melting of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets, the thawing of permafrost, and the gradual destruction of the global life-support systems and eco-systems of the planet.
Global Issue 8 is about the global coronavirus pandemic, and other future viruses, and the failure of governments worldwide to fight the infection. We are facilitating the emergence and spread of deadly pathogens like the Ebola virus, SARS, and the coronavirus through deforestation, haphazard urbanization, and the ongoing warming of the planet.
Global Issue 9 is about issues threatening the health and future of children and of the next generations.
Global Civilizational State has shown that only the Scale of Global Rights can effectively evaluate the degree of important of those global issues with respect to humanity survival now and future generations. Results have shown that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is no longer serving adequately humanity and its survival. Only the Scale can quide us all toward survival. It is time now to leave the Universal Declaration of Human Rights behind and reach to our next step of human evolution, that is the approval of a scale of social values, the Scale of Global Rights.