The Global Community has had work on creating a Global Peace Movement and Disarmament ever since 1985.
A short list of our previous work on Global Peace Movement and Disarmament.
For more recent work on Global Peace Movement and Disarmament read the following table.
Month/Year |
Theme and author |
Read contents |
October 21, 2006 |
The Scientific Method and World Peace , by Kamala Sarup, with |
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October 26, 2006 |
Coalition of Peaceful Nations: Their Strength and Asset to the World, by DR. Charles Mercieca |
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October 19, 2006 |
sent by David Allen Stringer, Vision Quester News Agency & Universal Alliance,
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October 26, 2006 |
And What Aabout Global Denuclearization ?, by S Faizi , with |
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October 14, 2006 |
North Korean crisis: the USA global invasion perspective by Germain Dufour |
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October 14, 2006 |
Nobel Acknowledges Counter Economy by Mirza A. Beg with |
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October 6, 2006 |
Is there a realistic chance for world peace? by Monika Berghoff / Verlag Meiga |
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October 12, 2006 |
The Dumbing Down of America by Manuel Valenzuela The Rebel Media Group |
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September 30, 2006 |
For a negotiable solution with North Korea by Guy CREQUIE |
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September 30, 2006 |
Why NATO Cannot Win In Afghanistan by M K Bhadrakumar |
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September 28, 2006 |
Wars And Debts And Taxes, Oh My! by Michael Boldin |
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July 19, 2006 |
Festival des poètes du monde sur le thème de la paix by Guy CREQUIE |
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July 19, 2006 |
Stop the Israeli invasion of Gaza! by Freedom Socialist Party |
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July 19, 2006 |
Forever darkness for the Souls related to the war industry, the business of conflicts and wars by Germain Dufour |
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July 19, 2006 |
Soul of Humanity's Message by Germain Dufour |
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July 19, 2006 |
The Global Community condemns Israeli attacks on Gaza and South Lebanon and calls for an end to U.S. support of the Israeli occupation by Germain Dufour |
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June 21st, 2006 |
It's time to do more to end the war in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Join the hunger strike to bring our troops home. by Germain Dufour |
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June 15, 2006 |
It's time to do more to end the war in Iraq. Join hunger strike to bring troops back home. by Allison, Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Katie, Medea, Nancy, Rae, Samantha and Tiffany, with CODEPINK.
When elected officials finally make a positive move, in both the House and Senate, by
passing an amendment against permanent bases in Iraq, the amendment is simply yanked from the bill in the conference
committee. If we don't do more to stop the US occupation of Iraq, we will be there for DECADES to come, and our
children and children's children will live is a state of perpetual war.
Read  |
April 20, 2006 |
Report: Iraqi women under siege by by Allison, Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae and Tiffany with CODEPINK.
The report shows that from 1958 to the 1990s, Iraq provided more rights and freedoms for women and
girls than most of its neighbors. Though Saddam Hussein's dictatorial government and 12 years of
severe sanctions reduced these opportunities, Iraqi women were active in all aspects of their society.
After the occupation, with the exception of women in Iraqi Kurdistan, women's daily lives have been
reduced to a mere struggle for survival.
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June, 2006 |
The Abominations of War: From My Lai to Haditha by Cindy Sheehan, Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan, KIA 04/04/04 She is co-founder of
Gold Star Families for Peace. She is the author of Not One More Mother's Child and Dear President Bush. |
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June 2, 2006 |
A proposal for peace by Guy CREQUIE, French poet and writer |
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1985 - to present |
Global Peace Movement and Disarmament |
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February 2006 |
Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act |
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We the Peoples of the Global Community are reaffirming faith in the fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and smalll. We the Peoples
implies every individual on Earth. Earth management and good governance is now a priority and a duty of every responsible person on Earth. The Global Community has taken action by calling the Divine Will into our lives and
following its guidance. Divine Will is now a part of the Soul of Humanity to be used for the higher purpose of good and Life's evolution. We will learn to serve humanity and radiate the Will of God to others. We will establish
conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and we promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.
The purposes of the Global Community are to:
1. maintain international peace and security in conformity with the principles of justice and
global law;
2. promote friendly relations among nations, individuals and communities based on:
* respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of Peoples; and
* symbiotical relationships;
3. promote global co-operation to:
* find sound solutions to economic, social, cultural, humanitarian, local and global community problems;
* establish respect for human and Earth rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to
race, sex, language, or religion.
4. be a home and a global community centre to all nations, people and local communities and help them harmonize their
actions to achieve their common goals.
5. promote worldwide awareness of:
a) the "Beliefs, Values, Principles and Aspirations" of the Global Community;
b) global symbiotical relationships amongst people, institutions,
cities, provinces and nations of the world, and between the Global Community and all nations, and in the business sector;
c) global societal sustainability;
d) good Earth governance and management;
e) the Scale of Human and Earth Rights;
f) the Statement of Rights, Responsibilities and Accountabilities of a Person and of the Global Community;
g) the Criteria to obtain the Global Community Citizenship;
h) consistency between the different policies and activities of the Global Community; and
i) a global market without borders in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capitals is ensured in accordance with the Global Constitution;
j) the new ways of doing business in the world;
k) the Celebration of Life Day on May 26 of each year;
l) the finding of an Earth flag;
m) the ECO Award;
n) the Portal of the Global Community; and
o) the concept of a Global Dialogue.
The Global Community and Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) have promoted a peaceful solution to all world problems.
They have promoted
non-violent settlement to conflicts.
War is the greatest violation of human rights that one people can inflict on another. It brings deaths and injuries, starvation, diseases, millions of people
losing their homes and livelihoods, and massive destruction of property.
Children and teenagers are placed in internment camps, and several are often forced to serve as soldiers. War not only corrupts the morals of soldiers, it leads to a decline
in the morality of the whole nation.
Political and military leaders are always convinced that their particular war is justified. From their point of view, there are several reasons to go
to war: loyalty to allies, religion, a thirst for power, greed, ancient grievances to be settled, or the desire to alleviate suffering among their people.
A non-violent settlement to a conflict would always be more advantageous. War is self-defeating because it cannot secure what it sets out to achieve, protection against attack. The hatred for the enemy
whipped up by war and the desire for revenge among the losers leads to an accursed vicious circle from which there is no escape. The difference between
aggressive and defensive, or just and unjust wars, is ridiculous. They are tags each side adopted to suit its interests. War and militarism destroy civil liberties within a nation.
What happens to a person's conscience when he/she wears the uniform of the soldier? It is enslaved to the state. He must kill when ordered. No government, whether
democratic or despotic, can allow the soldier to decide what to do according to his conscience. That would undermine discipline and the power to fight.
The Global Community claims that everyone on Earth should be able to live in peace. This Global Peace Movement is about courage. Not the courage it takes to go into battle but the courage
to organize resistance to war when a bloody taste for it inflames the world, and the threat of prison in a nation where the human rights and freedom of expression have diminished significantly. It is
about the courage to say NO to the war industry. It is an industry that destroys life on Earth, corrupts society, and violates morality. Military intervention
in the affairs of other nations is wrong. There are other ways, there are peaceful ways, ways that are not based on profit-making and the gain of power for itself.
We are conscientious objectors, non-resistants.
There are several reasons for objecting to war: religious, moral and political. People have different degrees of refusal to go to war. Absolute pacifists such as the Global Community will not
cooperate with any preparation for war as decided by the war industry, let alone war itself. Others will accept some kinds of service so long as they are not forced to fight. And others
are willing to fight in "just wars." The idea of the "just war" began with St. Augustine. Late in the fourth century he argued that the good
Christian, barred from doing violence on his own behalf, could take arms in a war that was just. Several theologians now say that the standards for a just war are:
a) War must be the last resort and used only after other means have failed.
b) War must be declared to redress rights actually violated or for defence against unjust demands backed by the threat of force. It must not be fought simply to satisfy national pride or to further economic or territorial gain.
c) The war must be openly and legally declared by a legal government.
d) There must be a reasonable chance of winning.
e) The means used must be in proportion to the ends sought.
f) Soldiers must distinguish between armies and civilians and not killed civilians in purpose.
g) The winner must not required the utter humiliation of the loser.
It can be debated whether any war has ever satisfied all these reasonable conditions.
The Global Community and GCEG are dedicated in using our resources to resolve
conflict, promote democracy, and fight hunger, terrorism, disease, and human rights abuses. In order to bring about the event of peace, the Global Community
is offering other organizations around the world to work together to bring warring parties to peace. We can accomplish this task by concrete actions such as:
a) Tracking armed conflicts within and between nations around the world and offering assistance in dispute resolution;
b) Promoting human rights and democracy;
c) Monitoring democratic elections; and
d) Educating the public about the advantages of a peaceful solution to any conflict.
The responsibility of a peacemaker is to settle differences through compromise and negotiation before they erupt into violence.
Conflicting views do not have to bring about fighting. War is an irreversible solution to a problem. War is never an appropriate solution to resolve
a conflict.
The worst environmental degradation happens in wars. Farm products in fields and livestock are abandoned, there is no more control on toxic wastes, and water, air,
and land are polluted. People are displaced and feel no longer responsible for the quality of life in their communities. Historically, the industrialized nations
have caused the most damage to the environment, with their careless technology and policies. Emissions from factories and vehicles have caused
ozone depletion and acid rain. Leaders of the wealthier nations must be willing to accept responsibility for past mistakes and to help pay the financial burden
for environmental protection of the developing nations. This is the most damaging conflict of interests between the rich industrialized countries
and those that are poor and struggling just for existence. The Global Community must help wealthy and poorer nations reach a better understanding of each
other's needs. All aspects are interrelated: peace, human rights and the environment. The poor is more concerned with ending starvation,
finding a proper shelter and employment, and helping their children to survive. Environmental issues become meaningless to the poor. In reality, all concerns are interrelated.
As soon as the environment is destroyed beyond repair, human suffering is next. Ecology has no boundaries. All nations suffer the effects of
air pollution, global warming, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, acid rain, ozone depletion, silting of streams, and countless of other
environmental problems. This was the reason for proposing to the Global Community the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.
The Global Community wants to provide a forum where international conflicts could be argued and resolved peacefully. Because of hatred and mistrust, disputing
parties always find it difficult to express constructive ideas or proposals. A face-to-face meeting may not even be possible. The Global Community offers to be a trusted
third party that would carry ideas back and forth, put forward new proposals until both sides agree. When both parties feel they have gained more than
they have lost from the process, the outcome is a win-win settlement for peace.
A short list of our previous work on Global Peace Movement and Disarmament
Year |
Theme |
Read contents |
1985 - 2006 |
Abolition of weapons of mass destruction |
Read  |
1985 - 2006 |
Settling of disputes between nations ] |
Read ![Settling of disputes between nations ]](globul1d.gif) |
2005 |
Politics and Justice without borders: the Global Constitution |
Read  |
1985 - 2006 |
All Global Dialogues |
Read  |
One should not leave at the only international Institutions which control the relation between the States, the care to decide fate of humanity. Admittedly, it are necessary but the complexity of the current world requires for the
contribution of all and tous.Plus that never, the charter of the United Nations which begin with its words: “Us them people….” must become reality the State chiefs must learn how to listen to the people which elected them directly
or indirectly by the assemblies according to situations'.
One day will come, or the general assembly of the United Nations will have a direct representation ordinary people of the civil company who want to be citizens actors.
Perhaps even if, I do not live enough old to see it, one day comes where: the citizens will be able directly to finance UNO and to thus better include/understand and use its operation.
Already, (to read in file joint), like ordinary citizen of 2000 to 2005, I addressed to UNO and the other great international institutions my proposals in favor of: peace, culture, education, rights and duties of the human person. Such a
personal step and citizen had interested and surprised in its time it responsible with UNESCO for the coordination of peace. At present, I am after finishing my capital work what is an exhausting work. I recapitulated the history of
the thought and the practices for today réélaborer a humanistic design of the spirit and action in relation to the challenges of our time under the title “the revolution of the spirit for the intentions of humanity”
Already, in his work 'the words and the things " the large philosopher Michel FOUCAULT, had indicated that our design of humanism remained with the designs of the XVI E century and the practices of XIXè. It is this work of
theoretical and practical reelaboration which I tried; vis-a-vis such a work, once published, the reader and the reader will want to forgive some imperfections well. I finished certain nights exhausted, but conscious that the work
had to be finished.
So long and good continuation.
French poet and writer
Messenger of the Proclamation 2000 of UNESCO
Universal ambassador of peace
prize winner of the European Academy of arts
Doctor Honoris Caus of the world academy of the culture and arts
It's time to do more to end the war in Iraq. Join hunger strike to bring troops back home.
Subject: Join Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover, Willie Nelson & Many More...
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 08:45:39 -0400 (EDT)
June 15, 2006
Dear Germain,
President Bush makes a stealth visit to the Green Zone in Baghdad for a quick photo op with Prime Minister Nuri
al-Maliki, while Iraqis are plagued by ongoing violence PROVOKED by the very presence of the US troops. Hillary
Clinton, the most likely Democratic presidential candidate in 2008, supports the war and believes we shouldn't set a
timetable for withdrawal. And when elected officials finally make a positive move, in both the House and Senate, by
passing an amendment against permanent bases in Iraq, the amendment is simply yanked from the bill in the conference
committee. If we don't do more to stop the US occupation of Iraq, we will be there for DECADES to come, and our
children and children's children will live is a state of perpetual war.
US soldiers have been forced to put their bodies on the line; the lives of the Iraqi people are at risk every day. It's time
for us to do something to show the depth of our commitment to bring our troops home and allow the Iraqis to rebuild
their own nation. That's why CODEPINK and Gold Star Families for Peace, together with activists across the country,
will be starting an open-ended hunger strike, called Troops Home Fast, on July 4th, in front of the White House and
around the country.
"We've marched, held vigils, lobbied Congress, camped out at Bush's ranch. We've even gone to jail.
Now it's time to do more," says Cindy Sheehan. "While others are celebrating July 4th with
barbeques and fireworks, we'll be showing our patriotism by putting our bodies on the line to bring
our troops home."
As a sign of solidarity with Cindy, CODEPINK and the other long-term fasters, we are asking you to join us by fasting
for at least one day. It could be on July 4, our launch date, or any other time during the summer. You can fast from
wherever you are, or better yet, join us in Washington DC. We've already received commitments from hundreds of
people, including Susan Sarandon, Willie Nelson, Danny Glover, Dick Gregory, Dolores Huerta, Eve Ensler, as well as
military veterans, religious leaders, students, and women's groups. Go to our new website to
see who's fasting and to sign up.
Diane Wilson, who has engaged in several other hunger strikes in her history as an environmental activist, says she
will not set an end date to her fast. "My goal is to bring the troops home. I don't know how long I can fast, but I'm
making this open-ended," she says. "I plan to take this as far as I've ever taken anything in my 58 years. I fear our
future is at stake, and I'm ready to make a major sacrifice." Click here to read more about Diane's reasons for making this
Throughout history, fasts have been used to end wars, gain the right to vote, free political prisoners, improve
conditions for workers (click here to read more). With your help, this fast will awaken the public, pressure elected
officials and move us closer to peace. Please join us for a day or more as a show of support for the Iraqi people and our
soldiers, and your commitment to bring our troops back home-FAST!
In peace,
Allison, Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Katie, Medea, Nancy, Rae, Samantha and Tiffany
Join with us this summer in one of our many travel opportunities, from a New Orleans work camp to Camp Casey
in Crawford to a retreat/spa in Austin. Click here for info. Also check out our summer reading list with books to
inspire your summer activism.
Sign the Voter's Pledge affirming your dedication to vote for peace candidates by clicking here.
Don't forget to forward this message to friends, and please consider making a donation towards our campaigns

Contact Information
- Telephone
- 250-754-0778
- Postal address
- 186 Bowlsby Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9R 5K1
- Electronic mail
- General Information: 