Chapter 23.4 Ratification and implementation of the Global Constitution
Chapter 23.4.1 Ratification of the Global Constitution
Article 1: Ratification of the Global Constitution
This Global Constitution shall be submitted to the
nations and Global Community for ratification by the following procedures:
1. The Global Constitution shall be transmitted
to the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization and to each
national government on Earth, with the request that the Global Constitution
be submitted to the national legislature of each nation for preliminary
ratification and to the people of each nation for final ratification
by popular referendum.
2. Preliminary ratification by a national
legislature shall be accomplished by simple majority vote of the national
3. Final ratification by the people shall
be accomplished by a simple majority of votes cast in a popular referendum,
provided that a minimum of twenty-five percent of eligible voters of age
eighteen years and over have cast ballots within the nation or country
or within Global Electoral and Administrative Districts.
4. In the case of a nation without a national
legislature, the head of the national government shall be requested
to give preliminary ratification and to submit the Global Constitution for
final ratification by popular referendum.
5. In the event that a national government,
after six months, fails to submit the Global Constitution for ratification
as requested, then the global agency assuming responsibility for the worldwide
ratification campaign may proceed to conduct a direct referendum for
ratification of the Global Constitution by the people. Direct referendums
may be organized on the basis of entire nations or countries, or on
the basis of existing defined communities within nations.
6. In the event of a direct ratification
referendum, final ratification shall be accomplished by a majority
of the votes cast whether for an entire nation or for a Global Electoral
and Administrative District, provided that ballots are cast by a minimum
of twenty-five percent of eligible voters of the area who are over eighteen
years of age.
7. For ratification by existing communities
within a nation, the procedure shall be to request local communities,
cities, counties, states, provinces, cantons, prefectures, tribal jurisdictions,
or other defined political units within a nation to ratify the Global
Constitution, and to submit the Global Constitution for a referendum
vote by the citizens of the community or political unit. Ratification
may be accomplished by proceeding in this way until all eligible voters
of age eighteen and above within t he nation or Global Electoral and
Administrative District have had the opportunity to vote, provided that
ballots are cast by a minimum of twenty-five percent of those eligible to
8. Prior to the Full Operative Stage of Earth
Government, the universities,
Councils and scientific academies and institutes in any country may ratify
the Global Constitution, thus qualifying them for participation in the
nomination of Members of the Global Parliament to the House of Advisers.
9. In the case of those nations currently
involved in serious international disputes or where traditional enmities
and chronic disputes may exist among two or more nations, a procedure for
concurrent paired ratification shall be instituted whereby the na tions
which are parties to a current or chronic international dispute or
conflict may simultaneously ratify the Global Constitution. In such cases,
the paired nations shall be admitted into the federation of all nations
simultaneously, with the obligation for e ach such nation to immediately
turn over all weapons of mass destruction to Earth Government, and to
turn over the conflict or dispute for mandatory peaceful settlement by
Earth Government.
10. Each nation or political unit which ratifies
this Global Constitution, either by preliminary ratification or final
ratification, shall be bound never to use any armed forces or weapons of
mass destruction against another member or unit of the federation of
all nations, regardless of how long it may take to achieve full disarmament
of all the nations and political units which ratify this Global Constitution.
11. When ratified, the Global Constitution
becomes the supreme law of Earth. By the act of ratifying this Global
Constitution, any provision in the Constitution or Legislation of any
country so ratifying, which is contrary to this Global Constitution,
is either repealed or amended to conform with the Constitution, effective
as soon as 25 countries have so ratified. The amendment of National
or State Constitutions to allow entry into Earth Government is not
necessary prior to ratification of the Constitution.
Chapter 23.4.2 Stages of Implementation
Article 1: Stages of Implementation
1. Implementation of this Global Constitution
and the establishment of Earth Government pursuant to the terms of
this Global Constitution, may be accomplished in three stages, as follows,
in addition to the stage of a Provisional Earth Government:
a. First Operative Stage of Earth Government.
b. Second Operative Stage of Earth Government.
c. Full Operative Stage of Earth Government.
2. At the beginning and during each stage,
the Global Parliament and Earth Executive Council together shall establish
goals and develop means for the progressive implementation of the Global
Constitution, and for the implementation of legislation enacted by the
Global Parliament.
Chapter 23.4.3 First Operative Stage of Earth Government
Article 1: First Operative Stage of Earth Government
1. The first operative stage of Earth Government
under this Global Constitution shall be implemented when the Global
Constitution is ratified by a sufficient number of nations and/or people
to meet one or the other of the following conditions or equivalent:
a. Preliminary or final ratification by
a minimum of twenty-five nations, each having a population of more
than 100,000.
b. Preliminary or final ratification by
a minimum of ten nations above 100,000 population, together with ratification
by direct referendum within a minimum of fifty additional Global Electoral
and Administrative Districts.
c. Ratification by direct referendum within
a minimum of 100 Global Electoral and Administrative Districts, even
though no nation as such has ratified.
2. The election of Members of the Global Parliament
to the House of Elected Representatives shall be conducted in all Global
Electoral and Administrative Districts where ratification has been accomplished
by popular referendum.
3. The Election of Members of the Global Parliament
to the House of Elected Representatives may proceed concurrently with
direct popular referendums both prior to and after the First Operative Stage
of Earth Government is reached.
4. The appointment or election of Members
of the Global Parliament to the United Nations shall proceed in all
nations where preliminary ratification has been accomplished.
5. One-fourth of the Members of the Global
Parliament to the House of Advisers may be elected from nominees submitted
by universities and Council s which have ratified the Global Constitution.
6. The Earth Executive Council and the
Cabinet Ministers shall be elected according to the provisions, except that in the absence of a House of Advisers, the nominations
shall be made by the members of the House of Elected Representatives
and the United Nations in joint session. Until this is accomplished,
the Earth Executive Council and Cabinet Ministers of the Provisional Earth
Government shall continue to serve.
7. When composed, the Earth Executive Council
for the first operative stage of Earth Government shall assign or re-assign
Ministerial posts among Cabinet and Earth Executive Council members, and
shall immediately establish or confirm a Global Disarmament Agency
and a Global Economic and Development Organization.
8. Those nations which ratify this Global
Constitution and thereby join the federation of all nations, shall
immediately transfer all weapons of mass destruction as defined and designated
by the Global Disarmament Agency to that Agency. (See Article 1 of Chapter 23.6.1). The Global Disarmament Agency shall immediately
immobilize all such weapons and shall proceed with dispatch to dismantle,
convert to peacetime use, re-cycle the materials thereof or otherwise destroy
all such weapons. During the first operative stage of Earth Government,
the ratifying nations may retain armed forces equipped with weapons other
than weapons of mass destruction as defined and designated by the Global
Disarmament Agency.
9. Concurrently with the reduction or elimination
of such weapons of mass destruction and other military expenditures
as can be accomplished during the first operative stage of Earth Government,
the member nations of the federation of all nations shall pay ann ually
to the Treasury of Earth Government amounts equal to one-half the amounts
saved from their respective national military budgets during the last
year before joining the federation, and shall continue such payments until
the full operative stage of Earth Government is reached. Earth Government
shall use fifty percent of the funds thus received to finance the work
and projects of the Global Economic Development Organization.
10. The Global Parliament and Earth Executive
Council shall continue to develop the organs, departments, agencies
and activities originated under the Provisional Earth Government, with such
amendments as deemed necessary; and shall proceed to establish and
beg in the following organs, departments and agencies of Earth Government,
if not already underway, together with such other departments, and
agencies as are considered desirable and feasible during the first operative
stage of Earth Government:
a. The Earth Court of Justice;
b. The Agency of Global Police;
c. The Global Community Ombudspersons;
d. The Global Civil Service Administration
and Planning (GCSAP);
e. The Global Financial Administration;
f. The Agency for Research and Planning;
g. The Global Community Assessment Centre
h. An Emergency Earth Rescue Administration,
concerned with all aspects of climate change and related factors;
i. An Integrated Global Energy System,
based on environmentally safe sources;
j. A Global University System, under the
Department of Education;
k. A Global Corporations Office, under
the Department of Commerce and Industry;
l. The Global Service Corps;
m. A Global Oceans and Seabeds Administration.
11. At the beginning of the first operative
stage, the Earth Executive Council in consultation with the Cabinet Ministers
shall formulate and put forward a proposed program for solving the most
urgent global problems currently confronting humanity.
12. The Global Parliament shall proceed
to work upon solutions to global problems. The Global Parliament and
Earth Executive Council working together shall institute through the several
organs, departments and agencies of the Earth Government whatever means
sha ll seem appropriate and feasible to accomplish the implementation
and enforcement of global legislation, global law and the Global Constitution;
and in particular shall take certain decisive actions for the welfare of
all people on Earth, applicable throughout the world, including but
not limited to the following:
a. Expedite the organization and work of
an Emergency Earth Rescue Administration, concerned with all aspects
of climate change and climate crises;
b. Expedite the new finance, credit and
monetary system, to serve human needs;
c. Expedite an integrated global energy
system, utilizing solar energy, hydrogen energy, and other safe and
sustainable sources of energy;
d. Push forward a global program for agricultural
production to achieve maximum sustained yield under conditions which
are ecologically sound;
e. Establish conditions for free trade
within the federation of all nations;
f. Call for and find ways to implement a
moratorium on nuclear energy projects until all problems are solved
concerning safety, disposal of toxic wastes and the dangers of use or
diversion of materials for the production of nuclear weapons;
g. Outlaw and find ways to completely terminate
the production of nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction;
h. Push forward programs to assure adequate
and non-polluted water supplies and clean air supplies for everybody
on Earth;
i. Push forward a global program to conserve
and re-cycle the resources of Earth; and
j. Develop an accetable program to bring
population growth under control, especially by raising standards
of living.
Chapter 23.4.4 Second Operative Stage of Earth Government
Article 1: Second Operative Stage of Earth Government
1. The second operative stage of Earth Government
shall be implemented when fifty percent or more of the nations of
Earth have given either preliminary or final ratification to this Global
Constitution, provided that fifty percent of the total population
of Earth is included either within the ratifying nations or within the
ratifying nations together with additional Global Electoral and Administrative
Districts where people have ratified the Global Constitution by direct
2. The election and appointment of Members
of the Global Parliament to the several bodies of the Global Parliament
shall proceed in the same manner as specified for the first operative stage
in Article 1.
3. The terms of office of the Members of
the Global Parliament elected or appointed for the first operative stage
of Earth Government, shall be extended into the second operative stage unless
they have already served five year terms, in which case new elections
or appointments shall be arranged. The terms of holdover Members of the
Global Parliament into the second operative stage shall be adjusted
to run concurrently with the terms of those who are newly elected at the
beginning of the second operative st age.
4. The Earth Executive Council and the
Cabinet Ministers shall be re-constituted or reconfirmed, as needed,
at the beginning of the second operative stage of Earth Government.
5. The Global Parliament and Earth Executive
Council shall continue to develop the organs, departments, agencies and
activities which are already underway from the first operative stage of
Earth Government, with such amendments as deemed necessary; and shall
proceed to establish and develop all other organs and major departments
and agencies of Earth Government to the extent deemed feasible during
the second operative stage.
6. All nations joining Earth Government to
compose the second operative stage of Earth Government, shall immediately
transfer all weapons of mass destruction and all other military weapons
and equipment to the Global Disarmament Agency, which shall immediately
immobilize such weapons and equipment and shall proceed forthwith to
dismantle, convert to peacetime uses, recycle the materials thereof,
or otherwise destroy such weapons and equipment. During the second
operative stage, all armed forces an d para-military forces of the nations
which have joined the federation of all nations shall be completely
disarmed and either disbanded or converted on a voluntary basis into
elements of the non-military Global Service Corps.
7. Concurrently with the reduction or elimination
of such weapons, equipment and other military expenditures as can
be accomplished during the second operative stage of Earth Government,
the member nations of the federation of all nations shall pay annually
to the Treasury of Earth Government amounts equal to one-half of the
amounts saved from their national military budgets during the last year
before joining the federation of all nations and shall continue such payments
until the full operative stage of Earth Government is reached. Earth
Government shall use fifty percent of the funds thus received to finance
the work and projects of the Global Economic Development Organization.
8. Upon formation of the Cabinet Ministers
for the second operative stage, the Earth Executive Council shall issue
an invitation to the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization
and to each of the specialized agencies of the United Nations, as well
as to oth er useful international agencies, to transfer personnel, facilities,
equipment, resources and allegiance to the federation of all nations and
to Earth Government thereof. The agencies and functions of the United
Nations Organization and of its specialized agencies and of other international
agencies which may be thus transferred, shall be reconstituted as needed
and integrated into the several organs, departments, offices and agencies
of Earth Government.
9. Near the beginning of the second operative
stage, the Earth Executive Council in consultation with the Cabinet
Ministers, shall formulate and put forward a proposed program for solving
the most urgent global problems currently confronting the Global Community.
10. The Global Parliament shall proceed with
legislation necessary for implementing a complete program for solving
the current urgent global problems.
11. The Global Parliament and Earth Executive
Council working together shall develop through the several organs, departments
and agencies of Earth Government whatever means shall seem appropriate
and feasible to implement legislation for solving global prob lems; and
in particular shall take certain decisive actions for the welfare of
all people on Earth, including but not limited to the following:
a. Declare the polar caps and surrounding
polar areas, including the continent of Antartica but not areas which
are traditionally a part of particular nations, to be global territory owned
by the federation of all nations as the common heritage of humanity,
and subject to control and management by Earth Government.
b. Outlaw the possession, stockpiling, sale
and use of all nuclear weapons, all weapons of mass destruction, and
all other military weapons and equipment.
c. Establish an ever-normal grainery and
food supply system for the Global Community.
d. Develop and carry forward insofar as
feasible all actions defined under Article 1234 of the
First Operative Stage.
Chapter 23.4.5 Full Operative Stage of Earth Government
Article 1: Full Operative Stage of Earth Government
1. The full operative stage of Earth Government
shall be implemented when this Global Constitution is given either
preliminary or final ratification by meeting either condition (a) or (b):
a. Ratification by eighty percent or more
of the nations of Earth comprising at least ninety percent of the population
of Earth; or
b. Ratification which includes ninety percent
of Earth's total population, either within ratifying nations or within
ratifying nations together with additional Global Electoral and Administrative
Districts where ratification by direct referendum has been accomplished.
2. When the full operative stage of Earth
Government is reached, the following conditions shall be implemented:
a. Elections for Members of the House of
Elected Representatives shall be conducted in all Global Electoral and
Administrative Districts where elections have not already taken place;
and Members of the United Nations shall be elected or appointed by
the national legislatures or national governments in all nations where
this has not already been accomplished. The terms of
office for Members of the House of Elected Representatives and of the United
Nations serving during the second operative stage, shall be continued
into the full operative stage, except for those who have already served
five years, in which case elections shall be held or appointments made
as required.
b. The terms of office for all holdover Members
of the House of Elected Representatives and of the United Nations who
have served less than five years, shall be adjusted to run concurrently with
those Members of the Global Parliament whose terms are beginning with
the full operative stage.
c. The second 100 Members of the House of
Advisers shall be elected according to the procedure. The terms of office for holdover Members of
the House of Advisers shall run five more years after the beginning
of the full operative stage, while those beginning their terms with
the full operative stage shall serve ten years.
d. The Earth Executive Council and the Cabinet
Ministers shall be reconstituted in accordance with the provisions of
Article 6.
e. All organs of Earth Government shall be
made fully operative, and shall be fully developed for the effective
administration and implementation of global legislation, global law
and the provisions of this Global Constitution.
f. All nations which have not already done
so shall immediately transfer all military weapons and equipment to
the Global Disarmament Agency, which shall immediately immobilize all such
weapons and shall proceed forthwith to dismantle, convert to peaceful
usage, recycle the materials thereof, or otherwise to destroy such
weapons and equipment.
g. All armies and military forces of every
kind shall be completely disarmed, and either disbanded or converted
and integrated on a voluntary basis into the non-military Global
Service Corps.
h. All viable agencies of the United Nations
Organization and other viable international agencies established among
national governments, together with their personnel, facilities and
resources, shall be transferred to Earth Government and reconstituted
and integrated as may be useful into the organs, departments, offices,
institutes, commissions, bureaus and agencies of Earth Government.
i. The Global Parliament and shall continue
to develop the activities and projects which are already underway
from the second operative stage of Global Government, with such amendments
as deemed necessary; and shall proceed with a complete and full scale
program to solve global problems and serve the welfare of all people on
Earth, in accordance with the provisions of this Global Constitution.
Chapter 23.4.6 Costs of Ratification
Article 1: Costs of Ratification
The work and costs of private global community citizens
for the achievement of a ratified Constitution for the federation
of all nations, are recognized as legitimate costs for the establishment
of constitutional global government by which present and future generations
will benefit, and shall be repaid double the original amount by the
Global Financial Administration of the Earth Government when it becomes operational
after 25 countries have ratified this Constitution for the federation
of all nations. Repayment specifically includes contributions to Earth
Government Funding Corporation and other costs and expenses recognized
by standards and procedures to be established by the Global Financial Administration.