Soil lost prevention

Global Information Media Editorial Page

The Global Community has had work on previous soil lost prevention aspects and issues ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on the soil lost prevention aspects and issues. A short list of our previous work on soil lost prevention aspects and issues is shown here

For more recent work on soil lost prevention aspects and issues read the following table.

 Month/year  Theme and Author  Read contents
 November 22, 2007   Handy Hints For Post-Petroleum
by Peter Goodchild ,,
The priority of these "hints" will vary as the years go by, but most of them will remain relevant over the course of the century. The slight bias toward northern North America is partly due to the fact that the area meets most of the criteria.
Everything in the modern world is dependent on hydrocarbons. From hydrocarbons we get fuel, fertilizer, pesticides, lubricants, plastic, paint, synthetic fabrics, asphalt, pharmaceuticals, and many other things. When oil goes, our entire industrial society will go with it. We must therefore look to "primitive" technology. On a broader scale, one could can say that modern industrial society is based on (1) hydrocarbons, (2) metals, and (3) electricity. The three are intricately connected; each is only accessible — on the modern scale — if the other two are present. Electricity, for example, has been possible on a global scale only with hydrocarbons. The same is true of metals: most metals are now becoming rare, and the forms that remain can be processed only with modern machinery — which requires hydrocarbons. There is no way of breaking that "triangle." What we are then looking at is a society far more primitive than the one to which we have been accustomed.
  Read Handy Hints For Post-Petroleum
 November 5, 2007   Farming With Passion For Wellbeing Of All
by Umendra Dutt,,
KVM is farmers based movement dedicated to natural farming, conservation of natural resources and traditional wisdom. Most of farmers associated with KVM works through its Vatavaran Panchayats. KVM farmers are farmer with a mission, vision and action he take pledges to start natural farming in one go or in a phased manner. KVM currently has around a 100 formal and 800 informal members. Natural farmers of Punjab say that the land has witnessed the destruction of the environment and particularly the soil ecology in the last few decades as a consequence of chemical intensive farming. The soil has lost its nutrient pool. Burning of paddy straw has further destroyed the soil's health.
Many professionals such as those from the medical field, college and university lecturers and professors, advocates, journalists, even government officials and civil servants have joined this movement for rejuvenation of the soil. They are in contact with the KVM and participate in its activities.
  Read Farming With Passion For Wellbeing Of All
 September 12, 2007   The End Of The World?
by William M. H. Kötke ,

William H. Kötke author ofGarden Planet: The Present Phase Change of the Human Species. See at: and THE FINAL EMPIRE an underground classic book available for free download at: .
We are all looking at the end of the world as we know it. Our attention is focused on the holes in the ozone layer, planet warming, peak oil, the spread of DU weapons, the collapse of the house of credit cards, and the prospect of the planetary financial elite quickly establishing fascist control of the planet. Below this threshold of conscious awareness our biological survival systems are rapidly eroding. At this point some twenty percent of the planet’s soils erode each twenty-five year period. Each year at least two hundred thousand acres of irrigated crop-lands go out of production because of salinization or water-logging and experts say that sixty to eighty percent of all irrigated acreage is due to follow the eight to ten million acres that have historically gone into ruination from irrigation. The total drylands of the planet are 7.9 billion acres of which 61% are desertified, that is, driven by human abuse toward uselessness. Globally, 23% of all arable crop lands have been lost since 1945 through human use and experts say that all arable land on the planet will be ruined in 200 years.
  Read The End Of The World?

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