Promo video of Global Dialogue 2014

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Promo video of Global Dialogue 2014
Promo video of Global Dialogue 2014
January 1, 2014

Note: these are large files, and it may take a minute or two to download
a.1)vide swf file with o controls
a.2) html file with video controls
b.1) swf file with no video controls
b.2) html file with no video controls
c) mp4 file
d) FLV file
e) F4V file
Artwork by Germain Dufour
January 1, 2014

Artboards, images and text in the Promo video are found at the following location:

a) Text Text in the video

b) Artboards and images  Images in the video

Global Dialogue 2014 theme is:
Ministry of Global Resources Ministry of Global Resources main website
Management of global resources, our global commons
( see enlargement  Enlargement )
Artwork by software developer Germain Dufour
August 2013

Ministry of Global Resources Ministry of Global Resources main website
Germain Dufour
Spiritual leader of the Global Community
August 2013

Table of Contents

I. Introduction Introduction

II. Who owns the Earth?  Who owns the Earth?
III. Earth management and governance Earth management and governance
IV. Criteria for sovereignty
V. Description of critical resources
VI. Health Rights
VII. Earth Rights
VIII. Global Rights
IX. Scale of Global Rights
X. Protection of rights and resources
XI. Management of resources
XI.1 Air
XI.2 Water
XI.3 Mining
XI.4 Electromagnetic waves
XI.5 Fisheries
XI.6 Tourism
XI.7 Environment
XI.8 Forests
XI.9 Soils
XI.10 Fossil fuels
XII. Preventive actions against polluters
XIII. Recommendations

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Text in the video

Do you see georesources boundaries on our planet? I do. Natural resources are the way of the future. Today there are only limited quantities of resources to be made available now and for the next generations. A Global Resources Ministry is needed to look after the management of Earth resources at all stages: exploration, production, transportation, manufacturing and distribution.

Earth natural resources belong to the community where they are found and to the Global Community to be protected and developed for the maximum benefit of the people and of all life on the planet. Responsible and accountable government and global citizens is what humanity needs and wants. Global Community deserves nothing less. Global Community has a vision of Peoples working together building a new civilization including a healthy and rewarding future for the next generations. Global cooperation brings people together for a common future for the good of all.

Global Dialogues are the source of new ideas and finding new ways for our survival. Global Dialogue 2014 theme is about the Ministry of Global Resources. You can show you care by participating in Global Dialogue 2014 now and until August 31 at which time Global Community will process all your articles, papers, reports, comments, art works, posters, dramatic displays, photographs, videos, movies, games, animations, Apps, recommendations, all the related work you submitted including results from conferences and worshops you facilitated. All your work will be included in the Proceedings of Global Community.

Global Community News Media Portal shows Proceedings of all Global Dialogues we have had since year 1985. GIM, the Global Information Media, publishes on the Internet the work done every month of the year. The work done by Global Community is important for this generation and future generations. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and global sustainability being some of them. They are global commons for survival and a basis for humanity's new vision of the world.

To manage Earth is very important. We have the responsibility of managing Earth. Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of life within the Global Community. We cannot allow governments and other organizations take away our responsibility for managing Earth.

We will reinstate the respect for Earth and work together to keep Earth healthy, productive and hospitable for all people and living things. We have joined forces to bring forth a sustainable global society embracing universal values related to global rights, economic and social justice, respect of nature, peace, responsibility to one another, and the protection and management of the Earth.

The Global Community claims that everyone on Earth should be able to live in peace. Promoting peace implies to say NO to the war industry. It is an industry that destroys life on Earth, corrupts society, and violates morality. Military intervention in the affairs of other nations is wrong. There are other ways, there are peaceful ways, ways that are not based on profit-making and the gain of power for itself.

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Artboards and images in the video

See the following artboards of
Promo video of Global Dialogue 2014.
The artboards have dimensions 700x690 px and also 2880x1800 px.

Artboard #1: Earth and the galaxy Earth and the galaxy

Artboard #2: Earth resources Earth resources

Artboard #3: Map of the world Map of the world

Artboard #4: People of all places, cultures and religions People of all places, cultures and religions

Artboard #5: And all other life forms on the planet are members of the Global Community And all other life forms on the planet are members of the Global Community

Artboard #6: Global Community video Global Community video

Artboard #7: Global Community and Dialogue 2014 animation Global Community and Dialogue 2014 animation

Artboard #8: Creative design of a (local) Global Community Creative design of a (local) Global Community

Artboard #9: Text on a path: participate in Global Dialogue 2014  Text on a path: participate in Global Dialogue 2014

Artboard #10: Global Community movie promoting Global Information Media (GIM) Global Community promoting Global Information Media (GIM)

Artboard #11: Global Dialogue description of tools Global Dialogue description of tools

Artboard #12: Participate in Global Dialogue 2014 Participate in Global Dialogue 2014

Artboard #13: We accept movies and videos We accept movies and videos

Artboard #14: We accept your articles, papers, reports, comments, art works, posters, dramatic displays, photographs, videos, movies, games, animations, Apps, recommendations, all the related work you submitted including results from conferences and worshops you facilitated We accept your articles, papers, reports, comments, art works, posters, dramatic displays, photographs, videos, movies, games, animations, Apps, recommendations,  all the related work you submitted including results from conferences and worshops you facilitated

Artboard #15: Send us an email or use some other means of communications Send us an email or use some other means of communications

Artboard #16: The work you send will be included in our Galleries The work you send will be included in our Galleries

Artboard #17: Global Community News Media Portal shows Proceedings of all Global Dialogues we hjave had since year 1985 Global Community News Media Portal shows Proceedings of all Global Dialogues we hjave had since year 1985

Artboard #18: We are concerned with all global issues including political issues We are concerned with all global issues including political issues

Educating ourselves and others

Artboard #19: Peoples from all nations of the world Peoples from all nations of the world

Artboard #20: Games and sports Games and sports

Artboard #21: Education: part A Education: part A

Artboard #22: Education: part B Education: part B

Artboard #PS24: Pre-school education part A Pre-school education part A

Artboard #PS25: Pre-school education part B  Pre-school education part B

Artboard #PS26: Pre-school education part C Pre-school education part C

Artboard #PS27: Pre-school education part D Pre-school education part D

Artboard #PS28: Pre-school education part E Pre-school education part E

Artboard #PS29: Pre-school education part F Pre-school education part F

Artboard #PS30: Age 5 to 9 sciences education part A Age 5 to 9 sciences education part A

Artboard #23:

Artboard #24:

Artboard #25:

Artboard #26:

Artboard #27:

Artboard #28:

2_Age 5 to 9
Artboard #29:

Artboard #30:
Artboard #31:
Artboard #32:
Artboard #33:
Artboard #34:
Artboard #35:


Artboard #36:

Artboard #37:

Artboard #38:
Artboard #39:

Artboard #40:

Artboard #41:
Artboard #42:

Artboard #43:

Artboard #44:

Artboard #45:
Artboard #46:

Artboard #47:

Artboard #48:
Artboard #49:

Artboard #50:

Artboard #51:

Artboard #52:
Artboard #53:

Artboard #54:

Artboard #55:
Artboard #56:

Artboard #57:

Artboard #58:

Artboard #59:

Artboard #60:
Artboard #61:
Artboard #62:
Artboard #63:

Artboard #64:
Artboard #65:

Artboard #66:

10_Decision making
Artboard #67:
Artboard #68:

11_Personal sustainable development
Artboard #69:

Artboard #70:

Artboard #71:

12_Self-improvement based on conscience
Artboard #72:

13_Human conscience
Artboard #73:
Artboard #74:
Artboard #75:

14_Symbiotical relationships
Artboard #76:

Artboard #77:
15_Observing other life species
Artboard #78:

Artboard #79:

Artboard #80:
Artboard #81:

16_Spiritual values
Artboard #82:

Artboard #83:

Artboard #84:

17_Living a life in a harmonious peace order and be compassionate
Artboard #85:

18_New ways of doing things
Artboard #86:
Artboard #87:
19_Creativity and imagination
Artboard #88:

Artboard #89:

20_developing physical skills keeps the mind healthy
Artboard #90:
Artboard #91:

Artboard #92:

Artboard #93:
Artboard #94:

21_Where does food come from?

Artboard #95:

Artboard #96:

Artboard #97:
Artboard #98:

Artboard #99:

Soullife speaking

Artboard #100a:

Artboard #100b:

Artboard #101:

Artboard #102:

Artboard #103:

Artboard #104:

Artboard #105:

Artboard #100c:

Website, emails and other Global Community contact info
Artboard #106:

Artboard #107:

Artboard #108:

Ministry of Global Resources
Artboard #109:

Artboard #110:

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Contact Information
Telephone: 250-754-0778
Postal address: 186 Bowlsby Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9R 5K1
Electronic mail
Copyright 2014: © Global Community, Global Parliament, Federation of Global Governments