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Global Dialogue 2000

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Proceedings of the World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development - Global community Action 1,held in August 2000.

Global Dialogue 2000

World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development
Global Community Action 1

August 1-22, 2000

Explanatory Notes

The hope that we can create an Earth Society, a sustainable society, composed of sustainable communities, is not new. What's new is that we are doing it. It is no longer a talk, a hope or a concept. It is a reality! Sustainability is no longer a concept it is us, all of us,  now, today.  Human beings have the capacity to continuously adapt to their nonhuman environments by means of social organization. This is why the People aspects have been included in the definition of sustainable development. This is why sustainable development is essentially not about just the environment and economic development, but it is also about people. We the Peoples of the Earth will  find ways to protect and improve the delicate balance between human activity and our natural life support system. We are now working together, all of us, all Peoples on Earth, to keep our planet healthy, productive and hospitable for all human beings and living things.

We have created The Global Community organization, the  Earth Community Organization (ECO), the Human Family, the  Earth Society, (different names for the same organization) with the mandate of managing Earth. The  World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development -  Global Community Action 1 was about establishing the foundation for a sound Earth Management.

This is the first opportunity thinkers from all countries have had to pool their ideas, brain-storm their concerns and search for universal solutions to the problems at hand. The world surely will never be the same again. Collective human intellectual power will reach every country for the good of all.

We estimate that so far the World Congress and The Global Community concepts have made contact by 'ricochet' with at least a million people throughout the World. We have three mailing lists: the Participants list of about 500 businesses, NGOs, universities, professionals, and the public from 90 countries; an intermediate mailing list of 5,000 "interested" individuals (an 'individual' here may either be a person, a corporation, a NGO, a local community, a group of people, a business, or a government); and finally an extensive mailing list of 18,000 individuals from all countries of the world. Again by the effects of 'ricochet' and chain reaction after creation of new thoughts we will touch the hearts and the minds of the billions of people on Earth. This will happen very quickly. Most likely within a year.

The World Congress has broken new grounds in several other ways.

The World Congress has broken grounds not only in the number of interested participants but also in its new global dialogue on Earth Management. The hundreds of people who have sent us their research work (280 research papers were submitted) from around the world represent only a part of a great ground-swell of concern for the future of our planet. It is quite possible the men and women who have produced this body of work will go down in history as major instruments of change. We now have 73 Discussion Roundtables divided into the four interacting quality systems: Social(37), Environment(16), Economics(8) and Availability of Resources(12). We went past previous Earth Summits organized by governments who have been focusing only on a specific issue without including the public throughout the world and without taking into account all impacts. We are proposing here to The Global Community that sound solutions to world problems can only be brought forward after analyzing all important interacting impacts.

This World Congress has broken grounds in its limitless well of new thoughts. We have created (and still thousands more to come) new thoughts, concepts, ideas, ways of doing things to sustain Earth throughout the coming millenniums. During the past thousand years humanity has lived with the "life program information" transferred into the brain via two ways: our genes, and education and upbringing (IMPRINTING theory). The mechanism of biological information protection did the rest. We are lock, stock, and barrel with the old stock. In a way! Today our species is evolving to rid itself of the old thoughts that is threatening its future and survival. This is a survival reaction and is very real. Our species will accomplish the evolutionary leap within a generation. Our consciousness will evolve rapidly. We will reach levels never imagined before. We will get much closer to God and God to us as we are parts of his/her own consciousness. It was time for us to scrutinize our values and old thoughts. We did. We are here to help humanity get rid of these old thoughts or at least the emotions attached to them. We have to reach very deep in ourselves to succeed in this process. Old thoughts and the emotions attached to them are parts of our very deep self and will not let go easily because of the mechanism of biological information protection. The next step is the creation of new thoughts, thousands of them. Healthy thoughts! The kind that will sustain Earth. Remember what we have been asking you all along: from the experience in your life and local community tell us:

What is most important?
What is very important?
Not so important?
Not important at all?
What should be let go?

to sustain Earth.

This process will help humanity to think clearly and globally. Your research papers, brainstorming exercises, Vision statements, discussions, comments and recommendations were well appreciated and reviewed. They will give us a sense of direction and purpose. The end product also include universal values to connect us together as we are all belonging to The Global Community.

The raison d'etre of the World Congress and of The Global Community organization is to find sound solutions to sustain Earth in this millennium. New concepts had to be developed and are shown on the website of The Global Community organization:

The World Congress will bring forward many more new concepts and value systems, Global Ethics, and a Vision of Earth in Year 2024.

The theme of the World Congress was based from the following definition of sustainable development.

The technical definition being "a sound balance among the interactions of the impacts (positive and/or negative), or stresses, on the four major quality systems: People, Economic Development, Environment and Availability of Resources," and

The none-technical definition being "a sound balance among the interactions designed to create a healthy economic growth, preserve environmental quality, make a wise use of our resources, and enhance social benefits."

The four major quality systems are better illustrated by the four interacting circles (see website).

The four interacting circles are quality systems. They are used because together they form a neat geometric expression about a complicated intellectual concept. They represent interactions. These interactions occur between the systems and within each individual system.

Here same-size circles represent mathematical local/global indicators that have been developed for assessing and measuring sustainable development within four equally-important realities in local/global life.  The large circle around the same-size circles represent the ecosystem, the global life-support systems and must protected.

The scale (to be presented during the World Congress) used within the mathematical model (see GCAC files for complete description of the model) reflects the importance of each quality system in ensuring a sound future for Earth.

People need a healthy environment and resources for industry. Businesses cannot thrive without people or resources. Economic stability depends on people, resources, and good businesses. And all of the above cannot exist without environment.

The four interacting circles are a simplistic expression of our need for one another, our interaction, the thoughtless damage we can cause. We are worlds within worlds orbiting in and through each other’s space. This interaction can be planned and executed in a caring, considerate manner so that all may exist and not destroy the other. The Global Community Assessment Centre(GCAC) is the centre whose objectives are to measure, assess, and integrate the interactions and present results to The Global Community. GCAC proposes a method based on fundamental principles, a sound science, and results are used to propose policies for management of global changes.

The aim of the World Congress is to give all concerned people in The Global Community an opportunity to meet, to dialogue, to encourage, to advise one another about original ways to consciously affect evolution for the good of all humanity on four levels - social, economic, environmental and in the wise husbanding of natural resources. Finding a sound balance between the interaction of these four levels is what makes the World Congress unique.

ISSUES accepted for presentation during the World Congress pertain to these four levels. They are also part of a mathematical model developed to measure sustainable development. The model’s fundamental components are the four interacting circles or four major quality systems all interacting with one another and within themselves. These measurements provide local/global indicators and will be used to create a sense of direction for The Global Community. Other methods of measurement are being researched by participants and will be presented during the World Congress.

The theme of the World Congress

The theme for the World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development includes the following:

i) Establishing a permanent global dialogue on measuring and assessing sustainable development, and on providing management policy solutions to ensure a sound future for Earth; "Roundtables" discussions and brainstorming exercises conducted on the Internet will help in establishing this dialogue;

ii) Establishing The Global Community Assessment Centre that will coordinate the assessment of local and global indicators along with other national and international organizations; establishing sustainable development accounting and valuation; make results available to governments, research institutions, NGOs, and to The Global Community on the Internet;

iii) Providing gross global indicators to The Global Community:

1. Gross Environmental Sustainable Development Index (GESDI);
2. Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP);

iv) Establishing a benchmark for the 21st Century and a scale of values for assessment;

v)  Presenting a Global Code of Ethics and a Vision of Earth in Year 2024.

Some important results obtained during the World Congress were:

A)    The Global CommunityEarth Community Organization (ECO), has developed the Scale of Human and Earth Rights in order of importance with the ecological rights being the most important (they supersede all other rights; and so on down the scale).The Earth Community Organization has an ongoing process to improve the fundamental wordings of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. In order to emphasize the importance of protecting the global life-support systems the first statement on top of the scale was modified to include such a need. The new wording of the scale is shown here. 

Scale of Human and Earth Rights
*    Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems
*     Primordial human rights
*    The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and
the primordial human rights of future generations
*    Community Rights and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and
after voting representatives democratically
*    Economic rights (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities) and
social rights (civil and political rights)
*    Cultural rights and religious rights

B)    The formation of Global Ministries.
Global Ministries are world wide organizations just like the WTO for trade and therefore should have the same power to rule on cases as that of the World trade Organization (WTO).

The Earth Community Organization has already created several global ministries. The most obvious ones are the Earth Ministry of Justice, the Earth Ministry of the Environment for Global Environmental Governance and the Earth Resources Ministry .

We have the responsibility of managing Earth. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for an effective global governance based on global concepts and the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. The Earth Community Organization (ECO) has created the Earth Resources Ministry for Earth Governance. ECO is also proposing the creation of several other global ministries for the management of Earth (energy, agriculture, environment, health, Earth resources, Earth management, security and safety, trade, peace, family and human development, water resources protection, family and human development, water resources protection, youth, education, justice, science and technology, finance, human resources, ethics, human and Earth rights, sustainable development, industry and manufacturing products, etc.). Each ministry would have a similar power to rule as that given to the WTO organization.

The creation of global ministries is a part of the "Belief, Values, Principles and Aspirations of the New Age" (see the Charter of the Earth Community on our website). The Earth Court of Justice will prosecute cases stemming from the global ministries.

Prosecuting is based on:

a) the Scale of Human and Earth Rights
b) the "Belief, Values, Principles and Aspirations of the New Age" (see the Charter of the Earth Community on our website)
c) international treaties and conventions in force
d) international custom
e) the general principles of law and
f) as subsidiary means, judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists.

The Earth Court of Justice will hear cases involving:

* nation states
* national political and military leaders accountable for violations of international humanitarian law
* 'core' crimes of genocide
* crimes against humanity and human rights
* war crimes
* crimes with significant impacts perpetuated against the life-support system of the planet (for instance wars and use of weapons of widespread destruction are listed under this category)
* crimes related to the relentless misuse of the Earth resources
* environmental crimes
* social crimes as the Court may see apply
* crimes stemming from the global ministries

ECO has summarized the rights of every person on Earth by developing the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. The scale will eventually be replacing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Earth Court of Justice will be hearing cases submitted to the Court by the Global Ministries.

Now we are asking to keep in touch with all of us and the organization. Participate in the new Global Dialogue to be held August 2002:

Earth Management - all Peoples together


Earth Government for Earth Community
-   A grassroots process  -

May the DIVINE WILL come into our lives and show us the way.
May our higher purpose in life bring us closer to the Soul of Humanity and God.



Germain Dufour
The Global Community organization
World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development

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