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There are now four Global Community Arrest Warrants against very dangerous criminals.
July 19st, 2006

The Earth Court of Justice has made clear that the new legislation now in the process of being enacted, the Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act, will be enforced by the GCEG. Global Law is now the law of the land on the planet. No one is excuse! Everyone is included! Those breaking Global Law will be prosecuted. For now, those committing crimes against humanity and all life on Earth will be arrested. There are Global Community Arrest Warrants against all world leaders not in line with the Kyoto agreement.

Prosecuting criminals on the basis of universal jurisdiction regardless of a territorial or nationality nexus required a solid commitment of political will from national governments and the Global Community.

Global Community Arrest Warrants against four very dangerous criminals:

1)     President Bush has been summoned to appear in front of the Earth Court of Justice as defined in Chapter 14.3.6, B.4, of the Global Constitution, for the following reasons:

a)     not ratifying the Kyoto Protocol and thus endandering all life on Earth; Americans are the worst and deadliest polluters on the planet; on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights, that is a crime of the worst kind agaisnt humanity and all life on Earth;
b)     invading the Middle East and Afghanistan; actions such as those of nation predators go against all human and Earth rights; and
c)     supplying children of the world with small arms, and supplying anyone or any nation with small arms, war planes, war ships, war product and war equipment, and weapons of mass destruction.

The Global Community is asking him to surrender himself to the Court.

Read Letter, January 1, 2006, Sent by Germain Dufour, and sent to all Global Citizens
Theme: Letter to all global citizens concerning the Global Community Arrest Warrants of:
a.  George W. Bush, President of the United States,
b.  John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia.

Read July 2003, Letter to George W. Bush, President of the United States
Theme: You are hereby summoned to appear in front of the Earth Court of Justice for the following reasons:
a) not signing the Kyoto Protocol and thus endandering all life on Earth
b) invading the Middle East and Afghanistan
c) supplying children of the world with small arms, and supplying anyone or any nation with small arms, war product and war equipment
Earth Government is asking you to surrender yourself to the Court.

2)     John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia, was also summoned to appear in front of the Earth Court of Justice as defined in Chapter 14.3.6, B.4, of the Global Constitution, for the following reasons:

not ratifying the Kyoto Protocol and thus endandering all life on Earth; on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights, that is a crime of the worst kind agaisnt humanity and all life on Earth;

Global Community Earth Government is asking him to surrender himself to the Court. The same reasons apply here as explained to President George W. Bush.

The Global Community will continue to implement a total embargo on all U.S. and Australian consumer products, goods and services including mass destruction chemicals, nuclear war heads, weapons, war products and war equipment. The war industry throughout the world must be put to a complete halt and shelved forever from humanity. The Global Community is asking all peoples never again to buy U.S. and Australian products.

All world leaders just pretending to resolve global warming and its effects on the global climate have broken Global Law and are dangerous criminals and will be prosecuted.

Read Newsletter August 2006

3)     There is now a Global Community Arrest Warrant against Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General. We are holding you and the U.N. responsible for this change in the Government of Canada position from that of a peace-keeping mission in the world to that of a war-like stand. What you did is a crime against humanity and all life on Earth. You have broken Global Law. You are a criminal. It has become clear that the U.N. has promoted a culture of waste, mismanagement and corruption which cannot reform itself. War is not sustainable. It never was. The military option, war, is against global sustainability and global peace in a big way. The worst environmental degradation happens in wars. Mr. Secretary General, you are promoting a culture of violence and war, and certainly that goes against Global Sustainability and Global Peace. That is the worst thing you could ever to humanity. It is totally opposite to the Global Vision that GCEG is promoting. And it is totally insane! You are following into the steps of the USA. You are followers of the greatest of all evils: war and the war industry. There is one more chapter to come concerning your leadership. Bad leadership! Failure to help humanity! An accomplice of the war industry. An accomplice of the oil & gas industry to make it easy for the industry to make our planet unsustainable and destroy the global life-support systems.

Read May 26th, 2006, Letter sent by Germain Dufour to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations
Theme: The Global Community and the GCEG are asking you to resign as the Secretary General of the United Nations

Read Letter to John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia.

4)     There is also now a Global Community Arrest Warrant against the man who now makes the decisions in Israel Major General Dan Halutz. He is a person lacking moral inhibitions, and a professional soldier. From a moral point of view there is no difference between the "rightist" Halutz and his predecessor, the "leftist" Ya'alon. They are both responsible for the brutal policy against the Palestinians. The fact that Ya'alon suddenly comes off as a moral knight in shining armor and the hero of the left is outrageous. During his tenure, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) policy toward the Palestinians was crueler than in the past. And surprise, surprise - the moment he was dismissed by the defense minister, the senior partner to this policy, the heads of the kibbutz movement, those bastions of morality, came out to protest the dismissal. The man that was responsible for dozens of targeted killings, for the destruction of hundreds of houses and the imprisonment of an entire public, is described as a man who embodies a moral Israel and an integrity that is now disappearing before our very eyes. Halutz's appointment will therefore help rip away the remnants of the mask of morality that the IDF wears. When the man at the top of the pyramid is one who formulates his moral principles in a callous and hard fashion, it will be very difficult for the IDF to continue holding seminars on human rights, human dignity and freedom and purity of arms, or to commission an ethical code from a philosopher.

For having declared war against Lebanon, there is now a Global Community Arrest Warrant against Major General Dan Halutz.

Read July 19st, 2006 Letter Sent by Germain Dufour to Israel Major General Dan Halutz
Theme: Global Community Arrest Warrant against you
Letter to Israel Major General Dan Halutz concerning the Global Community Arrest Warrant against you

The Global Community has now implemented a total embargo on all U.S., Israel, and Australian consumer products, goods and services including mass destruction chemicals, small arms, nuclear war heads, weapons of mass destruction, , war products and war equipment. The war industry throughout the world must be put to a complete halt and shelved forever from humanity. The Global Community is asking all peoples never again to buy U.S., Israeli and Australian products and services.


Germain Dufour
the Global Community
Global Community Earth Government

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