Dr. Michael Ellis
Minister for Sustainable Civilisation, Peace and Disarmament 
Chief Editor, Co Publisher and Creative vision behind
The New Paradigm Journal

Founder of:
The Centre For Change

The Medical renaissance Group
Our Global Round table for peace initiative is a response to the
deteriorating situation in the World. Conflict is occurring at an unprecedented
level as we are confronted with the seeds of change.
On social, environmental and health fronts, we are confronting a
critical transition. We are facing the results of an epistemology,
which focuses on material and rational values, human supremacy
and competition for domination. Will this transition be into chaos
and destruction or will it be into a new paradigm based on spiritual,
ecological connectedness and co-operation?
We are a planet in crisis. In 1995, NASA space photographer,
Richard Underwood, noted enormous changes in planetary degradation
seen from space in a period of 10 years.
Dr. C. G. Jung in The Undiscovered Self said 'The psyche is endowed
with dignity, which philosophically gives it a dignity equal
to a human being. Consciousness must be granted this status of human
existence and the individual, who is only the source of consciousness,
must be allowed a corresponding significance in society.
Institutions of ideology and religion permit individuality only in so
far as the individual does not oppose their dogmas, otherwise he is
condemned as a heretic and/or eccentric".
Similarly the modern state with its industrial, military complex
in the hands of a comparatively few people has a tendency to dictate
the course of society and to suppress any full expression of individuality
amongst the mass of the population. It is a dangerous habit
of our age to think only in large numbers, mass organizations
and mega deaths.
In order to resolve international conflict and understand our place
in the universe, we require a renaissance in consciousness,
ethics and values and a new epistemology if we are to sustainably
The largest gathering of heads of state in history was held at the
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in
Rio in June of 1992. In November 1992, the following statement
was issued by 1,600 senior scientists:
* No more than one or a few decades remain … We, the undersigned,
senior members of the world's scientific community hereby
warn all humanity of what lies ahead. A great change in
our stewardship of the Earth and life on it is required if vast human
misery is to be avoided, and our global home on this planet
is not to be irretrievably damaged.
* World Scientists' Warning to Humanity signed by 1,600 senior
scientists including half of all Nobel Prize Winners and representing
71 countries, 18 November 1992.
The aim of The Centre For Change is to establish Round Tables
For Peace of Distinguished Human Beings from all over the Planet
as a Global Think Tank and 'Circle for Synergy & Responsibility' -
bringing together all aspects of Global Thinking, Wisdom and Perception
from scientific to spiritual in order to look for and debate
solutions at this critical time through an openness of dialogue.
The Centre for Change in the Third Millennium - is supporting a
decade of open forum and ongoing dialogue on key issues affecting
the future of human kind. The aim of The Centre for Change is
to involve community and business highlighting healing, education
and social integration in order to create a more sustainable and
peaceful world.
We are calling for the establishment of a Round Table for Peace
leading to the establishment of a Department for Peace in Government
devoted to new ways of thinking, perceiving and understanding,
developing a culture of Healing in Society, and facilitating
nonviolent solutions to domestic and international conflict.
Humankind has reached a state of development in which old
modes of thinking and behaving threaten to destroy our planet.
The old modes of our conduct of life (The Ways of perceiving,
feeling, thinking and acting) or the old paradigm are being forced
on us to an even greater extent by the neo-conservative Orwellian,
economic rationalist regime of Western Society. This gradual intrusive
process is by its very nature eroding creativity and freedom
of expression of art and culture.
Our health system worldwide is in crisis. This crisis is exacerbated
by the costs and profits generated by the pharmaceutical industry.
It is no wonder that the health system is in crisis when the
whole essence of health care is to make profit based on the use of
allopathic drugs. The pharmaceutical industry exists and feeds on
illness. Without illness it cannot grow. Despite remarkable achievements
in some aspects of orthodox medicine, the world's leading
conventional institutions are responsible for an enormous death toll
across the globe.
Nutritional and stress factors play an important role in the causes
of these three killer diseases (1)
Over the past three decades there has been a virtual explosion in
information in the medical and scientific literature relating nutrition,
lifestyle and depression to disease. (2)
This is why we see so many patients with their immune systems
compromised by stress and depression and pharmaceutical treatment.
Stress and depression in one in three people in Australia are
surely signs that in terms of community, support and caring we are
losing out. People are competing for survival and work rather than
creating friendships and developing mature relationships and families.
Unless governance becomes more participatory and people have
a real say at what they want in terms of their dreams and how they
can express themselves in terms of real values and positive attitudes,
our society will become like a dictatorship run by a cruel bureaucratic
elite and watched over by a very wealthy minority.
We need to get back to the concept of true education and true
healing if we wish to see a society which will flourish in every way
including economically.
GAIA - Vision & Action Emanzipation Humanum 1
We have to realize that the kind of life that we currently live is
not conducive to happiness, health and wellness when we are surrounded
by a world full of conflict and wars. We are in a global
crisis in terms of population, health and environmental degradation.
Half of the Nobel Prize winners of the world at the Rio Summit
in 1992 stated that we had only a short period of time for our planet
to be either severely mutilated or for us to create a sustainable
community and environment.
We live in a disenfranchised world and communities with massive
health problems. Within this society there is tremendous emphasis
on wealth and consumerism where the emphasis is on economics
which is utterly unconcerned about the wellbeing of the individual.
Economics is only concerned about the rationale for the accumulation
of wealth no matter what the consequences for the people
or environment.
When people feel uncared for the result is illness. Economic rationalism
is an expression of how we are losing our sense of community
and connection with all of life. In general there has to be a
massive change in consciousness if we are to survive. Consciousness
is also the key word when it comes to taking responsibility for
healing one self and healing the planet.
It is an indictment on the ruling hegemony of the world, politicians
and presidents, governments and CEOs of large organizations
that they allow and even condone conflict within their own politicking
as well as between rivals and have no knowledge of the
significance of the social determinants of well being and health. (3)
It seems that the military industrial complex, the multiplying
wars, the pollution of our rivers and seas and skies, the inhumanity
of man against man and global inequity and poverty are having tremendous
deleterious effects on the state of the world creating an
eroded planet and a dis-eased Humanity.
If we do not address the basic social and environment and nutritional
determinants of health we are only going to further inflame
our present global crisis to the extent of creating an increasing spiraling
of global disease and stress.
Of course the stress, anxiety and depression can manifest itself
in the way nations respond to each other and the way they are not
able to manage conflict resolution or look at things in a calm long
term view.
The minds of people who are leaders in the Global community
should be able to see things wisely and with compassion, However
it seems that they are experiencing mental processes which can
only create dissonance and poor decision making.
It is therefore time that we begin to bring healing into the context
of society on a global and political level if we are to create a
more sustainable and happy humanity.
It is for this reason that The Centre For Change proposes the establishment
of a Round Tables For Peace leading to the establishment
of a Department for Peace in Governments devoted to new
ways of thinking, developing a culture of Healing in Society, and
facilitating nonviolent solutions to domestic and international conflict.
We need to create a better sustainable world through reappraisal
of what it means to be a human being in harmony with the
1) Australia. Health targets and implementation (Health for All)
Committee. Health for all Australians: Introducing the Report of
the Health Targets and implementation (Health for All) Committee.
Canberra: AGPS, 1988; 2-4.
Brighthope I E "The role of nutritional medicine in general practice."
Aust Fam Phys 1990;19(3)
2) The health of an individual in society is tied up and inextricably
related to, lifestyle change, reduction of stress and the fundamental
conditions for resources and health including peace, shelter, education,
food, income, a stable eco-system, sustainable resources,
social justice and equity. (International Conference of Health Promotion,
Ottawa 1986).
3) Sir Michael Marmot is Professor of Epidemiology and Public
Health and Director of the International Centre for Health and Society
at University College London, as well as Adjunct Professor
of Health and Social Behaviour at the Harvard School of Public
Health. Sir Michael Marmot has said that even in the most affluent
countries people who are less well off have substantially shorter
life expectancies than the rich. Professor Marmot for the World
Health Organization defined ten social determinants of health for
the World Health Organisation. The details are given below. What
is significant from these determinants is that stress harms health
and people become vulnerable to a wide range of major conditions
including, cardiovascular disease, infections and diabetes. It has
also been shown that social exclusion creates illness and morbidity.
The message is that when people feel loved and are in jobs that
they relate to and feel happy with and are in communities that are
supporting they are likely to live longer and fulfilling lives. Whereas
exclusion within communities and work and unemployment and
lack of social support creates a wide range of diseases that we see
nowadays in our society including depression, cancer, cardiovascular
disease and premature death.
The Ten Social Determinants of Health are:
1. Social and economic circumstances strongly effect health
throughout life.
2. Stress harms health.
3. The effects of early development in the neo-natal period and
infancy last a lifetime.
4. Social exclusion creates suffering and morbidity.
5. Stress in the workplace increases the risk of disease
6. Job security increases health, well-being and job satisfaction.
Unemployment is deleterious to health.
7. Social support, friendship, good social relations and strong
supportive networks improve health at home, work and in the
8. Addiction to drugs and alcohol is influenced by social determinants.
9. Nutrition is a key determinant of health.
10. Transport through the use of walking and exercise in a sustainable
environment enhances health.
"Love alone is capable of uniting living beings is such a way
as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and
joins them by what is deepest in themselves. Understanding,
co-operation and love are the keys to human survival."
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
We cannot solve the problems of the world with mechanisms,
but only by changing the hearts and minds of men
and speaking courageously'.
- Albert Einstein
GAIA - Vision & Action Emanzipation Humanum 2