Protection of the global environment
Global Information Media editorial page
The Global Community has had work on the Protection of the Global Environment ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on the Protection of the Global Environment. A short list of our previous work on the Protection of the Global Environment is shown here

For more recent work on the Protection of the Global Environment read the following table.

 Month/year  Theme and Author  Read contents
 June 28, 2007   Greenpeace opens tar sands campaign, by Greenpeace Canada, Edmonton, Canada — Greenpeace has taken a dramatic step to expand its climate and energy campaign by opening an office in Edmonton to oppose tar sands in Alberta.   Read Greenpeace opens tar sands campaign
 June 30, 2007   Action Alert: Greenpeace, Come Clean and Stop Supporting Ancient Rainforest Logging, by Dr. Glen Barry , Rainforest Portal and Ecological Internet (EI) There is no such thing as certified, sustainable logging of primary forests. Tell Greenpeace to release their suppressed report on industrial certified forestry, and to resign the chair and withdraw from the Forest Stewardship Council.   Read Action Alert: Greenpeace, Come Clean and Stop Supporting Ancient Rainforest Logging
 June 27, 2007  Humanity's Footprint 1961-2003 , by Mathis Wackernagel, Ecological Footprint, An organization specializing in the calculation system that measures the ecological, social and economic sustainability, Global Footprint Network, and ecological resource use and resource capacity of nations over time.   Read Humanity's Footprint 1961-2003
 July 13, 2007   Global Warming Is A Human Rights Issue, by Mary Shaw, published in The U.S. -- with about five percent of the world's population -- remains the world's chief polluter, generating 25 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions. And the Bush administration continues to stonewall, lest new emissions regulations should inconvenience his corporate cronies.   Read Global Warming Is A Human Rights Issue
 June 5, 2007   Global Warming: driving governments to take action , by John Bunzl – ISPO Founder, Trustee and Coordinator, Simpol promotes the Simultaneous Policy (SP), which aims to deliver social justice around the world, resolve global problems like environmental destruction and regulate the economic power of international capital for the good of all. Simpol seeks solutions to problems that individual national governments cannot resolve by acting alone. Global warming is now at the top of the political agenda. But why aren't governments taking the necessary action? Because any nation legislating to curb the emissions of its industries will make its economy "uncompetitive" with other countries, thus risking investment and jobs moving elsewhere.   Read  Global Warming: driving governments to take action
 May 14, 2007   Deforestation: The Hidden Cause Of Global Warming , by Daniel Howden , The Independent The accelerating destruction of the rainforests that form a precious cooling band around the Earth's equator, is now being recognised as one of the main causes of climate change. Carbon emissions from deforestation far outstrip damage caused by planes and automobiles and factories. The rampant slashing and burning of tropical forests is second only to the energy sector as a source of greenhouses gases according to report published today by the Oxford-based Global Canopy Programme, an alliance of leading rainforest scientists.   Read Deforestation: The Hidden Cause Of Global Warming
 May 29, 2007   Earth, Inc. Sliding Into Bankruptcy, by Stephen Leahy , Inter Press Service Build a shrimp farm in Thailand by cutting down mangrove forests and you will net about 8,000 dollars per hectare. Meanwhile, the destruction of the forest and pollution from the farm will result in a loss of ecosystems worth 35,000 dollars/ha per year. Many leading development institutions and policy-makers still fail to understand that this ruthless exploitation for short-term profits could trigger an Enron-like collapse of "Earth, Inc.", experts say.   Read  Earth, Inc. Sliding Into Bankruptcy
 April 18, 2007  Global Warming Health Effects Higher temperatures over the coming decades are expected to cause more smoggy days and heat waves, contributing to a greater number of illnesses and deaths in the United States, according to international climate scientists. by Jane Kay, The San Francisco Chronicle,, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, EnviroHealth.   Read Global Warming Health Effects
 April 10, 2007   Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America. There are many serious problems with biofuels, especially on a massive scale, and it appears from this report that they cannot be surmounted. So let the truth of Alice Friedemann’s meticulous and incisive diligence wash over you and rid you of any confusion or false hopes. The absurdity and destructiveness of large scale biofuels are a chance for people to eventually even reject the internal combustion engine and energy waste in general. One can also hazard from this report that bioplastics, as well, cannot make it in a big way. by Alice Friedemann, with Culture Change. Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute. The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.   Read Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America
 February 19, 2007  One Great Big Plastic Hassle Disturbing health trends indicate our passion for plastic may be threatening our reproductive survival, by Jane Akre,, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, EnviroHealth What we need is chemical policy reform from the ground up. As it stands now, most chemicals released in recent decades are given a blanket assumption of safety. The innocent-until-proven-guilty attitude in the U.S. is backwards.   Read One Great Big Plastic Hassle
 February 12, 2007   Scientists Conclude Global Warming Is Unequivocal. Most warming in the last 50 years is due to human activity, by Mark Rainer, World Socialist Web published in   Read Scientists Conclude Global Warming Is Unequivocal
 February 1, 2007   Extinction of life on Earth through Global Warming The question for humanity is: can global warming be prevented?   Read Extinction of life on Earth through Global Warming
 February 4, 2007   Action Alert: End Clearcut Logging of Ancient Old-Growth Forest Wilderness in Northern Finland Let the Finnish government know that the age of ancient forest logging is over; that these forests are needed for climate buffering, biodiversity protection, forest restoration seed stock and are vital to achieving global ecological sustainability, by , Environment Portal & Search Engine. Empowering the Environmental Sustainability Movement Clearcutting ancient forests is antiquated, barbaric and ecologically deadly   Read Action Alert: End Clearcut Logging of Ancient Old-Growth Forest Wilderness in Northern Finland
 February 2, 2007   Climate Change 2007 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. It is currently finalizing its Fourth Assessment Report "Climate Change 2007". The reports by the three Working Groups provide a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the current state of knowledge on climate change.   Read Climate Change 2007
 January 22, 2007   Planet Earth in Peril: ALERT EVERYONE! Time for Radical Change, by Bravo Z. Bywydd with I’m contstantly astonishing at the lack of response by society, with all of its specializations & preoccupations — to the growing planetary SURVIVAL crisis.   Read Planet Earth in Peril: ALERT EVERYONE! Time for Radical Change
 January 25, 2007   When Does Green Rage Become Ecoterrorism? , by Matt Rasmussen, Orion Magazine, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, EnviroHealth, Are radical environmentalists wackos, terrorists, or prophets warning against environmental catastrophe?   Read When Does Green Rage Become Ecoterrorism?
 January 18, 2007   Charging Towards The Big Melt , by Stephen Leahy, published in The huge societal shift needed to find ways to live sustainably will likely not happen without some kind of disaster that will generate enough suffering that people will make the shift.   Read Charging Towards The Big Melt
 January/February, 2007   Making Other Arrangements: Can we get over the car and get real about preparing for an oil-scarce future? , by JAMES HOWARD KUNSTLER , The Orion Society,   Read 100 Things You Can Do to Get Ready for Peak Oil
 January 10, 2007   EU: Climate change will transform the face of the continent , by Michael McCarthy and Stephen Castle , Independent News and Media Limited The Independent Europe, the richest and most fertile continent and the model for the modern world, will be devastated by climate change, the European Union predicts today.   Read EU: Climate change will transform the face of the continent
 January 12, 2007   Action Alert: Stop the Great Ugandan Rainforest Give-Away, by Dr. Glen Barry , Rainforest Portal and Ecological Internet (EI) Insightful original Earth essays placing environmental sustainability within the context of other contemporary issues including peace and freedom.   Read  Action Alert: Stop the Great Ugandan Rainforest Give-Away
 January 8, 2007   Saving Mother Earth. Participants at this year’s Science Congress call for earnest measures for conservation of India’s natural resources, by ASHOK B SHARMA, Indian Society For Sustainable Agriculture Indian Express Newspapers (Mumbai) Ltd.   Read Saving Mother Earth.  Participants at this year’s Science Congress call for earnest measures for conservation of India’s natural resources
 January 7, 2007   Climate Change Denial , by Dr. Glen Barry , Earth Meanders and Ecological Internet (EI) Insightful original Earth essays placing environmental sustainability within the context of other contemporary issues including peace and freedom.   Read  Climate Change Denial
  December 11, 2006   Protect Marine Sanctuaries from Pollution!, by Lisa Grob, Friends of the Earth  Read Protect Marine Sanctuaries from Pollution!
 December 5, 2006   2006 National Green Power Award Winners Announced , by USA Department of Energy, Starbucks, Whole Foods Market, Staples, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Aspen Skiing Company Among Award Recipients   Read 2006 National Green Power Award Winners Announced
 December 14, 2006   Scientific Facts on Arctic Climate Change, by GreenFacts Press, Facts on Health and on the Environment   Read Scientific Facts on Arctic Climate Change


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