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Dr. Grigori Abramia, Vassily A. Agaphonoff, Slav Akimov and Ozod Mukhamedjanov, Keith Archer and Richard Roberts, Dr. Jyotsna Bapat, Vincenzo Bentivegna, Dr. Alexander S. Bogolyubov, Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko, Ludmila Ignatenko and Victoria Churikova, Karine Danielyan, Nurgul Djanaeva, Alexey Drouziaka, Valery Drouziaka,Ken Dunsworth, Dr. Janet M. Eaton, David S. Evans and C. Coulthard and I. Henderson and P. Jones, Greg Hellyer, Alexander Heydendael, Jose Ferrer, Dr. Karl Froschauer, Oleg Garms, Ramaz Gokhelashvili, Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk, Dr. Galina Gutina, Shahidul Haque, MD. Hasibur Rahman and ,Hasida Yasmin,Craig Hubley and Associates,Vladimír Hudek,Dr. A.Jagadeesh, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Dr. Tao Jiyi, Kun H. JOHN and Yeo C. Youn and Jae W. Park, Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski, Elena Krougikova,Dr. P.K. Dinesh Kumar, Vladimir Victorovich Lagutov, Ngo Louga Madeleine, Igor N. Malakhov, Dr. Ross Mallick, Laszlo Miklos,Natalya Miroshnichenko, Jose H. Moya, Dr. Khatam Murtazaev, James Mwami, Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina, Anna Olofsson, Mukhamedjanov Ozod, Alfredo Quarto, Md. Hasibur Rahman, Professor Madireddi Venkata Subba Rao, Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy, Dr. Richard C. Rich,Professor Helene Savard, Dr. Vyacheslav Sharov, Alla Shevchuk, Michal SKAPA, Yuri Skochilov, Dr. Colin L. Soskolne, Dr. Andrej Steiner, S.S.Sundarvel, Pavel Toma, KYRYL TOMLYAK, Dr. Douglas Torgerson, Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko,Alexander Wegosky, Hasida Yasmin and MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque Dr. Grigori Abramia Director Georgian Center for Environmental Research Paper title: Elements of Sustainability in the History of Georgian Legislation geocer@mmc.net.ge http://www.georgia-gateway.org/NGOinGeorgia/WB/001.htm Vassily A. Agaphonoff Rainbow Keepers Rostov Group Paper title: World Economic-Ecological Model rkrostov@don.sitek.net Slav Akimov and Ozod Mukhamedjanov Ecological Expert Slav Akimov and Ozod Mukhamedjanov President of NGO "City of Masters" Republic of Uzbekistan of Central Asian Region Paper title: Regional Ecological Centre in the Central Asia guest@cpart.uz Keith Archer and Richard Roberts Praxis Paper title: On the Public Consultation Regarding Recreational Development in K-country roberts@praxis.ca kaarcher@ucalgary.ca http://www.praxis.ca Dr. Jyotsna Bapat Senior Lecturer Department of Sociology University of Mumbai India Paper title: Tourism Environment and Social Protest aziz@pangea.Stanford.EDU jbapat@hotmail.com Sociology99@hotmail.com Vincenzo Bentivegna Professor at the University of Florence, Italy Dipartimento di Processi e Metodi della Produzione Edilizia Florence Paper title: Environmental Evaluation in Land Planning: the New Land Planning Act of the Tuscany Region DPMPE@CESIT1.UNIFI.IT vincenzo.bentivegna@cesit1.unifi.it Dr. Alexander S. Bogolyubov "Ecosystem" Association Moscow Field Studies Centre Russia Paper title: The Main Trends of the Environment Education in Russia Paper title: Field Studies: its Role and Place in the Environmental Education of Children in Russia abogol@stk.mmtel.ru http://www.ilstu.edu/~aggubin/buklet_eng.htm Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko Kamil Vilinovic, project manager and Milan Chrenko, project assistant Project started December 1998 The Regional Environmental Center, CO Slovakia Executing Agency: Ministry of Environment Implementing Agency: Regional Environmental Centre, Country Office Slovakia Paper title: Capacity Building for Sustainable Development in the Slovak Republic rec@changenet.sk Internet: www.rec.sk Ludmila Ignatenko and Victoria Churikova Ludmila Ignatenko Chief of the National Community "Alescam" Razdolny Kamchatka Russia 684020 and Victoria Churikova NGO Teacher Paratunka Kamchatka Paper title: Environmental Education in Kamchatka: a step to the 3rd Millennium Paper title: Sustainable Development of National Communities in the South of Kamchatka in Recent 10 years yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Karine Danielyan National Expert of UNDP and UNEP Independent expert of Parliament of RA TACIS and Armenian Parliament President of Association "For Sustainable Human Development" Associate Professor of Department of Geography Yerevan State University Yerevan Armenia Paper title: The Experience of Transformation of the Human Development Index (HDI) into the Sustainable Human Development Index (SHDI) (including the Integral Environmental Indicator) ashd@freenet.am argev@lx2.yerphi.am Nurgul Djanaeva Independent researcher Forum of women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan 147 Isanova street, App. Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Paper title: Socio-ecological crisis and its impact on society development: Essence of the socio-ecological crisis. dnurgul@yahoo.com janay@mail.elcat.kg Alexey Drouziaka Biologist Novosibirsk State University Moscow Scientific School Society Kamchatka Russia Paper title: Study of Bird Population in Kamchatka and Siberia and their Interconnections with the Environment and Human Beings for 10 years Paper: Biogeocenosis of the Kronotskoye Lake, Kamchatka yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Valery Drouziaka Kamchatka Russia Paper title: Ethno-and Biodiversity in Human Dimensions as an Object for Historical Development in Kamchatka Aboriginal Life yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Ken Dunsworth Forest Ecosystem Specialist Habitat Protection B.C. Environment Ken.Dunsworth@GEMS6.gov.bc.ca Dusmuradova Dr. Janet M. Eaton Paper title: Ecological and Human Health Implications of the NATO Bombing in Yugoslavia Paper title: On Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict: Unparalleled military violence against women at the dawn of the third millennium jeaton@fox.nstn.ca http://news.flora.org/flora.mai-not/17300 David S. Evans and C. Coulthard and I. Henderson and P. Jones David S. Evans CSC Project Management Services Sr. Risk Analyst Calgary Alberta Canada Jose Ferrer Paper title: Management of Mature Reservoirs FERRERJK@pdvsa.com Dr. Karl Froschauer Assistant Professor Department of Socilogy and Anthropology Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive Burnaby British Columbia Paper title: Canadian Hydroelectric Development: Adverse Consequences in their National and Continental Context froschau@sfu.ca Oleg Garms Isnpector of the State Committee on Enviroment Preservation of Altai Region Our purpose is to create preserved territories in Altai region. There are 33 reserves and more then 100 nature conservations. In Desember 1999 the «Tigirecksky» reserve was created in the West Altai. The future purpose is to organize monitoring of conserved territories and to create a system of the territories and then develop it into ecological carcass.Creating of ecologically united complexes of Nature communities, which do not suffering from industrial activity because it’s large area, is a condition of sustainable development of our mountain-steppe region. ekolog@altgate.altai.ru Ramaz Gokhelashvili Executive Director Georgian Center for the Conservation of Wildlife E-mail: gokh2104@uidaho.edu ramazgokh@yahoo.com Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk Ukrainian State Forestry University (Stradch Forest Research Station) Ukraine Paper title: Forest Wealth as a One of the Basis of Sustainable Development in Ukraine Paper title: Ecological Education in Aspect of Sustainable Development Consciousness grinrost@forest.lviv.ua Dr. Galina Gutina Gymnasium 1532 Russia Paper title: Learning to Understand, Love and Protect the Environment Paper title: Environment Education of Children through Integrated Course and Nature Activities gut@glasnet.ru Hasida Yasmin, MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque Member Directors Dhanmondi Bangladesh Paper title: Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh icms@bdcom.com Greg Hellyer Ecosystem Assessment Unit Office of Environmental Measurement and Evaluation New England Regional Laboratory U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Lexington hellyer.greg@epa.gov Hellyer.Greg@epamail.epa.gov www.epa.gov/region01 Alexander Heydendael Secretariat Convention on Biological Diversity Montreal, Quebec, Canada alexander.heydendael@biodiv.org Craig Hubley and Associates craig@wheel.hubley.com http://hubley.com/green Vladimír Hudek Director The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe rec@changenet.sk Website: www.rec.sk Dr. A.Jagadeesh Convener Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives Nawab Pet Andhra Pradesh INDIA Paper title: SOME PLANTS TO PROMOTE AFFORESTATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Paper title: Wind Energy Development in Tmil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, India Paper title: Simple Water Heater for Developing Countries Other Address: Dr A.Jagadeesh Renewable Energy Specialist Centre for Energy and Sustainable Resources R.M.K. Engineering College Kavaraipettai Gummidipoondi Taluk Tamil Nadu, India a_jagadeesh@yahoo.com vayoo@hotmail.com a_jagadeesh@usa.net a_jagadeesh@coolmail.com Dr. P.K. Dinesh Kumar Scientist National Institute of Oceanography Dr. Salim Ali Road INDIA pkdineshkumar@yahoo.com Laszlo Miklos (see also Vilinovic and Chrenko) Minister The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic Member of Governmental Committee for Sustainable Development Paper title: Capacity Building for Sustainable Development in the Slovak Republic rec@changenet.sk Internet: www.rec.sk Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy Raghbendra Jha Professor Indira Gandi Insitute of Development Research General Vaidya Marg Goregaon (E) India rjha@igidr.ac.in http://www.igidr.ac.in/facu/rjha.htm and Dr. K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Reader in Economics Professor University of Delhi Pitampura India Paper title: Sustainability: Behavior Property Rights and Economic Growth kvbm@del3.vsnl.net.in bsmm@vsnl.com Dr. Tao Jiyi Professor Social Sciences Department Guang Dong China Paper title: Underground Work and Life and the World Sustainable Development Paper title: International Cooperation and World Sustainable Development Kun H. JOHN and Yeo C. Youn and Jae W. Park Director Forestry Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture Environmental Planning Institute Seoul National University Seoul Korea Kunjohn@aol.com Paper title: RESOLVING CONFLICTING ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC INTERESTS IN THE KOREAN DMZ: A VALUATION BASED APPROACH Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski Scientific Private Firm NEOHIM (Ukraine) Ukraine (Yupanka) Paper title: International Centre of Practical Ecology and Industrial Safety for Countries with "Transitional" Economics public@library.donetsk.ua Elena Krougikova Kola Coordinative Environmental Centre Coordinator of GAIA Apatity Paper title: The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in Environmental Education (from the experience of GAIA in the Kola peninsula) Paper title: Social Indicators of Environmental Situation krugl@aprec.ru Vladimir Victorovich Lagutov Centre of Coordination and information "Azovbass" Russia Paper title: Ecological Basin Policy of Stability Development in Russia: its Concepts, Ecological Aspects, Social Aspects, and Expected Outputs zedon@novoch.ru Ngo Louga Madeleine Coordinator and Mouandjo Nseke David Fritz Narcisse Project Administrator Health and Environment Program Cameroon Paper title: DE LA CONCEPTUALISATION DE LA NOTION DE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE A SON INSTRUMENTALISATION AUX REALITES LOCALES: UN DEBAT OU UN COMBAT EN AFRIQUE A L'AUBE DU TROISIEME MILLENAIRE mlouga@iccnet.cm Igor N. Malakhov Ukraine Paper title: The Quality of Life Index for Measuring of Sustainable Development malakhov@ecok.freenet.kiev.ua Dr. Ross Mallick Kanata, Ontario Paper title: Environmentalists and Indigenous Peoples Bundo1234@aol.com Natalya Miroshnichenko president of the female centre "Ecoinitiative" Nikolaev Ukraine Natalya@mnv.aip.mk.ua Jose H. Moya Professor Central University of Venezuala Caracas Venezuela Coordinator of Institutional Relationships of FORJA of Venezuala Latin American Association of Environmental Educators World Network about Climatic Changes World Council for the Earth World Commission of Education and Communication of the Union for the Conservation of Nature ECO-SOC of the United Nations Paper title: Educacion y Organizacion Ciudadana: Retos Para el Desarrollo Ambientalmente Sustentado vs Globalizacion Paper title: Education and Community Organization: Challenges for Sustainable Environmental Development Dr. Khatam Murtazaev Khujand State University Republic of Tajikistan Tajikistan Paper title: Radioactive Pollutions of the Populated Areas of the Kuramin Range Foothills of Northern Tajikistan Paper title: Radioactive Monitoring of the Syr-Darya River Basin (Northern Districts of Tajiskistan) Paper title: About Some Disappearing and Rare Species of Plants of Northern Tajikistan Paper title: SALVATION FROM MANY DISEASES by Kh. Murtazaev*, S.N. Karimov** *NGO "Ecology and Scientific Technical Progress", Khujand State University, 735700 Khujand, Tajikistan **Khujand Scientific Center, 735714 Khujand, Tajikistan murtaza@hotam.khj.td.silk.org murtaza@khj.td.silk.org James Mwami Water Engineer GTZ Integrated Pastoral Development Project Mbarara Uganda Paper title: Public Participation in Watershed Development by Settlers kalisa@swiftuganda.com Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina Manager NGO "Bionic" Kamchatka Russia Paper title: Ethnoculture as the Basis of Harmonik Interactions Between Human Beings and Environment yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Anna Olofsson Mid Sweden University (MAM) Sweden Social aspects of genetic engineering as they relate to the environment and sustainable development. anna.olofsson@mam.mh.se Mukhamedjanov Ozod President of the Gyldy Akimov Slav NGO Gyldy "City of Masters" Regional Ecological Centre of the Central Asia Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Paper title: Concept of the Ecological Doctrine ngo@cpart.silk.org nargiza@abc.freenet.uz vildana@cpart.silk.org Alfredo Quarto Executive Director Mangrove Action Project USA Paper title: Towards Local Community Involvement in Mangrove Rehabilitation and Sustainable Management in the Developing World mangroveap@olympus.net web site: http://www.earthisland.org/map/map.html Md. Hasibur Rahman Executive Director Environment and Agricultural Development Studies Centre and Royal Agricultural College Cirencester Gloucestershire hasibur.rahman@royagcol.ac.uk Paper title: Natural Resources Conservation and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh Paper title: Urban Slums Impacts on Environment in Bangladesh Paper title: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION IN BANGLADESH icms@bdcom.com Professor Madireddi Venkata Subba Rao President ENRA & SEED Chairman and Co-ordinator Department of Environmental Sciences Andhra University INDIA Paper title: Biodiversity Conservation ,Management and Sustainable Development In Easternghats Of India subbarao_mv@yahoo.com mvsmadhavi@hotmail.com Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy Associate Professor and Dean Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research Film City Road Goregaon (East) India Paper title: Institutions for Environmental Governance: Issues of Community Participation and Sustainable Development sreddy@igidr.ac.in Dr. Richard C. Rich Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science Virginia Tech Blacksburg U.S.A. Paper title: Collaborative Environmental Management as an Approach to Achieving Sustainability URBAN@VT.EDU Professor Helene Savard Ecosystem Management School of Environmental and Resource Sciences Fleming College Lindsay Ontario Canada K9V 4E6 Paper title: Ecosystem Management, Sustainable Living and Environmental Citizenship hsavard@sympatico.ca HSAVARD@flemingc.on.ca Dr. Vyacheslav Sharov Associate Professor Chair of Diagnostic Imaging Ural State Medical Academy for Additional Education Director of Chelyabinsk-Hanford Project Chelyabinsk Russia Paper title: Interactive Computerized Ecological Education of the Population and Specialists Paper title: The plan of the ecological lesson for chidlren from radiation contaminated territories vs@chel-hanf.chel.su Alla Shevchuk Chairwoman Odessa branch of International Socio-Ecological Union alla@eco.odessa.ua Michal SKAPA Professor Spolecnost pro trvale udrzitelny zivot The (Czech) Society for Sustainable Living (STUZ) Paper title: The Central & Eastern Europe Partnerships Program: the Development of Sustainable Models Yuri Skochilov Executive Director Youth EcoCentre The EcoCentre Resources Environmental Centre Dushanbe, Tajikistan Paper title: Youth Ecological Centre of Dushanbe, Tajikistan: Ecological Ethics and Stable Development root@pamir.td.silk.glas.apc.org root@pamir.td.silk.org Dr. Colin L. Soskolne Dr. Colin L. Soskolne, Ph.D., F.A.C.E. World Health Organization European Centre for Environment and Health (Rome, Italy) Professor and Visiting Scientist Department of Public Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Canada Paper title: Public Health to Shift Policy towards Sustainable Paradigms colin.soskolne@ualberta.ca Paper title: Global ecological integrity and sustainable development http://www.who.it http://www.who.it/docs/globaleco.htm Dr. Andrej Steiner Executive Director ETP Slovakia Expert in Slovak Republic and in Central and Eastern Europe countries Paper title: TO ACHIEVE A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY THROUGH DEVELOPING INDIVIDUAL, ORGANISATIONAL, AND COMMUNITY CAPACITIES. steiner@changenet.sk S.S .Sundarvel Senior Lecturer, School of Ecology INDIA Pavel Toma Director of the UNDP project The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic Paper title: "Capacity Building for Sustainable Development in the Slovak Republic" E-mail: toma@flora.lifeenv.gov.sk Website: www.lifeenv.gov.sk KYRYL TOMLYAK CO-CHAIR OF ALL-UKRAINIAN ECOLOGICAL NGO YOUNG GREEN ALTERNATIVE KYIV UKRAINE KURYKIN@RADA.GOV.UA YGAUKR@YAHOO.COM Dr. Douglas Torgerson Professor Trent University Department of Political Studies Environmental and Resources Studies Peterborough, Ontario Paper title: The promise of green Politics: The Promise of Green Politics: Environmentalism and the Public Sphere Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko Kamil Vilinovic, Project Manager of the UNDP project and Milan Chrenko, Project Assistant of the UNDP project Project started December 1998 The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe CO Slovakia Executing Agency: Ministry of Environment Implementing Agency: Regional Environmental Centre, Country Office Slovakia REC Slovakia Paper title: Capacity Building for Sustainable Development in the Slovak Republic rec@changenet.sk Internet: www.rec.sk Alexander Wegosky President of the Association of Ecological Revivify Tarusa, Kaluga Region Russia Paper title: The Ecological Principles of the Waste Lands Reviving ers@tarusa.ru Hasida Yasmin and MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque Member Directors Environment and Agricultural Development Studies Centre Dhanmondi Bangladesh Paper title: Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh icms@bdcom.com Back to Index of Discussion Roundtable
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