Take note that as of September 2010, all Newsletters will be published at the following location: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GPA/2011GIMcurrentnews.htm
The Global Community has held the Current News ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on the Current News aspects and issues.
For more recent work on the Current News aspects and issues read the following table.
Month/year |
Newsletter Theme |
Read contents |
September 2010 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :
Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2010 are ready for reading
Short version of Global Parliament Constitution in PDF format
The following Parts are zip folders. Each folder has a PDF file and other info files concerning colors and text of the images.
Adobe Reader 9 is best for reading the PDF files. The sequence of the Parts is about in the same order as that of the Table of Contents
of this short version found at http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/Constitution/ShortVersion.htm
Part I (4 pages, 10MB) 
Part II (1 page, 4.7MB) 
Part III (2 pages, 4MB) 
Part IV (1 page, 4.2 MB) 
Part V (6 pages, 7.5 MB) 
Part VI (3 pages, 5.8 MB) 
Part VII (1 page, 7.2 MB) 
Part VIII (2 pages, 5.7 MB) 
Part IX (2 pages, 2.3 MB) 
Part X (2 pages, 6.3 MB) 
Part XI (3 pages, 6.9 MB) 
Part XII (4 pages, 1.6 MB) 
Part XIII (2 pages, 3.3 MB) 
Part XIV (1 page, 1.6 MB) 
Part XV (1 page, 1.5 MB) 
Part XVI (3 pages, 4.8 MB) 
Part XVII (1 page, 1.7 MB) 
Part XVIII (1 page, 1.1 MB) 
Part XIX (1 page, 2.0 MB) 
The 29 Chapters of Global Parliament Constitution
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August 2010 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :
Short Version of Global Parliament Constitution 
Table of Contents
- Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010)

- Founders of the Global Community organization

- Definition of the Global Community

- Global Community Affiliated Centres for education and training

- Global Dialogue

- Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for

- Definition of the Scale of Global Rights

- Global Law

- Justice for all with Global Law

Global Rights 
The Judiciary

Earth Court of Justice
Standards & good practices
Global Law & Regulations

Formation of new nations

Settling of disputes between nations through the process of the Earth Court of Justice

Codes, Bills, Acts, and Statutes
- Federation of Global Governments: what we stand for
Report Main Index 
The Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations 
Civil Society 
Global Protection Agency (GPA) 
The Judiciary 
Global Ministries 
Essential services 
- Global voting on issues

- Politics and Justice without borders: Earth Governance

- Global Ministries are about local to global cooperation

- The Canadian experience is the pathway to Peace in the world

- The USA wars

- The Planarchists

- Obama world tepee (tea p.) and the Little Red Riding Hood

- Global Crisis

- NATO (the White House , war industry, big corporate rulers, Christian right) vs Global Rights and Global Justice

- Canada and the United States relationship
Friendly understanding between President Bush and PM Harper of Canada 
Two wrongs do not make one right: Canada changing from peace keeping to war making 
Canada, the Mexico of the North and next victim of the IMF-World Bank rapacious appetite for nations with valuable resources 
- USA 21st century global economic system

- Global Social Economic Model (GSEM)

- Global Social Economic Model (GSEM) vs the actual world economic system as proposed by G8/G20 nations

- The teaching of the Soul

The teaching of the Soul 
The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship
Guiding Souls and God want to help us manage Earth 
Guiding Souls to serve God is a part of a new unifying religion of a modern symbiosis global society
The Divine Plan and the higher purpose of humanity 
The Global Community teaching
Global Law 
- Celebration of Life Day

- Planetary Biodiversity Zone

- The Global Exhibition

- Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year

Cultural Appreciation Day 
Along with all the global communities, the Global Community, all life on Earth, and the Soul of Humanity can rightfully claim ownership of the Earth as a birthright 
Founding of the Global Community organization, Earth Government and the Federation of Global Governments 
Global Citizenship Day 
Tribute to Virginie Dufour, the first Secretary General of the Global Community organization, who passed away April 28,2000 
The Global Exhibition 
Nationalization of natural resources 
Global Peace Movement Day 
Global Movement to Help 
Global Justice for all Life Day 
Global Justice Movement 
Global Disarmament Day 
Planetary State of Emergency Day 
Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010) 
Celebration of Life Day 
Planetary Biodiversity Zone 
- Investigative reports
Global Parliament's Constitution Main Index 
Advisory Board to the Global Parliament's Constitution
Global Dialogue 2010 
Global Political Parties
Global Law
Obama’s world tepee (tea p.)and The Little Red Riding Hood
The worst kind of planarchists are NATO nations
Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for
Earth governance at its best vs at its worst
Global Movement to Help main listing:
Federation of Global Governments Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre 
Global Constitution 
The Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations
Annual meeting of the Federation of Global Governments 
A just, fair and most needed Global Government 
Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters ( HQ) 
Essential services

Global Justice Network

Global Protection Agency (GPA)

Global Rights 
Portal of the Global Community (original Portal from back in 1985) 
Portal Global Dialogue 2009 
Global Information Media (GIM) daily proclamations concerning actual issues in the world 
Portal of Global Dialogue 2008 
Proceedings of the Global Dialogue 
Global Peace Movement amongst nations and people 
Global Citizens voting on issues 
The Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations 
Civil Society 
Global Protection Agency (GPA) 
The Judiciary 
Global Ministries 
Essential services 
Twenty four years ago the Global Community organization was created. Happy 24 th year Anniversary everyone
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July 2010 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :
( see enlargement )
Politics and Justice without borders: Earth governance
Artwork by Germain Dufour
June 6, 2010
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June 2010 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :
( see enlargement )
Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for
Artwork by Germain Dufour
May 12, 2010
Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for 
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Global Parliament
Federation of Global Governments
Table of contents
Here is my short Bio 
Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for 
Other summaries of the Global Communty work
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May 2010 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :
Global Law
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Prophet of God
Global Parliament
Federation of Global Governments
( see enlargement )
Global Law
Artwork by Germain Dufour
April 22, 2010
Table of contents
a) Introduction 
b) Soul of Humanity 
c) Divine Plan for Life in the Universe 
d) Humanity's higher purpose 
e) A symbiotical relationship with the Soul of Humanity 
f) The Soul of Humanity is helping to bring about the event of Peace 
g) The Divine Law 
h) We have the responsibility of managing Earth 
i) What I am asking from all religions 
j) Golden Rule Principle and societal sustainability 
k) Global Justice Movement 
l) What we stand for 
m) Abolish the war industry 
n) Peace Movement 
o) Global Protection Agency (GPA) 
p) A harmonious and compassionate Global Community 
q) Global symbiotical relationship 
r) Global consumption 
s) Conclusion and recommendations 
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April 2010 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :
Global Political Parties
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Global Parliament
Federation of Global Governments
( see enlargement )
Global Political Parties
Artwork by Germain Dufour
March 20, 2010
Global political parties are certainly the next best thing to talk about after replacing the United Nations by Global Parliament. Actually why wait!
We all know it is coming soon. We all know the UN is on its way out! This is the 21st century, and the old ways have to go for humanity survival, for all life
on Earth survival. This is the time to remember in all of humanity history. Our time is precious. Life in all its forms needs our help more than ever.
We have already explained why for over two decades now. Today, we want action!
Rise up Global Community! Rise up Earth revolutionaries! Rise up! Rise up!
In the above figure we have defined and summarized who we are, what we stand for, and what we need to accomplish. The remaining sections
refer to details about how we can get there. Global Parliament Constitution contains the necessary steps that will allow us all
move forward taking along with us all of humanity and all other life forms as many as we can.
Global Dialogue 2010 is how you can participate in this discussion. Do participate! No fees! Just take the time to volunteer your help.
Our conclusion and recommendations have already been given and listed in the Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2009.
The images above are also another summary of them all. Pass our images along to others.
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March 2010 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :

( see enlargement )
Obama’s world tepee (tea p.)and
The Little Red Riding Hood
Artwork by Germain Dufour
February 14, 2009
Addendum to the paper published in our January 2010 Newsletter
and titled:
The worst kind of planarchists are NATO nations
by Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Global Parliament
December 20, 2009
The above image titled " Obama’s world tepee (tea p.) and The Little Red Riding Hood" is part of the addendum to the paper published in January 2010.
The paper itself gives a more detailed description of the imagery work.
Let us define further the different components of the imagery.
The Obama figure standing up
Obama is truly a representation of America today and NATO friends wanting to defend an old way of doing things, 20th century thinking, but knowing this will not get them anywhere. The people of those nations
have the stomach of a 'black hole' where everything on Earth is absorbed anb consumed without rules but those of the gun and fear. Obama is pointing out his own public face, a truly friendly face, a person able to
make believe 'change' is possible that would make everything right in the world. But that was shown to be a lie during the
Copenhagen Summit on Climat Change. Humanity itself was part of the lie. Humanity has lost track of what is the most practical thing to do to save life on our planet.
Several decades ago, similar self-destructive activities on the part of humanity gave rise to the Global Community, the Earth revolutionaries.
Obama wearing a NATO uniform
NATO wants to be the gun for the corporate wealthy but eventually will absorbe itself and died out in its own 'wasteland'.
The Little Red Riding Hood
People of most nations no longer trust America for anything. America is doomed to nothingness and will be absorbed by its own 'black hole', its 'wasteland'.
United Nations diplomatic suite
The United Nations (UN) is the global suite with no justice where everyone can go unpunished and get a Nobel Peace Prize. The more destruction you do the bigger the prize. America and its NATO friends got
the biggest prize of all. The UN should never be promoting war as a solution to
world problems. That alone is against global sustainability. Sustainability
means no war. War is the greatest act of destruction. There is no worst
action than war. The UN is promoting a culture of violence and war, and
certainly that goes against global sustainability and Global Peace. That
is the worst thing the UN could ever do to humanity. It is totally opposite
to the Vision that the Global Community is promoting. And it is
totally insane! The leadership of the UN has failed to enforce
disarmement. All weapons of mass destruction should have been phased out
a long time ago. Why are the USA still holding the world hostage with its
40,000 nuclear war heads, and biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction?
What has the UN ever done to help the phasing out of WMDs? Now several
nations, including North Korea and Iran feel threatened just like everyone
else and will refuse to be invaded. They would rather take on the US. Russia
and China will also refuse to be invaded.
The Global Community is very concerned about the state
of the world today and the causes that brought up so much frictions and
wars between nations. Ever since WWII, the world has seen the rise of an invading world
power, the USA. The United Nations has never done anything
to stop the invasion. The UN leadership has been one of
a 'watcher', an observer. The UN watch the world go by, on the brink of
self-destruction and of being invaded, environmentally and militarily,
and do nothing. The United Nations, US Administration, World Bank and IMF are corrupted organizations and never to be trusted of anything. The Global Community
will never go along with these organizations.
The entire planet is in a state of low intensity civil
war. The ruling elite profit off the exploitation of the rest of the world.
Over several decades now, and in several press releases, the Global Community has made everyone aware of this critical situation, and how dangerous the US military
and NATO allies were actually bringing the social fabric of the world to a complete breakdown. The October Press Release made that very clear
and has caused a domino effect that started with NATO
not wanting to take the blame for the global financial crisis and forced the collapse of the financial bubbles in the stock market, the Wall Street financial crisis.
Americans are too proud of their
military to throw away the blame of their bankrupted economy, in large part onto their astronomically high military expenditures, which truly bankrupted America long before the financial crisis.
The financial crisis reflected fundamentally bad financial principles.
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Global Parliament
Federation of Global Governments
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February 2010 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :
The Global Community gives humanitarian help to the people of Haiti.
( see enlargement )
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January 2010 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :
( see enlargement )
The Planarchists
Artwork by Germain Dufour
December 13, 2009
Table of contents
a) Introduction 
b) USA wars 
c) US invaders vs freedom fighters of Afghanistan and Iraq 
d) The economic and military invasion of nations for energy and power 
e) Global Financial System and the Global Social-Economic Model (GSEM) 
f) Conclusion and recommendations 
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December 2009 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :

( see enlargement  )
Global Parliament
Artwork by Germain Dufour
November 19, 2009
A working Global Parliament Constitution is the only way for us all to guarantee essential services, Justice, and protection to every home. Global Parliament is not a World
Government or Earth Government. No!
It is the Federation of Global Governments. Global Parliament and its Constitution were researched and developed from fundamental principles as opposed to
kitchen recipe types of Constitution that follow a set of instructions for a world parliament of some kind. Some of those principles we developed are the Global Community and
the Scale of Global Rights. That is what differentiate most our proposal from others. The Federation and its Global Parliament operate as per those principles.
The definition of the Global Community concept is truly the 21st century "philosophy of life" framework, some called it the religion of the third millennium,
others called it the politics of the future generations now. And the Scale of Global Rights was designed to replace the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Global Parliament primary goal and focus include only a few essential aspects. Global Parliament Constitution itself
gives the highest priority to the following essential aspects of life within civil society:
* essential services
* the Judiciary
* the Global Protection Agency (GPA)
* Global Ministries
to manage the needs of the Peoples of Member States.
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November 2009 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :
Action-pact: Demand a pact to act on climate change!
by Greenpeace International, international@mailing.greenpeace.org

Have you sent YOUR climate care package to Copenhagen?
We urgently need your help in the lead up to the UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen this December.
We're trying to get as many people as we can to send a virtual package to the conference. Each
package contains our demands and, if you have time, a brilliant slogan -- to be delivered by a quirky
cardboard cartoon character with YOUR face on it. The best slogan will appear on a Greenpeace
banner and the characters will be part of a virtual video march. The more we have the better:
The Climate Summit will see over 15,000 officials from 200 countries gather in Copenhagen with 1
goal: to agree on a deal to combat global warming. This is a truly incredible event which has the
power to mark a U-turn away from decades of inaction on climate change. That's why we want to
make sure they not only agree on a deal, but make a firm pact for change that packages together 3
clear actions:
1.Big cuts in emissions from rich countries
2.A fund to save our forests
3.Funds to help developing countries deal with climate change
Please, help us make sure their solution truly delivers. Visit action-pact.org and send your message.
Let's make sure our political leaders know we want them thinking about the next generation, not just
the next election.
Things you can do now! http://www.greenpeace.org/international/getinvolved
Call for Copenhagen
October 24th Global Day of Climate Action
Join the online activist list
Tell big oil to stop the lies
Halt Amazon destruction
Protect Indonesian Rainforests
Make sure leaders lead on climate
Join the plot to stop UK airport expansion
Are you wanted in Japan for the crime of opposing whaling?
Fan our Facebook page
Contact the Prosecutor about real whale scandal
Send games console makers a detox demand
Our oceans are in peril: support marine reserves
Put this banner on your blog or website
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October 2009 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :
Global Parliament Constitution Preamble
A working Global Parliament Constitution is the only way for us all to guarantee essential services, Justice, and protection to every home.
Global Parliament is not a World Government or Earth Government. No! It is Global Parliament. The Global Community offers a more meaningful union in the form of nine or more Global Governments.
We serve the people of all nations, all life on Earth. Each Global Government is made more responsible and accountable to the
people of member nations within the region where it operates. Essential services to the people of each member nation are now the most important global rights and are protected by the Global Protection
Agency (GPA) of each member nation. Global Parliament is an efficient and immediate emergency response to help.
The very first step of Global Parliament, and maybe the only one for several decades ahead of us, would be the approval of essential services amongst the participating member nations. The Global Community has researched and
developed such services and listed them here. All of them are already in operation on a small scale in the industrialized nations of the world. We want each Global Government to take a larger share of responsibility of the specific region where it operates, and be more
accountable to the people of that region. And we want a Global Government to be made of diverses nations. Be compassionate. Each Global Government is obliged to offer Essential Services to the
people of its member nations.
Advisory Board to Global Parliament Constitution
Thank you to all of those who have been sending their comments and work on the Preamble and Chapters I, II, and III.
People from all over the world have been enthusiastic about finally developing a Global Parliament Constitution for all life on Earth.
We want this process to continue for all Chapters
throughout year 2010. Our Global Parliament Constitution is well on its way.
We will be showing new revisions every month.
Our work is very important. We are showing leadership in a world where there is an avid need for it. Already several other organizations have accepted and used our work, many documents and books
have been published based on our past research and development and "soft activism" work. There is no doubt in our mind we are making a significant difference in the world.
We are the leading organization working on the Federation's Constitution. This is a unique way of expressing and protecting the needs of all people on Earth, all life. We have conducted the research and
development of our work without any other motives than that of helping humanity, all life on Earth. The Global Constitution has been a success but what the world needs is not
a World Government, not an Earth Government. What the world needs is the Federation of Global Governments (the Federation). Quite a difference! The Federation is focus only
on four specific areas of concerns and needs of our world.
So our work is not completed, and probably will never be. We want to continue offering the world this unique perspective of the Global Community. We want the Global Constitution to be the template for
the research and development of the Federation's Constitution. This requires changes because the Federation primary focus is only including a few aspects and
are shown here:
- essential services
- the Judiciary
- the Global Protection Agency (GPA)
- Global Ministries
We have mentioned them many times over the past decades and in most of our Newsletters. Civil society was shown as an important participant in the process of development as was shown in our yearly Global
Dialogue. And Civil Society has been and will continue to be an important element in the development of Global Parliament Constitution.
So our future work is well defined here. We want Global Parliament Constitution to be a direct expression of our focus. It must be acceptable to all nations on Earth, to all Peoples. I am asking you to help in
the research and development of Global Parliament Constitution.
The first stage of development of Global Parliament Constitution is the reviewing of the Global Constitution Chapter by Chapter. The next stage of development requires the need
of having civil society participate in the development of Global Parliament Constitution: Global Dialogue 2010 will be a useful tool to achieve this second stage. The final stage of development requires the
approval of Global Parliament Constitution by the first Global Government ever formed in the history of humanity.
Let us see what we can do for now. Everyone is involved. We will go over all Chapters of the Global Constitution. You are asked to read, understand and make changes to all Chapters and
submit them to me as the Chairperson. In making changes, always keep in mind the above defined focus, much like a lens can focus light on an object. Rewrite the Chapters. Then your work
will be published in our Newsletters for discussion with all of us and those participating in the Global Dialogue 2010 i.e., civil society.
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September 2009 |
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme this month :
Global Parliament Constitution
A working Global Parliament is the only way for us all to guarantee essential services, Justice, and protection to every home.
Read |

Contact Information
Telephone: 250-754-0778
Postal address: 186 Bowlsby Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9R 5K1
Electronic mail: globalcommunity@telus.net 
Website: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/
Webmaster: gdufour@globalcommunitywebnet.com