Global Dialogue 2007 Call for Papers
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Politics and Justice without borders
Building Global Communities for all life

Call for Papers
Submission Criteria
Paper submission form
Paper submission and presentation notes
Participant Registration Form
For more information contact the Office of Global Dialogue 2007

This Call for Papers contains all the information needed to submit a paper to be considered by Global Dialogue 2007 .

The list of participants who have sent research papers is shown on our website. If you are planning to send a research paper do read the section ' Expectations from those sending research papers ',
and this section Call for Papers. When you submit a paper you must fill and send us the Paper Submission Cover Sheet. Research papers and other information will also be copied on our website in the ' Participant Listing ' section.

We welcome proposals for individual papers, presentations, traditional panel discussions and workshops. We encourage non-traditional formats including facilitated groups, photographic, poster and dramatic displays dealing with pertinent themes. We are extending a special invitation to community groups, community activists and others directly involved in the challenges of community and home development. Please submit your proposals for individual papers, panels, workshops or displays using the enclosed forms.

Paper topics include all aspects of our previous global dialogues plus those aspects related to the formation of new symbiotical relationships on Earth. Workshop Sessions and Discussion Roundtables follow the same format as per the previous global dialogues:

A) Global Dialogue 2000
World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development: Global Community Action 1
Held in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, August 1-22, 2000

B) Global Dialogue 2002
Earth Management - All Peoples together
Theme: Earth Government for Earth Community - A grassroots process -
Held in August 17-22, 2002, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and on Internet in August 1-31, 2002.

C) Global Dialogue 2004
New Age Civilization of the 3rd Millennium: the age of global co-operation and symbiotical relationships
Theme: A Vision to Caring for Life and Earth
Held August 21st, 2004 in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, and on Internet in August 1-31, 2004.

D) Global Dialogue 2005 Global Dialogue 2005
Politics and Justice without borders.
Theme: the Global Constitution.
Held August 20st, 2005 in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, and on Internet in August 1-31, 2005.

E) Global Dialogue 2006 Global Dialogue 2006
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme: Actions for the good of all as per the Statement of rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of the Global Community citizens.
Held August 17 to 22, 2006, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, and on Internet throughout the year of 2006.

The Global Community is now sponsoring Global Dialogue 2007 Global Dialogue 2007
Politics and Justice without borders
Building Global Communities for all life

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Submission Criteria

All paper submissions must comply with the following submission criteria.

A)     Original Contribution

Papers must reflect original work or major developments in previously reported work. Papers are not eligible if they have been published prior to Global Dialogue 2007, August 1st 2007, or accepted for publication before being submitted to us for consideration, or if they have been modified in only secondary respects after similar readings or publication.

B)     Length and Style

Papers as submitted are limited to 20 pages, including footnotes, table, and bibliographies. Details of empirical data and procedures of collection and analysis should be reserved for handouts or written versions. Organizers will be instructed not to accept abstracts, letters, or telephone calls in lieu of full papers when considering inclusions for their sessions.

C)     Where to Submit

A copy of your Paper is required to  be sent by email to either

Send us also a hardcopy of your paper directly to the office. We will let you know of our new post office address at a later day.

D)     Dual Submission

Topics have been defined broadly in brochures included here. In order to discourage multiple submissions of the same paper, the following submission policies have been set:

(1) Papers may not be submitted to more than one session; and
(2) In cases of dual submission, authors are required to notify us of this fact and to indicate preference on the submission cover sheet.

E)     How to send

Each paper submission must include a completed Submission Cover Sheet which must be filled out completely, including names and addresses of all co-authors.

F)     Manuscript Handling

Authors who want an acknowledgment of receipt of the paper must include a self-addressed, stamped postcard. Manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

G)     Deadline

The final deadline for submission of individual abstracts and papers, videos, presentations, panel discussions and workshop proposals, facilitated groups, and of photographic, poster and dramatic displays dealing with pertinent themes, and students' creative work is March 24, year 2007.

H)     Program Policies

A "participant" is anyone who is anyone who is listed as a paper author, critic, panellist, workshop / seminar leader, discussion leader, or any other type of presenter or coordinator on any program session. A "registrant" is anyone who has registered to the Global Dialogue 2007. People from the General Public are registrants and may attend the Global Dialogue 2007.

All participants on the Annual Meeting Program must preregister for the meeting before May 31, 2007. A preregistration form is provided on this website. Participants are required to pay registration fees. 

I)    Regular Session Topics

The scheduling of the activities of the Global Dialogue 2007 Regular Session Topics is the responsibility of Global Dialogue 2007 Organizing Committee.

Section activities will be pre-assigned to specific days and sessions times but will not be finalized until the overall program schedule is completed.

Regular session topics are broad topics for open submissions.

J)    Open Refereed Roundtables

These sessions are not intended to compete with Section sessions. Rather, since many topics are not covered by Sections, these sessions will allow individuals heretofore excluded from the active interaction of refereed roundtable presentation to find a place on the Program.

An Open Refereed Roundtable paper presentation will be classified as an authorship under the participation rules. Table topics, presiders, and paper titles with authors’ names and affiliations will be listed in the Program. Papers accepted for presentation in Open Refereed Roundtable Sessions will be eligible for Global Dialogue 2007 Abstract and Paper Services.

Paper submissions for Open Topic Refereed Roundtables must meet the same criteria as for Regular Sessions and the Submission Cover Sheet must accompany each submitted paper. Members interested in presiding at an open roundtable may submit a letter of interest that identifies their current area(s) of expertise.

K)    Informal Discussion Roundtables

Informal Discussion Roundtables are valuable for those who are developing new ideas or formulating issues in new ways and who like to explore these ideas or issues with colleagues who have similar interests. These discussion sessions also offer an opportunity for those who share conceptual, methodological, professional, or policy concerns to meet one another and to initiate and expand networks.

These sessions are not intended to be avenues for formal paper presentation. Such papers should be submitted to organizers of Regular Sessions, Section Sessions, or Open Refereed Roundtable sessions. Informal Discussion Roundtables are development and discussion opportunities. Discussion presentations are not eligible for the Global Dialogue 2007 Abstract and Paper Services.

Those wishing to propose a topic or issue for discussion should send a one-page summary describing the topic/issue to Global Dialogue 2007.

L)    Student Sessions

  Global Dialogue 2007 welcomes the participation of school, undergraduate and graduate students. 

All sessions listed in the Call for Papers are open to submissions from students. The three paper sessions and the roundtable session sponsored by the Global Dialogue 2007 Honours Program are organized by student members and are thus listed as "Student Sessions."

Student session organizers work under the same guidelines as Regular Session organizers and are subject to the submission criteria, deadlines, and program policies listed in the Call for Papers.

M)    Section Sessions

These sessions include formal paper-reading sessions, refereed roundtable sessions, and informal roundtable sessions.

All Section program activities are subject to the submission criteria, deadlines, and program policies listed in the Call for Papers. All sessions will be one hour and 45 minutes in length, unless noted otherwise.


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Paper submission form

Global Dialogue 2007
 August 2007

Signature: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Organization: _______________________________
Position: ___________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
City/Town: __________________________________
Province: ___________________________________
Postal Code: _________________________________
Telephone: __________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________

My Areas of Interest/Research Include:____________

Instructions: Fill out this sheet completely, attach it to your
submission or abstract, send us an email copy as well as a hardcopy at the address to be provided later.

Paper submissions should include the cover sheet and a one-page topic summary or abstract.
Submission Category (check one): _____Paper _____Discussion Topic _____Poster or Computer Demo Submission
Name/Address: Include name, mailing address, and telephone number (and electronic mail
address if available) for each author/co-author/presenter affiliated with this submission.


Second Author:_____________________________

Third Author:_______________________________

Fourth Author:________________________________

Use extra sheet for additional authors/presenters.

Dual Submission: A paper may be sent to no more than two sessions, only one of which may
be a Regular Session. Show the organizers the order of priority of this submission.
Categories: Environment, Economic Development, Availability of Resources, People
1st priority: __________ ___________________ ____________________ _______
2nd priority: __________ ___________________ ____________________ _______

Those submitted videos should describe their topics as for Papers.

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Paper submission and presentation notes

Paper Submitters

Review the Submission Criteria in the Call for Papers and note the points below.

1. Papers must reflect original empirical or theoretical research or major developments in previously reported research. Papers are not eligible for inclusion if they have been read previously at other conferences or professional meetings; if they have been published prior to Global Dialogue 2007 or accepted for publication before being submitted to organizers for consideration; or if they have been modified in only secondary respects after similar readings or publication.

2. Only completed papers, not abstracts or letters of intent, may be considered by session organizers.

3. A paper may be submitted to no more than two session.

4. All paper submissions must be accompanied by the Submission Cover Sheet.

5. In case of dual submission, authors are required to notify us of this fact and to list both session topics.

6. For any one paper, authors are limited to submitting the paper to one Regular Session topic only.

7. Authors choosing to make dual submission of a paper must indicate the order of priority of this submission on the submission cover sheet.

8. Any individual may participate in up to two program sessions however, an author may offer only one sole-authored presentation. Please note that Refereed Roundtable presentations are counted as authorships.

Submission Decisions

Organizers have been instructed that submission review and acceptance decisions must be accomplished in a timely manner. Submitting authors will be notified of the disposition of submissions shortly before the deadline of submission. The deadline will be known this summer.

Presenter Obligations

Once you have received an acceptance notice, you have several important obligations:

· submit your abstract and paper by the submission deadline
· preregister for the Global Dialogue 2007
· provide 20 copies of your paper to Global Dialogue 2007



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For more information contact the Office of Global Dialogue 2007

‘Caring for Life and Earth’

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Contact Information

Postal address
186 Bowlsby Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9R 5K1
Electronic mail
General Information:



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