GIM daily proclamations

Dalai Lama claim of being the leader of Tibet

Dalai Lama claim of being a peacemaker

What is the Nobel Peace Prize ?    What is the Nobel Peace Prize ?
Why was the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Al Gore in 2007 ?    Why was the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Al Gore in 2007 ?
Why was the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the Dalai Lama in 1989 ?    Why was the Nobel Peace Prize  awarded to the Dalai Lama in 1989 ?

Dalai Lama claim of being the leader of Tibet in exil    Dalai Lama claim of being the leader of Tibet in exil

What is the Nobel Peace Prize ?
The Nobel Peace Prize is the name of one of five Nobel Prizes bequeathed by the Swedish industrialist and inventor Alfred Nobel. According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded
"to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."

We will show here that neither the Dalai Lama or Al Gore deserved to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In fact, we question the process of awarding the Prize.

Why was the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Al Gore in 2007 ?
Let us examine the Nobel Peace Prize, and what it really means in the case of Al Gore.

Former Vice President Al Gore was nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his wide-reaching efforts to draw the world’s attention to the dangers of global warming. Before getting the Nobel Peace Prize, Al Gore's mansion was more productive of green gas emissions than the average home in America. After he got the prize he started to change his home into a more environmentally friendly home because the media was checking him out.

So what does it really mean to obtain a Nobel Peace Prize?

Amongst all nations of the world, America is known as the nation being the worst polluter of green gases. That is where global warming was started. The Henry Ford business has been manufacting vehicles that create global warming on a global scale. Now the car manufacturing technology is being used by other nations but that has made America responsible and accountable for the spreading of bad techonolgies oversea.

Competition will only be good when corporations, the business world, has accepted the new way of doing business.

Over its long past history trade has never evolved to require from the trading partners to become legally and morally responsible and accountable for their products from beginning to end. At the end the product becomes a waste and it needs to be properly dispose of. Now trade must be given a new impetus to be in line with the global concepts of the Global Community. You manufacture, produce, mine, farm or create a product, you become legally and morally responsible and accountable of your product from beginning to end (to the point where it actually becomes a waste; you are also responsible for the proper disposable of the waste). This product may be anything and everything from oil & gas, weapons, war products, to genetically engineered food products. All consumer products. All medicinal products! All pharmaceutical products!

Applying this new way of doing business makes the US responsible and accountable of the CO2 pollution created by the car manufacturers in China (and in all other nations) that use US technology and 'know how'. Carbon emissions coming from a car built in China using US technology and 'know how' are to be added to the US carbon emissions. We estimate that the emissions due to these new cars will create 0.20 trillion kg of CO2 to the atmosphere.

In year 2005
China alone:
4.6276 - 0.20 = 4.4276 trillion kg of CO2 per year
United States:
8.130 + 0.20 = 8.330 trillion kg of CO2 per year

The new way of doing business within the Global Community makes the US by far the worst polluters on the planet.

This makes a lot of sense! You raise a chicken on your land. You want to make sure that by the time your export your chicken to another country it has no disease and is not going to make people sick or kill them. Same idea with exporting technology and know how such as the manufacturing of US cars in China and the pollution that goes along with it destroying the global life-support systems. It is your product and you are responsible and accountable of it. That is the new way of doing business within the Global Community.

Sample of calculations

Per capita greenhouse gas emissions due to total fossil fuel combustion in the US in year 2005:
8130.0 TgCO2Eq = Gg of gas x GWP x Tg / 1000Gg = Gg of gas x 1 x Tg / 1000Gg

Gg of gas = 8130 TgCO2Eq x 1000Gg/Tg = 8130 x 103 Gg CO2 =
= 8130 x 103 Gg CO2 x 109 gm/Gg =
= 8130 x 1012 gm CO2 x 1 kg/1000 gm =
= 8.130 x 1012 kg CO2 = 8.130 trillion kg of CO2 =
= 8.130 x 1012 kg CO2 x 1 metric ton / 1000 kg =
= 8.130 x 109 metric ton CO2

Per capita CO2 emissions in the US in year 2005:
8.130 x 109 metric ton CO2 / 300,000,000 = 27.1 metric tons CO2 per person per year

We could calculate the effect of the invasion of Iraq by Americans.

Iraqi oil production can be as much as 3.7 million barrels/day or 1.35 billion barrels/year. The US has taken away this oil from the Iraqi people to feed its own economy back home and the war industry (approximately 150 million Americans live off the war industry).

1.35 billion barrels x 123 kg/barrel = 0.246 trillion kg CO2 / year

Counting 4 years of invasion yield 0.984 trillion kg CO2 / year to be added to the US total of CO2 greenhouse gas emissions:

8.130 trillion CO2 emissions + 0.984 trillion = 9.114 trillion CO2 emissions in year 2005

This shows that the act of plundering Irak of its resources include its gas emissions as well. Makes a lot of sense!

Iraq contains 115 trillion barrels of proven oil reserves along with 100 billion barrels in probable reserves. That will add quite a large amount of CO2 emissions due to the America alone. We should also add the carbon emissions and greenhouse effect that will be created by the burning of the Iraqi natural gas. Iraq contains 110 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven natural gas reserves, along with roughly 150 Tcf in probable reserves. Iraq can possibly peak to a production of 700 billion cubic feet of natural gas per year. Now if anyone has any doubt about why Americans have invaded Iraq...

Knowing that there is so many greengases being emitted by Americans, one ask how can an American be getting a Nobel Peace Prize? And again one ask what does it really mean getting a Nobel Peace Prize?

Al Gore was the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States, serving from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton.

Al Gore, being an American, never had anything to do with Peace and yet he got the Nobel Peace Prize. In the world today, there is a 737-strong chain of American military bases in 130 countries. America has built the biggest military power of the world, with all the WMDs you can ever imagine and more. The White House deliberately and strategically from 1947 on, made use of its military to plunder the resources of other nations, changed governments to friendly ones, and created conflicts and wars between nations all over the world. It was Democrat President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore who falsely demonized the Serbs and used NATO to get over the lack of a United Nations mandate, just as Republican President George Bush later leapfrogged over the UN to colonize Iraq. The Euro-Americans moved to fragment Yugoslavia with the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. During the 1991 bombing of Iraq, President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore sponsored separatist movements in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia; imposed crippling economic sanctions on Yugoslavia, and pushed NATO forces into the region.

America also armed the right-wing UCK (Kosovo Liberation Army), though Kosovo was not a Yugoslav republic, but part of Serbia. Washington's 'free press' carried grim (fairy) tales of Serbian genocide against Albanian Muslims (remnants of the Ottoman Empire). UCK controlled the opium and heroin trade from Afghanistan-Pakistan through the Balkans to Western Europe, earning over US$1.1 billion for weapons. There is also a rich trade in prostitution. British intelligence trained UCK in northern Albania, while Turkish and Afghan instructors taught them guerrilla tactics. Al-Qaeda also had links with UCK and Osama bin Laden visited Albania in 1994.

As nationalist Yugoslavia resisted Western pressures, America unleashed 78 days of intensive bombings, including the use of radioactive depleted-uranium bombs. On 3 June 1999, NATO occupied Kosovo. President Slobodan Milosevic was kidnapped and taken for trial to The Hague, where he died in March 2006, apparently of a heart attack. Meanwhile, Carla Del Ponte, chief prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, assisted by forensic experts of 17 NATO countries, discovered that there was no genocide, no mass graves, only 2,108 bodies belonging to all nationalities and mostly victims of NATO bombing!

Unashamed, Kosovo's tormentors placed her under a UN Mission in 1999, under Security Council Resolution 1244. Real power vested with the Mission of the European Union (EU). NATO was security guarantor; it slept over the hideous ethnic cleansing of 250,000 Serbs and Romas (gypsies). The regions' rich industrial resources were forcibly privatized and sold to giant Western multinationals. Halliburton took over the strategic oil and transportation lines of the entire region along with the security of Camp Bondsteel, the American military base.

Sara Flounders, co-director, International Action Center, says UN played a shameful role in Kosovo. In June 2005, Secretary General Kofi Annan appointed ex-Finnish President Marti Ahtisaari as special envoy to negotiate Kosovo's final status. He was also Chairman Emeritus of the International Crisis Group (ICG), a private body funded by multi-billionaire George Soros, who sponsored the 'coloured' revolutions in former Soviet Baltic Republics. ICG favours NATO intervention and open markets for the US-EU; its Board included two key US officials complicit in bombing Kosovo: Zbigniew Brzezinski and Gen. Wesley Clark, then NATO supreme commander and now military adviser to Hillary Clinton.

So how can Al Gore be getting a Nobel Peace Prize?

So getting a Nobel Peace Prize does not really mean anything except getting money and fame.

Al Gore made a film to promote environmental awareness. In effect, the Nobel Peace Prize organization is competing against the Academy Award for his film. The Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, are presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers. The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is among the most prominent and most watched film awards ceremonies in the world.

In effect, the Nobel Peace Prize is competing against Academy Awards.

The Global Community has declared a planetary state of emergency for many other reasons than the invasion of nations by America to plunder people resources.

Let us look at some devastating activities of America creating extreme conditions affecting the global environment and the security of all life on the planet.

A)     Anybody found out how the Indian ocean tsunami of 2004 came about?

Some people say it was a Magnitude 5.9 quake that hits off Indonesia. Be is there any proof of that? In the confusion of all, everyone believed what the media was saying. The media was being told information from governments but no one actually can prove it was an earquake that created the tsunami. No one truly knows for sure. There is now another theory. A submarine was testing the use of nuclear war heads by exploding them over the ocean bottom. Actually, it was not the first time that some nations have exploded nuclear war heads in the oceans. Our oceans have been hit several times. Exploding war heads in our oceans is at least as bad as a major oil spill. It is showing barbarism. It is killing the global communities of life in the oceans and destroying the delicate balance of our oceans physical, biological and chemical characteristics that can accelerate the climate change drastically when disturbed. It is showing ignorance and stupidity.

In 2004, the war heads were more destrutive and were over the bottom of the ocean, and that scenario created a tsunami wave. Just a test, said the captain of the submarine that did it.

Of course I have no proof of that. But then the only way you could prove it was truly an earthquake is by conducting an independent forensic investigation of the ocean bottom. So all we can say is that it is more likely that it was a powerful nuclear explosion that created the tsunami. That is the goal of the military, to test its armament and they did. But they were not going to admit it to the world. Gees! Not a good thing to admit that you just killed thousands of people and destroyed communities from several nations of the world. In today's planetary state of emergency, Global Law must be applied. All nations capable of such an extreme action against humanity and all life on Earth must pay for the independent investigation. The Earth Court of Justice will see that Justice is done.

B)     Let us investigate another act of extreme violence conducted by the American military, the war industry: the melting of the North Pole.

Scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) were first in establishing scientifically the idea that climate change is a direct result of human activity -- specifically by burning fossil fuels which release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The international panel wants world governments to initiate a process under the UNFCCC that results in hard caps for emissions. Key developing countries have shown a willingness to take on new commitments. The United States, Russia, and Japan have always been at the forefront of moves to block such targets during the meeting of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali. The US delegation in particular proved a major obstacle to progress. They appeared to operate a wrecking policy, as though determined to derail the whole process. The United States, the world's biggest polluter, was initially opposed to signing up for emission reduction targets. When similar plans were made at Kyoto in 1997, the US refused to ratify the treaty. However, in Bali the US agreed to be included in the reduction plans - the first time it has made such a commitment. We will see if the White House meant anything at all. The fact that there is no agreement about how far to cut emissions means the Bali road map is missing a significant result. Politicians were unable to commit themselves to the recommendations of the scientific community for securing the global life-support systems. For decades the White House has been the strongest opponent to the recommendations from the scientists.

Now those same scientists have observed that the polar cap is melting much faster that predicted. What is truly going on here?

First, let us see who would profit most from the melting of the North Pole and has the capabality of melting the ice.

The Arctic contains an estimated one-quarter of the world’s undiscovered energy resources, that is up to 50 per cent of the Earth’s remaining undiscovered reserves of hydrocarbons are located north of 60°n latitude.

The melting of glaciers in Canada’s Arctic territory and waters have been given increasing attention as areas for the:

  • billions of dollars in transportation costs could be saved each year because no ice means yearly passage from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean.
  • vast mineral resources of the North will be much easier and economical to develop
  • ship routes from Europe to Japan, China and other eastern destinations would be 4000 kilometers shorter
  • exploration and shipping of resources, including oil, gas, minerals, and fish
  • eastern portion of the Northwest Passage is important from a commercial and a strategic standpoint as it means a significant economy of time and fuel
  • pristine waters of the North make up 10 per cent of the world's freshwater and will eventually become a hot international commodity worth more than oil
  • oil and gas pools under the frigid Arctic waters
  • oil produced in Alaska could move quickly by ship to eastern North American and European markets
  • besides pipelines, the Passage could represent an expedient way to transport large amounts of oil from the west to the east coast of Canada and the US
  • huge diamond deposits
  • minerals and metals that are just beneath the surface near Cambridge Bay
  • facilitate Canada's development of northern lands and provide an important economic and military possession

Now let us see who could be capable of so much destruction as to melt the North Pole.

In 1947, when there were over one billion Moslims and Arabs opposing the partition of Palestine, suddenly the USA came along to coerce the UN membership and created the State of Israel, an area already overcrowded and politically volatile. How come?! Well! We all know now but fear to say it. It is because the USA wanted the oil and gas of the Middle East to build the biggest military power of the world, with all the WMDs you can ever imagine and more. The mother of all invaders!! Global Community Assessment Centre has estimated that the profit they will make over the years from stealing the oil and gas resources of Iraq will be about 40 trillion dollars. That should keep the American economy from collapsing completely because America's astronomical national debt, mostly due to the military spending. Most Americans will never see the good of the wealth but they will suffer its impacts on their environment and the global warming of the planet. That's right! Just the global warming impacts. This is the proof of how the White House deliberately and strategically from 1947 on, made use of its military to plunder the resources of the Middle East nations. With the approval of the United Nations, of course! They are still trying to make the world believe what they have done was the right thing to do. The next generations of Americans will have to live with the fact that their wealth, their goods, their fake righteousness, their out-of-control lifestyle, their ways of doing things, their prosperous economy, their civilization, all of it, is due to the plundering of Iraq, to blood oil and gas. Blood money! Blood resources is not the way we should be dealing with the rest of the world. Nothing to be proud of! And the fact remains that Israel was the Trojan Horse for the invasion of the Middle East. This is when the American invasion of the Middle East was deliberately started by the White House. A well planned strategic military invasion to plunder the resources of an other nation! Blood oil and gas! Blood money! The UN had no right to create the State of Israel. They forced their way into over one billion Muslims and Arabs and have done ever since. Let us call 'blood oil and gas' the oil and gas produced in a war zone in order to finance an american invasion, and the american economy, or supporting a White House Earth resources exploitation. We could extend the name to 'blood resources' or 'blood Earth resources' to mean any Earth natural resource. Geopolitical boundaries between nations are gradually disappearing to make place to georesources boundaries.

Now, having shown that, what do you think the White House would do just to keep their ways of doing things? How far would they go?! World War III?! Of course they would.

For now the White House is melting the North Pole.

In 1947, the White House has strategically planned the invasion of the Middle East to protect its interests in the oil and gas resources for its military. Dont you think the White House would think twice to melt the North Pole so that by year 2050 the American population would have all the energy reources needed for its military? We know that by 2050 the oil and gas reserves of the Middle East will be practically non-existent. Middle East peak oil has already gone by! So the North Pole is the most likely place to dig. The polar cap is not a problem. We have known for decades that USA military submarines have been exploring under the ice cap of the North Pole. They have already mapped the bottom of the ocean under the ice. Here again the USA military thought ahead! They will need the oil and gas resources, and other primary resources of the North to fuel the war industry of America. Planning stragegically is what the military has been doing ever since 1947. So they do it again. It is very likely that nuclear explosions have started the melting of the polar cap. By 2050, the resources of the North will be made available to the military. Now again there is no proof of this theory. But it is very likely true. For a nation capable of so much destruction in the Middle East and in several other places in the world, melting the North Pole is a minor exercise.

The United States is the only nation that would profit from the melting of the North Pole and is capable of such an extreme action against humanity and all life on Earth. The Earth Court of Justice will see that Justice is done. In view of the planetary state of emergency, the Global Community says: for the protection of all life on Earth, a preventive principle is our only alternative. You are guilty until you can prove otherwise. Global Law must be applied. The United States must pay for the independent investigation.

How did the White House dragged America and Canada into totally illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? How can Canadians let the Canadian culture be militarized by the White House? This minority government in Canada, the war industry, with the media industry, are actually brainwashing the Canadian population with the military option. Like the White House has been doing with the American population for as long as I can remember, the brainwashing process goes as far as feeling right about invading other nations for their resources, for power itself, or for finding a suitable nation that wont mind too much being totally destroyed and millions of people killed. Americans feel right about that. They feel comfortable about invading other nations. They feel that it would be OK to use WMDs, nuclear bombs, over another nation. They did over Japan. They will do it again. The Canadian minority government feel fashionable about invading Afghanistan (the USA invade nations why can't they?). What a shallow thinking! Totally out of sink with the reality of our world, with the planetary state of emergency, and with moral principles.

So how can a Nobel peace Prize be awarded to an American, Al Gore, not just for being part of a civilization, America, known as the worst polluters on the planet, but also for his leadership in conflicts and wars during the time he was Vice-President of the United States ?

Why was the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the Dalai Lama in 1989 ?
Now for what reason(s) was the Dalai Lama be given the Nobel Peace Prize?

The Nobel Peace Prize organization said that the Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his unvarying commitment to non-violence throughout the struggle for Tibet's self-rule.

The Dalai Lama has presented himself to be a peaceful, angel-like figure, for such a long time. If you look at what the Dalai Lama really is, you will realize that truly he is not a person of Peace and should have never be given the Nobel Peace prize.

The Dalai Lama is:

a)     hoping that China would, someday, break apart so that his followers would take over Tibet for another 40 years. Slavery was abolished everywhere else in the world except in Tibet during the period of 1911-1951. From 1911-1951, Tibet functioned as a defacto independent nation. Tibet became a local regime practicing a system of feudal serfdom under a theocracy, and ruled by a few upper class monks and nobles. This ensured that Tibetan Buddhist culture gained the dominant position in Tibetan culture for a period of 40 years, until the Democratic Reform was carried out in 1959. Throughout this period, a handful of upper class lamas and aristocrats monopolized the means of production, culture and education. Dalai Lama and his regents were the predominant political power administering religious and administrative authority over large parts of Tibet from the traditional capital Lhasa. Cultural and artistic pursuits were regarded as their exclusive amusements, while the serfs and slaves, who constituted 96 percent of the Tibetan population, lived in extreme poverty and were not guaranteed even the basic right of subsistence and freedom, let alone the right to enjoy culture and education. The long reign of feudal serfdom under theocracy not only severely fettered the growth of the productive forces in Tibet, but also resulted in a hermetically sealed and moribund traditional Tibetan culture, including cultural relics, historic sites and sites for Buddhist worship. As for modern science, technology, culture and education, they did not get any chance to develop at all.

b)     hoping that powerful military nations such as the United States would fight his war for him. This makes him a war maker and doer, not a peacemaker.

By the mid 1950s, the situation inside Tibet began to rapidly deteriorate. Chinese hard-liners were pushing to begin implementing "socialist transformation" in Tibet proper, and Tibet hard-liners were organizing an armed rebellion. Moreover, by 1956 the U.S. was encouraging the anti-Chinese faction, and in 1957, actually started to train and arm Tibetan guerrillas.

As a result, a rebellion led by noblemen and monasteries broke out in Amdo and eastern Kham in June 1956. The insurrection, supported by the American CIA, eventually spread to Lhasa. It was crushed by 1959. During this campaign, tens of thousands of Tibetans were killed. The 14th Dalai Lama and other government principals fled to exile in India, but isolated resistance continued in Tibet until 1972 when the CIA abruptly withdrew its support.

In 1986 - 1987, the Dalai Lama launched a new strategic initiative whose aim was to secure increased political support from the U.S. and Europe in order to exert new and effective leverage on China. A key element in this new strategy was that the Dalai Lama for the first time would make political speeches in the West. In September 1987, he initiated this strategy in Washington, D.C. with a major speech before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. The following June, he made an address at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Several days after the Dalai Lama's speech in Washington, a small group of monks in Lhasa demonstrated in support of the Dalai Lama. They were arrested without incident, but a few days later when more monks demonstrated to demand the release of the first monks, a full scale riot erupted. During the succeeding two years, three other riots occurred in Lhasa, the last one compelling Beijing to declare martial law in Tibet for one year.

Beijing accelerated a program of rapid economic development that increased Tibet's integration with the rest of China and, over time, it is hoped to help more "modern Tibetans" who will be less influenced by religion and lamas. The economic strategy, however, pulled in large numbers of Chinese entrepreneurs/laborers to Tibet to work, increasing the size of the non-Tibetan population in Tibet.

As a way of comparison, a similar situation has been going on in the State of California, U.S.A., where a large portion of the work force comes from Mexico. American born workers dont want to do the jobs so business hire Mexicans. Of course that has created social problems. But Mexicans in California have human rights just the same as anyone else.

But in China, Tibet, we really have a situation of people from a different cultural background helping in the development of Tibet.

During the 1911-1959 period, Tibet became a local regime practicing a system of feudal serfdom under a theocracy, and ruled by a few upper class monks and nobles. Throughout this period, a handful of upper class lamas and aristocrats monopolized the means of production, culture and education. Dalai Lama and his regents were the predominant political power administering religious and administrative authority over large parts of Tibet from the traditional capital Lhasa. Cultural and artistic pursuits were regarded as their exclusive amusements, while the serfs and slaves, who constituted 96 percent of the Tibetan population, lived in extreme poverty and were not guaranteed even the basic right of subsistence and freedom, let alone the right to enjoy culture and education. The long reign of feudal serfdom under theocracy not only severely fettered the growth of the productive forces in Tibet, but also resulted in a hermetically sealed and moribund traditional Tibetan culture, including cultural relics, historic sites and sites for Buddhist worship. As for modern science, technology, culture and education, they did not get any chance to develop at all.

When China regained control of Tibet, the Central People's Government gave freedom and human rights to Tibetans. There is a similar example of the kind of situation we see in the Dalai Lama and Tibet: the French Revolution.

The French Revolution (1789–1799) was period of political and social upheaval in the political history of France and Europe as a whole, during which the French governmental structure, previously an absolute monarchy with feudal privileges for the aristocracy and Catholic clergy, underwent radical change to forms based on Enlightenment principles of nationalism, citizenship, and inalienable rights.

The Dalai Lama hopes that the flow of history will provide him the victory he desires but cannot attain on his own. Ideally, he hopes that China will soon disintegrate like the Qing Dynasty did in 1911 (and the U.S.S.R. more recently), and that this will afford him the opportunity to regain control over Tibet. Thus, while waiting for history to solve his dilemma in a satisfactory manner, he is trying to induce Western nations to renounce their acceptance of Chinese sovereignty over Tibet and to pressure China to make concessions. Such a campaign of violence and terrorism would seek to disrupt and prevent China from improving the lives of Tibetans and modernizing Tibet.

The Dalai Lama and his followers are capable and willing to create serious violence and terrorism to make Tibet a local regime practicing a system of feudal serfdom under a theocracy, and ruled by a few upper class monks and nobles, a regressing society. With the coming of the Summer Olympics, China hosting its first Olympics, the Dalai Lama and his followers are planning to launch a new tactic of large scale violence and terrorism that could impact on the internal stability of China itself. It might, for example, precipitate a chain of events that would destabilize China at this very important juncture in its history. Moreover, given that the Dalai Lama at Dharamsala in India, and his supporters in the West and in Tibet see Soviet-like disintegration in China as their greatest hope, they are likely to jump at any sign of major economic or political instability in order to exacerbate and accelerate this instability. This whole scenario has serious impacts globally.

In 1987 several events occurred. The Dalai Lama was invited to speak to the Congressional Human Rights Caucus in September, and in June, the House of Representatives adopted a bill that condemned human rights abuses in Tibet, instructed the president to express sympathy for Tibet, and urged China to establish a constructive dialogue with the Dalai Lama (this ended up later in the year as an amendment to the State Department Authorization Bill).

The Dalai Lama made his first political speech in America before the U.S. Congressional Human Rights Caucus on 21 September 1987. It was a carefully crafted and powerful talk that laid out the argument that Tibet had been independent when China invaded. That invasion began what the Dalai Lama called China's illegal occupation of the country. Specifically, he said, "though Tibetans lost their freedom, under international law Tibet today is still an independent state under illegal occupation." The speech also raised serious human rights charges, referring twice to a Chinese inflicted "holocaust" on the Tibetan people.

On 27 September, less than a week after the Dalai Lama's first speech in Washington, nationalistic monks from Drepung monastery in Lhasa staged a political demonstration in support of Tibetan independence and the Dalai Lama's initiative. They began by walking around the Inner Circle Road (bagor) that is both a main circumambulation route (going around the holy Lhasa Cathedral) and the main Tibetan market area, but, when nothing happened after several circuits, marched down a main road to the offices of the Tibetan Government. There they were arrested.

Four days later, on the morning of October 1st, another group of 20-30 monks demonstrated in Lhasa to show their support for the Dalai Lama and the previous monk demonstrators, and to demand the latter's release from jail. Police arrested them and later, this escalated into a full-scale riot. In the end, the police station and a number of vehicles and shops were burnt down, and 6 Tibetans were killed, including ethnic Tibetans.

The post-riot months in Lhasa saw more demonstrations by monks and nuns, and a steady stream of anti-government posters. Nevertheless, the police were able to arrest them quickly without provoking a riot. A cat and mouse game developed with the nationalistic monks launching demonstrations and the government trying to arrest the demonstrators in a manner that would prevent another riot, for it was clearly the riot that caught world attention, not simply the small demonstrations.

In 1987 several events occurred. The Dalai Lama was invited to speak to the Congressional Human Rights Caucus in September, and in June, the House of Representatives adopted a bill that condemned human rights abuses in Tibet, instructed the president to express sympathy for Tibet, and urged China to establish a constructive dialogue with the Dalai Lama (this ended up later in the year as an amendment to the State Department Authorization Bill).

The Dalai Lama made his first political speech in America before the U.S. Congressional Human Rights Caucus on 21 September 1987. It was a carefully crafted and powerful talk that laid out the argument that Tibet had been independent when China invaded. That invasion began what the Dalai Lama called China's illegal occupation of the country. Specifically, he said, "though Tibetans lost their freedom, under international law Tibet today is still an independent state under illegal occupation." The speech also raised serious human rights charges, referring twice to a Chinese inflicted "holocaust" on the Tibetan people.

On 27 September, less than a week after the Dalai Lama's first speech in Washington, nationalistic monks from Drepung monastery in Lhasa staged a political demonstration in support of Tibetan independence and the Dalai Lama's initiative. They began by walking around the Inner Circle Road (bagor) that is both a main circumambulation route (going around the holy Lhasa Cathedral) and the main Tibetan market area, but, when nothing happened after several circuits, marched down a main road to the offices of the Tibetan Government. There they were arrested.

Four days later, on the morning of October 1st, another group of 20-30 monks demonstrated in Lhasa to show their support for the Dalai Lama and the previous monk demonstrators, and to demand the latter's release from jail. Police arrested them and later, this escalated into a full-scale riot. In the end, the police station and a number of vehicles and shops were burnt down, and 6 Tibetans were killed, including ethnic Tibetans.

Monk Tibetans in Lhasa continued to mount repeated small nationalistic demonstrations, one of which turned into the fourth Lhasa riot on 5 March 1989.

Protests against the Chinese powerholders -- initiated by Buddhist monks -- had been growing since March 10, 2008, the anniversary of the failed 1959 Tibetan uprising against Beijing rule. Buddhist monks in Tibet begun a hunger strike. This has led to violent protests in Lhasa as well, with up to 1,000 people participating. Government buildings and fire trucks have also been destroyed, and one source says that some of the power lines had been cut. Han Chinese shops and vehicles have been looted and burned, and Hans Chinese people in the city were being attacked as well. A Han Chinese girl remains in the hospital after being beaten. March 14, 2008 as tear gas filled the streets and gunfire rang out Lhasa. The violent protests in Lhasa against Chinese rule left at as many as 10 people dead.

On March 18, 2008, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao blamed supporters of the Dalai Lama for recent violence in Tibet, and said Chinese forces exercised restraint in confronting unrest there. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on March 21, 2008 criticized China for its crackdown on anti-government protesters in Tibet and called on "freedom-loving people" worldwide to denounce China. The Communist Party newspapers on March 23, 2008 accused the Dalai Lama of orchestrating the riots in Tibet to try to mar the 2008 Summer Olympics in August 2008 and overthrow the area's communist leaders. The government disseminated footage of Tibetan protesters attacking Chinese and accusations of biased reporting by Western media via TV, the Internet, e-mail and YouTube, which is blocked in China. A man, thought to be a pro-Tibet protester interrupted the speech of the China organising committee chief during the Olympic torch lighting ceremony in Greece March 24, 2008.

Although Tibetan culture is developing continuously, the Dalai Lama clique is clamoring all over the world that "Tibetan culture has become extinct," and, on this pretext, is whipping up anti-China opinions with the backing of international antagonist forces. From the 40-odd years of history following the Democratic Reform in Tibet it can be clearly perceived that what the Dalai Lama clique is aiming at nothing but hampering the real development of Tibetan culture.

c)     has associated himself with the White House. On October 2007, the exiled spiritual head of Tibet’s Buddhists by his side, Bush praised a man he called a
“universal symbol of peace and tolerance, a shepherd of the faithful and a keeper of the flame for his people.” “Americans cannot look to the plight of the religiously oppressed and close our eyes or turn away,”

Bush said at the U.S. Capitol building, where he personally handed the Dalai Lama the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal.

The Dalai Lama asked for military help to fight China. How can a man of peace be asking for the White House for help? The Global Community has declared the White House to be a global terrorist organization for its terrorist activities in the world. America has a link in a 737-strong chain of American military bases in 130 countries. If the Dalai Lama was to get what he wants, the first thing he would do is to let the White House build another military base but this time in Tibet. This would challenge China on a daily basis and create a global instability, and probably break China apart. World War III would result. The Dalai Lama knows that and still want his dreams come true. Is he truly a peacemaker or a warmaker? His associate himself with warmakers, the White House, therefore that makes him a warmaker, a terrorist, and not a peacemaker.

So how can the Dalai lama be calling himself a person of Peace ? And how come he got the Nobel Peace Prize ?

There is a similar example of the kind of situation we see in the Dalai Lama and Tibet: the French Revolution.

The French Revolution (1789–1799) was period of political and social upheaval in the political history of France and Europe as a whole, during which the French governmental structure, previously an absolute monarchy with feudal privileges for the aristocracy and Catholic clergy, underwent radical change to forms based on Enlightenment principles of nationalism, citizenship, and inalienable rights.

These changes were accompanied by violent turmoil, including executions and repression during the Reign of Terror, and warfare involving every other major European power. Subsequent events that can be traced to the Revolution include the Napoleonic Wars, the restoration of the monarchy, and two additional revolutions as modern France took shape.

The French Revolution lasted from 1789 (with the storming of the Bastille prison on July 14, 1789) to 1799. France was temporarily transformed from an absolute monarchy to a republic of theoretically free and equal citizens. Weaknesses, fiscal mismanagement, and corruption in the French monarchy and the privileged upper classes led to social and political upheaval in the middle and lower classes, inspired in part by Enlightenment ideals. Lous XVI, the king of France, and his wife Marie Antoinette were both guillotined in 1793. The effects of the revolution were widespread, both inside and outside of France. It ranks as one of the most important events in European history. Napoleon came to power as a military dictator of France in 1799 to restore order and claimed to spread the achievements of the Revolution to the rest Europe with the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815).

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