Charter of the Earth Community. December 2002 Newsletter: 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 2I January 2003 Newsletter: 2I
The process of developing the Charter of the Earth Community has been an ongoing process since the publication of a major research work including 450 environmental policies on Global Changes.
The report was written and published in Calgary, Canada,
January 1, 1988. The report was then submitted to the United Nations, the Alberta Government, the Government of Canada and to several organizations
and professionals.
This process was further continued as a part of Global Dialogue 2000 held August 1-22, 2000. We had over 600 participants from 130 nations presenting 280 research papers. The theme was World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development - Global Community Action 1. Proceedings are found at http://www.globalcommunitywebnet.com/public/gdufour/Proceedings2000.htm There was a workshop session whose purpose was to help further design such charter. The manager of the workshop was Mirian Vilela Earth Charter Project Manager The Earth Council Apartado 2323-1002 San Jose Costa Rica mvilela@ecouncil.ac.cr http://www.earthcharter.org http://www.ecouncil.ac.cr http://www.ncsdnetwork.org After the Global Dialogue all values, ideas, recommendations, comments obtained were used partly to obtain what you can read on our website at http://www.globalcommunitywebnet.com/public/gdufour/EarthCharter.htm Although the actual writing of some sections were from the Earth Charter, the ideas, concepts, principles were those of the Earth Community Organization since 1988 and were used by several organizations throughout the world. We allowed Ms.Vilela to submit her version of some sections of the Charter in the spirit of cooperation. The Charter of the Earth Community is still being improved upon and we certainly accept help to do so. There were major changes made to it since Global Dialogue 2000. We have developed the Scale of Human and Earth Right, the statement of rights and responsibilities of a persons and 'a global community', the criteria to obtain the Global Community Citizenship, and many more new concepts to be included in the Charter. We would certainly appreciate others to help us rewrite the Charter in view of the new development. This does not mean we wish to enter in some form of partnership with another organization to accomplish the task of rewriting the Charter. A partnership is not what we want. A partnership is a 'made-up' concept for people who wish to control others. A trick! What we would accept is a 'symbiotical relationship'. A symbiotical relationship is probably new to everyone but in effect symbiotical relationships have existed for billions of years. They are everywhere around us in Nature and in our society. The EU is an economical symbiotical relationship. There are all types for the good of all. Doing good and the well-being of the 'other' is the basic building block of any symbiotical relationship. Life itself is about symbiotical relationships. And it is the theme of Global Dialogue 2004. Just as we have told Ms. Vilela, everyone is very welcome to participate in a workshop session related to the Charter development in the coming dialogue. Just understand this is in the spirit of global cooperation and symbiotical relationships.
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