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Volume 20 Issue 5 January 2022

Theme of January 2022 Newsletter

SoulLife guiding the formation, evolution and protection of Life throughout the Universe.

Note: A display of 21 murals each showing the research done by Global Community over the past 37 years, and displaying unique short and long term solutions to the survival of all Life on Earth. Each mural has a small picture shown here whose size is about 650 px by 650 px, the enlargements are about 7000 px by 7000 pix. The pictures of the email messages are about 350 px by 350 px. All murals themselves have sizes of about 16383 px by 16383 px, with a range of 25 MBs to 65 MBs, much to large to upload on Global Community website. A large size picture for each mural can also be obtained from special request. Text for each Mural will be added to February Newsletter.

(Global Dialogue 2022 begins September 1st, 2021 and concludes on August 31st, 2022 ww)

January Newsletter 2022.
( see enlargement Global Civilizational State reporting on issues. )

January Newsletter 2022
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Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for this month

David Anderson, John ScalesAvery, Dr Ramzy Baroud(2), Medea Benjamin(2), Medea Benjamin, M K Bhadrakumar(2), João Camargo, La Via Campesina, Sergio RuizCayuela, Daniel Chavez, Farooque Chowdhury(2), Countercurrents Collective(4), Jessica Corbett(2), Nicolas J.S. Davies, , William deBuys, Sagar Dhara, Daniel de Vries , Bharat Dogra(4), Paul Edwards,Tom Engelhardt(2), Yves Engler, Pepe Escobar, John Feffer, Samantha Fox, Reinhard Genzel, Andrea Ghez, Dr Andrew Glikson(2), Luis T. Gutiérrez , Richard Heinberg, Robert Hunziker(6), Jake Johnson, Alan Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone, Dr Gurinder Kaur, Michael T Klare,David Klein, Thomas Klikauer, Robert Koehler, Reynard Loki, Fiore Longo, Patrick Martin, Alfred W McCoy(2), Brian Menounos, Jim Miles, T Navin, George Ochenski, Roger Penrose, Kim Petersen, CJ Polychroniou , Ramakrishnan, K Sahadevan, Rawsab Said, SCF Editorial, K M Seethi, Vandana Shiva, Gagandeep Singh, Geeta Sinha , Keith Slack, Valerie Tarico, Colin Todhunter, Dr Ted Trainer , Valdai, Jeff Walllis, Simon Whalley, Betsy Weatherhead, Clara Weiss.

David Anderson, Parasitic Symbiotic Discordance. Parasitic Symbiotic Discordance
John Scales Avery, Tasks For The Future Tasks For The Future
Ramzy Baroud, The West’s Role in Israel’s Illegal Settlement Expansion. The West’s Role in Israel’s Illegal Settlement Expansion
Dr Ramzy Baroud, The West’s China Complex: Beijing as the Enemy and the Savior. The West’s China Complex: Beijing as the Enemy and the Savior
Medea Benjamin, The High Stakes of the U.S.-Russia Confrontation Over Ukraine. The High Stakes of the U.S.-Russia Confrontation Over Ukraine
Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies, Our Future vs. Neoliberalism. Our Future vs. Neoliberalism
M K Bhadrakumar, Biden-Putin meeting is a cliffhanger Biden-Putin meeting is a cliffhanger
M K Bhadrakumar, Glasgow climate summit: An elite farce? Glasgow climate summit: An elite farce?
João Camargo, Climate Chaos: What to Learn From 2021. Climate Chaos: What to Learn From 2021
La Via Campesina, Food Sovereignty: A Manifesto for the Future of Our Planet. Food Sovereignty: A Manifesto for the Future of Our Planet
Sergio Ruiz Cayuela, The commons. The commons
Daniel Chavez, The Commons, the State and the Public: A Latin American Perspective. The Commons, the State and the Public: A Latin American Perspective
Farooque Chowdhury, Putin in a different December. Putin in a different December
Farooque Chowdhury, Environment, human rights and class power. Environment, human rights and class power
Jessica Corbett, UN expert warns of near 'tyranny' against voting rights of US minorities amid GOP attacks. UN expert warns of near 'tyranny' against voting rights of US minorities amid GOP attacks
Jessica Corbett, Climate Emergency May Displace 216 Million Within Countries by 2050: World Bank. Climate Emergency May Displace 216 Million Within Countries by 2050: World Bank
Countercurrents Collective, Arctic Scorches With Record High Temperature, Says WMO Arctic Scorches With Record High Temperature, Says WMO
Countercurrents Collective, Five billion people will be water insecure by 2050, says UN WMO climate report. Five billion people will be water insecure by 2050, says UN WMO climate report
Countercurrents Collective, Vicious Cycle of Climate Crisis: Depletion of Natural Resources, Violent Conflict Set to Worsen Resource Degradation, Conflict. Vicious Cycle of Climate Crisis: Depletion of Natural Resources, Violent Conflict Set to Worsen Resource Degradation, Conflict
Countercurrents Collective, Climate Crisis: Rich Countries’ Carbon Emissions Rose Rapidly in 2021. Climate Crisis: Rich Countries’ Carbon Emissions Rose Rapidly in 2021
William deBuys, Climate Change Viewed from the Attic of the World Climate Change Viewed from the Attic of the World
Daniel de Vries, The Glasgow summit, climate change, and the case for socialism. The Glasgow summit, climate change, and the case for socialism
Sagar Dhara, COP26: By 2100, Bangladesh may drown, Pakistan likely to face severe water shortage, fear experts. COP26: By 2100, Bangladesh may drown, Pakistan likely to face severe water shortage, fear experts
Bharat Dogra, Climate Change Cannot be Resolved Without Strong Commitment Also to Justice and Peace. Climate Change Cannot be Resolved Without Strong Commitment Also to Justice and Peace
Bharat Dogra, Several Serious Environmental Problems Have to be Resolved Simultaneously For A Safe Future. Several Serious Environmental Problems Have to be Resolved Simultaneously For A Safe Future
Bharat Dogra, Trying to Solve One Problem by Increasing Another Will Not Protect Environment. Trying to Solve One Problem by Increasing Another Will Not Protect Environment
Bharat Dogra, A 2 Per cent Tax on Billionaires Can Provide 260 Billion Dollars to Climate Fund. A 2 Per cent Tax on Billionaires Can Provide 260 Billion Dollars to Climate Fund
Paul Edwards, Good Americans. Good Americans
Tom Engelhardt, The $8 Trillion Cost of Failure. The $8 Trillion Cost of Failure
Tom Engelhardt, Welcome to the American Century – Even If It Is a Hell on Earth. Welcome to the American Century – Even If It Is a Hell on Earth
Yves Engler, Time to Fight Climate Change, Not Each Other. Time to Fight Climate Change, Not Each Other
Pepe Escobar, Sochi probes the Utopia of a multipolar world. Sochi probes the Utopia of a multipolar world
John Feffer, Climate Change and the Limits of Economic Growth. Climate Change and the Limits of Economic Growth
Samantha Fox, Climate Change Is the Symptom, Capitalism Is the Problem. Climate Change Is the Symptom, Capitalism Is the Problem
Dr Andrew Glikson, Planetary Ecocide — The Crime Against Life on Earth. Planetary Ecocide — The Crime Against Life on Earth
Dr Andrew Glikson. 5.9 $trillion spent by governments on fossil fuel subsidies in 2020. 5.9 $trillion spent by governments on fossil fuel subsidies in 2020.
Dr Gurinder Kaur, An account of the performance of the early days of the Glasgow Conference. An account of the performance of the early days of the Glasgow Conference
Reinhard Genzel, Andrea Ghez, Roger Penrose Black holes and the Milky Way’s darkest secret. Black holes and the Milky Way’s darkest secret
Andrea Ghez, Reinhard Genzel, Roger Penrose Black holes and the Milky Way’s darkest secret. Black holes and the Milky Way’s darkest secret
Luis T. Gutiérrez, The Ecological Crisis is the Climax of Patriarchy and Religious Patriarchy – What’s Next? The Ecological Crisis is the Climax of Patriarchy and Religious Patriarchy – What’s Next?
Richard Heinberg, The Only Long-Range Solution to Climate Change. The Only Long-Range Solution to Climate Change
Robert Hunziker, What if the Doomsday Glacier Collapses? What if the Doomsday Glacier Collapses?
Robert Hunziker, Warnings from the Far North. Warnings from the Far North
Robert Hunziker, The Dreaded Rainforest Shift. The Dreaded Rainforest Shift
Robert Hunziker, Burned-out Forests Are Not Re-Growing. Burned-out Forests Are Not Re-Growing
Robert Hunziker, Mother Nature, Inc. Mother Nature, Inc.
Robert Hunziker, COP26 Exposes Failure of Neoliberalism COP26 Exposes Failure of Neoliberalism
Jake Johnson, Entirely avoidable': Rich countries blamed as new COVID variant sparks global alarm. Entirely avoidable': Rich countries blamed as new COVID variant sparks global alarm
Caitlin Johnstone, It’s Really Weird How Little We Talk About Humanity’s Imminent Doom. It’s Really Weird How Little We Talk About Humanity’s Imminent Doom
Alan Johnstone, The Socialist Cooperative Commonwealth. The Socialist Cooperative Commonwealth
Michael T Klare, Countdown to World War III? Countdown to World War III?
David Klein, What Might an Ecosocialist Society Look Like? What Might an Ecosocialist Society Look Like?
Thomas Klikauer, Climate Justice in America. Climate Justice in America
Robert Koehler, A World Without Money. A World Without Money
Reynard Loki, COP26: Will Humanity’s ‘Last and Best Chance’ to Save Earth’s Climate Succeed? COP26: Will Humanity’s ‘Last and Best Chance’ to Save Earth’s Climate Succeed?
Fiore Longo, Why Nature-Based Solutions Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis—They’ll Just Make Rich People Even Richer. Why Nature-Based Solutions Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis—They’ll Just Make Rich People Even Richer
Patrick Martin, COP26 climate summit ends in failure in Climate Change. COP26 climate summit ends in failure in Climate Change
Alfred W McCoy, Washington’s World Order and Catastrophic Climate Change. Washington’s World Order and Catastrophic Climate Change
Alfred W McCoy, The Winner in Afghanistan: China. The Winner in Afghanistan: China
Brian Menounos, and Jeff Walllis, 2021 was a bad year for glaciers in western North America. It’s about to get much worse. 2021 was a bad year for glaciers in western North America. It’s about to get much worse
Jim Miles, Beyond the tipping point. Beyond the tipping point
T Navin, Matters of faith and religion Matters of faith and religion
George Ochenski, Globalization Meets Entropy…and We Lose. Globalization Meets Entropy…and We Lose
Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, Andrea Ghez, Black holes and the Milky Way’s darkest secret. Black holes and the Milky Way’s darkest secret
Kim Petersen, Should One Stand up for Western Values? Should One Stand up for Western Values?
CJ Polychroniou, Killing Nature Must Be Treated as a Crime on a Par with Genocide and War Crimes Killing Nature Must Be Treated as a Crime on a Par with Genocide and War Crimes
Ramakrishnan, Andre Vltchek on Democracy, China, and its Ecological Civilization. Andre Vltchek on Democracy, China, and its Ecological Civilization
K Sahadevan, Climate Crisis: Our Collective Delusions. Climate Crisis: Our Collective Delusions
Rawsab Said, Is Globalization Leading to a Homogenized Global Culture? Is Globalization Leading to a Homogenized Global Culture?
SCF Editorial, Europe’s U.S. Lackey Parliament inUnhinged Attack on Russia. Europe’s U.S. Lackey Parliament inUnhinged Attack on Russia
K M Seethi, Religion, Amity and Society: Call for Human Harmony. Religion, Amity and Society: Call for Human Harmony
Vandana Shiva, Reclaiming Our Common Home Reclaiming Our Common Home Gagandeep Singh, Snow covered area has decreased in Himachal as compared to last year. Snow covered area has decreased in Himachal as compared to last year
Geeta Sinha, Odisha Millets Mission- a step towards combating climate vulnerability and promoting sustainable food systems in India. Odisha Millets Mission- a step towards combating climate vulnerability and promoting sustainable food systems in India.
Keith Slack, The Climate Crisis Is a Human Rights Crisis. The Climate Crisis Is a Human Rights Crisis
Valerie Tarico, Here are 5 reasons to suspect Jesus never existed. Here are 5 reasons to suspect Jesus never existed.
Colin Todhunter, Cultivating Resistance: Food, Dependency and Dispossession. Cultivating Resistance: Food, Dependency and Dispossession
Dr Ted Trainer, Can the Green New Deal save us? No it can’t Can the Green New Deal save us? No it can’t
Valdai, Putin speaks at plenary session of Valdai Discussion Club meeting. Putin speaks at plenary session of Valdai Discussion Club meeting
Jeff Walllis, and Brian Menounos, 2021 was a bad year for glaciers in western North America. It’s about to get much worse. 2021 was a bad year for glaciers in western North America. It’s about to get much worse
Betsy Weatherhead, The science everyone needs to know about climate change, in 6 charts. The science everyone needs to know about climate change, in 6 charts.
Clara Weiss, Biden threatens economic sanctions and a repositioning of NATO troops in meeting with Putin Biden threatens economic sanctions and a repositioning of NATO troops in meeting with Putin
Simon Whalley, Climate Emergency: The War We Must Fight. Climate Emergency: The War We Must Fight