ECO Executive

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Germain Dufour, President
James Mwami, Minister of Water Resources Protection
Dr. José G. Vargas-Hernández, Global Environment Minister
DR. Michael Ellis, Minister for Sustainable Civilization, Peace and Disarmament
Most Honorable Bilongo Bolo Serge Christian, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs of the Global Government of Africa

Germain Dufour
Earth Governance and Management Consultant
the Global Community
Earth Community Organization (ECO)
Global Community WebNet Ltd.
Project Officer for Global Dialogue 2000, Global Dialogue 2002 and Global Dialogue 2004

(my CV is shown here below)

James Mwami
Minister of Water Resources Protection for the Global Community
Water Resources Engineer
P.O. BOX 232
TEL. 256-77-483264
FAX. 256-43-121572
1) Public Participation in Watershed Development by Settlers
2) Water security and development
Letter from our newly appointed Minister of Water Resources Protection

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Application for Position of Minister of Water Resources Protection

James Mwami
Water Engineer
Minister of Water Resources Protection
the Global Community
P.O. BOX 232



On the threshold of the 3rd millenium humankind is facing major challenges when it becomes to developing solutions for the ecological, social and cultural issues involved in creating a more sustainable development on planet earth. How can we achieve compatibility between economy and ecology? Could it, perhaps, be already too late for achieving sustainable development? What will be the future role of work in our lives and societies at the beginning of the 21st Century? What impact will molecular medicine and modern biotechnology or more generally, science and technology have on the future development of individual human rights as well as on food productions, population growth, etc.? Which role will access to information and knowledge play in an age of electronic communication?

These are just a few out of many questions which come to mind when tries to take a closer look at the challenges ahead, and they are precisely the reason why a series of global dialogues are being arranged in form of Conferences, Congresses etc..

I have tried to express my personal views on a number issues which play a very important role towards answering some of the above questions.

The role of Science and Technology in the 21st Century.

I believe that we have a common future and that this future will be decisively influenced by the importance we accord to science and technology in the 21st Century.

Under the present conditions, where world class research (at least in the natural sciences) is carried out almost exclusively by teams of researchers and no longer by a single researcher alone, the importance question arises as to how research should be effectively organised. Put it in another way, it is the question of the way in which organised research should function. Within the framework of research polices as these are defined by the state, research organisation have the following responsibilities; they should identify fields in which research could lead to advances in knowledge or could be of economic, social and either implement it themselves or at the very least, be responsible for the evaluation of the results.

This shall be responsible for ensuring a proper balance between basic research, which is dedicated to extending our knowledge of fundamentals, and applied research, which is committed to the advancement of economic, social and cultural progress? Secondary, at what point is a proper balance between the two types of research achieved.

In the field of applied research, matters are different. At least four different economic trends are responsible for ensuring for the old questions are not always repeated but that new goals for scientific research are formulated at regular intervals.
These trends include:

- the globalisation of the economy and of the social actors,
- the emergency of a knowledge-based economy,
- the increasing tendency large scale sub contract basic and technological research,
- the transformation of the industrial network,

Such adaptations are a great extent dependent on the technical aids and equipment which are available for research and it is here that over the past few decades the most dramatic changes in scientific methods and techniques have occurred. There has been enormous increase in the numerical simulation of natural processes, so that we are able to simulate certain phenomena which only a few years ago would not have been considered possible. The same applies to the field of computers and computing. In particular in physics, ongoing developments research have led to the use of ever bigger scientific facilities. Faced with these developments the question arises as to where the limits of what is practicable might lie.

In view of these developments the question we must ask is where the scientific priorities for the 21st century should lie. It is obvious that not everything which is in principle feasible can or even should be implemented. Nevertheless, some of the priorities for the 21st Century are already evident. The first place goes to the life sciences. The 21st Century will, in the opinion of many be the era of these sciences. Earth sciences and astronomy will continue to play important roles. In the humanities and social sciences it will be important to find ways of bridging the gap between these disciplines and the natural sciences and to find links between them. The pre-eminent role of information an communications and their attendant technologies does not require any further confirmation.

Accepting Democracy.

Another key factor is the issue of accepting democracy. This can be done in two ways. I think we all have moral obligation to obey just laws. On the other hand I think we have moral obligations to disobey unjust laws because noncooperation with evil is just as much a moral obligation as cooperation with good. Now why is that relevant? A scientist is thinking of natural laws, where the issue is not so much a matter of opinion; this is a matter – as the scientist would think – of fact. So a scientist confronted with a low of nature against which the government was trying to move would be in serious predicament. So the issue he is how do we deal with this in science? Can we encourage the scientist going into the 21st Century to find a way of satisfying the democratic requirements and yet sustaining loyalty to his or her own subject? The government suspects that science does not obey the classical rules of adherence to the conventions of the governable. We are in for an exciting time.

Human Rights and governance, National and Global.

It has been noted that two main features distinguishing globalisation from universalization is the approach to governance and to the dignity of the individual. Globalisation discourages state governance beyond a very limited level. Globalisation discourages taxation of corporations and of capital transactions and thereby reducing the resources base of governance. Globalisation sees the individual mainly as a customer and a producer, a purely market conception of human existence. Universalization on the other hand puts considerable emphasis on governance. It is, however not simply a question of much governance, it is much more a question of good governance.

A UNDP policy document states that "The challenge for all societies is to create a system of governance that promotes, supports, and sustains human development –especially for the poorest and most marginal. But the search for a clearly articulated concept of governance has just begun".

But universalization of human rights should be seen as a corrective process. Its function is to try to prevent or to redress the negative aspects of globalisation, while putting the possible benefits from an expanding market to good use through redistribution and the pursuit of social justice.

Some positive steps can now be observed, indicated that there is awareness of the need to ensure some correction to the process of globalisation. Some additional suggestion derived from recent discussion within the United Nations include the following:

- The human rights of women, the rights of the child and the situation of marginalised or vulnerable groups should always be given the highest priority on all human rights agendas.

- States should adopt legislative and constitutional changes designed to guarantee that treaty law takes precedence over internal law and that treaty positions are directly applicable in the internal legal order. They should also adopt economic and social measures in order to avoid the exclusion of groups marginalised by extreme poverty and adopt measures to ensure that poor and vulnerable groups, have access to productive assets such as land, credit, and the means for self employment.

- States should more actively involve civil society organisation in the economic, social, and political life of their countries, with particular involvement being sought from spokespersons of vulnerable groups (such as the poor, homeless, unemployed, farmers, and working people), and of organisations representing the public interest (for example, consumer, environmental, human rights, and women’s organisation). This is of particular importance because of expanding influence of financial and market force at national as well as international levels.
Non-governmental organisations and other civil society organisations can play a countervailing role by representing the public interest. This can minimise some of the adverse social effects of the market driven process of globalisation.

- An a melioraration of the external debt problem of developing countries is urgently required. A comprehensive resolution of this problem bilateral, and multilateral debt.

- The world Bank has for some time been reviewing the effects of structual adjustment programs, party in cooperation with non-governmental organisation. More resolute action is required however, to review and change the content of, and procedures for, structural adjustment programs and policies to prevent their negative effects on the realisation of economic and social rights.

- Aid flowing from developed to developing countries should be increased, ensuring that a larger share of aid is targeted at the eradication of poverty an the implementation of economic and social in general. This should go hand in hand with more deliberate efforts by receiving states to allocate a larger share of their public expenditure to the improvement of health, education, and welfare needs for the poor rather than for military purposes.

- A dialogue by the human rights bodies with the World Bank, the Intenational Monetary Fund (IMF) and other financial institutions is urgently required to ensure that they take protection of economic and social rights fully into account in their activities.

- The International Labour Organisation (ILO) must be given the opportunity to promote and protect the rights of all categories of working people, including organised and unorganised labour, farmer and the unemployed.

Human rights can have an integrating role to play in the normative system of the evolving world society. They can link together the states, the individuals, and the numerous intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations into the world community.

While the uncertainties of the future are numerous and predictability is low, the possibilities are there also and to a greater extent than in any earlier time in history. I, considers it justified to claim that the Universal Declaration, by inspiring and shaping the conceptions of common values, has contributed more than any other document to open up those possibilities.

Agenda 21 and the Platform for Action.

International conventions can provide a framework in which national and local debates on legal systems can help. This is the case for Agenda 21, defined at the UNCED earth summit in Rio in 1992, and the women’s Platform for Action. These agreements have identified gendered access to land, support for participation by women in decision-making processes and reduction of women’s work loads as important requirements for sustainable development. Agenda 21 states the need to secure women’s access to land by legal means "strengthening/developing legal frameworks for land management, access to land resources and land ownership in particular for women". The Platform for Action, issued at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, expresses, among other points, a demand to "eliminate all obstacles to women’s full and equal participation in sustainable development and equal access to and control over resources".

Policy Dialogue.

Development organisations have an important role to play in advocating the sound implementation of these internationally acknowledged aims. Since they touch on sensitive areas of social relations within societies, it is important that local circumstances are taken into account. In some Andean societies, giving women the right to own land might require fundamental changes in the way the society functions, a process that needs time and a basis in strong social consensus. Development organisations can assist in the process and they can assist in bridging the gap between traditional legal systems and modern legislation. Policy dialogue with partner governments and organisations is an important instrument for development agencies in promoting in enabling environment for gendered sustainable land management systems. To be efficient and credible in this field, however, development agencies need to institutionalise gender-sensitive internal modes of operation.

The effect of legislative changes at the Local level.

Constitutional and Legislative changes at the national level that effect agriculture, environmental protection, and the advancement of women have impacts at the regional and local levels.

The consequences at regional and local society, gender systems, and the environment are not always predictable. Policies of regionalisation and decentalisation introduced in many countries can lead to delegation of responsibility and competence in dealing with land management issues at lower levels, and also expand the options available to the people. In Uganda, for example rural communities are being given greater decision-making authority related to land management. In addition, national policy to enhance the role of women’s groups in national economic development has made it easier to organise women at the local level. Together with increased representation of women at local, district and national assembly, can lead to changes that benefit women.

Today land may be assigned to women’s groups for collective cultivation, which broadens the options for sustainable land management. If such collateral measures to support women are not taken, decentralisation can have a negative impact on them.

Creating an enhancing environment.

The factors that are responsible for unsustainable land management often originate outside the local context. Accordingly, local activities designed to promote social processes of negotiation and planning and implementation of measures to conserve the soil, should be supported by adequate changes at the legal and institutional level. Strategies and approaches to enhance sustainable land management will be more effective if they incorporate the perspectives of different stakeholders, including men and women institutions, and representatives of different groups in civil society.

Reconciling differing interests and identifying common interests from the local to the international level, and increasing land use options for the society and especially for women, are prime tasks for development support. Better coordination of development assistance is an essential precondition for success in this respect.

James Mwami
Busoga Trust
P.o. Box 232 Luwero,Uganda

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Germain Dufour

Click here to see a summary of my resume.





E) Services developed, brochures designed and basic training program developed

F) Now you can be part of a growing number of energy and environmentally conscious Canadians!




Joseph Germain Dufour

* Safe Work Practices - Safety Award.
Alberta Environmental Protection Natural Resources Department 1995.

* Nominated for the 1994 Emerald Award.
Alberta Foundation for Environmental Excellence Awards.

* Nominated for the Mayor’s Environmental Achievement Award. The City of Calgary Mayor’s Environmental Achievement Award, June 1994.

* Alberta Achievement Award for outstanding contribution to the XV Olympic Winter Games, Don R. Getty, former Premier of Alberta, 1988.

* Silver Volunteer Award in recognition of the enthusiasm shown and the objectives achieved for Calgary’s undertaking to host the XV Olympic Winter Games, given by the XV Olympic Winter Games Organizing Committee, COA/A.O.C., 1988.



Joseph Germain Dufour

* M.Sc. (Honours), Physics, University of Québec at Trois-Rivieres, Québec, 1982.

* B.Sc. (Honours), Physics, University of Victoria, British Columbia, 1976

* Engineering Science Technology (Diploma, Honours), S.A.I.T., Calgary, Alberta, 1988

* Meteorologist / Environmentalist, Environment Canada, Downsview, Ontario, 1981

* Environmental Consultant, Calgary, Alberta, beginning in 1992

* Certified Energy Analyst / Auditor, S.A.I.T., Calgary, Alberta, beginning in 1992

* Health & Safety Consultant, Alberta Construction Safety Association training, 1995

* Certified Underground Storage Tank Remover, Calgary, Alberta, beginning in 1992

* Certified Environmental Inspector, Environmental Assessment Association, August 17, 1992.

* Forestry Consultant for Private Landowners, Alberta Land and Forest Services, August 7, 1994, and Alberta Registered Professional Foresters Association.

* Certificate of Completion of the "Leadership for Safety Excellence" course offered by the Alberta Construction Safety Association, July 31, 1995.

* Certificate of Completion of the "Alberta Certified Peer Health and Safety Auditor" course offered by the Alberta Construction Safety Association, July 25, 1995.

* Certificate of Completion of the following courses:

1) Confined Space Entry
2) Air Quality Monitoring
3) Respiratory Protection

offered by the Alberta Construction Safety Association, May 30, 1995.

* Certificate of Completion of the "WHMIS TRAIN-THE-TRAINER" course offered by the Alberta Construction Safety Association, May 29, 1995

* Certificate of Completion of the "TDG TRAIN-THE TRAINER" course offered by the Alberta Construction Safety Association, July 28, 1995


organized and presented by

Joseph Germain Dufour

1) Subjects offered:

a) The Home Environmental Audit;
b) Phase I Environmental Audit of Residential and Commercial Properties.

Place and date: Thorncliffe Community Centre, Calgary, June 5, 1993.

2) Subjects offered:

a) Phase I Environmental Audit of Residential Properties;
b) The Home Environmental Audit;
c) The Ratings of Environmental Sustainable Development for a Home and the Community it Belongs to;
d) The Measurement of the Gross Environmental Sustainable Development Index(GESDI);
e) Phase I Environmental Audit of Commercial Properties and Facilities, Decommissioning of Industrial Sites.

Place and date: Thorncliffe Community Centre, Calgary, October 16 and 17, 1993.

3) Subjects offered:

a) Phase I Environmental and Energy Auditing of Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Recreational, Agricultural, and Public Properties/Facilities;
b) The Home Environmental Audit;
c) The Ratings of Environmental Sustainable Development for a Home and the Community it Belongs to;
d) The Measurement of the Gross Environmental Sustainable Development Index (GESDI);
e) Decommissioning of Industrial Sites;
f) Community Environmental Audit; and
g) Sustainable Community Development.

Place and date: Thorncliffe Community Centre, Calgary, February 19 and 20, 1994.


Internal reports, publications and research papers developed by
Joseph Germain Dufour
while working for

Property Environmental Services Ltd.
Property Environmental Consultants Inc.
Property Sustainable Development Services
Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc.

during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Energy Auditing of Commercial Buildings and Facilities.

Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Decommissioning of Facilities and Reclamation of Land.

Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Environmental Risk Assessment.

Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Phase I Environmental Audit of Facilities.

Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Environmental Impact Assessment.

Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Home Energy Audit.

Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Home Environmental Audit.

Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Company Safety Manual.

Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Home Environmental Audits.

Article published in the Canadian Environmental Auditing Association Newsletters, March 1995, page 6.

Services developed, brochures designed and basic training program developed

while working for

Property Environmental Services Ltd.
Property Environmental Consultants Inc.
Property Sustainable Development Services
Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc.

during the period from 1992 to 1996.

· Measurement of Sustainable Development: Consulting and Technical Services
· Improve Your Profit Margin on Property: Energy Audits, Inspections and Environmental Audits of Buildings and Facilities
· Corporate Profile
· The Extent of Our Services
· Did You Know
· Broadcasting Letters
· Property/Facility Environmental Auditing
· Property/Facility Environmental Auditing: Learning Experience
· Environmentally Sustainable Development Management
· Environmentally "Clean" Technologies and Renewable Energy Technologies
· Reviewing of Development Projects: Environmental Factors Questionnaire
· Management of Underground Storage Tanks(MUST)
· PES Summary Framework for UST Site Assessment
· Soils Assessments
· Land Reclamation
· Water Resources and Wastewater Treatment
· Air Quality Assessment
· Agricultural Consulting and Farm Management
· Decommissioning of Facilities and Reclamation of Land
· Decommissioning of Industrial Sites
· Contamination Evaluation: Monitoring and Remediation
· Energy Audits, Inspections & Environmental Audits of Buildings & Facilities, and Homes
· We offer competitive quality services….
· Approximate Costs for an Environmental Audits
· Environmental Impact Assessment: Phase I, for a Property and for a Facility(questionnaire)
· Energy Audit and Energy Management Program
· Energy Audit Report, Level III
· Occupational Hygiene, Health and Safety Audits and Inspections
· Environmental Risk Assessment
· Hazardous Waste Management, Waste Disposal and Waste Storage Systems
· Appraisal Services and Real Estate Assessments
· Property Environmental Impact Assessment/Environmental Audit and Property
Environmental Liability Assessment Pre-proposal Questionnaire
· Approximate Costs for an Environmental Impact Assessment/Environmental Audit
· Property Environmental Services Ltd.: Consulting and Engineering Competitive Quality Environmental Services
· The Company
· The entire series of papers and lessons used during training of consultants:

* Basic Environmental Training Program
* Property Environmental Services Ltd.: Basic Environmental Training Program
69 lessons were developed and taught to consultants during the training

Now you can be part of a growing number of energy and environmentally conscious Canadians!

* Property Owners and Purchasers * Real Estate Businesses * Developers and Builders * Building Restoration Businesses * Mortgage and Insurance Companies * Manufacturers * Financial Institutions * Governments * Facility Managers * Building Operators * Property Managers * Tenants

Clients ask us to evaluate:

* Energy Management Program
* Energy and Mechanical Systems
* Building and Equipment Systems
* Building Products and Materials
* Environmental Management Program
* Waste and Hazardous Materials Management Program
* Water Management Practices
* Compliance and Liability Concerns

Types of Properties and Facilities:

Industrial - Commercial - Agricultural - Residential Public and Government

Quality of Our Solutions:

* Innovative * Cost-effective * Ecologically Sound * Designed to Improve Business Practices and Profit Margin


A) Environmental Audits and Assessments:

· Environmental Risk Assessment

· Phase I Environmental Audit of Facilities

· Home Environmental Audit

· Community Environmental Audit

B) Energy Audits and Analyses:

· Energy Auditing of Commercial Buildings and Facilities

· Home Energy Audit

· Energy Audit Reports:

* Level III Energy Audit of the Calgary Centre for Performing Arts
* A Comparative Study Between the Utility Data Analysis Based on the Actual Rate Code 521 and the Rate Code 680
* Utility Data Analysis of the Calgary Centre for Performing Arts
* A Study of the Illuminance Over the Workplace at the Calgary Centre for Performing Arts
* Energy Audit Report Level III of the Standard Life Building
* Analysis of Heat Transfers and Thermodynamic Properties on the Ammonia Refrigeration System
* Efficiency of the Volcano Boiler
* Centrifugal Pump Test
* John Inglis Boiler Efficiency Study
* Cleaver Brooks Boilers: Experiments and Testing:

- Cleaver Brooks High Pressure Firetube Boiler
- Cleaver Brooks Low Pressure Watertube Boiler
- Laboratory Testing
- Energy Efficiency Testing

C) Decommissioning of Facilities and Reclamation of Land

D) Sustainable Development:

· The Compatibility Between Land Use and the Transportation System in the Context of the Calgary GoPlan, a New Vision of Calgary or Scenario is Proposed: a SUSTAINABLE URBAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT

· Impacts of the Urban Park Master Plan on the Measurement of Sustainable Development in the Community of Sandstone Valley of Calgary

· A new Vision of Calgary in the 21st Century is proposed: a Sustainable Urban Community Development which integrates Land Use, Transportation, Urban Designand all other aspects of our lives and Sustainable Development

· Vision of Calgary in Year 2024

· Sustainable Development definition

· Summary Explanation of the Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP)

· Sustainable Forestry Development

· Environmental Sustainable Development Management

E) Corporate Safety Manual

Past Research Papers
by Joseph Germain Dufour

a) Mathematical Model of the World Sustainable Development

b) The Ozone Depleting Substances: a sustainable development issue

by Joseph Germain Dufour

Progress Report from 1988 to the end of 1996 "On the Measurement of Sustainable Development: A Benchmark for the 21st Centur," Calgary, January 1, 1997. Report was submitted to the United Nations, the Alberta Government, the Government of Canada and to several organizations and persons.

Summary of the Progress Report from 1988 to the end of 1996 "On the Measurement of Sustainable Development: A Benchmark for the 21st Centur," Calgary, February 1997. Report was submitted to the United Nations, the Alberta Government, the Government of Canada and to several organizations and persons.

Energy Auditing of Commercial Buildings and Facilities. Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Decommissioning of Facilities and Reclamation of Land.
Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Environmental Risk Assessment.
Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Phase I Environmental Audit of Facilities.
Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Environmental Impact Assessment.
Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Home Energy Audit. Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Home Environmental Audit. Community Environmental Audit.
These reports were developed to measure sustainable development (GESDI and GSDP) for a home, for a community, and for a city; a new report is being updated to measure sustainable development for a country.
Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Company Safety Manual.
Internal report written while working for Property Environmental Services Ltd., Property Environmental Consultants Inc., and Property Inspection, Audit and Decommissioning Services Inc. during the period from 1992 to 1997.

Home Environmental Audits.
Article published in the Canadian Environmental Auditing Association Newsletters, March 1995, page 6.

A New Vision of Calgary in the 21st Century is proposed: a Sustainable Urban Community Development which Integrates Land Use, Transportation, Urban Design and all Other Aspects of our Lives and Sustainable Development.
Comments on GoPlan Transportation Master Plan presented to City of Calgary Council at a Public Hearing on June 9, 1994.

Vision of Calgary in Year 2024.
Presented to the City of Calgary Council during Council meeting, Summer 1994.

Supporting documents on Sustainable Development submitted during the period from 1992 to 1996 to the Government of Canada, the Alberta Government, City of Calgary Council, United Nations Environmental Committee and to numerous other organizations:

I) A report on "Sustainable Community (urban and rural) Development"

II) An explanatory note on "Land Reclamation and Decommissioning"

III) An explanatory note on "Reviewing of Development Projects"

IV) A report on

"Impacts of the Urban Park Master Plan on the Measurement of Sustainable Development in the Community of Sandstone Valley Calgary."

V) Summary explanation of the publication written by the author and titled:

"The Measurement of the Gross Environmental Sustainable Development Index (GESDI)."

VI) Summary explanation of the publication written by the author and titled:

"The Measurement of the Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP)."

VII) Reports titled:

"The Home Environmental Audit." "The Community Environmental Audit."

These reports were developed to measure sustainable development (GESDI and GSDP) for a home, for a community, and for a city; a new report is being updated to measure sustainable development for a country.

VIII) Summary reports on Environmental Auditing, Home Environmental Audit, Community Environmental Audit and on Sustainable Community Development.

IX) A report on the

"Vision of Calgary in Year 2024."

X) A report on

"The Compatibility Between Land Use and the Transportation System in the Context of the Calgary GoPlan: a New Vision or Scenario is Proposed: a

"The Measurement of the Gross Environmental Sustainable Development Index (GESDI)," first published January 1, 1990, registered December 30, with the Copyright Office of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada, 1993, title corrected on January 14, 1994, updated January 19, 1994, Calgary.

"Community Environmental Audit," first published January 1, 1990, registered December 30, with the Copyright Office of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada,1993, Calgary.

"Sustainable Community (Urban and Rural) Development," first published January 1, 1990, Calgary.

"Home Environmental Audit," first published January 1, 1990, registered June 23, with the Copyright Office of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada,1993, Calgary.

"Sustainable Community Development," first published June 1, 1990, registered December 30, with the Copyright Office of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada,1993, Calgary.

"The Measurement of the Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP)," first published June 3, 1990, registered April 25, with the Copyright Office of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada,1994, Calgary.

"Impacts of the Urban Park Master Plan on the Measurement of Sustainable Development in the Community of Sandstone Valley," MacEwan and Sandstone Community News, Calgary, March 1994.

"Vision of Calgary in Year 2024," MacEwan and Sandstone Community News, Calgary, September 1994.

Alberta Oil Sands: Recovery, Upgrading and Management.
Internal report presented to the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, May 10, 1998. The report was concerned about the place of the oil sands in Canada’s energy future; the description and location of Alberta’s bitumen deposits; the first explorers and researchers; the geology and geophysics of the earth where the oil sands are found; the commercial production of oil from oil sands; the techniques used to recover oil from oil sands; the environmental concerns; and the impacts of oil sands development on the residents of the region.

The Carstairs-Crossfield Gas Processing Plant.
Internal report presented to the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology on April 5, 1998. The report was concerned about the Carstairs-Crossfield Gas Processing Plant operated by Home Oil Company Limited. Emphasis was placed on the geological formations from which the sour and wet gas were being obtained; gas wells; gas recycling and gas condensate recovery; Sulphur recovery; and the separators, contactors, compressors, and the fractionation unit.

IN VIVO Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging.
Internal report presented to the NMR Clinical Laboratory at the University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, May 25, 1987 to August 22, 1987. The report describes the research work done at the lab. The work includes a series of experiments and processing of the data. The experiments were:
· IN VIVO 31P spectroscopy with a surface coil in the field of the 1.5 T magnet.
· ISIS and SPARS experiments.
· Depth pulse experiments.
· Spin Echo and Inversion Recovery experiments.
· Imaging.

A computer program was developed and described in the report. The program performed the analysis of the free induction decay signals. It also included the use of the maximum entropy method (MEM) for the reconstruction of the NMR spectra.

A Comparative Study of Solid- and Gas-Source Mass Spectrometers with Applications.
Internal report presented to the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology on April 5, 1987. The two different types of mass spectrometer were compared using five functional elements as a guideline:
· Sample Introduction
· Ion Production
· Mass Separation
· Ion Current Detection
· Instrument Control and Data Handling

The relations between the functional elements are discussed together with the physics behind these elements. The results of this comparison bring out the important features of the two types of mass spectrometer so as to recommend how each type may be applied in practice.

Data Processing with Computers.
Internal report presented to the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology on November 1986. The report was concerned about the different aspects of data processing with computers and shows how data are recorded and put in a form which can be analyzed and used in a decision-making process. Recommendations as to which data processing systems are best utilized in business, science, mathematics, engineering and education were presented and based on the following criteria:

· Availability of efficient application and system software packages
· Best suited programming languages
· Compatibility of the computer system
· Input/output concepts and devices
· Ability to display graphic, pictorial and animated data on a screen
· Data communications system
· Cost

Mathematical Model for the Quantitative Study of Left-to-Right Cardiac Shunting.
Written by Dr. Josip Nosil et al, Division of Nuclear Medicine, Foothills Hospital, Calgary, 1984. Assisted in making numerous English, Physics as well as Mathematical corrections. My main contribution to this research paper was to write an expression which describes the nuclear activity in terms of the absolute volume element and the flow rate in the system.

Stable Isotope Mass Spetrometry and Gas Source Mass Spectrometry.
Research paper written while a student of the University of Calgary, Physics Department, Summer 1984. Co-ordinator: Dr. H.R. Krouse.

The 6802D3 Microprocessor.
The term project was written to complete the requirements for the course "Experimental Methods in Physics II," Physics 603, Department of Physics, University of Calgary, on March 26, 1984; course co-ordinator: Dr. R.B. Hicks. I wrote a computer program dealing with:

· A comparison between the 8080/8085- and the 6802D3 microprocessors
· Scrolled message-board with a rate of scrolling controlled by pressing a key on the keypad
· A stopwatch which may be reset by pressing a key on the keypad

The Determination of Lead-210 in Uranium-ore Sample.
This research project began in November 1983 and was completed in February 1984. The project was a requirement to complete the courses load towards a Ph.D. I started at the University of Calgary, Physics Department. An intrinsic Germanium detector was used to measure the Lead-210 gamma peak in each sample analyzed. By adding different quantities of known Lead-210 solutions to a sample, it was possible to obtain the concentration of Lead-210 in the original sample.

The Analysis of the Alpha Spectra.
Research paper written while taking Physics 601, "Experimental Methods in Physics I," at the University of Calgary, Physics Department, November 29, 1983. Course co-ordinator: Dr. O.G. Fritz.

Low Lying Levels in 99Rh and 101Rh.
University of Montreal, Nuclear Physics Accelerator Laboratory, Montreal, Quebec. G. Kajrys, J.-G. Dufour, S. Pilotte, S. Monaro; published paper in Physical Review C; Volume 30, p.831; 1984.
Nuclear reactions: 99,101Ru(p,nc)99,101Rh; Ec, c-c coincidences and c-ray angular distributions were measured; results allowed us to deduce levels of the above Ruthnium isotopes.

L’excitation Coulombienne.
University of Montreal, Nuclear Physics Accelerator Laboratory, Montreal, Quebec. Research paper written while student in "Chapitres Choisis de Physique Nucleaire," at the Universite de Montreal, December 1982. Co-ordinator: Dr. H. Jeremie.

Les Resonances Geantes et le Modele Hydrodynamique.
University of Montreal, Nuclear Physics Accelerator Laboratory, Montreal, Quebec. Research paper written while student in "Chapitres Choisis de Physique Nucleaire," at the Universite de Montreal, December 1982. Co-ordinator: Dr. H. Jeremie.

Les Resonances Geantes.
University of Montreal, Nuclear Physics Accelerator Laboratory, Montreal, Quebec. Research paper written while student in "Chapitres Choisis de Physique Nucleaire," at the Universite de Montreal, December 1982. Co-ordinator: Dr. H. Jeremie.

Etude de la Deformation des Isotopes Doublement Pairs de la Region N = 38-48 par Excitation Coulombienne.
University of Montreal, Nuclear Physics Accelerator Laboratory, Montreal, Quebec. W. Del Bianco, S. Monaro, G. Kajrys, R. Lecompte, P. Paradis, S. Pilotte and J.-G. Dufour; Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire, Rapport d’Activite, No. 17, 1982.

Etude de la Structure des Noyaux des Regions A - 80 and A - 100.
University of Montreal, Nuclear Physics Accelerator Laboratory, Montreal, Quebec. W. Del Bianco, S. Monaro, G. Kajrys, S. Landsberger, S. Pilotte and J.-G. Dufour; Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire, Rapport d’Activite, No. 17, 1982.

Nouvelles Mesures de Polarisation sur la Reaction 9Be(3H2,p)11B.
Universite Laval, Quebec. J. Pouliot, P. Bricault, J.-G. Dufour, L. Potvin, C. Rioux, R. Roy and R.J. Slobodrian; in the Rapport Annuel, Laboratoire de l’Accelerateur Van de Graaff, 1982.

L’Approximation de Born a Ondes Distordues (DWBA) Avec Couplage Spin-orbite Comme Appliquee au Transfert de Deux Nucleons Pour des Reactions Nucleaires Directes de Stripping.
Universite Laval, Departement de Physique, Laval, Quebec. Research paper written while student in "Theorie des Collisions," at Laval University, Quebec, April 1982. Co-ordinator: Dr. E.J. Knystautas.

Time-reversal Violation: New polarization Measurements in the 9Be(3He,p)11B Reaction.
Universite Laval, Departement de Physique, Laval, Quebec. J. Pouliot, P. Bricault, J.-G. Dufour, L. Potvin, C. Rioux, R. Roy and R.J. Slobodrian; published in Journal de Physique; Volume 45, p. 71, 1984.

La Cosmologie et la Cosmogonie: Une Discussion.
Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, Departement de Physique, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec. My Master’s Degree Thesis subject; the first draft was handed in December, 1978; it was accepted on December 15, 1982. Supervisor: Felix deForest.

World’s Environment and Sustainable Development.
Research paper written while working for Environment Canada, Downsview, Ontario, may to November 1981. The paper included a model of the Earth atmosphere and showed how what is happening on the earth surface affects weather systems, the atmosphere itself, and the ecology of the earth. Trace elements in air, oil, water, biological and mineral samples were analyzed to support the model.

Une Etude de la Mecanique Quantique Relativiste Appliquee a la Desintegration du Neutron.
Universitedu Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, Departement de Physique, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec. Research paper written while a student in "Advanced Quantum Mechanics," at the Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, November 1977. Co-ordinator: Dr. A. Navon.

La Methode Statistique de Hill sur la Constante d’Equilibre des Reactions Chimiques et l’Equation de Saha Applique a Etudier l’Atmosphere d’une Etoile sur la Sequence Principale, et l’Expansion de l’Univers.
Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, Departement de Physique, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec. Research paper written while a student in "Advanced Statistical Physics," at the Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, March 1977. Co-ordinator: Dr. T.K. Rose.



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