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Mark Anielski Executive Director Centre for Performance Measurement & Management (CPMM) Faculty of Business University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Paper title: Towards an Inclusive Yardstick of Societal Well-being Paper title: How Modified National Accounts, using the Genuine Progress Indicator or the ISEW, might be used to Manage the Sustainable Well-being of Societies anielski@ualberta.ca MALIK AMIN ASLAM Executive Director, ENVORK: A Research & Development Organization Researcher in Climate Change Sector in Pakistan Member of the UN (UNIDO, UNEP, UNDP & UNCTAD) International Working Group on the CDM Researcher on CDM capacity building (UNEP ~ Geneva) Reasearcher on Compatibility of Kyoto Mechanisms (PEW Centre on Climate Change ~ USA) Researcher of Voluntary opt-in issues for Developing Countries(UNCTAD ~ Geneva) Islamabad Pakistan Paper title: CDM: How to ensure Sustainable Development in Developing Countries amin@isb.comsats.net.pk Dr. Peter Bartelmus Director Division for Material Flows and Structural Change Department of Economics and Social Information and Policy Analysis Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy Germany Paper title: Towards a Framework for Indicators of Sustainable Development Paper title: Greening the National Accounts: Approach and Policy Use peter.bartelmus@wupperinst.org http://www.wupperinst.org Dr. Keith G. Brown Dean and Managing Director Department of Economic and Technological Innovation University College of Cape Breton Sydney, Nova Scotia Canada and Assistant Professor of Marketing in the School of Business Ph.D in Marketing from the University of Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom University College of Cape Breton P.O. Box 5300, Sydney Nova Scotia Paper title: A Journey From Coal and Steel to Economic Innovation - Cape Breton Style kbrown@uccb.ns.ca Ronald Colman Genuine Progress Index Atlantic Nova Scotia Paper title: Measuring Genuine Progress gcolman@istar.ca Karine Danielyan National Expert of UNDP and UNEP Independent expert of Parliament of RA TACIS and Armenian Parliament President of Association "For Sustainable Human Development" Associate Professor of Department of Geography Yerevan State University Yerevan Armenia Paper title: The Experience of Transformation of the Human Development Index (HDI) into the Sustainable Human Development Index (SHDI) (including the Integral Environmental Indicator) ashd@freenet.am argev@lx2.yerphi.am David Del Porto Ecos/Sustainable Strategies Ecological Engineering, Planning and Design Paper title: Coefficient of Sustainability (CDS) sustainable@aics.net http://www.ecological-engineering.com http://www.ecological-engineering.com/cofs.html Dr. ir. J.Dewulf, J. Mulder, H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons Dr. ir. J.Dewulf, J. Mulder, H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons Prof. Dr. ir. Herman Van Langenhove Department of Organic Chemistry Gent Belgium herman.vanlangenhove@rug.ac.be Dr. ir. Jo. Dewulf Department of Organic Chemistry Gent Delft University J.deSwaanArons@STM.TUDelft.nl Paper title: The Search for a Parameter Quantifying Technological Sustainability: Development of a Sustainable Coefficient Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita University of Catania Faculty of Law Italy Paper title: Secondary Materials, Exhaustible Resources and Growth Rates gdivita@lex.unict.it Michele Doncaster Environmenal Department York University Port Carling Ontario Paper title: Environmental Planning and Education for Sustainability Paper title: A Photo Display about Interpreting Sustainability micheledoncaster@hotmail.com Alexey Drouziaka Biologist Novosibirsk State University Moscow Scientific School Society Kamchatka Russia Paper title: Study of Bird Population in Kamchatka and Siberia and their Interconnections with the Environment and Human Beings for 10 years Paper: Biogeocenosis of the Kronotskoye Lake, Kamchatka yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Germain Dufour Physicist Guelph, Ontario, Canada Paper title: A Scale of Values for Assessment of the Four Levels of Concerns: Environment, Economic Development, Availability of Resources, as part of GESDI and GSDP Paper title: Measurement of the local/global indicators GESDI and GSDP Paper title: A unique, more relevant global dialogue on the Management of Global Changes Paper title: The Global Community Assessment Centre is part of a unique organization created to better link scientific understanding to effective policy solutions to global changes gdufour@globalcommunitywebnet.com Louise Dunne and Frank Convery Research Fellow Environmental Institute National University of Ireland Dublin Ireland Paper title: Key Indicators of Urban Environmental Performance in Ireland Email: louise.dunne@ucd.ie http://www.ucd.ie/~envinst/envstud/ David S. Evans, C. Coulthard, I. Henderson, P. Jones David S. Evans CSC Project Management Services Sr. Risk Analyst Calgary Alberta Paper title: Risk Analysis to Measure Sustainable Development Elements for Large Construction Projects CSCDaveE@cs.com Authors: D. Evans, Ph.D., P. Geol., 403-233-7994 Oleg Garms Isnpector of the State Committee on Enviroment Preservation of Altai Region Our purpose is to create preserved territories in Altai region. There are 33 reserves and more then 100 nature conservations. In Desember 1999 the «Tigirecksky» reserve was created in the West Altai. The future purpose is to organize monitoring of conserved territories and to create a system of the territories and then develop it into ecological carcass.Creating of ecologically united complexes of Nature communities, which do not suffering from industrial activity because it’s large area, is a condition of sustainable development of our mountain-steppe region. ekolog@altgate.altai.ru Dr. Anastassios Gentzoglanis Professor CEREF (Centre for the Study of Regulatory Economics & Finance) Department of Economics University of Sherbrooke Sherbrooke Quebec Paper title: GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS CAPS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT agentz@courrier.usherb.ca Dr. Hans W. Gottinger Professor of Economics University of Maastricht (RL) International Institute for Environmental Economics and Management Germany Paper title: Sustainability: Marco vs Micro hg528@bingo.baynet.de hg528@bingo-ev.de gottih@rpi.edu hwgott@aol.com Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova Nikolai Grishin Coordinator of International and Russian Public Networks for Environmental Impact Assessment (IPNEIA / RUPNEIA) Director of Agency "ECOTERRA" Moscow Russia Paper title: Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making, as Tool for Solving Environmental Problems ngrishin@glasnet.ru Dr. Tee L. Guidotti Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, MD, MPH Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Department of Public Health Sciences University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine 13-103 Clinical Sciences Building Paper title: ASSESSING THE HEALTH OF URBAN ECOSYSTEMS Paper title: Sustainable Development can only be sustained if it is socially responsive eohtlg@mail.gwumc.edu Xiaohui Hao Researcher in Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development Chief of Resource and Environment Division Associate Professor Institute of Spatial Planning and Regional Economy The State Development Planning Commission China Paper title: Policies and Measures for mitigating GHGs in Chinese Power Sector haoxh@mx.cei.gov.cn Mikylas Huba Institute of Geography Society for Sustainable Living in the Slovak Republic Slovak Academy of Sciences Slovakia Paper title: Environmental Indicators for Sustainable Cities in Slovakia geoghuba@savba.savba.sk geoghuba@savba.sk Vladimir Ira Institute of Geography Slovak Academy of Sciences Slovakia Paper title: Subjective (Behavioural) Indicators of Sustainable Development for Decision-Making Process ira@savba.sk Dr A.Jagadeesh (Ph.D.) Convener Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives Andhra Pradesh INDIA Paper title: SOME PLANTS TO PROMOTE AFFORESTATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Paper title: Wind Energy Development in Tmil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, India Paper title: Simple Water Heater for Developing Countries Other Address: Dr A.Jagadeesh Renewable Energy Specialist Centre for Energy and Sustainable Resources Gummidipoondi Taluk Tamil Nadu, India a_jagadeesh@yahoo.com vayoo@hotmail.com a_jagadeesh@usa.net a_jagadeesh@coolmail.com Kun H. JOHN, Yeo C. Youn, and Jae W. Park Director Forestry Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture Environmental Planning Institute Seoul National University Seoul Korea Kunjohn@aol.com Paper title: RESOLVING CONFLICTING ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC INTERESTS IN THE KOREAN DMZ: A VALUATION BASED APPROACH S. Augustin, J. Katima, E. Klawe & B. Lyimo Prof. Jamidu Katima Tanzania Greenhouse Gases Action Trust P.O. Box1287 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Paper title: THE CARBON OFFSET VERIFICATION MODEL (COV) taghgat@newafrica.or.tz jkatima@cpe.udsm.ac.tz Natalia Knijnikova Ecologist Nhairman of the Expert Council Ñhairman of the NGO «The Ecoligical Council» Non-staff Expert of the Chernobyl and Environmental Committee of the Bryansk Regional Duma (Parliament) Russia Paper title: WILL TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOP root@greenfeel.bitmcnit.bryansk.su Dr. Vladimir Kremsa Professor of Landscape Ecology and Environmental Sciences Paper title: Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development on the Landscape Level Paper title: Sustainable Rural Development vkremsa@vmredipn.ipn.mx Elena Krougikova Kola Coordinative Environmental Centre Coordinator of GAIA Apatity Paper title: The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in Environmental Education (from the experience of GAIA in the Kola peninsula) Paper title: Social Indicators of Environmental Situation krugl@aprec.ru Ms. Maria V. Kryukova Ms. Maria V. Kryukova (Ph.D.) Senior Researcher The Plant Ecology Laboratory Institute for Aquatic and Ecological Problems of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Khabarovsk Russia Paper title: Food and Medicinal Plants of the Dzhango Community Native Forest Problems and Prospects of Use dmitry@ivep.khabarovsk.su dmitry@ivep.khv.ru flora@ivep.khv.ru Van Lantz Department of Economics Environmental Economics Simon Fraser University Paper title: An Explanation for the Observed SO2 - GNP Relationship in the U.S. Economy (1900-1990): Combining Environmental Kuznets Curve Theory with Evidence vlantz@sfu.ca http://sfu.ca/~vlantz Tonu Lausmaa Renewable Energy Re-En Centre TAASEN Estonia Paper title: About a Sustainable Economy Definition tlausmaa@teleport.ee Ming Lei Associate Professor of Peking University(P.R.China) Associate Professor of Donated Chair of Kyoto University(Japan) Guanghua School of Management Peking University P.R.China and Division of Societal System Planning for Energy Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Japan Paper title: Integrated System of Economy-Environment Accounting of China (CSEEA)----System Design and Trial Estimation (1992) leiming@gsm.pku.edu.cn mlei@uji.energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp Ngo Louga Madeleine Coordinator and Mouandjo Nseke David Fritz Narcisse Project Administrator Health and Environment Program Cameroon Paper title: DE LA CONCEPTUALISATION DE LA NOTION DE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE A SON INSTRUMENTALISATION AUX REALITES LOCALES: UN DEBAT OU UN COMBAT EN AFRIQUE A L'AUBE DU TROISIEME MILLENAIRE mlouga@iccnet.cm Igor N. Malakhov Ukraine Paper title: The Quality of Life Index for Measuring of Sustainable Development malakhov@ecok.freenet.kiev.ua Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor Professor Coordinator, Peace and Conflict Studies Mount Saint Vincent University Paper title: The Role of Families in Sustainable Development (Proposal for an Open Informal Discussion Roundtable) sue.mcgregor@msvu.ca SMCGREGO.Employee.msvu@msvu1.msvu.ca SMCGREGO@msvu1.msvu.ca http://www.msvu.ca Marin R. Mehandjiev (Professor) and Krassimira R. Mehandjieva Association of Bulgarian Environmentalists and Ecologists Bulgaria Paper title: Quantitative Indicators of the Sustainable Development abecop@museum.web.bg Mr. Aubrey Meyer Global Commons Institute (GCI) UK Paper title: CONVENTIONAL OIL DEPELTION & GLOBAL CLIMATE POLICY aubrey@gci.org.uk website http://www.gci.org.uk GLOBE's documentation on Climate Change and "Contraction and Convergence" presented to the G-8 leaders in Birmingham [UK 1998] is available [as a downloadable pdf file] from: - http://www.gci.org.uk/papers.html GLOBE International is a network of environmentally concerned parliamentarians. Their website is at: - http://www.globeint.org/ Jose H. Moya Professor Central University of Venezuala Caracas Venezuela Coordinator of Institutional Relationships of FORJA of Venezuala Latin American Association of Environmental Educators World Network about Climatic Changes World Council for the Earth World Commission of Education and Communication of the Union for the Conservation of Nature ECO-SOC of the United Nations Paper title: Educacion y Organizacion Ciudadana: Retos Para el Desarrollo Ambientalmente Sustentado vs Globalizacion Paper title: Education and Community Organization: Challenges for Sustainable Environmental Development James Mwami Water Engineer GTZ Integrated Pastoral Development Project Mbarara Uganda Paper title: Public Participation in Watershed Development by Settlers kalisa@swiftuganda.com Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng Professor Department of Economics Monash University Paper title: Why do Economists Overestimate the Costs of Public Spending on Research and Environmental Protection Paper title: Overestimation of costs of Public Spending on Research and Environmental Protection kwang.ng@buseco.monash.edu.au Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina Manager Elizovsky Region Kamchatka Russia Paper title: Ethnoculture as the Basis of Harmonik Interactions Between Human Beings and Environment yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Vincent Otto Maastricht University Secretariat of Micro-Economics Maastricht University Centre for Environment and Renewable Energy Studies The Netherlands and The Netherlands Paper title: Establishing Technology Transfers: Potential Costs & Benefits (an insight into how companies and public bodies prioritize the issue) v_otto@hotmail.com sotto@worldonline.nl Roland Prelaz-Droux Maitre d'enseignement et de recherche Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Switzerland Paper title: Measurement and management of sustainable development in Switzerland, China, Tunisia, Vietnam, and Senegal. Roland.Prelaz-Droux@epfl.ch Akim Rahman Environmental Science Graduate Program The Ohio State University Paper title: CO2 EMISSION FROM ELECTRIC UTILITY AND KYOTO PROTOCOL: STUDY OF POLICY ANALYSIS rahman.19@osu.edu akim.rahman@puc.state.oh.us Brain-storming ideas by same author: EFFLUENT GASES FROM COAL COMBUSTION - EFFECT ON ENVIRONMENT Dr. C. Ramachandraiah President Academy of Human Environment and Development (AHEAD) India Video Film title: The Migrating Sands Paper title: Preventing Desertification in a Drought-affected area rchandra@hd2.vsnl.net.in Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy Associate Professor and Dean Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research Film City Road Goregaon (East) India Paper title: Institutions for Environmental Governance: Issues of Community Participation and Sustainable Development sreddy@igidr.ac.in S.S.Sundarvel Senior Lecturer, School of Ecology Pondicherry University INDIA Paper title: Sustainability Indicators sunvel@yahoo.com Dirgha N. Tiwari Dirgha N. Tiwari (Dr. Eng.) Environmental Economist Kathmandu, Nepal Paper title: Environmental Accounting, Sectoral and Economywide Sustainability: Indicators and Implications of Environmental-economic Policies in Nepal dntiwari@hotmail.com S.G. Patil*, L.B. Hugar*, M.S. Veerapur*, J. Yerriswamy*, T. Cross†, A.C. vanLoon†, and G.W. vanLoon† *University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India and †Queen’s University, Kingston Gary W. vanLoon Department of Chemistry Queen's University Kingston, ON Paper title: Measures of agricultural sustainability – a study in South India vanloon@chem.queensu.ca DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky Pridneprovie Cleaner Production Center Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Dnepropetrovsk Paper title: Cleaner Production as a base of Sustainable Product Development Ukraine.ecofond@ecofond.dp.ua zadorsky@mail.comwww.zadorsky.8m.com Dr. Katalin K. Zaim Asst. Professor Department of Computer Technology & Office Management Bilkent University Ankara, Turkey Paper title: Pollution Control Priorities Assessment with IPPS: the Case of Turkey kumar@central.murdoch.edu.au kzaim@bilkent.edu.tr http://www.ctp.bilkent.edu.tr/~kzaim Dr. ZhongXiang Zhang Department of Economics and Public Finance University of Groningen The Netherlands Paper title: Estimating the Size of the Potential Market for the Kyoto Flexibility Mechanisms Z.X.Zhang@Rechten.RUG.NL Z.X.Zhang@ECO.RUG.NL http://www.eco.rug.nl/medewerk/zhang/ Back to Index of Discussion Roundtable
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