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Lead Papers Dr. Grigori Abramia, Mark Anielski, MALIK AMIN ASLAM, Dr. Peter Bartelmus, Thomas J. Campbell,Thorkil Casse and Fabiana Issler, Ronald Colman, Karine Danielyan, David Del Porto, Dr. ir. J.Dewulf and J. Mulder and H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons, Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita, Michele Doncaster, Alexey Drouziaka, Germain Dufour, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery,Ken Dunsworth, David S. Evans, C. Coulthard, I. Henderson, P. Jones, Oleg Garms, Dr. Anastassios Gentzoglanis, Ramaz Gokhelashvili,Dr. Hans W. Gottinger, Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Xiaohui Hao,Shahidul Haque, MD. Hasibur Rahman and ,Hasida Yasmin,Greg Hellyer, Alexander Heydendael, Mikylas Huba, Vladimír Hudek,Vladimir Ira, Dr. A.Jagadeesh, Kun H. JOHN and Yeo C. Youn and Jae W. Park , S. Augustinand J. Katima and E. Klawe and B. Lyimo, Natalia Knijnikova, Dr. Vladimir Kremsa, Elena Krougikova, Ms. Maria V. Kryukova, Dr. P.K. Dinesh Kumar,Van Lantz, Tonu Lausmaa, Ming Lei, Ngo Louga Madeleine, Igor N. Malakhov, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Marin R. Mehandjiev (Professor) and Krassimira R. Mehandjieva, Mr. Aubrey Meyer, Laszlo Miklos, Jose H. Moya, Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng, Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina, Vincent Otto, Roland Prelaz-Droux, Akim Rahman, Dr. C. Ramachandraiah, Professor Madireddi Venkata Subba Rao, Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy, S. S. Sundarvel, Dirgha N. Tiwari, S.G. Patil* and L.B. Hugar* and M.S. Veerapur* and, J. Yerriswamy* and T. Cross† and A.C. vanLoon† and G.W. vanLoon†, Pavel Toma,Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko,Dr. David E. Wojick, DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky, Dr. Katalin K. Zaim, Dr. ZhongXiang Zhang
Thorkil Casse and Fabiana Issler have obtained results that after 26 years of intensive resource use, the wood industry, currently responsible for over 80 percent of the total income generated in the economic territory of Paragominas, is now experiencing the first signs of decline. Deforestation is reaching critical levels locally, and timber scarcity is definitely the major cause of Paragominas’ current crisis. Mills are shutting down, others are moving closer to extraction areas, and the per capita income has been falling since 1992 (Figure 6). Both from an economic and an environmental perspective, the path pursued by Paragominas is clearly unsustainable. Forest resources in Paragominas will only last for another fifteen to nineteen years. The only other option left is to substitute the forestry economy with a cattle-based economy, and there are signs that this is taking place.Our attempt to compare our application of the user-cost method with cost-benefit analyses in a specific case study (Paragominas) demonstrates that a better management system is not necessarily equal to moving towards sustainability. In cases when uncertainty prevails, cost-benefit analyses will not be sufficient to detect unsustainability; they can only detect inefficiency. As an early warning system, the user-cost method has proven to be applicable with success, even in situations of uncertainty. Regarding future perspectives, it is probable that Paragominas will intensify its land uses to some extent in the coming years. But the demand for efficiency will probably weigh more heavily in decision making than environmental concerns. Therefore, intercropping will not necessarily be the choice, with perennials and long-cycle forest management in native forests, as Almeida and Uhl desire. But soybean monoculture and plantations of fast growing timber species for veneer production may become more common in Paragominas in the next five or ten years. By then, the remaining area of native forest may be reduced to a few scattered patches in the landscape. Karine Danielyan has obtained results about the scale of countries, ranged according to SHDI, will undergo considerable changes in comparison with the one, based on the rating according to HDI, depending on the degree of rational use of natural resources. This technique has been successfully approved by us basing on the statistical material of Armenia (Pe = - 0,427, SHDI = 0,404) and Georgia (Pe = - 0,237, SHDI = 0,592). The evaluation has been carried out on the base of the data of 1990 (the year was chosen as the most stable and provided with statistics within the last period of time). Thus, Armenia outstripped Georgia in the scale elaborated by UNDP on the base of HDI, while taking into consideration the environmental indicator the countries exchange their places. To certain extent it can be asserted that Pe makes it possible to evaluate the portion of the contribution made by countries into the general environmental degradation on the planet. Thus, Pe of Armenia, which is equal to 0,427 (the limits are 0 and 1) may indicate the following: the country is included into the group of countries, whose environmental characteristic is entirely adequate to the general situation on the Earth and almost does not diverge for either the better or the worst.
J. Dewulf, J. Mulder, H. Van Langenhove, H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Louise Dunne and Frank Convery have obtained results with the issue of economies of scale. Doing 10 urban areas is not much more expensive than doing one, especially where national statistics are being sourced. Some key data were developed at a very low cost due to good census and transport data. A coherent and disaggregated national information strategy improves comparability and credibility in a small country. Overall findings of the project are as follows:
Kun H. JOHN,Yeo C. Youn and Jae W. Park have shown that according to the annual statistic book of the Choelwon local government, the average number of the visitors to the Choelwon area is 369,500 per year. Assuming that the total number of visitors in 1997 is the same as the annual average and also 84.1% of them show preference for keeping the current status of the FFER, the total use value of the ecological resources is 1.05 billion won (US$840,000). The estimated use value is 2.7 times greater than the average annual revenue of the entrance fee. Use value of ecological resources represents only a part of the total benefits of the FFER. In addition, preserving the FFER embraces non-use values perceived by existence, option, and bequest preferences. Existence value is the willingness to pay for the satisfaction of knowing that natural environment is protected. Option value is defined as the annual payment of a kind of insurance premium to retain the option of possible future use. Bequest value is defined as the willingness to pay for the satisfaction derived from endowing future generations with irreversible biological resources (Brookshire,et al. 1983; Loomis, 1988; Walsh, et al. 1984). In July of 1998, the non-use value of preserving the ecological resources of the DMZ and CCZ was surveyed. To simplify presentation, only the estimation result is introduced here. The tax is used as the payment vehicle for the CVM to measure non-use value, i.e., WTP of additional tax to preserve the FFER as it is. The total use plus non-use values of the FFER in the Choelwon is about 23billion won (US$18.4million) per year. If we extrapolate the use value to the next 50 years using 12% interest rate, the present value of the benefits for keeping the current status of the FFER is approximately 191billion won (US$152.8million). S. Augustin, J. Katima, E. Klawe & B. Lyimo have demonstrated that establishment of Pines and Eucalyptus plantations is seen as an efficient way to create carbon sinks due to rapid increment rate soon after establishment. Brown et al. (1985) predict that the sink function to become more significant in the future, attributed to the increase in the rate of establishment and the large areas of young plantations, which will sequester more carbon as they develop and grow into older age classes. S.G. Patil, L.B. Hugar, M.S. Veerapur, J. Yerriswamy, T. Cross, A.C. Dr. Katalin K. Zaim has obtained results about the IPPS method developed by the PRDEI in the World Bank allowed us to compute the yearly pollution intensities, toxic and metal pollution emissions to air, water and land for the industrial activities. The computations are performed for the years 1985 and 1992. The results indicate that the most relevant pollutants produced by industries are TSS, SO2, and CO. Toxic and metal pollution effected land mostly. Sectors responsible for the highest level of pollution are manufacture of other chemical product (31), manufacture of plastic product (35), manufacture of glass and glass product (36) and manufacture of cement (37). Manufacture of other chemical products created the largest amount of BOD emission. Plastic production caused NO2, VOC and polluted air, water and land with toxic pollution the most. Glass production results in the highest levels of PT and PM10 pollution. Cement manufacturing on the other hand caused the highest level of CO, SO2, TSS, metal air, metal water and metal land pollution. The regional distribution of pollution intensities, benefits of abatement, abatement costs and benefit/cost ratios are also computed for the year 1992. The results indicated that region 1 experienced the highest level of pollution, and region 3 the second highest. The other regions were exposed to lower level of pollution intensities. Similar results are obtained for the pollution per capita per km2. Since region 1 is exposed to the highest level of pollution, the abatement costs are also the most significant ones in this region; hence, the benefit/cost ration is greatest in this region at each level of abatement. As pollution abatement decreased from 100% to 80%, 50%, 25% and 10% the abatement costs and benefit/cost ratios for each region decreased proportionally. However, at 50% of abatement the benefit/cost ratio is the highest compared to 100% and 25% of abatement. This indicates that the most cost efficient policy would be to request a 50% of abatement in all regions, since at a higher level of abatement the benefit gained per cost of abatement is decreasing at an increasing rate, whereas the benefit/cost ratio reaches its highest value at 50% of abatement. The environment is our life-support system, and is certainly the most important quality system(Dufour). It is hoped that the evaluation of GESDI was helpful in bringing us closer to sustaining Earth. GESDI is the global indicator that includes all others but it should be made clear that all other indicators and indices proposed in this World Congress are standing by themselves as well and their values are not diminished. There are hundreds of indicators and indices in GESDI and they all make GESDI what it is: a meaningful global indicator. To make our evaluation successful we need first to understand the effects of man's activities on the environment and second, find what things we should do to ameliorate the adverse effects. Every country has different ways of evaluating environmental quality. For instance in the United states the National Wildlife Federation has developed the Environmental Quality Index to evaluate several natural resources including air, water, soil, wildlife, forests, minerals and living space. As in the evaluation of GESDI, a number of value judgments are made during measurements. But when one focus on sustaining the Earth and its biosphere these judgments are usually fair. Trends are often used to eliminate gross errors. The costs of pollution versus the cost of pollution control or abatement is also included in an evaluation. In the evaluation of GESDI the costs of pollution with respect to the components of the four interacting systems (environment, social, resources, and economic) are addressed head on. For instance in an urban community site, the costs of pollution with respect to property values, health, materials, vegetation, quality of life, land use, recreational activities, and aesthetics are important, and are highlighted. Again in the United States, the most important bodies of data and standards are developed, regulated, monitored, managed and made available to the public by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Council on Environmental Quality. In the evaluation of GESDI for this country, data and statistics from these agencies are mainly used along with information obtained from other sources such as the National Wildlife Federation. Not every country has a government agency as developed as the EPA, and it can be very costly to actually make our own measurements in other countries. Permission has to be obtained. We usually rely on whatever we can obtained from government officials and groups from those countries. Satellite observations are another source of data. If we are to achieve effective management of Earth and its environment we need comprehensive data about the status and changes in the air, land, water and in other natural resources; the issue of the effects of potentially hazardous chemicals on the natural resources. Other requirements are for making the evaluation of GESDI meaningful with respect to each of the four quality systems: environment, social, resources, economics; evaluating those aspects or impacts which are directly representative and those which are not; correlating the data; interpreting the data for the purpose of determining whether trends are interfering; predicting the environmental impact of proposed public and private actions; determining the effectiveness of programs of protecting and enhancing environmental quality; developing environmental policies; and processing the useful data into the GESDI. The scientific community contributes enormously to the evaluation of GESDI. Our professional members are certainly and by large the most important leading representatives of the scientific community. Beyond their own university training and life experience, the World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development has been the training grounds that have sharpened their judgment on all issues. All of our members together are certainly ready for an effective Earth Management. An indicator measures the number of violations of environmental regulations and license requirements. Responsible industries have a high degree of compliance with environmental regulations and license conditions designed to protect the environment. A high incidence of non-compliance can show that industries are not working towards sustainable development. An indicator measures the per cent of regulations stating the required standards to be met but not dictating how standards will be achieved. Government gives industry flexibility in how it meets standards; this way industry will be better able to find innovative and efficient ways of meeting those standards. An indicator measures the value of all environmental permits sold for a particular contaminant, such as sulphur dioxide. The use of tradeable permits is a type of economic instrument whereby permits are issued to emission producers authorizing them to emit a specified amount of a pollutant over a specified period of time. Portions of the emissions allowed under these permits can be traded or sold if the company's emissions are below the level allowed in the permit. Declining permit prices indicate that companies have reduced emissions below permit levels and no longer require their full allotment of allowable emissions. As more permits become surplus and are available for trading, prices will decline.
the impact of people activity on the environment, the availability of resources, and economic development; the "quality" of the four major quality systems and the impacts of changes in these systems on national income and wealth; global concerns and their impacts on the economy; the welfare, economic development and quality of life of future generations; expenditures on pollution abatement and clean-ups, people health, floods, vehicle accidents, and on any negative impact costs; the status of each resource and the stocks and productive capacities of exploited populations and ecosystems, and make sure that those capacities are sustained and replenished after use; and the depreciation or appreciation of natural assets, the depletion and degradation of natural resources and the environment, ecological processes and biological diversity, the costs of rectifying unmitigated environmental damage, the values of natural resources, capital stocks, the impacts of degradation or improvement, social costs, health costs, environmental clean-up costs, and the costs of the environment, economic growth, and resources uses to current and future generations and to a nation’s income.
increase productivity; modify social, educational programs and services; slow down or increase economic growth; remediate components of the four major quality systems; and rectify present shortcomings of income and wealth accounts.
Comments and Recommendations from Participants
A. Indicators of environmental quality
Evaluation of Environment Issues and Concerns