Forest conservation and protection aspects and issues
Global Information Media editorial page
The Global Community has had work concerning forest conservation and protection aspects and issues ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work concerning forest conservation and protection aspects and issues. Forest conservation and protection

For more recent work concerning forest conservation and protection aspects and issues read the following table.

 Month/year  Theme and Author  Read contents
 July 28, 2007   RAINFOREST/CLIMATE ALERT: FSC and Big Green Ancient Forest Logging Tragedy Worsens, by Dr. Glen Barry , Rainforest Portal and Ecological Internet (EI) Insightful original Earth essays placing environmental sustainability within the context of other contemporary issues including peace and freedom. Support for "certified" ancient rainforest logging crumbles further due to string of inappropriate and illegal certifications, most recently in Peru; and as Norway rejects FSC and all primary rainforest logging certification schemes   Read RAINFOREST/CLIMATE ALERT: FSC and Big Green Ancient Forest Logging Tragedy Worsens
 June 30, 2007   Action Alert: Greenpeace, Come Clean and Stop Supporting Ancient Rainforest Logging, by Dr. Glen Barry , Rainforest Portal and Ecological Internet (EI) There is no such thing as certified, sustainable logging of primary forests. Tell Greenpeace to release their suppressed report on industrial certified forestry, and to resign the chair and withdraw from the Forest Stewardship Council.   Read Action Alert: Greenpeace, Come Clean and Stop Supporting Ancient Rainforest Logging
 May 14, 2007   Deforestation: The Hidden Cause Of Global Warming , by Daniel Howden , The Independent The accelerating destruction of the rainforests that form a precious cooling band around the Earth's equator, is now being recognised as one of the main causes of climate change. Carbon emissions from deforestation far outstrip damage caused by planes and automobiles and factories. The rampant slashing and burning of tropical forests is second only to the energy sector as a source of greenhouses gases according to report published today by the Oxford-based Global Canopy Programme, an alliance of leading rainforest scientists.   Read Deforestation: The Hidden Cause Of Global Warming
 May 29, 2007   Earth, Inc. Sliding Into Bankruptcy, by Stephen Leahy , Inter Press Service Build a shrimp farm in Thailand by cutting down mangrove forests and you will net about 8,000 dollars per hectare. Meanwhile, the destruction of the forest and pollution from the farm will result in a loss of ecosystems worth 35,000 dollars/ha per year. Many leading development institutions and policy-makers still fail to understand that this ruthless exploitation for short-term profits could trigger an Enron-like collapse of "Earth, Inc.", experts say.   Read  Earth, Inc. Sliding Into Bankruptcy
 February 4, 2007   Action Alert: End Clearcut Logging of Ancient Old-Growth Forest Wilderness in Northern Finland Let the Finnish government know that the age of ancient forest logging is over; that these forests are needed for climate buffering, biodiversity protection, forest restoration seed stock and are vital to achieving global ecological sustainability, by , Environment Portal & Search Engine. Empowering the Environmental Sustainability Movement Clearcutting ancient forests is antiquated, barbaric and ecologically deadly   Read Action Alert: End Clearcut Logging of Ancient Old-Growth Forest Wilderness in Northern Finland
 January 12, 2007   Action Alert: Stop the Great Ugandan Rainforest Give-Away, by Dr. Glen Barry , Rainforest Portal and Ecological Internet (EI) Insightful original Earth essays placing environmental sustainability within the context of other contemporary issues including peace and freedom.   Read  Action Alert: Stop the Great Ugandan Rainforest Give-Away


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