Opening Remark by Leader Procedure Lead Papers Comments and Recommendations from Participants (by name and address) Summary of Comments from Participants Summary of Recommendations from Participants Assessment of Results of Discussion Roundtable and Conclusion Closing Remark by Leader |
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Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed, William M. Alexander, MALIK AMIN ASLAM, Dr. Allan Barsky and Bill Diepeveen and Maureen Wilson and Karen Hanna, Dr. Peter Bartelmus, William Belsey, Elena BIVOL,Dr. Alexander S. Bogolyubov, George Lutalo Bosa, Dr. Keith G. Brown, Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko, Ronald Colman, Karine Danielyan, George L. De Feis, Dr. John C. Dernbach, Nurgul Djanaeva, Paula du Hamel, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery, Dr. Erkin Dzhamanbaev, Dr. Janet M. Eaton, Oleg Garms, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Mikylas Huba, Craig Hubley and Associates, Vladimír Hudek,Dr. Tao Jiyi, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Anne M. Karanja,Natalia Knijnikova,ANITA KON,Vera Koveinik, Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski, Dr. Vladimir Kremsa, Elena Krougikova,Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey, Vladimir Victorovich Lagutov, Oystein S. LaBianca (Ph.D) and Gary Brendel,Elizabeth(Beth) Lange, Alexander Theodore Lopin,Ngo Louga Madeleine, Dr. Ross Mallick, Tatiana Mamatova,Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Kulik Mikalai, Laszlo Miklos, Natalya Miroshnichenko,James Mwami, Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng, Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina, Beverly A. Paul, Ms. Julia Pavlova, Akim Rahman, Md. Hasibur Rahman, Dr. Richard C. Rich, Sergey Roganov, Dr. Vyacheslav Sharov, Alla Shevchuk,Dr. Colin L. Soskolne, Andras (Andy) Tamas, Dang Thanh Thuy, John Koffi B. Toguefai, Pavel Toma,Robert Unegbu,Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko, Valentin Yemelin,DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed Head Environment and Development Division Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP) BANGLADESH Paper title: Challenges to Achieve Sustainable Development in Bangladesh in a Warmer World bup@bdcom.com, neelormi@juniv.ed William M. Alexander Emeritus Professor of World Food Politics California Polytechnic State University walexand@calpoly.edu www.jadski.com/kerala Kerala contains the only large population on Earth which has already achieved human sustainability, that is, very low consumption of the Earth's resources and zero population growth at the same time. MALIK AMIN ASLAM Executive Director, ENVORK: A Research & Development Organization Researcher in Climate Change Sector in Pakistan & Design / Development of the CDM Member of the UN (UNIDO, UNEP, UNDP & UNCTAD) International Working Group on the CDM Researcher on CDM capacity building (UNEP ~ Geneva) Reasearcher on Compatibility of Kyoto Mechanisms (PEW Centre on Climate Change ~ USA) Researcher of Voluntary opt-in issues for Developing Countries(UNCTAD ~ Geneva) Islamabad Pakistan Paper title: CDM: How to ensure Sustainable Development in Developing Countries amin@isb.comsats.net.pk Dr. Allan Barsky and Bill Diepeveen and Maureen Wilson and Karen Hanna Dr. Allan Barsky, LLB, MSW, PhD Director of Research Faculty of Social Work University of Calgary Calgary Alberta Canada Paper title: Public Discussions on Sustainable Development: Listening to All Voices barsky@ucalgary.ca Co-panelists: 1) Bill Diepeveen, Mediation Department Provincial Department of Municipal Affairs Edmonton, Alberta Bill.Diepeveen@ma.gov.ab.ca 2) Maureen Wilson Associate Dean, Faculty of Social Work University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta mwilson@ucalgary.ca 3) Karen Hanna Regulatory Analyst/Legal Counsel Calgary, Alberta khanna@calgary.komex.com Dr. Peter Bartelmus Director Division for Material Flows and Structural Change Department of Economics and Social Information and Policy Analysis Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy Germany Paper title: Towards a Framework for Indicators of Sustainable Development Paper title: Greening the National Accounts: Approach and Policy Use peter.bartelmus@wupperinst.org http://www.wupperinst.org William Belsey Coordinator of IEARN Canada Teacher-Facilitator The Galileo Professional Development Centre Paper title: Igalaaq An Artic Window on the World: the Creation of the First Community Access Centre for the Inuit People Paper title: Change the World 101 (an inovative way to teach global issues to students in schools ) belsey@thenet-worker.com belsey@cadvision.com http://www.rockyview.ab.ca/bpeak/galileo.html http://www.thenet-worker.com/William_Belsey.html "What the mind can conceive and the heart can believe, we can achieve!" Elena BIVOL Researcher in public administration Vice Manager of NGO Bios The Republic of Moldova Paper title: EARTH CHARTER clima@moldova.md valentin@bios.moldova.su elena@bios.moldova.su Dr. Alexander S. Bogolyubov "Ecosystem" Association Moscow Field Studies Centre Russia Paper title: The Main Trends of the Environment Education in Russia Paper title: Field Studies: its Role and Place in the Environmental Education of Children in Russia abogol@stk.mmtel.ru http://www.ilstu.edu/~aggubin/buklet_eng.htm George Lutalo Bosa DIRECTOR UGANDA LITERATURE PROMOTION AGENCY Uganda Literature Promotion Agency e-Mail: uptc mail@imul.com Dr. Keith G. Brown Dean and Managing Director Department of Economic and Technological Innovation University College of Cape Breton Sydney, Nova Scotia Canada and Assistant Professor of Marketing in the School of Business Ph.D in Marketing from the University of Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom University College of Cape Breton Nova Scotia Canada Paper title: A Journey From Coal and Steel to Economic Innovation - Cape Breton Style kbrown@uccb.ns.ca Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko Kamil Vilinovic, project manager and Milan Chrenko, project assistant Project started December 1998 The Regional Environmental Center, CO Slovakia Executing Agency: Ministry of Environment Implementing Agency: Regional Environmental Centre, Country Office Slovakia REC Slovakia Paper title: Capacity Building for Sustainable Development in the Slovak Republic rec@changenet.sk Internet: www.rec.sk Ronald Colman Genuine Progress Index Atlantic Paper title: Measuring Genuine Progress gcolman@istar.ca Karine Danielyan National Expert of UNDP and UNEP Independent expert of Parliament of RA TACIS and Armenian Parliament President of Association "For Sustainable Human Development" Associate Professor of Department of Geography Yerevan State University Yerevan Armenia Paper title: The Experience of Transformation of the Human Development Index (HDI) into the Sustainable Human Development Index (SHDI) (including the Integral Environmental Indicator) ashd@freenet.am argev@lx2.yerphi.am Our association has its own home page http://users.freenet.am/~ashd George L. De Feis Executive Director American Managemen Association-Operation Entreprise New York U.S.A. Please use the following e-mail for the future: gldefeis@aol.com Paper title: An insight to Managing the Four-Legged Stool of Sustainable Development: Involve Youth Early http://www.operationenterprise.com Dr. John C. Dernbach Associate Professor School of Law Widener University Harrisburg Campus U.S.A. Paper title: Sustainable Development as a Framework for National Governance John.C.Dernbach@law.widener.edu Nurgul Djanaeva Independent researcher Forum of women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Paper title: Socio-ecological crisis and its impact on society development: Essence of the socio-ecological crisis. dnurgul@yahoo.com janay@mail.elcat.kg Paula du Hamel Anthropology Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario and Manotick Ontario Canada and Company named "Mosquito Point Productions" Paper title: The Paulaity Theory of Global Enhancement Paper title: Moving Towards An Environmentally Sympathetic World Structure: a Strategy to Support Environmental Consciousness in Globalization pduhamel@chat.carleton.ca Louise Dunne and Frank Convery Research Fellow Environmental Institute National University of Ireland Dublin Ireland Paper title: Key Indicators of Urban Environmental Performance in Ireland Email: louise.dunne@ucd.ie http://www.ucd.ie/~envinst/envstud/ Dr. Erkin Dzhamanbaev The President of the Kyrghyz Medical Association General Director of Asian Development Bureau Executive Director of the Civil Foundation on Microcredit Paper title: Reaching the Poorest and Achieving Institutional Sustainability ADB@infotel.kg hivos@infotel.kg Dr. Janet M. Eaton Paper title: Ecological and Human Health Implications of the NATO Bombing in Yugoslavia Paper title: On Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict: Unparalleled military violence against women at the dawn of the third millennium jeaton@fox.nstn.ca http://news.flora.org/flora.mai-not/17300 Oleg Garms Isnpector of the State Committee on Enviroment Preservation of Altai Region Our purpose is to create preserved territories in Altai region. There are 33 reserves and more then 100 nature conservations. In Desember 1999 the «Tigirecksky» reserve was created in the West Altai. The future purpose is to organize monitoring of conserved territories and to create a system of the territories and then develop it into ecological carcass.Creating of ecologically united complexes of Nature communities, which do not suffering from industrial activity because it’s large area, is a condition of sustainable development of our mountain-steppe region. ekolog@altgate.altai.ru Dr. Tee L. Guidotti Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, MD, MPH Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Department of Public Health Sciences University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine Edmonton, Alberta Paper title: ASSESSING THE HEALTH OF URBAN ECOSYSTEMS Paper title: Sustainable Development can only be sustained if it is socially responsive eohtlg@mail.gwumc.edu Mikylas Huba Institute of Geography Society for Sustainable Living in the Slovak Republic Slovak Academy of Sciences Starotursky Chodnik 1 Slovakia Paper title: Environmental Indicators for Sustainable Cities in Slovakia geoghuba@savba.savba.sk geoghuba@savba.sk Craig Hubley and Associates craig@wheel.hubley.com http://hubley.com/green Vladimír Hudek Director The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe rec@changenet.sk Website: www.rec.sk Dr. Tao Jiyi Professor Social Sciences Department Ji Nan University Guang Dong China Paper title: Underground Work and Life and the World Sustainable Development Paper title: International Cooperation and World Sustainable Development Anne M. Karanja Institute of Social Studies The Netherlands KARANJA@iss.nl Dr. Gennady N. Karopa The Belarusian Green Class Association The University of Gomel Sovetskaya Paper title: Role of Environmental Education for the Sustainable Development of the World, for Human Beings, Use of Resources, Economic Growth and Environmental Needs Paper title: The Principle of Systems Differentiation in Ecological Education Paper title: Man and Nature: Experimental programmes of educational (compulsory and facultative) courses for pupils of comprehensive schools and special educational institutions Paper title: Life after Chernobyl: A Look into the Future Paper title: Psychological and Ethical Aspects of Environmental Education greenway@karopa.belpak.gomel.by (work, the University of Gomel) gnkaropa@gsu.unibel.by Natalia Knijnikova Ecologist Nhairman of the Expert Council Ńhairman of the NGO «The Ecoligical Council» Non-staff Expert of the Chernobyl and Environmental Committee of the Bryansk Regional Duma (Parliament) Russia Paper title: WILL TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOP root@greenfeel.bitmcnit.bryansk.su ANITA KON Săo Paulo Brasil Paper title: Regional Distribution of the Working Population in a Developing Country: The Case of Brazil anitakon@pucsp.br anitakon@exatas.pucsp.br Vera Koveinik Paratunka Kamchatka Russia Paper title: Rebirth of Itelmen Traditions on the Example of School Pimchahk, Kamchatka yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski Scientific Private Firm NEOHIM (Ukraine) Ukraine (Yupanka) Paper title: International Centre of Practical Ecology and Industrial Safety for Countries with "Transitional" Economics public@library.donetsk.ua Dr. Vladimir Kremsa Professor of Landscape Ecology and Environmental Sciences Research Center for Applied and Advanced Technology (CICATA-IPN) Mexico D.F. Paper title: Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development on the Landscape Level Paper title: Sustainable Rural Development vkremsa@vmredipn.ipn.mx Elena Krougikova Kola Coordinative Environmental Centre Coordinator of GAIA Apatity Russia Paper title: The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in Environmental Education (from the experience of GAIA in the Kola peninsula) Paper title: Social Indicators of Environmental Situation krugl@aprec.ru Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey President Indian Institute for Peace,Disarmament & Environmental Protection Paper title: Human Rights pre-requiste for peace and Sustainable Development in developing country Email: iipdep@nagpur.dot.net.in Oystein S. LaBianca (Ph.D) and Gary Brendel Oystein S. LaBianca (Ph.D) Professor of Anthropology International Development Program Andrews University Berrien Springs U.S.A. and Gary Brendel ADRA International Paper title: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: LESSONS LEARNED FROM ADRA'S PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE, 1995-2000 labianca@andrews.edu Vladimir Victorovich Lagutov Centre of Coordination and information "Azovbass" NGO Regional Ecological Movement "Green Don" Russia Paper title: Ecological Basin Policy of Stability Development in Russia: its Concepts, Ecological Aspects, Social Aspects, and Expected Outputs zedon@novoch.ru Elizabeth(Beth) Lange University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Canada Transforming Working and Living: Adult Education for Sustainable Societies elange@ualberta.ca elange@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca Alexander Theodore Lopin Geology Department of Moscow State University Geologist in Kirghiztan Paper title: The Theory of Development as a Method of Cognition lopin@nlpub.freenet.kg Ngo Louga Madeleine Coordinator and Mouandjo Nseke David Fritz Narcisse Project Administrator Health and Environment Program Cameroon Paper title: DE LA CONCEPTUALISATION DE LA NOTION DE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE A SON INSTRUMENTALISATION AUX REALITES LOCALES: UN DEBAT OU UN COMBAT EN AFRIQUE A L'AUBE DU TROISIEME MILLENAIRE mlouga@iccnet.cm Dr. Ross Mallick 3 Banchory Crescent Kanata, Ontario Canada Paper title: Environmentalists and Indigenous Peoples Bundo1234@aol.com Tatiana Mamatova Natalia Ablova,Director Bureau on Human Rights and Rule of Law Kyrgyzstan (Note:for CIS correspondents tel/fax code is 3312) e-mail:rights@imfiko.bishkek.su rights@elcat.kg rights@mail.elcat.kg Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor Professor Coordinator, Peace and Conflict Studies Mount Saint Vincent University Paper title: The Role of Families in Sustainable Development (Proposal for an Open Informal Discussion Roundtable) sue.mcgregor@msvu.ca SMCGREGO.Employee.msvu@msvu1.msvu.ca SMCGREGO@msvu1.msvu.ca http://www.msvu.ca Kulik Mikalai Senior Lecturer Gomel State University Republic of Belarus Paper title: Sustainable Development and Human Rights nkulik@gsu.unibel.by Laszlo Miklos (see also Vilinovic and Chrenko) Minister The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic Member of Governmental Committee for Sustainable Development Nám. L. Štúra 1, 812 35 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Paper title: Capacity Building for Sustainable Development in the Slovak Republic rec@changenet.sk Internet: www.rec.sk Natalya Miroshnichenko president of the female centre "Ecoinitiative" Nikolaev Ukraine Natalya@mnv.aip.mk.ua James Mwami Water Engineer GTZ Integrated Pastoral Development Project Mbarara Uganda Paper title: Public Participation in Watershed Development by Settlers kalisa@swiftuganda.com Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng Professor Department of Economics Monash University Paper title: Why do Economists Overestimate the Costs of Public Spending on Research and Environmental Protection Paper title: Overestimation of costs of Public Spending on Research and Environmental Protection kwang.ng@buseco.monash.edu.au Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina Manager NGO "Bionic" Central Karyaki Elizovsky Region Kamchatka Russia Paper title: Ethnoculture as the Basis of Harmonik Interactions Between Human Beings and Environment yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Beverly A. Paul King's College University of Western Ontario Paper title: Are Sustainable Communities Possible? bpaul@julian.uwo.ca Ms. Julia Pavlova Vice-President Public Women’s Movement of Prikamie Paper title: Family stability in Russia Paper title: Crash and revival of family institution in Russia pavlov@perm.raid.ru Akim Rahman Environmental Science Graduate Program The Ohio State University Paper title: CO2 EMISSION FROM ELECTRIC UTILITY AND KYOTO PROTOCOL: STUDY OF POLICY ANALYSIS rahman.19@osu.edu akim.rahman@puc.state.oh.us Brain-storming ideas by same author: EFFLUENT GASES FROM COAL COMBUSTION - EFFECT ON ENVIRONMENT (This Paper was previously published) Md. Hasibur Rahman Executive Director Environment and Agricultural Development Studies Centre and Royal Agricultural College Gloucestershire England hasibur.rahman@royagcol.ac.uk Paper title: Natural Resources Conservation and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh Paper title: Urban Slums Impacts on Environment in Bangladesh Paper title: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION IN BANGLADESH icms@bdcom.com Dr. Richard C. Rich Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science 531 Major Williams Hall Virginia Tech U.S.A. Paper title: Collaborative Environmental Management as an Approach to Achieving Sustainability URBAN@VT.EDU Sergey Roganov Moscow Russia Paper title: The Manifest of Homo mortem roganov@binec.ru Dr. Vyacheslav Sharov Associate Professor Chair of Diagnostic Imaging Ural State Medical Academy for Additional Education Pobedy 287 Director of Chelyabinsk-Hanford Project Chelyabinsk Russia Paper title: Interactive Computerized Ecological Education of the Population and Specialists Paper title: The plan of the ecological lesson for chidlren from radiation contaminated territories vs@chel-hanf.chel.su Alla Shevchuk Chairwoman Odessa branch of International Socio-Ecological Union 38A-apt.1, Koblevskaya str. Odessa alla@eco.odessa.ua Dr. Colin L. Soskolne Dr. Colin L. Soskolne, Ph.D., F.A.C.E. World Health Organization European Centre for Environment and Health (Rome, Italy) Professor and Visiting Scientist Department of Public Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Paper title: Public Health to Shift Policy towards Sustainable Paradigms colin.soskolne@ualberta.ca Paper title: Global ecological integrity and sustainable development http://www.who.it http://www.who.it/docs/globaleco.htm Andras (Andy) Tamas Almonte Ontario Paper title: Spirituality and Sustainable Development: Concepts and Categories andy@tamas.com http://www.tamas.com Dang Thanh Thuy MTI MOSTE dtthuy@moste.gov.vn John Koffi B. Toguefai Denmark Paper title: The Native People of Togo and Sustainable Development koffi_john@hotmail.com BIDI37@hotmail.com Pavel Toma Director of the UNDP project The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic Paper title: "Capacity Building for Sustainable Development in the Slovak Republic" E-mail: toma@flora.lifeenv.gov.sk Website: www.lifeenv.gov.sk Robert Unegbu National Executive Presiden t All-Nigeria UN Students and Youth Association (ANUNSA) Ibadan Nigeria betco@infoweb.abs.net Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko Kamil Vilinovic, Project Manager of the UNDP project and Milan Chrenko, Project Assistant of the UNDP project Project started December 1998 The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe CO Slovakia Executing Agency: Ministry of Environment Implementing Agency: Regional Environmental Centre, Country Office Slovakia REC Slovakia Paper title: Capacity Building for Sustainable Development in the Slovak Republic rec@changenet.sk Internet: www.rec.sk Valentin Yemelin and Marilyn Mehlmann Valentin Yemelin St. Petersburg Libra Centre (NGO) yemelin@rocketmail.com and Swedish part Föreningen Global Action Plan (NGO) Marilyn Mehlmann General Secretary pro tem gapinter@ett.se Paper title: The St Petersburg EcoHouse: an example of sustainable urban community development A project of the Libra Centre, St Petersburg, Russiain collaboration with GAP International DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky Pridneprovie Cleaner Production Center Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Dnepropetrovsk Paper title: Cleaner Production as a base of Sustainable Product Development Ukraine.ecofond@ecofond.dp.ua zadorsky@mail.comwww.zadorsky.8m.com Back to Index of Discussion Roundtable
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