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Earth Government Newsletter

    Newsletter Volume 1       Issue 7,    October 2003


World overpopulation, its global problems and what we can do about them

Table of Contents

1.0    President's Message
2.0    Letter to all families of the Global Community

3.0    Reports
A)     First step towards managing world population is acceptance of men and women as equal persons
B)    Child pornography on Internet (Part 2)
C)    In Canada, Global Community citizens take environmental law into their hands concerning the estuary of Nanaimo River (Part 2)

4.0    Research and development papers
A)    With your Global Community Citizenship comes responsibilities and accountabilities
B)    A high global tax on all Oxygen-burning products, processes and ways of doing things
C)    The United Nations will accept the Global Community Citizenship and the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship
D)    A global community is not about land, it is about people

5.0    Articles of interest
A)    Global Community citizens take environmental law into their own hands
B)    Forget about AMERICA, and split it apart for the good of all humanity
D)    Same sex marriage works well with the global community proposal of decreasing our overpopulated planet

President's Message

If men and women throughout the world had equal rights that would go a long way into decreasing world population. This is true for Western women. Western men and women get married not so much to procreate but to enjoy the companionship of the 'other', and sometimes the 'other' is a person of the same sex.

Same sex marriage works well with the above proposal of the Global Community of decreasing our overpopulated planet. Two persons with the same sex or not, a man and a woman, two men or two women can get married for a different reason than procreation. Thet may get to share a life of companionship together, and they may include adopted children in their symbiotical relationship.

Let us see a few different scenarios. For Canadians this time.

Two women getting married: Elizabeth and Catherine.

Elizabeth says:
a)        I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada,
Catherine says:
b)         I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada
They both say:
c)         We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d)        We are citizens of The Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community.

Two men getting married: John and Charles.

John says:
a)        I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada,
Charles says:
b)         I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada
They both say:
c)         We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d)        We are citizens of The Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community.

Small events today can have huge global consequences that can change the flora and fauna of the whole world. Some people at least are bothered now by global warming, the burning of the Earth's Oxygen, and know that nothing can ever be the same again. But what is the cause of global warming? The chief cause of this warming is thought to be the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which releases into the atmosphere carbon dioxide and other substances known as greenhouse gases. As the atmosphere becomes richer in these gases, it becomes a better insulator, retaining more of the heat provided to the planet by the Sun. The burning of fossil fuels requires three basic elements: the fuel, Oxygen and a spark to start the fire or burning. In our car engine the fuel is gasoline, Oxygen is in the air we breathe, and a spark-plug keeps the burning going. In actuality everytime we drive our car we are impacting three global life-support systems: the climate of the Earth, the global warming of the Earth's atmosphere, and we are depleting the air we breathe of its Oxygen.

No society has ever experienced the full range of enormity of which the Earth is capable. Two and a half billion years ago the composition of the Earth's atmosphere changed completely as free Oxygen gas was introduced for the first time from the new organisms that practiced photosynthesis. Over the lifetime of the planet, continents have moved right across the surface of the globe, splitting and rejoining, floating like froth on the hot rock of the mantle beneath. There has already been at least a half dozen climate changes over the planet causing the entire fauna of the world to be transformed. The latest one was a small climate change and yet it wiped out the dinosaurs.

By far the largest Oxygen-burning products are petroleum products. All petroleum products burn Oxygen. When you drive your car to work or to do anything at all, you burn Oxygen, and Oxygen is the product of life. As a member of the human family you are committing suicide, and you are taking all life with you on you destructive path. Your children will be out of Oxygen sometimes in the future. At the rate we are burning Oxygen it wont be long!

You might say but forests produce Oxygen so what is your worry about?

How do we get our Oxygen?
Photosysnthesis is the process that does it, and it is one of the processes that is a part of the global life-support systems and needs protecting at all costs. On the Scale of Human and Earth Rights photosysthesis is right on top the Scale as one of the most important rights we have to protect. It has the highest priority.

Photosynthesis, is the process by which green plants and certain other organisms use the energy of light to convert carbon dioxide and water into the simple sugar glucose. In so doing, photosynthesis provides the basic energy source for virtually all organisms. An extremely important byproduct of photosynthesis is Oxygen, on which most organisms depend.

With the help of chlorophyll and energy from the sun, a leaf can change lifeless substances into food. This process is called photosynthesis. Plants need water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) to make food through the process of photosynthesis. The water is gathered by the plant's roots. Carbon dioxide is gathered from the air through the stomata. The leaf uses chlorophyll and sunlight to change the water and carbon dioxide into Oxygen and glucose (sugar). This sugar is mixed with water and sent to other parts of the plant to be used by the plant as food. The Oxygen is released into the air through the stomata. This is usually written as:

This is usually read as carbon dioxide plus water in the presence of light and chlorophyll produces Oxygen and sugar glucose.

Photosynthesis occurs in green plants, seaweeds, algae, and certain bacteria. These organisms are veritable sugar factories, producing millions of new glucose molecules per second. Plants use much of this glucose, a carbohydrate, as an energy source to build leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. They also convert glucose to cellulose, the structural material used in their cell walls. Most plants produce more glucose than they use, however, and they store it in the form of starch and other carbohydrates in roots, stems, and leaves. The plants can then draw on these reserves for extra energy or building materials.

Photosynthesis has far-reaching implications. Like plants, humans and other animals depend on glucose as an energy source, but they are unable to produce it on their own and must rely ultimately on the glucose produced by plants. Moreover, the Oxygen humans and other animals breathe is the Oxygen released during photosynthesis. Humans are also dependent on ancient products of photosynthesis, known as fossil fuels, for supplying most of our modern industrial energy. These fossil fuels, including natural gas, coal, and petroleum, are composed of a complex mix of hydrocarbons, the remains of organisms that relied on photosynthesis millions of years ago. Thus, virtually all life on earth, directly or indirectly, depends on photosynthesis as a source of food, energy, and Oxygen, making it one of the most important biochemical processes known. It is a part of the global life-support systems and is a right that needs protecting at all costs. The right and responsibility that human beings have in protecting photosysnthesis has the highest importance on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.

It is true that vegetation such as forests and organisms have produced all of the Oxygen we breathe on Earth. It took Nature billions of years to build up the amount of Oxygen found in the air we breathe.

The problems are that we are now burning the Oxygen at an astronomical rate, and we are also destroying our forests at an astronomical rate. Organisms producing the Oxygen can no longer replenish the Earth's atmosphere of the Oxygen life on Earth needs to survive. Human activities are polluting all ways of life. Our ways of doing things are impacting the most essential global life-support systems: burning Oxygen and destroying the process that actually create Oxygen on Earth, photosynthesis.

Why are we cutting forests? To build new communities. For shelter. For businesses who want to show off good looking furniture in the office. One could write an entire encyclopedia on things we do with forest products. Oops! I dont think we should ask someone to write an encyclopedia. The pulp and paper industry is so much a culprit, and it has been for over a century.

But how do you make a family understand that your ways will eventually kill the children of the future? Very simple! Tell them not to have children. Humanity has an overpopulation. Humanity has no need of more children. Dont make children. We only need a world population of about 500 million human beings to keep us going for another million years. We have already shown that in previous newsletters. The 21st century will show whether or not it is possible for the human lifeform to control its own population using voluntary and benign family management and whether we will take along with us other lifeforms. If not, this century will produce a collapse of humanity and the environment on a global scale.


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Letter to all families of the Global Community

Dear men and women of the Gobal Community,

Earth Government has researched and developed policies ( see 'Earth policies to reduce human population to 500 millions') to reduce human population to 500 millions. We have to regulate world population by means that are voluntary and benign and we have to take along with us a fair proportion of other lifeforms. Proper Earth management will certainly be a necessary tool to achieve our goal. A sound governance of the Earth is needed for the long term survival of our species. This is 'la raison d'etre' of Earth Government. Earth Government has proposed the creation of global ministries to manage Earth and humanity's global problems. If not there will be a collapse of humanity and of the environment. From now on every global decision we make will have tremendous consequences on our future. All men and women are responsible and accountable for the future of humanity. We have what it takes to decrease the rate of growth of world population and make it a negative rate of growth. Let us do that for the survival of our species and all life on Earth.

If men and women throughout the world had equal rights that would go a long way into decreasing world population. This is true for Western women. Western men and women get married not so much to procreate but to enjoy the companionship of the 'other', and sometimes the 'other' is a person of the same sex.

Even more important is for everyone to accept as a way of life the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship. You will be required to take oath. The Criteria includes the necessity of a man and a woman to be equal persons. Before you make your decision we are asking you to read very carefully the Criteria, make sure you understand every part of it, and then make the oath of belonging to the Global Community, the human family, Earth Community and Earth Government.

You do not need to let go the citizenship you already have. No! You can still be a citizen of any nation on Earth. The nation you belong to can be called 'a global community'. It should now be your global community. But you are a better human being as you belong also to the Global Community, and you have now higher values to live a life, to sustain yourself and all life on the planet, and you have become a person with a heart, a mind and Soul of the same as that of the Global Community.

In practice, if our proposal was accepted then the world population would eventually fall. We would make all efforts to minimize infant mortality. We need to ensure that the women of the world who have shown an interest in the proposal of family planning would have access to all the help needed to achieve their goal. Contraception for men is also desirable.

Ever since the early 1990s, Earth Government has researched and developed the concept of 'a global community'. It has since been made a part of the foundation of Earth Government and is thought as the way of life of the future. The concept is also in the statement of rights and responsibilities of a person belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', Earth Government, the human family. That is, to take such a stand has four parts:

a)        I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
b)         I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
c)         We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d)        We are citizens of The Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community.

We need to take this stand for the survival of our species. For sure, the most important step towards achieving sustainability is to control our population growth. To ensure our survival we must manage our population wisely. It is a well known fact that a global community population decreases whenever men and women are equal persons in all ways.

Today we are not asking women to have only one child as is done in China.


First of all it does not work in China. Their population is still increasing.

We are asking it to be socially acceptable for women to have the freedom of having or not having children. We are asking it for women to have the freedom to say no I dont want children, or yes I want to raise a family, and to make that socially acceptable. For this to work, women must also be given equal rights to men in every way. The Chinese family policy does not work because women are not given the freedom to choose for themselves and the equal rights to men. Women are 'persons' just like men. Those men and women who choose to raise a family of one or more children will be given support if needed.

The effect of such change in our ways will be acceptance of being a part of the global community and that each one of us is doing things for the good of all. In this way, the heart, mind and spirit of the Global Community will be in the forefront of positive actions to ensure our survival.

This is not new. In many parts of the world a man is no longer seen as the 'head of the family', the 'provider'. Both men and women have taken that role depending of circumstances and social factors. Women are no longer seen as subservient persons and breeding machines. Women are seen as equal to men. Women's rights protect the equality between a man and a woman.

This 21st century is very crucial for humanity as it will determine our survival or not for the next million year. The Earth Community Organization (ECO) and Earth Government are proposing to the world a way to achieve our survival. The policies described in this article are by no means the only ones, and we do need the global community to send suggestions and recommendations.

Earth Government has long recognized that greater equality between men and women is an essential element of slowing down world population growth. It was observed that fertility rates were falling everywhere women were allowed to determine when and whether they will have children. Gender inequality also impacts on resource use and the prospects for sustainability and biodiversity protection. Training and education along with their greater sense of nature and shelter protection give women the tools they need to make resource use more equitable and efficient within communities and to mobilize against environmental and health hazards. Men have created global problems threatening all life on the planet. The war industry, a man-made and managed industry, has set up the most powerful money-making machine ever seen over the entire human history. It owns the media industry in all democracies and has brain-washed entire populations about the need of more wars. They continuously lie to the world and their taxpayers. The war industry thrives on values that are the least important on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights but these values keep them going. The war industry has to go. Men wont let it go but women can.

For this reason Earth Government is dedicated to give women:

a)        equal rights
b)         access to and control of natural resources and land
c)         stronger voices in decisions about sustainable resource use
d)         education on impacts of consumerism and sustainable consumption
e)         access to modern methods of contraception and reproductive health services
f)         a strong and equal voting right in Earth Government and presence as ministers

There are countless situations showing the need for a woman's perspective and solution to a problem, locally and globally.

For instance, historically a Peace Movement has always been associated with women. It was essentially thought as a feminist initiative. The method of decision making in such movement was intended to expand leadership rather than to narrow it. Most women groups in the feminist movement worked by consensus, the relationship among themselves has always been intimate and caring, and they often included a humanitarian concern for all people. The feminist peace movement has created a value system based on an ethic of caring, caring for each other and caring for the world as well. Women groups have dealt with issues such as motherhood, violence against women, citizenship rights, and oppression. World peace has been interpreted through women's eyes. Even the ecofeminist vision has peace rooted in nature, and the very essence of life and survival have been said as essentially female attributes. The ecofeminist position is that the Earth is our mother, and she is being ravaged by militarism and male-created toxic substances.

Women help defined how we should see ourselves living as part of a community. A community is not about a piece of land you acquired by force or otherwise. A typical community of a million people does not have to be bounded by a geographical or political border. It can be a million people living in many different locations all over the world. The Global Community is thus more fluid and dynamic. We need to let go the archaic ways of seeing a community as the street where we live and contained by a border. Many conflicts and wars will be avoided by seeing ourselves as people with a heart, a mind and a Soul, and as part of a community with the same.

Whatever happen in this 3rd Millennium, which we have called the New Age Civilization of the 3rd Millennium, will depend of us and to what extent we are willing to make a difference to manage Earth wisely. Will our actions be geared to survive a decade, a hundred years, a thousand years, or a million years? If our actions were geared to survive a million years, the chances are that we would learn to master great things including harnessing the sun flare energy, interstellar travels, genetic engineering, and reajusting the planetary position of another planet in our system to initiate a new life on its surface. Is it no worth to make sacrifices now?

Same sex marriage works well with the above proposal of the Global Community of decreasing our overpopulated planet. Two persons with the same sex or not, a man and a woman, two men or two women can get married for a different reason than procreation. Thet may get to share a life of companionship together, and they may include adopted children in their symbiotical relationship.

Let us see a few different scenarios. For Canadians this time.

Two women getting married: Elizabeth and Catherine.

Elizabeth says:
a)        I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada,
Catherine says:
b)         I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada
They both say:
c)         We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d)        We are citizens of The Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community.

Two men getting married: John and Charles.

John says:
a)        I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada,
Charles says:
b)         I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada
They both say:
c)         We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d)        We are citizens of The Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community.


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Letter to

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First step towards managing world population is acceptance of men and women as equal persons

As a genuine effort from the human family to control and decrease its population and as a first step towards managing world population is the acceptance of men and women as equal persons.

Earth Government has researched and developed policies ( see 'Earth policies to reduce human population to 500 millions') to reduce human population to 500 millions. We have to regulate world population by means that are voluntary and benign and we have to take along with us a fair proportion of other lifeforms. Proper Earth management will certainly be a necessary tool to achieve our goal. If not there will be a collapse of humanity and of the environment. From now on every global decision we make will have tremendous consequences on our future. All men and women are responsible and accountable for the future of humanity. We have what it takes to decrease the rate of growth of world population and make it a negative rate of growth. Let us do that for the survival of our species and all life on Earth.

Earth Government proposes a world population of 500 million. The policy to apply is for every family to have only one or more children. It would take a thousand years to reach our goal of a population of 500 million. Furthermore we are asking everyone to accept as a way of life the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship. You will be required to take oath. The Criteria includes the necessity of a man and a woman to be equal persons. In practice, if our proposal was accepted then the population would eventually fall. We would make all efforts to minimize infant mortality. We need to ensure that the women of the world who have shown an interest in the proposal of family planning would have access to all the help needed to achieve their goal. Contraception for men is also desirable.

Ever since the early 1990s, Earth Government has researched and developed the concept of 'a global community'. It has since been made a part of the foundation of Earth Government and is thought as the way of life of the future. The concept is also in the statement of rights and responsibilities of a person belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', Earth Government, the human family. That is, to take such a stand has four parts:
a)        I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
b)         I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
c)         We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d)        We are citizens of The Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community, Earth Government.

We need to take this stand for the survival of our species. For sure, the most important step towards achieving sustainability is to control our population growth. To ensure our survival we must manage our population wisely. It is a well known fact that a global community population decreases whenever men and women are equal persons in all ways.

Today we are not asking women to have only one child as is done in China.


First of all it does not work in China. Their population is still increasing.

We are asking it to be socially acceptable for women to have the freedom of having or not having children. We are asking it for women to have the freedom to say no I dont want children, or yes I want to raise a family, and to make that socially acceptable. For this to work, women must also be given equal rights to men in every way. The Chinese family policy does not work because women are not given the freedom to choose for themselves and the equal rights to men. Women are 'persons' just like men. Those men and women who choose to raise a family of one or more children will be given support if needed.

The effect of such change in our ways will be acceptance of being a part of the global community and that each one of us is doing things for the good of all. In this way, the heart, mind and spirit of the Global Community will be in the forefront of positive actions to ensure our survival.

This is not new. In many parts of the world a man is no longer seen as the 'head of the family', the 'provider'. Both men and women have taken that role depending of circumstances and social factors. Women are no longer seen as subservient persons and breeding machines. Women are seen as equal to men. Women's rights protect the equality between a man and a woman.

This 21st century is very crucial for humanity as it will determine our survival or not for the next million year. The Earth Community Organization (ECO) and Earth Government are proposing to the world a way to achieve our survival. The policies described in this article are by no means the only ones, and we do need the global community to send suggestions and recommendations.

Earth Government has long recognized that greater equality between men and women is an essential element of slowing down world population growth. It was observed that fertility rates were falling everywhere women were allowed to determine when and whether they will have children. Gender inequality also impacts on resource use and the prospects for sustainability and biodiversity protection. Training and education along with their greater sense of nature and shelter protection give women the tools they need to make resource use more equitable and efficient within communities and to mobilize against environmental and health hazards. Men have created glbal problems threatening all life on the planet. The war industry, a man-made and managed industry, has set up the most powerful money-making machine ever seen over the entire human history. It owns the media industry in all democracies and has brain-washed entire populations about the need of more wars. They continuously lie to the world and their taxpayers. The war industry thrives on values that are the least important on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights but these values keep them going. The war industry has to go. Men wont let it go but women can.

For this reason Earth Government is dedicated to give women:

a)         equal rights
b)         access to and control of natural resources and land
c)         stronger voices in decisions about sustainable resource use
d)         education on impacts of consumerism and sustainable consumption
e)        access to modern methods of contraception and reproductive health services
f)         a strong and equal voting right in Earth Government and presence as ministers

There are countless situations showing the need for a woman's perspective and solution to a problem, locally and globally.

For instance, historically a Peace Movement has always been associated with women. It was essentially thought as a feminist initiative. The method of decision making in such movement was intended to expand leadership rather than to narrow it. Most women groups in the feminist movement worked by consensus, the relationship among themselves has always been intimate and caring, and they often included a humanitarian concern for all people. The feminist peace movement has created a value system based on an ethic of caring, caring for each other and caring for the world as well. Women groups have dealt with issues such as motherhood, violence against women, citizenship rights, and oppression. World peace has been interpreted through women's eyes. Even the ecofeminist vision has peace rooted in nature, and the very essence of life and survival have been said as essentially female attributes. The ecofeminist position is that the Earth is our mother, and she is being ravaged by militarism and male-created toxic substances.

Women help defined how we should see ourselves living as part of a community. A community is not about a piece of land you acquired by force or otherwise. A typical community of a million people does not have to be bounded by a geographical or political border. It can be a million people living in many different locations all over the world. The Global Community is thus more fluid and dynamic. We need to let go the archaic ways of seeing a community as the street where we live and contained by a border. Many conflicts and wars will be avoided by seeing ourselves as people with a heart, a mind and a Soul, and as part of a community with the same.

Whatever happen in this 3rd Millennium, which we have called the New Age Civilization of the 3rd Millennium, will depend of us and to what extent we are willing to make a difference to manage Earth wisely. Will our actions be geared to survive a decade, a hundred years, a thousand years, or a million years? If our actions were geared to survive a million years, the chances are that we would learn to master great things including harnessing the sun flare energy, interstellar travels, genetic engineering, and reajusting the planetary position of another planet in our system to initiate a new life on its surface. Is it no worth to make sacrifices now?

A sound governance of the Earth is needed for the long term survival of our species. This is 'la raison d'etre' of the Earth Government. Earth Government has proposed the creation of global ministries to manage Earth and humanity's global problems.



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Article B

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Article C

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With your Global Community Citizenship comes responsibilities and accountabilities

The Global Community Citizenship is given to anyone who accepts as a way of life the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship. You will be required to take oath. A global community citizenship is based on fundamental principles and values of the government. After taking the oath of global citizenship we belong to this greater whole, the Earth, the only known place in the universe we can call our home, and we belong to the Global Community, the human family, Earth Community and Earth Government.

You do not need to let go the citizenship you already had before. No! You can still be a citizen of any nation on Earth. But now you are a better human being as you belong also to the Global Community, and you have now higher values to live a life, to sustain yourself and all life on the planet.

You have become a person with a heart, a mind and Soul of the same as that of the Global Community.

Once you have taken the oath you have accepted rights and responsibilities that come with the citizenship.

Rights and responsiblities have been described in the August 2003 Newsletter. (http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/earthgov/NewsE.html)

A short version of your rights and responsiblities is shown in the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship.

Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship
Copyright © 2000 Earth Government

1.         Acceptance of the rights and responsibilities of a person belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', the Earth Community, Earth Government, the human family. That is, to take such a stand has four parts:
a)        I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
b)        I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
c)        We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d)        We are citizens of The Global Community, the Earth Community, the human family, Earth Government.

We need to take this stand for the survival of our species.

2.        Acceptance of the concept of 'a global community'. The concept of 'a global community' is part of the Glass Bubble concept of a global community. The concept was first researched and developed by the Earth Community Organization (ECO) and was summarized on Earth Government website. Then it was further researched and developed by Earth Government and results obtained were published by Earth Government in its February 2003 Newsletter.

We have already said that 'a global community' is not about a piece of land you acquired by force or otherwise. A typical global community may be what a group of people, together, wants it to be. It can be a group of people with the same values. It can be a group of people with the same cultural background, or the same religious background. One could think of a typical global community of a million people that does not have to be bounded by a geographical or political border. It can be a million people living in many different locations all over the world. The Global Community is thus more fluid and dynamic. The Global Community is this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities. We need to let go the archaic ways of seeing a community as the street where we live and contained by a border. The people making a global community may be living in many different locations on the planet. It can be a village, or two villages together where people have decided to unite as one global community. The two villages may be found in different parts of the world. It can be a town, a city, or a nation. It can be two or more nations together.

We can no longer perceive ourselves as a People who could survive alone and a People who does not need anyone else. We belong and depend to this much larger group, that of The Global Community. The 21st Century will see limitless links and symbiotical relationships with and within The Global Community. A global symbiotical relationship between two or more nations, or between two or more global communities, can have trade as the major aspect of the relationship or it can have as many other aspects as agreed by the people involved. The fundamental criteria is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development.

The emphasis of a global symbiotical relationship is not so much on how much money a nation should have or how high a GDP should be although money can be made a part of the relationship. We all know developed countries live off developing countries so the emphasis has no need to stress out the profit a rich nation is making off a poor nation. The emphasis of the relationship should give more importance to the other aspects such as quality of life, protection of the environment and of the global life-support systems, the entrenchment of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of Earth Government into our ways of life, justice, peace, cultural and spiritual freedom, security, and many other important aspects as described in the global ministries (health, agriculture, energy, trade, resources, etc.).

3.        Acceptance of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance. The Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of Earth Government were researched and developed by Earth Government to guide us in continuing this process. The Scale shows social values in order of importance and so will help us understand the rights and responsibilities of global communities.

Scale of Human and Earth Rights

*        Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems
*        Primordial human rights
*        The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations
*        Community rights and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically
*        Economic rights (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities) and social rights (civil and political rights)
*        Cultural rights and religious rights

4.        Acceptance of the Charter of the Earth Community. The Charter of the Earth Community is a declaration of interdependence and responsibility and an urgent call to build a global symbiotical relationship between nations for sustainable development. It is a commitment to Life and its evolution to bring humanity to God. Earth Community has focused people aspirations toward a unique goal: humanity survival now and in the future along with all Life on Earth. The "Belief, Values, Principles and Aspirations of the New Age" of the Charter are closely interrelated. Together they provide a conception of sustainable development and set forth fundamental guidelines for achieving it; they were drawn from international law, science, philosophy, religion, and they were discussed as research papers during the global dialogues.

5.        Acceptance of your birth right of electing a democratic government to manage Earth. The political system of an individual country does not have to be a democracy. Political rights of a country belong to that country alone. Democracy is not to be enforced by anyone and to anyone or to any global community. Every global community can and should choose the political system of their choice with the understanding of the importance of such a right on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. On the other hand, representatives to Earth Government must be elected democratically in every part of the world. An individual country may have any political system at home but the government of that country will have to ensure (and allow verification by Earth Government) that representatives to Earth Government have been elected democratically. This way, every person in the world can claim the birth right of electing a democratic government to manage Earth: the rights to vote and elect representatives to form Earth Government.

6.        Acceptance of the Earth Court of Justice as the highest Court on Earth.

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A high global tax on all Oxygen-burning products, processes and ways of doing things

It is now a necessity of applying a high global tax on all Oxygen-burning products, processes and ways of doing things. Earth Government is asking all nations to implement the global tax.

What are Oxygen-burning products, processes and ways of doing things?

Every human being and most other life-forms on Earth do burn Oxygen to survive. We were born this way. Over the past billion years life has evolved this way. Life needs Oxygen. No other way around changing that.

What we can change and do something about are the consumer aspects of society. Who said being an industrialized society of the world meant being more civilized? Not true! Actually it is the opposite! We are an industrialized society slowly committing a suicide on a global scale. We are a society responsible for the extinction of all life on Earth. This statement will always be true unless we drastically change our ways and results show a positive reversal of the destructive path humanity is following.

By far the largest Oxygen-burning products are petroleum products. All petroleum products burn Oxygen. When you drive your car to work or to do anything at all, you burn Oxygen, and Oxygen is the product of life. As a member of the human family you are committing suicide, and you are taking all life with you on you destructive path. Your children will be out of Oxygen sometimes in the future. At the rate we are burning Oxygen it wont be long!

You might say but forests produce Oxygen so what is your worry about?

How do we get our Oxygen?
Photosysnthesis is the process that does it, and it is one of the processes that is a part of the global life-support systems and needs protecting at all costs. On the Scale of Human and Earth Rights photosysthesis is right on top the Scale as one of the most important rights we have to protect. It has the highest priority.

Photosynthesis, is the process by which green plants and certain other organisms use the energy of light to convert carbon dioxide and water into the simple sugar glucose. In so doing, photosynthesis provides the basic energy source for virtually all organisms. An extremely important byproduct of photosynthesis is Oxygen, on which most organisms depend.

With the help of chlorophyll and energy from the sun, a leaf can change lifeless substances into food. This process is called photosynthesis. Plants need water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) to make food through the process of photosynthesis. The water is gathered by the plant's roots. Carbon dioxide is gathered from the air through the stomata. The leaf uses chlorophyll and sunlight to change the water and carbon dioxide into Oxygen and glucose (sugar). This sugar is mixed with water and sent to other parts of the plant to be used by the plant as food. The Oxygen is released into the air through the stomata. This is usually written as:

This is usually read as carbon dioxide plus water in the presence of light and chlorophyll produces Oxygen and sugar glucose.

The steps in photosynthesis are as follows:
1)        The light energy strikes the leaf, passes into the leaf and hits a chloroplast inside an individual cell.
2)        The light energy, upon entering the chloroplasts, is captured by the chlorophyll inside a grana.
3)        Inside the grana some of the energy is used to split water into hydrogen and Oxygen.
4)        The Oxygen is released into the air.
5)        The hydrogen is taken to the stroma along with the grana's remaining light energy.
6)        Carbon dioxide enters the leaf and passes into the chloroplast.
7)        In the stroma the remaining light energy is used to combine hydrogen and carbon dioxide to make carbohydrates.
8)        The energy­rich carbohydrates are carried to the plant's cells.
9)        The energy­rich carbohydrates are used by the cells to drive the plant's life processes.

Photosynthesis occurs in green plants, seaweeds, algae, and certain bacteria. These organisms are veritable sugar factories, producing millions of new glucose molecules per second. Plants use much of this glucose, a carbohydrate, as an energy source to build leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. They also convert glucose to cellulose, the structural material used in their cell walls. Most plants produce more glucose than they use, however, and they store it in the form of starch and other carbohydrates in roots, stems, and leaves. The plants can then draw on these reserves for extra energy or building materials.

Photosynthesis has far-reaching implications. Like plants, humans and other animals depend on glucose as an energy source, but they are unable to produce it on their own and must rely ultimately on the glucose produced by plants. Moreover, the Oxygen humans and other animals breathe is the Oxygen released during photosynthesis. Humans are also dependent on ancient products of photosynthesis, known as fossil fuels, for supplying most of our modern industrial energy. These fossil fuels, including natural gas, coal, and petroleum, are composed of a complex mix of hydrocarbons, the remains of organisms that relied on photosynthesis millions of years ago. Thus, virtually all life on earth, directly or indirectly, depends on photosynthesis as a source of food, energy, and Oxygen, making it one of the most important biochemical processes known. It is a part of the global life-support systems and is a right that needs protecting at all costs. The right and responsibility that human beings have in protecting photosysnthesis has the highest importance on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.

It is true that vegetation such as forests and organisms have produced all of the Oxygen we breathe on Earth. It took Nature billions of years to build up the amount of Oxygen found in the air we breathe.

The problems are that we are now burning the Oxygen at an astronomical rate, and we are also destroying our forests at an astronomical rate. Organisms producing the Oxygen can no longer replenish the Earth's atmosphere of the Oxygen life on Earth needs to survive. Human activities are polluting all ways of life. Our ways of doing things are impacting the most essential global life-support systems: burning Oxygen and destroying the process that actually create Oxygen on Earth, photosynthesis.

Why are we cutting forests? To build new communities. For shelter. For businesses who want to show off good looking furniture in the office. One could write an entire encyclopedia on things we do with forest products. Oops! I dont think we should ask someone to write an encyclopedia. The pulp and paper industry is so much a culprit, and it has been for over a century.

But how do you make a family understand that your ways will eventually kill the children of the future? Very simple! Tell them not to have children. Humanity has an overpopulation. Humanity has no need of more children. Dont make children. We only need a world population of about 500 million human beings to keep us going for another million years. We have already shown that in previous newsletters. The 21st century will show whether or not it is possible for the human lifeform to control its own population using voluntary and benign family management and whether we will take along with us other lifeforms. If not, this century will produce a collapse of humanity and the environment on a global scale.

If our population was to decrease as projected here then what other major global problems would be managed automatically?

Actually overpopulation is a major factor but so is the never satisfied consumer society, the 'so call free world', the over wasting and burning of natural resources by a small percentage of the world population, the modern industrialized world, the rich nations that live off poor nations.

This question is really saying that the overpopulation and the uncontrol consumerism by the rich nations of the world are the cause of several major global problems such as:

*        lack of resources
*        poverty
*        wars
*        climate change
*        damage to the global life-support systems
*        a lesser quality of life
*        threat to security
*        lack of good quality soils for agriculture
*        polluted air, water and land
*        overcrowed cities
*        weapons and war products and equipment able to spark global wars
*        widespread drug, human and Earth rights abuse, more old and new diseases out of control

There are many related aspects of the global life-support systems that is affected by an overpopulated planet:

*        global warming
*        Ozone layer
*        wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation
*        climate change
*        species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
*        losses of forest cover and of biological diversity
*        the capacity for photosynthesis
*        the water cycle
*        food production systems
*        genetic resources
*        chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology

History can help us understand ourselves and what is happening to us, and our impact upon the rest of the world, only when we look at ourselves on the grand scale of time. As members of families, we note the passing generations. Historians traditionally deal in centuries. For the most part we are unaware of the deep rhythms that lie beneath naturally occurring events, rhythms that must be measured in millennia, or in millions of years, or in tens of millions of years. We have a huge effect upon all life on Earth and the fabric of the planet itself yet we are vaguely aware of the rhythms. From an engineering point of view that is totally unacceptable. If Earth was seen as a spaceship whith specific life-support systems, to think of those rhythms would be of outmost importance. The knowledge and understanding of the rhythms would determine our policies now, today. Even though our lives are so brief, a million years should be a proper unit of political time. Politicians would become in a way engineers who can think not only a week at a time but can also think ahead a million years. The world needs 'engineer politicians' with the highest integrity of judgment.

We all know we are rapidly wiping out our fellow species on Earth. We tend to think that this present-day destructiveness is just an anomaly and that in the fullness of time the world will settle down again into some form that may be slightly different from the present but nonetheless agreable. Not so! By changing the climate and the process of photosynthesis as we do we influence the ecology and evolution of the whole world for the rest of time. It is important to understand that the way climate and the process of photosynthesis behave, the extreme of which these natural processes are capable of, and the ways in which they can be influenced. Yet when we look at our own history as human beings and briefly at the 100 million years or so of prehistory, we see how dangerous this complacency is, the sheer precariousness of our existence and of all other lifeforms.

Small events today can have huge global consequences that can change the flora and fauna of the whole world. Some people at least are bothered now by global warming, the burning of the Earth's Oxygen, and know that nothing can ever be the same again. But what is the cause of global warming? The chief cause of this warming is thought to be the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which releases into the atmosphere carbon dioxide and other substances known as greenhouse gases. As the atmosphere becomes richer in these gases, it becomes a better insulator, retaining more of the heat provided to the planet by the Sun. The burning of fossil fuels requires three basic elements: the fuel, Oxygen and a spark to start the fire or burning. In our car engine the fuel is gasoline, Oxygen is in the air we breathe, and a spark-plug keeps the burning going. In actuality everytime we drive our car we are impacting three global life-support systems: the climate of the Earth, the global warming of the Earth's atmosphere, and we are depleting the air we breathe of its Oxygen.

Global warming, a rise in concentration of a gas in the atmosphere that in any case is present in barely more than a trace. That is all it takes to change the climate of the world. When we look at our own history and prehistory we see this very effect in action and the results. Without such effects, this time in reverse, that is, a loss in greenhouse gases rather than a gain, our own species probably would not have come into existence. Earth as it stands now is a miraculous jewel of a place, an oasis in an infinitely hostile and diverse universe, Shangrila. Nothing says that this Shangrila will ever come back again after we destroyed it.

The physical environment depends upon the content of the atmosphere, the heights and positions of mountains, and where the continents happen to be as they migrate around the world, and how the Earth is located in space relative to the sun. It is because the planet has behaved as it did that our species came into being. We have realized now that the climate is a crucial force in the evolution of all living things. During the period of time when conditions remain the same, the existing lifeforms seem to come to a consensus that encourages them to stay as they are. Conditions can be altered in several ways but the most devastating one is climate. The kind of changes that we are now threatening to make, that is the global warming, will change the physical environment forever and Earth will never be the same again. A small change in the atmosphere can have catastrophic effects. Some of these effects will happen within a decade others will follow within twenty years. There will be no time for any lifeform to adapt and survive. By changing the climate we influence the ecology and evolution of the whole world for the rest of time.

The other lifeforms that have occupied Earth this past 100 million years helped to shape our evolution. We have evolved to cope with them, and we, in turn, have influenced them.

No society has ever experienced the full range of enormity of which the Earth is capable. Two and a half billion years ago the composition of the Earth's atmosphere changed completely as free Oxygen gas was introduced for the first time from the new organisms that practiced photosynthesis. Over the lifetime of the planet, continents have moved right across the surface of the globe, splitting and rejoining, floating like froth on the hot rock of the mantle beneath. There has already been at least a half dozen climate changes over the planet causing the entire fauna of the world to be transformed. The latest one was a small climate change and yet it wiped out the dinosaurs.

In the troposphere and stratosphere some of the crucial roles are played by gases that are present in amounts so small that the highest of technologies are needed to detect them at all, and by unstable ingredients produced by human activities that persist for only a twinkling before they are converted to something else. Our effect on the atmosphere of the Earth is immense and out of control.

Evolution is happening now. We are a part of it. Human beings have evolved like all other lifeforms. We have been affected by the evolution of other lifeforms and we are affecting them in our turn. We are all a part of the process of evolution. In fact we came late in the process as life started at least 4 billion years ago. They were billions of lifeforms of all kinds.

When we think about life on Earth we must think as a matter of course in very long periods of time. Whatever happen in this 3rd Millennium, which we have called the New Age Civilization of the 3rd Millennium, will depend of us and to what degree we are willing to make a difference to manage wisely Earth, our home. Will our actions be geared to survive a decade, a hundred years, a thousand years, or a million years? If our actions were geared to survive a million years, the chances are that we would learn to master great things including harnessing the sun flare energy, interstellar travel, genetic engineering, and reajusting the planetary position of another planet in our solar system to initiate a new life on its surface. Is it no worth to make sacrifices now?

A sound governance of the Earth is needed for the long term survival of our species. This is 'la raison d'etre' of the Interim Earth Government. ECO has proposed the creation of global ministries to manage Earth and humanity's global problems.

History can help us understand ourselves and what is happening to us, and our impact upon the rest of the world, only when we look at ourselves on the grand scale of time. As members of families, we note the passing generations. Historians traditionally deal in centuries. For the most part we are unaware of the deep rhythms that lie beneath naturally occurring events, rhythms that must be measured in millennia, or in millions of years, or in tens of millions of years. We have a huge effect upon all life on Earth and the fabric of the planet itself yet we are vaguely aware of the rhythms. From an engineering point of view that is totally unacceptable. If Earth was seen as a spaceship whith specific life-support systems, to think of those rhythms would be of outmost importance. The knowledge and understanding of the rhythms would determine our policies now, today. Even though our lives are so brief, a million years should be a proper unit of political time. Politicians would become in a way engineers who can think not only a week at a time but can also think ahead a million years. The world needs 'engineer politicians' with the highest integrity of judgment.

We all know we are rapidly wiping out our fellow species on Earth. We tend to think that this present-day destructiveness is just an anomaly and that in the fullness of time the world will settle down again into some form that may be slightly different from the present but nonetheless agreable. Not so! By changing the climate as we do we influence the ecology and evolution of the whole world for the rest of time. It is important to understand that the way climate behaves, the extreme of which it is capable of, and the ways in which it can be influenced. Yet when we look at our own history as human beings and briefly at the 100 million years or so of prehistory, we see how dangerous this complacency is, the sheer precariousness of our existence and of all other lifeforms.

Small events today can have huge global consequences that can change the flora and fauna of the whole world. Some people at least are bothered now by global warming and know that nothing can ever be the same again. But what is the cause of it? Just a rise in concentration of a gas in the atmosphere that in any case is present in barely more than a trace. That is all it takes to change the climate of the world. When we look at our own history and prehistory we see this very effect in action and the results. Without such effects, this time in reverse, that is, a loss in greenhouse gases rather than a gain, our own species probably would not have come into existence. Earth as it stands now is a miraculous jewel of a place, an oasis in an infinitely hostile and diverse universe, Shangrila. Nothing says that this Shangrila will ever come back again after we destroyed it.

We are just beginning to see what a dangerous game we are playing. More specifically we begin to see how inadequate it is to think only in shorth periods of time, and to be satisfied with politics and policies of economics that deal only with the here and now. Over the past several years the Earth Community Oragnization has fought the economic systems of the world requiring that the FTAA, the EU and the WTO be governed by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of the Earth Community. The Scale was designed for the survival of our species and that of other lifeforms we want to take along with us over a period of one million years.

This 21st century is very crucial for humanity as it will determine our survival or not for the next million year. The Earth Community Organization is proposing to the world a way to achieve our survival. The policies described in this article are by no means the only ones and we do need the global community to send suggestions and recommendations.

Earth has existed for the past 4.5 billion years. Life on Earth has existed for almost 4 billion years. Human activities are influencing the climate to change in many ways. We have transformed entire landscapes. Although our influence is huge oour control is minimal. Having initiated the breakdown of the Ozone layer and having set the global warming of the planet in motion it will be hard to reverse these events. History shows that the beneficence of the planet cannot be taken for granted. It has always been hospitable to life of a kind, but not always of our kind. The kind of conditions that suit us are very narrow and our influence is far greater than our control. We are creating global conditions that are threatening all life on Earth. Our manipulations of the Earth atmosphere may generate conditions that could be suitable to only to bacteria in marshes. It is an enormous mistake to take our present good fortune as a given.

The humans species has to regulate its population by means that are voluntary and benign and has to take along with a fair proportion of other lifeforms. Proper Earth management will certainly be a necessary tool to achieve our goal. If not there will be a collapse of humanity and of the environment. From now on every global decision we do will have tremendous consequences on our future.

In general, populations of all lifeforms grow exponentially that is by a steady proportion of whatever was there before. When there is no practical limit on resource then populations usually grow maximally and the only limit is that of the reproductive capacity of the female animal. About 10,000 years ago, human beings were obliged to commit themselves more or less fully to agriculture and the human population was 5 to 10 million. By the time of Christ, after only 8,000 years of large-scale agriculture, the human population was 100 to 300 million. After this time, the exponential growth of the population entered its rapid phase. The billion mark was passed by 1800 A.D. By year 2000, the human population exceeded 6 billion. Thus agriculture allowed a thousand-fold increase in numbers over a period of 10,000 years.

More agriclutural land also meant cutting down of forests and thus impacting on the Oxygen contents of the air we breathe.

In practical sense, agriculture cannot feed a human population that has grown beyond the capacity limit. We must ask ourselves whether we can stop the growth by means that are voluntary and benign, or whether the eventual environmental restraint will be out of our hands. At some questionable time in our future we will find that our soil will no longer have the nutrients it needs to produce quality food. For some time we may counter this problem by fresh weathering of rock. Not for long! The loss of lifeforms on Earth will be permanent.

Obviously something has to be done! ECO proposes a tight global policy, benignly implemented, or it will be very nasty indeed. In practice, a human population of 10 to 12 billion would be too uncomfortably high and would add a high strain on world resources. What kind of world population would be reasonable? What goal should we aim at? A population should be small enough to be sustainable indefinitely and still allow plenty of leeway for ourselves and other lifeforms. It should also be large enough to allow the formation of healthy civilizations.

We propose a world population of 500 million. The policy to apply is for every family to have only one or two children. It would take a thousand years to reach our goal of a population of 500 million.

Some religious people will argue that to reduce human reproduction is to prevent the birth of possible babies, to deny life for the glory of God, and that more babies means more glory. We understand this view as we have discussed the sanctity of all life during Global 2000 and Global Dialogue 2002. Proceedings are on our website. Read section 'Evolution, Creation and now, Guiding Souls'. God loves diversity in Nature and in Souls. Let us discuss those legitimate concerns.

We have the responsibility of managing Earth. Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of life within Earth Community. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as oppose to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss.

Life exists on millions of other planets in the universe, and our species got to be who we are today through the evolutionary process. Other lifeforms in the universe may have evolved to be at least as advanced as our species. Their Souls may even be more complicated than ours. They may have merged a trillion times more than our Souls. They may have evolved as well.

Our proposal of a world population of 500 million does not in any way contradict God's Plan for humanity. On the contrary, it reinforces the Will of God for the diversity of Life throoughout the universe. By accomplishing our higher purpose we will be able to propagate trillions of liferforms and much more over the universe. Beside, with such a small population, there is no doubt that our species would last at least a million years. That is

0.5 x billion x 1 million = 0.5 x 10 15 person-years

But if we let our population rise to about 20 billion then we may not survive more that 1,000 years or so. That is

20 billion x 1,000 thousand = 2 x 10 13 person-years

In order words, if we exercise restraint the total number of human beings who will be on the planet could be at least 25 times greater than it would be if we allowed the population to increase to 20 billion. Who, then, are those who deny life for the glory of God?

In practice, if our proposal of one or more children was accepted then the population would eventually fall. We would make all efforts to minimize infant mortality. We need to ensure that the women of the world who have shown an interest in the proposal of family planning would have access to all the help needed to achieve their goal. Contraception for men is also desirable.

The only way humanity will be able to resolve the problem of overpopulation and all other global problems is through the acceptance and implementation of the criteria to obtain the Global Community Citizenship. The criteria has six parts:

1. Acceptance of the rights and responsibilities of a person belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', the Earth Community, Earth Government, the human family. That is, to take such a stand has four parts:

a) I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
b) I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
c) We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d) We are citizens of The Global Community, the Earth Community, the human family, Earth Government.

We need to take this stand for the survival of our species.

2. Acceptance of the concept of 'a global community'.
3. Acceptance of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.
4. Acceptance of the Charter of the Earth Community.
5. Acceptance of your birth right of electing a democratic government to manage Earth.
6. Acceptance of the Earth Court of Justice as the highest Court on Earth.

If that is still possible, what are those other lifeforms we should take along with us?

The creatures we are most directly aware, the grand survivors of the overkill by the human species over the past several million years, are bears, beavers, elephants, mooses, lions, rhinos, wolves, tigers, camels, kangaroos, deer, camels, antelope, cheetahs, coyotes, koalas, and others you may want to add. None of them has a chance to survive in the wild, unless we take their cause seriously. Even then it will be difficult to keep them with us for a long future. The Scale of Human and Earth Rights was designed to protect the ecosystem of the Earth and that certainly includes do what we can to take along with us as many God's creatures as possible. The Scale of Human and Earth Rights takes first into account all reasonable needs of the human species. On top of the scale are the protection of the global life-support systems without which no life could survive on the planet. Then the primordial human rights are those basic human rights that have kept us going throughout the evolutionary stages of life on Earth.

Beside the global warming, the human activity that affects Earth most is that of food production. We need to form a global ministry dealing only about agriculture and the protection of our soils. All nations will be part of the ministry. We have to design systems of food production that meet our own needs, and also leave room for these other lifeforms we want to take along with us. Western agriculture is designed in the end to maximize profit. As a primordial human right, the prime concern of the human species is to feed people. Therefore we have to do things differently. We will have to produce less livestock as we effectively double the population we need to feed: ourselves, plus the livestock that is supposed to be feeding us. We also have to apportion the land surface of the whole world more efficiently, using some for highhly intensive food production (which makes use of less land), some for extensive agriculture (combining food production with wildlife conservation) and designing some specifically as wilderness areas with global corridors between them. Hopefully this will help natives of British Columbia, Canada, to settle their land claims in their favor as they are the only people in Canada who can help protecting wildlife, at least for now. There should be a definite and specific clause in any agreement with the natives that it is what they will do with the land and not turn it into a huge industrial and commercial site as would the white man do.

Global warming is certainly affecting the survival of these other lifeforms we want to take along with us over the next million years. Climate change has always been a major factor throughout the entire evolutionary stages of life on Earth and will continue to be so in the future. We will have to make sacrifices not only for our own survival but also for all life on Earth. Changes now are far too rapid for these other lifeforms to adapt. They will have to tolerate us more to survive.

Obviously our survival on Earth and that of these other lifeforms are dependent on our behavior and attitude to the world. This point was largely discussed during Global 2000 and Global Dialogue 2002. The Earth Community Organization (ECO) and Earth Government have researched and developed sound solutions to humanity's problems and recommendations are made available on our website. Our new ideas are part of life natural selection process and will be passed on from generation to generation. The human gene pool is changing naturally worldwide. We ourselves are in a position to change our species and create a new one depending of natural circumstances. Because the human population is now so large, mutations are accumulating more rapidly than ever before over the entire evolutionary stages of our species. This do not necessary means we are evolving to become smarter people. That is an unlikely option. It means we are adapting to new circumstances. Evolution will be active most likely in circumstances occurring after an ecological crash or a world war involving nuclear weapons. Such catastrophic events might eliminate all life as we know it on Earth. But we cannot predict which particular lifeforms are liable to evolve and be dominant species. Our brain may be turned off by an evolutionary step for survival, to adapt to the new circumstances. That is if we survive as a species after such huge ecological change. But then we dont really know of what life is capable of...! What life has created so far on Earth may be a small sample of what it is capable of in the future.

Whatever happen in this 3rd Millennium, which we have called the New Age Civilization of the 3rd Millennium, will depend of us and to what extent we are willing to make a difference to manage Earth wisely. Will our actions be geared to survive a decade, a hundred years, a thousand years, or a million years? If our actions were geared to survive a million years, the chances are that we would learn to master great things including harnessing the sun flare energy, interstellar travels, genetic engineering, and reajusting the planetary position of another planet in our system to initiate a new life on its surface. Is it no worth to make sacrifices now?

A sound governance of the Earth is needed for the long term survival of our species. This is 'la raison d'etre' of the Interim Earth Government. ECO has proposed the creation of global ministries to manage Earth and humanity's global problems. The higher purpose of humanity is to serve God by propagating Life throughout the universe. So dont we have an obligation to do whatever we can to protect life on Earth?

In the light of the U.S.A., Japan, Australia and Russia refusal of taking actions to avert certain global calamity in regard to global warming, and the lack of a strong commitment from India, China and Indonesia, the Earth Community has decided to pleade the people of these countries to reason and good sense. We are asking them to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and to plan for strong actions to stop greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases are accumulating in the Earth's atmosphere as a result of human activities, and temperatures are rising globally due to these activities.

Canada is willing to reach the Kyoto target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to 6 per cent below the 1990 level.

The European Union leaders have agreed to ratify the 1997 Kyoto Protocol by the end of this year. Let us hope that the action plan they will offer to the world will be real and honest.

The Earth Community Organization has created the Climate Change Ministry and offer national governments to coordinate efforts in implementing the Earth Community Action Plan with regard to climate change. There are thousands of actions everyone in Earth Community could take right now. Several more of these actions were listed in the Proceedings of the World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development - Global Community Action 1 held on August 1-22, 2000.

Positive actions:

A)     By increasing vegetation in urban areas will reduce the urban heat, and the impacts of other urban environmental problems, which will be exacerbated under climate change. Reducing the urban heat will also reduce the energy demand for space conditioning, and hence greenhouse gas emissions. Plants directly reduce the urban heat through evaporative cooling but further reduce energy consumption through shading. The most common strategy to increase urban vegetation is to plant trees at ground level. However, where space is not available for trees, vegetation can be grown on building roofs, but walls offer far more space, hence vertical gardening is a viable alternative. 

B)     Aboriginal Peoples as well as everyone else in the world have noticed that the climate has changed over the past years. They came forward (actions) and said that they too had observed climate changes over the past years and generations. In some countries the temperature has increased by one or two degrees and natural catastrophes are becoming more and more frequent. Flooding or freshwater scarcity as well as water pollution are harming the environment of the Third World and developing countries and water and air pollution characterizes the industrialized regions. Therefore, poor and rich regions are facing a common problem which is linked to climate change, that's why we should negotiate honestly and find a compromise as quickly as possible. If no solution is suggested, developing countries like China will repeat the same mistakes as the developed world. In fact, the latter can expect a higher salary, which will close the gap between rich and poor regions. 

World industrial activity is now profoundly affecting the atmospheric environment. It is now the population number and industrialization that makes the major impacts on the atmosphere. The most important changes affecting the atmosphere are due to the growth in the burning of fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels increases carbon dioxide concentrations and air pollutants. The clearing of forested lands for agriculture and other purposes has reduced the amount of carbon absorbed by the forests and contributed to the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide. We have disturbed a fragile balance by causing chemical changes in the global atmosphere.

The most devastating effects of contamination of the atmosphere on a global scale include:

*        An increase in greenhouse gas concentrations brought the warming of the climate;
*        Depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer;
*        Acidification of lakes and forests; and
*        Toxic chemicals have contaminated our food chain on the land and in the waters.

The most sophisticated climate models take into account factors such as:

*        The changes in the radiation balance of the Earth;
*        Contamination of the atmosphere;
*        Greenhouse gas concentrations;
*        Absorption of heat by the oceans;
*        The ice and snow fields;
*        The hydrological cycle of precipitation; and
*        The melting of glaciers and the Greenland ice cap.

A consequence of a warmer climate is a rise in global mean sea-level. Several countries will be more susceptible to inundations. We will see hundreds of millions of environmental refugees searching for land.

The mid-latitude wheat belts of the planet will dry; forest fires will wipe out most of the forests; world food markets will have to adjust to help a starving population. 

Tourism and wildlife in the tropics will be seriously affected by a temperature that is just too hot.

Tropical diseases will cause epidemics.

Major changes in evaporation and precipitation patterns will not adjust quickly enough to supply the population with water it needs to survive; agriculture will become a dying industry either because of too much water or not enough of it.

Sub-Arctic communities will disappear because of the melting of the permafrost.

It is well known that biological communities of the waters and of the land absorb and bio-accumulate toxic contaminants through the food webs. Trace concentrations deposited by the atmosphere have become harmful. They are chemicals carried through the atmosphere to seas, rivers, lakes and other streams, and subsequently into sediments and soils. Metals and chemical contaminants can be absorbed for a long time, and are in fact chemical 'time bombs'. 

Urban air pollution is a mixture of several pollutants emitted from different energy and industrial processes, and of secondary pollutants in the atmosphere. Some air pollutants are more important than others. At a given concentration some pollutants are more toxic or more unpleasant. Pollutants have different effects related to health, ecosystems,  economics and aesthetic.

C)     Tropical tree plantations may be an important component of the global carbon cycle because they represent a carbon sink that can be manipulated by humans and they ca mitigate the effects of tropical deforestation, which is the main biotic source of atmospheric carbon. Most forest plantations in the tropics are planted with fast growing trees that culminate in volume and biomass production earlier than natural forests. These high biomass production forests have a high capacity to sequester atmospheric CO2 and hence assist in mitigating global warming. Sequestration of CO2 in plantations occurs in tree biomass (stems, branch, foliage and roots), forest floor and as storage in the soil. Young growing forests are one of the best means to removing CO2 (the gas partially responsible for the greenhouse effect) from the air. Thus planting forests help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air (by the action of sunlight on the green chlorophyll organic compound, CO2 is absorbed by trees through the small fissures in the leaves or needless, these gases are fixed as biomass).

D)     Ever-increasing anthropogenic releases of greenhouse gases are driving the United Nations Climate Change effort. As the atmosphere's concentrations of "greenhouse gases" increase, so too does the atmosphere's ability to retain heat radiated from the earth's surface. This phenomenon, known as the greenhouse effect, is linked by many scientists to a long-term rise in global temperatures.

The greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, are critical to the atmosphere's ability to retain heat and thereby maintain the global temperatures necessary to maintain life as we currently know it.

The increases in concentrations of these gases are produced primarily through the burning of fossil fuels, but also by such activities as deforestation and land clearing, which release the carbon naturally contained in vegetation. Over the past 100 years, humans have caused the release of these gases faster than natural processes can remove them from the atmosphere.

Some scientists predict that average global temperatures will increase 2 to 6 degrees Fahrenheit over the next 100 years if global emissions of greenhouse gases continue unabated. In addition to an increase in ambient temperatures, the other possible consequences of global warming include a speeding of the global water cycle. It is predicted that faster evaporation caused by higher temperatures would lead to drying of soils, exacerbating drought in some areas while increasing precipitation and flooding in others.

Warmer temperatures could melt polar ice caps, leading to what some predict as a rise in sea levels of between 6 to 37 inches over the next century. This, in turn, would endanger coastal populations and island nations and cause the degradation of coastal ecosystems. If these predictions prove true, human health will be affected directly as warmer temperatures increase the chances of heat waves, exacerbate air quality problems and lead to an increase in both allergic disorders and warm weather diseases. Agriculture, forests, natural ecosystems and vegetation patterns would also be adversely affected by both increases in temperatures and changes in the water cycle.

E)     The Kyoto Protocol is the latest step in the ongoing United Nations' effort to address global warming. The effort began with the United Nations' Framework Convention on Climate Change (Convention) signed during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. (The Convention entered into force in 1994 upon the ratification by 50 nations) Despite the continuing scientific debate on the likely occurrence of global warming, the nations took action under the "precautionary principle" of international law.

The Convention is intended to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations at a level that will prevent dangerous interference with the global climate system. The time frame is to be "sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner."

To further that objective, the Convention sought to commit all parties to it to develop and implement programs to mitigate climate change by addressing emissions of greenhouse gases.

The Convention places the first level of commitment to reduce emissions on nations that have developed, prospered and established strong economies through the consumption of fossil fuels since the industrial revolution began. These developed countries are the 38 countries listed in Annex I to the Convention.

The Convention recognises the importance of preserving and enhancing the earth's natural ability to remove certain greenhouse gases from the atmosphere by FORESTS and other carbon stocks, referred to as "sinks". The removal by sinks is also a key component of the Protocol, which allows countries to meet their commitments by considering the effects of afforestation, reforestation and deforestation since 1990, a provision that is expected to promote cost-effective solutions to climate change and good forestry practices.

The Kyoto Protocol put forward three mechanisms for achieving the targets. These include mechanisms such as emissions trading, joint implementation and the so-called "Clean Development Mechanism" (or CDM), to allow flexibility in achieving the required reductions.

Assuming that development and maintenance of sinks will be accepted under CDM, knowledge on the calculation of the amount of Carbon dioxide that can be sequestered by a given project needs to be known. At times this will involve establishing the carbon offset potential of a given forest venture, before the project is in place. Use of mathematical models to predicted the carbon sequestration potential will be important. Our paper is discussing the results of study done in Tanzania.

The Earth Community makes the following recommendations to alleviate the effects of climate change in the world:

*        Introduction of appropriate sustainable agricultural system with balanced use of chemical fertilizers incorporated organic minerals and green manure's.
*        Phase wise replacement of chemical fertilizer by organic fertilizer. Similarly biodegradable insecticide should be replace by the non-biodegradable insecticides.
*        The entrepreneur should take proper mitigation measures of industrial pollution by set-up of industrial waste treatment plant.
*        Control of insect, pests through biological, natural process, alternatives of using harmful insecticides or fungicides is important to introduce.
*        Promotion of research activities in the field of industrial waste utilization and waste recovery process.
*        Reutilization of agricultural residues through bio-conservation to industrial products.
*        Need proper implementation of Environmental Policy, Environment Conservation Act’s and Legislation.
*        Enhancement of the capacity of NGOs, Govt. agencies to successfully implement poverty alleviation program including non-formal education on environmental pollution awareness.
*        Immediate and honest actions by the USA, Russia, Japan and Canada, and all countries in resolving the problems creating the greenhouse gases. The ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and the implementation of measurable positive actions to resolve the problems of global warming.
*        The support of the Climate Change Ministry of Earth Government in coordinating efforts.

There are approaches to limit and regulate the pollution emissions of industrial activities. These are standards, taxes and pollution permits. The choice among these alternatives depends on the administrative structure of a nation. In an urban community site, air usually contains materials such as nitric oxide, sulfur oxide, carbon monoxide, aldehydes, dust and many others. A city would have a department measuring indicators and indices in order to:

a) Provide a daily report to the public
b) Define air pollution in terms of the amount of pollution created by polluters
c) Define air quality in all parts of the city
d) Measure progress toward air quality goals
e) Propose abatement steps
f) Alarm the public in case of danger
g) Provide data to researchers
h) Provide information for compliance
i) Make intelligent decisions with regard to priorities of programs toward environmental improvement

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The United Nations will accept the Global Community Citizenship and the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship

Negotiations with the United Nations are under way concerning worldwide acceptance of the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship. It is expected that the U.N. accept worldwide the Global Community Citizenship and the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC). A global community citizen could travel the world with the global community VISA and work in nations where the VISA is obtained.

Earth Government would conduct the proper investigation concerning the security aspects of the global community citizen requesting the VISA and also be responsible for the legitimacy of the application for the VISA. A VISA could have several different applications depending of the request:

a) work permit
b) short visit
c) volunteer work

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Global Community citizens take environmental law into their own hands

What we see happening now is very unique in human history. Global Community citizens have taken environmental law into their own hands. Here in Canada our citizens use the environmental law for the good of all. Canadians want more enforcement of the law but the Governments of Canada and of the provinces dont have people to enforce the law efficiently. So it was left to the global community citizens to act for the protection of the global life-support systems.

Global life-support systems have the highest priority on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. Human activities are polluting all ways of life. Our ways of doing things are impacting the most essential global life-support systems: burning Oxygen and destroying the process that actually create Oxygen on Earth, photosynthesis (see research and development paper 'A high global tax on all Oxygen-burning products, processes and ways of doing things'). There are many related aspects of the global life-support systems that is affected by an overpopulated planet:

*        global warming
*        Ozone layer
*        wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation
*        climate change
*        species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
*        losses of forest cover and of biological diversity
*        the capacity for photosynthesis
*        the water cycle
*        food production systems
*        genetic resources
*        chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology

Earth Government is asking global community citizens in all nations to act now for the good of all humanity.

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Paper c

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In Canada, Global Community citizens take environmental law into their hands concerning the estuary of Nanaimo River (Part 2)

Earth Government is very concerned about the salmon life cycle in the estuary of Nanaimo River, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. In a previous report, we have described impacts of ship activities and log storage in the estuary of Nanaimo River. We concluded that no activity of any kind should be allowed in the estuary.

In this report we want to let global community citizens know that there is a legal way to stop the destructive uses of the estuary. The Fisheries Act is Canada’s toughest environmental law. You may access the Act at the following website:
http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/F-14/ Section 36(3) states:

Subject to subsection (4), no person shall deposit or permit the deposit of a deleterious substance of any type in water frequented by fish or in any place under any conditions where the deleterious substance or any other deleterious substance that results from the deposit of the deleterious substance may enter any such water.

Source: Canada. Consolidated Statutes and Regulations. Fisheries Act ( R.S. 1985, c. F-14 ) (note not official versions).

As a Canadian and a global community citizen you can win with the Fisheries Act. In 1999, environmentalist Lynda Lukasik successfully prosecuted the City of Hamilton, Ontario, for breach of the Fisheries Act in respect of a discharge from an old landfill site. Ms. Lukasik was assisted by the Toronto NGO Environmental Bureau of Investigation and by lawyer Doug Chapman of the Sierra Legal Defence Fund. The City pleaded guilty and was fined $300,000. The Fisheries Act provides for mandatory fine-splitting, so Ms. Lukasik was awarded $150,000 which she used to pay expenses of the prosecution and to set up a fund for further environmental work. Lukasik said, "This case should encourage environmentalists across Canada to protect our waters by sampling at contaminated sites and commencing private prosecutions under the Fisheries Act." Lukasik has become an environmental hero, currently writes first-rate environmental articles in the Hamilton Spectator, and heads a local NGO called Environment Hamilton.
Source: Sierra Legal Defence Fund. Hamilton Environmentalist Succeeds in Private Prosecution -City of Hamilton fined $450,000 for toxic waste dump. News Release. September 18, 2000. http://www.e-b-i.net/ebi/Hamilton/press_sep_00.html
Contact Lynda Lukasik at Environment Hamilton. http://environmenthamilton.org Office tel: (905) 549-0900 email: contactus@environmenthamilton.org

The Environmental Bureau of Investigation, a Toronto-based NGO, normally investigates environmental offences on behalf of other groups. Their are barriers private prosectors face in Canada:

1) It is a very slow process.
2) Technical and legal expertise is needed.
3) Successful prosecution requires intense attention to detail and accuracy.
4) It takes guts, determination and patience to identify essential information and to overcome deadends and roadblocks.
Source: Environmental Bureau of Investigation. Citizens Guide to Environmental Investigation and Private Prosecution. http://www.e-b-i.net/ebi/guide/toc.html

Canadians and global community citizens don’t have as many opportunities as US residents to sue polluters, but we are not totally shut out of the courts. Even if you or your global community citizens group are not able to sue the polluter, it is good to know the tools that are available for use by governments and citizens to enforce environmental laws. Criminal courts are not accustomed to private prosecutions. Judges may dismiss cases as frivolous because they do not understand the complexity of environmental damages and rights; in such cases global community citizens may be required to pay the legal costs of the prosecution. Some legislation specifically allows citizens to litigate only with the Minister's permission (which is not likely to be given!). See web site for CELA http://www.cela.ca and CIELAP http://www.cielap.org/citizensguides.html for more on citizen involvement with environmental law including plain language Citizen Guides e.g. to National Pollutant Release Inventory. Environment on Trial: A Guide to Ontario Environmental Law and Policy. at http://www.cielap.org/infocent/pub/index.html.

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A global community is not about land, it is about people

Ever since the early 1990s, Earth Government has researched and developed the concept of 'a global community'. It has since been made a part of the foundation of Earth Government and is thought as the way of life of the future. The concept is also in the statement of rights and responsibilities of a person belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', Earth Government, the human family. That is, to take such a stand has four parts:

a) I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
b) I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
c) We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d) We are citizens of The Global Community.

We need to take this stand for the survival of our species. The statement of rights and responsibilities of a person and of belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', the Earth Community, the human family, Earth Government, was not, at first, meant to replace the Universal Declaration of Human and Earth Rights developed by Earth Government. But the Declaration becomes redundant. Only the statement was necessary. Even the Universal Declaration of Human Rights becomes redundant here. The introduction of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been a great step in humanity's evolution to better itself. But now is time to leave it behind and reach to our next step, that is a social scale of values, the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights causes confusion in the world between nations. The reason why it causes confusion is that it needs to be improved. A lot! The West cannot understand many of the things that other nations do and other nations do not understand the West Way of Life. Why? Because the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not so universal after all. And because it does not have a scale of social values.

Certainly a more concise description of the rights and responsibilities of a person and of 'a global community' and that of 'The Global Community' is required at this time. During Global 2000 and Global Dialogue 2002 we have found why each member of 'The Global Community' is important ~ and how all work together to create a good place to live. Now is time to assign rights and responsibilities to global communities. What rights and responsibilities should be assigned to 'a global community' and to The Global Community? What rights and responsibilities to assign to a person in global communities? Global Dialogue 2004 will continue this process. You are all invited to participate in these discussions.

To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance. The Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of Earth Government were researched and developed by Earth Government to guide us in continuing this process. The Scale shows social values in order of importance and so will help us understand the rights and responsibilities of global communities.

Scale of Human and Earth Rights

* Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems
* Primordial human rights
* The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations
* Community rights and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically
* Economic rights (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities) and social rights (civil and political rights)
* Cultural rights and religious rights

What are the universal needs of a person, family, a global community? All life on Earth is part of The Global Community and, therefore, every human being has a responsibility toward all lifeforms.

At this time, we have written down statements indicating what direction this discussion is going. These statements are part of a new brain-storming exercise of Global Dialogue 2004 (everyone is welcome to participate) and were categorized in the following four sections:

A)   Rights and responsiblitities of a person in ' a global community '
B)   Rights and responsiblitities of a person in ' The Global Community '
C)   Rights and responsiblitities of ' a global community '
D)   Rights and responsiblitities of ' The Global Community '

These rights and responsibilities were discussed in previous Newsletters of Earth Government. A large portion of the coming August 2003 Newsletter is dedicated to a further analysis. It was made availkable for reading now. These rights and responsibilities will be further discussed between now and Global Dialogue 2004 (everyone is invited to participate in these discussions).

The concept of 'a global community' is part of the Glass Bubble concept of a global community and was summarized on Earth Government website. Then it was further researched and developed by Earth Government and results obtained were published by Earth Government in its February 2003 Newsletter.

We have already said that 'a global community' is not about a piece of land you acquired by force or otherwise. One could think of a typical global community of a million people that does not have to be bounded by a geographical or political border. It can be a million people living in many different locations all over the world. The Global Community is thus more fluid and dynamic. The Global Community is this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities. We need to let go the archaic ways of seeing a community as the street where we live and contained by a border. Many conflicts and wars will be avoided by seeing ourselves as people with a heart, a mind and a Soul, and as part of a global community with the same.

The old concept of a community being the street where we live in and surrounded by a definite geographical and political boundary has originated during the Roman Empire period. An entire new system of values was then created to make things work for the Roman Empire. Humanity has lived with this concept over two thousand years. Peoples from all over the world are ready to kill anyone challenging their border. They say that this is their land, their property, their 'things'. This archaic concept is endangering humanity and its survival. The Roman Empire has gone but its culture is still affecting us today. We need to let go the old way of thinking. We need to learn of the new concept, and how it can make things work in the world.

A typical global community may be what a group of people, together, wants it to be. It can be a group of people with the same values. It can be a group of people with the same cultural background, or the same religious background. The people making a global community may be living in many different locations on the planet. With today's communications it is easy to group people in this fashion. It can be a village, or two villages together where people have decided to unite as one global community. The two villages may be found in different parts of the world. It can be a town, a city, or a nation. It can be two or more nations together. A global community could be a group of Africans, maybe NGOs, or maybe businesses, in one(or several) of the nations of Africa, who decided to unite with another group(s), or businesses, situated in Canada, or elsewhere in the world. Together they can grow as a global community and be strong and healthy.

The number of people making a typical global community becomes important when a democratic election to elect representatives to Earth Government is going on. The voting system of Earth Government is very simple and practical. One representative per million people. A global community of 300 million people would have three hundred representatives.

The political system of an individual country does not have to be a democracy. Political rights of a country belong to that country alone. Democracy is not to be enforced by anyone and to anyone or to any global community. Every global community can and should choose the political system of their choice with the understanding of the importance of such a right on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. On the other hand, representatives to Earth Government must be elected democratically in every part of the world. An individual country may have any political system at home but the government of that country will have to ensure (and allow verification by Earth Government) that representatives to Earth Government have been elected democratically. This way, every person in the world can claim the birth right of electing a democratic government to manage Earth: the rights to vote and elect representatives to form Earth Government.

To interact knowledgeably within one's global community has to be taught ~ especially to urban children. It has to be brought to them very clearly all life forms interact and depend upon other life forms for survival. They need to know reasons why ignorance of nature's law causes such damage, and why working in harmony with nature produces such good results. The world is already witnessing effects of global warming, itself being caused by ignorance and indifference of nature's law.

We can no longer perceive ourselves as a People who could survive alone and a People who does not need anyone else. We belong and depend to this much larger group, that of The Global Community. The 21st Century will see limitless links and symbiotical relationships with and within The Global Community. A global symbiotical relationship between two or more nations, or between two or more global communities, can have trade as the major aspect of the relationship or it can have as many other aspects as agreed by the people involved. The fundamental criteria is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development.

The emphasis of a global symbiotical relationship is not so much on how much money a nation should have or how high a GDP should be although money can be made a part of the relationship. We all know developed countries live off developing countries so the emphasis has no need to stress out the profit a rich nation is making off a poor nation. The emphasis of the relationship should give more importance to the other aspects such as quality of life, protection of the environment and of the global life-support systems, the entrenchment of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of Earth Government into our ways of life, justice, peace, cultural and spiritual freedom, security, and many other important aspects as described in the global ministries (health, agriculture, energy, trade, resources, etc.).

In today's Earth Government it is important for our survival to cooperate globally on several aspects such as peace, security, pollution in the air, water and land, drug trade, shelving the war industry, keeping the world healthy, enforcing global justice for all, eradicating poverty worldwide, replacing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights, and entrenching the Charter of Earth Government as a way of life for the good of all.

The best way and solution for any nation is to make the above Statement a way of life and follow the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. Right on top of the scale are the ecological rights, the global life-support systems, and the primordial human rights of this generation and of the next generation. Economic and social rights come next and are not the most important. That makes a lot of sense! What is the most important is not so much being a citizen within a democratic system, but it is first and foremost more important to be in line with the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. Fourth on the Scale, a global community may choose to use any type of political systems of its liking, a democracy or otherwise. That is a global community right, the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically. All political systems will be improved by increasing education, transparency, accountability, media access, respect for human and Earth rights, tolerance of political opposition, free elections, participation and independent civil society.

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Forget about AMERICA, and split it apart for the good of all humanity

The best that could ever happen to humanity, and especially to Americans, is that America be splitted into several smaller nations that want to live at peace. Like the old U.S.S.R.!

We have said that America is a nation bully and a nation predator. Since these are new expressions it is only fair we explain what they mean.

Let us first discuss what we mean by 'a nation bully'.

Bullying another nation is a conscious and wilful act of aggression and/or manipulation by one or more nations against another nation, community, or civilization. Bullying can last for a short period or go on for years, and is an abuse of power by those who carry it out. It is sometimes premeditated, and sometimes opportunistic, sometimes directed mainly towards one victim, and sometimes occurs serially and randomly. Bullying by a nation is a cowardly act because it is done to cause hurt without fear of recrimination. The victimised nation is unlikely to retaliate effectively, if at all. Bullying relies on those who are marginally involved, often referred to as observers, onlookers, or watchers, doing nothing to stop the bullying or becoming actively involved in supporting it. We know most of the media industry is own by American investors who are themselves involved in bullying or at least make a profit in publishing the side of the bullying nation(s) thus reinforcing the cause of the bullies. The United Nations are an organization that has been the site of bullying by America on the other nations. The creation of the State of Israel, war against Afghanistan and Irak and countless other examples show the bullying skill and power of America. The invasion of Irak by America is a dramatic example of bullying by a nation predator on other nations. The Government of the United States tells its citizens all sorts of lies concerning the invasion. The latest one is the cost of the invasion. Americans are making a large profit but they being told their tax dollars are being used. An illusion for the average American who cannot understand left from right, or simple common sense. Americans have invaded Irak to get access to free oil and are now 'making' billions of dollars in 'free oil'. Or should we say they dont pay for it. Another blow to the meaning of trade. Other nations are being corrupted in doing the same. The United Nations want 'in' the money. They say they want to rebuild Irak but the reality is they want the billions of dollars Irak will have to pay for being rebuilt. This is becoming a trend. First the United States, France, Russia, and Britain (four of the five Permanent Members of the United Nations, and these four nations are the most productive nations of weapons of mass destruction, and they are also the worst polluters on Earth and responsible for the destruction of global life-support systems) sell arms and weapons of mass destruction to nations around the world. Then America destroys the nations with its military or sometimes just by using economic means. Then America takes over whatever resources there are on the land. Or sometimes America invade a nation for strategic purposes as we see in the Middle East. They took over the oil resources and now have a strategic place to invade China, militarily or otherwise.

Bullying contains the following elements:

*        harm is intended
*        there exist an imbalance of power
*        it is most of the time organized and systematic
*        it is repetitive, occurring over a period of time, or it is a random but serial activity carried out by a nation who is feared for this behavior
*        hurt experienced by a victim nation of bullying can be external (physical) and/or internal (psychological)

Bullying another nation is often an antisocial and criminal behavior. Criminal offences should be handled by the Earth Court of Justice.

Bully nations have power over their victims. The process of exclusion an humiliation that is inherent in bullying almost guarantees that the victim will not be able to stand up to the bully nation(s).Any efforts to do so become part of the fuel that inflames the bully nation. The situation is characterized by menace and an imbalance of power. It invites further humiliation for the victim and an escalation of violence.

Bullying another nation is an abusive and humiliating behavior. It is neither character-forming nor good for anyone in any way. Those who stand up to bullying are just as likely to be hit down. Those nations that state bullying of a nation is normal and acceptable are either deluded or bullies themselves. One may ask if the United Nations are responsible for a culture of bullying of nations. The UN never reprimande America and Britain for their bullying behavior. Why?

Bullies want to dominate others. Nation bullies want to dominate other nations. NATO members are nation bullies. The very existence of NATO is a statement of what they are. They attempt to control other nations in many ways. They may engage in a number of aggressive behaviors from verbally taunting other nations, calling them evils, and spreading vicious rumors among the Earth Government, to threatening other nations, sometimes even carrying out such threats. Bully nations are very good at selecting those nations that are likely victims. For instance, America chose Afghanistan without any tangible, solid proofs of their allegations. No case was brought to the Earth Court of Justice to substantiate their claims. Ultimately, some victims will give in to the demands of the bullies, thereby reinforcing this socially unacceptable behavior. Bully nations learn rapidly that aggression works for them.

It is imperative that bullying be stopped within the Earth Government. It can create a hell on Earth for a nation that is victimised (America and Britain have victimised a large number of nations over their history), and can seriously threaten that nation's opportunities in life. And, equally important, the social climate of a place on Earth is a model of the world outside. It is where people develop a large part of their morality, their understanding of how the world works, and their sense of responsibility towards the society they live in.

What type of nation would willingly inflict harm on others?

Bully nations engage in their behavior because it makes them feel important.They are usually insecure people who need to make themselves feel good by making others feel bad. Hence, they usually have good self-esteem. Bully nations have learned that by being physically aggressive is a way to get what they want, a way to control people, other nation. They have learned this behavior during World War I and II. They have witnessed that Hitler got what he wanted for a long time by being a bully nation. American and British Peoples just follow into his steps. Most bully nations remain bully nations for a long time. Bully nations may also learn their behavior from inappropriate role models on television and in the movies. Bully nations do not outgrow this behavior. They are more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system and tending to be more abusive over time. For instance, the Earth Court of Justice has a strong case against America and all other nations that have not ratified the Kyoto Protocol even though the Earth Government has done so. America also want its military to be abstained from being tried in Court. America likes to force Justice (its Justice) into other nations but America do not want Justice applied to itself. Typical bully nation behavior!

How do we help bully nations to change their behavior for one that in line for the survival of all life on Earth, in line with the human family, with the Scale of Human and Earth Rights, the Charter of the Earth Government?

1. Improve the normal reasoning abilities of the bully nation.
2. Improve social problem-solving skills of the bully nation.
3. Increase empathy skills of the bully nation.
4. Develop more realistic self-concepts of the bully nation.
5. Decrease bullying and aggressive behaviors of the bully nation.
6. Recommend anti-bullying programs, policies, philosophies (our website provide all of that).

Bully nations have armed themselves with the most destructive weapons ever imagined by human beings. They have now built the war industry to make such weapons of mass destruction. They own the media industry which they use for dis-information of the American public and other nations. They make other nations follow into their steps and buy thier weapons, war product and equipment. They profess a culture of violence and war as the Way of Life, the American Way of Life is the best there is. They make trillions of dollars by selling their products to other nations.

Throughout the 20th Century, the war industry has created the worse evil humanity has ever encountered: the business of conflicts and wars. It is a business that has made trillions of dollars (American) and will continue to do so. It is the "mother of all evils" created by human beings. It has no moral value, no understanding about Life, no respect for anyone or anything, no law except the ones that it makes for itself, and all its products are meant to kill and destroy. It has sold its products to the enemies for the purpose of making more profit. It has subdued governments all over the world to make them buy its products. It has given trade and way of doing business a bad reputation and, therefore, it is a threat to the establisment of business. Although the war industry has a good public image, it does not really matter who is the buyer as long as he pays good money. The proof of this reality was easily verified by finding out what war products and equipment were being used by Iran, Irak, Afghanistan, and other Middle East countries. Over 90% of all war products and equipment were made in the USA, Britain, Germany, France and Russia. Four out of five of these countries are Permanent Members of the United Nations and that means they have almost a 100% control on any proposal submitted to the organization. The fifth Permanent Member missing here is China. Shortly after the September 11 event, the UN Security Council has approved war against the people of Afghanistan. To get China to vote YES they gave China a membership in the World Trade Organization(WTO).

Let us now discuss what we mean by 'a nation predator'.

A nation predator is a nation that feeds on other nations for its own survival and practices the exploitation of the people and of the resources in those other nations. Eventually a nation predator will invade other nations to control resources they need for their own survival. A nation predator would also invade another nation for the sole purpose of gaining popularity at home before an election.

The Middle East is a good example of such behavior. We have discussed in several articles the historical aspects of events happening in the Middle East.

Today the United States with Israel are the only outsiders invading the Middle East countries. These outsiders are shaping the political evolution of the Middle East and the destinies of every Moslem country and Afghanistan. Everything, including oil prices (OPEC really have not much saying in this matter), are ruled by the United States. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein predicted that this would happen, and he warned his fellow Moslems. In 1990, he invaded Kuwait (the region of Kuwait used to belong to Irak during the Ottoman Empire period but was made independent by the British in 1922) but America, the Soviet Union, Britain and France ejected Irak from Kuwait. Ever since that time, the status quo in the region has been kept by America. The New World Order now reflects the interests of the victors rather than any universal principles of justice or morality. America has emerged as the principal guardian of Gulf security and the Moslem Civilization was, once more over its history, pushed back into a position of dependence, weakness and subservience, and that is really the old regional order (not the New World Order) in the Middle East.

Since World War II, America along with junior partners, Britain, France and Russia, have refashioned the Middle East in their own image, building a new political and territorial order on the ruins of the Ottoman Empire. Despite the efforts of secular and religious local forces who rejected the West's intrusion, America and the junior partners formed states, chose people to govern them, and drawn frontiers between them. But this new order never worked because to Arab nationalists it meant betrayal of wartime promises made by the Allies, military occupation, and the exploitation of resources and of the Moslem people. The Jewish National Home in Palestine further fueled hostility toward the West. The post war order imposed by Britain and the Allies created instabilities and disorder (the Ottoman Empire was stable and had order) throughout the Moslem world. On November 29, 1947, the United Nations passed a resolution partitioning Palestine into two independent states, one Jewish and one Arab. The Jewish accepted the resolution and called their land Israel, but the Moslem states rejected it and sent their armies to regain the land but lost the war against Israel. The Palestinians lost their land and have been without a homeland ever since. They became refugees on their own land. Israel's occupation of Moslem land and refusal to recognize the national rights of the Palestinians were the fundamental problems. The State of Israel made its entrance into history in a war against the Moslems. Throughout this period America was a major support in lobbying the UN partition plan and in the birth of the State of Israel.

In the aftermath of World war II there were numerous Arab-Israeli wars namely the:
a)        1948 Palestine war;
b)        1956 Suez war;
c)        June 1967 Six-Day war between Israel and Egypt/Syria/Jordan;
d)        1969-70 War of Attrition between Israel and Egypt;
e)        October 1973 Yom Kippur war between Israel and Egypt/Syria; and
f)        Israel's June 1982 invasion of Lebanon.
g)        In 2001, the Jews of Israel declared war against the Palestinian refugees.

After each war America became gradually committed to the security and well-being of Israel. America maintained Israel's superiority over Moslems through regular infusions of money and arms. During the Cold War America had a strategic interest in containing Soviet influence and its expansion in the Middle East. The money and arms given to Israel was used to fend off challenges to American interests from radical, Islamic, and Soviet-backed forces. The American support of Israel was criticized by the Arab Middle East and the Islamic world and has fed the radical Islamic fundamentalist movements. Another strategic interest of the United States was the need to preserve access to two-thirds of the world's known petroleum reserves.

In the late 60's and during the 70's, America's defeat in the Vietnam War had profoundly disillusioned the American people about the necessity of always being upfront to the defense of their strategic interests in the Middle East. They chose to rely on friendly local powers as regional policemen: Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia. They sold arms(at some point in time America agreed to sell anything to the shah of Iran but not nuclear weapons) to Iran and Saudi Arabia and provided them with technical assistance (at costs of course). In Iran, the arms sales increased tremendously as American companies scrambled for lucrative contracts. The overspending on arms led to inflation and corruption as American company officials offered "commissions" in return of government contracts. The increased exposure to Western ideas contributed to Iranian domestic problems, disturbed Islamic fundamentalists and alienated the Iranian people from their rulers. America used the shah to weaken the Soviet Union and its allies, especially Irak, in Central Asia. In the mean time, the Soviets sold arms to Irak. For the White House, the Kurdish people in northern Irak, and the people from Iran and Irak were all pawns in a geopolitical game, supporting them only as long as they were useful. America tilted first toward Iran but will tilt in favor of Irak when circumstances change and when it deemed such a tilt advantageous. This strategy built suspicion and resentment of America on all sides and the long-term consequences were not understood (as we have seen what happened on September 11 2001).

In 1979 the Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini overthrown the shah of Iran, the Pahlavi dynasty. With the collapse of the shah's regime, a decade of efforts to develop a viable Gulf strategy ended in failure. America lost a close friend but also prestige and credibility. It also lost its links to the Iranian military, its monitoring stations near the Soviet frontier, and a very important arms buyer. The oil-price also want up to $34 a barrel. Khomeini had criticized the shah's subservience to America and its alliance with Israel, potraying them both as evils to Islam. The Islamic Revolution turned America and other former allies into enemies. Khomeini regarded both the Soviet Union and America as equally guilty of imperialism. Khomeini wanted to spread the Islamic system of government to the corrupt pro-Western and anti-Islamic countries of the Gulf. Khomeini call to Iraqi Shiites to overthrow the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and establish an Islamic state. In December 1979, the Soviet invaded Afghanistan. America feared that the invasion was a prelude to Soviet expansion in the Gulf. On September 22, 1980, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein launched a massive attack on Iran. It was believed that America was an accomplice in the Iraqi attack on Iran. Iraq had a military advantage as Iran was missing its principal source of arms and spare parts.

In November 1979, followers of Khomeini seized American hostages. In October 1980, for no apparent reason, Iran announced the release of the hostages. A short while later the embargo on arms to Iran was reversed and Israel was allowed to sell several billion dollars' worth of American-made arms, spare parts, and ammunition to Iran. Money made enemies good friends. The Love-Hate relationship between America and Israel on one side and Khomeini and Hussein on the other side was erratic and contradictory. Money could buy anyone in the Pursian Gulf, even Israel and America. Eventually, Israel made its own arms sell deals without America's permission. America and Israel wanted the Iran-Iraq War to continue forever. There was plenty of money to make from both sides. The Soviet Union condemmed Iraq for starting the war and suspended arms supplies. In 1982 Iran invaded Iraqi territory. Moscow resumed arms supplies to Iraq. At the same time America feared the Iranian military victory which would mean the expansion of Islam. America tilted towards Irak. America also resumed arms sales to Iraq and restored diplomatic relations. Now the Love-Hate relationship between America and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was very real. Once again money made old enemies good friends, and bought Israel and America. Both Israel and America were selling arms to both sides at the same time (the Iran-Contra scandal in the US) just to keep the war going. America's credibility in the eyes of the Arab allies was seriously damaged.

Because of pressure at home, America intervened actively in the Iran-Iraq War by tilting on Iraq's side. America established an arms embargo against Iran. On July 1988 Iran capitulated. America's policy toward Iran and Iraq had been incoherent, inconsistent, dishonnest, erratic, and mostly aimed at making money. Strictly business! A profit-making international policy! And Saddam Hussein ended up becoming a junior partner with the US in preserving the status quo in the Gulf. The war did not resolve anything. The threat each regime presented the other was still existing after the cease-fire.

In 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait, its former land. The Americans launched Operation Desert Storm to remove the Iraqi forces from Kuwait, and hoping to create a "New World Order" where the rule of law governs the conduct of nations. This New World Order was meant to rally support from local powers but it turned out to be much of the same thing to the Moslem population: status quo, stability, based on the same states and frontiers, and it recognized only state rights and not that of individuals or group rights. It showed that Islamic fundamentalists were not welcome and would never succeed in a democratic framework. Democracy and human rights were not even mentioned, just as if Moslems were not evolved enough as human beings and could not possibly understand the higher thinking of democracy and that of human rights. Maybe Americans thought that, because of their non-Christian religion, Moslems were barbarians and could not be considered as part of the Human Family, the Earth Government. The New World Order was an illusion for covering American hegemony in the Middle East. It allowed Saddam to defeat the Kurdish and Shiite uprisings as a pre-condition to ending the war. The New World Order also allowed the Jews in Israel to occupy Arad lands in Palestine which is something unacceptable to the Islamic Civilization. Americans committed themselves to provide Israel with an unlimited economic, monetary, technological, diplomatic and military assistance. They wanted Israel to maintain its military edge at all costs. America also provided Israel with aid for large-scale housing projects on the West Bank. America remained hostile to the PLO.

After understanding these historical events, dont you think Americans and Jews should say me-aculpa for the September 11 events in the USA ? In some ways I feel responsible as well as I should have criticized the American policies in the Middle East and may be they would have changed. Are we responsible adults or are we going to hide behind hate and revenge like irresponsible children? When are we going to look within ourselves and examine our Way of Life, our values, and start to take some responsibility of the September 11 events? All of us.

The West is responsible for countless territorial disputes in the Middle East and in other parts of the world, and has denied several countries' very right to exist, and caused numerous wars and struggles for national liberation. Current conflicts in the Middle East are between Moslems and Jews, and Moslems and America.

By making an astronomical profit through the selling of arms, war products and equipment to all of the Middle East countries, including Iran, Irak and Afghanistan, and by sucessively calling these old friends their new enemies and terrorists, and destroying their countries, America and Britain have shown that they could never be trusted. Since the Cold War is over, the only American interests in the Middle East are the cheap crude oil and the protection of Israel. The Jews come first even if it mean to fight and annihilate the entire Islamic Civilization with nuclear war heads. If you have any doubt that they would do such an atrocious crime, ask the people from Japan and also, ask the Russians as they have back off from rubbing their noses with those of the American and the British. They are looking for an excuse big enough for doing it. The September 11 event was not big enough. And it would not matter whether or not they have solid proof of who is guilty of the attack. No one has claimed responsibility of the September 11 event and, therefore, there are no solid proof of who could have done such a terrible act. If there had really been a solid proof it would have been easy to prove it in the Earth Court of Justice.

America assume all Moslems are guilty. Moslems have had more than enough of the American and British imperialism in the Middle East. There is no such thing as one person, Osama bin Laden, being guilty of the September 11 event. It is ridiculous what the News Media Controlled Industry of the West is trying to make us believe. The media was told "Look for the leader and throw all you have got at him, and if there is no leader we will make one". Americans once again are invading a country in the region of the Middle East, Afghanistan, to look for the leader and his "gang of terrorists". We say that they are not people like we are, and they should be stopped. The reality is that they are Moslems people, more than a billion of them.

After World War I, following the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the European powers created states and appointed officials to administer them. A lot of what was created had no legitimacy for the people of the Moslem Civilization and Western domination brings much of the same kind of hegemony in the region as with the British. They have had enough of outsiders exploiting them for profit and power, of being used and killed, and their communities destroyed. The act of terrorism of September 11 was not caused by a group of lawless people with Osama bin Laden as their leader. No! The act of terrorim was the result of an entire Moslem Civilization telling America, and any new outsiders, to butt out of the Middle East or else they will come to our land and do the same to us. Killing Osama bin Laden and his people will not solve anything. It will make the American people feel better for a while. The News Media Controlled Industry of the West will make sure that the American feel good about having caught and punished the guilty ones. The American people are way more intelligent than this. They know something is not right! Something right has to be done and invading Afghanistan is not the answer. Invading the entire Moslem world is not the answer either.

The only strategic interests America has in the Middle east are the oil, selling arms and Israel. We can buy the oil like we have done in the past. Better even we should find an environmentally friendly source of energy. Oil is creating global warming and will bring about the extinction of Life on Earth. Selling arms is evil. We know that so why are we doing it? Money? I certainly never got a penny off selling arms so who is making all those trillion of dollars? There were astronomical amounts of money made by the war industry ever since World War I. We have armed the Moslem people, and then we have destroyed them. The war industry is evil and should be shelved for good.

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Same sex marriage works well with the global community proposal of decreasing our overpopulated planet

Same sex marriage works well with the proposal of the Global Community of decreasing our overpopulated planet.

The proposal of the Global Community is as follow.

As a genuine effort from the human family to control and decrease its population and as a first step towards managing world population is the acceptance of men and women as equal persons.

Earth Government has researched and developed policies ( see 'Earth policies to reduce human population to 500 millions') to reduce human population to 500 millions. We have to regulate world population by means that are voluntary and benign and we have to take along with us a fair proportion of other lifeforms. Proper Earth management will certainly be a necessary tool to achieve our goal. If not there will be a collapse of humanity and of the environment. From now on every global decision we make will have tremendous consequences on our future. All men and women are responsible and accountable for the future of humanity. We have what it takes to decrease the rate of growth of world population and make it a negative rate of growth. Let us do that for the survival of our species and all life on Earth.

Earth Government proposes a world population of 500 million. The policy to apply is for every family to have only one or more children. It would take a thousand years to reach our goal of a population of 500 million. Furthermore we are asking everyone to accept as a way of life the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship. You will be required to take oath. The Criteria includes the necessity of a man and a woman to be equal persons. In practice, if our proposal was accepted then the population would eventually fall. We would make all efforts to minimize infant mortality. We need to ensure that the women of the world who have shown an interest in the proposal of family planning would have access to all the help needed to achieve their goal. Contraception for men is also desirable.

Ever since the early 1990s, Earth Government has researched and developed the concept of 'a global community'. It has since been made a part of the foundation of Earth Government and is thought as the way of life of the future. The concept is also in the statement of rights and responsibilities of a person belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', Earth Government, the human family. That is, to take such a stand has four parts:
a)        I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
b)         I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
c)         We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d)        We are citizens of The Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community, Earth Government.

We need to take this stand for the survival of our species. For sure, the most important step towards achieving sustainability is to control our population growth. To ensure our survival we must manage our population wisely. It is a well known fact that a global community population decreases whenever men and women are equal persons in all ways.

Today we are not asking women to have only one child as is done in China.


First of all it does not work in China. Their population is still increasing.

We are asking it to be socially acceptable for women to have the freedom of having or not having children. We are asking it for women to have the freedom to say no I dont want children, or yes I want to raise a family, and to make that socially acceptable. For this to work, women must also be given equal rights to men in every way. The Chinese family policy does not work because women are not given the freedom to choose for themselves and the equal rights to men. Women are 'persons' just like men. Those men and women who choose to raise a family of one or more children will be given support if needed.

The effect of such change in our ways will be acceptance of being a part of the global community and that each one of us is doing things for the good of all. In this way, the heart, mind and spirit of the Global Community will be in the forefront of positive actions to ensure our survival.

Same sex marriage works well with the above proposal of the Global Community of decreasing our overpopulated planet. Two persons with the same sex or not, a man and a woman, two men or two women can get married for a different reason than procreation. Thet may get to share a life of companionship together, and they may include adopted children in their symbiotical relationship.

Let us see a few different scenarios. For Canadians this time.

Two women getting married: Elizabeth and Catherine.

Elizabeth says:
a)        I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada,
Catherine says:
b)         I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada

They both say:

c)         We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d)        We are citizens of The Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community.

Two men getting married: John and Charles.

John says:
a)        I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada,
Charles says:
b)         I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of Canada

They both say:

c)         We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way and,
d)        We are citizens of The Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community.

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Child pornography on Internet (Part 2)

Earth Government has said that, concerning weapons of mass destruction and all consumer products, we become responsible and accountable of any product we develop and manufacture, from beginning to end. The product here is pornographic materials, and child pornography is certainly the worst of all kinds. Child pornography is a product of mass destruction endangering the lives of the billions of children to come. Earth Government is investigating child pornographic materials found on The Internet and their impacts on future generations. Our first report on child pornography was published in February 2003, and there will be a series of other articles published in our Newsletters to educate the public. The presence of child pornography on The Internet is a disturbing and growing phenomenon.

Our investigation has shown that despite all efforts child pornography on Internet is on the rise at an alarming rate. Law Enforcement organizations are doing all they can to stop the proliferation of child pornography on Internet. All their efforts make hardly a dent in this growing trend. A drastic action such as the control of the Internet and its use would be appropriate.

As part of our continuous efforts to educate the public on child pornography on Internet we are reproducing here the report published in February 2003.

Nuclear arsenal and child pornography on The Internet, both are products of mass destruction

The Earth Community Organization (ECO) is investigating child pornographic materials found on The Internet and their impacts on future generations. In the coming future, their will be a series of articles published in our Newsletters to educate the public. The presence of child pornography on The Internet is a disturbing and growing phenomenon. Please report any suspicious or suspected criminal activity directly to Law Enforcement (see websites in Note). ECO is a research and action organization dedicated to assuring that children grow up in morally secure families. ECO designs strategies to improve children's lives while at the same time helping the human family build a sustained commitment to putting children first. Note: There are websites anyone can contact to complain about pornographic materials:

The U.S. Customs Service is North America's front line of defense to combat the importation and proliferation of this illegal material.

In the world today weapons of mass destruction are being feared by America, the one nation where these weapons originated and have threatened the world ever since their creation. The atomic bomb was first developed and used by the U.S.A. on Japan. Several nations have followed on America's foot steps and now have the weapons. September 11 was a reality check for America. The wave of weapons of mass destruction created by America has now reached Asia, and there is no stopping in Irak. The wave has gained energy and makes the world more unstable and at war.

The Cold War has fed a culture of violence in America. When are people from the war industry ever going to quit spreading evil all over the world? You are responsible and accountable to humanity and to God for anything happening to your products after you manufactured and sold them. It seems that ethical and moral values no longer touch you. You dont think that you are actually responsible and accountable for spreading evil all around the world. You think you are "good people", good citizens. Every single bullet you manufactured you are responsible and accountable for it, all of you from the President of the company to the employee on the industrial line. Our Society holds responsibility and accountability as well.

Most countries in the NATO alliance and others such as Russia have sold weapons, war products and equipment to countries of the Middle East and are still doing it today. Our Way of Life says this is business. We manufacture products, and we sell them. This is all legal we say. What about ehtical values and moral responsibility? What are we? Split personalities? Jekyll and Hyde? Are we believers only when we are in a Church? Is God only existing in the Church? Is Jesus not in your heart? Not the heart in your mind but the heart that radiates love to humanity. The heart that says "I love you" without limitations, the heart that gives without expecting anything in return, the heart that unifies with love. Dont you think it is time to improve upon our Way of Life? Dont you think it is time we take evil out of our Way of Life and out of our legal system as well? Dont you think it is time to add ethical values and moral responsiblity and accountabilty to our Way of Life? Dont you think we all should say me-aculpa for the September 11 events in the USA ? Are we responsible adults or are we going to hide behind hate and revenge like irresponsible children? When are we going to look within ourselves and examine our Way of Life, our values, and start to take some responsibility of the September 11 events? All of us.

It is the same idea for any consumer product. You manufacture, produce, farm or create a product, you become responsible and accountable of your product from beginning to end (to the point where it actually becomes a waste; you are also responsible for the proper disposable of the waste).

For instance, if you manufacture chemicals that destroy the Ozone layer around the planet you are endangering humanity and all Life and, yes, you are responsible and accountable for your product. You have endangered the lives of the billions of children to come. Why? To make a better fridge?! To cool the air in your room?! To use in warships and planes as coolant (NATO countries and other countries all over the world are still using massively the deadly chemicals as coolant)?! Could you not use something else and avoid using the coolant (our armed forces want to save tax dollars)? This is one of the reasons why environmentalists (such as myself) hate wars and want peace. Our objection to wars is a survival reaction of the human species. So now we know wars are killing not only the enemies but are also causing the Ozone layer to be damaged to a critical point where our entire species will die. So wars are not a sound solution to the problem at hand. I believe the human species has reached a point in its evolution where it knows its survival is being challenged. The human species knows through the Souls and now that human Souls have merged and formed the Soul of Humanity, we will find it easier to fight for our own survival. The Soul of Humanity does not make decisions for us. It can only help us understand and guide us on the way. In the past, human beings have had some kind of symbiotical relationship (which is something common in Nature between lifeforms in an ecosystem) with the Souls, and now with the Soul of Humanity. We work together for both our survival and well-being.

It is the Way of Life of the West that is threatening the survival of our species. The destruction of the Ozone layer is certainly one of the most serious examples. Global warming is another one. Over the past decades, the USA has dropped out from the rest of world in fighting against global warming. The US position on global warming was made very clear just before the September 11 events. They have decided to opt-out of the discussion. If we were to say what is the most important cause which brought about global warming and the near destruction of the Ozone layer we would have to say that it is trade. Trade is about the manufacturing and exchanging of consumer products all over the world. We have already explained here why Free Trade and the creation of planetary trading blocks are threatening the extinction of life on Earth.

Today there is a major crisis in the world due to the very application of science, modern technology, that is the environmental crisis. This crisis is global. We are Peoples living in a world of increasing interdependence and our Faith (ethical values, our moral principles)) is intrinsically related to the preservation of the global life-support systems and to the survival of all forms of life. Science, technology and engineering are major forces of socio-economic change. They cause humanity and its social and natural environment to evolve rapidly and, therefore, they carry serious responsibility and accountability. The Earth Community is asking all scientists, technologists and technicians, engineers and professionals from all fields to create and apply stringent ethical values no matter what may happen. We are asking you to accept moral responsibility locally and globally at all times and as a Way of Life. We are also asking you to learn about and respect all religions. All religions have included ehtics and moral responsibility as fundamental principles, and that is what we are all talking about here. One religion should not try to absorb another one.

The global crisis touches every human being on Earth, over 6.2 billion people, and the whole of Nature. Everyone is responsible locally and globally. Strong legal and moral safeguards must be implemented to discourage unethical practices and the wrongly use of science, technology and engineering for the development and manufacturing of mass destruction weapons, of consumer products impinging on the rights of other human beings and the environment, and for actions which do not respect the dignity of human persons and of other lifeforms. We must protect the life-support systems of the planet. We need to educate every person on Earth in the proper management of our planet. Let us focus on what is very important for humanity and unite as one global community working together. The New Age Civilization is about all Peoples together, the Human Family, the Earth Community, Global Governance, Earth Environmental Governance, and the Earth Government.

Wars must be shelved forever. No more of them! There is one war we must win for sure, and it is the protection of the global life-support systems. It is a war that requires to better ourselves and our ways of life. The Earth Community must unite and focus on one goal, the protection of Life of all forms and of its propagation throughout the Universe.

There is another application of technology, and again first developed and manufactured in America, that is affecting humanity's moral values in a way never seen before over our entire history: The Internet. The very technology used to communicate with the world. It is capable of great things as well as bad things. Just like the physics that allowed the development of the first atomic bomb was used for research in other areas and actually save lives. The Internet allows humanity to communicate globally. It is needed to educate large populations all over the world. It is used in sciences and for the good of all in many ways. But it is used also in destructive ways that threaten the world and its Soul. The worst of all uses of The Internet in the world is child pornography. Child pornography implies human perversion and abuses of children human rights. There are now millions of websites with pornographic materials and child pornography is on the rise. It is an American addiction, the largest market in the world for pornographic materials. In America, there is more demand for child pornographic materials than in any other nation of the world.

When are we going to look within ourselves and examine our Way of Life, our values, and start to take some responsibility? We have said above that, concerning weapons of mass destruction and all consumer products, we become responsible and accountable of any product we develop and manufacture, from beginning to end. The product here is pornographic materials, and child pornography is certainly the worst of all kinds. Child pornography is a product of mass destruction endangering the lives of the billions of children to come.

There are also child predators on The Internet.

Communications age has opened a whole new world for children to explore and learn from, the "information superhighway", The Internet, also has a dark side we all need to understand. Just as predators pray on land and nations (read Letter to the American People concerning american policies in the world), paedophiles are also predators. They surf The Internet waiting to lure innocent children into their web of deviance. This time technology has made it easy for a paedophile to find potential victims. The predator can remain in teen and pre-teen chat rooms indefinitely.

Parents must educate their children of any age of the following rules:

*        Make sure the computer is clearly visible and not hidden away in a child's room.

*        Check on what your children are doing on-line. Who are they chatting to, what web sites are being visited.

*        Use software to disallow websites that show pornographic materials.

*        Your children must NEVER give out any personal information such as their name, address, telephone numbers, the school attended, or the shopping centres visited.

*        Your children must NEVER send anyone a photograph or any other item via The Internet to strangers without obtaining your permission.

*        Your children must NEVER communicate to any message that makes them feel uncomfortable. (unsolicited e-mail or e-mail from strangers) Don't allow someone to say nasty or naughty things to them.

*        Your children must NEVER agree to meet with anyone they have met on-line.

The more you know as parents, the more you can teach your children. There is so much good in using The Internet and children should be able to enjoy it SAFELY.

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Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
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