Global Dialogue 2000
World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development
Global Community Action 1
August 1-22, 2000
Issues to be discussed or presented during the World Congress
will of the kind related to
A) Focus
D) Discussion Roundtables
All papers and/or discussions must relate to the idea of finding a sound
balance amongst the interactions of the four quality systems: environment,
economic development, availability of resources and people aspects.
A) Focus
The Global Community Overall Picture
(i) Energy
(ii) Poverty
(iii) Land
(iv) Biodiversity
(v) Ecological
(vi) Consumption/Production
(vii) Population
(viii) Forests
(ix) Fresh Water
(x) Climate Change
(xi) Financing
(xii) Opportunity for Youth
(xiii) Improving Quality of Family Life
(xiv) Developing Healthful Life Styles
(xv) Hazardous Substances
(xvi) Ozone Depleting Substances
(xvii) Home and community Development
GCAC is the assessment Centre serving The Global Community
throughout the world. It is a line of call for individuals or organizations
seeking information or help about:
(i) Expressing concerns on activities/events happening in his/her community;
(ii) Searching a sound solution for concerns.
GCAC was created as it reflects our belief that global changes
have become challenges for effective policy making. The Centre will help
communities prepare to meet these challenges. It will present to The
Global Community an annual assessment of the world changes.
The assessment and integration of local/global indicators will be the
supporting scientific framework from which new decisions will be made.
This knowledge is relevant to the management of global change and will
be used for future policy making.
Formal assessments such as those on Climate Change, Human Development
Report, World Development Report, struggle for Human Rights, life species
Conservation, Health, economic analyses, Biodiversity, Commission on Sustainable
Development etc., have bridged the distance between incomplete science
and contentious policy. No one really understand what assessment processes
have been most effective, or why others have failed. There is a
need to train the next generatio of scientists, officials from all
levels of government, economists, statisticians, environmentalists, ecologists,
renewable and non-renewable resources specialists, business leaders, non-governmental
organizations, educators, health and social experts, Aboriginals and Natives,
home and community planners, policy analysts, international law specialists,
and the public in the skills of collaborating in the future management
of global change.
The Centre’s goal is to explore how assessment of local/global
indicators can better link scientific understanding with the progressive
implementation of effective policy solutions to global changes. Achieving
this integration is fundamental. The Global Community needs this
annual assessment to effectively manage global change.
GCAC is the Centre of assessment of local/global indicators about
the four major quality systems: Environment, People,
Development and the Availability of Resources. The assessment
of these indicators will result in giving The Global Community a
sense of direction as to ensure a sound future for Earth. Results are
made available to The Global Community.
GCAC has several objectives.
GCAC is:
· Serving as the Global Community Assessment Centre
of indicators about global changes;
· Dedicated to increasing public awareness about issues
of global concern;
· Working in cooperation with individuals, industry,
and government to create a global value shift toward a sustainable future
for Earth;
· Disseminating information on sustainable development;
· Promoting international cooperation and a Global Community
Sustainable Development through seminars and conferences, and a World
· Providing strategies for global communities to achieve
environmental, health and safety excellence and economic success;
· Providing a link between scientists, officials from
all levels of government, economists, statisticians, environmentalists,
ecologists, renewable and non-renewable resources specialists, business
leaders, non-governmental organizations, educators, health and social experts,
Aboriginals and Natives, home and community planners, and the public to
explore local and global sustainable development issues under the theme
Global Community Action 1 :
· Insuring a Sound Future for Earth
· Measuring and Managing
Sustainable Development
· Serving the scientific community as a forum for the
presentation and discussion of important issues related to sustainable
· Generating a Global Community dialogue about
and for peace and sound solutions to that effect;
· Providing a Global Online Community for the
general public and the opportunity for involvement and feedback into projects
and programs;
· Providing The Global Community with sound solutions
related to home and community sustainable development, environmental designs
and sustainable buildings;
· Committed to the sustainable end of world hunger by
finding sound solutions to development;
· Promoting the global adoption of energy-efficiency
in order to enable a sustainable economic development and an ecological
sustainable development;
· Performing Global review of projects, examine
alternatives, and formulates guidelines and criteria for future local and
global development;
· Establishing a permanent global dialogue on measuring
and managing sustainable development;
· Establishing a permanent global dialogue on finding
sound solutions to sustainable development;
· Establishing a permanent global dialogue to ensure
a sound future for Earth;
· Mechanisms for citizen participation to finding sound
· Coordinating the assessment of local and global indicators
along with other national and international organizations;
· Establishing accounting and valuation on sustainable
development; making results available to governments, research institutions,
NGOs from all countries;
· Establishing The Global Community network that
will conduct annual assessments of sustainable development indicators and
making results available on the Internet;
· Providing gross global indicators to The Global
1. Gross Environmental Sustainable Development Index
2. Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP).
· Developing projects and programs to promote The Global
Community concept in schools and for the general Public;
· Establishing a warning system on environmental hazards
and emergencies to prevent disasters from happening;
· Helping countries to prevent and peacefully settle
environmental disputes by initiating a process for dialogue and finding
· Proposing a local and global Code of criminal law governing
transnational offences; propose minimum standards of punishment for transboundary
criminal behavior;
· Proposing joint legal instruments and policies to facilitate
management of transboundary natural resources and border ecosystems, and
to regulate the use of renewable natural resources;
· Proposing integrated accounts systems, business and
industry accounts, economic policies, policy instruments, and private actions;
· Proposing policies and management practices to national
and international organizations for the integration of environment and
development at various stages of the decision-making process;
· Proposing joint projects between countries for resource
management and control;
· Proposing to international institutions (World Bank,
IMF, etc.) measurements of sustainable development be included in their
statistics on socioeconomic, trade and financial performance;
· Proposing regulatory instruments on sustainable development.
Issues assessed to measure the GESDI and GSDP
are the
same issues or topics to be discussed during the World Congress.
i) Environment
1. Arctic
2. The role of the Environment as a source of natural capital
3. Biological Diversity
4. Protected natural Areas
5. Ecological Protection
6. Endangered Species
7. Protection of Wild Fauna
8. Protection of Wild Flora
9. Migratory wild species
10. Marines mammals and birds
11. Legal mechanisms to ensure coverage of damage
to renewable natural resources
12. Heritage Sites
13. Regulations related to the transport, use, and disposal
of hazardous wastes/dangerous goods
14. Toxic Product and Waste
15. Hazardous Materials
16. Solid Wastes
17. Radioactive Wastes
18. Pesticides
19. Industrial Pollution
20. The Pacific Salmon
21. Oceans
22. Coastal Areas
23. Mountains
24. Desertification
25. Drought
26. Land
27. Wetlands
28. Soils
29. Wildlife
30. Physical values
31. Forestry
32. Water Pollution
33. Marine Issues
34. Air Issues
35. Air Pollution
36. Protected Areas
37. Atmosphere
38. Global Warming
39. Ozone Layer
40. Ozone Depleting Substances
41. Climate Change:
i) The Global Climate Observing System
ii) International Council of Scientific Unions
iii) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
iv) World Meteorological Organization
v) United Nations Environment Programme
vi) Earthwatch
vii) Agenda 21
42. Measurement of Indicators
43. Monitoring
44. Making results of measurements available on the Internet
ii) People
1. Employment by occupation and economic activity
2. Traffic and Congestion
3. Taxes
4. Quality of Life
5. Prevention and control of infectious diseases
6. Social Services
7. Food chain
8. Senior’s care
9. Farming communities
10. Psychological
11. Biological
12. Parks
13. Genetics
14. Evolution
15. Spiritual pathways
16. Entertainment
17. Customs and beliefs
18. Communications
19. Decent housing
20. Suitable community services
21. Aesthetics
22. Juvenile crimes
23. Gangs
24. Family stability
25. Religion
26. Infrastructures and facilities
27. Land planning
28. Socio-cultural and political influences
29. Multi-culturalism
30. Aboriginals, Natives
31. Illiteracy
32. Healthy environment
33. Health care
34. Health sector reform
35. Health is affected by chemical contamination of air, water,
and food; exposure to hazardous wastes; social diseases of
violence and crime; traffic; accidents
36. Interactions between health, human development, and environment
37. Wars
38. Tolerance and peace between countries
39. Conflicts
40. Security
41. Intellectual Property Rights
42. Human Rights
43. Social Justice
44. Interaction between socio-economic development and ecological change
(and in terms of species destruction, settlement patterns, population size
and distribution, resource depletion, waste generation, consumption practices,
environmental degradation and social pathology)
45. Rising rates of violence and delinquency
46. Cross-border pollution agreements
47. Government measures for the conservation and wise use of natural
48. Disabled
49. Aging
50. Cultural Diversity
51. Sharing of ecologically sound technologies between countries
52. Joint actions between countries
53. Relations among local communities and sustainable development
54. Indigenous Peoples
55. Minority Ethnic Groups
56. Children
57. Youth
58. Distribution of Income
59. Consumption
60. Food Production
61. Malnutrition
62. Eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition
63. Trade Unions
64. Public Hearings
65. Referendums
66. Citizen Advisory Boards
67. Crime
68. Drugs
69. Sexual Diseases
70. Public Administration
71. Pollution Prevention
72. Incorporation of environmental education along with multiethnic,
pluricultural, and multilingual education in school
73. Education: access, by gender, distance learning, school programs
74. Quality of Education: public and private schools, college, university,
institute of technology
75. Promote education projects that are relevant to sustainable development
76. Science and Technology
77. Training
78. Unemployment
79. Health: services, cost
80. Environmental effects on health
81. Population
82. Language
83. Cultural Characteristics
84. Demographics
85. Human Settlements
86. Life Expectancy
87. Poverty
88. First Nations
89. Poverty Alleviation
90. Community Empowerment
91. Community Actions
92. Promotion of Environmental Awareness
93. Schools
94. Wealth
95. Government actions and instruments to prevent and control pollution
and harmful impacts on natural resources and the environment
96. Laws, Regulations, Guidelines: municipal, national and international
97. Laws, Regulations, Guidelines and their effectiveness in specific
98. National Environmental Institutions
99. Mechanisms for citizen participation
100. Declarations, action plans of worldwide scope
101. Electronic consultation
102. International Treaties and other binding and nonbinding instruments
concerning the sustainable development
103. Local Authorities
104. Non-Government Organizations
105. Government Commitment
106. Global Agreements and Commitments
107. Living Standards
108. Land Use
109. Surface Areas
110. Urbanization
111. Home and Community Development
112. Measurement of Indicators
113. Monitoring
114. Making results of measurements available on the Internet
iii) Availability of Resources
1. Sources of Electricity Generation
2. Agriculture
3. Forests, wood products
4. Mineral, raw materials
5. Food products, livestock, meat products, dairy products
6. Fisheries
7. Mining
8. Water: freshwater
9. Fishing
10. Energy
i) Production
ii) Development
iii) Use
iv) Sources
v) Energy Efficiency
vi) Renewable Energy
vii) Energy Conservation
viii) Energy Trade and Markets
ix) Clean Energy Technologies
x) Nuclear Power
xi) Fossil Fuels: Oil and Natural Gas
xii) Hydroelectric Power
11. Secondary sources of wealth:
a. Assets b. Buildings c. Equipment d. Properties e. Tourism
f. Land use g. Entertainment h. Arts i. Sports
j. Recreational (indoor and outdoor) k. Auto and plane
l. Pharmaceutical products m. High tech products n. Gambling
o. Lotteries p. Communications products
12. Decline in the creation of real wealth
13. Measurement of Indicators
14. Monitoring
15. Making results of measurements available on the Internet
iv) Economic Development
1. Manufacturing
2. Power
3. Labour Force
4. Sustainable economic development requires healthy families, able
workers and informed, responsible citizens
5. Markets
6. Competitiveness of the economies in the world and ensuring
a sound sustainable development
7. Economic value of natural resources and ecosystems
8. Impact of the depletion and degradation of natural resources and
ecosystems on human welfare
9. Deforestation
10. International Institutions
11. Integration of environmental and economic institutions
12. Economic cost of resource and environment degradation
(in terms of production and health)
13. Industry
14. Business
15. Construction
16. Rural Development
17. Urban Development
18. Stock Markets
19. Exports
20. Imports
21. Growth
22. Goods and Services
23. Incorporation of production-related environmental costs in the
price of goods traded in national and international markets
24. Demand
25. International Cooperation
26. Make economic accounting relevant to sustainable development objectives
27. Trade
28. Investment
29. Credit
30. Aid
31. Distribution of Income
32. Consumption
33. Expenditures
34. Transport
35. Communications
36. Prices
37. Exchange Rates
38. World Bank
39. IMF
40. Banks
41. Government
i) Finances
ii) Revenues
iii) Expenditures
iv) Debt and Deficit
v) Defense Expenditures
vi) Budget
vii) Taxes
42. Balance of Payments
43. Information Age
44. Science and Technology
45. Training
46. Regional Trade Blocs
47. Tariff Barriers
48. OECD Trade
49. Travel
50. Tourism
51. Measurement of Indicators
i) Economic: growth, production, demand
ii) Macroeconomic
iii) National Account: GDP per Capita
iv) Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP)
52. Profitability
53. Insurance premiums
55. Competitiveness
56. Property value
57. Tax system
58. Building materials
59. Building and community design and codes
60. Employment
61. Training programs
62. R & D
63. Transportation
64. Global, urban, rural development
65. G-7
66. GATT
67. World monetary institutions
68. Sock Exchange
69. Monitoring
70. Making results of measurements available on the Internet
Discussion Roundtable Summaries
* Social
* Environment
* Economic Development
* Availability of Resources
Discussion Roundtables Listing and Summaries
Social Aspects
1. On well-being, the healthy family and the community
2. The role of families
3. Women's issues
4. Personal sustainable development pathway
5. Social development
6. Earth Charter
7. Aboriginal peoples
8. Human Rights
9. Quality of Life
10. Global Ethics
11. Genetic resources
12. Public discussions: listening to all voices
13. Eradication of poverty
14. Wars, armed conflicts, and violence
15. Earth management
16. Cooperation between developing and developed countries
17. Human health
18. Education and training
19. Spiritual values helping a sustainable future
20. Transboundary agreements
21. Disability and globalization
22. Human evolutionary development
23. Institutions for Environmental Governance:
issues of Community Participation and Sustainable Development
24. International and interstate conflicts on the base of environmental stress
25. Social-economical problems of environmental refugees
26. Sustainable urban community development
27. Globalization
The Global Community: its objectives, the GCAC, the Charter, the grassroots process and the organization
29. World models to sustain Earth
30. Definition of Sustainable Development
31. Vision of Earth in Year 2024
32. The Scale of Values
33. A photo display presentation for interpreting sustainability
34. Dramatic play presentation
35. Implementation of Sustainable Development
36. Measurement and assessment of indicators
37. Population Pressure
Environment Aspects
1. Ecological protection and management
2. Sustainability of technological processes
3. Marine area management
4. Land management
5. Waste management
6. Energy management
7. Ozone layer protection
8. Global warming
9. Climate changes assessment and management
10. Air pollution
11. Water pollution
12. Measurement and assessment of indicators
13.Land Degradation
14. Environmental films to stimulate the emotional perception of ecological problems and motivate people
15. Ecological Education
16. Watershed Management
Economic Development
1. Global Economic Development
2. Risk analysis to measure sustainable development for large construction projects
3. Integrated system of economy-environment accounting
4. Financing sustainable development
5. Measurement and assessment of indicators
6. Sustainability and Global Consumption
7. Sustainability, lifestyle and global consumption
8. Sustainable Agriculture and World Trade
Availability of Resources
1. Resources management
2. Farming
3. Water resources protection and management
4. Measurement and assessment of indicators
5. Energy
6. Mining
7. Tourism
8. Forest Issues and Sustainable Forestry
9. Fresh Water Resources, Clean Air and Human Rights
10. Oil and Gas Industry
11. Manufacturing Industry, Consumption and Sustainability
12. Power Industry
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