Politics and Justice Without Borders
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Global Community Newsletter main website

Volume 19 Issue 4 December 2020

Theme for this month:

Global Civilizational State: the fates of the United States and of the West depend upon Americans asserting strongly once more their commitment and leadership to Western civilization.

Global Civilizational State: the fates of the United States and of the West depend upon Americans asserting strongly once more their commitment and leadership to Western civilization.
( see enlargement Global Civilizational State: the fates of the United States and of the West depend upon Americans asserting strongly once more their commitment and leadership to Western civilization. )

Business, trade and global resources.
( see enlargement Business, trade and global resources. )

For the first time in humanity's history, ever since the beginning of the post-Cold War, global politics has become multipolar and multicivilizational. For hundreds of years, the nation states of the West, namely Spain, France, Great Britain, Austria, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States, formed a multipolar world within Western civilization. For a long time, Americans have defined themselves, their society, in opposition to Europe. America was the land of freedom, equality, opportunity, the future, and is a distinct civilization. Those nation states of the West interacted, competed, and fought wars with each other. Concurrently, Western nations also expanded, conquered, colonized and influenced every other civilization worldwide. Democratic societies led by the United States were engaged in a pervasive ideological, economic, political, and, sometimes, military invasion of the communist societies of the Soviet Union and in the Third World. Only Russian, Japanese, and Ethiopian civilizations, all governed by highly centralized imperial authorities, were able to resist the onslaught of the West and maintain meaningful independent existence. During those years, not so much ideologies, economics and politics were differentiating peoples of different civilizations. Their cultures, their ways of life, ways doing things have been their most distinguishing characteristics. Those characteristics have been defined by religion, language, ancestry, history, communities, ethnic groups, customs, nations, and also by major levels of classification being civilizations. In modern era, Western civilization, the West, is referred to the European-American civilization. The global aspirations of Western civilization, the declining relative power of the West, and the increasing cultural assertiveness of other civilizations ensure generally difficult relations between the West and the rest of the world.

Americans are culturally part of the Western family; multiculturalists may damage and even destroy that relationship but they cannot replace it. When Americans look for their cultural roots, they find them in Europe. As Western countries increasingly interact with increasingly powerful non-Western societies they become more and more aware of their common Western cultural core that binds them together. If North America and Europe renew their moral life, build on their cultural commonality, and develop close forms of economic and political integration to supplement their security collaboration in NATO, they could generate a third Euroamerican phase of Western economic affluence and political influence. Meaningful political integration would in some measure counter the relative decline in the West's share of the world's people, economic product, and military capabilities and revive the power of the West in the eyes of the leaders of other civilizations. This new future of the West would be significantly changed for the better by evolving to a different adaptive state: the Global Civilizational State as described by Global Community.

Over the past decades, Global Civilizational State has been promoting concepts, practices, and institutions more prevalent in the West than in other civilizations. They are in large part the factors which enabled the West to take the lead in modernizing itself and the world. The expansion of the West has promoted both the modernization and the Westernization of non-Western societies. Today, the total rejection of modernization as well as Westernization is hardly possible in a world becoming overwhelmingly modern and highly interconnected. Only the very most extreme fundamentalists reject modernization as well as Westernization. The religious values, moral assumptions, and social structures of the non-Western societies are at best alien, and sometime hostile, to the values and practices of individualism. Even extreme proponents of anti-Westernism and the revitalization of indigenous cultures do not hesitate to use modern techniques of e-mail, computers, compact discs, USB devices, the Internet, and television to promote their cause. So modernization does not necessarily mean Westernization. Non-Western societies can modernize and have modernized without abandoning their own cultures and adopting wholesale Western values, institutions, and practices. Whatever obstacles non-Western cultures pose to modernization pale before those they pose to Westernization. In short, modernization means a great victory and achievement of Global Civilization on Earth. Modernization strengthens those cultures and reduces the relative power of the West. In fundamental ways, the world is becoming more modern and less Western. 

Inevitability, the fates of the United States and of the West depend upon Americans asserting strongly once more their commitment to Western civilization. At home, this means rejecting the divisive urgent need of multiculturalism. Internationally it means letting go the elusive and illusory calls to identify the United States with Asia. Whatever economic connections may exist between them, the fundamental cultural gap between Asian and American societies precludes their joining together in a common home.  

Renewing their moral life, building on their cultural commonality, and developing close forms of economic and political integration to supplement their security collaboration in NATO, Americans could also generate a renewed European-American phase of Western economic affluence and political influence.  Meaningful political integration would in some measure counter the relative decline in the West's share of the world's people, economic product, and military capabilities and revive the power of the West in the eyes of the leaders of other civilizations. Whether the West comes together politically and economically depends overwhelmingly on whether the United States reaffirms its identity as a Western nation and defines again its global role as the leader of Western civilization. With President Donald John Trump, Americans have lost their stand in the world, especially have lost their leadership stand of the West. They are no longer considered the leader of the West. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is an American politician and the president-elect of the United States. He defeated incumbent president Donald Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election and will be inaugurated as the 46th president on January 20, 2021. It is hope that president-elect Biden will renew and upgrade America stand in the world and its leadership stand of the West, and endorse the Global Civilizational State.  

Certainly a statement of Western and particularly American values would give far more weight to the rights of the community, to freedom of expression and truth emerging out of the contest of ideas, to political participation and competition, and to the rule of law as against the rule of a dictator which was lost within the dictatorship President Trump. His leadership style has been characterized by abusively using power for himself, monopolizing decision making, and being dismissive of alternative opinions. His dictatorship implied absolute power — one person who takes control — of a political situation. During the 4 years of his leadership he claimed "to make America great again" yet he allowed more than 300,000 Americans be killed before the end of this December by the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), an infectious disease. He rejected all experts opinions in the field of medicine and of the World Health Organization (WHO), and he also rejected scientific and statistical data that were showing clearly the deadly impacts of the COVID-19. On the other hand, the USA Democratic Party emphasized egalitarianism, social equality, protecting the environment, and strengthening the social safety net through liberalism, and supporting voting rights and minority rights, including LGBT rights, multiculturalism, and religious secularism. Even though Democrats proposed legislation House of Representatives, the U.S.A. Congress, to fight the Coronavirus disease in America, the Republicans control of the Senate dismissed any such legislation that could have stopped the deadly impacts of the virus and saved hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Table of Contents

  • November 2020 Newslettermm

    Global Civilizational State: the Application of the Scale of Global Rights to the global issue of our ways of doing business and trade worldwide threatening humanity's survival.

  • October 2020 Newslettermm

    Evolutionity and Global Civilizational State: the Application of the Scale of Global Rights to Global Issues.

  • September 2020 Newslettermm

    Global Community will celebrate its 35th year in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.

  • August 2020 Newslettermm

    Global Civilizational State: application of the Scale of Global Rights to global issues.

  • June/July 2020 Newslettermm

    Global Community celebrates its 35th year Anniversary in 2020.

  • May 2020 Newslettermm

    An Assessment of Global Civilizational State, Evolutionity, along with Global Solidarity and United Citizens Movement.

  • April 2020 Newslettermm

    Evolution, creation and now, Global Civilizational State.

  • February/March 2020 Newslettermm

    Global Civilizational State leadership is a global partnership, solidarity, and cooperation between 9 or more Global Governments dealing with the needs of all humanity for its survival.

  • January 2020 Newslettermm

    Global Civilizational State for free education and training back to the people to guide the next generations toward a successful life, a prosperous future, and a healthy planet.

  • December 2019 Newslettermm

    Global Civilizational State citizenship.

  • November 2019 Newslettermm

    Let us lead the world toward Global Civilizational State for education, Justice, protection of life on Earth, and for new ways of doing business and trade, in global development, and in the management of global resources.

  • October 2019 Newslettermm

    Let us lead the world toward Global Civilizational State.

  • September 2019 Newslettermm

    Global Civilizational State dependable and trustworthy leadership to guard over and care for all life on Earth.

  • August 2019 Newslettermm

    Global Community celebrates its 35th year Anniversary in 2020.

  • July 2019 Newslettermm

    Global Civilizational State dependable and trustworthy leadership to guard over and care for all life on Earth.

  • June 2019 Newslettermm

    A successful Global Civilization for all Life requires that Global Civilization be a Global Civilizational State

  • May 2019 Newslettermm

    Cosmology, cosmogony, and the Elohim, our extra-terrestrial beings who created the human species on Earth.

  • April 2019 Newslettermm

    Democratic socialism plus vs capitalism.

  • March 2019 Newslettermm

    Causes of the global environmental crisis.

  • February 2019 Newslettermm

    Causes of the global crisis which triggered the planetary state of emergency.

  • January 2019 Newslettermm

    Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.)

  • November/December 2018 Newslettermm

    Animations for the October 2018 Paper: Vision of a new economic system to replace America economic, population, military and environmental wars against our world, Earth.

  • October 2018 Newslettermm

    Vision of a new economic system to replace America economic, population, military and environmental wars against our world, Earth.

  • September 2018 Newslettermm

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2018

  • August 2018 Newslettermm

    Global Dialogue 2019: Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.)

  • July 2018 Newslettermm

    Global Trade and Resources Ministry (GTandRM) proposal over time since 1985.

  • June 2018 Newslettermm

    Global Government of North America (GGNA).

  • May 2018 Newslettermm

    Global Civilization: short and long term solutions to saving the world.

  • April 2018 Newslettermm


  • Business, trade and global resources: Part II (Animation).
  • March 2018 Newslettermm

    Business, trade and global resources.

  • February 2018 Newslettermm

    Global warming and international trade agreements.

  • January 2018 Newslettermm

    Global Trade and Resources Ministry.

  • November 2017 Newslettermm

    Global Civilization symbiosis with SoulLife.

  • October 2017 Newslettermm

    Share your vision of the Earth in year 2024.

  • September 2017 Newslettermm

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2017.

  • August 2017 Newslettermm

    Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.

  • July 2017 Newslettermm

    Global Civilization has found that people from Wall Street live a dream life.

  • June 2017 Newslettermm

    Global Civilization vision to saving the world.

  • May 2017 Newslettermm

    Formation and evolution of Life in the Universe, a spiritual pathway to SoulLife. (26 MBs video)

  • April 2017 Newslettermm

    Global Civilization issues, values, solutions, and vision of the world for survival as a species.

  • March 2017 Newslettermm

    Global Civilization Politics and Justice Without Borders.

  • February 2017 Newslettermm

    Global Parliament values and vision.

  • January 2017 Newslettermm

    Global Parliament.

  • December 2016 Newslettermm

    Global Civilization values, solutions, vision, for the survival of our species.

  • November 2016 Newslettermm

    The dream of a new Eden: Global Civilization.

  • October 2016 Newslettermm

    Hillary Clinton, Democrat, an effective global leader as President of the United States of America.

  • September 2016 Newslettermm

    The most important principle governing Global Civilization for Peace in the world is the Scale of Global Rights.

  • August 2016 Newslettermm

    Global Civilization, the 21st century Vision of Global Community.

  • July 2016 Newslettermm

    Glass Bubble concept of a Global Community.

  • June 2016 Newslettermm

    Animations for the theme World Overpopulation as introduced in May Newsletter.

  • May 2016 Newslettermm

    Global Ministry of World Population.

  • April 2016 Newslettermm

    Global Community days of celebration in May.

  • February 2016 Newslettermm

    Timeless Global Community values.

  • December 2015 Newslettermm

    Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet.

  • November 2015 Newslettermm

    Global Community needs a Commons Trust Fund to manage the Commons with the highest priorities.

  • October 2015 Newslettermm

    On the issues of land ownership and sovereignty within Global Community, and their applications in the Artic.

  • August 2015 Newslettermm

    Global Community choices to save the world.

  • March 2015 Newslettermm

    Global Protection Agency (GPA).

  • February 2015 Newslettermm

    From Prophet Mohammad (GR)(GR), Je suis Charlie Hebdo, global security to the Scale of Global Rights

  • January 2015 Newslettermm

    Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015) and achievements.

  • December 2014 Newslettermm

    Corporate citizen global ethic.

  • October 2014 Newslettermm

    Today, Global Community is Noah's Ark.

  • September 2014 Newslettermm

    Global Community Ethics.

  • July 2014 Newslettermm

    Global Ministry of Essential Services.

  • April 2014 Newslettermm

    Scale of Global Rights.

  • February 2014 Newslettermm

    Ministry of Global Resources.

  • December 2013 Newslettermm

    Global Community perspective on the proposed Canada-EU trade deal.

  • October 2013 Newslettermm

    Proceedings of Ministry of Global Peace in government now for reading.

  • September 2013 Newslettermm

    Ministry of Global Resources.

  • September 2010 Newslettermm

    Short version of Global Parliament Constitution in PDF format.

  • August 2010 Newslettermm

    Global Parliament Constitution.

  • July 2010 Newslettermm

    Politics and Justice without borders: Earth governance.

  • June 2010 Newslettermm

    Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for.

  • April 2010 Newslettermm

    Global Political Parties.

  • December 2009 Newslettermm

    Politics and Justice without borders: Global Parliament.

  • November 2020 Newsletter

    Global Civilizational State: the Application of the Scale of Global Rights to the global issue of our ways of doing business and trade worldwide threatening humanity's survival.
    • Global Issue 1, sections 1,2,3, and 6 affected: Replacing both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Charters from all nations by the Scale of Global Rights will give more importance, substance, value, gravity, and urgency to human life, all life on Earth, and to the protection of the global life-support systems for this generation and future generations.Global Issue 1, sections 1,2,3, and 6 affected

    • Global Issue 2, sections 1,2,3, and 5 affected: Human activities are responsible for the greenhouse effect, global warming, and climate change, mostly through our use of fossil fuels, and could be catastrophic, and a tragic end to our present human evolution, without effective mitigation.Global Issue 2, sections 1,2,3, and 5 affected

    • Global Issue 3, sections 1,2,3, and 5 affected: Our ways of doing business and trade are causing the destruction of livelihood worldwide and that of the next generations, endangering all lifeforms on the planet, putting in great danger all global ecosystems, in short threatening the survival of all life on our planet. We need a complete turn around of our ways of doing things in business and trade.Global Issue 3, sections 1,2,3, and 5 affected

    • Global Issue 4, sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected: The need of Evolutionity and Global Civilizational State leadership to educate Peoples for humanity survival, and to emphasize moral virtues and a healthy intellectual development.Global Issue 4, sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected

    • Global Issue 5: sections 1,2,3,4, and 5 affected: Super rich Peoples and corporations became corrupted, greedy, no longer in line with humanity's survival on the planet.Global Issue 5: sections 1,2,3,4, and 5 affected

    • Global Issue 6: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected: Global issues such as poverty, crime, racism, religious and ethnic conflict, terrorism, global warming, climate change, energy scarcity, are further magnified by the widening spread and quickening pace of globalization.Global Issue 6: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected

    • Global Issue 7: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected: There are several major global issues: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, human activities destroying and polluting, as population increases the respect and value of a human life is in decline, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, deforestation, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. Our goal for peace in the world can only be reached by resolving these important global problems. These problems have brought up a planetary state of emergency. Global Civilizational State found evidence that resolving all those global issues is the essential prerequisite for the effectiveness and exercise of all rights recognized for human beings. We need to build global communities for all life on the planet.Global Issue 7: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected

    • Global Issue 8: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected: The global coronavirus pandemic is the product of a staggering multitude of factors, including the air travel links connecting every corner of the planet so intimately and the failure of government officials to move swiftly enough to sever those links. But underlying all of that is the virus itself. Are we, in fact, facilitating the emergence and spread of deadly pathogens like the Ebola virus, SARS, and the coronavirus through deforestation, haphazard urbanization, and the ongoing warming of the planet? It may be too early to answer such a question unequivocally, but the evidence is growing that this is the case.Global Issue 8: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected

    • Global Issue 9: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected: Issues threatening the health and future of children and of the next generations. Climate change, ecological degradation, migrating populations, conflict, pervasive inequalities, predatory commercial practices, and the rampant spread of Covid-19 threaten the health and future of children in every country. What is even more worrisome and fearful is that children stand on the precipice of a climate crisis. Wealthy countries are threatening the future of all the children in the world through carbon pollution.Global Issue 9: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected

    • Conclusion Conclusion

    • References References

  • October 2020 Newsletter

    Evolutionity and Global Civilizational State: the Application of the Scale of Global Rights to Global Issues.

    Paper: presented during First Congress on Polish Philosophy, Opole, September 25, 2020

    The following is a video recording of 79 MBs very much similar to my presentation during First Congress on Polish Philosophy, Opole, September 25, 2020.  
  • September 2020 Newsletter

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2020
    (September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020). Global Dialogue 2020 Proceedings (September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020).

    Theme of Global Dialogue 2020:

    Global Community will celebrate its 35th year in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2020 (September 1st, 2019 to August 31, 2020) are ready for reading. Please do verify that your articles, comments and papers were correctly published, and that recommendations were appropriate, useful, pertinent, and proper. Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for Global Dialogue 2020 were published in the Dialogue Overview section at Dialogue Overview

    Global Dialogue 2020 Proceedings include the:

    • List of all author names in all papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of all Global Dialogues since 1985.

      Global participants files.jj
      List of all participants and authors with their work from 1985 to 2007.jj
      All work can be found in Global Proceedings.jj
      Global Information Media (GIM) publishing monthly Newsletters dealing with global issues. Global Information Media (GIM) publishing monthly Newsletters dealing with global issues.

    • List of all author names in all papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2020.
    • List of all author papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2020.
    • List of all Monthly Newsletters with all author names in papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations concerning the issues of Global Dialogue 2020.
    • We thank authors for their hard work and activism this dialogue. Over the past several decades, they have fought hard for the protection of the global life-support systems. Proceedings of all dialogues are available at:
    • Dialogue Overview
    • Recommendations
    • Contributions made by researchers at the Global Dialogue from September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020

    Global Dialogue 2020 Proceedings also include the contents of all sections shown above plus the contents of the following sections:

    • Listing of Global Roundtables 2020 and work from participants
    • Press releases of the Global Community from September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020
    • Proclamations of the Global Community from September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020
    • Monthly newsletters of the Global Community from September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020
    • Scientific and investigative reports of the Global Community from September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020
    • Work found in the main index for Global Information Media (GIM) concerning publications and activities of the Global Community from September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020

    Global Dialogue 2020 Overview involved over 260 leaders from 90 countries. Participants were from 130 nations to dialogue on hundreds of issues.

    The OVERVIEW of Global Dialogue 2020 was written from the materials found in the workshop sessions, group discussions by email and discussion roundtables summaries, brain-storming exercises, vision statements, comments and recommendations, reviewing of research papers and from results of the dialogue held from September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020, and especially the dialogue held in the month of August. Materials published in the press releases, proclamations and Newsletters were also included. OVERVIEW section can be accessed through the link Dialogue Overview shown here above at the top of this webpage.

    Global Dialogue 2020 Recommendations were those given in all papers, articles, and comments throughout Global Dialogue 2020. Following the assessment of the work done, other important recommendations were obtained. All were described and can be accessed through the link Recommendations shown here above at the top of this webpage.

  • August 2020 Newsletter

    Global Dialogue 2021.
    (September 1st. 2020 to August 31st, 2021.)

    Theme of Global Dialogue 2021

    Global Civilizational State: application of the Scale of Global Rights to global issues.

  • June/July 2020 Newsletter

    Global Community celebrates its 35th year Anniversary in 2020.

    Celebration ever since 1985.
    ( see enlargement Business, trade and global resources. )

    Global Community celebrates its 35th year in 2020. More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.

    Paper and animations concerned about the Global Community 35th year achievements and celebration from its beginning in 1985 to 2020 Paper concerned about the Global Community  35th year   achievements and celebration from its beginning in 1985 to 2020..


    Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.
    ( see enlargement Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life. )
    Watch promoting animation. (50 MBs) Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.

    Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.
    ( see enlargement Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life. )
    Watch animation promoting participation. (41 MBs) Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.

    Global participants files.jj
    List of all participants and authors with their work from 1985 to 2007.jj
    All work can be found in Global Proceedings: click on "Proceedings".jj

    Theme for this month, June 2020.
    vision 2024
    ( see enlargement jj)

    Global Civilizational State: the application of the Scale of Global Rights to global issues.


    Germain Joseph Dufour

    Global Community

    Global Civilizational State

    Global citizens Global Citizens voting on issues Letter to all Canadians concerning new legislation on direct democracy Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Freedom, security and justice without borders (Part II) Global Community and every global citizen, also known as the human family, the global civil society. I should start by emphasizing that I speak to you as a good global citizen.  Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Parliament s Constitution   GCEG s commitment to the Global Community to make government and global citizens responsible and accountable, and to bring about Global Peace  Employment for every global citizen  Global Community Citizenship (every participant would become a global citizen)  We the Peoples are us Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year: Global Citizenship Day on October 29 of every year

    Global Parliament

    Federation of Global Governments

    Global Community WebNet Ltd. (Canada)

    Global Constitution

    June/July 2020

    Email address:

    Global CommunityGlobal Community WebNet Ltd. (Canada)

    As global crises of all sorts on our planet further intensify, Global Community may have no alternative but to show Global Solidarity and help each other out of crises. Such solidarity can only be built on the basis of harmony, cooperation and moderation, and on respecting the political and cultural diversity of our multicivilizational troubled world. Global Civilizational State is proposing creative works toward saving humanity from self-destruction, and are a complex mix of higher levels of morality, religion, education, art, philosophy, technology, and material wellbeing. Humanity is dealing with issues related to the global warming of the planet, globalization, political instability and a social and political regress to irrationality. As Global Civilizational State begins to take on a much deeper kind of global leadership, one that earns more respect than envy and more gratitude than hatred, one that can catapult the whole planet forward into a future where war is no longer thinkable between nation-states, and a legitimate and beneficial Earth governance is able to cope with global problems.

    Scale of Gobal Rights, Global Civilizational State, George Floyd, African-Americans, racism, Justice for All, Governor Andrew Cuomo, police reform, coronavirus pandemic, Covid 19, WHO, telecommuting, catastrophic climate change, extinction of the human species, capitalism, socialism, GDP, tipping points, ecological degradation, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Global Community, Global Parliament, Federation of Global Governments, global solidarity, Global Trade and Resources Ministry, social harmony, global cooperation.

    Note to the reader:
    The June/July 2020 Newsletter was based on the articles, letters, reports, research papers, discussions and global dialogues, and messages written by author(s) whose work were published in monthly Newsletters of years since 1985. All published work can be found in the Global Dialogue Proceedings (check link http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/). Follow the Proceedings sections, and you will find the actual authors lists, with their papers and all references. Global Community Media is a way to communicate workable sound solutions to problems arising in the world. Let us share our problems and workable sound solutions. Sharing information is a necessity to all life and humanity's survival. Our world is changing fast before our eyes, and we must react quickly and hard to protect all life on Earth. No hesitation! Right now and no waiting! Life on the planet is our first priority. We must protect it at all costs. We, global citizens, fight to protect life on Earth for this generation and the next ones. We are the defenders of the environment and the global life-support systems. We know who the beasts are, and how they destroy the living on our planet. We have rallied together all over the world to protect our home, Earth. Just so you all know we don't pay anyone, and we don't pay expenses. We do volunteer work for humanity. We expect volunteers to be responsible and accountable of all their actions. We do soft activism work. We do not have a copyright research expert to do this work. In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Civilizational State , and to protect our planetary environment, the global life-support systems, we want to help you concerning all issues, and you may become a volunteer yourself. Check our volunteer page at: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GPA/gpahelpsyou.htm
    Global Community has held the Global Information Media ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on the Global Information Media (GIM) proclamations aspects and issues. All work written by authors and published in this paper can be found here as well. bb

    Table of Contents

    • Racism in America and Justice for All.Racism in America and Justice for All.
    • The Covid-19 pandemic.The Covid-19 pandemic.
    • Climate change and climate crisis.Climate change and climate crisis.
    • Capitalism vs socialism.Capitalism vs socialism.
    • The U.S. military is also a major consumer of fossil fuels and therefore a significant driver of climate change.The U.S. military is also a major consumer of fossil fuels and therefore a significant driver of climate change.
    • Tipping Points, paths to extinction on our planet.Tipping Points, paths to extinction on our planet.
    • Global Civilizational State.Global Civilizational State.
    • Issues threatening the health and future of children and of the next generations.Issues threatening the health and future of children and of the next generations.
    • Applying the Scale of Global Rights to global issues.Applying the Scale of Global Rights to global issues.

    Back to June 2020 Newsletter. Back to May 2020 Newsletter.

  • May 2020 Newsletter

    An Assessment of Global Civilizational State, Evolutionity, along with Global Solidarity and United Citizens Movement.

    Theme for this month, May 2020.
    vision 2024
    ( see enlargement jj)

    Note to the reader:
    In this Global Community Special Edition, I am promoting a Paper that has been published, month of April 2020,in the International Journal of Philosophy by Science Publishing Group, USA. The links to the Paper are shown here.
    Paper Number: 204002002
    Paper Title: An Assessment of Global Civilizational State, Evolutionity, Along with Global Solidarity and United Citizens Movement
    The Paper has been published in the special issue Evolutionity under Lead Guest Editor Professor W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz, University of Opole, Opole, Poland.
    Here are the links for your reference:



    An Assessment of Global Civilizational State, Evolutionity, along with Global Solidarity and United Citizens Movement.


    Germain Joseph Dufour

    Department of Physics, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada

    Global Community

    Global Civilizational State

    Global citizens Global Citizens voting on issues Letter to all Canadians concerning new legislation on direct democracy Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Freedom, security and justice without borders (Part II) Global Community and every global citizen, also known as the human family, the global civil society. I should start by emphasizing that I speak to you as a good global citizen.  Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Parliament s Constitution   GCEG s commitment to the Global Community to make government and global citizens responsible and accountable, and to bring about Global Peace  Employment for every global citizen  Global Community Citizenship (every participant would become a global citizen)  We the Peoples are us Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year: Global Citizenship Day on October 29 of every year

    Global Parliament

    Federation of Global Governments

    Global Community WebNet Ltd. (Canada)

    Global Constitution

    May 2020

    The following article is a very close copy of this original work published by the International Journal of Philosophy. Here is the Microsoft Word document of the article.


    Email address:

    Global CommunityGlobal Community WebNet Ltd. (Canada)

    As global crises of all sorts on our planet further intensify, Global Community may have no alternative but to show Global Solidarity and help each other out of crises. Such solidarity can only be built on the basis of harmony, cooperation and moderation, and on respecting the political and cultural diversity of our multicivilizational troubled world. Global Civilizational State and Evolutionity are proposing creative works toward saving humanity from self-destruction, and are a complex mix of higher levels of morality, religion, education, art, philosophy, technology, and material wellbeing. In fact both are also a continuation from the previous Modernity epoch inspired by the mechanistic and deterministic view of societies, and Postmodernity epoch been born out of our dissatisfaction with modernity, and characterized by issues related to the global warming of the planet, globalization, political instability and a social and political regress to irrationality. As Global Civilizational State and Evolutionity along with Global Solidarity and United Citizens Movement begin to take on a much deeper kind of global leadership, one that earns more respect than envy and more gratitude than hatred, one that can catapult the whole planet forward into a future where war is no longer thinkable between nation-states, and a legitimate and beneficial Earth governance is able to cope with global problems.

    Back to May 2020 Newsletter. Back to May 2020 Newsletter.

  • April 2020 Newsletter

    Evolution, creation and now, Global Civilizational State.

    Theme for this month, April 2020.
    vision 2024
    ( see enlargement jj)

    Evolution, creation and now, Global Civilizational State.


    Germain Dufour
    Global Community
    Global Civilizational State
    April 2020

          Table of Contents

    • Evolution, creation and now, Global Civilizational State.Evolution, Creation and now, Guiding Souls.
    • Global Community definition. Global Community definition.
    • Who owns the Earth? Land ownership within Global Community
    • What is Global Community? What is Global Community?
    • Glass Bubble concept of a Global Community. Glass Bubble concept of a Global Community.
    • Criteria for a global community to exist. Criteria for a global community to exist.
    Animations and text in speeches for this theme and paper:

    • Formation of Life on Earth Formation of Life on Earth
      The laws of Nature can organize matter to build complex biochemical systems that are at the origin of lifeforms such as a complex human being. The most relevant laws are: biological reproduction, natural selection and mutation, and each particle of matter has a Guiding Soul serving God. The conditions for the formation of life on Earth appeared gradually over the past billion years. Throughout the different evolutionary stages of life on Earth, Souls were guiding evolution in small ways so as to make it possible for life to be conscious of God.
    • The age of global cooperation and symbiotical relationships The age of global cooperation and symbiotical relationships
      Humanity has reached a point in its evolution where it knows its survival is being challenged. Symbiosis has worked throughout the evolution of life on Earth, and today, our time is the age of global cooperation and social symbiotical relationships. We help one another, joint forces, and accomplish together what we cannot accomplish separately. We must develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, globally, and within ourselves throughout life. Our cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to realize the vision.
    • Glass Bubble concept of a global community  Glass Bubble concept of a global community
      Global Community is this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities. The concept of 'a global community' is part of the 'Glass Bubble concept' of a Global Community. It is an imaginary space enclosed in a glass bubble. Look up, look down, to the right, to the left, in front and behind you. Imagine all this space is inside a giant clear glass bubble. This is "a global community." Inside this global community is everything a person can see. Every creature, every plant, every person, every structure that is visible to him(her) is part of this "Global Community. "

      By focusing on familiar ground in this manner it can be taught that every living thing within the glass bubble is there because his or her food is there, his or her home is there, all he or she needs to survive is there. And every creature will stay as long as what his or her needs remain to be available within that "Global Community".

      Wherever you go, you are inside a "global community'. Every thing, every living creature there, interacts one upon the other. Influences inter-weave and are responsible for causes and effects. Worlds within worlds orbiting in and out of one another's space, having their being. Your presence has influence on everything else inside your immediate Global Community. Learn to be aware of that and act accordingly to create good and to help.
    • Working in harmony with Nature produces good results Working in harmony with Nature produces good results
      Now let us explore this Global Community that we have just described and discover why each member is important ~ each bird, each tree, each insect, plant and human being ~ and how all work together to create a good place to live.

      To sustain Global Community, humanity and all life, from the experience in your life and local community tell us:

      * Why are you important to this "Global Community"?
      * What bothers you about it?
      * Anything need to be done?
      * What is very, very important?
      * What unimportant things need to go?

      It has to be taught to children very clearly all life forms interact and depend upon other life forms for survival. They need to know "reasons why" ignorance of Nature's laws cause such damage, and why working in harmony with Nature produces such good results.

      The concept of the Glass Bubble can be extended to include planet Earth and all the "global communities" contained therein. And again by extension, the expression Global Community includes the entire Universe, God's Spirit and all Life everywhere.

    Back to April 2020 Newsletter. Back to April 2020 Newsletter.

  • February/March 2020 Newsletter

    Global Civilizational State leadership is a global partnership, solidarity, and cooperation between 9 or more Global Governments dealing with the needs of all humanity for its survival.

    Theme for these months, February/March 2020.
    vision 2024
    ( see enlargement jj)

    Global Civilizational State leadership is a global partnership, solidarity, and cooperation between 9 or more Global Governments dealing with the needs of all humanity for its survival.

    Germain Dufour

    Back to February/March 2020 Newsletter. Back to February/March 2020 Newsletter.

  • January 2020 Newsletter

    Global Civilizational State for free education and training back to the people to guide the next generations toward a successful life, a prosperous future, and a healthy planet.

    Theme for this month, January 2020.

    ( see enlargement jj)
    Global Civilizational State for free education and training back to the people to guide the next generations toward a successful life, a prosperous future, and a healthy planet.

    Germain Dufour

    Back to January 2020 Newsletter. dd

    Table of Contents of January 2020 Newsletter.

    • I.   Global Civilizational State affiliated centres for education and training. Global Civilizational State affiliated centres for education and training.

    • II.   Global Civilizational State values, solutions, vision, for humanity's survival and that of all life, on our planet. Global Civilizational State values, solutions, vision, for humanity's survival and that of all life, on our planet.

    • III.   Global Civilizational State complete turn around of our ways of doing business and trade, in global development, and in the management of global resources. Global Civilizational State complete turn around of our ways of doing business and trade, in global development, and in the management of global resources.

    • IV.   Our place in the world today.
      • a.  Our Planet: Our Business. Our Planet: Our Business.
        by WWF International

      • b.   Overpopulation David Attenborough on Overpopulation
        by David Attenborough

      • c.   Destruction of the Environment as a Consequence of Overpopulation. Destruction of the Environment as a Consequence of Overpopulation
        by FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada

      • d.  How to escape education's death valley. How to escape education's death valley
        by Sir Ken Robinson

      • e.   How will we survive when the population hits 10 billion?  How will we survive when the population hits 10 billion?
        by Charles C. Mann

      • f.   Yes we can save the planet. Yes We Can Save The Planet
        by Dr Michael Ellis and Anna Kumashov Yes We Can Save The Planet Minister for Sustainable Civilisation, Peace and Disarmament

        by Cordell Hunter

      • h.   Terrifying proof of global warming Terrifying proof of global warming.
        by Tara Brown

      • i.   Climate change Climate Change
        by Philip K.

      • j.   Star size comparison. Star Size Comparison 2
        by morn1415

      • k.   Timelapse of the future: A journey to the end of time. TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time (4K)
        by melodysheep

    • V .  Human species brought about global crises and the existential threat to humanity, all life on Earth, from beginning to present-day.
      • a.  In this century. In this century.

      • b.  Timeless values. Timeless values.

      • c.  The tree of life. The tree of life.

      • d.  Definition and description of Global Community. Definition and description of Global Community.

      • e.  As global crises of all sorts further intensify, Global Civilizational State may have no alternative but to show solidarity and help each other out of crises, and such solidarity can only be built on the basis of harmony and moderation, and on respecting the political and cultural diversity of our troubled world. As global crises of all sorts further intensify, Global Civilizational State may have no alternative but to show solidarity and help each other out of crises, and such solidarity can only be built on the basis of harmony and moderation, and on respecting the political and cultural diversity of our troubled world.

      • f.  The enormous productive capacities and market forces of the planet have been committed to satisfying human needs and desires with little regard to the short and long terms future of life on the planet. The enormous productive capacities and market forces of the planet have been committed to satisfying human needs and desires with little regard to the short and long terms future of life on the planet.

      • g.  In a finite world, economic and population growth cannot continue indefinitely and must end when resources are exhausted. In a finite world, economic and population growth cannot continue indefinitely and must end when resources are exhausted.

      • h.  A Global Civilizational State dependable and trustworthy leadership for all life on Earth has been on the horizon consistently doing good work. Let us all lead the world toward Global Civilizational State. A Global Civilizational State dependable and trustworthy leadership for all life on Earth has been on the horizon consistently doing good work. Let us all lead the world toward Global Civilizational State.

      • i.  The goal of the developed nations must be to overturn our present expansionary economic system by fostering de-growth. To accomplish this people must control and manage Earth resources at all stages: exploration, development, production, transportation, manufacturing, and distribution. The goal of the developed nations must be to overturn our present expansionary economic system by fostering de-growth. To accomplish this people must control and manage Earth resources at all stages: exploration, development, production, transportation, manufacturing, and distribution.

    • VI .  To save the world comes with teaching and training this generation and the next generations.
      • a.  Global cooperation. Global cooperation.

      • b.  Symbiotical relationship. Symbiotical relationship.

      • c.  Educated by osmosis. Educated by osmosis.

      • d.  Money is energy to use for doing good. Money is energy to use for doing good.

      • e.  Eden food supplies. Eden food supplies.

      • f.  Learned that less is more. Learned that less is more.

      • g.  Space age. Space age.

      • h.  Soul of Humanity. Soul of Humanity.

      • i.  Justice is universal. Justice is universal.

      • j.  Birth of Global Civilization. Birth of Global Civilization.

      • k.  A giant leap in human behavior. A giant leap in human behavior.

  • December 2019 Newsletter

    Global Civilizational State citizenship.

    Theme for this month, December 2019.

    ( see enlargement jj)
    Global Civilizational State citizenship.

    Germain Dufour

    Table of Contents of December Newsletter 2019.
    • I.   Global Civilizational State main index of citizenship. Global Civilizational State main index of citizenship

    • II.   Global Civilizational State criteria to obtain citizenship. Global Civilizational State criteria to obtain citizenship.

    • III.   Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act. Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act

    • IV.   Scale of Human and Earth Rights. Scale of Human and Earth Rights.

    • V.   Scale of Global Rights. Scale of Global Rights.

    • VI.   Global Civilizational State press releases. Global Civilizational State press briefings.

    • VII.   Humanity can do better united as a Global Parliament of 9 or more Global Governments (GGs). Humanity can do better united as a Global Parliament of 9 or more global governments.

    • VIII.   The Global Government of North America (GGNA): a new world to build, and a future to share and protect together. The Global Government of North America (GGNA): a new world to build, and a future to share and protect together.

    • IX.   GGNA institutions and bodies to govern in accordance with the Global Constitution. Global Government of North America (GGNA) institutions and bodies to govern in accordance with the Global Constitution.

  • November 2019 Newsletter


    Let us lead the world toward Global Civilizational State for education, Justice, protection of life on Earth, and for new ways of doing business and trade, in global development, and in the management of global resources.


    Germain Dufour

    Back to November 2019 Newsletter. dd

    Table of Contents of November Newsletter 2019.

    • I.   Global Civilizational State affiliated centres for education and training. Global Civilizational State affiliated centres for education and training.

    • II.   Global Civilizational State values, solutions, vision, for humanity's survival and that of all life, on our planet. Global Civilizational State values, solutions, vision, for humanity's survival and that of all life, on our planet.

    • III.   Global Civilizational State complete turn around of our ways of doing business and trade, in global development, and in the management of global resources. Global Civilizational State complete turn around of our ways of doing business and trade, in global development, and in the management of global resources.

    • IV.   Global Civilizational State Federation of Global Governments (FGGs). Global Civilizational State Federation of Global Governments (FGGs).

    • V.   Global Civilizational State 4 types of essential services. Global Civilizational State 4 types of essential services.

    • VI.   Global Civilizational State peace, global justice for all life-forms, and protection of the global life-support systems on our planet. Global Civilizational State peace, global justice for all life-forms, and protection of the global life-support systems on our planet.

    • VII.   Global Civilizational State references. Global Civilizational State references.

  • October 2019 Newsletter


    Let us lead the world toward Global Civilizational State.


    Germain Dufour


    As global crises of all sorts further intensify, Global Civilizational State may have no alternative but to show solidarity and help each other out of crises, and such solidarity can only be built on the basis of harmony and moderation, and on respecting the political and cultural diversity of our troubled world. A Global Civilizational State dependable and trustworthy leadership for all life on Earth has been on the horizon consistently doing good work. Let us all lead the world toward Global Civilizational State.
    Ever since the beginning of the industrial revolution, global crises have aggravated beyond safety bounds. Several important causes of global warming, climate changes, and the life extinction crisis have brought about an existential threat to humanity and of the other life forms on our planet. Mitigation involves attempts to slow the process of global climate change, usually by lowering the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. So far this attempt has not been successful.

    In a finite world, economic and population growth cannot continue indefinitely and must end when resources are exhausted.

    Capitalism has been a failure of our democratic system of governance. Capitalism is this system that can only lead us to our annihilation. Capitalism is an economic system based on exponential growth world over. This system is forcing us to work harder to surpass previous years Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers, and is driven by competition, which creates more pollution that impairs life, and the CO2 that's heating the biosphere will end life on Earth if the system is maintain to its exhaustion. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now, and Global Civilizational State also strongly opposes environmental, economic, population, and military warfares.
    But today, many countries have already prioritized economic growth over social, environmental and human right aspects of life. Free trade is itself a fragrant abuse of democracy. Corporate America overriding goal is maximal profits and not the needs and welfare of future generations. The enormous productive capacities and market forces of the planet have been committed to satisfying human needs and desires with little regard to the short and long terms future of life on the planet.
    Earth environmental governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of sustainable development and Earth management because human activities are all interconnected and dependent to one another. A legally imposed contraction of the fossil energy supply and a rapid conversion to renewable energy, are necessary steps toward savings humanity. The goal of the developed nations must be to overturn our present expansionary economic system by fostering de-growth. To accomplish this people must control and manage Earth resources at all stages: exploration, development, production, transportation, manufacturing, and distribution.
    And we need a complete turn around of our ways of doing business and trade, in global development, and in the management of global resources. Global Civilizational State has included morality and ethics into our ways of doing business and trade, and into consumer understanding and use of each product on the market. Furthermore and most importantly, we must replace the United Nations by Global Parliament with the immediate action to form the Global Trade and Resources Ministry as promoted by Global Civilizational State, a more meaningful union in the form of nine or more Global Governments. A Global Government is concerned not only with economics and trade, but also with the environment, social, cultural and many other essential services. The Federation of Global Governments is the place of meeting between them.
  • September 2019 Newsletter


    Global Civilizational State dependable and trustworthy leadership to guard over and care for all life on Earth.

    Global Civilizational State.


    Germain Dufour

    Table of Contents

    Summary. Global Civilizational State dependable and trustworthy leadership to guard over and and care for all life on Earth. vv

    • a)   Global Civilizational State and America modernizing the world. Global Civilizational State and America modernizing the world.
    • b)   Commonalities between Asia and the West engendered and self-disciplined global citizens to prepare them for life survival now and long after Earth has ceased to exist. Commonalities between Asia and the West engendered and self-disciplined  global citizens to prepare for life survival now and long after Earth has ceased to exist.
    • c)   Global crises and existential threat to humanity, all life on Earth. Global crises and existential threat to humanity, all life on Earth.
    • d)   Description of modern day civilization-states. Description of modern day civilization-states.
    • e)   Past and modern civilization-states on our planet and government. Past and modern civilizations on our planet and government.
    • f)   Global crises need a sound Global Civilizational State leadership. Global crises need a sound Global Civilizational State leadership.
    • g)   How and why capitalism has been a failure of our democratic system of governance. How and why capitalism has been a failure of our democratic system of governance.
    • h)   Democratic socialism plus. Democratic socialism plus.
    • i)   Morality and ways of doing business within Global Civilizational State. Morality and ways of doing business within Global Civilizational State.
    • j)   Earth governance and Global Ministries. Earth governance and Global Ministries.
    • k)   Global consumption and sustainability. Global consumption and sustainability.
    • l)   Earth environmental governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of sustainable development and Earth management.Earth environmental governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of sustainable development and Earth management.
    • m)   Global Civilizational State strongly opposes environmental, economic, population, and military warfares.Global Civilizational State strongly opposes environmental, economic, population, and military warfares.

  • August 2019 Newsletter


    Global Community celebrates its 35th year Anniversary in 2020.

    Theme of Global Dialogue 2020
    Global Community celebrates its 35th year Anniversary in 2020.
    Celebration ever since 1985.
    ( see enlargement Business, trade and global resources. )

    • Global Community 10th Anniversary (1985-1995) and achievements.
    • Global Community 15th Anniversary (1985-2000) and achievements. Global Community 15th Anniversary (1985-2007) and achievements
    • Global Community 22nd Anniversary (1985-2007) and achievements. Global Community 22nd Anniversary (1985-2007) and achievements
    • Global Community 25th Anniversary (1985-2010) and achievements. Global Community 25nd Anniversary (1985-2010) and achievements
    • Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015) and achievements. Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015)  and achievements.
    • Global Community 35th Anniversary (1985-2020) and achievements. Global Community 35th Anniversary (1985-2020)  and achievements.

    Table of Contents of Global Community 35th Anniversary (1985-2020) and achievements including July 2019.

    I.   Introduction Global Movement to Help
    II.  Global Community achievements
    • Global Dialogue Global Dialogue
    • Newsletters Newsletters
    • Global Parliament Global Parliament
    • Global Community days of celebration and remembering throughout the year Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year.
    • History of Global Parliament History of Global Parliament
    • Global Constitution Global Constitution
    • Global Rights Global Rights
    • Global Law Global Law
    • Global Justice Network Global Justice Network
    • The Judiciary The Judiciary
    • Global Ministries Global Ministries
    • Global Community ethics Global Community ethics
    • Corporate citizen global ethics Corporate citizen global ethics
    • Peace Movement worldwide Peace Movement Worldwide
    • What Global Community stands for What Global Community stands for
    • Global Community essential services Global Community essential services
    • Moratorium on world population Moratorium on world population
    • Worldwide disarmament and security Worldwide disarmament and security
    • Global Community is the new Faith, and the Religion of the 3rd millennium Global Community  is the new Faith,
 and the Religion of the 3 rd millennium
    • Global Protection Agency (GPA) Global Protection Agency (GPA)
    • Protection of the global life-support systems Protection of the global life-support systems
    • Earth biodiversity zone Earth biodiversity zone
    • Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2018. Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2018.
    • Vision of a new economic system to replace America economic, population, military and environmental wars against our world, Earth. Vision of a new economic system to replace America economic, population, military and environmental wars against our world, Earth.
    • Animations for the October 2018 Paper: Vision of a new economic system to replace America economic, population, military and environmental wars against our world, Earth. Animations for the October 2018 Paper: Vision of a new economic system to replace America economic, population, military and environmental wars against our world, Earth.
    • Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.) Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.)
    • Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, concerning "Canada, the overseer, steward and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community)" from Germain Dufour, President of Global Government of North America (GGNA) Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, concerning Canada, the overseer, steward and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community)
    • Causes of the global crisis which triggered the planetary state of emergency. Causes of the global crisis which triggered the planetary state of emergency.
    • Causes of the global environmental crisis. Causes of the global environmental crisis.
    • Democratic socialism plus vs capitalism. How and why has capitalism been a failure of our democratic system of governance? Democratic socialism plus vs capitalism. How and why has capitalism been a failure of our democratic system of governance?
    • Cosmology, cosmogony, and the Elohim, our extra-terrestrial beings who created the human species on Earth. Thousands of years ago, the human species was first created, engineered, on Earth, by extra-terrestrial Elohim beings. Cosmology, cosmogony, and the Elohim, our extra-terrestrial beings who created the human species on Earth. Thousands of years ago, the human species was first created, engineered, on Earth, by extra-terrestrial Elohim beings.
    • A successful Global Civilization for all Life. In this paper it is shown that saving humanity, all life on Earth, requires that Global Civilization be a civilizational state. A successful Global Civilization for all Life. In this paper it is shown that saving humanity, all life on Earth, requires that Global Civilization be a civilizational state.
    • A successful Global Civilization for all Life. The complete animation for the speech in the theme. A successful Global Civilization for all Life. The complete animation for the speech in the theme.
    • Global Community will celebrate its 35th year in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life. Global Community will celebrate its 35th year in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.
    • Global Dialogue 2018. (September 1st 2017 to August 31st 2018). Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024. Global Dialogue 2018. (September 1st 2017 to August 31st 2018). Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.
    • Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2017 Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2017.
    • Share your vision of the Earth in year 2024. Share your vision of the Earth in year 2024.
    • Global Civilization symbiosis with SoulLife. Love the world, save the world! Rise up global citizens! You are needed! Life needs you, now. Global Civilization symbiosis with SoulLife. Love the world, save the world! 
Rise up global citizens! You are needed! Life needs you, now.
    • Global Trade and Resources Ministry. Global Trade and Resources Ministry.
    • Global warming and international trade agreements. Global warming and international trade agreements.
    • Business, trade and global resources. Business, trade and global resources.
    • Business, trade and global resources: Part II (Animation). Business, trade and global resources: Part II (Animation).
    • Short and long term solutions to saving the world. Short and long term solutions to saving the world.
    • Global Government of North America (GGNA). Global Government of North America (GGNA).
    • Global Trade and Resources Ministry (GTandRM) proposal over time since 1985. Global Trade and Resources Ministry (GTandRM) proposal over time since 1985.
    • Global Dialogue 2019: (September 1st 2018 to August 31st 2019). Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.) Global Dialogue 2019: (September 1st 2018 to August 31st 2019). Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.)
    • The most important principle governing Global Civilization for Peace in the world is the Scale of Global Rights. The most important principle governing Global Civilization for Peace in the world is the Scale of Global Rights.
    • The dream of a new Eden: Global Civilization. The dream of a new Eden: Global Civilization.
    • Global Civilization values, solutions, vision, for the survival of our species. Global Civilization values, solutions, vision, for the survival of our species.
    • Global Parliament, the 21st century vision of Global Community. Global Parliament, the 21st century vision of Global Community.
    • Global Parliament values and vision. Global Parliament values and vision.
    • Global Civilization Politics and Justice Without Borders. Global Civilization Politics and Justice Without Borders.
    • Global Civilization issues, values, solutions, and vision of the world for survival as a species. Global Civilization issues, values, solutions, and vision of the world for survival as a species.
    • Formation and evolution of Life in the Universe, a spiritual pathway to SoulLife. (26 MBs video). Formation and evolution of Life in the Universe, a spiritual pathway to SoulLife. (26 MBs video)
    • Global Civilization vision to saving the world. Global Civilization vision to saving the world.
    • Global Civilization has found that people from Wall Street live a dream life. Global Civilization has found that people from Wall Street live a dream life.
    • Global Dialogue 2018 (September 1st 2017 to August 31st 2018): Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024. Global Dialogue 2018 (September 1st 2017 to August 31st 2018): Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.
    • Global Exhibition 2016 is about Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet. Global Exhibition 2016 is about Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet.
    • On the issues of land ownership and sovereignty within Global Community, and their applications in the Artic. On the issues of land ownership and sovereignty within Global Community, and their applications in the Artic.
    • Global Community needs a Commons Trust Fund to manage the Commons with the highest priorities. Global Community needs a Commons Trust Fund to manage the Commons with the highest priorities.
    • Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet. Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet.
    • Peace, love and forever happiness on Earth. Peace, love and forever happiness on Earth.
    • Timeless Global Community values. Timeless Global Community values.
    • My Global Community. My Global Community is about the protection of all life and establishing women rights being equal to men rights in society here and abroad. My Global Community. My Global Community is about the protection of all life and establishing women rights being equal to men rights in society here and abroad.
    • Global Community days of celebration or remembering in May of every year. Global Community days of celebration or remembering in May of every year.
    • Global Community Ministry of World Population. Global Community Ministry of World Population.
    • Animations for the theme World Overpopulation as introduced in May Newsletter Animations for the theme World Overpopulation as introduced in May Newsletter
    • Glass Bubble concept of a Global Community. Glass Bubble concept of a Global Community.
    • Global Civilization, the 21st century Vision of Global Community Global Civilization, the 21st century Vision of Global Community
    • Global Community Faith in God's Spirit, Soullife, helping the formation of Life in the Universe. Global Community Faith in God's Spirit, Soullife, helping the formation of Life in the Universe.
    • Global Community Ethics. Global Community Ethics.
    • Today, Global Community is Noah's Ark. Today, Global Community is Noah's Ark
    • Peace in the world with Global Community. Peace in the world with Global Community.
    • Corporate citizen global ethic. Corporate citizen global ethic.
    • Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015) and achievements. Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015) and achievements
    • From Prophet Mohammad (GR)(GR), Je suis Charlie Hebdo, global security to the Scale of Global Rights. From Prophet Mohammad (GR)(GR), Je suis Charlie Hebdo, global security to the Scale of Global Rights.
    • Global Protection Agency (GPA). Global Protection Agency (GPA).
    • Global citizens moving forward to SoulLife God Promised Land. Global citizens moving forward to SoulLife God Promised Land.
    • Global Community choices to save the world. Global Community choices to save the world.
  • July 2019 Newsletter


    Global Civilizational State dependable and trustworthy leadership to guard over and care for all life on Earth.

    Theme of July 2019 Newsletter

    A successful Global Civilization for all Life

    The complete animation for the speech in the theme.The complete animation for the theme. (57 MBs)

    The complete text of the speech in the animation.aa

    • Part 1 animation for the speech in the theme. Part 1 animation for the speech. (12.9 MBs)
    • Part 2 animation for the speech in the theme. Part 2 animation for the speech. (17.1 MBs)
    • Part 3 animation for the speech in the theme. Part 3 animation for the speech. (16.8 MBs)
    • Part 4 animation for the speech in the theme. Part 4 animation for the speech. (8.7 MBs)

    In this paper it is shown that saving humanity, all life on Earth, requires that Global Civilization be a civilizational state.

    Love the world, save the world! Rise up global citizens! You are needed! Life needs you, now.

    Part 1 speech for the theme.

    Part 1 animation for the speech in the theme. Part 1 animation for the speech. (12.9 MBs)

    Pictures shown within Part 1 animation of the speech. hh

    Because of modernization, global politics today are being re-drawn along cultural lines and civilizations. And of course, Global Civilization is finally giving its historical place as the global solution to saving humanity and all other lifeforms on Earth from complete extinction. Peoples and countries with similar cultures are now interacting together. Strategies that used to produce changes as a result of ideology and superpower relations are giving way to thoughtful strategies defined by culture and civilization. The components of order in today's more complex and diverse world are found within and between civilizations. The core states of civilizations are sources of order within civilizations, and through negotiations with other core states, between civilizations.

    Part 2 speech for the theme.

    Part 2 animation for the speech in the theme. Part 2 animation for the speech. (17.1 MBs)

    Pictures shown within Part 2 animation of the speech. hh

    In modern era, Western civilization, the West, is referred to the European-American civilization. The development and evolution of the West are in large part the factors which enabled the West to take the lead in modernizing itself and non-Western societies. Over time, characteristics of Western civilization have been defined by religion and moral principles, human rights, language, ancestry, history, ethnic groups, customs and laws, maintaining a meaningful independent existence, and ways of life. America is the distinct core-state civilization of the West. Inevitably, the fate of the United States and the West depends upon Americans asserting strongly once more their commitment to Western civilization and today, their commitment to the Global Civilizational state which is seen by global citizens as the guardian, custodian and embodiment of Western civilization.

    Part 3 speech for the theme.

    Part 3 animation for the speech in the theme. Part 3 animation for the speech. (16.8 MBs)

    Pictures shown within Part 3 animation of the speech. hh

    Within the Global Civilizational state of Western civilization, the United States is the first rotating strong leader of the nation-states, other member states would include Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Iceland, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, and perhaps other nation-states from Latin America or elsewhere in the world. All nation-states within the Global Civilizational state share similar cultural commonalities and core values. These nation-states also agree to developing close forms of economic and political integration to supplement their security collaboration in NATO. Political integration also mean being part of a Global Government. A statement on Governance, and particularly on core values by America, would be a necessary prerequisite to a Global Dialogue and meeting of the nation-states interested in forming the Global Civilizational state.

    Part 4 speech for the theme.

    Part 4 animation for the speech in the theme. Part 4 animation for the speech. (8.7 MBs)

    Pictures shown within Part 4 animation of the speech. hh

    As global crises of all sorts further intensify, the Global Community may have no alternative but to show solidarity and help each other out of crises, and such solidarity can only be built on the basis of harmony and moderation, and on respecting the political and cultural diversity of this troubled world. A successful Global Civilizational state for all Life on Earth is on the horizon. Let us lead the world toward a Global Civilizational state.

    Back to July 2019 Newsletter of the animation for June 2019 theme "A successful Global Civilization for all Life". gg

    Summary Summary
    Conclusion Conclusion
    Main Paper Conclusion

  • June 2019 Newsletter

    Theme of June 2019 Newsletter

    A successful Global Civilization for all Life requires that Global Civilization be a Global Civilizational State

    In this paper it is shown that saving humanity, all life on Earth, requires that Global Civilization be a civilizational state.

    Note to the reader:
    The following link and text were based on the articles, letters, reports, research papers, discussions and global dialogues, and messages written by author(s) whose work were published in monthly Newsletters of years mostly 2017 and 2018, and 2019. All published work can be found in the Global Dialogue Proceedings (check link http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/). Scroll down to years 2017 and 2018 and follow the Proceedings sections, and you will find the actual authors lists, with their papers and all references. Global Community Media is a way to communicate workable sound solutions to problems arising in the world. Let us share our problems and workable sound solutions. Sharing information is a necessity to all life and humanity's survival. Our world is changing fast before our eyes, and we must react quickly and hard to protect all life on Earth. No hesitation! Right now and no waiting! Life on the planet is our first priority. We must protect it at all costs. We, global citizens, fight to protect life on Earth for this generation and the next ones. We are the defenders of the environment and the global life-support systems. We know who the beasts are, and how they destroy the living on our planet. We have rallied together all over the world to protect our home, Earth. Just so you all know we don't pay anyone, and we don't pay expenses. We do volunteer work for humanity. We expect volunteers to be responsible and accountable of all their actions. We do soft activism work. We do not have a copyright research expert to do this work. In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Civilization, and to protect our planetary environment, the global life-support systems, we want to help you concerning all issues, and you may become a volunteer yourself. Check our volunteer page at: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GPA/gpahelpsyou.htm

    Love the world, save the world! Rise up global citizens! You are needed! Life needs you, now.

    Table of Contents of June 2019 Newsletter.

Back to Main Paper for this Newsletter of "A successful Global Civilization for all Life". gg
Only the Summary and the Conclusion were included here.

Summary Summary
Conclusion Conclusion
Main Paper Conclusion
June 2019 index.html

  • May 2019 Newsletter


    Cosmology, cosmogony, and the Elohim, our extra-terrestrial beings who created the human species on Earth.

    Thousands of years ago, the human species was first created, engineered, on Earth, by extra-terrestrial Elohim beings.

    by Germain Dufour
    April 10, 2019


    Master's Degree Thesis
    "La Cosmologie et la Cosmogonie: Une Discussion" by Germain Dufour
    Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, Departement de Physique, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.

    Note to the reader:
    The following link and text were based on the articles, letters, reports, research papers, discussions and global dialogues, and messages written by author(s) whose work were published in monthly Newsletters of years mostly 2017 and 2018, and 2019. All published work can be found in the Global Dialogue Proceedings (check link http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/). Scroll down to years 2017 and 2018 and follow the Proceedings sections, and you will find the actual authors lists, with their papers and all references. Global Community Media is a way to communicate workable sound solutions to problems arising in the world. Let us share our problems and workable sound solutions. Sharing information is a necessity to all life and humanity's survival. Our world is changing fast before our eyes, and we must react quickly and hard to protect all life on Earth. No hesitation! Right now and no waiting! Life on the planet is our first priority. We must protect it at all costs. We, global citizens, fight to protect life on Earth for this generation and the next ones. We are the defenders of the environment and the global life-support systems. We know who the beasts are, and how they destroy the living on our planet. We have rallied together all over the world to protect our home, Earth. Just so you all know we don't pay anyone, and we don't pay expenses. We do volunteer work for humanity. We expect volunteers to be responsible and accountable of all their actions. We do soft activism work. We do not have a copyright research expert to do this work. In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Civilization, and to protect our planetary environment, the global life-support systems, we want to help you concerning all issues, and you may become a volunteer yourself. Check our volunteer page at: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GPA/gpahelpsyou.htm

    Love the world, save the world! Rise up global citizens! You are needed! Life needs you, now.

    Table of Contents of May 2019 Newsletter.

  • April 2019 Newsletter


    Democratic socialism plus vs capitalism.

    How and why has capitalism been a failure of our democratic system of governance?

    MtBenson, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.

    Watch animation. (50 MBs) Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.

    Videos concerning global warming, business and trade agreements.

    • Sharing the world's natural resources. Sharing the world's natural resources.
    • Today, all global trade practices are obsolete and primitive. Today, all global trade practices are obsolete and primitive.
    • Formation of the Global Trade and Resources Ministry. Formation of the Global Trade and Resources Ministry.
    • Global Ministries for the critical management of all essential global commons. Global Ministries for the critical management of all essential global commons.

    Germain Dufour

    Back to April 2019 Newsletter

    Note to the reader:
    The following link and text were based on the articles, letters, reports, research papers, discussions and global dialogues, and messages written by author(s) whose work were published in monthly Newsletters of years mostly 2017 and 2018, and 2019. All published work can be found in the Global Dialogue Proceedings (check link http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/). Scroll down to years 2017 and 2018 and follow the Proceedings sections, and you will find the actual authors lists, with their papers and all references. Global Community Media is a way to communicate workable sound solutions to problems arising in the world. Let us share our problems and workable sound solutions. Sharing information is a necessity to all life and humanity's survival. Our world is changing fast before our eyes, and we must react quickly and hard to protect all life on Earth. No hesitation! Right now and no waiting! Life on the planet is our first priority. We must protect it at all costs. We, global citizens, fight to protect life on Earth for this generation and the next ones. We are the defenders of the environment and the global life-support systems. We know who the beasts are, and how they destroy the living on our planet. We have rallied together all over the world to protect our home, Earth. Just so you all know we don't pay anyone, and we don't pay expenses. We do volunteer work for humanity. We expect volunteers to be responsible and accountable of all their actions. We do soft activism work. We do not have a copyright research expert to do this work. In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Civilization, and to protect our planetary environment, the global life-support systems, we want to help you concerning all issues, and you may become a volunteer yourself. Check our volunteer page at: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GPA/gpahelpsyou.htm

    Main Table of Contents.

    A) Environmental warfare: animation.
    B) Global warming and international trade agreements.

    Economic warfare: animation.

    A) GDP, economic growth, and prosperity.
    B) New economic system: animation.
    C) Articles and papers on the Global Trade and Resources Ministry (GTandRM) proposal over time since 1985.
    D) Short and long term solutions to saving the world.
    E) Global Civilization.
    F) Global Ministries.
    G) Vision of a new economic system to replace America economic, population, military and environmental wars against our world, Earth.

  • March 2019 Newsletter


    Causes of the global environmental crisis.

    Table of contents

    Causes of the global environmental crisis: Causes of the global environmental crisis.

    1. Overconsumption
    2. Climate change and global warming
    3. Pollution
    4. Life species extinction
    5. Deforestation
    6. Human activities we must no longer do
    7. Military testings and pollution

    Animation concerning the theme. Causes of the global environmental crisis.
    Paper concerning global warming and climate change. Paper concerning global warming and climate change.

  • February 2019 Newsletter


    Causes of the global crisis which triggered the planetary state of emergency.

    Germain Dufour

    Table of contents

    A)     Financial crisis Financial crisis

    1.     Over the past decade, the White House has been building up a 10 trillion dollars national debt and a half trillion dollars annual deficit
    2.     Bad financial fundamentals and out-of-control stock market

    B)     Social-economic crisis Social crisis

    1. Responsiblity and accountability
    2. Global Rights and Global Justice
    3. Who owns the Earth ?
    4. Cirteria for sovereignty
    5. Overpopulation
    6. Conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another
    7. Poverty, large wealth gap between rich and poor, between the industrialized nations and the developing nations
    8. Food production crisis
    9. Energy shortage, Peak Oil and Gas

    C)     Environmental crisis Environmental crisis


    1. Overconsumption
    2. Climate change and global warming
    3. Pollution
    4. Life species extinction
    5. Deforestation
    6. Human activities we must no longer do
    7. Military testings and pollution

    D)     Disconnected, unfair and corrupted governance focusing only on competition and consumption Disconnected, unfair  and corrupted governance focusing only on competition and consumption


    1. G20 nations, G8 nations all disconnected and selfish leaders, unwilling to change
    2. European Union
    3. NAFTA, FTA, WTO
    4. IMF, World Bank, financial institutions worldwide
    5. The military, NATO and the United Nations

    Proposal to adapt to the new world order Proposal to adapt to the new world order

    21st Century democracy
    Embrace new values, principles, global concepts, and a new, more healthy, way of life
    Polluter pays principle
    You own a property, use it, share it or lose it
    New way of doing business and trade
    Nationalization of natural resources
    Federation of Global Governments and the Global Protection Agency (GPA)
    Global Law
    Societal checks and balance
    No taxes on labour but taxes on the use and consumption of natural resources
    Global Economic Model
    Planetary biodiversity zone
    Essential services
    Earth management and governance
    Global Community Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre
    Strong commitment to Peace in the world by means of diplomacy, not by bullying and war
    What we must do

    Conclusion and recommendations Conclusion

        Financial crisis Financial crisis
        Social-economic crisis Social-economic crisis
        Global rights Global rights
        Who owns the Earth ?  Who owns the Earth ?
        Agriculture, overpopulation, energy and industry for a better future Agriculture, overpopulation, energy and industry for a better future
        Conflicts and wars are not sustainable Conflicts and wars are not sustainable
        Resources have become the new political boundaries Resources have become the new political boundaries
        World poverty and food crisis World poverty and food crisis
        World Summit of the G20 nations and the new World Order World Summit of the G20 nations and the new World Order
        Peak Oil and Gas Movement  Peak Oil and Gas Movement
        Protection of the global life-support systems and the environment Protection of the global life-support systems and the environment
        Crisis of freshwater, food, deforestation, and ocean health Crisis of freshwater, food, deforestation, and ocean health
        Global governance and the 21st Century democracy Global governance and the 21st Century democracy
        Global Protection Agency (GPA) and global leadershipGlobal Protection Agency (GPA) and global leadership
        Global tax Global tax
        New way of doing business and trade  New way of doing business and trade
        Nationalization of natural resources Nationalization of natural resources
        Global Economic Model  Global Economic Model
        Planetary state of emergency Planetary state of emergency
        Planetary biodiversity zone Planetary biodiversity zone
        Federation of Global Governments Essential Services  Federation of Global Governments Essential Services

  • January 2019 Newsletter


    Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.)

    Why should Canada be the leading nation of Earth's north polar region.


    Germain Dufour

    July 2018


    Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.)
    ( see enlargement Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.))
  • November/December 2018 Newsletter


    Animations for the October 2018 Paper: Vision of a new economic system to replace America economic, population, military and environmental wars against our world, Earth.

    Germain Dufour
    Global Civilization
    Back to November/December 2018 Newsletter

    Back to October 2018 Newsletter

    Animations and speeches for November/December 2018 Newsletter

    Note to the reader:
    The four chapters of October 2018 Newsletter were based on the articles, letters, reports, research papers, discussions and global dialogues, and messages written by author(s) whose work were published in monthly Newsletters of years mostly 2017 and 2018. All published work can be found in the Global Dialogue Proceedings (check link http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/). Scroll down to years 2017 and 2018 and follow the Proceedings sections, and you will find the actual authors lists, with their papers and all references. Global Community Media is a way to communicate workable sound solutions to problems arising in the world. Let us share our problems and workable sound solutions. Sharing information is a necessity to all life and humanity's survival. Our world is changing fast before our eyes, and we must react quickly and hard to protect all life on Earth. No hesitation! Right now and no waiting! Life on the planet is our first priority. We must protect it at all costs. We, global citizens, fight to protect life on Earth for this generation and the next ones. We are the defenders of the environment and the global life-support systems. We know who the beasts are, and how they destroy the living on our planet. We have rallied together all over the world to protect our home, Earth. Just so you all know we don't pay anyone, and we don't pay expenses. We do volunteer work for humanity. We expect volunteers to be responsible and accountable of all their actions. We do soft activism work. We do not have a copyright research expert to do this work. In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Civilization, and to protect our planetary environment, the global life-support systems, we want to help you concerning all issues, and you may become a volunteer yourself. Check our volunteer page at: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GPA/gpahelpsyou.htm

  • October 2018 Newsletter


    Vision of a new economic system to replace America economic, population, military and environmental wars against our world, Earth.

    Germain Dufour

    Note to the reader:
    The four chapters of October 2018 Newsletter were based on the articles, letters, reports, research papers, discussions and global dialogues, and messages written by author(s) whose work were published in monthly Newsletters of years mostly 2017 and 2018. All published work can be found in the Global Dialogue Proceedings (check link http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/). Scroll down to years 2017 and 2018 and follow the Proceedings sections, and you will find the actual authors lists, with their papers and all references. Global Community Media is a way to communicate workable sound solutions to problems arising in the world. Let us share our problems and workable sound solutions. Sharing information is a necessity to all life and humanity's survival. Our world is changing fast before our eyes, and we must react quickly and hard to protect all life on Earth. No hesitation! Right now and no waiting! Life on the planet is our first priority. We must protect it at all costs. We, global citizens, fight to protect life on Earth for this generation and the next ones. We are the defenders of the environment and the global life-support systems. We know who the beasts are, and how they destroy the living on our planet. We have rallied together all over the world to protect our home, Earth. Just so you all know we don't pay anyone, and we don't pay expenses. We do volunteer work for humanity. We expect volunteers to be responsible and accountable of all their actions. We do soft activism work. We do not have a copyright research expert to do this work. In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Civilization, and to protect our planetary environment, the global life-support systems, we want to help you concerning all issues, and you may become a volunteer yourself. Check our volunteer page at: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GPA/gpahelpsyou.htm

    Introduction and conclusion for all four Chapters.

    • Chapter I
    • Chapter II
    • Chapter III
    • Chapter IV


    Back to October 2018 Newsletter
    Back to Main Table of Contents.

    This 21st century is very crucial for humanity as it will determine our survival or not as a species and, consequently, the survival of the next generations. The Biosphere is our world, our home. The lives of all lifeforms and plants on our planet deserve protection, preservation, and care. The genomic information of plants, animals, and human beings is the common wealth of the planet, and all efforts to make use of this environmental commons must be framed around principles of equality, solidarity, environmental and climate justice.

    Global Civilization disapproves of the limitless exploitation of the natural foundations of life, the relentless destruction of the biosphere, and the militarization of the space within and above the Earth's atmosphere. Several important causes of Global Warming, Climate Change, and the extinction crisis, have given rise of an existential threat to humanity and much of Nature.

    Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, developed economies have been emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs) which created global warming and today's environmental crisis, and that makes the capitalism system responsible, and we must first change it. By far, the nation that started, and still is pursuing the largest production of GHGs ever since WWII is America. And America is largely responsible for the global warming of the planet and, therefore the increase in the Earth’s surface temperature, the rising of sea level, climate change, and many other worldwide disasters. Unlimited fossil fuel exploitation means a commitment to GHG pollution over 16 times greater than the world’s present remaining Terminal Carbon Pollution Budget that must not be exceeded if we are to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise. America is to be blamed for the extinction crisis, and should pay.

    The extinction crisis is an environmental issue and also a social justice issue, one that is linked to long histories of capitalist domination over people, animals, and plants. The extinction crisis needs to be seen as a key element in contemporary struggles against accumulation by dispossession. This crisis, in other words, ought to be a key issue in the fight for climate justice.

    The 1% people have as much wealth as half the world's population, and are controlling all economies on the planet. They stand behind a capitalist model of an economic system.

    Capitalism has institutionalized a global ignorance, in which producers and consumers cannot know or care about one another, and in which the histories of all products will be lost. It is now increasingly evident that only by sharing the world's natural resources more equitably and sustainably will we be able to address both the ecological and social crisis we face as Global Civilization.

    The combined effects of aggressive marketing, advertising, and planned product obsolescence mean that the American consumer’s oversized footprint is largely a consequence and reflection of the global power of Transnational Corporations(TNCs), corporate America. Global warming and climate change denialism requires shutting one’s eyes to obvious realities when the truth is that the Earth is warmer than it has been in 120,000 years. In that sense, it is perhaps more accurate to speak of corporate ecological footprints rather than the footprints of nations or individuals. Globalization has meant the distancing of cause and effect, source and sink, so that the pollution and human exploitation caused in the production and transport of goods has remained invisible and opaque to consumers.

    How can further troubles not come into being when a vicious globalized capitalist system is in existence for which maximal profits, not people and their needs, is always the overriding goal? The global socioeconomic system of capitalism is forcing us to work harder to surpass previous consumption and population numbers until we have devoured everything that maintains life, ending up with a polluted, lifeless, and a scorched planet.

    What is going on today is largely attributable to the failure of growth-based capitalism. We need to address the structural deficiencies in the existing system. To maintain a general satisfaction in a social system that’s driven and motivated with competition, endless growth is needed, but in a finite system it must end when resources are exhausted. However, we also have a double whammy, that of pollution which impairs life and the carbon that’s heating the biosphere and acidifying the oceans, they would end life if the system is maintained to its exhaustion.

    Economic growth (measured as Gross Domestic Product) and value are seen as the same. Meanwhile, the actual value generated outside of market capitalism – the “care economy,” social labor, eco-stewardship, digital communities and commons – are mostly ignored or considered merely personal (“values”). Today, we have a dictatorship of one kind of value as delivered by the market system, which determines for everyone how they can live and what they should believe in.

    The word “value” is useful to merchants and economists in talking about money and markets. But it has little relevance when talking about ethical living or the human condition.

    Hence, with the dollar as world money the US gains an automatic borrowing mechanism giving it global policy autonomy denied other states. Given a current account deficit financed by savings of others in the world, US government spending on global militarization and other priorities can expand without “crowding out” private sector borrowing.

    The main source of economic reliability in America was transferred over time from gold to dollars, specifically to US treasury bills. This major shift allowed the Federal Reserve to print dollars practically without limit (as seen in recent years with interests rates for borrowing money from the FED at around 0%), well aware that the demand for dollars would never cease, this also keeping alive huge sectors of private and public enterprises (such as the coal industry, fracking industry, car manufacturing, food and farming industries, and most importantly the military industry which has always giving jobs to more than half of America's population). This set a course for a global economic system based on financial instruments like derivatives and other securities instead of real, tangible goods like gold. In doing this for its own benefit, the US has created the conditions for a new financial bubble that could even bring down the entire world economy when it bursts.

    To become great again, the US parlayed the world’s largest national debt, its trade deficit, budget deficit, capital account deficit and savings rate deficit, into a position in the global driver seat through the dollar remaining global hub currency.

    Naturally, the more the dollar was used in the world, the more America had the power to spend on the military. For the US, paying a bill of 6 trillion dollars (this is the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) has been effortless, and this constitutes an unparalleled advantage over countries like China and Russia whose military spending in comparison is a fifth and a tenth respectively.

    The United States found itself in the enviable position of being able to print pieces of paper (simply IOU’s) without any gold backing and then exchange them for real goods from other nations.

    This economic arrangement has allowed America to achieve an unparalleled strategic advantage over its geopolitical opponents (initially the USSR, now Russia and China), namely, a practically unlimited dollar spending capacity even as it accumulates an astronomical public debt (over 21 trillion dollars). The destabilizing factor for the global economy has been America's ability to accumulate enormous amounts of public debt without having to worry about the consequences or even of any possible mistrust international markets may have for the dollar. Countries simply needed dollars for trade and bought US treasures to diversify their financial assets.

    What would be the shape and fundamental goals of an expansive anti-capitalist movement against extinction and for environmental justice? It would have to commence with open recognition by the developed nations of the long history of ecocide. Such an admission would lead to a consequent recognition of the biodiversity debt owed by the wealthy nations of the global North to the South. Building on the demands articulated by the climate justice movement, the anti-capitalist conservation movement must demand the repayment of this biodiversity debt.

    This proposal is based on moving towards a situation in which all nations have the same level of emissions per person (convergence) while contracting them to a level that is sustainable (contraction). A country such as the United States, which has only 5% of the global population, would be allowed no more than 5% of globally sustainable emissions. Such a move would represent a dramatic anti-imperialist shift since the US is at present responsible for 25% of carbon emissions. The powerful individuals and corporations that control nations like the US are not likely to accept such revolutionary curtailments of the wasteful system that supports them without a struggle. Already there is abundant evidence that they would sooner destroy the planet than let even a modicum of their power slip.

    Massive fossil fuel corporations such as Exxon, for example, have funded climate change denialism for the past quarter century despite abundant evidence from their own scientists that burning fossil fuels was creating unsustainable environmental conditions. Such behavior should be seen frankly for what it is: a crime against humanity. We should not expect to negotiate with such destructive entities. Their assets should be seized. Most of these assets, in the form of fossil fuel reserves, cannot be used anyway if we are to avert environmental catastrophe. What remains of these assets should be used to fund a rapid, managed reduction in carbon emissions and a transition to renewable energy generation. These steps should be part of a broader program to transform the current, unsustainable capitalist system that dominates the world into steady state societies founded on principles of equality and environmental justice.

    A legally imposed contraction of the fossil energy supply and a rapid global conversion to renewable energy, is a necessary step toward saving our world, Earth. So what should Society do to avoid the worst impacts of climate change? Capitalism is based on ceaseless compound growth that is destroying ecosystems the world over, the goal in the rich nations of the global North must be to overturn our present expansionary system by fostering de-growth . Most importantly, nations that have benefited from burning fossil fuels must radically cut their carbon emissions in order to stem the lurch towards runaway climate chaos that endangers the vast majority of current terrestrial forms of life.

  • September 2018 Newsletter


    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2018

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2018 (September 1st, 2017 to August 31, 2018) are ready for reading. Please do verify that your articles, comments and papers were correctly published, and that recommendations were appropriate, useful, pertinent, and proper. Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for Global Dialogue 2018 were published in the Dialogue Overview section at Dialogue Overview.

    Proceedings of the Global Dialogue 2016

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2018.
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    August 2018
    ( see enlargement Proceedings of the Global Dialogue 2017)

  • August 2018 Newsletter


    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2018

    Theme of

    Global Dialogue 2019:

    (September 1st 2018 to August 31st 2019)


    Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.)

    Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.)
    ( see enlargement Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.))

    The animation for the theme.
    Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.) Canada, the overseer and custodian of the Earth's north polar region. (A proposal of Global Community.)

  • July 2018 Newsletter


    Global Trade and Resources Ministry (GTandRM) proposal over time since 1985.

    Paper for the theme.

    Back to July Newsletter.

    (Note: pictures and their enlargements are found in previous Newsletters Global Community Newsletter main website bb cc )

    Table of Contents of July 2018 Newsletter

    • June 2018 June 2018
    • May 2018 May 2018
    • April 2018 April 2018
    • March 2018 March 2018
    • March 2018 - Global Ministries. March 2018 - Global Ministries.
    • February 2018 February 2018
    • December 2017/January 2018 December 2017/January 2018
    • July 2014 July 2014
    • Dialogue 2013 Dialogue 2013
    • Dialogue 2010 Dialogue 2010
    • Dialogue 2009 Dialogue 2009
    • Dialogue 2008 Dialogue 2008
    • 2005 - 2007 2005 - 2007
    • 2006 2006
    • 2004 - 2007 2004 - 2007
    • 2004 2004

  • June 2018 Newsletter


    Global Government of North America (GGNA).

    Back to June 2018 Newsletter

    Global Government of North America (GGNA).

    Welcome to the Global Civilization of North America (GCNA).

    To all Global Citizens of the North American Community, let us build up our Global Civilization together. Get involve with issues. Promote a program or a project. Tell us what you think. Tell us what you want.

    (Note: pictures and their enlargements are found in previous Newsletters Global Community Newsletter main website bb cc )

    Table of Contents of June 2018 Newsletter

    Paper for the theme.

    • I) Global Civilization.
      • a) Introduction
      • b) Global Civilization offers a new global order with a vision of hope and love away from despair and social chaos.
      • c) What Global Civilization stands for?
      • d) Humanity's new vision of the world.
      • e) Global security.
      • f) Global rights.
      • g) Global justice.
      • h) Global law.
      • i) Global Protection Agency (GPA).
      • j) Protection of the global life support systems.
      • k) Planetary biodiversity zone.
      • l) World overpopulation and overconsumption.
      • m) Business ethics: corporate global citizens responsibility and accountability.
      • Global Ministries.
      • n) Short and long term solutions to saving the world, the Scale of Global Right and Global Parliament.
        1. Short term solution
        2. Long term solution
      • o) Conclusion

    • II) Global citizenship.
    • III) Global Governance.
    • IV) Management of Global Resources.
    • V) Global Ministries.
    • VI) Global economy and trade.
      1.0        A democratically planned global economy
      2.0        Profit-based conservation strategies for natural ecosystems
    • VII) Business and trade.
    • 3.0        New way of doing business
      4.0        Profit-based conservation practices
      5.0        Do not become a member of the WTO
      6.0        Global trading practices
      7.0        The policy of private-enterprise solutions to global warming
    • VIII) Societal sustainability.
    • 8.0        Food production for Global Community
      9.0        Sound solutions to help manage and sustain Earth
      10.0        A global sustainable development
      11.0        Portal of sustainable development
      12.0        A democratically planned global economy - Societal Sustainability
      13.0        Long term well-being as a solution to world sustainable development
      14.0        Sustainable Economic Development
    • IX) Global Government of North America (GGNA).
      • a) GGNA with its governing institutions and bodies. vv
      • b) Global Rights within the GGNA. vv
      • c) GGNA proposals. vv
      • d) Canada wants a veto power. vv
      • e) GGNA principles. vv
      • f) Global Constitution. vv
      • g) We can do better together united as a Global Government vv
      • h) Global Parliament. vv
      • i) Global Justice. vv
      • j) Canada requires to be the custodian leader of the Artic region. vv
    • X) Background research for this paper: historical facts, principles, standards, articles, ways of doing things in the past, issues, etc.
    • Canada Northwest Passage geographical site    Canada Northwest Passage geographical site
      History of the Northwest Passage    History of the Northwest Passage
      Dispute over Hans Island     Dispute over Hans Island
      Canada - United States Northwest Passage water dispute    Canada - United States Northwest Passage water dispute
      Natural resources of the North    Natural resources of the North
      Environmental protection    Environmental protection
      North America security and strategic issues    North America security  and strategic issues
      Requirements of an international sea waterway    Requirements of an international sea  waterway
      Canadian sovereignty of the Northwest Passage and Nunavut    Canadian sovereignty of the Northwest Passage and Nunavut
      Management of the Northwest Passage    Management of the Northwest Passage
      The Canadian Inuit community and Nunavut    The Canadian Inuit community and Nunavut
      Letter to all Canadians concerning the Northwest Passage and sovereignty of Nunavut    Letter to all Canadians concerning the Northwest Passage
      Letter to the Honourable Paul Okalik, Premier of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, concerning the Northwest Passage and sovereignty of Nunavut    Letter to the Honourable Paul Okalik, Premier of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, concerning the Northwest Passage and sovereignty of Nunavut
      Criteria for a global community to exist    Criteria for a global community to exist
      The Earth, and all its natural resources, are owned by Global Community, along with all the "global communities" contained therein     The Earth,  and all its natural resources, are owned by the Global Community, along with  all the
      Global Community of North America (GCNA)     Global Community of North America (GCNA)
      The building of Global Communities for all life    The building of Global Communities for all life
      To create a biodiversity zone in the North by way of Earth rights and taxation of natural resources    To create a biodiversity zone in the North by way of Earth rights and taxation of natural resources
      GCNA Global Emergency, Rescue and Relief Centre (GERRC)    GCNA Global Emergency, Rescue and Relief Centre (GERRC)
      Global Protection Agency (GPA)     Global Protection Agency (GPA)
      Agency of Global Police (AGP)     Agency of Global Police (AGP)
      Becoming a global citizen     Becoming a global citizen
      Participate in group discussions on global issues related to Nunavut and the Northwest Passage    Participate in group discussions on global issues related to Nunavut and the Northwest Passage
      The Falklands War, also called the Falklands Conflict/Crisis, was fought in 1982 between Argentina and the United Kingdom over the disputed Falkland Islands    The Falklands War, also called the Falklands Conflict/Crisis, was fought in 1982 between Argentina and the United Kingdom over the disputed Falkland Islands
      Promoting the creation of new human settlements in Nunavut    Promoting the creation of new human settlements in Nunavut
      Russia claims North Pole by planting a flag on seabed August 2, 2007     Russia claims North Pole by planting flag on seabed August 2, 2007
      Website of Global Community of Nunavit    Website of the Global Community of Nunavit
      No one could own the Moon, planet Mars, or America just by going there and back     No one could own the Moon, planet  Mars, or  Americajust by going there and back
      No one could own Mount Everest in the Himalayas just by climbing to the top     No one could own Mount Everest in the Himalayas just by climbing to the top
      Kings and Princes of Saudi Arabia    Kings and Princes of Saudi Arabia
      Who owns the Earth? Movement for taxation of all Earth natural resources    Who owns the Earth? Movement for taxation of all Earth natural resources
      Global Protection Agency (GPA)    Global Protection Agency (GPA)
      To shut down the war industry    To shut down the war industry
      Israel is not a Global Community    Israel is not a Global Community
      Deep integration of Canada by the United States    Deep integration of Canada by the United States
      Maps    Maps
      Global Community perspective on the control of the Northwest Passage, Canada sovereignty of Nunavut and 'blood resources'.    Maps
      Politics and Justice without borders: Canada and the U.S.   Maps
  • May 2018 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global Civilization: short and long term solutions to saving the world.

    (Note: most pictures and their enlargements shown in the following eleven (11) animations are found in previous Newsletters Global Community Newsletter main website)

    Back to May 2018 Newsletter

    Table of Contents of May 2018 Newsletter

    • Part 1
      Values and solutions for survival as a species and taking with us all other life forms on our planet. Values and solutions for survival as a species and taking with us all other life forms on our planet.

      Animation Values and solutions for survival as a species and taking with us all other life forms on our planet.

    • Part 2
      Global Community condemns all types of warfares in the world today: military, economic and population. Global Community condemns all types of warfares in the world today: military, economic and population.

      Animation Global Community condemns all types of warfares in the world today: military, economic and population.

    • Part 3
      Global Dialogue made it possible to find:

      1. our most important global commons and deal positively with global issues that have highest priorities; and
      2. legitimate leadership so needed to solve global problems in the world. Global Dialogue made it possible.

      Animation Global Dialogue made it possible to save the world.

    • Part 4
      Politics and Justice without borders. Politics and Justice without borders.

      Animation Politics and Justice without borders.

    • Part 5
      Global Rights and Earth governance. Global Rights and Earth governance.

      Animation Global Rights and Earth governance.

    • Part 6
      Business, trade and global resources. Business, trade and global resources.

      Animation Business, trade and global resources.

    • Part 7
      Short and long term solutions to saving our species and all life forms on our planet. Short and long term solutions to saving our species and all life forms on our planet.

      Animation Short and long term solutions to saving our species and all life forms on our planet.

    • Part 8
      Short term solution: Scale of Global Rights. Short term solution: Scale of Global Rights.

      Animation Short term solution: Scale of Global Rights.

    • Part 9
      Short term solution: global ministries. Short term solution: global ministries.

      Animation Short term solution: global ministries.

    • Part 10
      Long term solution: Global Parliament and global governments. Long term solution: Global Parliament and global governments.

      Animation Long term solution: Global Parliament and global governments.

    • Part 11
      Global Protection Agency (GPA). Global Protection Agency (GPA).

      Animation Global Protection Agency (GPA)

  • April 2018 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Business, trade and global resources: Part II (Animation).

    (visit the main page for Part II which includes animations, 44 images and enlargements, and text Business, trade and global resources: Part II (Animation).)

    Back to April 2018 Newsletter

    Table of Contents of April 2018 Newsletter

    1. Business, trade and global resources (Part I: Paper) Business, trade and global resources (Paper)
    Related papers
    • Global Civilization Global Civilization
    • Earth Governance Earth Governance
    • Earth Management Earth Management
    • Global Ministries Global Ministries
    • Global Consumption Global Consumption
    2. Business, trade and global resources (Part II: animations for the Paper) Business, trade and global resources: Part II (Animation).
    • animation 1 for the PaperBusiness, trade and global resources (animation for the Paper)
    • animation 2 for the PaperBusiness, trade and global resources (animation for the Paper)
      Related animations for the theme.

    • Business, trade and global resourcesBusiness, trade and global resources (animation for the Paper)
    • Management of mining resources.Management of mining resources.
    • Management of food reources. Management of food reources.
    • Global Peace Village-the way forward.Global Peace Village-the way forward.
    • Global governance and Earth management; free trade; global ministries; global law, justice; Global Parliament.Global governance and Earth management; free trade; global ministries; global law, justice; Global Parliament.
    • Complete definition and description of the Scale of Global Rights.Complete definition and description of the Scale of Global Rights.
    • Scale of Global Rights - title.Scale of Global Rights - title.
    • This video is a tribute to cosmologist Stephen Hawking.Global Civilization issues today.
    • Pictures of the main anaimation.Pictures of the main anaimation.
    • Pictures of the main anaimation.Pictures of the main anaimation.
    • Global Dialogue 2018 theme: Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.Global Dialogue 2018 theme: Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.
    • 01picturesmovingedited3.mp4Business, trade and global resources (animation for the Paper)
    • 02picturesPoliticsJustice.mp4Business, trade and global resources (animation for the Paper)
    • 03picturesGlobalMinistries.mp4Business, trade and global resources (animation for the Paper)
    • 04picturesSolutions.mp4Business, trade and global resources (animation for the Paper)
    • 05pictureslonftermsolution.mp4Business, trade and global resources (animation for the Paper)

    3. China today.China today.
    4. Images and text in the animations.
    See all the images with their enlargements and text: Business, trade and global resources: Part II (Animation).
  • March 2018 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Business, trade and global resources.

    Back to March 2018 Newsletter

    Table of Contents of March 2018 Newsletter

    1. Business, trade and global resources (Part I: Paper) Business, trade and global resources (Paper)

    2. Business, trade and global resources (Part II: Animation for the Paper, to be published in April)

    3. Related papers
    • Global Civilization Global Civilization
    • Earth Governance Earth Governance
    • Earth Management Earth Management
    • Global Ministries Global Ministries
    • Global Consumption Global Consumption
    4. Images in the animation
  • February 2018 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global warming and international trade agreements.

    Table of Contents of February 2018 Newsletter

    • Global warming, business and international trade agreements. Global warming, business, and international trade agreements.

    • Greenhouse Effect, global warming, climate change, global trade, and response of Global Civilization to manage their impacts worldwide.Greenhouse Effect, global warming, climate change, global trade, and response of Global Civilization to manage their impacts worldwide.

    • Global Civilization offers a new global order with a vision of hope and love away from despair and social chaos.Global Civilization offers a new global order with a vision of hope and love away from despair and social chaos.

    • Articles and papers from authors concerning Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) trade partnership. Articles and papers from authors concerning Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) trade partnership.

    • Overview of issues concerning the theme. Overview of issues concerning the theme.

    • Global Trade and Resources Ministry. Global Trade and Resources Ministry.

    • Global Trade and Resources Ministry (with 4 videos). Global Trade and Resources Ministry (with 4 videos). Global business and trade agreements and their impacts.

    • Animations and videos concerning the theme this month.
      • Part I: The greenhouse effect.
      • Part II: Global warming and its impacts.
        Animation for Part II: Global Warming

      • Part III: Climate change, business, trade and their impacts. Climate change, business, trade and their impacts.

        14 animations concerning climate change, global business and trade agreements, and their impacts.

        1. Devastating forest fires. Devastating forest fires.
        2. Volcanoes. Volcanoes.
        3. Plant and life cycles at risk. Plant and life cycles at risk.
        4. Plant and life cycles extinct. Plant and life cycles extinct.
        5. Coral reefs facing extinction. Coral reefs facing extinction.
        6. Polar bears facing extinction. Polar bears facing extinction.
        7. World's ecosystems reveal a widespread decline. World's ecosystems reveal a widespread decline.
        8. Carbon dioxide (CO2) moves from fossil fuels to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (CO2) moves from fossil fuels to the atmosphere.
        9. Rising sea level. Rising sea level.
        10. Climate change observations. Climate change observations.
        11. Container ships unsustainable state of affairs. Container ships unsustainable state of affairs.
        12. War industry, the worst ever polluter of greenhouse gases. War industry, the worst ever polluter of greenhouse gases.
        13. Global Ministries in government of all nations. Global Ministries in government of all nations.
        14. Ministry of Global Peace in government. Ministry of Global Peace in government.

      • Part IV: Paper and 4 videos concerning, global warming, global business and trade agreements, and their impacts. Global business and trade agreements and their impacts.Global Trade and Resources Ministry (with 4 videos).
        • Sharing the world's natural resources. Sharing the world's natural resources.
        • Today, all global trade practices are obsolete and primitive. Today, all global trade practices are obsolete and primitive.
        • Formation of the Global Trade and Resources Ministry. Formation of the Global Trade and Resources Ministry.
        • Global Ministries for the critical management of all essential global commons. Global Ministries for the critical management of all essential global commons.
      • Part V: Previous animations concerning this month theme.
      • Earth Management: mining Earth management.
      • Global Peace Earth. Global Peace Earth.
      • Pictures concerning the theme found in the animations and papers.

    Germain Dufour
    February 2018

  • January 2018 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global Trade and Resources Ministry.


    Table of Contents of December 2017/January 2018 Newsletter

    Love the world, save the world!
    Rise up global citizens! You are needed! Life needs you, now.

    Speech in the animations. Speech

    Animation work for this month theme. Share your vision of the Earth in year 2024.

    Related animation supporting the theme: Global Civilization symbiosis with SoulLife.Video supporting the theme of this month Newsletter.

    Related animation supporting the theme: Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.Video supporting the theme of this month Newsletter.

    Related animation supporting the theme: Long term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth.Video supporting the theme of this month Newsletter.

    Chapter 1. Global Ministries. Global Ministries.

    Chapter 2: Protection of the global life-support systems.Protection of the global life-support systems.

    Chapter 3: Global Civilization offers a new global order with a vision of hope and love away from despair and social chaos. Global Civilization offers a new global order with a vision of hope and love away from despair and social chaos.

    Chapter 4: Global Parliament values and vision.Global Parliament values and vision.

    Chapter 5: On the issues of land ownership and sovereignty within Global Civilization, and their applications in the Artic.On the issues of land ownership and sovereignty within Global Civilization, and their applications in the Artic.

    Chapter 6: Global Parliament Constitution.Global Parliament Constitution.

    Chapter 7: Articles and papers from authors concerning Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) trade partnership. Articles and papers from authors concerning Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) trade partnership.

  • November 2017 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global Civilization symbiosis with SoulLife.

    Table of Contents of November 2017 Newsletter

    Love the world, save the world!
    Rise up global citizens! You are needed! Life needs you, now.

    http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/Dialogue2018/ Newsletters/November2017/themevideo/soullifesymbiosis.mp4

  • October 2017 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Share your vision of the Earth in year 2024.


    Table of Contents of October 2017 Newsletter


    Chapter I: Vision of the Earth in year 2024. Vision of the Earth in year 2024.

    Chapter II: Earth governance and management in year 2024. Earth governance and management in 2024.

    Chapter III: Global Civilization citizenship. Global Civilization citizenship.

    Chapter IV: Send your Earth flag design proposal. Send your Earth flag design proposal.

    Chapter V: Send your original song with music and/or lyrics that would be the Earth anthem. Send your original song with music and/or lyrics that would be the Earth anthem.

  • September 2017 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2017

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2017 (September 1st, 2016 to August 31, 2017) are ready for reading. Please do verify that your articles, comments and papers were correctly published, and that recommendations were appropriate, useful, pertinent, and proper. Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for Global Dialogue 2017 were published in the Dialogue Overview section at Dialogue Overview.

    Proceedings of the Global Dialogue 2016

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2017.
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    August 2017
    ( see enlargement Proceedings of the Global Dialogue 2017)

  • August 2017 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.

    Vision of Earth in 2024

    Table of Contents of August 2017 Newsletter

    Global Dialogue 2018

    (September 1st 2017 to August 31st 2018)

    Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.

    Paper to August 2017 Newsletter Paper to August 2017 Newsletter

    The animations for the theme. The animation for the theme.
    Images showed in the animations. Images showed in the animations

    The animations for the theme.
    Introductory theme: Vision of Earth in 2024. gg

    Chapter #1 Finding Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024. gg

    Chapter #2 Global Civilization issues today. gg

    Chapter #3 Short term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth. gg

    Chapter #4 Long term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth. gg

    Go to the top of the page

    Images showed in the animations.
    Introductory theme: Vision of Earth in 2024.  Introductory theme: Vision of Earth in 2024.

    Chapter #1 Finding Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.  Chapter #1 Finding Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.

    Chapter #2 Global Civilization issues today. Chapter #2 Global Civilization issues today.

    Chapter #3 Short term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth.  Chapter #3 Short term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth.

    Chapter #4 Long term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth. Chapter #4 Long term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth.
  • July 2017 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global Civilization has found that people from Wall Street live a dream life. Article for the animation.

    The animation for the theme. The animation for the theme.
    Speeches in the animation. peeches in the animation.
    Images showed in the animation Images showed in the animation

    President Obama: concerning your speech in Montreal, June 6, as usual you were promoting the benefit of the free-market economy, democracy and capitalism systems we live in. And again, what you believe in and thinking are wrong. Listening to your speech, I also thought you knew you were wrong but still was repeating the old lines to your crowd. Those institutions we live in, business and governmental, have created wars, chaos, overconsumption, and are gradually crumbling, degrading, disintegrating, and eventually will be destroying the global life-support systems and eco-systems of our planet. We all know that. Obviously, our current way of life is unsustainable. Our ways of life gives rise to the high-energy/mass-consumption configuration of privileged societies. We need to recognize the failure of fundamental systems, and to abandon the notion that what there is to do is recalibrate the institutions that structure our lives today. And certainly, Wall Street being one of them, should be controlled to benefit society and its survival, and not for making priviledged people rich. To survive, we are the first species on Earth that will have to self-consciously impose limits on ourselves and activities. We need to realize that the way we thought things would work out truly is gone.

    Germain Dufour
    June 7, 2017

    Back to July Newsletter Back to July Newsletter

    Table of Contents of July 2017 Newsletter


    ( see enlargement Theme for July 2017 Newsletter.)
  • June 2017 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global Civilization vision to saving the world.

    Whole paper on this theme. Paper of Formation and evolution of Life in the Universe, a spiritual pathway to SoulLife.

    Germain Dufour
    May 11, 2017

    Table of Contents of June 2017 Newsletter.

    Theme and copyrights (4 MBs video)


    ( see enlargement Reporting Desk)

  • May 2017 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Formation and evolution of Life in the Universe, a spiritual pathway to SoulLife. (26 MBs video)

    Speech in the animation. Speech in the animation of Formation and evolution of Life in the Universe, a spiritual pathway to SoulLife.

    Whole paper on this theme. Paper of Formation and evolution of Life in the Universe, a spiritual pathway to SoulLife.

    Taki: producer and editor
    Yukie: speech, music and editor

    See Table of Contents of May 2017 Newsletter

  • April 2017 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global Civilization issues, values, solutions, and vision of the world for survival as a species.

    Taki: producer and editor
    Yukie: speech, music and editor


    Theme and copyrights (5 MBs video)


    Part 1 Global Civilization issues today:(34 MBs video)cc

    global warming, climate change, overpopulation, overconsumption, overfishing, starvation, deforestation, refugees crisis, wars and conflicts, global life-support systems put in danger, Earth ecosystem destruction, pollution beyond repairs.


    Theme and copyrights (4 MBs video)

    Part 2 Global Civilization values, solutions, and vision of the world for survival as a species: (26 MBs video) vv

    freedom, knowledge, peace, justice, empathy, love, hope, sustainable management of global resources.
  • March 2017 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global Civilization Politics and Justice Without Borders.

    Table of Contents of March 2017 Newsletter

    New animation promoting Global Community Politics and Justice Without Borders.
    Politics and Justice Without Borders

    Image frames found in the animation.Image frames of found in the animation.

  • February 2017 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global Parliament values and vision.

    Taki: producer and editor
    Yukie: editor, speeches and music

    January 2017

    Back to main Paper

    Table of Contents of February Newsletter

    • Front Page with an introductory animation and copyrights of Global Community.Copyrights  animation. Copyrights  animation of Global Community.Title and copyrights
    • Summary of paper with animations. Summary of paper with animations.
    • Complete paper with related frames or images. Complete paper with related frames or images.
      • Frames A1 to A5 text and images  in Frames A1 to A5.
        Animation with speech text and music from Summary Paper Animation A1toA5
        Key words: Global Community definition; Glass Bubble concept; Scale of Global Rights; ethics.

      • Frames A6 to A8 text and images  in Frames A6 to A8.
        Animation with speech text and music from Summary Paper Animation A6toA8A27A28
        Key words: Values that kept human beings alived from ancient time to today's Global Civilization; most important Global Commons; Commons Trust Fund; Earth rights; Global Ministries; global life-support systems; Scale of Global Rights.

      • Frames A9 and A10 text and images  in Frames A9 and A10.
        Animation with speech text and music from Summary Paper Animation A9A10A26
        Key words: Global Civilization definition; Global Law; Global Protection Agency (GPA); Vision concerning our species survival and including all other lifeforms on Earth; the rights of peoples to life, clean air, freshwater, security, and of a healthy environment.

      • Frames A11 and A12 text and images  in Frames A11 and A12.
        Animation with speech text and music from Summary Paper Animation A11A12
        Key words: Global Peace Movement, learning to empathise (kindness, compassion, understanding and respect) with people; religion, faith and ethics; responsibility of managing Earth and its resources; foreign investments and trade must protect and improve social and environmental rights, not just the economy; global sustainability; global resources protection; security cannot be achieved through the military; protection of the global life-support systems.

      • Frames A13 and A14 text and images  in Frames A13 and A14.
        Animation with speech text and music from Summary Paper Animation A13A14
        Key words: Ecosystems on the planet; ecodiversity and cultural diversity; Nature services to all life on Earth; habitats and ecosystem services; demands resulting from the socio-economic system of a particular country have to find their limits in the protection of the global ecosystem; all these crises are due to human activities, our ways of doing business and trade, and to our ways of consuming resources.

      • Frame A15 text and images  in Frame A15.
        Animation with speech text and music from Summary Paper Animation A15
        Key words: Global Parliament short and long terms solutions to saving all nations; Scale of Global Rights; Federation of Global Governments; Global Protection Agency (GPA); Global Rights year one; Global Movement to Help; Vision of Hope and Love away from despair and social chaos; Earth Environmental Governance; Primordial Human Rights.

      • Frames A16 to A20 text and images  in Frames A16 to A20.
        Animation with speech text and music from Summary Paper Animation A26
        Key words: Global Parliament Constitution; an union in the form of nine (9) or more Global Governments; Federation of Global Governments; Global Movement to Help offers Essential Services to serve the people of all nations, all life on Earth; Global Parliament shall be composed of four (4) bodies: the House of Elected Representatives, Federation of Global Governments, House of Advisers, the Executive Council; Global Parliament Constitution.

      • Frame A21 text and images  in Frame A21.
        Animation with speech text and music from Summary Paper Animation A21A25A29
        Key words: Global Government of North America (GGNA); Global Community ethics gives humanity the moral foundation for a better individual and community; replacing the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Global Rights; sovereignty and land ownership; land and natural resources of the planet are a common heritage and belong equally to everyone as a birthright; Criteria of Global Community Citizenship; Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act; a planetary biodiversity zone now under the protection of the Global Protection Agency (GPA); a planetary state of emergency; Global Government of North America (GGNA) to govern in accordance with the Global Constitution.

      • Frames A22 and A23 text and images  in Frames A22 and A23.
        Animation with speech text and music from Summary Paper Animation A16toA20A22A23A24
        Key words: Global Parliament Constitution; Global Parliament is founded on the indivisible universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity; it is based on the principles of democracy and the rule of law and by creating an era of freedom, security and justice; Earth management and good governance is now a priority and a duty of every responsible person on Earth; each Global Government is made more responsible and accountable to the people of member nations within the region where it operates; essential services to the people of each member nation are now the most important global rights on the Scale of Global Rights and are protected by the Global Protection Agency (GPA) of each member nation; participating member nations need to give their approval to the GPA; the GPA is a short term solution, an immediate and efficient response to help; there are also long term solutions; a Global Government is concerned not only with economics and trade, but also with the environment, health, agriculture, education, energy, food, social, cultural and many other essential aspects; each Global Government takes a larger share of responsibility of the specific region where it operates, and be more accountable to the people of that region.

      • Frames A24 and A25 text and images  in Frames A24 and A25.
        Key words: The Global Protection Agency (GPA) will train and lead a global force, bypassing traditional peacekeeping and military bodies such as the United Nations and NATO; the GPA will enforce the law; the establishment of the Global Protection Agency (GPA) to fight against the growing threat to the security of all Peoples, all life on our planet, and to fight against global crimes; broadening the traditional focus of the security of states to include both the security of people as well as that of the planet.

      • Frame A26 text and images  in Frame A26.
        Key words: Earth governance is about the rights of states to self-determination in the global context of Global Community rather than the traditional context of a world of separate states; Global Parliament ensures state governments that it will obey the principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs, it will also stand for the rights and interests of the people within individual states in which the security of people is extensively endangered. A global consensus to that effect will be agreed upon by all Member Nations.

      • Frames A27 and A28 text and images  in Frames A27 and A28.
        Key words: The formation of several global ministries for the proper governance of Earth; Humanity sees the need to manage the world affairs in several aspects of our lives; global ministries will be given power to rule themselves in harmony with each other; Global Ministry of World Population; Global Ministry of Essential Services; Ministry of Global Resources; Global Ministry of Water Resources Protection.

      • Frame A29 text and images  in Frame A29.
        Key words: We need leadership in the protection of all our natural resources, in peril because of what we do and what that does to our planet. We are facing a fresh water crisis. We are facing a food crisis. We are facing a crisis over deforestation. And we are facing crises in our oceans. While carbon emissions from fossil fuels pollute the air, land and our oceans, we are facing the climate change crisis. But all these crises are due to human activities, our ways of doing business and trade, and to our ways of consuming resources. Now is the time to press for leadership. When you do exploration work, develop, manufacture, produce, mine, farm or create a product, you become legally and morally responsible and accountable of your product from beginning to end (to the point where it actually becomes a waste; you are also responsible for the proper disposable of the waste). This product may be anything and everything from oil & gas, weapons, war products, construction products, transportation and communications products and equipment, to genetically engineered food products. All consumer products! All medical products! All pharmaceutical products!

      • Frames A30 to A32 text and images  in Frames A30 to A32.
        Key words: Social justice consists in sharing wealth with a view to greater equality and the equal recognition of each individual's merits. All persons within a given society deserve equal access to goods and services that fulfill basic human needs.The Global Community Global Justice Movement has many inter-related components: monetary, social, economic, environmental, democracy, and peace. Global Civilization represents all global citizens, all lifeforms, and stands for global justice. Political ethics deals not mainly with ideal justice, however, but with realizing moral values in democratic societies where citizens disagree about what ideal justice is.

      • Frame A33 text and images  in Frame A33.
        Key words: A very important legislation is the Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act which, after its approval by Global Parliament, will define rights, responsibility and accountability of all global citizens. Each and everyone of us will make decisions, deal with one another, and basically conduct our actions as per the Act. Global Law includes legislation covering all aspects of human activities. The GPA will enforce the law. And that is how we can stop the global warming of the planet and protect the global life-support systems, thus largely improving the quality of life of the next generations. As we enact global law, we will begin to take on a much deeper kind of global leadership, one that can catapult the whole planet forward into a future where a beneficial Global Parliament is able to cope with global problems.

      • Frame A34 text and images  in Frame A34.
        Key words: We are all responsible for the creation of global warming, and there are plenty of observable effects. Greenhouse gases are accumulating dangerously in the Earth's atmosphere as a result of human activities, and temperatures are rising globally due to these activities. Climate changes have to be manage without delays. Corporations are required to expand their responsibilities to include global rights, the environment, community and family aspects, safe working conditions, fair wages and sustainable consumption aspects. Despite humanity's success in feeding a growing world population, the natural resources on which life depends, such as fresh water, cropland, fisheries and forests, are increasingly depleted or strained. In this millennium, population growth continues, meaning that more people will be sharing such finite resources as fresh water and cropland. Global Community is declaring a moratorium on world population, the fertility rate and immigration applications all over the world, on all applications for immigration, until applicants from any religious or cultural background have satisfied completely Global Community standard for a population fertility rate of 1.3 children per family. The problem with world overpopulation is everybody’s problem. Until tangible progress is made no immigrants should be accepted. That is Global Law. Overpopulation is a form of population warfare. It is the use of a very high fertility rate to conquer a nation, and that could mean as many as or more than 2.1 children per family. It is a form of cultural and/or religious aggression and invasion by having a much too high number of new born babies. For instance, there has been a rapid increase in population among Muslims to the extent that in 20 years all of Europe and North America are expected to be mostly Islamic. The influx of Latino immigration into the western states of the USA will also have the effect of a population warfare. Now, obviously what immigration does is to infringe into the most important rights on the Scale of Global Rights: Sections 1, 2, and 3. It amounts at creating and stressing the world overpopulation problem which is way far more destructive than conducting military warfare. Global Community condemns all types of warfare we see in the world today: military, economic and population. Surely the rights to protect the existence of all life on our planet are more important than cultural and religious rights. Sections 1, 2 and 3 on the Scale of Global Rights are certainly more important than Section 6.

      • Frames A35 to A37 text and images  in Frames A35 to A37.
        Animation with speech text and music from Summary Paper Animation A30toA37
        Key words: Global political parties are certainly the next best thing to talk about after replacing the United Nations by Global Parliament. Actually why wait! We all know it is coming soon. We all know the UN is on its way out! This is the 21st century, and the old ways have to go for humanity survival, for all life on Earth survival. The world wants an organization dedicated to the welfare of all Peoples and to the protection of the Earth's environment and the global life support systems. The world wants an organization dedicated to the welfare of all Peoples and to the protection of the Earth's environment and the global life support systems. Such an organization must not be governed by powerful lobbying groups. We see entire nations making choices based on what is good for themselves, today self-interests, versus what is good for the next generations and all life on the planet. In other words, they make choices between international politics versus global politics. International politics are driven by national interests, self-interests, and powerful lobbying groups, while global politics are about the survival of all of us on the planet. Global politics is about doing what is right for humanity and all life on the planet. Global politics is about doing what is right for all of us now and in the future, and for all life on the planet.

  • January 2017 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global Parliament

    Table of Contents of January 2017 Newsletter

    • Copyrights.Copyrights  animation.
    • Global Parliament Constitution Table of Contents.Text and speeches.
    • Image frames of most recent updates of Global Parliament Constitution.Text and speeches.

  • December 2016 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    Global Civilization values, solutions, vision, for the survival of our species.

    Table of Contents of December Newsletter

    • Copyrights animation.Copyrights  animation.

    • Front Page with an introductory animation.Front Page with an introductory  animation.

    • The animations promoting the theme. The  animations.

    • Text and speeches in the animations.Text and speeches.

    • Images in the animations. Images in the eleven (11) animations.

  • November 2016 Newsletter

    Theme for this month

    The dream of a new Eden: Global Civilization.

    Table of Contents of November Newsletter

    • Paper on the theme.Paper on the theme.

    • Front Page and summary text with eleven (11) animations.Summary text and animations.

    • Images in the eleven (11) animations. Images in the eleven (11) animations.
  • October 2016 Newsletter

    The theme of October 2016 Newsletter is:

    Hillary Clinton, Democrat, an effective global leader as President of the United States of America. Hillary Clinton, Democrat, an effective global leader as President of the United States of America.

    Table of Contents of October Newsletter

    • Paper on the theme.Paper on the theme.

    • Front Page.Front Page.

    • Chapter I.  Hillary Clinton, Democrat, an effective global leader as President of the United States of America. Hillary Clinton, Democrat, an effective global leader as President of the United States of America.
      Animation of Chapter I Hillary Clinton, Democrat, an effective global leader as President of the United States of America.
      Hillary Clinton, the best leader to command the free world. Hillary Clinton, Democrat, an effective global leader as President of the United States of America.
      Text in the animation of Chapter I Text in the animation of Chapter I.
      Images in the animation of Chapter I Images in the animation of Chapter I.
    • Chapter II.  Donald Trump hopes to resolve local and global issues by playing a game of Dice with extreme solutions and no good outcomes for America. Donald Trump hopes to resolve local and global issues by playing a game of Dice with extreme solutions and  no good outcomes for America.
      Animation of Chapter II Donald Trump hopes to resolve local and global issues by playing a game of Dice with extreme solutions and  no good outcomes for America.
      Text in the animation of Chapter II Text in the animation of Chapter II.
      Images in the animation of Chapter II Images in the animation of Chapter II.

    ( see enlargement  Enlargement)
  • September 2016 Newsletter

    The theme of September 2016 Newsletter is:

    The most important principle governing Global Civilization for Peace in the world is the Scale of Global Rights. The most important principle governing Global Civilization for Peace in the world is the Scale of Global Rights.

    Table of Contents of September Newsletter

    • Chapter I.  To attain Peace in the world we need to take into account many aspects of life in society.To attain Peace in the world we need to take into account many aspects of life in society.
      Animation of Chapter I To attain Peace in the world we need to take into account many aspects of life in society.
      Text in the animation of Chapter I Text in the animation of Chapter I.
      Images in the animation of Chapter I Images in the animation of Chapter I.
    • Chapter II.  The most important principle governing Global Civilization is the Scale of Global Rights.The most important principle governing Global Civilization is the Scale of Global Rights.
      Animation of Chapter II The most important principle governing Global Civilization is the Scale of Global Rights.
      Text in the animation of Chapter II Text in the animation of Chapter II.
      Images in the animation of Chapter II Images in the animation of Chapter II.
    • Chapter III.  Global Civilization very first accomplishment: creating the Ministry of Peace in government. Global Civilization very first accomplishment: creating the Ministry of Peace in government.
      Animation of Chapter III Global Civilization very first accomplishment: creating the Ministry of Peace in government.
      Text in the animation of Chapter III Text in the animation of Chapter III.
      Images in the animation of Chapter III Images in the animation of Chapter III.
    • Chapter IV.  Register your Ministry of Global Peace in government with Global Civilization. Register your Ministry of Global Peace in government with Global Civilization.
      Animation of Chapter IV Register your Ministry of Global Peace.
      Text in the animation of Chapter IV Text in the animation of Chapter IV.
      Images in the animation of Chapter IV Images in the animation of Chapter IV.
  • August 2016 Newsletter

    The theme of August 2016 Newsletter is:

    The theme of August 2016 is about promoting Global Dialogue 2017 (September 1st 2016 to August 31st 2017), and the theme is therefore the same:

    Global Civilization, the 21st century Vision of Global Community Global Civilization, the 21st century Vision of Global Community.

          Table of Contents
    Whole paper concerning the theme. Global Civilization, the 21st century Vision of Global Community.
    Chapter I.   Front page promoting the 21st vision of Global Community. Chapter I: Front page promoting the 21st vision of Global Community.
    Animation Animation of Front page promoting the 21st vision of Global Community.
    Text in the animation of Chapter I Text in Animation of Front page promoting the 21st vision of Global Community.
    Images in the animation of Chapter I Images in Animation of Front page promoting the 21st vision of Global Community.
    Chapter II.   Global Community 21st century vision of Global Civilization. Chapter II: Global Community 21st century vision of Global Civilization.
    Animation Global Community 21st century vision of Global Civilization.
    Text in the animation of Chapter II Text in Global Community 21st century vision of Global Civilization.
    Images in the animation of Chapter II Images in Global Community 21st century vision of Global Civilization.
    Chapter III.   Global cooperation, issues, and dialogue. Chapter III: Global cooperation, issues, and dialogue.
    Animation Global cooperation, issues, and dialogue.
    Text in the animation of Chapter III Text in Global cooperation, issues, and dialogue.
    Images in the animation of Chapter III Images in Global cooperation, issues, and dialogue.
    Chapter IV.   Rights, Global Law, and Global Parliament. Chapter IV: Rights, Global Law, and Global Parliament.
    Animation Rights, Global Law, and Global Parliament.
    Text in the animation of Chapter IV Text in Rights, Global Law, and Global Parliament.
    Images in the animation of Chapter IV Images in Rights, Global Law, and Global Parliament.
    Chapter V.  Ethics, religions, faith, and peace. Chapter V: Ethics, religions, faith, and peace.
    Animation Ethics, religions, faith, and peace.
    Text in the animation of Chapter V Text in Ethics, religions, faith, and peace.
    Images in the animation of Chapter V Images in Ethics, religions, faith, and peace.

    Chapter I.   Front page promoting the 21st vision of Global Community. Chapter I: Front page promoting the 21st vision of Global Community.
    Animation of Front page promoting the 21st vision of Global Community.  Animation of Front page promoting the 21st vision of Global Community.

    Text in the animation of Chapter I
    In this millennium, the affairs of humanity appeared to be unfolding in more profound ways. We can no longer perceive ourselves as a People who could survive alone and a People who does not need anyone else. We belong and depend to a much larger group, that of Global Community, the human family. The 21st Century will see limitless links and interrelationships between the Global Community and the build up of Global Civilization. New standards, goals and objectives are being defined. Firm universal guidelines are essentials to keep the world healthy. Already we notice new ways of thinking being embraced, new behaviors and attitudes adopted. Global ethics are now required to do business and deal with one another to sustain Earth.

    Let our time this generation be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life. Let us build up Global Civilization.

  • July 2016 Newsletter

    The theme of July 2016 Newsletter is:

    Glass Bubble concept of a Global Community. Paper researched to define clearly with animations the Glass Bubble concept of a Global Community.

  • June 2016 Newsletter

    The theme of June 2016 Newsletter is:

    Animations for the theme World Overpopulation as introduced in May Newsletter Animations for the theme World Overpopulation as introduced in May Newsletter

    Front Page: animation Front Page animation
    Front Page chapter Front Page chapter

    Summary: animation Summary animation
    Summary chapter Summary chapter

    Resources affected by overpopulation: animation Resources affected by overpopulation animation
    Resources chapter Resources chapter

    Causes of overpopulation: animation Causes of overpopulation animation
    Causes of overpopulation chapter Causes of overpopulation chapter

    Effects of overpopulation: animation Effects of overpopulation animation
    Effects of overpopulation chapter Effects of overpopulation chapter

    Solutions to the problem of overpopulation: animation Solutions to the problem of overpopulation  animation
    Solutions to the problem of overpopulation chapter Solutions to the problem of overpopulation chapter

    Leadership needed to solve the problem of overpopulation: animation Leadership needed to solve the problem of overpopulation  animation
    Leadership needed to solve the problem of overpopulation chapter Leadership needed to solve the problem of overpopulation chapter

    Front Page

    Animated movie for the Front Page:

    mp4 (2 MB and 15 secs) video Global Community Front Page of global problem overpopulation.

    Front page for animations.
    ( see enlargement  Enlargement )

    Table of Contents of animations
    ( see enlargement  Enlargement )

  • May 2016 Newsletter

    The theme of May 2016 Newsletter is:
    Global Community Ministry of World Population.

    Global Community Ministry of World Population. Global Community Ministry of World Population.
    Global Community paper on world population. Global Community paper on world population.

    Global Community Ministry of World Population.
    ( see enlargement Our world is overpopulated and polluted beyond repairs. )

    Global Community Ministry of World Population

    Germain Dufour
    Germain Dufour
    Spiritual Leader and Founder of Global Community
    April 2016

    Table of Contents

    • Summary Summary
    • Global resources affected by overpopulation Global resources affected by overpopulation
    • Causes of overpopulation Causes of overpopulation
    • Effects of overpopulation  Effects of overpopulation
    • Solutions to the global problem of overpopulation Solutions to the global problem of overpopulation
    • Leadership needed to solve the global problem of overpopulation Leadership needed to solve the global problem of overpopulation
  • April 2016 Newsletter

    The theme of April 2016 Newsletter is:

    Global Community days of celebration in May

    Global Community days of celebration or remembering in May of every year.

    Animated movie for the theme: mp4 (19.2 MB) video Global Community days of celebration or remembering in May  every year.


    Taki: producer and editor
    Yukie: speech, editor and music

    • Ministry of Global Peace. Ministry of Global Peace
    • Tribute to Eileen Moore. Eileen Moore, a global citizen who has done so much for Global Community and, was born on May 26 and passed away on March 11.
    • Stop the madness of tar sands oil pipeline construction. Stop the madness of tar sands oil pipeline construction.
    • The Earth's forests provide goods and services essential to human and planetary well-being. The Earth's forests provide goods and services essential to human and planetary well-being.
    • Planetary State of Emergency Day: May 26.Planetary state of emergency.
    • Creation of a biodiversity zone protection all around the planet. Creation of a biodiversity zone protection all around the planet.
    • Global Disarmament Day: May 26. There are several reasons for objecting to war: religious, moral and political.
    • Global Movement to Help Day: May 26. Global Movement to Help main listing.
    • Celebration of Life Day: May 26. Celebration of Life Day.
    • Welcome to your Global Community. Welcome to your Global Community.
    • Global Peace Movement Day: May 26. Peace Movement.

  • In this Newsletter, Global Community days of celebration or remembering in May of every year are promoted to allow members and the public at large to celebrate those special days in their own community.

    Building global communities require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are several major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, human activities accelerating dangerously the amount of greenhouse gases in the air, as population increases the respect and value of a human life is in decline, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution reaching unhealthy peaks in the air, water and soils, deforestation, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities for all life on the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of the above problems.

    There are trillions of galaxies in the Universe, each one may have more than one trillion stars like our Sun, and each star may have planets such as our Solar System. And Life is everywhere in the Universe, and I am SoulLife God. Life is my domain.

    It is imperative that Global Community protects Life in all its forms. Global Community has been promoting special days to celebrate in the month of May. They are special days geared toward the protection of Life on our planet. I ask everyone to celebrate those special days.
  • February 2016 Newsletter

    The theme of February 2016 Newsletter is:

    Timeless Global Community values.

    Taki: producer and editor
    Yukie: speech and music

    Video of this theme:

    mp4 (24.4 MB) video Timeless Global Community values.

    Speech in the video:

    "This movie was titled "Timeless Global Community values" because Global Community is always helping the formation of life in all places and times throughout the universe. Then life is let to evolve. Evolution and adaptation are the main driving forces of life. Advantages that explain the evolutionary success of humans include a large brain which enable high levels of abstract reasoning, language, arts, problem solving, sociality, and culture through social learning.

    Global Community values did not all exist at first in the first stage of human evolution. But most of them gradually developed over time. Humans have survived over time because of those well developed human values.

    Humans started to separate from the rest of the great apes 7 million years ago. The first modern form of humans, the Homo sapiens, evolved 200,000 years ago. Cave and rock paintings began to emerge on multiple continents about 30,000 years ago.

    Over time, humans have established various forms of government, religion, and culture around the world, thus unifying people within a region and leading to the development of states and empires. "

    Morality and timeless Global Community values. 
    Morality and timeless Global Community values.  (enlargement Morality and timeless Global Community values.
    From ancient  to modern humans. 
    From ancient to modern humans.  (enlargement From ancient  to modern humans.

    Timeless Global Community values. 

    Timeless Global Community values.  (enlargement Timeless Global Community values.

    List of values humans have developed over time to survive as a species. 

    List of values humans have developed over time to survive as a species.  (enlargement List of values humans have developed over time to survive as a species. )
  • December 2015 Newsletter

    The theme of December 2015 Newsletter is:

    Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet.

    Germain Dufour

    Complete Paper found at
    Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet.

    (enlargement 23 MBs Global Action frame)

    Table of Contents

    • The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition 2015. The 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition 2015.
    • Kathleen Smith: human and planetary well-being. Kathleen Smith human and planetary well-being.
    • Marielle Dufour: Mouvement d’accueil des Élohim .Marielle Dufour: Mouvement d'accueil des Elohim.
    • Global Community needs a Commons Trust Fund to manage the Commons with the highest priorities. Global Community needs a Commons Trust Fund to manage the Commons with the highest priorities.
    • On the issues of land ownership and sovereignty within Global Community, and their applications in the Artic. On the issues of land ownership and sovereignty within Global Community,  and their applications in the Artic.
    • The theme of Global Dialogue 2016 is about Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet. The theme of Global Dialogue 2016 is about Global Community establishing a global action plan for the survival of life on our planet.
    • Global Community choices to save the world. Global Community choices to save the world.
    • Global Protection Agency (GPA).Global Protection Agency (GPA).
    • Global Community Ethics. Global Community Ethics.
    • Global Ministry of Essential Services.Global Ministry of Essential Services.
    • Ministry of Global Resources.Ministry of Global Resources.
    • Global Rights, leadership and the decision making process.Global Rights, leadership and the decision making process.
    • Earth Management. Earth Management
    • Earth governance and management. Earth governance and management
    • Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for. Politics and Justice without borders:  what we stand for.
    • Politics and Justice without borders: Earth governance. Politics and Justice without borders:  Earth governance
    • Today, Global Community is Noah's Ark. Today, Global Community is Noah s Ark.
    • The global crisis that triggered the planetary state of emergency. The global crisis that triggered the planetary state of emergency.
    • Planetary biodiversity zone ( Part III ). Planetary  biodiversity  zone  ( Part  III ).
    • Scale of Global Rights. Scale of Global Rights.
    • Global Law. Global Law.
    • Global Justice for all life.Global Justice for all life.
    • Peace in the world with Global Community. Peace in the world with Global Community.
    • Ministry of Global Peace in government. Ministry of Global Peace  in government.
    • Global Peace Earth. Global Peace Earth.
    • Global Community perspective on the proposed Canada-EU trade deal. Global Community perspective on the proposed Canada-EU trade deal.
    • Dirty tar sands oil bi-products of Alberta, Canada, used for global pollution and mass destruction. Dirty tar sands oil bi-products of Alberta, Canada, used for global pollution and mass destruction.
    • Stop the madness of tar sands oil pipeline construction. Stop the madness of tar sands oil pipeline construction.
    • Canadian tar sands oil a living insanity. Earth Court of Justice
  • November 2015 Newsletter

    The theme of November 2015 Newsletter is:

    Global Community needs a Commons Trust Fund to manage the Commons with the highest priorities.

    Germain Dufour

    Complete Paper found at

    Video of this theme:

    mp4 (9 MB) file Global Community needs a Commons Trust Fund to manage the Commons with the highest priorities.
    QuickTime mov (41 MB) file Global Community needs a Commons Trust Fund to manage the Commons with the highest priorities.

    Global Community needs a Commons Trust Fund to manage the Commons with the highest priorities.

    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    October 2015
    ( see enlargement Global Community needs a Commons Trust Fund to manage the Commons with the highest priorities.)

  • October 2015 Newsletter

    The theme of October 2015 Newsletter is:

    Theme for this month

    On the issues of land ownership and sovereignty within Global Community, and their applications in the Artic.

    Table of Contents

    • Introduction Introduction
    • Ecology Ecology
    • Sovereignty and land ownership Sovereignty and land ownership
    • Earth governance and management Earth governance and management
    • Ethics Ethics
    • The Commons The Commons
    • History of the Artic History of the Artic
    • Canada custodianship to the world Canada custodianship to the world
    • The Artic Council: Canada, Denmark, Findland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, United States The Artic Council: Canada, Denmark, Findland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, United States
    • Economics to protect natural resources Economics to protect natural resources
    • Global Protection Agency (GPA) and security Global Protection Agency (GPA) and security
    • Earth Court of Justice Earth Court of Justice
    • Conclusion Conclusion

    Background research for this paper: historical facts, principles, standards, articles, new ways of doing things, issues, new world vision, etc.

    Land ownership within Global Community
    • Who owns the Earth? Land ownership within Global Community
    • What is Global Community? What is Global Community?
    • Glass Bubble concept of a Global Community. Glass Bubble concept of a Global Community.
    • Criteria for a global community to exist. Criteria for a global community to exist.
    • The Commons. The Commons.
    • The Scale of Global Rights prioritizes the Commons to save all life on Earth. The Scale of Global Rights prioritizes the Commons to save all life on Earth.
    • The global life-support systems are the Commons with the highest priorities.The global life-support systems are the Commons with the highest priorities
    • Sections 1, 2 and 3 on the Scale of Global Rights defines the Commons with the highest priorities.Sections 1, 2 and 3 on the Scale of Global Rights defines the Commons with the highest priorities.
    • Earth governance. Earth governance.
    • Global Ministries. Global Ministries.
    • Becoming a global citizen. Becoming a global citizen.
    • Building communities for all life on Earth. Building communities for all life on Earth.
    • Criteria for land sovereignty within Global Community. Criteria for land sovereignty within Global Community.
    • Creation of a new nation through the process of the Earth Court of Justice. Creation of a new nation through the process of the Earth Court of Justice.
    • On the decision making process and leadership in the world. On the decision making process and leadership in the world.
    • Leadership concerning the Syrian refugee crisis. Leadership

    On the ownership of the Artic region, and its protection.     On the ownership of the Artic region, and its protection.
    Natural resources of the Artic region.     Natural resources of the Artic region.
    Canada Northwest Passage geographical site    Canada Northwest Passage geographical site
    History of the Northwest Passage    History of the Northwest Passage
    Dispute over Hans Island     Dispute over Hans Island
    Canada - United States Northwest Passage water dispute    Canada - United States Northwest Passage water dispute
    Canada sovereignty of the Northwest Passage.    Canada sovereignty of the Northwest Passage.
    Russia sovereignty of the Artic region.    Russia sovereignty of the Artic region.
    Enironmental protection of the Artic region.    Enironmental protection of the Artic region.
    Ocean ethics.    Ocean ethics.
    North America security and strategic issues.    North America security and strategic issues.
    Requirements of an international sea waterway.    Requirements of an international sea waterway.
    Management of the Northwest Passage.    Management of the Northwest Passage.
    The Canadian Inuit Community and Nunavut.    The Canadian Inuit Community and Nunavut.
    The Falklands War, also called the Falklands Conflict/Crisis, was fought in 1982 between Argentina and the United Kingdom over the disputed Falkland Islands    The Falklands War, also called the Falklands Conflict/Crisis, was fought in 1982 between Argentina and the United Kingdom over the disputed Falkland Islands
    Promoting the creation of new human settlements in Nunavut    Promoting the creation of new human settlements in Nunavut
    Russia claims North Pole by planting a flag on seabed August 2, 2007     Russia claims North Pole by planting flag on seabed August 2, 2007
    Website of Global Community of Nunavit.    Website of Global Community  of Nunavit
    No one could own the Moon, planet Mars, or the Americas just by going there and back.     No one could own the Moon, planet  Mars, or  Americajust by going there and back
    No one could own Mount Everest in the Himalayas just by climbing to the top     No one could own Mount Everest in the Himalayas just by climbing to the top
    Letter to all Canadians concerning the Northwest Passage and sovereignty of Nunavut    Letter to all Canadians concerning the Northwest Passage
    Letter to the Honourable Paul Okalik, Premier of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, concerning the Northwest Passage and sovereignty of Nunavut    Letter to the Honourable Paul Okalik, Premier of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, concerning the Northwest Passage and sovereignty of Nunavut
    The Earth, and all its natural resources, are owned by Global Community, along with all the "global communities" contained therein     The Earth,  and all its natural resources, are owned by Global Community,  along with  all the
    Global Community of North America (GCNA)     Global Community of North America (GCNA)
    To create a biodiversity zone in the North by way of Earth rights and taxation of natural resources.    To create a biodiversity zone in the North by way of Earth rights and taxation of natural resources
    GCNA Global Emergency, Rescue and Relief Centre (GERRC)    GCNA Global Emergency, Rescue and Relief Centre (GERRC)
    Global Protection Agency (GPA).    Global Protection Agency (GPA)
    Agency of Global Police (AGP).     Agency of Global Police (AGP)
    Who owns the Earth? Movement for taxation of all Earth natural resources.    Who owns the Earth? Movement for taxation of all Earth natural resources
    Deep integration of Canada by the United States.    Deep integration of Canada by the United States
    Maps    Maps

  • August 2015 Newsletter

    The theme of August 2015 Newsletter is:

    Global Community choices to save the world.

    Global warming and cooking of the planet is not a choice we take at Global Community

    Global warming and cooking of the planet is not a choice we take at Global Community.
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    July 2015
    ( see enlargement Global warming and cooking of the planet is not a choice we take at Global Community.)

    The Scale of Global Rights shows us the pathway we must take now.

    The Scale of Global Rights shows us the pathway we must take now to save the world.
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    July 2015
    ( see enlargement The Scale of Global Rights shows us the pathway we must take now to save the world.)

    Global Community choices to save the world.

    mp4 (47 MB) The Scale of Global Rights shows us the pathway we must take now to save the world.
    mov (65 MB) The Scale of Global Rights shows us the pathway we must take now to save the world.

  • March 2015 Newsletter

    The theme of March 2015 Newsletter is:

    Global Protection Agency (GPA)

    Table of Contents

    I.   Introduction Note
    II.   Protection of the global life-support systems Introduction
    III.   Planetary state of emergency Note
    IV.   Earth biodiversity zone Note
    V.   Moratorium on all development within the planetary biodiversity zone Note
    VI.   Preventive actions against polluters
    VII.   Global Protection Agency (GPA)
    VIII.   Conclusion Conclusion

    I. Introduction

    Our planet is populated with living beings consisting of millions of different life forms interacting with each other to survive, thus forming an intricate web of life in different ecosystems on the planet. The interaction and interdependence between life forms are the driving force that creates and maintains an ecological - environmental equilibrium that has sustained life on Earth for millions of years enabling it to evolve, flourish and diversify. Global Community values Earth’s diversity in all its forms, the non-human as well as the human.

    On Earth’s surface exists a diversity of arctic, temperate and tropical ecosystems with many different varieties of plants, animals, and human beings, all of which are dependent on soils, waters and local climates. Biodiversity, the diversity of organisms, depends on maintenance of ecodiversity, the diversity of ecosystems. Cultural diversity – which in effect is a form of biodiversity – is the historical result of humans fitting their activities, thoughts and language to specific geographic ecosystems. Therefore, whatever degrades and destroys ecosystems is both a biological and a cultural source.

    Today the ecological languages of aboriginal people, and the cultural diversity they represent, are as endangered as tropical forest species and for the same reasons: the world is being homogenized, ecosystems are being simplified, diversity is declining, variety is being lost.

    Along with the lost of life, there is also the urgent human need to survive, and for this reason Global Community has declared a planetary state of emergency which then brought up the need of the Global Community Movement to Help  Global Community  Peace Movement has declared a planetary state of emergency Planetary state of emergency nn

  • February 2015 Newsletter

    The theme of February 2015 Newsletter is:

    From Prophet Mohammad (GR)(GR), Je suis Charlie Hebdo, global security to the Scale of Global Rights

    Table of Contents

    I.   Note Note
    II.   Introduction Introduction
    III.   Who is Prophet Mohammad? (GR) (GR) Who is Prophet Mohammad? (GR) (GR)
    IV.   Security for all life on Earth Security for all life on Earth
    V.   Values foundation of the Scale of Global Rights Values foundation of the Scale of Global Rights
    VI.   The Scale is the primary guide for the decision-making process The Scale is the primary guide for the decision-making process.
    VII.   The Scale of Global Rights is a balancing process to sustain all life on the planet now and for future generations The Scale of Global Rights is a balancing process to sustain all life on the planet now and for future generations
    VIII.   Scale of Global Rights definition Scale of Global Rights definition
    IX.   Section 1 Section 1
    X.   Section 2 Section 2
    XI.   Section 6: Cultural and religious rights Section 6
    XII.   A new global order A new global order
    XIII.   Modern morality is a product of evolutionary forces Modern morality is a product of evolutionary forces
    XIV.   Human morality is a natural phenomenon Human morality is a natural phenomenon
    XV.   The greatest happiness of the greatest number is a measure of right and wrong The greatest happiness of the greatest number is a measure of right and wrong
    XVI.   Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights
    XVII.   Global Community Ethic for a business Global Community Ethic for a business
    XVIII.   Ethics evolved over the course of many generations Ethics evolved over the course of many generations
    XIX.   Political ethics are also concerned with moral problems Political ethics are also concerned with moral problems
    XX.   The media industry and global security The media industry and global security
    XXI.   Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights
    XXII.   The Golden Rule can only be integrated 'softly' within Global Community ethics The Golden Rule can only be integrated 'softly' within Global Community ethics
    XXIII.   Education Education
    XXIV.   Ecological Ecological
    XXV.   Planarchist Planarchist
    XXVI.   Terrarist Terrarist
    XXVII.   The social implications of Global Law The social implications of Global Law
    XXVIII.   Conclusion Conclusion


    (GR) means ('Peace be upon him and may God exalt his mention and protect him from imperfection’) and is a note of respect to be included everytime the name of the Prophet (GR) is being used. In this paper I only briefly discussed and made notes concerning Islam religions. But there are at least twelve other religions worlwide that could have been included here. Perhaps in an other paper! For now what I am asking here includes all religions, people of all faiths, and everyone else.

    Go to the top of the page


    Human rights represent an ideal and a supreme goal which can give meaning to life in society. Throughout the history of humanity, the rights of human beings have been defined and enshrined with reference to the values of the dignity of each individual and of freedom, equality and justice. These values are universal. Global Community has accepted and enshrined them into its own ways of behaving and dealing with all peoples. Cultures and societies differ so much that their expression takes varying forms, but diversity does not affect the foundation of inalienable values constituted by human and Earth rights. Each individual is recognized as a representative of humankind. Human dignity resides in each of us, and this dignity must be recognized and respected by all.

    How meaningful is the right to life or to participation in political life if poverty, gender inequality, destitution and epidemics prevent individuals from enjoying freedom of movement, freedom to vote, to marry and so on? The developing countries are having a harder time than others to achieve the exercise of global rights on a lasting basis, with the problems of economic globalization presenting new challenges. We must therefore beware of enforcing economic rights alone to the detriment of individual civil rights and the rights of all individuals to decide their own fate and the future of their country, their political rights. The universality of human rights recognizes the right of all individuals to participate in the cultural life of their community and of other country, to receive education and training, and to be informed.

    Global Community is aware that traditional customs and standards could burden the sustainability of all life on Earth. They could burden Earth society or any society forever, and holds individuals in a straitjacket. We cannot accept that. No one can! There are choices to be made and you must make them. Cultures can develop and can go on developing. Even religious beliefs may evolve. We are living now, and we are able to create these changes. We are at least as bright, most certainly brighter, than the people who were living thousand of years ago. 

    As far as the Global Community is concerned, cultural and religious differences cannot be a reason or an excuse or a pretext for not respecting human rights and, most importantly, ecological rights. Quite the contrary, all kinds of cultures may promote human rights and especially cultural rights. They are different in their achievements, but they are equal in dignity where they are expressions of  freedom. At any time or in any given place, men, women and children use their culture to invent new ways of making human rights a living reality. Diversity enriches us if it respects the dignity of each individual, and if it takes account of  human rights as a whole.

    On January 7, 2015, the question was what brought up so much hate in the world so that some people felt that there was no justice, and they had to do justice themselves. Horrible crimes were committed. Why have leaders of nations of the West got together in France to accuse and blame "terrorists" for the killing of 12 people in the HQ of Charlie Hebdo? What was the cause of the hate of the gunmen? What was the cause of the hate shown by politicians from the Western nations? Why have law legislators and politicians in the Western nations never done laws that could have prevented the massacre? Why any of them never had enough courage and do their jobs as leaders? Why have human rights activists never help promoting new laws, and never thought that there is such thing in society as a Scale of Global Rights that can differentiate between what is a truly important global right and what is a less important right.

    A global right is truly important when it affects significantly the survival of life on our planet. Certainly the security of all people on our planet is more important then the rights of five cartoonists from Charlie Hebdo (Charb, Cabu, Honore, Tignous, and Wolinski) making fun of the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR). It is important enough to discuss this issue because it affects the survival of life on our planet, and because so many politicians of the Western world met in France for the funeral of the 12 victims of the massacre to blame "terrorism", a completely off the board and abstract word that means something only to the proclamation of their own personal leadership. That leadership was wrong! Politicians got it wrong in purpose, and now they proclaim righteousness is on their side, and they must do more to subject everyone to more strict social rules and ways of doing things in our world. That is wrong as well! Politicians never learn unless someone put the writing right on their faces.

    The reality is that not only politicians are missing the point but they are missing the point in purpose. They dont want to admit that what the world needs and wants is Justice. Justice for the massacre! Justice for the victims of the victims: the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and all Islam followers. They demand Justice for insults made to their religious leader and Islam. Justice is what is needed here. Politicians have made clear to the world that there will be no Justice but more hate, less liberty, and more restrictions on innocent people, and more checking of personal and social activities. All the wrong actions telling the two billion people who believe in God and Islam that there will not be Justice for the insults made to the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and Islam.

    It is time now, today, to reflect on what really happened on January 7 in France. It is time to make sense of this global event which affected global security and, therefore, the survival of all life on our planet. Certainly Global Community Ethic is our best start for understanding the event that day and what to do about it. The Scale of Global Rights will guide us in this process of finding the truth and apply Justice. Let us see Global Community perspective and vision of the world. Let us have Justice!

    The following chapters were written to show a process pointing at the different aspects of the problem we are facing today. Truly all aspects are closely related and need to be understood.

  • January 2015 Newsletter

    The theme of January 2015 Newsletter is:

    Global Community 30th Anniversary (1985-2015) and achievements

    Table of Contents

    I.   Introduction Global Movement to Help
    II.  Global Community achievements
    • Global Dialogue Global Dialogue
    • Newsletters Newsletters
    • Global Parliament Global Parliament
    • Global Community days of celebration and remembering throughout the year Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year.
    • History of Global Parliament History of Global Parliament
    • Global Constitution Global Constitution
    • Global Rights Global Rights
    • Global Law Global Law
    • Global Justice Network Global Justice Network
    • The Judiciary The Judiciary
    • Global Ministries Global Ministries
    • Global Community ethics Global Community ethics
    • Corporate citizen global ethics Corporate citizen global ethics
    • Peace Movement worldwide Peace Movement Worldwide
    • What Global Community stands for What Global Community stands for
    • Global Community essential services Global Community essential services
    • Moratorium on world population Moratorium on world population
    • Worldwide disarmament and security Worldwide disarmament and security
    • Global Community is the new Faith, and the Religion of the 3rd millennium Global Community  is the new Faith,
 and the Religion of the 3 rd millennium
    • Global Protection Agency (GPA) Global Protection Agency (GPA)
    • Protection of the global life-support systems Protection of the global life-support systems
    • Earth biodiversity zone Earth biodiversity zone
    III.  References References

  • December 2014 Newsletter

    The theme of December 2014 Newsletter is:

    Corporate citizen global ethic

    Promo video of Corporate citizen global ethic.
    3gp (2 MB) Corporate citizen global ethic
    f4v (8 MB) Corporate citizen global ethic
    flv (6 MB) Corporate citizen global ethic
    Corporations are required to expand their responsibilities to include global rights, the environment, community and family aspects, safe working conditions, fair wages and sustainable consumption aspects.

    A corporation will now be required to operate its business as per the following global ehtic for a business:

    *    Be concerned with issues such as climate change, bio-diversity, pollution prevention and adopt high standards
    *     Minimize environmental degradation and health impacts
    *    Be responsible for the environmental impact of its products and services throughout their cycles
    *     Adopt a wide environmental code, and policies, health and safety practices and procedures aimed at reducing resource and energy use in each stage of a product or service life-cycle
    *     Set up appropriate management systems to implement policies
    *     Conduct annual checks and balances and provide reports to the community
    *     Respect the political jurisdiction of national communities
    *     Respect human rights, social and cultural rights
    *     Recognize its political and economic impact on local communities
    *     Contribute to the long-term social, cultural, environmental and economic sustainability of the local communities
    *     Respect the rights of indigenous peoples, their culture and land, and their religious and social customs; provide employment and training opportunities
    *     Ensure that each employee is treated with respect and dignity and is not subjected to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse
    *     Respect employees' right to freedom of association, labour organization, and free collective bargaining
    *     Provide equal pay for work of equal value to women and men
    *     Recognize the responsibilities of all workers to their families, and provide for maternity leave, and paternity leave
    *     Ensure that their be no barriers to the full participation of women within the company
    *     Participate in the creation of child care centres and centres for the elderly and persons with disabilities where appropriate
    *     Ensure no discrimination on grounds of race, ethnicity, or culture
    *     Ensure that persons with disabilities who apply for jobs with the company receive fair treatment and are considered solely on their ability to do the job; provide resources and facilities which enable them to achieve progression in employment in the company
    *     Provide training to all employees to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible manner
    *     Work with organizations concerned with children's rights, human rights and labour rights to ensure that young workers are not exploited
    *     Ensure that a mechanism is in place to address ethical issues of concern raised by employees
    *     Make sure that the company's policies balance the interests of managers, shareholders, employees, and other affected parties
    *     Adhere to international standards and protocols relevant to its products and services
    *     Adopt marketing practices which protect consumers and ensure the safety of all products
    *     Conduct or support research on the environmental impacts of raw materials, products, processes, emissions and wastes associates with the company and on the means of minimizing such adverse impacts
    *     Make a sustainable use of renewable natural resources such as water, soils and forests
    *     Conserve non-renewable natural resources through efficient use and careful planning
    *     Conserve energy and improve energy efficiency of internal operations and of the goods and services being sold

  • October 2014 Newsletter

    The theme of October 2014 Newsletter is:

    Today, Global Community is Noah's Ark

    Table of Contents

    Summary Population growth

    A) Seeing the world today, Global Community claims that each of us depends on the well-being of the whole, and so global citizens have respect for the community of living beings, people and other lifeforms, and plants, and for the preservation of Earth, air, water and soil.
    • Population growth. Population growth
    • Resources, the new geopolitical boundaries. Resources, the new geopolitical boundaries
    • Agriculture faces an increasing challenge in feeding the growing world population. Agriculture faces an increasing challenge in feeding the growing world population
    • Individuals can help bring about a world that is more secure and more supportive of life, health and happiness. Individuals can help bring about a world that is more secure and more supportive of life, health and happiness
    • The Earth's forests provide goods and services essential to human and planetary well-being. The Earth's forests provide goods and services essential to human and planetary well-being
    • Consumers in the developed nations should be concerned with the impact of their decisions on the global environment but also on the lives, global rights and well-being of people in other parts of the world. Consumers should be concerned with the impact of their decisions on  the environment but also on the lives,  global  rights and well-being of other people
    • Impact of consumption choices on human rights. Impact of consumption choices on human rights
    B) Humanity is the planet's keepers. Every global citizen is a Life's protector. Global Community concepts Global Community concepts, ethics Global Community Ethics
and approaches to humanity's survival are urgently needed today.
    • Trading partners to become legally and morally responsible and accountable for their products from beginning to the end. Trading partners to become legally and morally responsible and accountable for their products
    • The leadership of a community. The leadership of a community
    • The universality of human rights. The universality of human rights
    • Primordial human rights. Primordial human rights
    • Water is a fundamental human rights. Water is a fundamental human rights
    C) Global Community claims that all lifeforms are important and included as part of global ethics. It is not just about 'humanity survival' but about 'all lifeforms survival' we are fighting for. The lives of all lifeforms and plants on our planet deserve protection, preservation, and care. Global Community disapproves of the limitless exploitation of the natural foundations of life, the relentless destruction of the biosphere, and the militarization of the space within and above the Earth's atmosphere. Global citizens must live in harmony with nature on and above the Earth's surface.
    • Rights and welfare of all life forms on Earth. Rights and welfare of all life forms on Earth
    • Earth Rights. Earth Rights
    • A sustainable Global Community. A sustainable Global Community
    • A moral obligation to protect and conserve the biodiversity of life on Earth. A moral obligation to protect and conserve the biodiversity of life on Earth
    • Fisheries are a global common, a shared resource to be managed within a global sustainable use framework. Fisheries are a global common, a shared resource to be managed within a global sustainable use framework
    • A high level of ecological protection is essential to long term prosperity and well-being of people. A high level of ecological protection is essential to long term prosperity and well-being
    D) Symbiotical relationships are needed today for the long term future of humanity and for the protection of Life on Earth. In our global civilization, the fundamental criteria of a symbiotical relationship between individuals and their communities is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all Life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy. We have defined that any symbiotical relationship is for the good of all, for the good of the 'other'. It is based on a genuine group concern and unconditional support for the individual's well-being ~ a giant leap in human behaviour. The question is how can we improve the political symbiotical relationship to fulfill the fundamental criteria? Global Community promotes values and principles to achieve the fundamental criteria and that requires the promoting and establishment of: global community ethics, mutual respect, respect for Life , basic liberties, justice and equity, caring for the 'other', integrity, responsibility and accountability.
    • Deforestation removes a large sink of CO2 and adds a large source of CO2 to the atmosphere. Deforestation removes a large sink  of CO<sub>2</sub> and adds a large source of CO<sub>2</sub> to the atmosphere
    • Everyone can propose sound solutions for proper Earth management. Everyone can propose sound solutions for proper Earth management
    • The need to manage Earth resources, world affairs, and essential services with global ministries. The need to manage Earth resources, world affairs, and essential services with global ministries
    E) Economic and political power must be used as a service to humanity instead of misusing it in ruthless battles for domination. Global Community faith Global Community is the new Faith, and the Religion of the 3 rd millennium can help to develop a spirit of compassion with those who suffer, with special care for the children, the aged, the poor, the disabled, and the refugees.
    • A democracy for the Peoples. A democracy for the Peoples
    • Planetary trading blocks should be serving Global Community and not the other way around, people around the world serving the very few rich individuals. Planetary trading blocks should be serving  Global Community and not the other way around, the people around the world serving the very few rich individuals
    • Global competition over natural resources. Global competition over natural resources
    F) "We the Peoples", the Global Community, will protect life on Earth at all costs. We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and grow strong caring communities in which we get more of our human satisfaction from caring relationships and less from material goods. We need to reclaim the ideal of being a democratic middle-class people without extremes of wealth and poverty. We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives. This means letting go a sense of ourselves as consumption machines.
    • We are the keepers of the Earth. We are the keepers of the Earth
    • Global security policies. Global security policies
    • Greatest threat to security worldwide. Greatest threat to security worldwide
    • To develop and protect Earth natural resources for the maximum benefit of all people and other life forms on our planet. To develop and protect Earth natural resources for the maximum benefit of people and other life forms
    • Producers of the greenhouse gases are committing a crime against humanity.  Producers of the greenhouse gases are committing a crime against humanity
    References  References
  • September 2014 Newsletter

    The theme of September 2014 Newsletter is:

    Global Community Ethics

    Table of Contents

    • Global Community proposal Global Community proposal
    • A new global order A new global order
    • Strong global leadership  Strong global leadership
    • An old preachers' story An old preachers story
    • Justice happens before you even committed a crime Justice happens before you even committed a crime
    • Guidelines, politics and ethics for human behaviors Guidelines, politics and ethics for human behaviors
    • Modern morality is a product of evolutionary forces Modern morality is a product of evolutionary forces
    • Symbiotical relationship between women and men Symbiotical relationship between women and men
    • Human morality is a natural phenomenon Human morality is a natural phenomenon
    • Symbiotical relationship in Nature Symbiotical relationship in Nature
    • The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship
    • Knowledge is an essential good Knowledge is an essential good
    • The greatest happiness of the greatest number is a measure of right and wrong  The greatest happiness of the greatest number is a measure of right and wrong
    • Ethics evolved over the course of many generations Ethics evolved over the course of many generations
    • Religion and ethics  Religion and ethics
    • All lifeforms are an important part of Global Community ethics All lifeforms are an important part of Global Community ethics
    • Reasoning generates important ethical conclusions Reasoning generates important ethical conclusions
    • Political ethics are also concerned with moral problems Political ethics are also concerned with moral problems
    • Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights
    • The Golden Rule can only be integrated 'softly' within Global Community ethics The Golden Rule can only be integrated 'softly' within Global Community ethics
    • Education Education
    • Ecological Ecological
    • Making clear to all people what they can no longer do and must do for survival Making clear to all people what they can no longer do and must do for survival
    • Planarchist Planarchist
    • Terrarist Terrarist
    • Ukraine hungry, poor and no ethics Ukraine hungry, poor and no ethics

  • July 2014 Newsletter

    The theme of July 2014 Newsletter is:

    Global Ministry of Essential Services

    Global Ministry of Essential Services

    ( see enlargement Global Ministry of Essential Services)

    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    July, 2014

    Germain Dufour

    ( see enlargement Global Ministry of Essential Services)

    Germain Dufour
    Spiritual Leader and Founder of Global Community
    July, 2014

    News Media Portal for Global Community

    Report and website Report of Global Ministry of Essential Services
    Germain Dufour
    July 4, 2014
    Promo video of Global Ministry of Essential Services.
    mp4 (55 MB) Global Ministry of Essential Services
    f4v (32 MB) Global Ministry of Essential Services
    flv (30 MB) Global Ministry of Essential Services
    swf (28 MB) Global Ministry of Essential Services
    html (28 MB) Global Ministry of Essential Services

    Read Report at this Global Ministry website Report of Global Ministry of Essential Services

    Table of Contents

    I.   Global Movement to Help images/Global Movement to Help
    II.   Global Ministries:

    • Global Ministry of Essential Services Global Ministry of Essential Services
    • Ministry of Global Resources  Ministry of Global Resources
    • Ministry of Global Peace in government Ministry of Global Peace
    • Earth Environmental Governance Earth Environmental Governance
    • Earth Ministry of Health Earth Ministry of Health
    • Global Ministry of Forests Global Ministry of Forests
    • Global Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production and Distribution  Global Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production and Distribution
    • Global Civilization Ministry of Peace and Disarmament  Global Civilization Ministry  of Peace and Disarmament
    • Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs: Global Government of Africa  Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs: Global Government of Africa
    • Global Ministry of Water Resources Protection  Global Ministry of Water Resources Protection
    • Global Environment Ministry  Ministry of Global Environment

    III.   Building a Global Civilization for all life. Building a Global Civilization for all life.
    IV.   Making clear to all people what they can no longer do, and what they must do for survival. Making clear to all people what they can no longer do, and what they must do for survival
    V.   As part of Global Protection Agency (GPA): establishing in each nation an "Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre". As part of the GPA: establishing in each nation an Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre.
    VI.   Establishing a global action plan for survival. Such worldwide action plan be promoted widely during the Global Exhibition. Establishing a global action plan for survival. Such worldwide action plan be promoted widely during the Global Exhibition
    VII.   Education for Global Survival Education for Global Survival
    VIII.  Applying the proper taxation system to establish confidence and trust in the global action plan for survival Applying the proper taxation system	to establish confidence and trust in the global action plan for survival
    IX.   Making available to all nations an efficient global warning system to warn people of imminent danger due to natural or humanmade disasters. Making available to all nations a global warning system to warn people of imminent danger due to natural or humanmade disasters.
    X.   Analyzing and publishing local and global impacts of all significant events that affect the survival of life on the planet. Analyzing and publishing local and global impacts of all significant events that affect the survival of all life on the planet.
    XI.   Family is important. Family with too many children is a problem. Family is important. Family with too many children is a problem.
    XII.   Preventing actions to alliviate the effects of global warming and climate change. Preventing actions to alliviate the effects of global warming and climate change.
    XIII.   Making public worlwide a daily list of all people responsible of causing significant deterioration of the global life-support systems. Making public worlwide a daily list of all people responsible of causing significanr deterioration of the global life-support systems
    XIV.   Conducting research and development of new ways of saving us all from conflicts, wars, destructive paths or ways of doing things.  Conducting research and development of new ways of saving us all from conflicts, wars, destructive paths or ways of doing things
    XV.   Measuring, assessing and publishing daily actions and changes in the world which significantly affect survival  Measuring, assessing and publishing daily actions and changes in the world which significantly affect survival
    XVI.   Moratorium on world population and the fertility rate, and ending population warfare. Moratorium on world population and the fertility rate and ending population warfare
    XVII.   Ending economic warfare Ending economic warfare
    XVIII.   Creating a planetary biodiversity zone Creating a planetary biodiversity zone
    XIX.   Establishing a global dialogue between all Peoples. Establishing a global dialogue between all Peoples.
    XX.   Humanity new Vision of the World. Humanity new Vision of the World.
    XXI.   Global Parliament's Constitution. Global Parliament's Constitution.

    References References

  • April 2014 Newsletter

    The theme of April 2014 Newsletter is:

    Scale of Global Rights.

    Scale of Global Rights

    Current News

    Scale of Global Rights
    Artwork by
    Germain Dufour
    March 11, 2014

    mp4 (20 MB) Scale of Global Rights
    swf (no sound, 10 MB) Scale of Global Rights
    f4v (69 MB) Scale of Global Rights
    flv (12 MB) Scale of Global Rights

    Table of Contents.


  • February 2014 Newsletter

    The theme of February 2014 Newsletter is:

    Global Dialogue 2014.

    Global Dialogue 2014 theme is:

    Ministry of Global Resources Ministry of Global Resources main website

    Artboards, images and text in the Promo video are found at the following location:

    a) Text Text in the video

    b) Artboards and images  Images in the video


  • December 2013 Newsletter

    The theme of December 2014 Newsletter is:

    Global Community perspective on the proposed Canada-EU trade deal.


    image of the world

    image of dont do it Canada

    image of why not to do it

    image of the EU
    ( see enlargements )
    image of the world  image of the world
    image of Canada dont do it image of Canada dont do it
    image of why for no deal
    image of the EU

    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    December 2013
    a) swf file no sound
    b) swf file with sounds
    c) 3gp file no sound
    d) document file
    e) animated gift file, 75.9m MB
    f) pdf file
    g) mp4 file, 5.4 MB
    h) QuickTime 89.4 MB
    i) mp4 file, 3.8 MB

    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    December 2013

    This paper is found at the following location: Global Community perspective on the proposed Canada-European Union trade deal Included here are the Table of Contents and Summary of this paper "Global Community perspective on the proposed Canada-European Union trade deal".

    Table of contents of the Report

    a)   Summary Introduction
    b)    The EU today
    • EU governance  EU governance
    • EU Energy  EU Energy
    • EU 28 member States, and languages  EU 28 member States, and languages
    • Agriculture Agriculture
    • Environment  Environment

    c)   Why is the Canada-EU trade deal good for the EU member states?
    Why is the Canada-EU trade deal good for the EU member states?
    d)    Why is the Canada-EU trade deal not good for Canada?
    Why is the Canada-EU trade deal not good for Canada?
    •       Not good while competing in the EU Why is the Canada-EU trade deal not good for Canada?
    •       Not good while competing in Canada Why is the Canada-EU trade deal not good for Canada?

    e)    Conclusion and recommendations Conclusion and recommendations

    f)   Global Community work done on this theme

    • The Global Community perspective on the control of the Northwest Passage, Canada sovereignty of Nunavut and 'blood resources'. An investigative report
    • Canadian society: a vibrant, modern, symbiosis global society.
    • The GGNA is for all Citizens of the North American Community and others.
    • Welcome to the Portal of the Global Community of North America (GCNA).
    • Politics and Justice without borders: the Global Constitution
    • A new world to build, a future to share and protect together: the Global Government of North America (GGNA).
    • GGNA vs NAFTA and the FTAA: the Canadian view point
    • Corporate accountability
    • Corporate social responsibility
    • Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC) to show the world your ways of doing business are best for the Global Community
    • Global economy and trade
    • Management of world financial institutions
    • Cities: power, rights and responsibilities
    • Projects and programs
    • New way of doing business
    • Business responsibility for sustainable development
    • A global regulatory framework
    • Code of conduct for corporations
    • Preventive actions against polluters
    • Protection of the global life-support systems
    • Drinking water, clean air and food for all
    • Water and nations
    • Community Rights
    • Earth Rights
    • Primordial Human Rights
    • Actions for the good of all as per the Statement of rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of the Global Community citizens.
    • Global governance and Earth management
    • Our overpopulated planet
    • Building Global Communities for all life
    • Earth governance and management
    • Global Community Overall Picture
    • Global security policies
    • Climate change adaptation
    • Greenhouse gas emissions
    • Forest industry and paper manufacturing
    • Clean air and nations
    • Alternative energy
    • Earth Environmental Governance
    • Ministry of Global Resources
    • Global Community of North America (GCNA) Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre
    • What we can no longer do
    • Authors of research papers and articles on issues of overpopulation worldwide
    • Authors of research papers and articles on issues of Earth management: energy and protection of the global life-support systems
    • Global Essential Services Main Index
    • Old research papers on the definition of " a Global Community", "the Global Community"
    • Authors of research papers and articles on issues of Global Peace
    • Building a Global Civilization for all life
    • The Canadian experience is the pathway to Peace in the world
    • Global Constitution short version
    • Global Parliament: what we stand for
    • Justice for all with Global Law

    g)    Maps of Canada

  • October 2013 Newsletter

    The theme of October 2013 Newsletter is:

    Proceedings of Ministry of Global Peace in government now for reading.

    Website of the Ministry of Global Peace in government
    ( see enlargement  Enlargement 3000x3000 px)
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    August 2013

    Global Dialogue 2014 is also available and you can participate now.

    Global Dialogue 2014 theme is:
    Ministry of Global Resources Ministry of Global Resources main website

    Artwork by software developer Germain Dufour
    August 2013

    Proceedings of Ministry of Global Peace in government includes:

    a)     All abstracts, research papers, notes, art work, outlines, posters, articles, comments, letters, press releases, reports, newsletters, discussions, global dialogues, brain-storming exercises on issues, or just comments in email messages found in the 'Global Files' of Participants

    b)     Contributions made by researchers at the Global Dialogue from September 1st 2012 to August 31st 2013

    b)     Dialogue Overview

    Global Dialogue 2013 Proceedings also include the contents of all sections shown above plus the contents of the following sections:
    • Overview of all papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2012 by name and email, and with listing of relevant issues - workshop sessions.
    • Recommendations resulting from the assessment of all papers, articles, and comments of Global Dialogue 2013
    • List of papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations concerning the issues of Global Dialogue 2013 (by name and email, and issues shown)
    • Listing of Global Roundtables 2013 and work from participants
    • Press releases of the Global Community from September 1st 2012 to August 31st 2013
    • Proclamations of the Global Community from September 1st 2012 to August 31st 2013
    • Monthly newsletters of the Global Community from September 1st 2012 to August 31st 2013
    • Scientific and investigative reports of the Global Community from September 1st 2012 to August 31st 2013
    • Work found in the main index for Global Information Media (GIM) concerning publications and activities of the Global Community from September 1st 2012 to August 31st 2013

    Global Dialogue 2013 Overview Global Dialogue 2013 Overview involved over 260 leaders from 90 countries. Participants were from 130 nations to dialogue on hundreds of issues.

    The OVERVIEW of Global Dialogue 2013 was written from the materials found in the workshop sessions, group discussions by email and discussion roundtables summaries, brain-storming exercises, vision statements, comments and recommendations, reviewing of research papers and from results of the dialogue held from September 1st 2012 to August 31st 2013, and especially the dialogue held in the month of August. Materials published in the press releases, proclamations and Newsletters were also included. OVERVIEW section can be accessed through the link Dialogue Overview shown here above at the top of this webpage.

    Global Dialogue 2013 Recommendations Global Dialogue 2013 Recommendations were those given in all papers, articles, and comments throughout Global Dialogue 2013. Following the assessment of the work done, other important recommendations were obtained. All were described and can be accessed through the link Recommendations shown here above at the top of this webpage.
  • September 2013 Newsletter

    The theme of September 2013 Newsletter is:

    Ministry of Global Resources.

    Ministry of Global Resources: Air Ministry of Global Resources: Water Ministry of Global Resources: EM Ministry of Global Resources: Environment Ministry of Global Resources: Fisheries Ministry of Global Resources: Forests Ministry of Global Resources: Mining Ministry of Global Resources: Tourism Ministry of Global Resources: Soils Ministry of Global Resources: Fossil fuels

    ( see enlargement  Enlargement 3000x3000 px)
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    August 2013

    Ministry of Global Resources Ministry of Global Resources main website
    Germain Dufour
    Spiritual leader of the Global Community
    August 2013

    Table of Contents

    I. Introduction Introduction
    II. Who owns the Earth?  Who owns the Earth?
    III. Earth management and governance Earth management and governance
    IV. Criteria for sovereignty
    V. Description of critical resources
    VI. Health Rights
    VII. Earth Rights
    VIII. Global Rights
    IX. Scale of Global Rights
    X. Protection of rights and resources
    XI. Management of resources

    XI.1 Air
    XI.2 Water
    XI.3 Mining
    XI.4 Electromagnetic waves
    XI.5 Fisheries
    XI.6 Tourism
    XI.7 Environment
    XI.8 Forests
    XI.9 Soils
    XI.10 Fossil fuels
    XII. Preventive actions against polluters
    XIII. Recommendations

  • September 2010 Newsletter

    The theme of September 2010 Newsletter is:

    Short version of Global Parliament Constitution in PDF format.

    The following Parts are zip folders. Each folder has a PDF file and other info files concerning colors and text of the images. Adobe Reader 9 is best for reading the PDF files. The sequence of the Parts is about in the same order as that of the Table of Contents of this short version found at http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/Constitution/ShortVersion.htm
    Part I (4 pages, 10MB) Short version in PDF format Part I
    Part II (1 page, 4.7MB) Short version in PDF format Part II
    Part III (2 pages, 4MB) Short version in PDF format Part III
    Part IV (1 page, 4.2 MB) Short version in PDF format Part IV
    Part V (6 pages, 7.5 MB) Short version in PDF format Part V
    Part VI (3 pages, 5.8 MB) Short version in PDF format Part VI
    Part VII (1 page, 7.2 MB) Short version in PDF format Part VII
    Part VIII (2 pages, 5.7 MB) Short version in PDF format Part VIII
    Part IX (2 pages, 2.3 MB) Short version in PDF format Part IX
    Part X (2 pages, 6.3 MB) Short version in PDF format Part X
    Part XI (3 pages, 6.9 MB) Short version in PDF format Part XI
    Part XII (4 pages, 1.6 MB) Short version in PDF format Part XII
    Part XIII (2 pages, 3.3 MB) Short version in PDF format Part XIII
    Part XIV (1 page, 1.6 MB) Short version in PDF format Part XIV
    Part XV (1 page, 1.5 MB) Short version in PDF format Part XV
    Part XVI (3 pages, 4.8 MB) Short version in PDF format Part XVI
    Part XVII (1 page, 1.7 MB) Short version in PDF format Part XVII
    Part XVIII (1 page, 1.1 MB) Short version in PDF format Part XVIII
    Part XIX (1 page, 2.0 MB) Short version in PDF format Part XIX
    Main Index of Global Parliament Constitution
    The 29 Chapters of Global Parliament Constitution

  • August 2010 Newsletter

    The theme of August 2010 Newsletter is:

    Global Parliament Constitution.

    Portal of Global Parliament
    Main Index of Global Parliament Constitution
     Global Parliament Constitution shorth version The  Constitution Advisory Board Table of Contents of the  Constitution
    Constitution Main Index

    Short Version of Global Parliament Constitution Short Version of Global Parliament Constitution

    Table of Contents

    • Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010)  Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010)
    • Founders of the Global Community organization Founders of the Global Community organization
    • Definition of the Global Community Definition of the Global Community
    • Global Community Affiliated Centres for education and training Global Community Affiliated Centres for education and training
    • Global Dialogue Global Dialogue
    • Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for
    • Definition of the Scale of Global Rights Definition of the Scale of Global Rights
    • Global Law Global Law
    • Justice for all with Global Law Justice for all with Global Law
      Global Rights Global Rights
      The Judiciary Global Constitution Chapter VIII     Enhanced cooperation between Member Nations Global Constitution Chapter XIV     Global Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies Global Constitution Chapter XII     Exercise of Earth Government competence
      Earth Court of Justice Global Constitution Chapter XIV     Global Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies  Global Justice Movement for all life aspects and issues   Earth Court of Justice aspects and issues   Global Justice for all life on the planet
      Standards & good practices Global Constitution Chapter IV     Global Community concepts and universal values Global Constitution Chapter X     Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Constitution Chapter XIV     Global Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies Global Constitution Chapter XVIII     Global policies in other areas of Earth Government Global Constitution Chapter XIX     Freedom, security and justice without borders Global Constitution Chapter XX     Areas where Earth Government may take coordinating, complementary or supporting action
      Global Law & Regulations  God Law, Nature Law, the teaching of the Soul of Humanity with the teaching of the prophet are fundamental pillars of our Global Law Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Earth Government Global Law consists of 69 codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Constitution, Bills and Statutes Global Constitution Chapter X     Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Constitution Chapter XIV     Global Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies Global Constitution Chapter XVIII     Global policies in other areas of Earth Government Global Constitution Chapter XIX     Freedom, security and justice without borders Global Constitution Chapter XX     Areas where Earth Government may take coordinating, complementary or supporting action Global Constitution Chapter XII     Exercise of Earth Government competence About Global Law, Codes and standards Earth Government Legislation Global Constitution Chapter XI     Limits of Earth Government competences Global Constitution Chapter XV     Consistency between the different policies and activities of Earth Government Global Constitution Chapter XVI     A global market without borders in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with this Constitution
      Formation of new nations Portal of the Global Civilization  The Global Community organization is calling upon global citizens and all peoples and governments of the world to rally with the GCEG for the good of all.  Unity in diversity. Getting to know one another and ourselves as one humanity. What Peace amongst nations means? Fundamentals of Global Rights
      Settling of disputes between nations through the process of the Earth Court of Justice The settling of disputes between nations Global Constitution Chapter II     Earth Security and Peace Global Constitution Chapter V     The establishment of Global Communities Global Constitution Chapter VI     Earth Government Global Community Citizenship Global Constitution Chapter XIV     Global Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies Global Constitution Chapter XXIII     Safeguards and Reservations What Peace amongst nations means? Fundamentals of Global Rights
      Codes, Bills, Acts, and Statutes About Global Law, Codes and standards Earth Government Legislation  God Law, Nature Law, the teaching of the Soul of Humanity with the teaching of the prophet are fundamental pillars of our Global Law Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Earth Government Global Law consists of 69 codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Constitution, Bills and Statutes
    • Federation of Global Governments: what we stand for Federation of Global Governments: what we stand for
      Report Main Index
      The Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations
      Civil Society
      Global Protection Agency (GPA)
      The Judiciary
      Global Ministries
      Essential services

    • Global voting on issues Global voting on issues
    • Politics and Justice without borders: Earth Governance Politics and Justice without borders: Earth Governance
    • Global Ministries are about local to global cooperation Global Ministries
    • The Canadian experience is the pathway to Peace in the world The Canadian experience is the pathway to Peace in the world
    • The USA wars  The USA wars
    • The Planarchists  The Planarchists
    • Obama world tepee (tea p.) and the Little Red Riding Hood  Obama world tepee (tea p.) and the Little Red Riding Hood
    • Global Crisis Global Crisis
    • NATO (the White House , war industry, big corporate rulers, Christian right) vs Global Rights and Global Justice NATO (the White House , war industry, big corporate rulers, Christian right) vs Global Rights and Global Justice
    • Canada and the United States relationship
      Friendly understanding between President Bush and PM Harper of Canada Friendly understanding between President Bush and PM Harper of Canada
      Two wrongs do not make one right: Canada changing from peace keeping to war making Two wrongs do not make one right: Canada changing from peace keeping to war making
      Canada, the Mexico of the North and next victim of the IMF-World Bank rapacious appetite for nations with valuable resources Canada, the Mexico of the North and next victim of the IMF-World Bank rapacious appetite for nations with valuable resources
    • USA 21st century global economic system  USA 21st century global economic system
    • Global Social Economic Model (GSEM)  Global Social Economic Model (GSEM)
    • Global Social Economic Model (GSEM) vs the actual world economic system as proposed by G8/G20 nations  Global Social Economic Model (GSEM) vs the actual world economic system as proposed by G8/G20 nations
    • The teaching of the Soul The teaching of the Soul
      The teaching of the Soul The teaching of the Soul
      The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship  The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship
      Guiding Souls and God want to help us manage Earth Guiding Souls and God want to help us manage Earth
      Guiding Souls to serve God is a part of a new unifying religion of a modern symbiosis global society  Guiding Souls to serve God is a part of a new unifying  religion  of a modern symbiosis society
      The Divine Plan and the higher purpose of humanity  The Divine Plan and the higher purpose of humanity
      The Global Community teaching  The Global Community teaching
      Global Law  Global Law
    • Celebration of Life Day Celebration of Life Day
    • Planetary Biodiversity Zone Planetary Biodiversity Zone
    • The Global Exhibition The Global Exhibition
    • Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year  Global Community days of celebration or  remembering throughout the year
      Cultural Appreciation Day Cultural Appreciation Day
      Along with all the global communities, the Global Community, all life on Earth, and the Soul of Humanity can rightfully claim ownership of the Earth as a birthright Claiming ownership of the Earth as a birthright
      Founding of the Global Community organization, Earth Government and the Federation of Global Governments Founding of the Global Community organization, Earth Government and the Federation of Global Governments
      Global Citizenship Day Global Citizenship Day
      Tribute to Virginie Dufour, the first Secretary General of the Global Community organization, who passed away April 28,2000 Tribute to Virginie Dufour
      The Global Exhibition The Global Exhibition
      Nationalization of natural resources Nationalization of natural resources
      Global Peace Movement Day Global Peace Movement Day
      Global Movement to Help Global Movement to Help
      Global Justice for all Life Day Global Justice for all Life Day
      Global Justice Movement Global Justice Movement
      Global Disarmament Day Global Disarmament Day
      Planetary State of Emergency Day Planetary State of Emergency Day
      Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010) Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010)
      Celebration of Life Day Celebration of Life Day
      Planetary Biodiversity Zone Planetary Biodiversity Zone

    Global Parliament's Constitution Main Index
    Advisory Board to the Global Parliament's Constitution

    Global Dialogue 2010   Global Dialogue 2010
    Global Political Parties Global Political Parties April 2010 Newsletters
    Global Law Global Law
    Obama’s world tepee (tea p.)and The Little Red Riding Hood The worst kind of planarchists are NATO nations March 2010 Newsletters
    The worst kind of planarchists are NATO nations The worst kind of planarchists are NATO nations January 2010 Newsletters
    Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for
    Earth governance at its best vs at its worst Politics and Justice without borders:  Earth governance
    Global Movement to Help main listing:
    Federation of Global Governments Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre Federation of Global Governments Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre
    Global Constitution Global Constitution
    The Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations
    Annual meeting of the Federation of Global Governments A just, fair and most needed Global Government Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters (HQ) Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters Federation of Global Governments
    Essential services Main index the Global Movement to Help essential services   Essential services
    Global Justice Network Global Justice Network  Global Justice Network
    Global Protection Agency (GPA) Main index of the  Global Protection Agency (GPA)  Global Protection Agency (GPA)
    Global Rights Global Rights
    Portal of the Global Community (original Portal from back in 1985) Portal of the Global Community
    Portal Global Dialogue 2009 Main website of Global Dialogue 2009
    Global Information Media (GIM) daily proclamations concerning actual issues in the world    Global Information Media (GIM) daily proclamations concerning actual issues in the world
    Portal of Global Dialogue 2008 Portal of Global Dialogue 2008
    Proceedings of the Global Dialogue   Proceedings of the Global Dialogue
    Global Peace Movement amongst nations and people Global Peace Movement amongst nations and people
    Global Citizens voting on issues Global Community voting on issues
    The Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations
    Civil Society
    Global Protection Agency (GPA)
    The Judiciary
    Global Ministries
    Essential services
    Twenty four years ago the Global Community organization was created. Happy 24 th year Anniversary everyone Happy 23 rd year Anniversary everyone
  • July 2010 Newsletter

    The theme of July 2010 Newsletter is:

    Politics and Justice without borders: Earth governance.

    Politics and Justice without borders
    Theme this month: Earth governance.
    Politics and Justice without borders:  Earth governance
    ( see enlargement Politics and Justice without borders:  Earth governance)
    Politics and Justice without borders: Earth governance
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    June 6, 2010

  • June 2010 Newsletter

    The theme of June 2010 Newsletter is:

    Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for.

    Politics and Justice without borders
    Theme this month :
    Politics and Justice without borders:  what we stand for
    ( see enlargement Politics and Justice without borders:  what we stand for)
    Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    May 12, 2010

    Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for Politics and Justice without borders:  what we stand for

        Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for
        Other summaries of the Global Communty work
  • April 2010 Newsletter

    The theme of April 2010 Newsletter is:

    Global Political Parties.


    ( see enlargement Politics and Justice without borders)
    Global Political Parties
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    March 20, 2010

    Global political parties are certainly the next best thing to talk about after replacing the United Nations by Global Parliament. Actually why wait! We all know it is coming soon. We all know the UN is on its way out! This is the 21st century, and the old ways have to go for humanity survival, for all life on Earth survival. This is the time to remember in all of humanity history. Our time is precious. Life in all its forms needs our help more than ever. We have already explained why for over two decades now. Today, we want action!

    Rise up Global Community! Rise up Earth revolutionaries! Rise up! Rise up!

    In the above figure we have defined and summarized who we are, what we stand for, and what we need to accomplish. The remaining sections refer to details about how we can get there. Global Parliament Constitution contains the necessary steps that will allow us all move forward taking along with us all of humanity and all other life forms as many as we can. Global Dialogue 2010 is how you can participate in this discussion. Do participate! No fees! Just take the time to volunteer your help.

    Our conclusion and recommendations have already been given and listed in the Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2009. The images above are also another summary of them all. Pass our images along to others.
  • December 2009 Newsletter

    The theme of December 2009 Newsletter is:

    Politics and Justice without borders: Global Parliament.

    Politics and Justice without borders
    Theme this month :
    Chapter XIV of Global Parliament Constitution
    ( see enlargement Global Parliament)
    Global Parliament
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    November 19, 2009
    A working Global Parliament Constitution is the only way for us all to guarantee essential services, Justice, and protection to every home. Global Parliament is not a World Government or Earth Government. No! It is the Federation of Global Governments. Global Parliament and its Constitution were researched and developed from fundamental principles as opposed to kitchen recipe types of Constitution that follow a set of instructions for a world parliament of some kind. Some of those principles we developed are the Global Community and the Scale of Global Rights. That is what differentiate most our proposal from others. The Federation and its Global Parliament operate as per those principles. The definition of the Global Community concept is truly the 21st century "philosophy of life" framework, some called it the religion of the third millennium, others called it the politics of the future generations now. And the Scale of Global Rights was designed to replace the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Global Parliament primary goal and focus include only a few essential aspects. Global Parliament Constitution itself gives the highest priority to the following essential aspects of life within civil society:

    * essential services
    * the Judiciary
    * the Global Protection Agency (GPA)
    * Global Ministries

    to manage the needs of the Peoples of Member States.

  • Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.
    ( see enlargement Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life. )
    Watch promoting animation. (50 MBs) Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.

    Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.
    ( see enlargement Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life. )
    Watch animation promoting participation. (41 MBs) Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.

    Global Civilization Proceedings
    ( see enlargement Global Civilization Proceedings.)

    Proceedings Global Dialogue 2020 (September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020). Global Dialogue 2020 Proceedings (September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020).

    Global Peace Earth. Global Peace Earth.

    Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year. Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year.

    Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for this month. Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for this month.

    Go to the top of the page


    Note: We do not have any funds to pay anyone and for anything. We work strictly on a volunteer basis Volunteering..

    Reporting News
    ( see enlargement Reporting News)

    Reporting News.
    ( see enlargement Reporting News)

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2020

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2020 (September 1st, 2019 to August 31, 2020) are ready for reading. Please do verify that your articles, comments and papers were correctly published, and that recommendations were appropriate, useful, pertinent, and proper. Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for Global Dialogue 2020 were published in the Dialogue Overview section at Dialogue Overview

    Proceedings of the Global Dialogue 2020

    Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2020.
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    August 2020
    ( see enlargement Proceedings of the Global Dialogue 2020)

    Canadian Maple Leaf.

    Global Peace Earth

    Ministry of Global Peace in government

    Over the past decades we have shown that peace in the world and the survival and protection of all life on our planet go hand in hand. Asking for peace in the world means doing whatever is necessary to protect life on our planet. Protecting life implies bringing about the event of peace in the world. Let our time be a time remembered for a new respect for life, our determination to achieve sustainability, and our need for global justice and peace.

    Our Global Peace Mouvement is about the courage to live a life in a harmonious peace order and showing by example, thus preventing poverty, wars, terror and violence. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and global sustainability being some of them.

    Soul of all Life said in Global Peace Earth "Soul of all Life teaching about Peace: Introduction"

    Peace is being who you are without fear. It is the "being who you are" who must be taught a value based on principles to live by. Only principles described in Global Law are necessary and required to attain Peace in the world.

    Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year.

    Cultural Appreciation Day: August 22 Cultural Appreciation Day

    Along with all the global communities, the Global Community, all life on Earth, and the Soul of Humanity can rightfully claim ownership of the Earth as a birthright: October 6 Claiming ownership of the Earth as a birthright

    Founding of the Global Community organization, Global Community and the Federation of Global Governments: October 6 , 1985Founding of the Global Community organization, Global Community  and the Federation of Global Governments

    Global Citizenship Day: October 6 Global Citizenship Day

    Tribute to Virginie Dufour, the first Secretary General of the Global Community organization, who passed away April 28,2000 Tribute to Virginie Dufour

    The Global Exhibition: August 17-22 The Global Exhibition

    Nationalization of natural resources: October 6 Nationalization of natural resources

    Global Peace Movement Day: May 26 Global Peace Movement Day

    Global Movement to Help: May 26 Global Movement to Help

    Global Justice for all Life Day: October 6 Global Justice for all Life Day

    Global Justice Movement: October 6 Global Justice Movement

    Global Disarmament Day: May 26 Global Disarmament Day

    Planetary State of Emergency Day: May 26 Planetary State of Emergency Day

    Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010): October 6 Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010)

    Celebration of Life Day: May 26 Celebration of Life Day

    Planetary Biodiversity Zone Day: September 26 Planetary Biodiversity Zone

    Add or remove my name from the emailing list of the free monthly Global Community Newsletter

    Full name:


    Add a comment





    Authors of research papers and articles on global issues since 1985.

    • List of all author names in all papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of all Global Dialogues since 1985. Global participants files.jj

      List of all participants and authors with their work from 1985 to 2007.jj
      All work can be found in Global Proceedings.jj

      Global Information Media (GIM) publishing monthly Newsletters dealing with global issues. Global Information Media (GIM) publishing monthly Newsletters dealing with global issues.

    • List of all author names in all papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2020.

    • List of all author papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2020.

    • List of all Monthly Newsletters with all author names in papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations concerning the issues of Global Dialogue 2020.

    • We thank authors for their hard work and activism this dialogue. Over the past several decades, they have fought hard for the protection of the global life-support systems. Proceedings of all dialogues are available at:

    Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for this month

    Simon Anholt, Jonathan Cook, Countercurrents Collective (3), Aaqib Javid Dar, Bharat Dogra (5), Dr James M Dorsey, Tom Engelhardt, Pepe Escobar (2), Simon Evans, Philip Giraldi, Taj Hashmi, Robert Hunziker(2), Yanis Iqbal (2), Sanjay Jain, Robert Jensen, Dr Binoy Kampmark, M Adil Khan, Dr Gideon Polya, Luis Gonzalez Reyes, Satya Sagar, Fernando C. Saldivar, Anandi Sharan, Shobha Shukla, David Suzuki, Brett Wilkins,

    Simon Anholt, Which country does the most good for the world? Which country does the most good for the world?

    Jonathan Cook, The elusiveness of sanity in an insane world. The elusiveness of sanity in an insane world

    Countercurrents Collective, Soil and carbon sequestration. Soil and carbon sequestration

    Countercurrents Collective, More mega-droughts are coming. More mega-droughts are coming

    Countercurrents Collective, Climate change and food demand could shrink species’ habitats by almost a quarter by 2100. Climate change and food demand could shrink species’ habitats by almost a quarter by 2100

    Aaqib Javid Dar, Beyond Scary wars: Humankind has something to cherish. Beyond Scary wars: Humankind has something to cherish

    Bharat Dogra, Survival Crisis Has No Technological Fix; Resolving This Needs Changes in the Way People Live and Think. Survival Crisis Has No Technological Fix; Resolving This Needs Changes in the Way People Live and Think

    Bharat Dogra, First and Foremost Responsibility is to Protect Earth for Children. First and Foremost Responsibility is to Protect Earth for Children

    Bharat Dogra, Linking Justice to Environment Protection – Meeting Basic Needs of All While Also Reducing GHG Emissions. Linking Justice to Environment Protection – Meeting Basic Needs of All While Also Reducing GHG Emissions

    Bharat Dogra, Changes in Value Systems A Must For Resolving Big Problems. Changes in Value Systems A Must For Resolving Big Problems.

    Bharat Dogra, Thinking Out of the Box on Climate Change Needed for Timely Solutions to Emerge. Thinking Out of the Box on Climate Change Needed for Timely Solutions to Emerge.

    Dr James M Dorsey, Subtly, China pressures Gulf states to reduce regional tensions. Subtly, China pressures Gulf states to reduce regional tensions

    Tom Engelhardt, Terracide and the Terrarists Destroying the Planet for Record Profit. Terracide and the Terrarists Destroying the Planet for Record Profit

    Pepe Escobar, RCEP hops on the New Silk Roads. RCEP hops on the New Silk Roads

    Pepe Escobar, The Russia-China Vote. The Russia-China Vote

    Simon Evans, Solar is now ‘cheapest electricity in history’, confirms IEA. Solar is now ‘cheapest electricity in history’, confirms IEA

    Philip Giraldi, Imperial Overstretch Arrives: Americans Do Not Need the American Empire. Imperial Overstretch Arrives: Americans Do Not Need the American Empire

    Taj Hashmi, Islamophobia, Hate Crime, or Trade War? Muslims vs the West, in France and Beyond. Islamophobia, Hate Crime, or Trade War? Muslims vs the West, in France and Beyond

    Robert Hunziker, Large-Scale Permafrost Thawing, Large-Scale Permafrost Thawing

    Robert Hunziker, A Troubling Discovery in the Arctic. A Troubling Discovery in the Arctic

    Yanis Iqbal, “Forcible Hindrances”: On the Structural Violence of Capitalism and how People respond to it. “Forcible Hindrances”: On the Structural Violence of Capitalism and how People respond to it.

    Yanis Iqbal, A New Strategy For The American Left. A New Strategy For The American Left

    Sanjay Jain, We must save other species to ensure the survival of human species. We must save other species to ensure the survival of human species

    Robert Jensen, Who is “we”? Who is “we”?

    Dr Binoy Kampmark, The Yemen Civil War Arms Bonanza. The Yemen Civil War Arms Bonanza

    M Adil Khan, Biden Victory: A Mere Sigh of Relief or a Sign of Salvation? Biden Victory: A Mere Sigh of Relief or a Sign of Salvation?

    Dr Gideon Polya, Science Says Stop Gas Exploitation But Climate Criminal US, Australia & Canada Back Increasing Gas Use. Science Says Stop Gas Exploitation But Climate Criminal US, Australia & Canada Back Increasing Gas Use

    Luis González Reyes, Educating in times of systemic collapse. Educating in times of systemic collapse

    Fernando C. Saldivar, U.S . Arms Manufacturers Are Profiting from Atrocities. U.S . Arms Manufacturers Are Profiting from Atrocities.

    Satya Sagar, Can the world be changed? Can the world be changed?

    Anandi Sharan, Leadership for Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change. Leadership for Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change

    Shobha Shukla, Building resilience is critical to minimise the impact of humanitarian crises. Building resilience is critical to minimise the impact of humanitarian crises

    David Suzuki, Humility, Caring and Wisdom Make a Better Future Possible. Humility, Caring and Wisdom Make a Better Future Possible

    Brett Wilkins, Trump Administration Rushes to Auction Off Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Drilling Rights Before Biden Inauguration. Trump Administration Rushes to Auction Off Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Drilling Rights Before Biden Inauguration