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Volume 13       Issue 5    January  2015
Politics and Justice without borders
Global Community
Global Movement to Help

Theme for this month

Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015) and achievements

Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015) and achievements

Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015)
Artwork by Germain Dufour
December 10, 2014
( see enlargement 87 MB Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015). )

Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015) and achievements.

Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015) and achievements

Artwork by Germain Dufour
December 10, 2014
( see enlargement 14 MB Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015) and achievements. )

What Global Community stands for

What Global Community stands for What Global Community stands for


The Global Community is for all life on Earth and is the 21st century framework for Earth governance.

What Global Community stands for

What Global Community stands for
( see enlargement Politics and Justice without borders:  what we stand for)
Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for
Artwork by Germain Dufour
May 12, 2010

What Global Community stands for What Global Community stands for

    Here is my short Bio
    Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for
    Constitution Short Version
    Other summaries of the Global Communty work

Global Community stands for building a global civilization for all life on Earth. Building a Global Civilization for all life.

Building global communities require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are sev eral major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, human activities destroying and polluting, as population increases the respect and value of a human life is in decline, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, deforestation, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities for all life on the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of the above problems. Our goal for peace in the world can only be reached by resolving these important global problems. These problems have brought up a planetary state of emergency.

Life often involves tensions between important values. This can mean difficult choices. However, we must find ways to harmonize diversity with unity, the exercise of freedom with the common good, short-term objectives with long-term goals. Every individual, family, organization, and community has a vital role to play. The arts, sciences, religions, educational institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmental organizations, and governments are all called to offer creative leadership. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for an effective global governance based on Global Community concepts and the Scale of Global Rights.

Our first objective was to find statements from all religions that promote the respect, stewardship, protection, ethical and moral responsibility to life and of the environment, the Earth global life-support systems, and statements that promote a responsible Earth management. Specific statements on environmental conservation are also important. This process was assumed to work well within the context of the Global Dialogue and after defining Global Community criteria of symbiotical relationships. In the context of the global civilization of the 3rd Millennium, we have defined that any symbiotical relationship is for the good of all, for the good of the 'other'. It is based on a genuine group concern and unconditional support for the individual's well-being ~ a giant leap in human behaviour. Symbiotical relationships are needed today for the long term future of humanity and for the protection of life on Earth.

A new symbiotical relationship between religion and the protection of the global life-support systems has begun to take place all over the world. Religious rituals now support the conservation efforts and play a central role in governing sustainable use of the natural environment. Major faiths are issuing declarations, advocating for new national policies, and creating educational activities in support of a sustainable global community. Global Community is establishing a symbiotical relationship between spirituality and science, between our heart and mind, and God, between religion and the environment. The human family is finding its role in the universe, a higher purpose and a meaning. We now can celebrate life. Celebration of Life Day This effort will lead over time to an escalation of human values and symbiotical relationships transcending money centered economics.

The fundamental criteria of any symbiotical relationship is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy.

The question is how can we improve the political symbiotical relationship to fulfill the fundamental criteria? Global Community promotes the values and principles to achieve the fundamental criteria and that requires the promoting and establishment of: global community ethics, mutual respect, respect for life, basic liberties, justice and equity, caring for the 'other', integrity, responsibility and accountability, and be compassionate.

Living at the crossroads of this global crisis, we must hasten its passage, while assisting in the birth of a new civilization, the global civilization, based on life affirming rather than money affirming values. All over the world people are indeed waking up to the truth. We should strive and take steps to reclaim and rebuild our local economy. Be sustainable locally first, and globally next only if needed.

The peoples of all Nations, in creating an ever closer Global Community among themselves, a Global Civilization, are resolved to share a peaceful future based on common values. Conscious of its spiritual and moral heritage, Global Community is founded on the indivisible, universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity; it is based on the principles of democracy and the rule of global law. It places the individual at the heart of its activities, by establishing the Global Community citizenship, and by creating an era of freedom, security, global justice and social harmony.

Global Community allows people to take control of their own lives. The Global Community was built from a grassroots process with a vision for humanity that is challenging every person on Earth as well as nation governments. Global Community has a vision of the people working together building a new civilization including a healthy and rewarding future for the next generations, and living at peace and harmony. Global cooperation brings people together for a common future for the good of all.

Definition of Global Community
( see enlargement Global Community and Essential Services )

Global Community and Essential Services
Artwork by Germain Dufour
June 2010

An important objective of Global Community is to create a peaceful and just society. We believe that the peaceful development of the Global Community cannot be done unless social harmony is being created amongst community members.

Global Parliament
( see enlargement GPA and Essential Services )

Global Parliament and Essential Services
Artwork by Germain Dufour
June 2010

Global Community promotes peace and social harmony by:

  • Peoples of all religions are asked to participate in bringimg about the event of peace amongst us all
  • organizing and promoting the Global Dialogue worldwide
  • knowing who we are and who owns the Earth
  • creating the Global Movement to Help and offering Essential Services to serve the people of all nations, all life on Earth
  • researching, developing and promoting global rights and justice, and global law
  • establishing the Global Protection Agency (GPA) to enforce global law as agreed by the Federation of Global Governments
  • showing the way to global symbiotical relationships allowing a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy
  • creating a global civilization based on a just and tolerant society giving everyone the opportunity of becoming a global citizen. Global Citizens concerned about global issues since 1985. Global Citizens voting on issues Letter to all Canadians concerning new legislation on direct democracy Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Freedom, security and justice without borders (Part II) Global Community and every global citizen, also known as the human family, the global civil society. I should start by emphasizing that I speak to you as a good global citizen.  Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Parliament s Constitution   GCEG s commitment to the Global Community to make government and global citizens responsible and accountable, and to bring about Global Peace  Employment for every global citizen  Global Community Citizenship (every participant would become a global citizen)  We the Peoples are us Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year: Global Citizenship Day on October 29 of every year
  • creating peace amongst community members
  • creating opportunities for global citizens to live with dignity within communities and globally
  • promoting the beneficial effects of the Global Economic Model
  • researching and finding sound solutions to global problems
  • abolishing poverty
  • preventing conflicts and wars by providing a fair and just global governance

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Making clear to all people what they Making clear to all people what they can no longer do and must do for survival can no longer do and must do for life survival on Earth.

Politics and Justice without borders:  Earth governance

( see enlargement Politics and Justice without borders:  Earth governance )

Politics and Justice without borders: Earth governance
Artwork by Germain Dufour
June 6, 2010
Global Justice Movement Global Justice Movement as developed by Global Community has many inter-related components: monetary, social, economic, environmental, democracy, and peace.

Global Justice Movement Global Justice Movement promotes new thinking to benefit all economies and societies – the true, fair, democratic and efficient solution to poverty.

Global Community has the productive resources to eliminate poverty and injustice. Humanity is now in the process of developing the democratic and transparent communications infrastructure which can bring this about.

Our approach transcends left-wing/right-wing designations. We see both conventional capitalism and socialism as being two arms of a philosophy which concentrate power in an elite, to the detriment of society as a whole. Reforming the current money system, to empower each and every person, is a first step for justice.

Global Justice Movement stands for:

1. Each person has the right to have clean air, clean water, food and housing, along with access to a quality health and educational system.

2. Every person should be respected, equal, free and able to choose their own destiny.

3. Everyone should be able to fulfill their full emotional, intellectual and spiritual potential.

4. Every person must respect Earth and take responsibility for preserving the environment including the fauna and flora, all of which are interdependent and share a symbiotical relationship with humanity.

5. The inalienable rights of the individual include the rights of life, liberty, access to productive property, truly free markets, and equal justice before the law.

6. It is the duty of democratic government to secure the results the people want from the transparent management of their public affairs, as far as such results do not infringe on the rights of the individual.

7. Replacing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Global Rights.

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