


3. Marine area management

Lead Papers

Min Guo, Alexander Heydendael, Dr. P.K. Dinesh Kumar, Alfredo Quarto, Dr. Islam Israfil oglu Mustafaev

 Min Guo explained that the Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) has not been successfully adopted nationwide in China because of fierce inter-agency rivalries, especially between land management authorities and marine management authorities. Consequently, marine management authorities, which are most enthusiastic in ICAM, have promoted marine area use management (MSUM) instead. In January 1991, the first county level MSUM program was established in Chengmai County, Hainan Province. By the end of 1992, all counties and cities in Hainan Province had established similar programs. In May 1993, the Ministry of Treasury and State Oceanic Administration (SOA) jointly promulgated "Interim National Marine Area Use Management Regulation," which marked the beginning of China's national MSUM program. The national regulation established two systems: permitting system and levying system: all economic uses of coastal seas need a permit from the government; all users of marine space are required to pay the government license fees. The national MSUM program is the first major systematic effort of the Chinese government to regulate marine area use. It marked the end of the largely unregulated use of "common" marine space. It marked the end of the largely unregulated use of "common" marine space. It has been conducive to reducing marine use conflicts. This program has the potential to be the most important regulatory program of SOA's. The SOA has been working hard to expand and improve this program. The following issues are of highest priority. First, the uneven and unfair levying rates. The minimum license fee, set by the national regulation, is US$0.018/m2/year (or US$ 180/hectare/year). From 1993 to 1993, 194 permits had been issued in China; licensed areas totalled 300 km2; the total license fees were about US$2.5 million. That is, on average, US$83/hectare for the three year period (not one year), which was far below the national minimum rate. Regional and local authorities did not adhere to the national regulation. In Hainan Province alone, there was a 200-fold difference among coastal counties in levying rates. Some licensees even get license for free. Second, sectoral oriented permitting procedures and standards. There are no legally binding comprehensive zoning plans to guide the application review and approval. Other sectoral agencies, not to say the general public, have not been grated participation in permitting process. The national regulation does not mention anything about the Environmental Impact Assessment, which is under the jurisdiction of Environmental Protection Agencies. Article 11 of the national regulation stipulates: "Upon receipt of the application for marine area use, the marine administrative agency shall make the decision either to approve or disapprove the application within two months." Permitting is solely the responsibility of marine management agencies. For this management program to be integrated, well-balanced, and fair, close cooperation and active inputs from other secotors and the general public are indispensable. Third, inadequate scientific basis for permitting. For example, because of lack of consistent and reasonably accurate base maps and surveying technology, some of the licensed areas overlap. Even the boundaries of jurisdictional areas are ambiguous.

 Dr. Islam Israfil oglu Mustafaev described the role of Caspian Sea in the Sustainable Development of the region. On the geographical location and resources of energy-carriers and rare kinds of fishes , and also opportunity of development of shipping the Caspian sea is occupied the important place in the sustainable development of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan and Iran. In connection with realization of the project of restoration "Great Silk Way " it's importance will much grow in the near future. After destruction of USSR and occurrence of the new states has put new problems of guards of natural resources and potential opportunities Caspian sea. It is connected to the following circumstances:

  • Sharp increasing of offshore oil production power. Only in Azerbaijan sector Caspian sea in nearest 4-5 years the production power of petroleum with participation 40 petroleum companies from 18 countries will grow in 5 times. The similar contracts are available in Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan sector of the sea. Wide-scale production and the transportation of petroleum creates serious ecological danger in the region.
  • Increasing of the water level. In result of rise of water on 2,5 Í since 1978 many populous and the economic objects have remained under water, the thousands environmental refugees were formed, huge damage the economy of Caspian countries, especially Azerbaijan and Iran is put.
  • Chemical pollution of the sea by industrial wastes. After disintegration USSR centralized management of the environment in Caspian countries are away and consequently there is the uncontrollable pollution of the seas, that destroys rare fauna and flora.

The basic reason the exasperation of the ecological conditions on Caspian sea is application of " economically - good, ecologically-bad " technologies for fastest overcoming of economic difficulties of post-soviet transitional period. In the report is considered probable consequences of such approach to use of natural resources in the context of sustainable development. For maintenance of sustainable development of Caspian region one of major conditions is internationalization of ecological problems Caspian sea, that provides the decision of the following problems: 

  • International Convention on the protection of Caspian sea

  • Mutual agreement of standards and legislative acts on the environmental protection in Caspian sea

  • Timely information on the accident emissions and outflows

  • Agreement on the procedure of mutual producing of economical sanctions for environmental pollution

  • Mutual acquaintance and agreement on the projects realized in Caspian sea

In the report is analyzed the specific projects on improvement of the ecological conditions in the Caspian sea and maintenance of his positive role in sustainable development of by Caspian countries.

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