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Theme for this month, October 2019.
Germain Dufour
As global crises of all sorts further intensify, Global Civilizational State may have no alternative but to show solidarity and help each other out of crises, and such solidarity can only be built on the basis of harmony and moderation, and on respecting the political and cultural diversity of our troubled world. A Global Civilizational State dependable and trustworthy leadership for all life on Earth has been on the horizon consistently doing good work. Let us all lead the world toward Global Civilizational State.
Ever since the beginning of the industrial revolution, global crises have aggravated beyond safety bounds. Several important causes of global warming, climate changes, and the life extinction crisis have brought about an existential threat to humanity and of the other life forms on our planet. Mitigation involves attempts to slow the process of global climate change, usually by lowering the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. So far this attempt has not been successful.
In a finite world, economic and population growth cannot continue indefinitely and must end when resources are exhausted.
Capitalism has been a failure of our democratic system of governance. Capitalism is this system that can only lead us to our annihilation. Capitalism is an economic system based on exponential growth world over. This system is forcing us to work harder to surpass previous years Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers, and is driven by competition, which creates more pollution that impairs life, and the CO2 that's heating the biosphere will end life on Earth if the system is maintain to its exhaustion. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now, and Global Civilizational State also strongly opposes environmental, economic, population, and military warfares.
But today, many countries have already prioritized economic growth over social, environmental and human right aspects of life. Free trade is itself a fragrant abuse of democracy. Corporate America overriding goal is maximal profits and not the needs and welfare of future generations. The enormous productive capacities and market forces of the planet have been committed to satisfying human needs and desires with little regard to the short and long terms future of life on the planet.
Earth environmental governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of sustainable development and Earth management because human activities are all interconnected and dependent to one another. A legally imposed contraction of the fossil energy supply and a rapid conversion to renewable energy, are necessary steps toward savings humanity. The goal of the developed nations must be to overturn our present expansionary economic system by fostering de-growth. To accomplish this people must control and manage Earth resources at all stages: exploration, development, production, transportation, manufacturing, and distribution.
And we need a complete turn around of our ways of doing business and trade, in global development, and in the management of global resources. Global Civilizational State has included morality and ethics into our ways of doing business and trade, and into consumer understanding and use of each product on the market. Furthermore and most importantly, we must replace the United Nations by Global Parliament with the immediate action to form the Global Trade and Resources Ministry as promoted by Global Civilizational State, a more meaningful union in the form of nine or more Global Governments. A Global Government is concerned not only with economics and trade, but also with the environment, social, cultural and many other essential services. The Federation of Global Governments is the place of meeting between them.
Note: We do not have any funds to pay anyone and for anything. We work strictly on a volunteer basis .
Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2019 (September 1st, 2018 to August 31, 2019) are ready for reading. Please do verify that your articles, comments and papers were correctly published, and that recommendations were appropriate, useful, pertinent, and proper. Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for Global Dialogue 2019 were published in the Dialogue Overview section at
Global Dialogue 2019 Overview includes the:
- List of all author names in all papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2019.
- List of all author papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2019.
- We thank authors for their hard work and activism this dialogue. Over the past several decades, they have fought hard for the protection of the global life-support systems. Proceedings of all dialogues are available at:
Global Peace Earth
Ministry of Global Peace in government
Over the past decades we have shown that peace in the world and the survival and protection of all life on our planet go hand in hand. Asking for peace in the world means doing whatever is necessary to protect life on our planet. Protecting life implies bringing about the event of peace in the world. Let our time be a time remembered for a new respect for life, our determination to achieve sustainability, and our need for global justice and peace.
Our Global Peace Mouvement is about the courage to live a life in a harmonious peace order and showing by example, thus preventing poverty, wars, terror and violence. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and global sustainability being some of them.
Soul of all Life said in Global Peace Earth "Soul of all Life teaching about Peace: Introduction"
Peace is being who you are without fear. It is the "being who you are" who must be taught a value based on principles to live by. Only principles described in Global Law are necessary and required to attain Peace in the world.
Cultural Appreciation Day: August 22
Along with all the global communities, the Global Community, all life on Earth, and the Soul of Humanity can rightfully claim ownership of the Earth as a birthright: October 6
Founding of the Global Community organization, Global Community and the Federation of Global Governments: October 6 , 1985
Global Citizenship Day: October 6
Tribute to Virginie Dufour, the first Secretary General of the Global Community organization, who passed away April 28,2000
The Global Exhibition: August 17-22
Nationalization of natural resources: October 6
Global Peace Movement Day: May 26
Global Movement to Help: May 26
Global Justice for all Life Day: October 6
Global Justice Movement: October 6
Global Disarmament Day: May 26
Planetary State of Emergency Day: May 26
Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010): October 6
Celebration of Life Day: May 26
Planetary Biodiversity Zone Day: September 26
Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for this month
Dr Glen Barry,Countercurrents Collective (4), Tom Engelhardt (2), Abdus Sattar Ghazali, Dr Andrew Glikson (2),Chris Hedges (2), William Hawes, Robert Hunziker (2), Michael T Klare, Sweta Lakhani, David B Lauterwasser, Dan Lieberman, Bhabani Shankar Nayak, Dr Marianne de Nazareth, Dr Gideon Polya, Floyd Rudmin ,Binay Sarkar, Anandi Sharan (2), Shobha Shukla, Andre Vltchek.
Dr Glen Barry, On Amazon Fires: It’s the Ecology Stupid.
Countercurrents Collective, #ClimateStrike kicks off in Australia and Pacific, millions across the globe join.
Countercurrents Collective, Climate crisis, the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced, wake up and face the facts: Greta Thunberg.
Countercurrents Collective, Devastating decline in Arctic ice over past 35 years
Countercurrents Collective, Inevitable climate crisis: Adaptation can deliver $7.1 trillion in benefits, says global report
Tom Engelhardt, Invasion! Who Are the Real Invaders on Planet Earth?
Tom Engelhardt, On the Precipice: The Collective Asteroid of Human History.
Abdus Sattar Ghazali, Putin offers Russian missile defense system to protect Saudi oil installations.
Dr Andrew Glikson, Portents of 21st century global warming.
Dr Andrew Glikson, Inferno: From climate denial to planetary arson.
Chris Hedges, The Last Act of the Human Comedy
Chris Hedges, The Capitalists Are Afraid.
William Hawes, Death by a Thousand Trumps: The Logical End Point of Capitalism
Robert Hunziker, Killing the Ocean
Robert Hunziker, Extinction Rebellion: What is it?
Michael T Klare, A Formula for Catastrophe in the Arctic.
Sweta Lakhani, How Indigenous Knowledge Systems can play a crucial role in environment protection and sustainable development (In Indian context).
David B Lauterwasser, Global collapse has begun, but this doesn’t mean we have to give up hope
Dan Lieberman, Is Israel a Democracy or a Kleptocracy?
Bhabani Shankar Nayak, Fighting democracy’s crisis and the capitalist state. A Manifesto
Dr Marianne de Nazareth, Ocean scientists and fishermen team up to document seal and fishing net interactions.
Dr Gideon Polya, Review: “Enlightenment Now” by Steven Pinker – Climate Genocide & Avoidable Mortality Holocaust Ignored
Floyd Rudmin, Even Skeptical Climate Science Shows We are in a Dire Crisis
Binay Sarkar, Nature And Human Beings
Anandi Sharan, Climate Change Facts – from Climate Change to Runaway Global Heating
Anandi Sharan, The Global Green New Deal is a Plan for Genocide
Shobha Shukla, Inside out: Climate change induced migration.
Andre Vltchek, Western media portrays Hong Kong hooligans as heroes. But are they?