Global Parliament of Global Governments
 Constitution Main Index
Main Index of the Constitution Table of Contents of the  Constitution The  Constitution Advisory Board

[ Preamble     ] [ Chapter  I    ] [ Chapter  II    ] [ Chapter  III    ] [ Chapter  IV    ] [ Chapter  V    ] [ Chapter  VI    ] [ Chapter  VII    ] [ Chapter  VIII    ] [ Chapter  IX    ] [ Chapter  X    ] [ Chapter  XI    ] [ Chapter  XII    ] [ Chapter  XIII    ] [ Chapter  XIV    ] [ Chapter  XV    ] [ Chapter  XVI    ] [ Chapter  XVII    ] [ Chapter  XVIII    ] [ Chapter  XIX    ] [ Chapter  XX    ] [ Chapter  XXI    ] [ Chapter  XXII    ] [ Chapter  XXIII    ] [ Chapter  XXIV    ] [ Chapter  XXV    ] [ Chapter  XXVI    ] [ Chapter  XXVII    ] [ Chapter  XXVIII    ] [ Chapter  XXIX    ]

Preamble ] Chapter  I ] Chapter  II ] Chapter  III ] Chapter  IV ] Chapter  V ] Chapter  VI ] Chapter  VII ] Chapter  VIII ] Chapter  IX ] Chapter  X ] Chapter  XI ] Chapter  XII ] Chapter  XIII ] Chapter  XIV ] Chapter  XV ] Chapter  XVI ] Chapter  XVII ] Chapter  XVIII ] Chapter  XIX ] Chapter  XX ] Chapter  XXI ] Chapter  XXII ] Chapter  XXIII ] Chapter  XXIV ] Chapter  XXV ] Chapter  XXVI ] Chapter  XXVII ] Chapter  XXVIII ] Chapter  XXIX ]

Preamble  ]
Chapter I     What Global Parliament represents, its "Beliefs, Values, Principles and Aspirations" ]
Article 1:    Establishment of Global Parliament.
Article 2:    Global Parliament's values.
Article 3:    Global Parliament's objectives.
Article 4:    Fundamental freedoms and non-discrimination.
Article 5:    Symbiotical relationships between Global Parliament and Member Nations.
Article 6:     Legal personality of Global Parliament.
Chapter II     Earth Security and Peace  ]
               Chapter 2.1     Global Security and Peace
Article 1:     Global Security Policies.
Article 2:     Protect Life and genetic resources.
Article 3:     Terrorism and global co-operation.
Article 4:     The media industry and global security.
Article 5:     Conflicts and wars.
Article 6:     Decentralization of power.
Article 7:     Responsibility of a peacemaker.
Article 8:     The worst environmental degradation happens in wars.
Article 9:     A trusted third party to resolve conflicts.
Article 10:     The "war industry" throughout the world must be put to a complete halt and shelved forever from humanity.
Article 11:     New way of doing business: you manufacture, produce, mine, farm or create a product, you become responsible and accountable of your product from beginning to end.
Article 12: Democracy, Nonviolence, and Peace.
               12.1     Strengthen democratic institutions at all levels, and provide transparency and accountability in governance, inclusive participation in decision making, and access to justice.
               12.2     Integrate into formal education and life-long learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life.
               12.3     Treat all living beings with respect and consideration.
               12.4     Promote a culture of tolerance, nonviolence, and peace.
                Chapter 2.2     The threat or use of nuclear weapons are contrary to the rules of international law.
Article 1:     The threat or use of nuclear weapons are contrary to the rules of international law.
Article 2 to Article 8
                Chapter 2.3     Settlement of Disputes.
Article 1 to Article 5
                Chapter 2.4     Local Arrangements of Disputes.
Article 1 to Article 2
                Chapter 2.5     State and global citizens participation to legal disputes
Article 1
Chapter III     Global Parliament membership  ]
Article 1:    Conditions of eligibility and procedure for accession of Member Nations to Global Parliament.
Article 2:    Suspension of Global Parliament membership rights.
Article 3:    Voluntary withdrawal from Global Parliament.
Chapter IV     Global Community concepts and universal values  ]
                Chapter 4.1     The Glass Bubble concepts of "a Global Community" and "the Global Community"
Article 1:    The Glass Bubble concepts
Article 2:    Definition of the Global Community
                Chapter 4.2     Universal Values
Article 1:    Social Universal Values are meant to bring together the billions of people around the world for the good of all humanity
                Chapter 4.3     Global Ethics
Article 2:    Global ethics must always be grounded in realities.
                Chapter 4.4     Global Sustainability
                                     Chapter 4.4.1     Definition and graphical representation of global sustainability
Article 1:    Definition of sustainable development.
                                     Chapter 4.4.2     Fulfilling the requirements of global sustainability
Article 1:    Essential elements of an adequate global sustainability
Article 2:    Scale of Good Practices
Article 3:    Implementing economic activity that can advance sustainability
Article 4:    Implementing various conservation strategies
Article 5:    Assessing using a combined social and economic accounting system
Article 6:    Creating tests for sustainability
Article 7:    Making forest management to include getting more value out of the wood
Article 8:    Requiring formal impact assessment for all major projects
                                     Chapter 4.4.3     Developing a scale of values and designing and testing quality indicators
Article 1:    Developing a scale of values and designing and testing quality indicators
                                     Chapter 4.4.4     The Global Community Overall Picture
Article 1:    The Global Community Overall Picture
Article 2:    Measurement of the Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP)
Article 3:    Valuation in terms of money accounts for some non-market values
Chapter V     The establishment of Global Communities  ]
Article 1:    Principles
Article 2:    Birth right of Global Community citizens of electing representatives democratically
Article 3:    Complying with the "Belief, Values, Principles and Aspirations of the Global Community and Global Parliament"
Article 4:    Formation of global communities
Article 5:    Portal of the Global Community
Article 6:    Portal of the Global Community of North America
Article 7:    Portal of other global communities
Chapter VI     Global Community Citizenship  ]
                Chapter 6.1     Criteria for becoming Global Community citizens
Article 1:    Global Community citizenship of Global Parliament
Article 2:    Global Community Citizenship
Article 3:    Who can have a Global Community Citizenship?
                Chapter 6.2     Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship
Article 1:    Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship
                Chapter 6.3     Statement of rights, responsibilities and accountabilities of Global Community citizens
                                    Chapter 6.3.1     Statement
Article 1:    Statement of Rights, Responsibilities and Accountabilities of a Person, 'a Global Community' and 'the Global Community'
Article 2:    The Statement includes rights, responsibilities and accountabilities
                                     Chapter 6.3.2     Rights, responsibilities and accountabilities
Article 1:     Proper governance of Earth
Article 2:     The quality of Earth governance
Article 3:     The most fundamental community right
Article 4:     Justice is without borders
Article 5:     State governments keep their status and privileges
Article 6:     Vision of Global Parliament
Article 7:     Earth governance is a balance
Article 8:     The rights of states to self-determination in the global context
Article 9:     The principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs
Article 10:     Global co-operation
Article 11:     Good Earth management
Article 12:     The spiritual belief, universal values, principles and aspirations of Global Parliament
Article 13:     Global Rights
Chapter VII     Global symbiotical relationships between Global Parliament and Member Nations  ]
Article 1:    Global Parliament and global symbiotical relationships
Article 2:    Specific agreements
Article 3:    Basic principles
Article 4:     Emphasis of a global symbiotical relationship
Chapter VIII     Enhanced cooperation between Member Nations  ]
Article 1 to Article 8
Article 9:     Global ministries
Article 10:     The Global Community has already created several global ministries
Article 11:     Earth needs urgently a world system of governance
Article 12:     An urgent need for fundamental changes in the United Nations organization
Article 13:     The most fundamental requirement of a world organization is a democratic system of voting
Article 14:     Creation of Ministries is a priority
Chapter IX     The democratic base of Global Parliament  ]
Article 1:    Direct democracy
Article 2:    The principle of democratic equality
Article 3:    The principle of representative democracy
Article 4:    The principle of participatory democracy
Article 5:    The social partners and autonomous social dialogue
Article 6:    The Global Community Ombudsperson
Article 7:    Transparency of the proceedings of Global Parliament Institutions, Bodies and Agencies
Article 8:    Protection of personal data
Article 9:    Status of churches and non-confessional organisations
Article 10:    Direct democracy is a community right
Chapter X     Scale of Global Rights  ]
                Chapter 10.1     General provisions governing the interpretation and application of the Global Parliament Constitution
Article 1:    Decision-making process subjected to Global Parliament "Beliefs, Values, Principles and Aspirations" and to the Scale of Global Rights
Article 2:    Field of application of Global Parliament law
Article 3:    Scope and interpretation of rights and principles
Article 4:    Level of protection
Article 5:    Prohibition of abuse of rights
Article 6:    Fundamental rights
Article 7:    To change the ways of doing things, and our ways of doing business, of Global Community citizens
                Chapter 10.2     Change our ways of doing things, and our ways of doing business, as per the Scale of Global Rights
Article 1:    The new way of doing things and business on the planet
Article 2:    The Scale is the primary guide for the decision-making process
Article 3:    Scale of Global Rights
               Chapter 10.3     Section  1.    Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems
Article 1:    It is a crime against humanity and all life on Earth not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol
Article 2:    Related aspects of the global life-support systems
Article 3:    Fresh water and clean air are primordial human rights
Article 4:    The global economy does not crush and destroy local economies
Article 5:    Ecological Integrity
Article 6:    Technologies which must be eliminated and prohibited because of hazards and dangers to life
Article 7:    Everyone has the right to life
Article 8:    Conservation of natural resources
Article 9:    The rights that the Global Community has in protecting the global life-support systems
Article 10:    To build a sustainable global community
Article 11:    Every individual, family, organization, and community has a vital role to play
                Chapter 10.4     Section  2.    Primordial human rights
                                     Chapter 10.4.1     Primordial human rights
Article 1:    Primordial human rights
Article 2:    Primordial human rights and ecological rights are the most important rights on the Scale
Article 3:    A global strategy to reinforce primordial human rights
Article 4:    Security cannot be achieved through the military
Article 5:    The production and trade in arms should be listed as a criminal act against humanity
Article 6:    We propose a world population of 500 million people
Article 7:    Policies to control our population growth
Article 8:    Policies to decrease world population
                                     Chapter 10.4.2     Respect and Care for the Community of Life
Article 1:    Respect and Care for the Community of Life
                                     Chapter 10.4.3     Human Dignity
Article 1:    Human dignity
Article 2:    Right to life
Article 3:    Right to the integrity of the person
Article 4:    Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
Article 5:    Prohibition of slavery and forced labour
                                     Chapter 10.4.4     Freedoms
Article 1:    Right to liberty and security
Article 2:    Respect for private and family life
Article 3:    Protection of personal data
Article 4:    Right to marry and right to found a family
Article 5:    Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
Article 6:    Freedom of expression and information
Article 7:    Freedom of assembly and of association
Article 8:    Freedom of the arts and sciences
Article 9:    Right to education
Article 10:    Freedom to choose an occupation and right to engage in work
Article 11:    Freedom to conduct a business
Article 12:    Right to property
Article 13:    Right to asylum Article 14:    Protection in the event of removal, expulsion or extradition
                                     Chapter 10.4.5     Equality
Article 1:    Equality before the law
Article 2:    Non-discrimination
Article 3:    Cultural, religious and linguistic diversity
Article 4:    Equality between men and women
Article 5:    The rights of the child
Article 6:    The rights of the elderly
Article 7:    Integration of persons with disabilities
                                     Chapter 10.4.6     Solidarity
Article 1:    Workers' right to information and consultation within the undertaking
Article 2:    Right of collective bargaining and action
Article 3:    Right of access to placement services
Article 4:    Protection in the event of unjustified dismissal
Article 5:    Fair and just working conditions
Article 6:    Prohibition of child labour and protection of young people at work
Article 7:    Family and professional life
Article 8:    Social security and social assistance
Article 9:    Health care
Article 10:    Access to services of general economic interest
Article 11:    Environmental protection
Article 12:    Consumer protection
                                     Chapter 10.4.7     Universal health care, education, retirement security and employment services to every Global Community citizen
Article 1:    Universal services
                                     Chapter 10.4.8     The immediate formation of the Earth Ministry of Health
Article 1:    The immediate formation of the Earth Ministry of Health
                                     Chapter 10.4.9     Legal rights
Article 1: Everyone has the right to security of person
Article 2: No one shall be held in slavery
Article 3: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
Article 4: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile
Article 5:  Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence
Article 6: Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution
Article 7: Well-being
               Chapter 10.5     Section  3.    The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations
Article 1:    All rights of Sections 1 and 2 apply to future generations
Article 2:    Global Parliament protects rights of future generations
               Chapter 10.6     Section  4.    Community rights, rights of direct democracy, and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically
                                     Chapter 10.6.1     Rights of Global Community citizens
Article 1:      Right to vote and to stand as a candidate at elections to the Global Parliament
Article 2:    Right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal elections
Article 3:    Right to good administration
Article 4:    Right of access to documents
Article 5:    Global Ombudsperson
Article 6:    Right to petition
Article 7:    Freedom of movement and of residence
Article 8:    Diplomatic and consular protection
                                    Chapter 10.6.2     Justice
Article 1:    Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial
Article 2:    Presumption of innocence and right of defence
Article 3:    Principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties
Article 4:    Right not to be tried or punished twice in criminal proceedings for the same criminal offence
Article 5:    A sense of belonging given to the Global Community
Article 6:       Directive Principles for Global Community citizens
                                    Chapter 10.6.3     Rights of direct democracy
Article 1:    Rights of direct democracy
               Chapter 10.7     Section  5.    Economic (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities) and social rights (civil and political rights)
                                    Chapter 10.7.1     Economic (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities)
Article 1:     A democratically planned global economy is needed to eradicate poverty in the world
Article 2:     Corporations that they take responsibility on behalf of society
Article 3:     The quality of Earth governance is reflected in each local community worldwide
Article 4:     To make a business even better
Article 5:       Scientists, tehnologists, technicians, engineers and all professionals to find sound solutions to human needs
Article 6:       Science has a responsibility for the well-being of humanity
Article 7:      Science, technology and engineering are major forces of socio-economic change
Article 8:      Public funding should be directed towards very specific research projects related to the life-support system of the planet
Article 9:       Science, technology and engineering to state ethical responsibilties and become a voice to present and future generations
Article 10:     Prohibiting all acts, research projects, technology development, which do not conform to the ideas of humanity
Article 11:       A set of rules to balance consumption, consumer rights and responsibilities
Article 12:     Democracy is not to be enforced by anyone and to anyone or to any global community
Article 13:    The role of families has impacts on sustainable consumption and development
Article 14:    Universal quality of life values which lead to 'human betterment' or the improvement of the human condition
Article 15:     Trade laws to facilitate cross border transactions
Article 16:     Social justice is a universal value
                                     Chapter 10.7.2     Social rights (civil and political rights)
Article 1:     Social justice
Article 2:      Socially responsible use of science and technology
Article 3:      Civil and social rights and freedoms
Article 4:     Democratic rights, and equality rights
                Chapter 10.8     Section  6.    Cultural and religious rights
Article 1:    Cultural and religious differences can promote Global rights 
Article 2:    Encouragement for cultural diversity
Article 3:    Freedom for peaceful self-determination for minorities, refugees and dissenters
Article 4:    Freedom to profess, practice and promote religious or religious beliefs or no religion or religious belief
Article 5:    Fundamental freedoms, and language rights
Article 6:    Right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community
Article 7:    Freedom of thought and conscience
Article 8:    A crime against the natural world is a sin
Article 9:    The special responsibility that falls to all Global Community citizens
Article 10:    God's sacred Earth is the moral assignment of our time
Article 11:    Ecological Affirmations of Faith
Article 12:    Eco-justice
Chapter XI     Limits of Global Parliament competences  ]
Article 1:    Fundamental principles
Article 2:    Global Law and the decision-making process
Article 3:    Categories of competence
Article 4:    Exclusive competence of Global Parliament
Article 5:    Areas of shared competence
Article 6:    Coordination of economic and employment policies
Article 7:    Global security policy
Article 8:    Areas of supporting, coordinating or complementary action
Article 9:    Flexibility clause
Chapter XII     Exercise of Global Parliament competence  ]
                Chapter 12.1     Common provisions
Article 1:    The legal acts of Global Parliament
Article 2:    Legislative acts
Article 3 :    Non-legislative acts
Article 4:    Implementing acts
Article 5:    Principles common to Global Parliament's legal acts
Article 6:    Publication and entry into force
                Chapter 12.2 Specific provisions for implementing common global security policy
  Article 1:    Specific provisions for implementing common global security policy
Article 2:    Specific provisions for implementing the global security and defence policy
Article 3:    Specific provisions for implementing the area of freedom, security and justice
Article 4:    Solidarity clause
                Chapter 12.3 Enhanced global cooperation
Article 1:    Enhanced global cooperation
Chapter XIII     Global Parliament finances  ]
Article 1:    Budgetary and financial principles
Article 2:    Global Parliament's resources
Article 3:    The multiannual financial framework
Article 4:    Global Parliament's budget
Article 5:    Green Tax Shift Policy Approach
Article 6:    A specific type of tobin tax
Article 7:    Providing debt-free technical assistance to non-industrial and developing countries
Article 8:    Good global governance
Article 9:    A tobin tax as a powerful instrument of the promotion of sustainable development
Article 10:    The debt of developing countries was really a global tax developed countries had to pay to developing countries
Chapter XIV     Global Parliament with its governing institutions and bodies ]
                  Chapter 14.1     The institutional framework
Article 1:    Global Parliament's Institutions and Bodies
Article 2:    Structure of Global Parliament
                Chapter 14.1    A)    Global Parliament
Article 1:    The Global Parliament
Article 2:     Composition of Global Parliament
Article 3:     Global Law: legislation
                                    Chapter 14.1    A.1    The House of Elected Representatives
Article 1:   Composition
Article 2:   Election
Article 3:   One delegate per million people on the planet
                                     Chapter 14.1    A.2    The House of Advisers
Article 1:    The Court of Auditors
                                    Chapter 14.1    A.3    The Global Governments Federation
Article 1:    The Global Governments Federation
Article 2:    The Global Governments Federation Chair
Article 3:    The Global Government of North America
                                    Chapter 14.1    A.4    The Earth Executive Council
Article 1:    The Earth Executive Council
                Chapter 14.2    B)    The Organs of Global Parliament
                                    Chapter 14.2    B.1    Earth Executive Council
Article 1:    The Earth Executive Council
Article 2:    Formations of the Earth Executive Council
                                     Chapter 14.2    B.2    Global Parliament Departments
Article 1:    Departments of the Global Administration
                                     Chapter 14.2    B.3    Global Civil Service Administration and Planning
Article 1:    The Global Civil Service Administration and Planning (GCSAP)
                                     Chapter 14.2    B.4    The Global Judiciary
Article 1:    The Global Judiciary
Article 2:   
                                    Chapter 14.2    B.5    Agency of Global Police
Article 1:   The Global Police
                                     Chapter 14.2    B.6     Global Community Ombudspersons Office
Article 1:    Composition of the Global Community Ombudspersons Office
                                    Chapter 14.2    B.7    Global Investment Bank
Article 1:     Global Investment Bank
                                    Chapter 14.2    B.8    The Court of Auditors
Article 1:     The Court of Auditors
                                    Chapter 14.2    B.9    Global Community Citizenship Office
Article 1:     Global Community Citizenship Office
                                     Chapter 14.2    B.10    Global Rights Office
Article 1:     Global Rights Office
                                     Chapter 14.2    B.11    Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
Article 1:     Global Community Assessment Centre
                                     Chapter 14.2    B.12    Earth Security
Article 1:    Earth Security
                                    Chapter 14.2    B.13    Global Civil Society Council
Article 1:    Global Civil Society Council
                                    Chapter 14.2    B.14    Agency for Research, Planning and Development
Article 1:    Agency for Research, Planning and Development
                Chapter 14.3    Functions of Global Parliament
Article 1:    Functions of Global Parliament
                Chapter 14.3    A.1    The House of Elected Representatives
                                     Chapter 14.3.1    A.1    The House of Elected Representatives
Article 1 to Article 8
                                    Chapter 14.3.2    A.1    Voting
Article 1 to Article 19
                Chapter 14.3    A.2    The House of Advisers
                                     Chapter 14.3.1    A.2    Global Parliament's Advisory Bodies
Article 1:   The House of Advisers
                                     Chapter 14.3.2    A.2    The Committee of the Regions
Article 1 to Article 3
                                     Chapter 14.3.3    A.2    The Economic and Social Committee
Article 1:    The Economic and Social Committee
Article 2 to Article 4
                                    Chapter 14.3.4    A.2    Provisions common to Global Parliament institutions, bodies and agencies
Article 1:    Provisions common to Global Parliament institutions, bodies and agencies
Article 2 to Article 7
                                    Chapter 14.3.5    A.2    Acts of the Earth Executive Council
Article 1:   
                                    Chapter 14.3.6    A.2    Global Governments Federation Advisory Board
Article 1:    Global Governments Federation Advisory Board
                Chapter 14.3    A.3    The Global Governments Federation
                                     Chapter 14.3.1    A.3    The Global Governments Federation
Article 1:    The Global Governments Federation
                Chapter 14.3    A.4    The Earth Executive Council
                                     Chapter 14.3.1    A.4    The Earth Executive Council
Article 1:    The Earth Executive Council
                                    Chapter 14.3.2    A.3    Procedures of Global Parliament
Article 1:    Procedures of Global Parliament
                Chapter 14.3    B.1    Earth Executive Council
                                    Chapter 14.3.1    B.1    Functions and Powers of the Earth Executive Council
Article 1:    The Earth Executive Council
                                    Chapter 14.3.2    B.1    Composition of the Earth Executive Council
Article 1:      Composition of the Earth Executive Council
                                     Chapter 14.3.3    B.1    The Global Council
Article 1:    The Global Council
                                     Chapter 14.3.4    B.1    The Cabinet Ministers
Article 1:    The Cabinet Ministers
                                     Chapter 14.3.5    B.1    Procedures of the Earth Executive Council
Article 1:    Procedures of the Earth Executive Council
                                    Chapter 14.3.6    B.1    Limitations on the Earth Executive Council
Article 1:    Limitations on the Earth Executive Council
                Chapter 14.3    B.2    Global Parliament Departments
                                     Chapter 14.3.1    B.2    Functions of Global Parliament Departments
Article 1:    Functions of Global Parliament Departments
                                    Chapter 14.3.2    B.2    Structure and Procedures of Earth Government Departments
Article 1:    Structure and Procedures of Earth Government Departments
                Chapter 14.3    B.3    Global Civil Service Administration and Planning
                                    Chapter 14.3.1    B.3    The Global Civil Service Staff
Article 1:    The Global Civil Service Staff
                                    Chapter 14.3.2    B.3    The Agency on Governmental Procedures and Global Problems
Article 1:    The Agency on Governmental Procedures and Global Problems
                                    Chapter 14.3.3    B.3    The Global Financial Administration
Article 1:    The Global Financial Administration
                                     Chapter 14.3.4    B.3    Commission for Legislative Review
Article 1:    Commission for Legislative Review
               Chapter 14.3    B.4    The Global Judiciary
                                     Chapter 14.3.1    B.4    The Global Judiciary
Article 1:    The Global Judiciary
                                    Chapter 14.3.2    B.4    Forming a new nation
Article 1:    Forming a new nation
                                    Chapter 14.3.3    B.4    Application of Global Law
Article 1:    Application of Global Law
                                    Chapter 14.3.4    B.4    Legislative acts
Article 1:    Legislative acts
                                    Chapter 14.3.5    B.4    Composition of the Council of Global Judges
Article 1:    Composition of the Council of Global Judges
Article 2:    Responsibilities of the Global Judiciary
Article 3:    The President of the Global Judiciary
Article 4:    Global Parliament Minister of Global Affairs
Article 5:    The Earth Court of Justice
                                    Chapter 14.3.6    B.4    Earth Court of Justice
Article 1:    Earth Court of Justice
Article 2:    Jurisdiction of the Earth Court of Justice
Article 3:    Benches of the Earth Court of Justice
Article 4:   Seats of the Earth Court of Justice
                                     Chapter 14.3.7    B.4    Council of Global Judges
Article 1:   The Council of Global Judges
                                    Chapter 14.3.8    B.4    The Superior Tribunal of the Earth Court of Justice
Article 1:   The Superior Tribunal of the Earth Court of Justice
                                     Chapter 14.3.9    B.4    The Statute of the Earth Court of Justice
Article 1:   The Statute of the Earth Court of Justice
Article 2 to Article 33
                Chapter 14.3    B.5    Agency of Global Police
                                    Chapter 14.3.1    B.5    Agency of Global Police
Article 1:    The enforcement of global law and global legislation
                                     Chapter 14.3.2    B.5    Global Community Justice Network
Article 1:    The Global Community Justice Network
                                    Chapter 14.3.3    B.5    The Means of Enforcement of Global Law
Article 1:    Means of Enforcement of Global Law
Article 2:    
                Chapter 14.3    B.6    Global Community Ombudspersons
Article 1:    The Global Community Ombudspersons Office
                Chapter 14.3    B.7    The Global Investment Bank
Article 1 to Article 2
                Chapter 14.3    B.8    The Court of Auditors
Article 1:    The Court of Auditors
Article 2 to Article 3
                Chapter 14.3    B.9    Global Community Citizenship Office
Article 1:   
                Chapter 14.3    B.10    Global Rights Office
Article 1:   
                Chapter 14.3    B.11    Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
Article 1:    The Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
Article 2:    Staff of the Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
Article 3:    GCAC has several objectives
                Chapter 14.3    B.12    Earth Security
Article 1:   
                Chapter 14.3    B.13    Global Civil Society Council
                                     Chapter 14.3.1    B.13    Objectives of the Global Civil Society Council
Article 1:    Objectives
Article 2:   
                Chapter 14.3    B.14    Agency for Research, Planning and Development
Article 1:    The Agency for Research, Planning and Development
                Chapter 14.4    Global Electoral and Administration Regions
Article 1:    A)     Global Electoral and Administrative Regions
B)     Global Boundaries and Elections Administration
                Chapter 14.5    Provisions concerning governing institutions and bodies
                                     Chapter 14.5.1    Qualified majority
Article 1:    Qualified majority
                                     Chapter 14.5.2    Global Investment Bank
Article 2:    The Global Investment Bank
                                    Chapter 14.5.3    The Global Parliament
Article 3:    The Global Parliament
Article 2 to Article 12
                                    Chapter 14.5.4    The Global Governments Federation
Article 1:    The Global Governments Federation
                                    Chapter 14.5.5    The Earth Executive Council
Article 1:    The Earth Executive Council
Article 2:   
Article 3:    Responsibilities incumbent upon the Global Judiciary
Article 4 to Article 6
                                     Chapter 14.5.6    The Global Judiciary
Article 1:    The Global Judiciary
Article 4 to Article 6
                                    Chapter 14.5.7    The Earth Court of Justice
Article 1:    The Earth Court of Justice
                Chapter 14.6     Global Parliament's financial provisions
                                     Chapter 14.6.1     The multinational financial frameworks
Article 1:    The multinational financial framework
                                     Chapter 14.6.2     Global Parliament's Annual Budget
Article 1:    Global Parliament's Annual Budget
Article 2 to Article 4
                                     Chapter 14.6.3     Implementation of the Annual Budget
Article 1:    Implementation of the Annual Budget
Article 2 to Article 3
                                     Chapter 14.6.4     Common provisions and procedures
Article 1:    Common provisions and procedures
Article 2 to Article 5
                Chapter 14.7     Global Parliament measures against fraud
Article 1 to Article 3
                Chapter 14.8     The Trusteeship Council and Trusteeship System
Article 1 to Article 14
Chapter XV     Consistency between the different policies and activities of Global Parliament  ]
                Chapter 15.1     Equality between men and women
Article 1 to Article 5
                Chapter 15.2     Non-discrimination and the Global Community citizenship
Article 1:   Global law or framework laws
Article 2 to Article 7
Chapter XVI     A global market without borders in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with this Constitution  ]
                Chapter 16.1     Establishment of an effective global market
Article 1 to Article 4
                Chapter 16.2     Free movement of persons and services
a.     Workers
Article 1 to Article 4
b.     Freedom of establishment of nationals of a Member Nation
Article 5 to Article 18
                Chapter 16.3     Free movement of goods
a.     Global Parliament Customs
Article 1 to Article 9
                Chapter 16.4     Movement of capital and payments between Member Nations
Article 1 to Article 5
                Chapter 16.5     Rules on competition
a.     Rules applying to undertakings
Article 1 to Article 9
                Chapter 16.6     Global fiscal provisions
Article 1 to Article 5
                Chapter 16.7     Approximation of legislation for global market
Article 1 to Article 5
Chapter XVII     Economic and monetary policy of Global Parliament ]
Article 1
                Chapter 17.1     Economic policy
Article 1 to Article 7
                Chapter 17.2     Global monetary policy
Article 1 to Article 7
                Chapter 17.3     The Global Economic and Financial Committee
Article 1 to Article 4
a.     – Provisions concerning the 'global equivalent money'
Article 5 to Article 7
                Chapter 17.4     Provisions concerning Member Nations in transition
Article 1 to Article 6
Chapter XVIII     Global policies in other areas of Global Parliament  ]
                Chapter 18.1     Employment sector
Article 1 to Article 6
Article 7:    Strategies concerning employment of public leaders
                Chapter 18.2     Global societal sustainability policy
Article 1 to Article 10
a.     The Global Social Fund
Article 11 to Article 13
Article 14:    Social democracy and 'natural ownership'
                Chapter 18.3     Global economic, social and territorial cooperation
Article 1 to Article 5
                Chapter 18.4     Global policies and strategies on agriculture and fishery
Article 1 to Article 8
                Chapter 18.5     Global environmental protection
Article 1 to Article 3
                Chapter 18.6     Consumer protection
Article 1
                Chapter 18.7     Global transportation sector policy
Article 1 to Article 11
                Chapter 18.8     Trans-global networks in transportation
Article 1 to Article 2
                Chapter 18.9     Global Parliament policies concerning scientific research and technological development, and space exploration
Article 1 to Article 11
                Chapter 18.10     Global Parliament policies concerning the energy sector
Article 1
                Chapter 18.11     Global Parliament policies concerning the forest industry sector
Article 1:    Protect photosynthesis: less CO2 , more Oxygen and better health for all of us
Article 2:    Action concerning forests
Article 3:    Our supply of oxygen at risk
Article 4:    Response options aimed at storing excess carbon in terrestrial or ocean systems
                Chapter 18.12     Global Parliament policies concerning the mining industry sector
Article 1:    The ecological accounting and balance sheet for mining
Article 2:    Mines have transformed landscapes and the lives of local people who live near mineral deposits
Article 3:    Mineral exporting-countries become heavily indebted to international lenders
Article 4:    The final hand-out of public money occurs when mines have to close
Article 5:    There is more gold in boxes than in underground mines
                Chapter 18.13     Global Parliament policies concerning the pharmaceutical industry sector
Article 1:   
                Chapter 18.14     Global Parliament policies concerning the oil and gas industry sector
Article 1:    Strong evidence that concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere are related to global temperatures
Article 2:    Carbon Dioxide is, by far, the largest contributor to Canada's GHG emissions
Article 3:    Use of fossil fuels in transportation, industry, heating and power generation
Article 4:    Per capita, the US will still be by far the largest polluter on the planet
Article 5:    To become legally and morally responsible and accountable for their products from beginning to end
Article 6:    The new way of doing business would make the US responsible and accountable of the CO2 pollution
Article 7:    We could calculate the effect of the invasion of Iraq by Americans
Article 8:    We could also calculate the amount of CO2 emissions due to gasoline alone and the heat produced during the emissions
Article 9:     We could also calculate the total estimated resources of oil, coal, and natural gas will run out in less than a hundred years
Article 10:    Global warming findings predict that increased amounts of CO2 tend to increase the greenhouse effect and thus cause a man-made global warming
Article 11:     Various scenarios of future emissions due to human activities predict that increased atmospheric concentrations equivalent to a doubling of CO2 by 2100 is unavoidable
Article 12:    There are other trace greenhouse gases that are causing the greenhouse effect
Article 13:     Montreal Protocol
Article 14:     missing carbon mystery
Article 15:     Photosynthesis
Article 16:     Virtually all life on earth, directly or indirectly, depends on photosynthesis as a source of food, energy, and Oxygen
Article 17:     Important findings obtained from research done so far There are important findings obtained from research done so far
Article 18:    Two fundamental types of response to the risks of climate change There are two fundamental types of response to the risks of climate change
Article 19:    The Global Community has created a global ministry to help humanity be prepared to fight the harmful consequences of a global warming
Article 20:     It is a priority for businesses to apply for one ECO, your Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC)
                Chapter 18.15     Global Parliament policies concerning the production and manufacturing of plastic products
Article 1:    Plastic, an all-around product the cause of wars and of a global environmental and social nightmare
Article 2:    People are concerned about the future because the basic raw materials for plastic are petroleum and/or natural gas
Article 3:    What is in plastics that we are not told about?
Article 4:     Collecting plastic packaging at curbside fosters the belief that, like aluminum and glass, the recovered material is converted into new packaging
Article 5:     What to do? Just say no to plastics
Article 6:     Plastics made from plants
Article 7:     Conclusion
Article 8:     Seven common misconceptions about plastics and alternatives
Chapter XIX     Freedom, security and justice without borders  ]
                Chapter 19.1     General provisions
Article 1 to Article 8
                Chapter 19.2     Border checks, asylum and immigration
Article 1 to Article 4
                Chapter 19.3     Judicial cooperation between Member Nations and Global Parliament in civil matters
Article 1
                Chapter 19.4     Judicial cooperation in criminal matters between Member Nations and Global Parliament
Article 1 to Article 5
                Chapter 19.5     Cooperation between Member Nations and Global Parliament concerning global policing
Article 1 to Article 3
                                     Chapter 19.5.1     Miscellaneous Provisions
Article 1:     Transitional Security Arrangements
Article 2 to Article 4
Chapter XX     Areas where Global Parliament may take coordinating, complementary or supporting action  ]
                Chapter 20.1     Public health
Article 1:
                Chapter 20.2     Industry sector
Article 1:
                Chapter 20.3     Culture
Article 1:
                Chapter 20.4     Education, vocational training, youth and sport
Article 1 to Article 2
                Chapter 20.5     Civil protection, emergencies and rescues
Article 1:
Article 2:    Connecting with Nature for our species survival
                Chapter 20.6     Global Administration
Article 1
                Chapter 20.7     Celebration of Life Day
Article 1:   
                Chapter 20.8     Earth flag
Article 1:   
                Chapter 20.9     The ECO Award
Article 1:    Criteria to obtain the ECO Award
Article 2:   Categories of the ECO Awards
Article 3:    ECO Award in the business category
                Chapter 20.10     Portal of the Global Community
Article 1:    Portal of the Global Communit
                Chapter 20.11     Global Dialogue
Article 1:    One of the most important factors in our lives is the inter-connection we have to others
                Chapter 20.12     Restoration of the planet, our home
Article 1:    Global Community Assessment Centre ( GCAC )
                Chapter 20.13     Management of Earth resources
Article 1:     The importance of good environmental governance
Article 2:     Environmental governance
Article 3:     Better environmental governance is one of the most direct routes to fairer and more sustainable use of natural resources
Article 4:     Consumerism
Article 5:     Food consumption
Article 6:     Global wood consumption
                Chapter 20.14     Education and training for global citizens
Article 1:    Basic education for all Global Community citizens
                Chapter 20.15     Employment for global citizens
Article 1:   
                Chapter 20.16     Cities:    power, rights, responsibilities and accountabilities
Article 1:    Cities: power, rights, responsibilities and accountabilities
Article 2:    Recommendations
Article 3:    Measuring indicators and indices
Article 4:    Recommendations to alleviate the effects of climate change in the world
Article 5:    Government leadership
                Chapter 20.17     Agriculture and needs of the Global Community
Article 1:     World population
Article 2:     Genetic engineering
Article 3:     Food Consumption
Article 4:     Food Production
Article 5:     Sustainable food security at the individual, household, national, regional and global levels is a primordial huam right
Article 6:     Action Plan of the Global Community
                Chapter 20.18     Preventive actions against polluters
Article 1:     A crime against humanity and all life on Earth not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol Article 2:     The military should be asked to do today is to protect the global life-support systems
Article 3:     The production and trade in arms now listed as a criminal act against humanity
Article 4:     The Earth Court of Justice has listed America as the first nation to be prosecuted for a global environmental crime
Article 5:     The Earth Court of Justice will hear cases involving many different types of crimes                 Chapter 20.19     The cattle and beef industry
Article 1: The cattle and beef industry                 Chapter 20.20     Earth environmental governance
Article 1:    Earth environmental governance
                Chapter 20.21     Alternative energy
Article 1:    World energy demand can be largely fulfilled by renewable energy technologies
                Chapter 20.22     Global response to events: emergencies, rescues and aid
Article 1:    Global response to events: emergencies, rescues and aid
                Chapter 20.23     Forest industry and paper manufacturing
Article 1:   
                Chapter 20.24     Establisment of global symbiotical relationships
Article 1:   
                Chapter 20.25     Global Exhibition
Article 1:   The establishment of the concept of the Global Exhibition
Article 2:   The goal of the Global Exhibition
Article 3:   The contents of the Global Exhibition
Article 4:   Social, educational, artistic, political, religious and economic aspects of the Global Exhibition
Article 5:   The issues of the Global Exhibition
Article 6:   The art world and the Global Exhibition
                Chapter 20.26     Manufacturing sector
Article 1:   
                Chapter 20.27     Energy industry
Article 1:   
                Chapter 20.28     War industry
Article 1:   
                Chapter 20.29     Communications
Article 1:   
                Chapter 20.30     Transportation sector
Article 1:   
                Chapter 20.31     Media industry and education
Article 1:    GLOBALIZATION, MEDIA AND MERGERS: the Impact on Youth and Education
                Chapter 20.32     Conservation strategies for natural ecosystems
Article 1:    Economic valuation as a framework incentive to enforce profit-based conservation strategies for natural ecosystems.
Chapter XXI     Special relationships between groups of Member Nations and Territories and statement regarding non-self-governing Territories  ]
Article 1 to Article 11
Chapter XXII     Global Parliament's action on the international scene  ]
                Chapter 22.1     General provisions
Article 1 to Article 2
                Chapter 22.2     Global security and defense policy
                               Chapter 22.2.1     Common security policy
Article 1:    Common security policy
Article 2 to Article 15
                               Chapter 22.2.2     Global security and defense policy
Article 1 to Article 5
                               Chapter 22.2.3     Financial provisions
Article 1
                Chapter 22.3     Global commercial policy
Article 1 to Article 2
                Chapter 22.4     Global cooperation with Third Countries and humanitarian aid
                                     Chapter 22.4.1     Development cooperation
Article 1 to Article 3
                                     Chapter 22.4.2     Financial and technical cooperation with Third Counstries
Article 1 to Article 2
                                     Chapter 22.4.3     Humanitarian aids
Article 1
                Chapter 22.5     Restrictive measures
Article 1
                Chapter 22.6     International Agreements
Article 1 to Article 4
                Chapter 22.7     Global Parliament relations and delegations with International Organizations and Third Countries
Article 1 to Article 2
                Chapter 22.8     Implementation of the global solidarity clause
Article 1
Chapter XXIII     Safeguards and Reservations  ]
                Chapter 23.1     Safeguards and Reservations
Article 1:     Certain Safeguards
Article 2:     Reservation of Powers
                Chapter 23.2     Global Federal Zones and the Global Capitals of the six Continental Divisions of Earth
Article 1:     Global Federal Zones
Article 2:     The Global Capitals
                Chapter 23.3     Global Territories and Global Symbiotical Relationships
                                     Chapter 23.3.1     Global Territories
Article 1:     Global Territory
                                     Chapter 23.3.2     Global Symbiotical Relationships
Article 1:     Global Symbiotical Relationships
                Chapter 23.4     Ratification and implementation of the Global Parliament Constitution
                                     Chapter 23.4.1     Ratification of the Global Parliament Constitutions
Article 1: Ratification of the Global Parliament Constitution
                                     Chapter 23.4.2     Stages of Implementation
Article 1:     Stages of Implementation
                                     Chapter 23.4.3     First Operative Stage of Global Parliament
Article 1:     First Operative Stage of Global Parliament
                                     Chapter 23.4.4     Second Operative Stage of Global Parliament
Article 1:     Second Operative Stage of Global Parliament
                                     Chapter 23.4.5     Full Operative Stage of Global Parliament
Article 1:     Full Operative Stage of Global Parliament
                                     Chapter 23.4.6     Costs of Ratification
Article 1:     Costs of Ratification
                Chapter 23.5     Amendments of the Global Parliament Constitution
Article 1:     Amendments of the Global Parliament Constitution
                Chapter 23.6     Provisional Global Parliament
                                     Chapter 23.6.1     Provisional Global Parliament
Article 1:     Actions to be taken by the Global Constituent Assembly
                                     Chapter 23.6.2     Work of the Preparatory Commissions
Article 1: Work of the Preparatory Commissions
                                     Chapter 23.6.3     Composition of the Provisional Global Parliament
Article 1: Composition of the Provisional Global Parliament
                                     Chapter 23.6.4     Formation of the Provisional Earth Executive Council
Article 1: Formation of the Provisional Earth Executive Council
                                     Chapter 23.6.5     First Actions of the Provisional Global Parliament
Article 1: First Actions of the Provisional Global Parliament
Chapter XXIV     Global provisions  ]
                Chapter 24.1     Global provisions
Article 1 to Article 13
                Chapter 24.2     General and final provisions
Article 1:   
Article 2:   
Article 3:    Legal continuity in relation to Global Parliament
Article 4:    Scope
Article 5:    Procedure for revising the Treaty establishing this Constitution
Article 6:    Adoption, ratification and entry into force of the Treaty establishing the Constitution
Article 7:    Duration of the Treaty
Article 8:    Languages of the Treaty
Chapter XXV     Protocols  ]
                Chapter 25.1     Protocol of national Parliaments in Global Parliament
Article 1:    Protocol of national Parliaments in Earth Government
Article 2:    Information for Member Nations' national Parliaments
                Chapter 25.2     Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality
Article 1:
                Chapter 25.3     Protocol on the representation of Global Community citizens in Global Parliament
Article 1:    Provisions concerning the Global Parliament
Article 2:    Provisions concerning the weighting of votes in the Global Governments Federation and the Earth Executive Council
Article 3:    Protocol of the 'global equivalent money'
Article 4 to Article 5
                Chapter 25.4     Other Protocols
Article 1:    Other Protocols
Chapter XXVI     Global Parliament Departments  ]
Article 1:    Global Parliament Departments, Ministries: introduction
Article 2:     Earth Ministry of Health
Article 3:     Global ministries for Earth management
Article 4:     The formation of global ministries
Chapter XXVII     Founding Members of the Global Community and Global Parliament  ]
Article 1:    Founding Members of the Global Community and Global Parliament
Article 2:     Legal personality of Global Parliament.
Chapter XXVIII     Global Parliament Constitution Advisory Board ]
Article 1:    Members of the Advisory Board for the development of the Global Parliament Constitution
Chapter XXIX     Protocol of National Parliaments in Global Parliament ]
Article 1:    Protocol of National Parliaments in Global Parliament

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