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 Month/year  Theme and Author  Read contents
 October 20, 2008
The global crisis that triggered the planetary state of emergency
Investigative Report
October 20, 2008
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Earth Government
Major factors have caused the global crisis which triggered the planetary state of emergency :
*     financial crisis
*     social-economic crisis
*     human activities destroying Earth ecosystems and global life-support systems, and so endangering the future of life on our planet
*     disconnected with reality, unfair and corrupted governance focusing only on finances, trade and consumption

The EU, UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank, FTAA, NAFTA, NATO, and G8 nations, all nations, must operate and do their business as per the Scale of Global Rights.

Causes of the global crisis which triggered the planetary state of emergency Causes of the global crisis which triggered the planetary state of emergency

A)     Financial crisis Financial crisis
1.     Over the past decade, the White House has been building up a 10 trillion dollars national debt and a half trillion dollars annual deficit
2.     Bad financial fundamentals and out-of-control stock market

B)     Social-economic crisis Social crisis
1. Responsiblity and accountability
2. Global Rights and Global Justice
3. Who owns the Earth ?
4. Cirteria for sovereignty
5. Overpopulation
6. Conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another
7. Poverty, large wealth gap between rich and poor, between the industrialized nations and the developing nations
8. Food production crisis
9. Energy shortage, Peak Oil and Gas
C)     Environmental crisis Environmental crisis
1. Overconsumption
2. Climate change and global warming
3. Pollution
4. Life species extinction
5. Deforestation
6. Human activities we must no longer do
7. Military testings and pollution
D)     Disconnected, unfair and corrupted governance focusing only on competition and consumption Disconnected, unfair  and corrupted governance focusing only on competition and consumption
1. G20 nations, G8 nations all disconnected and selfish leaders, unwilling to change
2. European Union
4. IMF, World Bank, financial institutions worldwide
5. The military, NATO and the United Nations
Proposal to adapt to the new world order Proposal to adapt to the new world order
21st Century democracy
Embrace new values, principles, global concepts, and a new, more healthy, way of life
Polluter pays principle
You own a property, use it, share it or lose it
New way of doing business and trade
Nationalization of natural resources
Federation of Global Governments and the Global Protection Agency (GPA)
Global Law
Societal checks and balance
No taxes on labour but taxes on the use and consumption of natural resources
Global Economic Model
Planetary biodiversity zone
Essential services
Earth management and governance
Global Community Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre
Strong commitment to Peace in the world by means of diplomacy, not by bullying and war
What we must do
Conclusion and recommendations Conclusion
    Financial crisis Financial crisis
    Social-economic crisis Social-economic crisis
    Global rights Global rights
    Who owns the Earth ?  Who owns the Earth ?
    Agriculture, overpopulation, energy and industry for a better future Agriculture, overpopulation, energy and industry for a better future
    Conflicts and wars are not sustainable Conflicts and wars are not sustainable
    Resources have become the new political boundaries Resources have become the new political boundaries
    World poverty and food crisis World poverty and food crisis
    World Summit of the G20 nations and the new World Order World Summit of the G20 nations and the new World Order
    Peak Oil and Gas Movement  Peak Oil and Gas Movement
    Protection of the global life-support systems and the environment Protection of the global life-support systems and the environment
    Crisis of freshwater, food, deforestation, and ocean health Crisis of freshwater, food, deforestation, and ocean health
    Global governance and the 21st Century democracy Global governance and the 21st Century democracy
    Global Protection Agency (GPA) and global leadershipGlobal Protection Agency (GPA) and global leadership
    Global tax Global tax
    New way of doing business and trade  New way of doing business and trade
    Nationalization of natural resources Nationalization of natural resources
    Global Economic Model  Global Economic Model
    Planetary state of emergency Planetary state of emergency
    Planetary biodiversity zone Planetary biodiversity zone
    Federation of Global Governments Essential Services  Federation of Global Governments Essential Services
 September 29, 2008
Planetary biodiversity zone ( Part III )

Investigative Report
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Earth Government

Global Law

The Global Community has established a planetary biodiversity zone now under the protection of the Global Protection Agency (GPA). We have declared a moratorium on all development in the zone, including all drilling, military testing, and any other destructive uses of the ecosystems.

The planetary biodiversity zone includes :

  • North Pole region
  • South Pole region
  • all oceans
  • all forests
  • all lakes
  • all rivers and connecting streams
  • all wetlands and grasslands
  • living organisms and ecosystems in all of the above

The people of all nations are required to respect the moratorium until global law has been completed to include regulations to be enforced by the GPA.

 September 11, 2008
This one is for you Obama, McCain, Palin and Biden
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Earth Government

( see enlargement NATO (the White House, war industry, big corporate rulers, Christian right) vs Global Rights and Global Justice)
An amoral and decadent NATO
Artwork by Germain Dufour
September 11, 2008
 June 1st, 2008
Federation of Global Governments essential services
are offering the
" Global Movement to Help "

Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community

As a first step to getting help, all nations can and should approve those first three sections on the Scale of Global Rights. Scale of Global Rights The approval would supersede the political and physical borders of participating member nations. The Global Protection Agency (GPA) would have the approval from all member nations to give immediate help, bypassing normal government protocols. Somewhat like an emergency unit but at the global level. That is what those first three sections mean. They represent an efficient and immediate emergency response to help. First, participating member nations need to give their approval to the GPA. The GPA is a global organization much like the World Trade Organization (WTO) for trade between nations, the World Health Organization (WHO) for health, or the European Union, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFT), South American Community of Nations (SACON) for trade and economics. The GPA offers an efficient emergency response to help. The GPA is a short term solution, an immediate and efficient response to help. There are also long term solutions. As with the short term solution, the most significant long term solution is also related to the Scale of Global Rights. The Scale was entrenched in the Global Constitution and is thus the fundamental guide to Global Law. Now the Scale of Global Rights is a long term solution and is also a part of the Global Movement to Help of the Global Community. The Scale was designed to help all life on Earth. What would be preferable is that nations unite amongst themselves to help. Over time, we have seen the creation of the United Nations, the European Union, the South American Community of Nations, and the North American Free Trade Agreement. Except for the UN, these organizations are mainly concerned with trade and economics. The Global Community offers a more meaningful union in the form of nine or more Global Governments. For instance the South American Community of Nations can be a Global Government by simply accepting the Global Constitution as a way of dealing between member nations. A Global Government is concerned not only with economics and trade, but also with the environment, health, agriculture, energy, food, social, cultural and many other essential aspects. The Federation of Global Governments is the place of meeting between Global Governments. The very first step of the Federation, and maybe the only one for several decades ahead of us, would be the approval of essential services amongst the participating member nations. The Global Community has researched and developed such services and listed them here. All of them are already in operation on a small scale.

Introduction Introduction to  Federation of Global Governments essential services   are offering the	Global Movement to Help

Key words: Global essential services, Global Community, Federation of Global Governments, Global rights, Scale of Global Rights, global citizens, Global Parliament, Global Protection Agency (GPA), Global Information Media (GIM), Earth Government, Earth Executive Council, House of Elected Representatives, House of Advisers, Global Ministries, Ombudspersons Office, volunteering for the Global Community, Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
  Read  Global essential services
 May 1, 2008 Global Rights year one
Letter to the Global Community sent by
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community

Global Rights year one is new impetus of the Global Community to educate everyone about the need for a change in thinking and of doing things amongst all nations. We need to realize what is a priority, what is the most important, and what is the least important for our survival. We need a clear vision. We need a common vision. And we must all change! There are many important aspects of our lives we can longer do, or should never do anymore. They are destructive. Humanity and all life can no longer afford activities that destroy life and the global environment. And there are other activities we must do, certainly thousands of them, to assure the survival of life on Earth. In view of the planetary state of emergency we all must change, we must do things differently to give life on Earth a better survival chance. And this is what Global Rights year one is about: to establish global fundamentals and a clear vision to follow. Perhaps the Scale of Global Rights represents the strongest pillar of our vision.
  Read  Global Rights year one
 September 26, 2007  
Global Community 22 nd Year Anniversary
by Germain Dufour, Spiritual Leader of the Global Community

Twenty two years ago the Global Community organization was created. Today the world is seeing the amazing accomplishments of the Global Community. Back in 1985, I remember having accomplished my first 'soft activism'. It was such a memorable day for me as I actually stood up for a worthy cause: humanity, all life on Earth, and the protection of the global life-support systems. Being a scientist I extended my principles to include standing up for them in public. This was in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. And the day was October 29. I was born again that day! Standing up for what I believed in very strongly! I produced a brochure explaining everything I stood up for. Those who know me can easily imagine how meticulously long the brochure may have been. Then I went to the University of Calgary campus and distributed the brochure to anyone I met. I also posted the brochure on bulletin boards. My first very intense exploration of my own capability of reaching out to others and standing up for workable sound solutions to global problems. That day I became one with myself and all life on Earth. I became 'a Global Community'.
  Read Global Community 22 nd Year Anniversary

Article 1

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Report 1

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Letter 1

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