Discussion Roundtables of Global Dialogue 2009
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Politics and Justice without borders
The theme of Global Dialogue 2009 is:
Global Community
Global Movement to Help
Essential Services

to serve the people of all nations, all life on Earth

Introduction and Procedure
Listing of Global Roundtables 2009
Global Discussion by email to supplement a roundtable
Participate in Global Roundtables
Start-up your own Workshop Sessions anywhere in the world
Issues of the Global Roundtables
Summary of all comments and recommendations from participants
Concluding remarks drawn from the roundtables
For more information contact the Office of Global Dialogue 2009


Global Dialogue 2009 has already begun. Global Roundtables have begun, and you can participate now, today. To see the work done click on a Global Roundtable in the Listing of the Global Roundtables.  Listing of the Global Roundtables

Workshop Sessions have also already begun. Start your own Workshop Session. Follow the process on the front page. Be a Leader. The period August 17-22 is a time for the Workshop Sessions for summarizing results, and August 31 is the closing of Global Dialogue 2009. If we continue to have sponsoring, Proceedings 2009 will be written and published in September/October 2009 and will be made available on the website of the Global Community afterwards. Read the Proceedings of the Global Dialogue since it started in 1985.

Any change in the scheduling of Global Dialogue 2009 will be shown on the website.

The proposed framework for sessions, and Opening and Closing Ceremonies is now available.

Scheduling at the physical site and the proposed framework for sessions at the physical site, i.e. day(s) of the Global Dialogue at the physical site, and number of days reserved at the physical site, may change, and we may not know for certain about these parameters until July 2009.

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Introduction and Procedure

This procedure has been effective and improved upon since 1985. Verify its use in 2008.

Global Dialogue 2009 is being held all over the planet. Our website is used to relate results to everyone so as to continue the discussions with everyone else on Earth.

Participants may apply to lead a Global Roundtable(s) and/or a Workshop Session(s).

Here is how it works.

All Global Dialogue 2009 issues were listed in the issues section.
Each Global Dialogue 2009 issue is connected to a Workshop Session or to a Global Roundtable.

Each Global Roundtable may have one or more Global Dialogue 2009 issues and has an index such as this:

  • Opening Remark by Leader
  • Procedure
  • Work from participants and authors with a summary or abstract of each work
  • Comments and recommendations from Participants (by name and address)
  • Summary of comments from Participants
  • Summary of recommendations from Participants
  • Assessment of results of Global Roundtable and Conclusion
  • Closing Remark by Leader

To connect with each Global Roundtable click on a Global Roundtable in the Listing of Global Roundtables 2009.

Participants send their articles, research papers, comments, videos and other works of art, recommendations, and results from a forum or a brain-storming exercises. The work of each participant is entered in his/her individual FILE and summarized in the Global Roundtable section "Work from participants and authors with a summary or abstract of each work".

Leaders of the Workshop Sessions being held all over the world and in Nanaimo and Leaders of Global Roundtables are allowed to organize their sessions in their own town, global community, university or home, wherever, as long as they assume all costs and responsibilities. Noone is being paid for their work and expenses. This is strictly on a volunteering basis and no money is available or will be available. You may also invite the public, experts and all Participants to your Global Roundtable or Workshop Session. This is a grassroots process and everyone is invited.

Leaders send the above results to this office to be entered on the website for viewing by everyone.

Daily results of the Global Roundtables and Workshop Sessions are to be sent by email to globalcommunity@telus.net in the message area of the email (please no attachment unless necessary). Each email message should not be larger than 60 KB. Send several messages but try to be within this limit. Only messages with email addresses shown under the Participants List will be read.

Leaders do not have to do this. They may even up-out of this process at any time without penalties of any kind (let me know now if you cannot go on with this process). So please be understanding! We are breaking grounds with the Global Dialogue and in the ways international conferences may be held in the future. Noone has ever organized a Global Dialogue having people (including the general public) from all over the planet participating interactively from their own town, community, universities or homes.

All Participants are invited to send their work with comments and recommendations to the Leaders of their choice and also directly to the Office of Global Dialogue 2009. Participants are required to communicate with their leaders of interest. You are required to discuss via email and send comments and recommendations to them. Leaders will relate to this website your comments and recommendations and summarizing results.

All Leaders are required to send an Opening Statement related to their Global Roundtable or Workshop Session. A Closing Statement should also be sent during the period August 17-22, 2009. These statements along with the comments and recommendations will be inserted in the space reserved to each Global Roundtable and Workshop Session on our website.

The list of participants who have sent research papers is shown on our website. If you are planning to send a research paper do read the section ' Expectations from those sending research papers ', and the section ' Call for Papers '. When you submit a paper you must fill and send us the Paper Submission Cover Sheet. Research papers and other information will also be copied on our website in the Participant Listing section.

All Leaders will contact (by email) paper submitters who have written Lead Papers within their respective Global Roundtable and Workshop Session and ask for comments and recommendations. All papers must be reviewed. During the period August 17-22 leaders will summarize results and email them as well.

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Listing of Global Roundtables 2009

Roundtables on local to global issues

Participate in a global roundtable (s)

This table displays all Global Dialogue 2009 Roundtables. Corresponding Global Dialogue 2009 issues are shown in parenthesis. Send an email specifying the roundtable you wish to be part of. A link with your name and info will be created in the Global Roundtable. Then follow the link and see your work added along with the work of others. At the end of Global Dialogue 2009, the Global Overview will mention your work and recommendations will be writen.

To see the work from Participants click on a Global Roundtable.

  • R1     =     Planetary state of emergency( 564)
  • R2     =    Earquakes, cyclones and other natural disasters require a rapid and efficient response from the world to help those in needs. (565 )
  • R3     =     Global Rights ( 566)
  • R4     =     Earth rights revisited (567 )
  • R5     =     Human rights revisited ( 568)
  • R6     =     Hunger in the world ( 569)
  • R7     =     Food capacity (570 )
  • R8     =     Food quality (571 )
  • R9     =     Biofuels (572 )
  • R10     =     'Clean' energy ( 573)
  • R11     =     Blood resources revisited (574 )
  • R12     =     Melting of the Polar Cap and glaciers ( 575)
  • R13     =     Rising sea levels ( 576)
  • R14     =     Natural disasters ( 577)
  • R15     =     Human created disasters and destruction(578 )
  • R16     =     Poverty revisited (579 )
  • R17     =     World leadership (580 )
  • R18     =     Global Protection Agency in action (581)
  • R19     =     Global Law applied in situations (582 )
  • R20     =     Federation of Global Governments in action (583 )
  • R21     =     Global Movement to Help(584 )
  • R22     =     Primordial Human Rights revisited (585 )
  • R23     =    Federation guarantees global rights (586 )
  • R24     =     As a first step to getting help, all nations can and should approve those first three sections on the Scale. The approval would supersede the nation political and physical borders of participating member nations. The Global Protection Agency (GPA) would have the approval from all member nations to give immediate help, bypassing normal government protocols. Somewhat like an emergency unit but at the global level. That is what those first three sections mean. They represent an efficient and immediate emergency response to help. (587 )
  • R25     =     Short term solutions and long term solutions to global problems (588 )
  • R26     =     We need all nations to be a part of this Global Movement to Help. ( 589)
  • R27     =     Scale of Global Rights revisited (590 )
  • R28     =     Human made global destruction and disasters require a rapid and efficient response from the world to help those in needs. (591 )
  • R29     =     Global warming of the planet due to human activities revisited ( 592)
  • R30     =     Climate change future impacts (593 )
  • R31     =     Economic and military invasion of nations ( 594)
  • R32     =     Absence of fair and democratic global governance at the United Nations and European Union ( 595)
  • R33     =     Pollution worldwide (596 )
  • R34     =     Nations capable of extreme actions against humanity and all life (597 )
  • R35     =     Preventive actions against destruction of the global environment, conflicts, pollution, genocides, invasion of nations, violation of global rights, and Global Law. (598 )
  • R36     =     A rapid and efficient response from the world to help those in needs ( 599)
  • R37     =     The Global Protection Agency (GPA) would have the approval from all member nations to give immediate help, bypassing normal government protocols. ( 600)
  • R38     =     An efficient and immediate emergency response to help globally (601 )
  • R39     =     Participating member nations need to give their approval to the GPA ( 602)
  • R40     =     The GPA is a global organization much like the World Trade Organization (WTO) for trade between nations, the World Health Organization (WHO) for health, or the European Union, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFT), South American Community of Nations (SACON) for trade and economics. ( 603)
  • R41     =     The Global Protection Agency (GPA) will train and lead a global force, bypassing traditional peacekeeping and military bodies such as the United Nations and NATO. The GPA will enforce the law. And that is a long term solution to the planetary state of emergency we offer the Global Community. And that is also how we can stop the global warming of the planet and protect the global life-support systems, thus largely improving the quality of life of the next generations. (604 )
  • R42     =     Global Constitution revisited ( 605)
  • R43     =     The Scale of Global Rights was designed to help all life on Earth. (606 )
  • R44     =    The Global Community offers a more meaningful union in the form of nine or more Global Governments. (607 )
  • R45     =     The Federation of Global Governments is the place of meeting between Global Governments. The very first step of the Federation, and maybe the only one for several decades ahead of us, would be the approval of essential services amongst the participating member nations. ( 608)
  • R46     =     Global citizens in action to help ( 609)
  • R47     =     Earth Government revisited (610 )
  • R48     =     Volunteering for the Global Community ( 611)
  • R49     =     The Federation of Global Governments is now applying more emphasis on the urgent need from the people of all nations to give everyone essential services. (612 )
  • R50     =     Universal health care (613 )
  • R51     =     Global education (614 )
  • R52     =     Health and wellness (615 )
  • R53     =     Employment for all (616)
  • R54     =     Global security (617 )
  • R55     =     Safety at work, on the road, at home, in all aspects of our life (618)
  • R56     =     A shelter for everyone (619 )
  • R57     =     'Clean' energy (620 )
  • R58     =     A 'clean' environment (621 )
  • R59     =     A healthy environment (622 )
  • R60     =     Drinking fresh water (623 )
  • R61     =     Breathing clean air (624 )
  • R62     =     Eating a balance diet (625 )
  • R63     =     Basic clothing (626 )
  • R64     =     Global ecological rights (627 )
  • R65     =     Global environmental rights (628 )
  • R66     =     Global protection of life-support systems rights (629 )
  • R67     =     What will be given to the next generations (630 )
  • R68     =     Global commons and common values (631 )
  • R69     =     Our compassionate self (632 )
  • R70     =     Our way to Peace and harmony (633 )
  • R71     =     God's plan for humanity (634 )
  • R72     =     Soul of all Life guiding principle for life on Earth (635 )
  • R73     =     Global Law (636 )
  • R74     =     Our global vision (637 )
  • R75     =     Rights and Justice for all life on Earth (638 )
  • R76     =     Politics and Justice without borders (639 )

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Participate in Global Roundtables

Participants send their articles, research papers, comments, videos and other works of art, recommendations, and results from a forum or a brain-storming exercises. The work of each participant is entered in his/her individual FILE and summarized in the Global Roundtable section "Work from participants and authors with a summary or abstract of each work".

Send your work by email to globalcommunity@telus.net in the message area of the email (please no attachment unless necessary). Each email message should not be larger than 60 KB. Send several messages but try to be within this limit. Only messages with email addresses shown under the Participants List will be read.

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Issues of the Global Roundtables

All Global Dialogue Issues are acceptable to Global Dialogue 2009. The issues section describes the list of all issues in more details.

Global Dialogue 2009 Issues
Global Dialogue 2008 Issues
Global Dialogue 2007 Issues
Global Dialogue 2006 Issues
Global Dialogue 2005 Issues
Global Dialogue 2004 Issues
Global Dialogue 2002 Issues
Global Dialogue 2000 Issues

Issues find in Reports, Newsletters, Press Releases and Letters are also included.

Summary of all comments and recommendations from participants

A summary of all comments and recommendations from participants will be made available here at the end of Global Dialogue 2009.

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Concluding remarks drawn from the roundtables

Concluding remarks drawn from the roundtables will be made available here at the end of Global Dialogue 2009.

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