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Earth Community Organization (ECO)
the Global Community
Newsletter Volume 3       Issue 4,    June  2005
Federation of Earth and the Earth Constitution

The Institute on World Problems is an organizer of sessions of the Provisional World Parliament, in conformance with the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, and in cooperation with the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA).

MAY 6, 7, and 8, 2005, in Tepotzlan, Mexico

Conducted by: Dr. T. P. Amerasinghe (Sri Lanka), Sir Dr. Reinhart Ruge (Mexico), Ms. Eugenia Almand (USA), and Dr. Glen T. Martin (USA)

Focus: The global problems of environmental destruction, militarism, imperialism, terrorism, poverty, and lost of forests, loss of agricultural lands, and loss of fresh water for the Earth. The seminar focus was on the interrelation of these issues and their solution under the democratic world government. It will review the accomplishments of the emerging Earth Federation and ask "where to we go from here?"

From left to right: Dr. Glen Martin, Germain Dufour, Eugenia Almand, Lord Reinhart, Tiahoga Ruge, Dr. Terence P. Amerasingh, Fernando Ortiz Monasterio (this photo was taken during the seminar).

Table of Contents

The Global Community Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee welcomes members from the Institute on World Problems, the Provisional World Parliament, the Federation of Earth, and the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA). They are now part of our newly formed Board of Advisers working on the Global Constitution. We will show unity in diversity by co-operating together. Along with other organizations, the Global Community Earth Government has the mandate to develop the most appropriate Constitution for Earth. Our results will be submitted to the Provisional World Parliament and to the coming Session of the World Constituent Assembly. We urge our membership and readers to submit pertinent articles, amendments, and proposals to the Global Community Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee. Work with us in developing legislation. Your participation will be added to the Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2005 and to the report to be submitted to the Institute on World Problems and the Federation of Earth. Follow the process provided on Earth Government webpage.
Send your work at:     or

Celebration of Life Day     Celebration of Life Day     May 26th

   Development of legislation concerning the freedom, security and justice without borders   
a.    Freedom, security and justice without borders   
b.    Racism, xenophobia and discrimination   
c.    Asylum, immigration, and border control   
d.    Civil law, cooperation   
e.    Global Community arrest warrant   
f.    Global fight against crime   
g.    Transparency   
   Proposal for an alliance between Earth Federation and Earth Government   
   Proposal to amend Articles 12 and 13 of Earth Constitution   
   Proposal to replace Articles 12 and 13 by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights
   Resolution for the creation of a Democratic World Government    
   History of Earth Federation   
   Levels of Earth Federation Order, by Eugenia Almand    
   Proposal to let World Ombudsmus use the Scale of Human and Earth Rights as a way of protecting rights    
   Proposal to have our membership sign the Earth Constitution   
   The Ninth Session of the Provisional World Parliament in Libya, February-March, 2006   
   Promoting the Global Exhibition by Earth Federation   
   The need of global legislation concerning hydrogen-fueled engines   
   Earth Government Global Law, the Global Constitution, Statutes, Codes and Bills   

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As was said in the Preamble of the Global Constitution Preamble,

"We, citizens of the Global Community, hereby resolve to establish a federation of all nations, Earth Government, to govern in accordance with this Global Constitution."

It appears that another organization, the Federation of Earth, has already accomplished a lot of work and is still very much active in continuing its work for humanity best. During May 6, 7, and 8, I had the great honour of being a part of a seminar organized by the Institute on World Problems in Tepotzlan, Mexico. I met great people some of them have spent a large part of their lives developing the Federation of Earth and the Earth Constitution. I have included their names in the table below. In particular, I want to thank Dr. Terence P. Amerasingh, Lord Reinhart, Tiahoga Ruge, Dr. Glen Martin, Eugenia Almand, and Fernando Ortiz Monasterio for organizing the Seminar and allowing it to be held on Tiahoga Ruge's beautiful property, and for providing accommodation and meals for some of us. Thank you.

We discussed about several global problems of environmental destruction, militarism, imperialism, terrorism, poverty, and lost of forests, loss of agricultural lands, and loss of fresh water for the Earth. The seminar focus was on the interrelation of these issues and their solution under the democratic world government. We have also review the accomplishments of the emerging Earth Federation and ask "where do we go from here?"

After reflecting on discussions during the Seminar about what would be best for humanity, I propose that all like-minded groups and people form a coalition to give the world a different alternative to the United Nations, namely a federation of all Nations, Earth Government. Let us gather our forces and work together to make this happen. This proposal would take the movement for global democracy one step further by considering our role in the society of nations striving for a true federacy of nations with very limited powers. This is a proposal that part of the sovereignty of each individual nation should be made available to a sovereign body of a global nature, this body being Earth Government. We would be taking a step to ensure greater global unity and hence greater global freedom through the protection of nations and their populations' rights by Earth Government.

During the Seminar we looked at the history of the Earth Constitution and Provisional World Parliament. In this Newsletter you will find a brief history starting in 1958 to today's seminar. History of Earth Federation The history shows a remarkable effort to spread the urgent need of a world government in replacement of the United Nations. The organization has built a legal framework for meetings all over the world. Several sessions of the World Constituent Assembly including a World Constitutional Convention, were conducted to develop a proper Constitution for Earth and having people participating from as many nations as possible. The Eighth Provisional World Parliament was held in India in August 2004.

The U.N. has failed nations of the world. They are planning a 'reform' of their organization that would include 62 proposals. So long as the five Permanent Members have a VETO power nothing can be accomplished that would mitigate global problems of environmental destruction, more militarism, imperialism, terrorism, poverty, lost of forests, loss of agricultural lands, and loss of fresh water for the Earth. The world needs a democratic government for the peoples not more bullying from the few most powerful nations. Powerful because of the weapons of mass destruction they have kept to destroy us all. The U.N. are proposing a new era of fear, and setting up the stage for a 21st Century Cold War between major economic blocks. The Earth Federation offers the only hope for a permanent Peace.

A road map was discussed to have people from all nations and national governments adopt the Earth Constitution. A world government must be:
1)    legitimate,
2)    accepted by peoples.

The governmental systems are called into legitimacy. The U.N. are called into legitimacy. Protection from terrorism and climate change can only be achieved through Earth Federation.

A World Parliament would be legitimate if 25 nations or more were to ratify the Earth Constitution. It would become global law and the Earth Federation would start doing good to the peoples. It would benefit all humanity. Right now World Parliament has only a philosophical and moral legitimacy. The 25 nations chosen during the seminar to be contacted were India, Bangladesh, Japan, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Canada, Brazil, Venezuela, Libya, Romania, Sri Lanka, Liechtenstein, Micronesia, Sweden, Denmark, the Arabe League, Togo, Namibia, South Africa, Maldives, Seychelles, and several African countries.

'Where do we go from here' was a major part of the seminar. An action plan was discussed to promote the Federation of Earth and the Earth Constitution. Contacting all national governments and offering our help was made a priority along with making ourselves more visible to all peoples through a Global Exhibition to be organized in different nations. A Global Exhibition would allow every person and businesses to participate by bringing their products, art work, etc.

Another way of promoting the Federation of Earth and the Earth Constitution was to invite a well known peacemaker to represent us as a World Peace Envoy. Several choices were put forward: Mandela, Dalai Lama, Desman Tutu, Jane Fonda, Robert Mueller, and Garcia Marcus.

Everyone was asked to make every effort to ask our national governments to ratify the Earth Constitution. I am asking the membership of the Global Community to sign the Earth Constitution. Sign  the Earth Constitution     Send the form back to     or

I was invited to be part of a delegation to Libya to help QADHAFI promote the 'Green Book'and 'direct democracy'. Direct democracy comprises a form of democracy and theory of civics wherein all citizens can directly participate in the political decision-making process. Some proposed systems would give people both legislative and executive powers, but most extant systems allow input into the legislative process only. Direct democracy in its traditional form is rule by the people through referenda. The people are given the right to pass laws, veto laws and withdraw support from a representative (if the system has representatives) at any time.

Direct democracy in its modern sense is characterized by three pillars:

*     Initiative
*     Referendum including binding referenda
*     Recall

The second pillar can include the ability to hold a binding referendum on whether a given law should be scrapped. This effectively grants the populace a veto on government legislation. The third pillar gives the people the right to recall elected officials by petition and referendum.

In Canada, the use of citizens' assemblies (also known as an estates-general in the province of Quebec), involving citizen bodies chosen at random, is growing and avoids the disadvantages of older, more plebiscitary forms of direct democracy. The province of British Columbia recently set up a Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform in which members were chosen at random for each riding. The citizens' assembly has just recommended the province use Single Transferable Voting (STV) to elect the provincial legislature. In a referendum conducted on May 17, 2005, 57% of the voters approved this new system of voting.

A very challenging part of the work by the Provisional World Parliament is the development of legislation. Participants at the seminar were introduced to:

1)     World Legislative Act #22, the Economic Equity Act, which is about the promotion of economic equity through a Global Living Wage with global standards for wages and salaries.
2)     World Legislative Act #11, which is about the Earth Financial Credit Corporation, the new Earth finance, credit, money and banking system. It is proposed to establish a 'basket' of 16 commodities linked to the value of an hour of labor as basis for determining the value of Earth credit or Earth currency. This prohibits attempts to adversely influence the value of the Earth credit or currency.

Other World Legislative Acts were discussed briefly, and we were also asked to participate in the development of new Acts. The Global Community is certainly in a position for helping in such development. We are asking everyone to help here. A substantial list of Legislative Acts were posted at:

We were introduced to the 20 World Electoral and Administrative Regions. Twenty Global Federal Zones are to be established within the twenty Global Electoral and Administrative Regions, for the purposes of the location of the several organs of the Earth Federation and of the administrative departments, the global courts, the offices of the Regional Global Attorneys, the offices of the Global Advocates, and for the location of other branches, departments, institutes, offices, bureaus, commissions, agencies and parts of Earth Federation. The Global Federal Zones are to be established as the needs and resources of the Earth Federation develop and expand. Global Federal Zones are to be established first within each of five Continental Divisions.

One of the crucial moments of the seminar was concerned about the "Declaration of the Rights of the People of Earth to create and ratify a World Constitution and hold sessions of the Provisional World Parliament." The Declaration can be read at the following location:     The beginning paragraph says:

We, the citizens of the Earth, have the right and duty to establish a viable world government capable of maintaining the Rule of Law among all nations in place of the disastrous anarchy now prevailing among sovereign states, to abolish massively destructive armaments and end all wars, to protect the global environment for future generations, and to create economic justice and prosperity for all the citizens of our planet.

This Declaration along with other Articles of the Earth Constitution lead to believe that the Bill of Rights (see Article 12 of the Earth Constitution) was not reflecting the vision behind the Constitution. And that lead me to amend Articles 12 and 13 of the Earth Constitution:

   Proposal to amend Articles 12 and 13 of Earth Constitution   
   Proposal to replace Articles 12 and 13 by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights

I have also proposed a preliminary development of legislation concerning "freedom, security and justice without borders."

Germain Dufour
Project Officer
Global Dialogue 2005
The seminar was conducted by: Dr. T. P. Amerasinghe (Sri Lanka), Sir Dr. Reinhart Ruge (Mexico), Ms. Eugenia Almand (USA), and Dr. Glen T. Martin (USA)

 Name  Title  Organization   Info
 Dr. Terence P. Amerasinghe  President  Institute on World Problems   Read
 Lord Reinhart  President Emeritus  Institute on World Problems   Read
 Dr. Glen Martin  Vice-President and Treasurer for Academic Affairs  Institute on World Problems   Read
 Eugenia Almand   Executive Director  Institute on World Problems   Read

Institute on World Problems
Constitution for the Federation of Earth
Writings on World Government

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Development of legislation concerning the freedom, security and justice without borders

   Freedom, security and justice without borders   
   Racism, xenophobia and discrimination   
   Asylum, immigration, and border control   
   Civil law, cooperation   
   Global Community arrest warrant   
   Global fight against crime   

Freedom, security and justice without borders is a concept that is meant to create a free movement of persons. It is a necessary component of a free market society. The abolition of border controls will nonetheless be given specific treatment in the context of a global cooperation. The purpose of such cooperation is to create an area without internal borders, the corollary being stronger external borders for this area common to the signatory Member States.

The practically of such a concept requires many changes to be made:

*     world judicial cooperation in criminal matters,
*     police cooperation in criminal matters,
*     asylum and immigration.

The Global Community Parliament (GCP) proposes an action plan with a twofold objective:

  • defining what the Global Community means by the concept of freedom, security and justice without borders. The action plan describes the three constituent elements:

    a)     an area of freedom that comprises, on the one hand, the introduction of an asylum and immigration policy and, on the other, a wide concept of freedom. For asylum and immigration, particular priority to combating illegal immigration on the one hand, while on the other ensuring the integration and rights of those third country nationals legally present in the Global Community as well as the necessary protection for those in need of it. We should not limit the area of freedom, security and justice solely to free movement of persons. Citizens must be given the right to live in security in a lawful environment;

    b)     an area of security that aims to give Member States the institutional framework in which they can combat threats against citizens, particularly crime and terrorism. Security is to be achieved through stronger police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters;

    c)     an area of justice, with the aim of giving citizens a common sense of justice throughout the Global Community. The area of justice requires reinforced cooperation in both civil and criminal matters, particularly improved access to justice and better protection of crime victims.

  • establishing a series of measures to make the concept of freedom, security and justice without borders a reality.

The Global Community Parliament supports creation of the concept through three different functions:

  • its role as legislator. Parliament is co-legislator in the field of judicial cooperation in civil matters (excluding family law);
  • its role of providing impetus by suggesting new measures;
  • its monitoring role. Parliament, as the guarantor of citizens freedoms, keeps watch over a sound balance between security imperatives and the protection of civil liberties. Parliament expresses its positions via:

    a)     the legislative procedure (codecision or consultation depending on the legal basis of the act),
    b)     annual resolutions on progress towards implementing the concept.

Two main issues have contributed to the development of the concept:
  • combating terrorism,
  • the fight against illegal immigration and the integrated management of all borders.

To give impetus to actions by the Global Community to deal with the threat of terrorism, Parliament sets out a number of measures to step up the fight against terrorism, the most significant of which is the immediate appointment of an official charged with co-ordinating the Global Community's actions to combat terrorism.

The fight against illegal immigration includes:

  • an action plan against illegal immigration,
  • an action plan for the repatriation of third-country nationals residing illegally in Member States.

Racism, xenophobia and discrimination

Crimes of racism, xenophobia and discrimination are on the rise in the world, and the Global Community Parliament has taken a number of measures to counter these phenomena. The Global Constitution gives visibility to the prohibition of all forms of racial discrimination in the Member States. Parliament has made a proposal for a framework decision that makes acts of racism and xenophobia subject to the same penalties in all Member States. The framework decision is meant to deter those tempted to commit this type of offence. Parliament plays a major role in combating racist crimes in the world and has expressed its resolve to see such crimes decline.

The cornerstone of international action to combat racism would be to have a Global Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. All the Global Community Member States must ratified the Convention.

Racism and xenophobia are a violation of general principles of community law, particularly of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law. The Global Constitution strengthens these rights. The Global Constitution prohibits any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.

Global Community Parliament is determined to actively focus on action to combat racism and xenophobia, and to guarantee effective judicial cooperation between the Member States. Global Community Parliament will implement a directive to fight all discrimination based on race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, and a directive implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin.

Since its creation, Global Community Parliament has pursued its efforts to build the fight against racism and xenophobia into all policy areas, including employment, education, training and youth.

Parliament plays a leading role in fundamental human and Earth rights in the Global Community.
The Global Community is founded on the indivisible and universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity, and resides on the principles of democracy and the rule of law. With its creation of the Global Constitution, the Global Community Parliament aimed to bring together into a single text all civil, political, economic and social rights of Global Community citizens and of all persons living in the Member States. The fundamental human and Earth rights it lays down represent the summary of the Global Community's common values.

The Global Community is founded on the indivisible and universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity, and resides on the principles of democracy and the rule of law. With its creation of the Global Constitution, the Global Community Parliament aimed to bring together into a single text all civil, political, economic and social rights of Global Community citizens and of all persons living in the Member States. The fundamental human and Earth rights it lays down represent the summary of the Global Community's common values.

The rights listed in the Global Constitution are based in particular on the fundamental rights and freedoms recognised by the constitutional traditions of Member States.

The Global Community Parliament's work on fundamental human and Earth rights. also an important player when it comes to fundamental rights. It has presented yearly reports on fundamental rights in the aimed at increasing the transparency of the Global Community Parliament's policy on these rights. The objective is to establish a track record for the fundamental rights.

Global Community Parliament states that human rights include economic and social rights. It reaffirms that these rights should be included in the Global Constitution.

Parliament insists that misconduct by law enforcement officers and atrocious conditions in police stations and prisons have been recurring themes in human rights reports in the Member States. It also notes that the States Signatories to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women should take all measures necessary to put an end to all forms of trafficking and prostitution. As regards the administration of justice, Parliament voices concerns over the number of violations of the right to a fair trial, the right of access to the courts, the right to a public hearing, the right to proceedings within a reasonable time and the right to an impartial and independent tribunal. These violations have been observed in a number of Member States.

On the issue of combating terrorism, Parliament repeats its unconditional rejection and absolute condemnation of terrorism, but voices concerns over the negative impact of measures taken to counter it.

Parliament places emphasis on conditions of arrest and detention, the protection of personal data, the right of asylum and the concentration of media power. Parliament condemns all forms of terrorism and states that policies on the prevention and punishment of such acts must seek to maintain and strengthen the rule of law.

Asylum, immigration, and border control

Creating a common immigration policy is a part of the context of establishing the concept of freedom, security and justice without borders. The Global Community Parliament proposes broad guidelines the aim of which is to ensure:
  • Better management of the migratory flow by authorising entry to a Member State's territory for nationals of certain third-countries,
  • Giving these nationals a degree of freedom of movement within the Global Community,
  • Their integration into the society of the host Member State.

To achieve these goals, the Global Community Parliament has proposed:

  • A legislative framework,
  • Application of the open coordination method in the field of immigration.
Creating a common immigration policy is a part of the context of establishing the concept of freedom, security and justice without borders. The Global Community Parliament proposes broad guidelines

The Global Community Parliament will take measures that:

  • Are related to the conditions for entry and residence, and to the procedures to be followed by Member States for issuing visas and residence permits, including in the context of the objective of family reunification;
  • Define the rights of third-country nationals legally residing in one Member State to reside in another Member State and the conditions under which they may do so;
  • Develop the policy framework in which Member States wish to create a common immigration policy;
  • Work to harmonise national legislations regarding conditions for entry and residence of third-country nationals,
  • Ensure equal treatment to third-party nationals residing legally on the territory of its Member States,
  • Lead a more vigorous integration policy.
The Global Community Parliament proposes a new approach to immigration policy:

  • Anticipative: this requires examining the workforce needs of the Global Community and responding effectively,
  • Global: this means taking into account all forms of immigration,
  • Integrated: taking up the phenomenon from the point of view of the economic needs, the society and the third-country nationals.

The best means to achieve a community immigration policy is to create a general framework on a Global Community scale and a mechanism allowing indicative targets to be entrenched (method of open coordination). Within these objectives, Member States can develop national policies and implement them.

The Global Community Parliament presents a proposal for a specific directive corresponding to each form of entry based on grounds of:

  • Family reunification,
  • Economics, and
  • Professional studies and training.

The directive grants the right to family reunification to third-country nationals who hold residence permits valid for more than one year and to refugees. The directive stipulates that those who can benefit from family reunification are:

  • The spouse or the unmarried partner of the applicant,
  • Minor children of the applicant or of his/her spouse,
  • The parents of the applicant or of his/her spouse,
  • The adult children under certain conditions.

As regards entry for the purpose of pursuing professional studies and training, Parliament proposes for a directive intended to encourage mobility of foreign students. This directive forms part of the Global Community education policy whose objective is to:

  • Answer the international demand in educational matters,
  • Improve cooperation with third-countries,
  • Strengthen the appeal of Global Community establishments,
  • Promote exchange between Global Community students

The directive grants third-country nationals a right to residence authorizing them to live within a territory. The residence permit that is created takes the form of a document allowing third-country nationals to reside in the territory of the Member State. The validity period varies according to the category contemplated:

  • 3 years for employed or self-employed workers and 6 months maximum for seasonal workers,
  • 1 year for students,
  • 1 year at least for people benefiting from family reunification.

To favour residency and integration of third-country nationals within the society of the host State, Parliament proposes that a third-country national is considered a resident in a Member State if he or she resides there legally for at least five years uninterrupted. The status of resident is established by assigning to a long-term resident's permit valid for 5 years and fully renewable. Granting the status allows the national to enjoy treatment equal to that enjoyed by the nationals of the Member State, especially in matters such as access to work, social protection, education and professional training. The directive also grants a right to free movement in the territory of other Member States. The granting of this right is explained by the fact that full and complete integration also includes the right of residents to reside in other countries of the Global Community .

The Global Community Parliament suggests a holistic approach that takes account not only economic and social aspects of integration but also questions related to cultural and religious diversity, citizenship, participation and political rights. It introduces the notion of civil citizenship, which is defined by the guarantee of a certain number of rights and obligations to immigrants. They gradually gain these rights and will ensure them the same treatment in the host State that is accorded to nationals of the host State.

Preventing and combating illegal immigration are priorities for the Global Community. Parliament is determined to tackle at its source illegal immigration by combating those who engage in trafficking in human beings and economic exploitation of migrants. The effort to combat organised crime is organised at planetary level.

Parliament states that illegal immigration occurs when:

  • a third country national enters a Member State illegally;
  • a third country national resides in a Member State illegally; the third country national enters a Member State legally, but "overstays".

Among measures recommended to deal with the problem are improved data collection, exchanges of information and a stronger system of penalties.

Illegal immigration constitutes a means of circumventing the system of legal admission and is a threat to its durability. It also generates a very lucrative activity for facilitators and traffickers and contributes to the growth of organised crime.

  • Civil law, cooperation,
  • Global Community Justice Network,
  • Global Community arrest warrant.

The Global Community judicial cooperation consists in activity by the authorities of a Member State (requested State), at the request of another Member State (requesting State), to assist the administration of justice by the latter. It is useful in cases of extradition and for other forms of assistance. Parliament proposes to set up the Global Community Judicial Network, the purpose of which is to facilitate judicial cooperation as part of the fight against transnational crime. The Network will:

  • speed up the transmission of requests;
  • improve certain forms of mutual assistance, among which restitution, temporary transfer of persons, and hearings by videoconference and telephone conference;
  • introduce special investigation techniques (controlled deliveries, joint investigation teams, covert investigations);
  • establish a legal framework for the interception of telecommunications.

Work undertaken in the Global Community has two objectives:

  • simplification of the mutual assistance procedure,
  • abolition of obstacles to the execution of requests for assistance.

Introduced to reduce obstacles to the free movement of goods and persons, judicial cooperation in civil matters has become part and parcel of the new Earth Court of Justice. Creation of this area is meant to simplify the existing legal environment and to reinforce citizens feeling of being part of a common entity. Individuals and businesses should not be prevented or discouraged from exercising their rights by the incompatibility or complexity of legal or administrative systems in the Member States.

Parliament proposes to integrate judicial cooperation in civil matters into the area of freedom, security and justice. It will adopt measures in the field of judicial cooperation in civil matters.

Parliament will take measures leading to:

  • better access to justice in the Global Community,
  • greater convergence in civil law,
  • mutual recognition of judicial decisions. Mutual recognition became the cornerstone of developing the area of freedom, security and justice.

Judicial cooperation in civil matters refers to:

  • the adoption and implementation of rules allowing joint handling by the authorities of the countries concerned of individual cases involving an international dimension;
  • cooperation in the strict sense, the mutual recognition of judicial decisions and approximation of national laws.

The Global Community Judicial Network is an instrument intended to facilitate judicial cooperation in the framework of the fight against transnational crime. It comprises points of contact for which the goal is to allow the judicial authorities in the Member States to set up direct relations between them.

The Global Community Judicial Network should seek to pool resources at the Global Community level by setting up a network for judicial cooperation that should act as a clearing house, problem-solver and contact maker between judicial authorities at national level.

The Global Community Judicial Network is a light structure that comprises points of contact intended to fight transnational crime, particularly organised crime. The points of contact are intermediaries intended to assist in judicial cooperation between Member States. They are available to local judicial authorities and the judicial authorities of other Member States to allow them to establish direct contacts with each other.These are determined by the States in function of the internal structure of their

In practice, most of the users of the points of contact are magistrates of the public prosecutor and investigating judges, although the police, customs, and the Foreign Office of a State also occasionally use it. The joint action provides that the points of contact communicate with each other by means of a telecommunications network.

The Global Community arrest warrant takes the form of a judicial decision handed down by a Global Community Member State for the apprehension and return by another Member State of a wanted person to be prosecuted or to have a sentence or a detention order against a wanted person carried out. This system flows from the application of the principal of mutual recognition of judicial decisions in criminal matters, and is intended to replace the system of extradition between Member States.

The Global Community Arrest Warrant will replace the Extradition mechanism.

Extradition developed to ensure judicial cooperation between States in order to prevent a criminal from finding refuge on the territory of another State. It consists in the return of an individual, the extradited, to the requesting State by the requested State on whose territory the individual is found.

The Global Community arrest warrant is a judicial decision delivered by a Member State for the arrest and surrender by another Member State of a requested person. In keeping with the underlying principles of mutual recognition, its objective is to allow the execution throughout the Global Community of decisions in criminal matters delivered by a judicial authority of a Member State. The arrest warrant will not cover all offences. There is a threshold beyond which the procedure will not apply: the framework decision states that in principle an arrest warrant can only be issued if, under the law of the issuing Member State, the act is punishable by a custodial sentence of at least 12 months or if there has been an order imposing sanctions of at least four months. The issuing judicial authority may have recourse to points of contact within the Global Community Judicial Network if he/she does not know who the competent executing judicial authority is.

Executing an arrest warrant includes taking the person into detention until the judicial authority of the State of execution has rendered a decision on his/her situation, namely, if there is a possibility of granting a measure of provisional freedom. The framework decision provides for the State of execution to inform the detained person of the following:

  • The existence and content of the Global Community arrest warrant;
  • The alternative of consenting to being surrendered; and
  • The possibility of retaining counsel and the services of an interpreter.

The judicial authority of the State of execution will make provisions for surrendering the person. It must verify that the necessary conditions for executing the mandate and for surrendering the person have been properly met. Communication between Member States is direct, i.e. from judge to judge. In contrast with the classic rules on extradition, the mechanism of the Global Community arrest warrant abolishes the intervention of the diplomatic authorities, and even that of the Ministries of Justice. Indeed, the abolition of all political intervention constitutes the main difference with extradition, a system where the executive power controls the procedure. It is the executive that takes a decision on the basis of political considerations as to the advisability of surrendering the extradited person. The final decision on executing a Global Community arrest warrant must be taken as quickly as possible: the framework decision provides for 60 days from the arrest of the wanted person. Here again, the mechanism differs significantly from that of extradition, which can take many years to fully execute.

The period of imprisonment the wanted person faces upon sentencing will be reduced by the issuing Member State by the amount of time that person spent in detention as a result of the enforcement of the Global Community arrest warrant. If the wanted person consents to the surrender, the procedure can be sped up. If this is the case, the final decision on the execution of the European arrest warrant is taken in 10 days. The maximum time limit between arresting the wanted person and the effective surrender of the person to the authorities in the issuing State is thereby reduced to 20 days. As regards cost, the Member State of execution bears the expenses incurred in its territory. All other expenses are borne by the issuing State.

In some cases, the authority in the State of execution must advance objections to surrendering a person where:

  • The case involves amnesty;
  • The person who is subject of the Global Community arrest warrant cannot be criminally detained by virtue of his/her age;
  • A final judgment has already been pronounced based on the same facts against the wanted person in a Member State.

The creation of the Global Community arrest warrant represents a true step forward in the field of mutual assistance in criminal matters. Eliminating interference from political powers or establishing a time limit to execute a warrant represents real progress in comparison with the old system of extradition.

Victims of crime have a right to protection and this is a right that should be ensured by the Global Community in the creation of an area of freedom, security and justice. The protection of victims of crime can be expressed in two complementary forms: On the one hand, compensation for harm suffered, and on the other provision of material, psychological, medical and social assistance.

Providing victims with protection comprises:

  • Compensation schemes for victims, and
  • Measures to provide assistance to victims.

Mutual recognition is a method meant to strengthen judicial cooperation in criminal matters between Member States. It seeks to give full and direct effect throughout the Global Community to a final decision by the judicial authorities of a Member State. Mutual recognition is meant to apply at every stage of criminal proceedings, before, during and after the conviction and sentence. The Global Community Parliament supports application of the principle of mutual recognition, a useful tool contributing to the creation at the earliest date possible of a genuine Global Community judicial area.

The principle of mutual recognition means full execution of a judgment handed down by the judicial authorities of another Member State. Mutual recognition is not an absolute principle. In practice it runs up against different types of restrictions. Mutual recognition is also linked to the process of the approximation of criminal law, the two methods working in tandem to help create the area of freedom, security and justice.

The Global Community Parliament supports unreservedly the application of the principle of mutual recognition. It is a powerful instrument contributing to the timely creation of a genuine Global Community legal area.

Global fight against crime

The work of the Global Community mainly has an effect on improving exchange of information, developing joint police actions, and approximating police technology.

Police cooperation developed bilaterally in the frontier areas to fight local transfrontier crime. Over the past decades, the evolution of transnational crime increased the frequency at which the people in charge of police services were brought into contact with each other.

Police cooperation is essentially practical and the actors on the ground tend to resolve the problems encountered by using concrete solutions rather than by issuing a rule of law. This characteristic of police cooperation is the result of the tradition of police services. Confidentiality is a requirement in police action.

The approximation of criminal offences is a step towards establishing common criteria for public order. It favours the development of the spirit of mutual trust needed to build an area of freedom, security and justice. Approximation has proved to be an effective instrument for removing the obstacle of double incrimination. Under that principle, a State only takes action on a request for assistance if the act referred to by the requesting State is also an offence in its own legal order. A State can cooperate only if it considers the act for which its cooperation is requested to be punishable, i.e. the act must be an offence against its national law and order. The approximation of criminal laws prevents a State from being converted into a penal paradise in relation to the others. By approximating criminal laws, the States lessen the differences between national legal systems. Criminals thus lose the advantages of operating in a given State. The question of the approximation of criminal offences is of particular importance for developing an area of freedom, security and justice. By establishing this concept, the Member States expressed their will to go beyond traditional cooperation to combat crime. They clearly announced their intention to reinforce existing mechanisms, particularly the approximation of criminal offences.

Work on the approximation of sanctions is much more recent. The Global Community's legal instruments provide only that the Member States must impose effective, proportionate and dissuasive criminal sanctions. In other words, as long as they respect these guidelines, they are free to determine the type of penalty and its level. Building an area of freedom, security and justice will involve a further effort to approximate criminal sanctions. This effort can be given effect in different ways, such as the setting of a minimum penalty States must incorporate into their national laws.

In the context of intense development of international trade, customs cooperation plays a key role in the fight against fraud. The customs authorities participate in the fight against organised crime alongside national police services. Customs cooperation, therefore, contributes to construction of an area of freedom, security and justice.

Very early on, customs authorities tested the need to cooperate with each other in the fight against fraud, in particular in combating contraband activities.The role of customs administrations will evolve with the abolition of internal frontiers and the globalisation of the economy. Formerly responsible for collecting customs receipts, the activity of customs administrations later will develop to include respect for economic legislation.

Money laundering consists in concealing the origin of money obtained illegally by making it appear legal. The phenomenon is practiced on a large scale, the IMF estimating the aggregate volume of laundered funds at between 2 and 5% of global gross domestic product. The Global Community Parliament has developed a strategy to combat this phenomenon.

A money laundering operation includes three stages:

  • "pre-laundering" or placement, where the criminal seeks to conceal any connections between the money and its criminal origin,
  • "laundering" or "layering", which consists in multiplying the number of transactions in order to dilute the funds through different channels,
  • "recycling" or integration, to make the funds available again.

In some cases, money laundering takes place via international circuits. Those involved in financial crime make clever use of the new technologies and disparities between national laws.

The definition of money laundering is no longer limited to the proceeds of drug trafficking but includes all trafficking and organised crime networks as well as terrorist financing. The obligation of identifying customers and reporting suspect transactions is extended to a number of professions other than banking, in particular to accountants, notaries and casinos. The possibility of designating a self-regulating body for notaries and other independent legal professionals, charged with centralising declarations of suspicion, is left up to each Member State.

Money laundering is an extremely complex process since it involves ever shrewder financial set-ups. The basic rule is to imitate legitimate commercial operations as closely as possible. The changing economic context, financial liberalisation and improved law enforcement oblige offenders continually to come up with new solutions. The authorities responsible for combating money laundering are ceaselessly obliged to adapt to new practices.

The fight against corruption is a priority of the Global Community Parliament's political action to establish freedom, security and justice without borders in Member States. Corruption, which can be defined as an abuse of power with a view to personal gain, is a serious threat to the stability of public institutions.

The governments of a number of Global Community countries have to develop national strategies to fight corruption by political leaders or officials.

The phenomenon of corruption can also entail a transboundary dimension against which national strategies are inadequate. Over and above the formulation of a common definition, the Parliament has widened its action into a global anti-corruption strategy.

Parliament proposes the adoption of a common definition whereby the texts present a broad definition of the person offering the bribe, rather than limiting it through specific details. In contrast, the profile of the person accepting a bribe varies from one instrument to the next:

  • For the public sector, the definition of a corrupted official is broader:

    a)     national public officials, namely any person holding a legislative, executive, administrative or judicial office,
    b)     foreign public officials and officials of public international organisations.

  • in the private sector any person who directs or works for a private-sector entity. This broad definition includes all types of contractual relations: relations between employer and employee, between partners and so on.

An act of corruption is deemed to exist from the moment the intention is declared. The actual handing over of the advantage is punishable but is not a constituent element of the offence. When an advantage is received after an act has been performed but without having been preceded by an offer or acceptance, the Member States are not obliged to impose penal sanctions. The term "advantage" is not limited to material objects, but also covers all other elements that improve the position of the person offering the bribe.The advantage may be given directly or through an intermediary. The offence is completed even if the advantage is not given personally by the individual offering the bribe. Passive corruption consists in soliciting or receiving any advantage or accepting the offer or promise of an advantage, to act or refrain from acting in the exercise of one's functions. The instruments thus aim to punish both positive (acts) and negative (refraining from acting) offences. The recipient of the advantage may be a third party, which means the act is punishable irrespective of whether the person accepting the bribe receives the advantage personally.

Parliament is convinced that it will only be possible to eradicate corruption by tackling the means that make it possible, in particular the laundering of the proceeds from crime.

Organised crime is part of criminal behaviour known as group delinquency. It is a complex phenomenon, one that is difficult to distinguish from organised gangs and mafias. Organised gangs form the embryo of organised crime while mafias comprise the most extreme form. Because of its secretive nature, organised crime can be difficult to characterise. They usually appear anonymously and often impose a code of silence, the Omerta, on its members and on the people living on the territory it controls. Parliament has worked for some time to develop a concept for Member States adopting a definition that is not:

  • Too expansive, it runs the risk of including criminal groups that approach organised crime without in fact belonging to it (like terrorist groups),
  • Too narrow, it runs the risk of adopting only a partial approach to the phenomenon by not including criminal organisations that, nevertheless, have all the characteristics of organised crime (such as groups using legal fronts to launder money from their criminal activities).

Organised crime has stimulated the development of the concept of freedom, security and justice without borders. Nevertheless, since the events of 11 September 2001, combating terrorism has taken priority, relegating at once the fight against organised crime to second place. Parliament supports action of the States in their fight against organised crime.

The fight against this phenomenon became a priority following the attacks of 11 September 2001. Because of the catalytic nature of these events, Parliament proposes a system intended to freeze the assets of organisations connected to this phenomenon. They also created other mechanisms, such as the Global Community arrest warrant, and an appraisal procedure for national policies in the matter of the fight against terrorism.

The fight against terrorists currently assumes considerable importance in the Global Community's activities. It has been the basis of work undertaken in the field of cooperation between the Member States in criminal matters. Parliament's objective should be to provide citizens with a high level of safety within the concept of freedom, security and justice without borders.

Terrorism has a political connotation whose appraisal remains subjective: some States denounce certain acts as acts of terrorism while others consider them legitimate.

Parliament defines terrorism in relation to the intent of the act. The originality of the text is inherent in the fact that in the future the ultimate political goal constitutes the basic criteria for distinguishing a terrorist offence from offences in common law. Terrorism can be a series of offences such as kidnapping, hostage-taking and hijacking airplanes or the use of firearms or explosives. It provides that each Member State take the necessary measures for the offences related to terrorism to be punishable by effective, proportionate and deterrent criminal sanctions, possibly resulting in extradition. The Member States should also adopt the necessary measures for the individuals responsible for a violation to be liable to a prison term of a maximum of not less than 15 years for leading a terrorist group and eight years for participating in terrorist activities.

Parliament proposes a regulation allowing the assets of terrorist organisations and individuals to be frozen.

The fight against terrorism plays a part in the field of application of several mechanisms created by Parliament and intended to improve cooperation in police and criminal matters, in particular the Global Community arrest warrant.

Trafficking in human beings is one of the criminal phenomena that grew the most intensely at the end of the last millennium, largely because it is highly lucrative.

It is estimated that more than 700,000 people a year fall victim to the phenomenon. The proliferation of the problem is directly linked to immigration policies and to the economic and social crises in certain States and regions of the world. Trafficking is facilitated by the complications of international judicial and police cooperation. Trafficking in human beings concerns all individuals but essentially affects women and children. Victims are taken in by enticing job offers or promises of a better life. They are quickly taken in hand by traffickers, brought into the Global Community illegally or with forged identity documents, and then forced to engage in activities that are highly lucrative for those who exploit them: work in illegal workshops, erotic shows, prostitution and begging. They are often beaten and raped to break their resistance or to deter them from denouncing the traffickers. Trafficking often has ties with organised crime. The Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, defines trafficking as 'the recruitment, transport, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.

Trafficking is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of the Global Constitution: the right to dignity, the right to physical and mental integrity, the prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and the prohibition of slavery and forced labour. The Global Constitution expressly states that trafficking in human beings is prohibited. A coordinated response by the many different players is needed to tackle this tglobal phenomenon.

The different actions being taken to combat trafficking fall into two categories:

  • Legislative actions,
  • Operational actions.

Parliament proposes the adoption of a legislative arsenal to combat trafficking in human beings.

The phenomenon of trafficking has always existed. To end what used to be known as the white slave trade several international conventions were adopted in the first half of the 20th century. They were subsequently replaced by the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, of 2 December 1949, which punishes any person who:

  • procures, entices or leads away, for purposes of prostitution, another person,
  • exploits the prostitution of another person.

Parliament proposes provisions for the protection of victims of trafficking in human beings, in particular:

  • the possibility of confidential legal proceedings,
  • legal, medical, material and psychological assistance,
  • the grant of a residence permit,
  • repatriation to the country of origin.

It urges States:

  • to establish policies, programmes and measures to protect victims of trafficking in persons against further victimisation and to prevent and combat trafficking in persons, especially through information and mass media campaigns,
  • to take measures to alleviate the factors that make persons vulnerable to trafficking, such as poverty, underdevelopment and lack of equal opportunity.

The implementation of the principle of transparency is to be done not only in public debates, but especially in public access to documents of Parliament.

There are two reasons for granting this right of access:
  • bring the Global Community institutions closer to citizens,
  • enhance democratic control.

Parliament plays a key role in matters of transparency:
  • as one of the Global Community institutions, it is bound by the rules laid down the in Global Constitution. It is thus a player in practical implementation of the right of access to documents;
  • it observes the process. Parliament keeps watch over transparency and does not hesitate to denounce malfunctions or unjustified hindrances.

The emergence of the principle of transparency in the activities of the Global Community institutions results from the need to bridge the gap between citizens and the administration, often seen as opaque and impersonal. Transparency guarantees better democratic control. Parliament has long argued for greater transparency in the Global Community .

Application of the principle of transparency takes two forms, the right of access to documents of the Global Community institutions, and the public nature of the legislative process. Decisions must be taken as openly as possible and as closely as possible to the citizen. Any citizen of the Union, and any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State, shall have a right of access to Global Community Parliament and Earth Council documents.

The institutions of the Global Community are required to put the right of access into practice by:

  • developing electronic registers,
  • launching electronic archiving projects,
  • conducting information and training campaigns for their staff.

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Proposal for an alliance between Earth Federation and Earth Government

Global Community Earth Government is proposing an alliance with the Institute on World Problems, the Provisional World Parliament, the Federation of Earth, and the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA). Perhaps other organizations will want to join us all. Showing unity in diversity is the aim of everyone and shows our capacity for success.

Join us! Let us find ways of how we can manage Earth and be at Peace.

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Proposal to amend Articles 12 and 13 of Earth Constitution

Proposal to be brought to the attention of the World Constituent Assembly.
Earth Government is proposing to amend Articles 12 and 13 of the Earth Constitution.


It is said in the Preamble of the Earth Constitution that it is "our obligation to posterity to save Humanity from imminent and total annihilation", and in Article 4 part 24 it is said to "Protect from damage, and control and supervise the uses of the atmosphere of Earth", and again in Article 4 part 28 it is said to "Control the mining, production, transportation and use of fossil sources of energy to the extent necessary to reduce and prevent damage to the environment and the ecology." These three statements imply that World Parliament shall strongly protect the ecology of the Earth. The 'Resolution for the Creation of a Democratic World Parliament'     Resolution for the creation of a Democratic World Government of the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) and the Institute on World Problems also stipulates that "in the present state of world environment destruction, where ice caps and glaciers are melting, the oceans are rising, and global weather patterns are becoming destructive."

Evidently the protection of the global life-support systems was made a priority in Earth Federation.

There are many other statements in the Earth Constitution that are related to security, clean air, fresh water, and shelter for everyone. There are listed as Primordial Human Rights by Earth Government. Along with the ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems, primordial human rights were given the highest priority by Earth Government and are found on top of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.

The Scale contains six (6) sections. Section 1 has more importance than all other sections below, and so on.

Concerning Sections 1, 2, and 3, it shall be Earth Government highest priority to guarantee these rights to Member Nations and to have proper lesgislation and implement and enforce global law as described in the Global Constitution.

Section  1.    Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems

Section  2.    Primordial human rights

     safety and security
     have shelter
     'clean' energy
     a 'clean' and healthy environment
     drink fresh water
     breath clean air
     eat a balance diet and
     basic clothing.

Section  3.    The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations

Concerning Sections 4, 5 and 6, it shall be the aim of Earth Government to secure these other rights for all global citizens within the federation of all nations, but without immediate guarantee of universal achievement and enforcement. These rights are defined as Directive Principles, obligating the Earth Government to pursue every reasonable means for universal realization and implementation.

Section  4.    Community rights and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically

Section  5.    Economic rights (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities) and social rights (civil and political rights)

Section  6.    Cultural rights and religious rights

Evidently both constitutions, the Earth Constitution by the Earth Federation and the Global Constitution by Earth Government agree on giving the highest priority to Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Scale. Now Articles 12 and 13 of the Earth Federation are in conflict with the above statements.

Article XII • Bill of Rights for the Citizens of Earth

The inhabitants and citizens of Earth who are within the Federation of Earth shall have certain inalienable rights defined hereunder. It shall be mandatory for the World Parliament, the World Executive, and all organs and agencies of the World Government to honor, implement and enforce these rights, as well as for the national governments of all member nations in the Federation of Earth to do likewise. Individuals or groups suffering violation or neglect of such rightst shall have full recourse through the World Ombudsmus, the Enforcement System and the World Courts for redress of grievances. The inalienable rights shall include the following:

  1. Equal rights for all citizens of the Federation of Earth, with no discrimination on grounds of race, color, caste, nationality, sex, religion, political affiliation, property, or social status.

  2. Equal protection and application of world legislation and world laws for all citizens of the Federation of Earth.

  3. Freedom of thought and conscience, speech, press, writing, communication, expression, publication, broadcasting, telecasting, and cinema, except as an overt part of or incitement to violence, armed riot or insurrection.

  4. Freedom of assembly, association, organization, petition and peaceful demonstration.

  5. Freedom to vote without duress, and freedom for political organization and campaigning without censorship or recrimination.

  6. Freedom to profess, practice and promote religious or religious beliefs or no religion or religious belief.

  7. Freedom to profess and promote political beliefs or no political beliefs.

  8. Freedom for investigation, research and reporting.

  9. Freedom to travel without passport or visas or other forms of registration used to limit travel between, among or within nations.

  10. Prohibition against slavery, peonage, involuntary servitude, and conscription of labor.

  11. Prohibition against military conscription.

  12. Safety of person from arbitrary or unreasonable arrest, detention, exile, search or seizure; requirement of warrants for searches and arrests.

  13. Prohibition against physical or psychological duress or torture during any period of investigation, arrest, detention or imprisonment, and against cruel or unusual punishment.

  14. Right of habeous corpus; no ex-post-facto laws; no double jeopardy; right to refuse self-incrimination or the incrimination of another.

  15. Prohibition against private armies and paramilitary organizations as being threats to the common peace and safety.

  16. Safety of property from arbitrary seizure; protection against exercise of the power of eminent domain without reasonable compensation.

  17. Right to family planning and free public assistance to achieve family planning objectives.

  18. Right of privacy of person, family and association; prohibition against surveillance as a means of political control.

Article XIII • Directive Principles for the World Government

It shall be the aim of the World Government to secure certain other rights for all inhabitants within the Federation of Earth, but without immediate guarantee of universal achievement and enforcement. These rightst are defined as Directive Principles, obligating the World Government to pursue every reasonable means for universal realization and implementation, and shall include the following:

  1. Equal opportunity for useful employment for everyone, with wages or remuneration sufficient to assure human dignity.

  2. Freedom of choice in work, occupation, employment or profession.

  3. Full access to information and to the accumulated knowledge of the human race.

  4. Free and adequate public education available to everyone, extending to the pre-university level; Equal opportunities for elementary and higher education for all persons; equal opportunity for continued education for all persons throughout life; the right of any person or parent to choose a private educational institution at any time.

  5. Free and adequate public health services and medical care available to everyone throughout life under conditions of free choice.

  6. Equal opportunity for leisure time for everyone; better distribution of the work load of society so that every person may have equitable leisure time opportunities.

  7. Equal opportunity for everyone to enjoy the benefits of scientific and technological discoveries and developments.

  8. Protection for everyone against the hazards and perils of technological innovations and developments.

  9. Protection of the natural environment which is the common heritage of humanity against pollution, ecological disruption or damage which could imperil life or lower the quality of life.

  10. Conservation of those natural resources of Earth which are limited so that present and future generations may continue to enjoy life on the planet Earth.

  11. Assurance for everyone of adequate housing, of adequate and nutritious food supplies, of safe and adequate water supplies, of pure air with protection of oxygen supplies and the ozone layer, and in general for the continuance of an environment which can sustain healthy living for all.

  12. Assure to each child the right to the full realization of his or her potential.

  13. Social Security for everyone to relieve the hazards of unemployment, sickness, old age, family circumstances, disability, catastrophies of nature, and technological change, and to allow retirement with sufficient lifetime income for living under condi tions of human dignity during older age.

  14. Rapid elimination of and prohibitions against technological hazards and man-made environmental disturbances which are found to create dangers to life on Earth.

  15. Implementation of intensive programs to discover, develop and institute safe alternatives and practical substitutions for technologies which must be eliminated and prohibited because of hazards and dangers to life.

  16. Encouragement for cultural diversity; encouragement for decentralized administration.

  17. Freedom for peaceful self-determination for minorities, refugees and dissenters.

  18. Freedom for change of residence to anywhere on Earth conditioned by provisions for temporary sanctuaries in events of large numbers of refugees, stateless persons, or mass migrations.

  19. Prohibition against the death penalty.

Proposed amendments to Articles 12 and 13 of the Earth Constitution

Parts 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 17, and 18 of Article 12 be moved to Article 13 and listed as Directed Principles.

Parts 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 19 of Article 13 be moved to Article 12 and be listed as parts of the Bill of Rights.

Germain Dufour
Project Officer
the Global Community Earth Government
Global Dialogue 2005

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Proposal to replace Articles 12 and 13 by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights

Proposal to be brought to the attention of the World Constituent Assembly.
Earth Government is proposing to replace Articles 12 and 13 of the Earth Constitution by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights of the Global Constitution of Earth Government.

(same Introduction as per above "Proposal to amend Articles 12 and 13 of Earth Constitution") It is much preferable to replace Articles 12 and 13 of the Earth Constitution of the Earth Federation by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights of the Global Constitution of Earth Government.

The Scale gives a sense of direction, a goal to achieve by doing first what is most important to sustain Life of Earth.

Germain Dufour
Project Officer
the Global Community Earth Government
Global Dialogue 2005

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Resolution for the creation of a Democratic World Government

This House, being of the opinion that,

-     in the present state of world political anarchy, where international agreements are flouted, and judgments of the World Court are treated as matters of no concern,
-     in the present state of world militarism, where national governments feel forced to spend vast sums of money on weapons and military defense, while global insecurity continues to increase,
-     in the present state of world environmental destruction, where ice caps and glaciers are melting, the oceans are rising, and global weather patterns are becoming destructive,
-     in the present state of world economic inequality, where the wealthy of the world continue to accumulate unimaginable wealth while each year many billions of dollars are transferred from the poorest regions of the world to the wealthiest regions of the world,

This House calls upon the government of CANADA, in collaboration with other national governments and world citizens, to make earnest efforts to convene a Founding Ratification Convention, as a vital step towards the establishment of a Democratic World Government, with a World Parliament representing all nations and peoples equally, under an enforceable, non-military democratic Constitution for the Federation of Earth.

Dr. Glen Martin
Professor Philosophy and Religious Studies, Radford University
President, International Philosophers for Peace... (IPPNO)
Vice-President and Treasurer for Academic Affairs
Institute on World Problems
Secretary General and Treasurer
World Constitution & Parliament Association (US)

Dr. Terence P. Amerasinghe
President, Institute on World Problems
Bar-at-Law and Member of Grey’s Inn
and executive member of a large number of other world class organizations (Sri Lanka)

Eugenia Almand
Executive Director, Institute on World Problems
Secretary, Provisional World Parliament
Deputy Secretary General, World Constitution & Parliament Association (US)
Web administrator for the Institute on World Problems

Germain Dufour
Project Officer
Global Dialogue 2005

Institute on World Problems
Constitution for the Federation of Earth
Writings on World Government

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History of Earth Federation




Agreement to Call a World Constitutional Convention initiated by four persons, circulated worldwide for signatures, requesting both national governments and people of each country to Send delegates.





World Committee for a World Constitutional Convention formed. Thousands sign the Agreement, including many prominent leaders. Organizers of this action travel around the world to enlist support.





Definitive Call to the World Constitutional 'Convention adopted. Many persons sign, including Heads of five national governments.





First Preparatory Congress held Denver, Colorado, USA, with delegates from 5 continents. Call to the World Constitutional Convention is publicly issued, then circulated for more signers and response.





Second Preparatory Congress held at Milan, Italy. Outline for Debate and Drafting of a World Constitution is formulated, on basis on alternative choices. Plan agreed for a Peoples World Parliament to meet concurrently.





Decision made at Third Preparatory Congress to begin Convention in 1968, even if no government delegates. 300 Peoples Delegates pledged.





First working sessions of World Constitutional Convention and Peoples' World Convention held at Interiaken, Switzerland, and Wolfach, W. Germany. 200 Peoples Delegates from 27 countries, of 5 continents. Work begun on drafting the World Constitution.





Strategy for Reclaiming Earth for Humanity is circulated. Emergency Council of World Trustees meets, Santa Barbara, Calif., and issues First Decree for Protection of Life, outlawing nuclear weapons. Directions given to drafting commission.





World Constitution drafting commission of four persons works for 2 months, almost completes first draft of Constitution For The Federation of Earth.





First draft finished, printed in 1974, then circulated worldwide for comment, together with Call to the second session in 1977, now defined as the World Constituent Assembly. Comments on first draft complied.





Drafting Commission meets again. Second draft completed, circulated.





Second Session of World Constituent Assembly held in June, Innsbruck, Austria. Earth Constitution debated paragraph by paragraph, amended, then adopted with 138 original signers from 25 countries of 6 continents. Call for ratification by the nations and peoples of Earth is issued. Constitution is sent to U.N. General Assembly and to all national governments.





Earth Constitution is circulated worldwide for debate and ratification. Third session of World Constituent Assembly held Jan. 1979, Colombo, Sri Lanka; adopts Rationale For A World Constituent Assembly, defining right of people to convene Assembly, draft constitution, and obtain ratification. Appeal issued for national parliaments to ratify.





1981 World Constitution & Parliament Assn. meets at New Delhi, India. Call issued for Provisional World Parliament to convene 1982 under terms of Article 19 of Earth Constitution. Honorary Sponsor list of 150 prominent persons enrolled.





First Session of Provisional World Parliament meets at Brighton, England. Delegates form 25 countries of 6 continents. Five world Legislative Acts are adopted: for World Disarmament Agency, World Economic Development, Ownership of Oceans & Seabeds, Graduate School of World Problems, World Courts.





First Provisional District World Court organized in Los Angeles; takes up case of outlawing nuclear weapons. Plans for Provisional World Parliament in Sudan and Nigeria thwarted by military coups.





Second Session of Provisional World Parliament held New Delhi, India. Opened by President of India, presided by speaker of Lok Sabha. Three more World Legislative Acts adopted: for Emergency Earth Rescue Administration, World Government Funding, and Commission on Terrorism.





Campaign continued for "provisional" ratification of the Constitution for Federation of Earth, pending review at next World Constituent Assembly.





Third session of Provisional World Parliament held Miami Beach, Florida. Three more World Legislative Acts are adopted: for Global Finance System, Environment Protection, and Hydrogen Energy. Provisional World Cabinet started.





Plan launched for collaboration by many organizations to prepare next session of World Constituent Assembly. 150 organizations join in Preparatory Committee. Two meetings held in New York with U. N. Ambassadors, to explain and solicit help. List of Honorary Sponsors reconfirmed and expanded.





Government of Egypt agrees to host Assembly. Three preparatory meetings held. Call circulated for Governments and People to send delegates.





Location of 4th session World Constituent Assembly abruptly changed due to Gulf War. Held at Troia, Portugal, in May. Delegates adopt 59 amendments to Earth Constitution. New ratification campaign begun, appealing to both people and governments. Most Honorary Sponsors personally ratify.





Global Ratification & Elections Network organized, including several hundred organizations, to promote ratification of Constitution for Federation of Earth, then election of delegates to World Parliament. First Government heads ratify.





Call to the Fourth Session of the Provisional World Parliament at Innsbruck, Austria, from June 26th to July 5th.





Call to the Fifth Session of the Provisional World Parliament on the Island of Malta, November 22nd to 27th.


After the Second World War there was a great World Federalist movement. During the formation of the United Nations there was wide spread public debate about the necessity for a bonafide World Government. The experience with the League of Nations as a loose voluntary association of sovereign states, which was structurally doomed to failure, led to the valiant cry "Federalists of the World, Unite!" Unfortunately the United Nations was not founded upon sober appraisal or the failure of the League. As a journalist candidly observed at the beginning of the formation of the United Nations in San Francisco, at the time:

It is an awkward paradox that the first stirrings of internationalism seem to tend toward, rather than away from, nationalism. Almost everything you see and hear in San Francisco is an affirmation of the absolute state, a denial of the world community- the flags, the martial music, the uniforms, the secret parley, the delicate balance, the firm position, the diplomatic retreat. Ninety percent of the talk is not of how people shall be brought together but of the fascinating details of how they shall be kept apart. And under all is the steady throbbing of the engines: sovereignty, sovereignty, sovereignty.


In 1945 through 1950 there were a series of proposals for the convening of a world Constitutional Convention. Dr. Albert Einstein, the great world patriot, who of the world government said, "Mankind’s desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government," and "There is no salvation for civilization, or even the human race, other than the creation of a world government." In 1946 and 47’ he supported an earlier plan to call a world constitutional convention. One of these plans held in Geneva Switzerland failed when only 3 people attended.

It was in the context of these historic failures that the first successful attempts at convening a World constituent Assembly to begin a bonafide World Constitutional Convention began when Philip Isely and others from this movement started the world Constitution and Parliament Association in 1958. More than just a Club involved in theoretical discussions about the necessity for world government or the equally dead-end attempts to get the executives of the nationstates to secure the planetary peace, Philip Isely began to take seriously the idea that the sovereignty ultimately resides in human beings. WE THE PEOPLE could go ahead and take personal responsibility for the international anarchy and move beyond protest and endless chit-chat about the great necessity, and begin a process of actually drafting a CONSTITUTION FOR THE FEDERATION OF EARTH.

An idea whose time had come was finally born. In 1963 the historic Call went forth and a process was set in motion that led to the drafting of the Constitution. This process will continue. What was set in motion will continue until full and final ratification by every nation and people on Earth is attained. For not only is this constitution up for review every 10 years and Provisional World Government of people’s delegates exists to carry on the great campaign for ratification, but the process is so properly engineered that the Constitution will continue to evolve and gain momentum according to the progressive operation of the science of Federnomics, the only real POLITICAL science for the Planet Earth.


    "Some of the people and government leaders participating include 5 heads of government, - Lord Boyd Orr, Lord Attee, Lord Silken from the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Orlick from Costa Rica, Prime Minister Ayub Khan from Pakistan, Members of Parliament from India, Sri Lanka, Australia, United Kingdom, Brazil, Ghana, Nigeria, Costa Rica, Japan, France, Italy, and Germany, a renowned international lawyer from Switzerland, the late max Habicht, who represented his country at the League of Nations and the United Nations. Presidents of Universities include the late Archie Casely-Hayford from Ghana, who was also three time Cabinet Minister of Ghana, religious leaders from all over the world, and the architect of this movement an integrative engineer (deserving of a Doctorate in Advanced Federnomics) Philip Isely."

    [excerpt from an address given to the Jamaican Kiwis February 8, 1988 by Margaret Isely (our co-founding parent, great inspiration, and successful businesswoman) parenthetical remark mine]


    No. Attempts to convene a World Constitutional Convention have been tried but failed. No other popular convention like this exists, nor has any other the legitimacy of the CONSTITUTION FOR THE FEDERATION OF EARTH. Nothing else comes close. Examine it for yourself and see. If you don’t think its perfect (according to an enlightened federnomics) join with us to make it better! We the People are as "official" as you can get. Anything else is just the collective dreaminess of the shadowy figures in the figures in the figments of our collective international nightmare. Won’t you awake from the deep sleep of the nations and help to usher in the great planetary Federation of Earth?


    In the words of Hamilton and Madison, the great founding fathers authors of the definitive commentary of the U.S. Constitution, (my own home country) a federal Government which re-invents State sovereignty into higher representative bodies must abandon violence for law, and in place of the "DESTRUCTIVE COERCION OF THE SWORD", institute the "MILD AND SALUTARY COERCION OF THE MAGISTRACY". [The Federalist No. 20]


    1958 Formation of a WORLD CONSTITUTION & PARLIAMENT ASSOCIATION of diverse groups of people and government leaders,

    1958-1961 AGREEMENT TO CALL A WORLD CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION circulated worldwide inviting governments and groups of people to send delegates,

    1963 CALL TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE WORLD CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION with world leaders and distinguished people from 50 countries joining the grand Global Federal Convention process, including 4 Prime Ministers, a President, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,

    1965 SECOND PREPARATORY CONFERENCE at Milan, Italy initiates "The Comprehensive Outline for the Debate and Drafting of a World Constitution" with 300 Peoples delegates committing themselves to attend,

    1968 FIRST DRAFT SUBMITTED WORLDWIDE in the city Hall of Wolfach, West Germany begins the task of intensive work debating and drafting for over two months the Draft which came to be known as the Constitution for the Federation of Earth,

    1968-1970’s COMMITTEE OF DETAIL meets again after receiving comments to prepare a revised draft. REVISED DRAFT CIRCULATED WORLWIDE with a new Call to the second session, now called the World Constituent Assembly. The revised draft and Call with invitation to send delegates was sent to every national government on the planet and peoples all around the world,

    1977 SECOND SESSION OF THE WORLD CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY meets in Innsbruck, Austria. The founding parents went over the Constitutional Draft in excruciating detail. After great debate the Constitution for the Federation of Earth is adopted with only one dissenting voice and signed by 138 participants from over 25 countries from 6 continents. A UNIVERSAL CALL FOR RATIFICATION BY THE NATIONS AND PEOPLE OF EARTH is sent to the United Nations, to every national government on Earth, and given worldwide circulation as well,

    1979 THIRD WORLD CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY is held at Colombo, Sri Lanka. Plans are developed for advancing worldwide ratification in lieu of continued international anarchy. A RATIONALE FOR A WORLD CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY is adopted reaffirming the inalienable right of the people to exercise popular sovereignty and take whatever lawful action is necessary to establish a democratic non-military federal world government,

    1982 FIRST PROVISIONAL WORLD PARLIAMENT CONVENES in Brighten, England according to the specific provisions of Article 19 of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. World Legislative Bills numbers One through Five are adopted,

    1985 SECOND PROVISIONAL WORLD PARLIAMENT CONVENES in Miami Beach, USA adopting World Legislative Bills numbers Nine through Eleven, with the further step planned since 1977 of establishing the Provisional World Presidium and Cabinet to serve alongside the Provisional World Government until 25 countries have ratified the constitution for the Federation of Earth,

    1988 FIRST MEETING OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE to prepare for the Fourth world Constituent assembly in Manhattan, USA (for which I am preparing this World Citizen’s Guide. May providence grant success to the FEDERATION OF EARTH and our great Planetary Charter!)

    Levels of Earth Federation Order

    Levels of Earth Federation Order are as follows:

    1.     People of the World

    People of the world see or do not see the requirement for convening World Constituent Assembly, or for enacting World Legislation for addressing common concerns and sources of conflict. People are both ordinary citizens without office, as well as officeholders, whether appointed or elected. People redress to the World Parliament. People also participate in processes of initiative, referendum and plebiscite in coordination with the Earth Federation. Adult citizens, as well as youth, are encouraged to participate in ongoing civic and political activism through the Global Peoples Assembly and a variety of other means. According to Article 18 guidelines of the Earth Constitution, the Provisional World Parliament convokes the World Constituent Assembly.

    2.     World Constituent Assembly

    Deliberates and adopts amendments to the Earth Constitution. The World Constituent Assembly, though composed of Members of World Parliament, may consider but neither deliberates nor adopts World Legislation.

    3.     Constitution for the Federation of Earth (or Earth Constitution, its legal alternate name)

    The Earth Constitution is the basic working document defining the basic proper working relationships of the Earth Federation—both the internal relations between Earth Federation organs and agencies, as well as relation between citizenry and Federation. The Earth Constitution is written of a length and comprehension that any adult citizen of Earth may learn and well know its entirety.

    4.     World Legislation

    This is the standard worldwide statutory law as determined by the World Parliament in accordance with the Earth Constitution. Ministries, policies and agents of the Earth Federation are obliged to adhere to World Legislation in the formation and operation of the organs and agencies of Earth Federation. World Legislation might reasonably be expected to exceed in length and complexity that which individual citizens of the Earth Federation might know. World Parliamentarians, agents and officials of the Earth Federation are expected to know, or expected to be able to learn, World Legislation.

    5.     World Judicial Decision

    World Judicial Decision forms the standard worldwide case law as determined by the World Judiciary. In every case, World Judicial Decision takes precedence over Earth Federation ministerial policy and personal discretion. Ordinarily, World Legislation takes precedence over World Judiciary Decision, except in countervailing decisions regarding world constitutional cases, where a particular provision of World Legislation is judged unconstitutional under the Earth Constitution. World Judiciary Decision has stare decisis, which is the principle that decisions stand as precedents for guidance in cases arising in the future. With stare decisis, the sum of World Judicial Decision may reasonably be expected to exceed in length and complexity that which individual citizens of the Earth Federation might be expected to know.

    6.     Ministerial and Administrative Policy

    Each ministry and agency of the Earth Federation is expected to develop further rules of operation specific to the respective ministry or agency, for the effective and efficient operation of the ministry or agency. All policy must be in accordance with World Law, whether it be the guidelines of the Earth Constitution, World Legislation or World Court decision. Policy may be more elaborate than what individual Earth Citizens might know, and probably more comprehensive and elaborate than what anyone outside of the respective agency or ministry would know. Ministerial and Administrative policy may be changed by an administration or by its succeeding administrations, within constitutional, statutory and case law limits.

    7.     Discretion

    A primary purpose of government is to limit the need for discretion. However, all officers, members of government, staff, personnel and even Earth Citizens of the Earth Federation, are expected to exercise good judgment, otherwise called discretion, in making decisions on their own beyond the definition or knowledge of the first six levels of order described in this paper. With discretion, no officer or government agent may rely on an excuse that one was merely following orders. Each person exercising discretion is urged to realize that individual action will be judged within the encompassing implicate order.

    Eugenia Almand
    Executive Director, Institute on World Problems
    Secretary, Provisional World Parliament
    Deputy Secretary General, World Constitution & Parliament Association (US)
    Web administrator for the Institute on World Problems
    Institute on World Problems
    313 Seventh Avenue, Radford
    VA 24141, USA
    World Constitution and Parliament Association
    Leader in the movement for democratic federal world government since 1984
    Constitution for the Federation of Earth
    Writings on World Government

    Proposal to let World Ombudsmus use the Scale of Human and Earth Rights as a way of protecting rights

    Proposal to be brought to the attention of the World Constituent Assembly.
    Earth Government is proposing that the Scale of Human and Earth Rights be specialized and used by the World Ombudsmus of the Earth Constitution.
    The Scale is a useful tool to evaluate criminal sanctions and give fines.

    Proposal to have our membership sign the Earth Constitution

    In the course of history, particularly during the past several hundred years, the technique of a Constituent Assembly has been developed and used under various circumstances as a means to devise the constitutions for democratic governments, either to create new governments where none existed before or to replace old or crumbling governments under both peaceful and revolutionary situations.

    Sometimes such assemblies have been appointed by existing governments. At other times, under the most favorable circumstances, such assemblies have been elected by vote of established electorates. But at other times such assemblies have been composed and convened under circumstances where only a limited number of people of the country or areas involved actually took part in the selection of delegates. Only a small minority of any electorate might actually participate during the time when a new democratic government is emerging under conditions of revolution from tyranny or of political turmoil or urgent crises; or in the absence of any organized political system which was willing or able to supervise a vote of the total potential electorate for such an assembly or newly emerging democratic government.

    It is under the later kind of circumstances that the move has gone forward during the years since World War II for the organization of a World Constituent Assembly to devise the constitution for a democratic form of federal world government. No previous world government or competent world authority has existed to organize or supervise elections to such a World Constituent Assembly. No universally approved electoral lists exist for the conduct of such elections. Existing national governments heretofore have proved unwilling or uninterested or hostile or otherwise unable to assist in either the appointment or election of working delegates to such a World Constituent Assembly, despite numerous appeals -- although these appeals are continuing.

    Under the existing circumstances of global anarchy, of political turmoil in many parts of the world, of the suppression or non-functioning of democratic electoral procedures in many parts of the world, as well as of the unprecedented urgencies of many growing world-wide crises requiring extra-ordinary measures if humanity is to survive, action has been organized by the World Constitution and Parliament Association -- as well as by other organizations and groups since 1945 -- to attempt to convene World Constituent Assemblies for the purposes of preparing a constitution for democratic federal world government, and of securing the acceptance and ratification of such a world constitution.

    Under these circumstances, the World Constitution and Parliament Association does not claim to have organized a World Constituent Assembly composed of delegates fully representative of and elected by the full potential electorate for such an assembly or for the subsequent world parliament which may emerge. The only claim made is that the delegates and volunteer participants in the four sessions of the World Constituent Assembly are composed of and are representative of those people and elements of society scattered around the globe who are ready, willing and able to move constructively under crises circumstances to devise a Constitution for Democratic Federal World Government, and to launch the first efforts to obtain widespread consideration and ratification and the beginnings of implementation of such a World Constitution.

    Under these circumstances, we believe there have been convened four sessions of a World Constituent Assembly -- the first in August-September, 1968, at Interlaken, Switzerland, and Wolfach, Germany; the second in June, 1977, at Innsbruck, Austria; the third in 1978-79 at Colombo, Sri Lanka; and the fourth Assembly in Troia, Portugal, in May 1991.

    Finally, these sessions of a World Constituent Assembly are fully consonant with the respected theory that democratic government arises from the initiative and consent of the people who will be the citizens under that government, that people at all times have the democratic right and prerogative to discharge or change any governments which do not adequately serve their welfare, and to initiate new governments when urgently required to their safety or welfare. No superior authority exists at any time to this basic right of people to initiate such action; and in particular, no authority superior to action by people exists for the organization and functioning of a World Constituent Assembly or a democratic World Parliament.

    Therefore, let us go forward with a GLOBAL RATIFICATION and ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN, appealing to people and governments to ratify the Constitution for the Federation of Earth which has been produced by these four sessions of the World Constituent Assembly.

    We call upon the people of Earth to ratify the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, by direct Referendum and by Initiative Petition followed by election of delegates to the House of Peoples.

    We call upon the national governments and legislatures of the world to ratify the Constitution for the Federation of Earth and elect delegates to the House of Nations.

    We call upon the Universities, Colleges and Churches, Scientific Academies and Institutes to ratify the Constitution for the Federation of Earth and nominate delegates with a world view as candidates for election to the Hose of Counsellors.

    Let us move forward with courage and humility in the spirit in which these sessions of the World Constituent Assembly have been conceived, knowing that we are fully justified by the circumstances of world crises, the conditions of world-wide political turmoil and de facto global anarchy, and the recognized right and authority of people to act in the creation of democratic forms of government to serve their safety and welfare, as provided by the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. Although time may reveal the need for some amendments to this Constitution, it has been prepared by a broad global representation of qualified people and it is ready for ratification and implementation now. So let us build on this solid base which has been prepared over the last 25 years and unite our energies in achieving ratification and implementation.

    (A major portion of this statement, under title of RATIONALE FOR WORLD CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY, was adopted at the Third session of the World Constituent Assembly meeting at Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 29 December 1978, to 6 January, 1979.)

    Having read the Constitution for the Federation of Earth or a good summary thereof, or having been well informed about the main provisions and purposes to solve global problems peacefully and to serve the maximum human welfare of all people on Planet Earth --

    I do hereby sign as a personal ratifier and affirm my readiness to live as a Citizen of Earth under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth and the World Government with an elected World Parliament as provided thereunder, which will also assist the good functioning of the Government of my country and of all countries as parts of the World Federation;

    And further, I petition the Government and Parliament of my country to give preliminary ratification to the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, agreeing to peacefully abide thereunder, and to arrange for general publication and an official referendum to obtain a measured vote on final ratification by the Citizens of my country.

    1. Signature ____Joseph Germain Dufour________________ Date _____May 14, 2005

    Name (print) ____________Joseph Germain Dufour_____ Country ____Canada

    Address __186 Bowlsby Street__________ State _B.C.____ Zip ___V9R 5K1

    Occupation _______Consultant on global problems____ Age ___58

    2. Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________

    Name (print) ___________________________________ Country ___________

    Address ___________________________________ State _____ Zip ________

    Occupation ____________________________________________ Age ________

    3. Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________

    Name (print) ___________________________________ Country ___________

    Address ___________________________________ State _____ Zip ________

    Occupation ____________________________________________ Age ________

    Instructions: Please make copies of this form, and circulate for millions of signatures! Ask each Non-Governmental Organization willing to help print in the periodical or bulletin of the N.G.O., and request each individual member to sign and circulate for more signers. When a page is complete, make a copy to retain in the office of the Global Ratification and Elections Network in your country, and send the original to the address below. Reports will be made to each national government, requesting ratification action.

    Global Ratification and Elections Network
    313 Seventh Avenue, Radford
    VA 24141, USA
    Constitution for the Federation of Earth
    Writings on World Government

    The Ninth Session of the Provisional World Parliament in Libya, February-March, 2006

    Article by

    Glen T. Martin
    Secretary-General, World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA)

    The WCPA was formed in 1958 and has grown to a world wide network of individuals and organizations dedicated to democratic federal world government. It was formed around the conviction that the world crises of militarism, weapons of mass destruction, environmental deterioration, population explosion, disappearance of resources like water and agricultural land, and increasing poverty would result in planetary disaster if the people of Earth did not act quickly to create a decent world order.

    Under this idea the leaders of WCPA called world wide for people and governments to come together in Constituent Assemblies to write a democratic Constitution for the Federation of Earth. The result of this effort was four Constituent Assemblies. The first two were held in Interlacken, Switzerland, in 1968 with over 200 peoples delegates from around the world, and Insbruck, Austria, in 1977 where the proposed constitution was debated paragraph by paragraph and signed by the 138 delegates from around the world. Small changes and final revisions were made at the Third Constituent Assembly in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in 1979 and at the Fourth Constituent Assembly in Troia, Portugal, in 1991.

    Constituent Assemblies are the legal and accepted method by which people write for themselves a Constitution and a founding document. The Constitution for the Federation of Earth that resulted from this process, provides for official democratic ratification of the Constitution by the people and nations of Earth under Article 17. Since no one expected ratification to occur immediately, it also provides for the people of Earth to begin creating Provisional World Government under Article 19. Hence, since the creation of the main text of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth in 1977, the call has gone out worldwide eight times for people to assemble in Provisional World Parliaments and begin the process of developing world laws directed to creating a decent, equitable, and decent world order for all people on Earth.

    Each of the eight sessions of the Provisional World Parliament have done wonderful work in laying the foundations for genuine world law. This law will not be binding on the real World Parliament once the Constitution has been ratified and the Earth Federation has commenced. But these wonderful laws are building the spirit and framework for decent world government that will be invaluable resource for the eventual real World Parliament.

    The Ninth Session of the Provisional World Parliament will be in Libya from February 25 to March 3, 2006. The Parliament will take place in the first three days of this period, then a tour of the wonderful ancient Roman Ruins of Leptis Magna on the fourth day. Finally, the last three days will be a grand conference on "The Concept of Democracy: Image and Reality." Our Libyan hosts will cover room, board, and internal transportation within Libya for this period.

    All world citizens and people concerned about the future of our planet are invited. Registration information will be on our websites and The WCPA works with world citizens and world federalist organizations worldwide in order to create maximum synergy for a just and sustainable world order. There is no need to be a personal ratifier of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth to participate in the Provisional World Parliament. One can register in the "observer" category and participate fully in the events and discussions at the Parliament. Or one can be a personal ratifier of the Constitution and register in the "delegate" category. The only difference is that delegates may vote on provisional world legislation and resolutions placed before the Parliament.

    We invite all people of Earth, governments, and NGO’s to send delegates or observers to his historic event. We are not just talking about a new world order. We are doing it. We want to collaborate with all concerned organizations in this process. Have your organization send a delegate or observer and become part of the process of actualizing a new world order at the Ninth Session of the Provisional World Parliament.

    Promoting the Global Exhibition by Earth Federation

    The Global Exhibition by Earth Federation could cover many aspects. It can be about creating high profile, highly targeted business and consumer exhibitions, where buyers and suppliers from around the world can come together to do business. In an increasingly digital age, nothing can replace the power of human contact for establishing and maintaining business relations. And with more market leading exhibitions than any other organiser, no organiser delivers more business contacts. We would specialize in exhibitions, trade shows, conferences and event planning.

    The Global Exhibition by Earth Federation must allow multiplicity, diversity and contradiction to exist inside the structure of an exhibition ... a world where the conflicts of globalization are met by the romantic dreams of a new modernity, a new federation of nations.

    We divide the Global Exhibition into "platforms"--conferences and lecture series engaging figures from a wide range of disciplines--that take place at different communities around the world over the course of the year leading up to the installation in a large Global Exhibition in one country.

    I would certainly plan to promote many aspects such as:

    1.     Earth Government and its Global Constitution
    2.     Earth flag
    3.     Celebration of Life Day
    4.     the Global Community
    5.     the Global Dialogue
    6.     the Portal of the Global Community
    7.     the Global Community Citizenship (every participant would become a global citizen)
    8.     the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC)
    9.     the ECO Award and have an Award Ceremonies
    10.     actions for the good of all as per the Statement of Rights, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities of the Global Community citizens
    11.     a global co-operation between nations
    12.     Humanity's new vision of the world
    13.     global societal sustainability
    14.     global governance and Earth management
    15.     the Global Community overall picture (6 world regions approach and hundreds of issues)
    16.     the global life-support systems
    17.     the Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
    18.     all cultural, political, social and religious aspects

    Nothing in contemporary art speaks so directly to all of these issues as the large scale exhibition as well as any number of other biennials that cropped up around the world during the past decade. The Global Exhibition by Earth Federation , endowed with a transnational circuitry, assumed the unique position of reflecting the idea of a world government. Establishing a new curatorial class able to bring artists together from wide-ranging geographic and cultural points, the large-scale exhibition alterd the kinds of visibility afforded artists and so fundamentally changed the conditions of artistic discussion, ultimately forwarding the position that no show could, or should, presume an all-encompassing thesis--at least not in conventional terms and form. Rather, the exhibition extends through time and across geography to include panels, lectures, publications, performances, and public works that fall welt beyond the parameters of the traditional show, and lies well beyond the grasp of any single viewer. In turn, these exhibitions have come to marshal the forces of any number of disciplines, including art history and theory, which leads one to the question of whether the critical function is in some sense migrating from critic to curator, or indeed whether such nominal distinctions are useful at all. At this level, I think that many people correspond to the economic, social, and cultural figure of the 'artist' as it has been constituted in the modern age."

    The Global Exhibition by Earth Federation

    Earth Federation aims at replacing the United Nations. That is truly a Revolution. If true revolution changes the rules on how to change the rules, then we must arrive at terms that transform the very concept of the exhibition. Although a few criteria for inclusion based on identity and geopolitics have developed, the art world is still heavily commodified, and an artist without a sales (and therefore publicity) base in the developed word--or a curatorial support network in the world's "periphery"--is not going to be included. Further, the new terms of engagement may be geopolitical, but work from the "First World" must have a powerful aesthetic surplus or an antically unrecognizable political dimension in order to gain access. So many artists are doing serious work with directly political themes but do not see themselves included in these shows--and would not expect themselves to be-since the public visiting such exhibitions is not their audience of interest. Granted, the flattened terrain of modern communications is bringing the interlocking worlds of art production and display into closer proximity, so it would not be correct to claim that work with direct political address will always be left out. But is it still necessary to point out that while "geopolitical" can have the cover of a prefix to cover its political nature, the politics in question bad better be far, far away?

    The art world--a congeries of professional services along the lines of dentists, doctors, and professors on the one hand and high-end showrooms like ear dealerships on the other--consistently offers the modernizing elite a compass for understanding cultural and social "facts" as they impinge on their consciousness. The global exhibitions serve as grand collectors and translators of subjectivities under the latest phase of globalization. But as we move between disparate colonialist eras, what is plain about the present moment is that there is no dearth of images of the colonized Other in public view, despite only a little more insight--and that quite momentary--into the interior lives of others than in the previous colonial moment. The elite in question, especially in the North and in developed industrial and postindustrial nations (which includes, perhaps, the antipodean South), may have a taste for edification via these new Crystal Palace expositions. And why not?


    The need of global legislation concerning hydrogen-fueled engines

    Historically, the trend in energy use indicates a slow transition from fuels with high carbon content, beginning with wood, to fuels with more hydrogen. Fossil fuels release varying quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere — coal having the highest carbon content, then petroleum, and finally natural gas — the lowest carbon dioxide emitter per thermal unit. Hydrogen obviously releases no carbon dioxide emissions when burned. Hydrogen (H2) is the most abundant element in the universe, although practically all of it is found in combination with other elements, for example, water (H2O), or fossil fuels such as natural gas (CH4). Therefore, hydrogen must be manufactured from either fossil fuels or water before it can be used as a fuel. Today, approximately 95% of all hydrogen is produced by “steam reforming” of natural gas, the most energy-efficient, large-scale method of production. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a by-product of this reaction.

    CH4 + 2H2O ------- 4H2 + CO2

    Hydrogen can also be produced by gasification of carbon containing materials such as coal — although this method also produces large amounts of carbon dioxide as a by-product. Electrolysis of water generates hydrogen and oxygen.

    H2O -------- H2 + 1/2O2

    The electricity required to electrolyze the water could be generated from either fossil fuel combustion or from renewable sources such as hydropower, solar energy or wind energy. In the longer term, hydrogen generation could be based on photobiological or photochemical methods. While there is an existing manufacturing, distribution, and storage infrastructure of hydrogen, it is limited. An expanded system would be required if hydrogen fuel were to be used for automotive and utility applications.

    Hydrogen production and supply

    Hydrogen can be produced from different energy sources: fossil based and renewable with various production technologies. Hydrogen is the common denominator of many energy sources.

    There’s no risk that we’ll ever run out of hydrogen, it's by far the most plentiful element in the universe. On Earth, however, it exists naturally only in chemical compounds, not as hydrogen gas. Water and the main components of coal, oil and natural gas are prime examples of these compounds.

    Natural gas currently provides most of the hydrogen used in industry. The relatively simple technology employed – steam reforming – could also produce hydrogen gas for cars at central plants or filling stations. Alternatively fuel tanks could be filled with petrol or methanol, with the cars using on-board ‘reformers’ to generate hydrogen for their fuel cells. This shows promise as a transitional measure while research proceeds on the problems of storing hydrogen.

    In steam reforming the hydrocarbon fuel reacts with water at high temperatures to produce hydrogen gas. A major drawback is that carbon dioxide and smog-causing gases such as nitrogen oxides are given off too, although emissions per kilometre of car travel would be less than from petrol-burning vehicles.

    An alternative approach now under development, autoreforming, should increase the attractiveness of on-board hydrogen production. Use of a catalyst will allow the reforming to occur at much lower temperatures – too low for the production of nitrogen oxides.

    Water is the only potentially pollution-free source of hydrogen. Researchers are looking at new ways of producing hydrogen – using algae, bacteria or photovoltaic cells to absorb sunlight and split water into hydrogen and oxygen. But the technology most likely to be adopted on a large scale is electrolysis, which uses an electric current to split water into oxygen and hydrogen.

    The current production of hydrogen is 500 billion m3/year, equivalent to 3.3 million barrels of oil per day. This again is equivalent to 10% of the energy currently used in transportation. Hydrogen is mostly made by partial oxidation or steam reforming of oil, natural gas steam reforming, methanol reforming and water electrolysis. But the production possibilities are diverse, even modified algae can produce hydrogen.

    Production of hydrogen is relatively simple compared to processes to make conventional fuels. As a consequence, nobody will be able to control the supply of hydrogen. Hydrogen may create a freedom in the use of energy for transportation, in a similar way that internet made mass communication available to anyone with a PC and a phone line. How is hydrogen produced with electrolysis? In water electrolysis the water molecules are split into hydrogen and oxygen gases. These gases are produced when an electric current flows through an electrolyte from an anode to a cathode. The electrolyte is water mixed with a substance to optimize electrical conductivity. The produced hydrogen and oxygen gases are separated, purified, compressed and stored in gas bottle battery banks or storage vessels.

    Our future hydrogen society

    Hydrogen is an energy carrier. It means it can store energy. Thus it is particular suitable in renewable energy systems. The surplus wind energy or solar energy produced under good conditions can be used to produce hydrogen with electricity. The use of hydrogen in renewable systems will be especially useful in areas with access to abundant renewable energy resources, with problems producing enough electricity or with insufficient infrastructure.

    Recent technological advances, particularly in fuel cell design, have made hydrogen-powered cars a practical proposition, and car makers expect to start mass-producing them within the next decade or so. Their power and acceleration should match those of today’s petrol-powered vehicles, but they may have to be refuelled more often.

    The best ways to produce, distribute and store the hydrogen still have to be sorted out. In the short term fossil fuels may remain in demand as a hydrogen source. However, the idea that in the not too distant future most of us will be driving non-polluting cars fuelled by hydrogen from a clean, renewable source is no longer a flight of fantasy.

    The hydrogen-fueled engine has been identified as a viable power unit for ultra-low emission series-hybrid vehicles. The Wankel engine is particularly well suited to the use of hydrogen fuel, since its design minimizes most of the combustion difficulties. By operating with very lean mixtures, which effectively derates the engine, very low NO{sub x} emissions can be achieved. Since the rotary engine has a characteristically high power to weight ratio and a small volume per unit power compared to the piston engine, operating a rotary engine on hydrogen and derating the power output could yield an engine with extremely low emissions which still has weight and volume characteristics comparable to a gasoline-fueled piston engine. Finally, since engine weight and volume affect vehicle design, and consequently in-use vehicle power requirements, those factors, as well as engine efficiency, must be taken into account in evaluating overall hybrid vehicle efficiency.

    Hydrogen is widely regarded as a promising transportation fuel because it is clean, abundant, and renewable. In a gaseous state, it is colorless, odorless, and non-toxic. When hydrogen is combusted with oxygen, it forms water as the by-product. Due to hydrogen’s high flammability range, it can be completely combusted over a wide range of air/fuel ratios. Unlike gasoline, which if combusted outside its optimal air/fuel ratio will produce excess carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC), hydrogen does not have a carbon element and therefore will not produce those toxic gases. Like gasoline however, when hydrogen is combusted in air (mixture of oxygen and nitrogen) the temperature of combustion can cause the formation of the nitric oxidizes (NOx). Hydrogen however has an advantage over gasoline in this area because it can be combusted using very high air/fuel ratios. Using a high air/fuel ratio (i.e. combusting hydrogen with more air than is theoretically required) causes the combustion temperature to drop dramatically and thus causes a reduction in the formation of NOx. Unfortunately, the use of excess air also lowers the power output of the engine.

    Hydrogen has many advantages as a fuel for vehicles, but a big disadvantage is that it is difficult to store. This is because at normal temperatures hydrogen is a gas. The hydrogen must be packed tightly into a car’s tank, otherwise a filling stop will be needed every few kilometres. The obvious solution is to strongly compress the hydrogen, or liquefy it. However, large amounts of energy are needed for this – an estimated 20–40 per cent of the energy content of the fuel. Also, tanks designed to hold hydrogen at extremely high pressures, or at temperatures approaching absolute zero, are heavy and expensive.

    High cost and the large amount of energy needed to liquefy the fuel are likely to be the main problems with refuelling with liquid hydrogen. Filling up with compressed hydrogen gas will probably prove more practical, even though it may reduce the distance between fills. Cars could store the hydrogen in high pressure tanks similar to those used for compressed natural gas. Or, if current research proves successful, some high-tech alternatives could be employed.

    Scientists have found that various metals can absorb up to a thousand times their own volume of hydrogen gas. Specially treated carbon may also hold large amounts. These discoveries could shape the fuel tanks of the future.

    Hydrogen-powered vehicles

    Of course, hydrogen-powered vehicles will need hydrogen. That is another problem. Most commercial hydrogen is made as part of the processing of natural gas. As a fuel it is about 20 percent more expensive than a comparable amount of gasoline.
    You need about 15 pounds of hydrogen to go 300 miles. That doesn't sound like much, but hydrogen is very light, and takes a very big tank!

    Gaseous hydrogen could be pumped into a vehicle's tank in five minutes using compressors, according to studies. Another problem with hydrogen is that since it is such a simple molecule it can easily leak through cracks and seals. There may be a safety risk. But we use gasoline in our cars and natural gas in our kitchens. The key wil be to design safe systems to handle the hydrogen.

    Hydrogen can also come in liquid and solid forms, that require less space, and do not leak as readily, but each has drawbacks in the ease of handling and cost of refueling.

    Hydrogen plays a significant role in the world’s energy economy, but this role is almost exclusively as a chemical; hydrogen is rarely used as a fuel. The use of hydrogen as a fuel in the utility and transportation sectors faces hurdles that need to be overcome in order to transition to a hydrogen energy economy. In addition to a lack of infrastructure to support the widespread distribution and use of hydrogen, there exists a persistent perception that hydrogen is unsafe. Widespread hydrogen use will require that safety be intrinsic to all processes and systems. To develop a hydrogen infrastructure that has the public’s confidence in its safety and convenience, an industry consensus on safety issues is required. This includes the development of compatible standards and formats (e.g., the same couplings for dispensing the same form of fuel). Product certification protocols are also required. The development of codes and standards for the safe use of hydrogen is an essential aspect of Earth Government.

    The development and promulgation of codes and standards are essential if hydrogen is to become a significant energy carrier and fuel. Codes and standards are critical to establishing a marketreceptive environment for commercializing hydrogen-based products and systems.

    The Global Community recognizes the need for legislation in support of hydrogen production, storage, utilization, safety, codes and standards and education.

    The Global Community is involved in a range of activities with regards to safety and codes and standards to assure the safe development and deployment of hydrogen technologies. The main thrusts of these activities are to:

    1.     Develop and implement operating protocols that ensure safety in the production, handling, transportation, and public use of hydrogen during hydrogen research, development, testing, and demonstration programs.

    2.     Facilitate creation and adoption of model building codes, transportation and handling safety standards, and equipment standards for hydrogen and fuel cell systems in commercial, residential, and transportation applications.

    3.     Provide technical resource coordination to facilitate harmonization and development of international codes and standards.

    Earth Government regulations on the transportation and use of hydrogen are rules or orders intended to promote safety, compatibility, and efficiency.

    4.     Safety

    Hydrogen's safety, like that of gasoline and diesel, is a function of engineering and safe practice. Hydrogen's safety has been shown to be on par with the current system (or other fuels) when the proper regulations, codes and standards, and best practices are followed. In fact, its properties have similarities to those of other gaseous fuels such as natural gas and town gas—a coal product that has supplied heating and lighting in America and Europe since the early 1800's.

    Ensuring the safe use of hydrogen as a common fuel is of paramount importance for a successful transition to a hydrogen economy. All fuels inherently possess a degree of danger due to their high energy content. Safe use of hydrogen fuel requires preventing volatile combinations of the three combustion factors–ignition source (spark or heat), oxidant (air), and fuel. Through a thorough understanding of fuel properties, hydrogen fuel systems can be designed with appropriate engineering controls and guidelines to ensure safe handling and use. Even so, new safety practices and sensors will be needed to provide additional safety checks and backup prevention mechanisms to ensure the safe handling of hydrogen as a major transportation fuel. This is particularly true given the large quantity of hydrogen that will be needed and because high pressurization will be required in the early stages. For this purpose, the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative is working with other stakeholders in an aggressive program to develop appropriate safety procedures and to achieve consensus on codes and standards for hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and use.

    Safety is also achieved through testing, certification, and establishment of comprehensive safety assessments based on hydrogen site plans. Typically, a hydrogen safety site plan includes analyses of hydrogen confinement, the potential for ignition, the need for detectors and odorants, a broad safety analysis, review of site-specific factors, and methods to mitigate adverse consequences.

    5.     Codes and Standards

    Codes and equipment standards can help to overcome industrial barriers to commercialization and facilitate public acceptance of new hydrogen technologies. Codes and standards are needed in a number of areas including for the vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure such as pipelines. Codes and standards provide a systematic and accurate means for measuring and communicating product risk and insurability to the customer, the general public, and fire-safety certification officials.

    Standards are a set of technical definitions, guidelines, and instructions for designers and manufacturers. These standards are typically voluntary, but have been agreed upon to ensure consistency, compatibility, and safety. Developing a standard is a consensus process involving a number of experts in the field. Once developed, standards are usually incorporated into codes that, in turn, must be adopted by Member Nations of Earth Government and local jurisdictions to become legal and binding. Optimally, new codes and standards should be developed in advance of hydrogen fuel systems.

    6.     Regulations

    Throughout the world, nations have established laws or regulations that require that products and/or systems being developed are safe and do not impose unnecessary risks to the user and to public safety. The foci of Earth Government activities with regards to regulations are to:

    a)     Develop and implement operating protocols and a regulatory framework that ensure safety in the production, handling, transportation, and public use of hydrogen during hydrogen research, development, testing and demonstration programs.

    b)     Facilitate creation or amendment of transportation, vehicle and equipment, disposal, handling, and workplace safety standards (regulations) for hydrogen and fuel cell systems in commercial and transportation applications.

    c)     Develop in advance and enforce hydrogen safety regulations in all aspects of hydrogen production, handling, transportation, and public use that protect public safety as hydrogen products reach the deployment and commercialization stages.

    Hydrogen Research and Development

    Earth Government shall:
    (a)     conduct a hydrogen research and development program relating to production, storage, transportation, and use of hydrogen, with the goal of enabling the private sector to demonstrate the technical feasibility of using hydrogen for industrial, residential, transportation, and utility applications.

    (b)     In conducting the program authorized by this section, Earth Government shall

    (1)     give particular attention to developing an understanding and resolution of critical technical issues preventing the introduction of hydrogen into the marketplace; and

    (2)     initiate or accelerate existing research in critical technical issues that will contribute to the development of more economic hydrogen production and use, including, but not limited to, critical technical issues with respect to production (giving priority to those production techniques that use renewable energy resources as their primary source of energy for hydrogen production), liquefaction, transmission, distribution, storage, and use (including use of hydrogen in surface transportation).

    Celebration of Life Day     -     May 26th

    Dear friends,

    On and around May 26, 2005, millions of people around the world have joined together in a global call to celebrate Life, the gift to the universe from God.

    The following project was used by many.

    On May 26th of each year, the Celebration of Life Day will continue to be a major Celebration of the Global Community.

    Profile Profile and CV

    From the experience in your life and local community tell us:

    *    Why are you important to this "Global Community"?
    *    Why is it important to you?
    *    What do you like about it?
    *    What bothers you about it?
    *    Anything need to be done?
    *    What is really good there?
    *     What is very very important?
    *     What is not so important?
    *     What is not good?
    *     What is needed to keep the good things?
    *     What could make them even better?
    *     What could you do to keep the good things good?
    *     Could they help get rid of bad things?
    *     What unimportant things need to go?
    *     How could you help get rid of these things?

    to sustain Earth, humanity and all life.

    On behalf of the Global Community and Earth Government I thank you all for your participation.

    Germain Dufour, Project Officer
    Earth Community Organization (ECO)
    the Global Community
    Earth Government

    Celebration of Life Day

    On May 26, as part of the Peace Movement of the Global Community, the Human Family, global citizens were rejoicing with all Peoples of the world , and all life, for the annual Celebration of Life Day. Life is the most precious gift ever given by God to the universe and this event needs to be celebrated.

    At the early stage of the formation of the Earth, and a while later, all the conditions for the formation of life were present, and life was created to better serve God. Life was made of matter and every particle of that matter had a Soul that merged with all the others. A Soul is a part of the Spirit of God, His consciousness, and is a living, loving presence, a Being. A Soul can merge with other Souls and become one Soul, and it can evolve as well. The first spark of life was the cause for the formation of a unique and independent Soul to better serve God. Throughout the different evolutionary stages of life on Earth, Souls have guided the step-by-step evolution of life and kept merging with one another to better serve God. They guided the evolutionary process in small, incremental ways over a period of several billion years. Many groupings of Souls became more complex than others as they were much brighter beings than other groupings, but all serve God in their own special way.

    One unique and most wonderful grouping was the grouping that made the Human Soul. God loves the human Souls a lot because of their wonderful qualities. Over the past thousands of years, through their Souls human beings became conscious of God in many different ways. Religions of all kinds started to spread on Earth to adore God and pray. Different groupings of Souls affected human beings in different ways and Peoples today have different religious beliefs. God is like a river feeding plentifully and bountifully all lifeforms and plants. There are many pathways leading to the river. They are God's pathways. God loves diversity in Nature and in Souls. God loves good Souls from all religions.

    Different religions have different ways to love, adore and pray to God. And God's Heaven exists. Heaven on Earth is different from God's Heaven. To be in Heaven with God will mean a Soul has left the matter of the universe forever to enter God's Heaven.

    The Divine Will or Will of God is the most powerful force of the universe and is pure spiritual energy. The Will of God is for life to reach God, God’s Pure Light, in the best possible ways. Life is the building block through which Souls can have a meaningful relationship with God. By observing the Universe, the galaxies, we are observing and studying God. We are seeing His magnificence, His greatness, and His complex making. There is more to the Universe we observe today, that is, there is more to God, much more. God is self-existent, eternal and infinite in space and time. Follow God's Word. God's Plan was revealed to humanity a short while ago. The Divine Plan for humanity is:

    a) for everyone to manage Earth responsibly, and
    b) about to reach the stars and spread Life throughout the universe and thus help other Souls to evolve and serve God in the best possible ways.

    Humanity’s higher purpose is to serve God by propagating life throughout the universe. Humanity will evolve spiritually to fulfill God's Plan. The human species has reached a point in its evolution where it knows its survival is being challenged. The human species knows through the Souls and now that all human Souls have merged together and formed the Soul of Humanity, we will find it easier to fight for our own survival. The Soul of Humanity does not make decisions for us and can only help us understand and guide us on the way. In the past, human beings have had some kind of symbiotical relationship (which is something common in Nature between lifeforms in an ecosystem) with the Souls, and now with the Soul of Humanity. We work together for both our survival and well-being. Cooperation and symbiosis between lifeforms (especially human beings) on Earth and between lifeforms and their Souls and the Soul of Humanity have become a necessity of life. We help one another, joint forces, and accomplish together what we cannot accomplish separately. Several billion years ago this symbiosis between matter and Souls resulted in the making of complex biochemical systems. Symbiosis has worked throughout the evolution of life on Earth and today, the Soul of Humanity has decided to be more active with humanity by purifying Souls. The Soul of Humanity shows us the way to better serve God.

    The Soul of Humanity is helping to bring about the event of Peace in the world. Knowing that Earth is a spiritual entity as well as a physical entity in space and time in the universe we begin to have a better relationship with Earth and with all its living inhabitants. This way Earth management will become a spiritual and a natural process whereby each person is responsible and accountable for its management the best they can. Peace in the world and Earth management have for too long been in the hands of and affected by government and business leaders, in the hands of a few people on the planet, as opposed to being in the hands of all of us (over 6 billion people on Earth) working together to keep our planet healthy. We are the keepers of the Earth.

    The Soul of Humanity will help us:

    *     resolve problems, concerns and issues peacefully;
    *     reinstate the respect for Earth;
    *     work with humanity to keep Earth healthy, productive and hospitable for all people and living things;
    *     bring forth a sustainable global society embracing universal values related to human and Earth rights, economic and social justice, respect of nature, peace, responsibility to one another;
    *     protect the global life-support systems and manage Earth;
    *     evolve spiritually to fulfill God’s Plan; and
    *     enter God’s Heaven, His Spirit, His Pure Light, His universal mind and consciousness.

    We have the responsibility of managing Earth. Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of life within Earth Community, the Global Community. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as oppose to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss.

    Life exists on millions of other planets in the universe and our species got to be who we are today through the evolutionary process. Other lifeforms in the universe may have evolved to be at least as advanced as our species. Their Souls may even be more complicated than ours. They may have merged a trillion times more than the human Souls. They may have evolved as well.

    We the Peoples of the Global Community, the Human Family, are reaffirming faith in the fundamental human and Earth rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small. We the Peoples implies every individual on Earth, every community and every nation. Earth management is now a priority and a duty of every responsible person on Earth. The Global Community has taken action by calling the Divine Will into our lives and following its guidance. Divine Will is now a part of the Soul of Humanity to be used for the higher purpose of good and life's evolution. We will learn to serve humanity and radiate the Will of God to others.

    As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. This requires a change of mind and heart, and calling Divine Will to come into our life to show us the way. It requires a new sense of global interdependence and universal responsibility. We must develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, globally, and within ourselves throughout life. Our cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to realize the vision. We must deepen and expand the global dialogue that generated the ongoing collaborative search for truth and wisdom.

    Life often involves tensions between important values. This can mean difficult choices. However, we must find ways to harmonize diversity with unity, the exercise of freedom with the common good, short-term objectives with long-term goals. Every individual, family, organization, and community has a vital role to play. The arts, sciences, religions, educational institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmental organizations, and governments are all called to offer creative leadership. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for an effective global governance based on global concepts and the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.

    In order to build a sustainable global community, each individual, each local community, and national governments of the world must initiate their commitment to the Global Community and Earth Government.

    Let our time be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life. Let our expanding consciousness blend with that of the Soul of Humanity.

    Earth Government Global Law, the Global Constitution, Statutes, Codes and Bills

    This WWW site is maintained by the Legislative Counsel of Global Parliament, pursuant to Earth Government Global Law.

    Earth Government Global Law consists of 69 codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Constitution and Statutes. Information presented reflects laws currently in effect. All Earth Government Codes have been updated to include the 2005 Statutes.

    Business and Professions Code Civil Code Eradicating poverty Code
    Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination Code Collecting the Global Tax Code Clean Air Code
    Code of Civil Procedure Commercial Code Corporations Code
    Ecology of the Planet Code Education Code Elections Code
    Evidence Code Home and Community Development Code Climate Change Adaptation Code
    Family Code Financial Code Settling of Disputes Between Nations Code
    Human and Earth Rights Code Food and Agricultural Code Fish and Game Code
    Youth Participation Code Harbors and Navigation Code Government Code
    Health and Safety Code Insurance Code Women Rights and Issues Code
    Waste Management Code Military and Veterans Code Labor Code
    Penal Code Probate Code Teaching and Education Code
    Global Economy and Trade Code Public Resources Code Public Contract Code
    Public Utilities Code Revenue and Taxation Code Cities: Power, Rights, Responsiblities and Accountabilities Code
    Streets and Highways Code Unemployment Insurance Code Global Life-support Systems Protection Code
    Vehicle Code Water Code Alternative Energies Code
    Welfare and Institutions Code Ecological Resources Code Recycling and Biodegradability Code
    Abolition of Weapons of Mass Destruction Code Global Community Citizenship Code Statement of Rights and Responsibilities Code
    Corporate Accountability and Global Ethics Code Universal Health Care Code Sciences and Technology Code
    Preventive Actions Against Polluters Code Water Resources Code Earth Security Code
    Management of Earth Resources Code New Way of Doing Business Code Global Rescues and Emergencies Code
    Working Conditions Code Global Transparency Code Money Trading and Stocks Code
    Space Exploration Code Research and Development Code Global Food Supplies Code
    Asylum, Immigration and Border control Code Global Community Arrest Warrant Code Global Fight Against Crime Code

    The Global Constitution is grouped into subject matter areas known as Articles. Each Article is organized by a heading and section numbers. The Table of Contents includes each Article heading and corresponding section numbers.

    Earth Government Statutes are the Chaptered Bills. A bill is "chaptered" by the Secretary of Earth Government after it has passed through the three houses of the Legislature and has been signed by the Earth President or becomes law without the Earth President's signature. Statutes are available starting from 2005. The full text of bills, resolutions, and constitutional amendments, and their status, history, votes, analyses, and veto messages are available.

    Constitutions, Statutes, and Codes

    The Global Constitution, Statutes and Codes

    • The Global Constitution
    • Full Earth Government Code;

    Bills, Hearings, Reports, and Other Material From and About Global Parliament

    • Bills and Other Legislative Information
    • Earth Executive Council
    • House of Elected Representatives
    • House of Advisers
    • United Nations

    Member Nation Constitutions, Statutes and Related Legislative Information


    (pronounced tree-AH-ka)
    Aloha Doug & All
    "The New Earth Cooperative"

    Message received from Triaka.
    Triaka wants to know whether the Global Constitution (and other world systems) proposes to abolish:
    (1)     "all initiatory physical force" and
    (2)     "all extortion, including by government".


    "The collective whole of humanity is comprised of individuals distinct from one another by such obvious and easily measured characteristics as DNA, fingerprints and thoughtprints. Each presents something unique to earthly society and the whole of creation by virtue of the Unified Field of universe energy." (Cosmic Law of Individuality)

    Individual humans are regarded as having inherent, innate, ingrained, instinctive, intuitive and unalienable Natural Rights.

    No government/political system is valid unless it is based on your Unforced Explicit Direct Consent and Support (qualified by "protections" of Art.I & IV).

    Individuals everywhere are invited to join this no-obligation campaign for a global "umbrella" CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY - "The New Earth Co-operative" - setting forth Individual and Collective Rights to legally protect All in a Balanced body of Natural Law.

    ARTICLE I - Individual Rights
    Sec. 1 -     The Individual shall be Protected from the Initiation of Physical Force, Coercion and Fraud. Sec. 2 -     The Right to Self-governance shall be Protected.
    Sec. 3 -     The Right to Defend against Physical Harm shall be Protected. Sec. 4 -     The Right to Own Justly-acquired Personal Property shall be Protected.
    Sec. 5 -     The Right to Freely Travel, Trade and Associate with Others shall be Protected.
    Sec. 6 -     The Right to Freely Express Oneself on Public Issues shall be Protected.
    Sec. 7 -     The Right to Participate Equally and Vote Directly on Public Issues shall be Protected.
    Sec. 8 -     The Right to Disassociate from any Principle, Policy, Program, Practice or Person shall be Protected.
    Sec. 9 -     The Right to be free of human-contaminated air, water, soil and food shall be Protected.
    Sec. 10 -     The Right to have Equal Access to Public Places and Public Information shall be Protected.

    See entire CONSTITUTION in message #142 (Oct.20, 2004).

    Entire Constitution

    "The New Earth Cooperative"

    The CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY is a voluntary Universal Agreement
    of, by, and for Individuals everywhere which, by Popular Acceptance, and
    in Harmony with the Natural Laws of the Universe, is hereby declared
    Superior to all other Governmental Constructs.

    (A) To Constitutionally respect each Individual and Culture in their
    natural evolutionary processes. (B) To Constitutionally liberate
    ourselves from all forms of involuntary slavery and unwanted
    governmental conditions. (C) To Constitutionally protect ourselves from
    the dictates of others. (D) To Constitutionally enumerate Individual
    and Collective Rights for balanced order. (E) To Constitutionally
    protect a healthy environment.

    We Individuals of Earth do voluntarily proclaim and establish The
    CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY to Formalize and Protect our Inherent,
    Innate, Ingrained, Instinctive, Intuitive and Unalienable Rights
    throughout the world in support of Peace and Harmony.

    ARTICLE I - Individual Rights
    Section 1 - The Individual shall be Protected from the Initiation of
    Physical Force, Coercion and Fraud.
    Section 2 - The Individual Right to Self-governance shall be Protected.
    Section 3 - The Individual Right to defend against Physical Harm shall
    be Protected.
    Section 4 - The Individual Right to own Justly-acquired Personal
    Property shall be Protected.
    Section 5 - The Individual Right to Freely Travel, Trade and Associate
    with others shall be Protected.
    Section 6 - The Individual Right to Freely Express Oneself on Public
    Issues shall be Protected.
    Section 7 - The Individual Right to participate Equally and Vote
    Directly on Public Issues shall be Protected.
    Section 8 - The Individual Right to disassociate from any Principle,
    Policy, Program, Practice and/or Person shall be Protected.
    Section 9 - The Individual Right to be free of human-contaminated Air,
    Water, Soil and Food shall be Protected.
    Section 10 - The Individual Right to have Equal Access to Public Places
    and Public Information shall be Protected.

    ARTICLE II - Human Services
    Voluntary establishment and operation of Organizations, Activities,
    Facilities and Enterprises for Peaceful and Life-enhancing purposes
    shall be Protected.

    ARTICLE III - Coordination
    A Global Cooperative for Coordination shall work without bias to convert
    governmental entities into Organizations, Activities, Facilities and
    Enterprises that serve all Rights herein.

    ARTICLE IV - Protection
    A Global Cooperative for Protection and Adjudication of Differences
    shall uphold this CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY by application of
    Reactive/defensive Neutralizing Physical Force where necessary to
    Protect all Rights herein.

    ARTICLE V - Supreme Agreement
    The CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY Superposes all other Local,
    Regional, National and International Constructs, and by Individual
    Endorsement or Acquiescence is Operative.
    "The New Earth Cooperative"

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