Earth Government for Earth Community

A grassroots process 

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There are 51 Ministries listed in one of the Articles of this Newsletter. Anyone of you may apply for those positions. I am asking you to choose a Ministry and start defining it completely: what it will do, why is it needed, the money needed to run it, the people needed, the work it will do all over the world, etc. Each and everyone of us (and new Participants) can pick a Minister's position and find absolutely everything there is to be found about your Ministry. You may create brain-storming exercises in your community to help you. I am doing the same thing as President (I also need a Vice-President). We will gather all our information and create a new Discussion Roundtable for each Ministry and do more discussion and research. The idea is to pass on to the elected representatives for Earth Government (assuming that they will be elected shortly after the Global Dialogue of August 2004) the work we have done to help them govern Earth. This way representatives will have an idea about what to do before they are elected as representatives to Earth Government. Once they are elected they may want to adopt our research work as a starting point for governing Earth.

I have discussed about the voting system in one of the articles. One representative per million people. If all countries in the world had decided to participate with this process we would have today 6,114 elected representatives to form Earth Government. They would form the Legislative body of Earth Government. They could actually all stay home to govern or from some place in their communities. Today communications are more than good enough to allow voting and discussing issues, etc. through the Internet and video conferencing. That would cut cost of governing down to a minimum, at least administrative costs. The Executive body would also govern in this way to cut cost down to a minimum. Ministers can administer their Ministries from where they live if they wish to. There will be a place for the Headquarters. We will show that it costs very little to administer Earth Government, and that we can achieve immense results. There is no limit to the good the Earth Government can achieve in the world. Think! What can do a unified 6.114 billion people determined to make things work to keep Earth healthy?

Those interested to become officers or ministers please submit your CV, three references, and a five page essay on why you want to become an officer or a minister. Several criteria will be taken into account: qualifications of the candidate for leadership, past record as a good citizen, no criminal records, your own financial support (we dont have any funds to pay anyone and for anything), and proven experience and competence in the position. Candidates work strictly on a volunteer basis. You are completely responsible for your own affairs. You are also required to have accepted in your heart and mind universal values, global concepts, democratic principles, and human rights as obtained and defined in the previous global dialogue. The immediate goals of the Interim Earth Government are to define and develop each Ministry as explained above.

All of those who decide to join me will be part of a major research paper to be published on the Earth Community Organization and Earth Government websites. Our work will be an important part of the Proceedings. If it happens that our research was adopted by the elected representatives than we would become founders of Earth Government.

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Copyright © 2000 Earth Government for Earth Community
Last modified: June 15, 2002