The Global Community has had work on the Global Community Vision ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on the Global Community Vision.
For more recent work on the Global Community Vision read the following table.
Month/year |
Theme and Author |
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October 24, 2007 |
Peace Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning
by David Swanson,
What gives a life meaning is the awareness that you have dedicated your life to working to improve the world, not just at the end of a strategic sadistic adventure, but in every bit of the work you do. When you work for peace and justice, a little work does a little good, and a lot does a lot of good. And, while even your utmost exertion can fail, you know you will have done no harm, you will have set the right example, and you will have refused to sit silently by as crimes were committed.
Peace and justice activism, when it is serious, involves sacrifice and risk. Soldiers who refuse illegal orders risk prison.
Citizens who engage in civil disobedience risk jail. And, increasingly, ordinary exercising of the right to free speech risks fines and other punishments. We also now
collectively face the risk of state-based and non-state-based attacks on us in response to our government's policies. We face nuclear annihilation, global warming, and
the declaration of complete martial law. We face the increased use of detention, torture, and murder. We face a growing difficulty and danger in doing what we do for
peace and freedom. And we face the possibility of great glory and fame as our rewards. |
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September 26, 2007 |
Earth Calls for Radical Social Change and Spiritual Transformation
by Dr. Glen Barry
The population bomb has burst, the climate and biosphere are
in tatters, and tyrannical, militaristic governments rule; yet
there remains a path to global ecological sustainability
Earth Meanders
Dr. Barry is founder and President of Ecological Internet; provider of the largest, most used environmental portals on the Internet including the Climate Ark at and
http://EcoEarth.Info/ .
Earth Meanders is a series of ecological essays that are written in his personal capacity.
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July 10, 2007 |
10 propositions pour la paix , by Guy CRÉQUIE,
Le XXIè siècle est celui du troisième millénaire, il doit anticiper l'héritage que nous laisserons à la nouvelle génération.
Ce siècle peut, doit, décider comme le propose l'UNESCO que la pauvreté est une atteinte insupportable aux droits de l'homme mais plus encore, il doit décider que l'humanité est un sujet politique et juridique( déterminant comme instance de vie) supérieur à la logique économique.
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June 27, 2007 |
Our Obligation To The World, by Paul Buchheit, published in,
Our way of life depends on a continuation of the economic and energy policies that keep billions of people in poverty.
June 15, 2007 |
A World Without Oil, by Daniel Howden The Independent , published in,
Scientists have criticised a major review of the world's remaining oil reserves, warning that the end of oil is coming sooner than governments and oil companies are prepared to admit
June 10, 2007 |
Global Justice for all life on the planet
by Germain Dufour, with the Global Community
The Global Community Global Justice Movement has many inter-related components: monetary, social, economic, environmental, democracy, and peace. The Global Community Global Justice Movement
promotes new thinking to benefit all economies and societies – the true, fair, democratic and efficient solution to poverty. The Global Community has the productive resources to eliminate poverty and
injustice. Humanity is now in the process of developing the democratic and transparent communications infrastructure which can bring this about.
Our approach transcends left-wing/right-wing designations. We see both conventional capitalism and socialism as being two arms of a philosophy which concentrate power in an elite, to the detriment of society
as a whole. Reforming the current money system, to empower each and every person, is a first step for justice. |
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May 30, 2007 |
The Global Community is given the Day of Life in the Harmonious Era Calendar , by Dr. Leo Semashko,
The Quality of Social Existence and Future of Children
Global Harmony Day: June 21st |
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May 19, 2007 |
Question of Direction , by Mike Nickerson and Donna Dillman, Goals are the seeds from which the future grows.
When enough people understand this, the conventional wisdom will shift, moving from: our purpose is to expand production and onsumption to
our purpose is to enjoy living while managing the planet for generations to come. As you know, the Question of Direction program aims to increase the rate at which this realization takes place. |
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May 15, 2007 |
One Billion To Be Displaced By 2050 , by Agence France Presse,
At least one billion people risk fleeing their homes over the next four decades because of conflicts and natural disasters that will worsen with global warming, a relief agency warned Monday.
In a report, British-based Christian Aid said countries worldwide, especially the poorest, are now facing the greatest forced migration ever — one that will dwarf those displaced by World War II. |
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May 26, 2007 |
Letter sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community
The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year
The Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at any location at any time between the Ozone layer above and the core of the planet below
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June 1, 2007 |
La dimension multiculturelle du dialogue by AMMAR BANNI, Professeur de français et poète
Il est donc indispensable pour que la culture du dialogue établisse un système multiculturel efficace, aux niveaux régionaux
et mondiaux ,et pour accomplir cette tâche ,il est recommandé que le dialogue et sa culture interculturel devraient investir pour le développement de sa culture
multiculturelle qui aident les peuples et les nations pour se comprendre et se respecter ; ceci réduirait la possibilité de conflits des cultures et des
civilisations . La dimension multiculturelle de la culture du dialogue favoriserait la promotion d'une culture harmonieuse qui peut empêcher l'influence
dangereuse sur la société provoquant une incertitude ,une crainte, une terreur et de haine qui mènent aux conflits et aux guerres. |
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May 4, 2007 |
Le Pacte de la Culture, and La Bannière de la Paix, by Thierry Bécourt,
Toutes les institutions éducatives, artistiques, scientifiques et religieuses et tous les sites ayant une valeur et une signification culturelles et historiques doivent être reconnus comme inviolables et respectés par toutes les nations, en temps de guerre comme en temps de paix. |
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March 17, 2007 |
I am the new long awaited prophet to help humanity through this century and beyond
by Germain Dufour, with the Global Community
In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Community, there are laws I ask everyone to comply with. |
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March 16, 2007 |
Letter sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community
Nature Law
Nature Law, a fundamental pillar of our social values |
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March 17, 2007 |
God Law
Revelations for the 21st Century and beyond
Message sent by God to the Global Community |
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March 8, 2007 |
Letter sent by Grassroots Women to the Global Community
Grassroots Women International Women’s Day 2007 Statement
Strengthen Women’s Resistance: Oppose Imperialism’s Intensifying Attacks! Assert Women’s Basic Human Rights!
In Canada, a patriarchal resurgence and ever-more entrenched systemic racism are intensifying the exploitation, oppression, and economic exclusion of working class, (im)migrant, refugee and Indigenous women. We are hard hit by
the neo-liberal policies of the Canadian government of liberalization, deregulation and privatization which leave working class women unable to earn a decent income or to access affordable housing, health, and other services. Amidst
rising corporate profiteering, government corruption, and military spending, government funding for childcare and women’s programs have been slashed. The insultingly paltry and unjustly distributed $100/month childcare benefit
has been a slap in the face for women demanding a genuinely universal national childcare program. (Im)migrant and refugee women face the punitive and exploitative nature of immigration policies such as the Live-in Caregiver
Program and unjust deportations. Indigenous women face the ongoing colonization of their land and resources. |
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March 10, 2007 |
GREAT SHIFT OF POWER, by Triaka Smith,
To explain, since "Justice" is the principle of Moral
Rightness, its a rational view that to force a human being
into submission when that person has neither threatened
nor caused harm to others, is both Irrational Enslavement
and Morally Unjust. In this connection, it's worth noting
that while civilized people have voluntarily agreed to make
illegal the Initiation of Physical Force by one human upon
another, as in murder, rape, and robbery, no government
on earth has yet been held to the same Moral Standard. |
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February 7, 2007 |
POÈME À MON FRÈRE, l’humain du XXIème siècle, by Guy CRÉQUIE,
A l'origine dote du seul certificat d'etudes, je suis devenu a 40 ans, diplome de 3ieme cycle universitaire. Je sui message du Manifeste 2000 de l'UNESCO, ambassadeur universel de la paix, laureat des Academies
Europeenne et mondiale de la culture et des arts.
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February 7, 2007 |
How Generous Is the Bill Gates Foundation? If the Gates Foundation is so generous, why does it invest millions in companies that pollute the land in the very places the foundation was designed to help? , by Allison H. Fine,, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message |
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February 1, 2007 |
Extinction of life on Earth through Global Warming
The question for humanity is: can global warming be prevented? |
February 2, 2007 |
Climate Change 2007
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. It is currently finalizing its Fourth Assessment Report "Climate Change 2007". The reports by the three Working Groups provide a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the current state of knowledge on climate change.
January 22, 2007 |
Planet Earth in Peril: ALERT EVERYONE! Time for Radical Change, by Bravo Z. Bywydd with I’m contstantly astonishing at the lack of response by society, with all of its specializations & preoccupations — to the growing planetary SURVIVAL crisis.
January 14, 2007 |
Indirect Impacts of Peak Oil and Climate Change , by John Rawlins,
Whatcom Watch Online Fossil Fuels at Peak
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January 10, 2007 |
EU: Climate change will transform the face of the continent , by Michael McCarthy and Stephen Castle ,
Independent News and Media Limited The Independent Europe, the richest and most fertile continent and the model for the modern
world, will be devastated by climate change, the European Union predicts today.
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January 4, 2007 |
The Great Charter of Harmony for an Information Civilization: Positive Alternative to a Leaving Civilization, by Leo Semashko , Published on:
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December 14, 2006 |
Living Planet Report 2006 outlines scenarios for humanity's future, by Mathis Wackernagel , Global Footprint Network
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January 7, 2007 |
Climate Change Denial , by Dr. Glen Barry , Earth Meanders and Ecological Internet (EI)
Insightful original Earth essays placing environmental sustainability within the context of other contemporary issues including peace and freedom.
Humanity's new vision of the world is about seeing human activities on the planet through:
a) the Scale of Human and Earth Rights;
b) the Statement of Rights, Responsibilities and Accountabilities of a person and the Global Community; and
c) building global symbiotical relationships between people, institutions,
cities, provinces and nations of the world.
For the first time in human history, and the first time this millennium,
humanity has proposed a benchmark:
* formation of global ministries in all important aspects of our lives
* getting ride of corruption at all levels of government
* the establishment of Global Police to fight against the growing threat to the security of all Peoples, and to fight against global crimes
* the Scale of Human and Earth Rights as a replacement to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
* Statement of Rights, Responsibilities and Accountabilities of a person belonging to 'a global community' and to 'the Global Community'
* an evolved global democracy based on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Global Constitution
* a central organization for Earth management, the restoration of the planet and Earth governance: the Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
* the Earth Court of Justice to deal with all aspects of governance and management of the Earth
* a new impetus given to the way of doing business and trade
* more new, diversified (geographical, economical, political, social, business, religious) symbiotical relationships between nations, communities, businesses, for the good and well-being of all
* proposal to reform the United Nations, NATO, World Trade Organization, World Bank, IMF, E.U., NAFTA, FTAA, and to centralize them under Earth Government, and these organizations will
be asked to pay a global tax to be administered by Earth Government
* the Peace Movement of the Global Community and shelving of the war industry from humanity
* a global regulatory framework for capitals and corporations that emphasizes global corporate ethics, corporate social responsibility,
protection of human and Earth rights, the environment, community and family aspects, safe working conditions, fair wages and sustainable
consumption aspects
* the ruling by the Earth Court of Justice of the abolishment of the debt of the poor or developing nations as it is really a form of global tax to be paid
annually by the rich or industrialized nations to the developing nations
* establishing freshwater and clean air as primordial human rights
Every Global Community citizen has a dream about what they want in life and future. There is only one common Vision
that can fulfill all dreams.