Back to September 2019 Newsletter.
Theme for this month, September 2019.
Germain Dufour
Table of Contents
- a) Global Civilizational State and America modernizing the world.
- b) Commonalities between Asia and the West engendered and self-disciplined global citizens to prepare them for life survival now and long after Earth has ceased to exist.
- c) Global crises and existential threat to humanity, all life on Earth.
- d) Description of modern day civilization-states.
- e) Past and modern civilization-states on our planet and government.
- f) Global crises need a sound Global Civilizational State leadership.
- g) How and why capitalism has been a failure of our democratic system of governance.
- h) Democratic socialism plus.
- i) Morality and ways of doing business within Global Civilizational State.
- j) Earth governance and Global Ministries.
- k) Global consumption and sustainability.
- l) Earth environmental governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of sustainable development and Earth management.
- m) Global Civilizational State strongly opposes environmental, economic, population, and military warfares.
( see enlargement )
( see enlargement )
Note to the reader:
The September 2019 Newsletter was based on the articles, letters, reports, research papers, discussions and global dialogues, and messages written by author(s) whose work were published in monthly Newsletters of years since 1985. All published work can be found in the Global Dialogue Proceedings (check link Follow the Proceedings sections, and you will find the actual authors lists, with their papers and all references. Global Community Media is a way to communicate workable sound solutions to problems arising in the world. Let us share our problems and workable sound solutions. Sharing information is a necessity to all life and humanity's survival. Our world is changing fast before our eyes, and we must react quickly and hard to protect all life on Earth. No hesitation! Right now and no waiting! Life on the planet is our first priority. We must protect it at all costs. We, global citizens, fight to protect life on Earth for this generation and the next ones. We are the defenders of the environment and the global life-support systems. We know who the beasts are, and how they destroy the living on our planet. We have rallied together all over the world to protect our home, Earth. Just so you all know we don't pay anyone, and we don't pay expenses. We do volunteer work for humanity. We expect volunteers to be responsible and accountable of all their actions. We do soft activism work. We do not have a copyright research expert to do this work. In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Civilizational State , and to protect our planetary environment, the global life-support systems, we want to help you concerning all issues, and you may become a volunteer yourself. Check our volunteer page at:
Summary. |
It is impossible within the scope of this paper to describe, compare, and evaluate all past and present civilizations, and conclude that "A successful Global Civilizational State for all Life" would have the following distinguishing characteristics. Nevertheless, let us see what can be found within the context of today civilizations, what are possible surviving solutions for life on Earth, and even attempt to promote a system of global governance consisting of a more meaningful world union in the form of nine or more Global Governments and Global Parliament.
Human history stretches through generations, and is the history of civilizations. Civilization and culture both refer to the overall way of life of a people, and involve the values, beliefs, norms, institutions, social structures, and modes of thinking to which successive generations in a given society. The composition and shapes of civilizations change over time, the cultures of peoples interact and overlap. A short list of values humans have developed over time to survive as a species are shown here.
People have shared a few fundamental values and institutions throughout history, which may explain some constants in human behavior but it cannot explain history, which consists of changes in human behavior.
If the term civilization is elevated to what is common to humanity as a whole then the largest cultural groupings of people would be a single Global Civilizational State, that is a variety of cultures, of peoples, of religious worlds, of historical traditions, and of historically formed attitudes.
The development and evolution of the West are in large part the factors which enabled the West to take the lead in modernizing itself and non-Western societies. These factors were truly concepts, practices, and institutions have been more prevalent in the West than in non-Western civilizations. Over time, characteristics of Western civilization have been defined by religion and moral principles, human rights, language, ancestry, history, ethnic groups, customs and laws, and also by maintaining a meaningful independent existence, and ways of life. America is the distinct core-state civilization of the West. Inevitably, the fate of the United States within the West grouping of states depends upon Americans asserting strongly once more their commitment to Western civilization and today, their commitment to the Global Civilizational State which is seen by global citizens as the guardian, custodian and embodiment of Western civilization.
The effect of the expansion of the West has promoted both the modernization and the Westernization of non-Western societies. However modernization does not necessarily mean Westernization. Non-Western societies can modernize and have modernized without abandoning their own cultures and adopting wholesale Western values, institutions, and practices. In short, modernization has meant a great victory and achievement of Global Civilizational State on Earth.
The attitudes, values, knowledge, and culture of people in a modern society differ greatly from those in a traditional society. As the first civilization to modernize, the West leads in the acquisition of the culture of modernity. As other societies acquire similar patterns of education, work, wealth, and class structure, the argument runs, this modern Western culture will become the new culture for Global Civilizational State. Modern societies could resemble each other more than do traditional societies because the increased interaction among modern societies may not generate a common culture but it does facilitate the transfer of techniques, inventions, and practices from one society to another with a speed and to a degree that were impossible in the traditional world.
The components of order in today's more complex and heterogenous world are found within and between civilizations. The world will be ordered on the basis of civilizations or not at all. In this world the core states of civilizations are sources of order within civilizations and, through negotiations with other core states, between civilizations.
Because of modernization, global politics today is being reconfigured along cultural lines and civilizations. And of course, Global Civilizational State is finally giving its historical place as the global solution to saving humanity, and all other lifeforms on Earth, from complete extinction. Peoples and countries with similar cultures are coming together. Alignments defined by ideology and superpower relations are giving way to alignments defined by culture and civilization. A civilization may also include people who share in and identify with its culture, but who live in states dominated by members of another civilization. Civilizations usually have one or more places viewed by their members as the principal source or sources of the civilization's culture. These sources are often located within the core state or states of the civilization, that is, its most powerful and culturally central state or states.
In modern era, Western civilization, the West, is referred to the European-American civilization and America has become the land of freedom, equality, opportunity, the future, and is a distinct core-state civilization. Not so much ideologies, simply economics and politics now differentiate peoples of different civilizations. Nevertheless, cultures, ways of life, ways of doing things have been the most distinguishing characteristics. Those characteristics have been defined by religion, language, ancestry, history, communities, ethnic groups, customs, nations, and also by major levels of classification being civilizations.
In a multicivilizational world, there are core values which different ethnic and religious societies have in common. The constructive course is to renounce global culture, accept diversity, and seek commonalities. Commonalities exist between Asia and the West. Whatever the degree to which humankind is divided, the world's major religions, Western Christianity, Orthodoxy, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, also share key values in common. A more inclusive Global Civilizational State can emerge gradually through the exploration and expansion of these commonalities. Peace in a multicivilizational world is the finding of those commonalities and so peoples in all civilizations should search for and attempt to expand the values, institutions, and practices they have in common with peoples of other civilizations.
Now, let us have a more specific definition and understanding of non-Western civilizations. Non-Western societies, such as those in East Asia, are expanding their economic wealth, political strength, military power, claiming their own cultural values and letting go those constrained on them by the West. Nations with cultural similarities cooperate economically and politically. For instance, East Asian economic success has its primary source in East Asian culture. Power has shifted from the predominant West to non-Western civilizations, and global politics has become multipolar and multicivilizational.
For China, unity is its first priority. The Chinese state enjoys a very different kind of relationship with society compared with the Western state. It enjoys much greater natural authority, legitimacy and respect, even though not a single vote is cast for the government. The reason is that the state is seen by the Chinese people as the guardian, custodian and embodiment of their civilization. The duty of the state is to protect its unity. The legitimacy of the state therefore lies deep in Chinese history. This is utterly different from how the state is seen by Western societies.
As a modern state, China accepts the concept of the sovereign equality of states and prevailing conceptions of human rights. China is unique due to the many traditions and features originating from its civilization. This is also the key conceptual difference between a civilizational state and a civilization-state. The civilizational state represents an amalgamation of an old civilization and a modern nation-state. On the other hand, a civilization-state reflects the tension between the two. As a civilizational state, China is both old and young, both traditional and modern, both Chinese and global. At least eight features can be derived from the civilizational state of China: 1) a very large population, 2) a vast territoty, 3) very long traditions, 4) a unique language, 5) richest cultural heritages, 6) a political system with Chinese characteristics, 7) a distinctive society, 8) and a unique way of running an economy.
Within China development model, the main features of the civilizational state (population, territory, tradition and culture) all constitute China's greatest strengths. China has the richest human resources and potentially the largest consumer market; China has an unparalleled geopolitical and geoeconomic status; China has its tradition of independent thinking, and has the richest cultural resources in the world. China is a civilizational state generating its own standards and values and making unique contributions to the world civilizations. China's civilizational state has a strong capability to draw on the strengths of other nations while maintaining its own identity. The Chinese people have a deep respect of Nature and have applied the secular application of ethics and political philosophy to social, economic, and political governance. Chinese culture is more inclusive than exclusive, within the broad conceptual framework of the Confucian idea of 'unity in diversity". The greatest wisdom of a civilizational state is its long tradition of seeking common ground while differences are set apart, and this wisdom is first reflected in the Chinese language.
Chinese characters are commonly made up of various components, and the components often give a hint of the pronunciation and the meaning of the word, and they are structured in such a way that they often follow the principle of "seeking common ground while reserving differences".The Chinese language seems to underline the fact that seeking commonality from diversity is a trait of Chinese culture. The governance of a civilizational state follows the same logic, and if one can focus on seeking the commonalities of different interest groups, one stands a better chance of solving the tensions among them, whether it is a tension between regions, between enterprises, between social groups, between rich and poor, or because of global right issues.
Over ancient time to this day, morality in society made its way into our ways of doing business. So the set of behaviors that constitute Global Civilizational State ethic for a business also evolved largely because they provided possible survival benefits to increase evolutionary success. Consequently, peoples evolved socially to express emotions, such as feelings of empathy or guilt, in response to these moral behaviors. Humans developed truly moral, altruistic instincts. When looking across cultures of geo-cultural areas and across millennia, certain virtues have prevailed in all cultures, the major ones include:
wisdom, knowledge, courage, justice, love, truth, empathy, kindness, and social intelligence.
These virtues were not always incorporated into the ways of doing business because the 1% super rich businesses became corrupted, greedy, no longer in line with humanity's survival on the planet, and more interested in keeping most of the wealth, resources and power for themselves keeping the remaining 99% of the world population in poverty. But today, Global Civilizational State incorporates these virtues and proper behaviors into corporate citizen global ethics.
Global Civilizational State ethics for a business are about how we treat others and a commitment to respect every person humanely and with dignity. For this process to work, global citizens learn to forgive, be patient and compassionate, promote acceptance, open theirs hearts to one another, and practice a culture of solidarity and cooperation. Let go narrow differences between us all for the greater good of humanity and future generations.
Economic and political power must be used as a service to humanity instead of misusing it in ruthless battles for domination. Global Community faith can help to develop a spirit of compassion with those who suffer, with special care for the children, the aged, the
poor, the disabled, and the refugees.
We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and to grow strong caring communities in which we get more of our human satisfaction from caring relationships and less from material goods. We need to reclaim the ideal of being a democratic middle-class people without extremes of wealth and poverty. We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives. This means letting go a sense of ourselves as consumption machines. We need a Global Civilizational State leadership for all of humanity.
The increased interaction among peoples which includes trade, investment, tourism, media, electronic communication, is generating a common world culture. Improvements in transportation and communications technology have indeed made it easier and cheaper to move money, goods, people, knowledge, ideas, and images around the world. By increasing trade globally is unlikely to ease international tensions or promote greater international stability. Economic interdependence fosters peace only when states expect that high trade levels will continue into the foreseeable future, otherwise war is likely to result. Often people define their identity by what they are not. As increased communications, trade, and travel multiply the interactions among civilizations, people increasingly accord greater relevance to their civilizational identity. In an increasingly globalized world characterized by historically exceptional degrees of civilizational, societal, and other modes of interdependence and widespread consciousness, there is an exacerbation of civilizational, societal, and ethnic self-consciousness. The global religious revival, the return of the sacred, is a response to people's perception of the world as a single place, Earth, and Global Community.
Today the evidence-based argument for the appearance of a Global Civilizational State is really the result of the broad processes of modernization that have been going on since the eighteenth century. Modernization involves industrialization, urbanization, increasing levels of literacy, education, wealth, social mobilization, and more complex and diversified occupational structures. It is a product of the tremendous expansion of scientific and engineering knowledge beginning in the eighteenth century that made it possible for humans to control and shape their environment in totally unprecedented ways. Modernization is a revolutionary process comparable only to the shift from primitive to civilized societies that is, the appearance and evolution of Global Civilizational State.
In consequence of globalization, the new economic and political distribution of power around the world has become very different then we were used to. It has become very fluid, in perpetual motion and affected by global markets. Giant new markets are forming all over the world. Competition is hardening. National economies can no longer insure or guarantee rights of possession on any property. National borders no longer mean protection, security, cultural boundaries, resources ownership, political and economic control.
Environmental problems have contributed to numerous collapses of civilizations in the past. Now, for the first time, a global collapse appears likely and global warming, overpopulation, overconsumption by the rich and poor choices of technologies are major drivers; dramatic cultural change provides the main hope of averting calamity.
Today, for life survival on our planet, a distinction must be made in the developed countries between necessary and limitless consumption, between
socially beneficial and non-beneficial uses of property, between
justified and unjustified uses of natural resources, and between
a profit-only and a socially beneficial and ecologically oriented
market economy. The lives of all lifeforms and plants on our planet deserve protection, preservation, and care. Global Community disapproves of the limitless exploitation of the natural foundations of life, the relentless destruction of the biosphere, and the militarization of the space within and above the Earth's atmosphere. Global citizens must live in harmony with nature on and above the Earth's surface.
The life extinction crisis on Earth is an environmental issue and also a social justice issue, one that is linked to long histories of capitalist domination over people, other life forms, and plants. The extinction crisis needs to be seen as a key element in contemporary struggles against accumulation by dispossession. This crisis, in other words, ought to be a key issue in the fight for climate justice. The 1% people have as much wealth as half the world's population, and are controlling all economies on the planet. They stand behind an economic system based on capitalism that has institutionalized a global ignorance, in which producers and consumers cannot know or care about one another, and in which the histories of all products will be lost.
It is now increasingly evident that only by sharing the world's natural resources more equitably and sustainably will we be able to address both the ecological and social crisis we face as Global Civilizational State .
The combined effects of aggressive marketing, advertising, and planned product obsolescence mean that the American consumer’s oversized footprint is largely a consequence and reflection of the global power of Transnational Corporations(TNCs), and more specifically corporate America. Global warming and climate change denialism requires shutting one’s eyes to obvious realities when the truth is that the Earth is warmer than it has been in 120,000 years. In that sense, it is perhaps more accurate to speak of corporate ecological footprints rather than the footprints of nations or individuals. Globalization has meant the distancing of cause and effect, source and sink, so that the pollution and human exploitation caused in the production and transport of goods has remained invisible and opaque to consumers.
How can further troubles not come into being when a vicious globalized capitalism system is in existence for which maximal profits, not people and their needs, is always the overriding goal? The global socioeconomic system of capitalism is forcing us to work harder to surpass previous consumption and population numbers until we have devoured everything that maintains life, ending up with a polluted, lifeless, and scorched planet.
Although the yearning for peace is deep-seated, it has never been achieved during civilisation due to its competitive nature. If we keep capitalism, the ultimate in competitiveness, it will finish us. Peace can’t be attained with military force; one can’t fight for peace or for cooperation. Peace is now possible because we have to have it to survive. People have the intellectual and the emotional ability to work out the multitude of changes to enable us to be fully social and survive, if it’s our goal.
What would be the shape and fundamental goals of an expansive anti-capitalist movement against extinction and for environmental justice? It would have to commence with open recognition by the developed nations of the long history of ecocide. Such an admission would lead to a consequent recognition of the biodiversity debt owed by the wealthy nations of the global North to the South. Building on the demands articulated by the climate justice movement, the anti-capitalist conservation movement must demand the repayment of this biodiversity debt.
A legally imposed contraction of the fossil energy supply and a rapid global conversion to renewable energy is a necessary step toward saving our world, Earth. So what should society do to avoid the worst impacts of climate change? Capitalism is based on ceaseless compound growth that is destroying ecosystems the world over, the goal in the rich nations of the global North must be to overturn our present expansionary system by fostering de-growth. Most importantly, nations that have benefited from burning fossil fuels must radically cut their carbon emissions in order to stem the lurch towards runaway climate chaos that endangers the vast majority of current terrestrial forms of life.
To become great again, the US parlayed the world’s largest national debt, its trade deficit, budget deficit, capital account deficit and savings rate deficit, into a position in the global driver seat through the dollar remaining global hub currency. Unemployment in the USA is very low and the economy seems great only because the USA Government is having a 21 trillion dollars debt to create jobs and subsidize its industrial complex, especially its corporate military industry which actually employs more than half of America's population. This 21 trillion dollars is mostly obtained from China and handed over to the USA Federal Reserve to help America create jobs in America. Naturally, the more the dollar was used in the world, the more America had the power to spend on the military. For the US, paying a bill of 6 trillion dollars (this is the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) has been effortless, and this constitutes an unparalleled advantage over countries like China and Russia whose military spending in comparison is a fifth and a tenth respectively.
The main source of economic reliability in America was transferred over time from gold to dollars, specifically to US treasury bills. This major shift allowed the Federal Reserve to print dollars practically without limit (as seen in recent years with interests rates for borrowing money from the FED at around 0%), well aware that the demand for dollars would never cease, this also keeping alive huge sectors of private and public enterprises such as the coal industry, fracking industry, car manufacturing, food and farming industries, and most importantly the military industry which has always giving jobs to more than half of America's population. No wonder President Trump, and several USA Presidents before him, have been claiming the lowest unemployment rate because more than half of America population works for the war industry, the industry that has produced most of the greenhouse gases globally at the expenses of the global life-support systems. This set a course for a global economic system based on financial instruments like derivatives and other securities instead of real, tangible goods like gold. In doing this for its own benefit, the US has created the conditions for a new financial bubble that could bring down the entire world economy when it bursts.
The United States found itself in the enviable position of being able to print pieces of paper (simply IOU’s) without any gold backing and then exchange them for real goods from other nations. This economic arrangement has allowed America to achieve an unparalleled strategic advantage over its geopolitical opponents (initially the USSR, now Russia and China), namely, a practically unlimited dollar spending capacity even as it accumulates an astronomical public debt (over 21 trillion dollars). The destabilizing factor for the global economy has been America's ability to accumulate enormous amounts of public debt without having to worry about the consequences or even of any possible mistrust international markets may have for the dollar. Countries simply needed dollars for trade and bought US treasures to diversify their financial assets.
The primary goal of the developed nations must be to overturn the present expansionary economic system based on capitalism by fostering de-growth and creating steady state societies founded on principles of equality and environmental justice. Most importantly, nations that have benefited from burning fossil fuels must radically cut their carbon emissions in order to stop the climate chaos that endangers the vast majority of current terrestrial forms of life.
Let us now define what economic system should be used to govern our planet. What would be best is a "democratic socialism plus". The "plus" means added essential elements for governing sustainably. For instance, people would have free health care, free education at all levels, and employment for everyone. People would control and manage natural resources at all stages: exploration, production, transportation, manufacturing and distribution. A Global Trade and Resource Ministry would be formed to look after the management of naturel resources worlwide.
"Democratic socialism plus" advocates that the control and management of natural resources be under the control of the people. The 1 % super rich people worldwide who thrive within capitalism, must be overthrown. This new way of governing can be achieve through legitimate democratic means by voting in a party that represents this way of governing. "Democratic socialism plus" implies public owership, not private ownership of natural resources.
Because of the limited quantities of Earth resources to be made available for this generation and the next ones, and because of environmental, climate change, and world population concerns, there is a need to manage the entire process of using Earth natural resources. And we all know that the amount of oil left in the ground in the world has already passed its peak quantity. So why waste the oil on doing things we know are nothing but a waste of energy and often used for destruction and certainly will shorten the life span of the next generations. A Global Trade and Resources Ministry is needed to look after the management of Earth resources and trade at all stages: exploration, production, transportation, manufacturing and distribution.
The quality of Earth governance is reflected in each local community worldwide. Global Community will show leadership by creating
a global civil ethic within our ways of life. Global Constitution describes all values needed for good global governance:
mutual respect, tolerance, respect for life, justice for all everywhere, integrity, and caring. The Scale of global Rights
has become an inner truth and the benchmark of the millennium in how everyone sees all those values.
Earth environmental governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of sustainable developent and Earth management. All aspects are inter-related and affect one another.
A healthy environment is essential to long term prosperity and well-being of Global Community citizens. That demands a high level of ecological protection. This is the 'raison d'etre' of the Scale of Global Rights.
Primordial human rights are those human rights that individuals have by virtue of their very existence as human beings: to live,
eat, drink fresh water, breath clean air, and have shelter. These rights are separate categories than ecological rights, the right
of the greatest number of people, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and religious rights. Ecological and primordial human rights
are the only rights that have existed unchanged throughout the evolutionary origin of our species. Any major change would have
threatened our very existence. All other human rights listed here are rights created by human beings and can be changed depending
of new circumstances; they are not stagnant but are rather flexible and adaptive, and they can evolve. Ecological and primordial human rights
of this generation and of future generations are therefore much more important than any other human rights existing now and in the future.
In this way the Scale of Global Rights gives us a sense of direction for future planning and managing of the Earth.
Earth management is now well defined and becomes a goal to achieve. We no longer waste energy and resources in things that are
absolutely unimportant.
It has also become a necessity of establishing the Global Trade and Resources Ministry that will be assessing, compiling, managing and protecting Earth resources, and the Earth Court of Justice prosecuting cases involving crimes related to the relentless misused of the Earth resources.
It's time for us to come to terms with reality. We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and fewer material goods.
We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives.
The world is in global crisis and a planetary state of emergency. We are exploiting our natural resources, minerals and fuels faster than we are gaining access to alternative sources.
We are polluting the natural environment faster than the environment can regenerate itself to reach the level suitable for human needs.
We are changing the global climate dangerously. Our attitude and way of life show a moral degradation toward
the existing forms of life on the planet. It's time for us to protect what is left to protect: life itself on Earth.
This was the reason for the creation of a planetary biodiversity zone.
Global Civilizational State has shown the benefits of biodiversity to humanity and hope this approach will motivate others to help create the zone.
The stewardship of the ecological base has to be given priority before the fulfilment of various economic and social wishes. All families need shelter, food, language, body of knowledge, certain skills, a source of income. Security of the home is an important aspect for any family and Global Civilizational State it belongs to. Primordial human needs raise the question of interacting universal responsibilities. In terms of parenthood, parents must raised their children mentally and physically healthy. It is a responsibility to do so. Which also means each local community must have an educational system to help parents raise the child. On the Scale of Global Rights primordial human rights and the protection of the global life-support systems and of ecological rights are on top of the Scale. They are the most important aspects on the Scale.
As global crises of all sorts further intensify, the Global Community may have no alternative but to show solidarity and help each other out of crises, and such solidarity can only be built on the basis of harmony and moderation, and on respecting the political and cultural diversity of this troubled world. A successful Global Civilizational State for all life on Earth is on the horizon. Let us lead the world toward a Global Civilizational State.
Yet, the main reason that the whole mess will be curbed is a simple one: infinite growth, whether economic growth or population growth, cannot continue indefinitely. Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist. Accordingly, one can envision that a crash is coming. In large measure, it's because environmental tipping points are already on the way and, for those people in the worst locations for the collapse -- the desperation, conflicts and chaos will likely be horrific in scale and ferocity.
How could they not be when our governments worldwide and the status quo do not encourage our transitioning to a steady state economy, business based on regionalized commerce and a cooperative inclusive economic arrangement rather than out of control global competition, "democratic socialism plus" rather than capitalism? How can further troubles not come into being when a vicious globalized capitalism system is in existence for which maximal profits, not people and their needs, is always the overriding goal? Despite its desirably from many standpoints, how can an alternative scheme be put in place when it bumps up against the prevailing paradigm and the corporatists -- the powerful über-elites that control the gargantuan transnational companies and our fawning government toadies?
Earth has long been waiting for a truly global governing
body based on universal values, global rights, global concepts and democracy.
We might as well start this new way of doing things creating process now, there is no longer any reason to wait. But then Global Civilizational State is already here.
As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. It requires a new sense of global interdependence and universal responsibility.
We must develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, globally, and within ourselves
throughout life. Our cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to
realize the vision.
Global Civilizational State has now a Vision of the Earth in Year 2024 and a sense of direction.
Global Civilizational State embarks on a new path in history, the inevitability of global societies living, sharing, and creating symbiotical relationships
interactively is, beyond doubt, that which we must confront. Our creativity today may influence tomorrow's socio-economic strategies
and contribute to the evolution of human societies - an evolution directed towards a global partnership and cooperation with each other for survival.
In order to build a sustainable global community, each individual, each local community, and national governments of the world must
initiate their commitment to Global Civilizational State.
Global Civilizational State was defined as a social, and political movement in the sense of having a
broad organizational structure and an ideology aimed at governing. The
environmental movement, within Global Civilizational State, expresses the
concerns of groups of people regarding depletion of water, clean air, climate change
aspects, degradation of land and other changes in ecosystems affecting
traditional patterns of natural resources exploitation . Global Civilizational State has taken the role of helping these groups in protecting and managing the
environment by coordinating their efforts.
Global Civilizational State is aware that religious beliefs, traditional customs and
standards could burden the sustainability of all life on Earth. They could
burden Earth society or any society forever, and holds individuals in a
straitjacket. We cannot accept that. No one can! There are choices to be
made, and we must make them. Cultures can develop and can go on developing.
Even religious beliefs may evolve. We are living now, and we are
able to create these changes. We are at least as bright, most certainly
brighter, than the people who were living thousand of years ago.
Global Civilizational State opposes environmental, economic, population and military warfares. Global Civilizational State was first to oppose any type of invasion of a people by another people. An invasion is either an environmental, economic, population or military offensive in which large numbers of combatants of one geopolitical entity aggressively enter territory owned by another such entity, generally with the objective of either conquering; liberating or re-establishing control or authority over a territory; forcing the partition of a country; altering the established government or gaining concessions from said government; or a combination thereof. An invasion can be the cause of a war, be a part of a larger strategy to end a war, or it can constitute an entire war in itself. Due to the large scale of the operations associated with invasions, they are usually strategic in planning and execution. Global Civilizational State has been witnessing such different types of walfares for decades. And now is time to stop all types of invasion no matter what they maybe.
Overpopulation worlwide is a crisis. Everyone is responsible and are required now by Global Civilizational State to follow Global Law as defined and developed by Global Community.
Symbiotical relationships are needed today for the long term future of humanity and for the protection of life on Earth. Humanity needs to slow down significantly world population.
This 21st century is very crucial for humanity as it will determine our survival or not as a species and, consequently, the survival of the next generations. It is now increasingly evident that only by sharing the world's natural resources more equitably and sustainably will we be able to address both the ecological and social crisis we face as Global Civilizational State. This does not imply that a section of the world population whose idea of survival is to have many children and Global Community would see that they are given all social services needed for survival. No! There are global laws concerning procreation and everyone is required not to have more than 1.3 children per family in a given population. Global population warfare is not permitted, much like military and economic warfares in the world today. All other life species than human are also part of Global Community and their population will also be protected for their own survival.
Population warfare definition (as defined by Global Civilizational State in 1985): use of a very high fertility rate to conquer a nation, and that could mean as many as or more than 2.11 children per family. It is a form of cultural and/or religious aggression and invasion by having a much too high number of new born babies. For instance, there has been a rapid increase in population among Muslims to the extent that in fifty years all of Europe and North America are expected to be mostly Islamic. The influx of Latino immigration into the western states of the USA will also have the effect of a population warfare.
Global Community Ministry of World Population.
Moratorium on world population and the fertility rate, and ending population warfare.
Clearly the environmental challenges facing humanity in the 21st century and beyond would be less difficult in a world with slower population growth or none at all. Population is a critical variable influencing the availability of each of the natural resources considered here. And access to family planning services is a critical variable influencing population. Use of family planning contributes powerfully to lower fertility, later childbearing, and slower population growth. Yet policymakers, environmentalists and the general public remain largely unaware of the growing interest of young people throughout the world in delaying pregnancies and planning their families. In greater proportions than ever, girls want to go to school and to college, and women want to find fulfilling and well-paid employment. Helping people in every country to obtain the information and services they need to put these ambitions into effect is all that can be done, and all that needs to be done, to end world population growth in the new century.
Part a) Global Civilizational State and America modernizing the world. |
It is impossible within the scope of this paper to describe, compare, and evaluate all past and present civilizations, and conclude that "A successful Global Civilizational State for all Life" would have the following distinguishing characteristics. Nevertheless, let us see what can be found within the context of today civilizations, what are possible surviving solutions for Life on Earth, and even attempt to promote a system of global governance consisting of a more meaningful world union in the form of nine or more Global Governments and Global Parliament.
The oldest known evidence of social units that have ever existed show that humans were adapting and evolving with time through generations. Human history stretches through generations, is the history of civilizations. Civilization and culture both refer to the overall way of life of a people, and involve the values, beliefs, norms, institutions, social structures, and modes of thinking to which successive generations in a given society. As such, a civilization is the most extensive cultural entity and, therefore, villages, regions, ethnic groups, nationalities, religious groups, all have distinct cultures. A civilization being the highest cultural grouping of people, and it is defined by language, history, religion, customs, and institutions. The composition and shapes of civilizations change over time. The cultures of peoples interact and overlap. Empires rise and fall; governments come and go; but civilizations remain and survive political, social, economic, even difficult ideological changes. Civilizations being cultural and not political entities, they do not maintain order, establish justice, collect taxes, fight wars, negotiate treaties, or any other things which governments do. A civilization may contain one or many political organizations such as city states, empires, federations, confederations, nation states, and multinational states.
Global Civilizational State implies the cultural coming together of humanity and the acceptance of common values, beliefs, orientations, practices, and institutions by people throughout the world. Human beings in almost all societies share basic values.
People in most societies have a strong moral sense, a morality of basic concepts of what is right and wrong. If people have shared a few fundamental values and institutions throughout history, this may explain some constants in human behavior but it cannot explain history, which consists of changes in human behavior. If a Global Civilizational State common to all humanity exists, what term do we then use to identify the major cultural groupings of humanity? Humanity is divided into subgroups such as tribes, nations, and broader cultural entities usually called civilizations. If the term civilization is elevated to what is common to humanity as a whole then the largest cultural groupings of people would be a single Global Civilizational State, that is a variety of cultures, of peoples, of religious worlds, of historical traditions, and historically formed attitudes. Confusion occurs by restricting 'civilization' to the global level and designing as 'cultures' or 'subcivilizations' those largest cultural entities which have historically always been called civilizations.
In order to understand the rise of a civilizational state and of Global Civilizational State as a global civilizational state, it is useful to understand the concept of a nation-state. A nation-state generally refers to a state made up of people who share some common traits such as language, religion and way of life. Europe is the birthplace of nation-states, and nationalism pushed much of Europe's nationhood and modernization, and also proved to be a major cause of conflicts and wars. During the 18th and 19th centuries, nation-states emerged one after another in Europe, the earliest nation-state being France. Our first description of a civilization with nation-states will be that of the Western civilization which emerged about A.D. 700 or 800. It has three major components: Europe, North America, and Latin America. A civilization is generally defined as an advanced state of human society with important characteristics.
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The development and evolution of the West are in large part the factors which enabled the West to take the lead in modernizing itself and non-Western societies. Over time, characteristics of Western civilization have been defined by religion and moral principles, human rights, language, ancestry, history, ethnic groups, customs and laws, maintaining a meaningful independent existence, and ways of life. America is the distinct core-state civilization of the West. Inevitably, the fate of the United States and the West depends upon Americans asserting strongly once more their commitment to Western civilization and today, their commitment to the Global Civilizational State which is seen by global citizens as the guardian, custodian and embodiment of Western civilization. Historians, anthropologists, and other scholars have researched several core characteristics of civilization.
Some of the most important characteristics of the Western civilization include:
a) Western Christianity, namely Catholicism and Protestantism, is the most important characteristic of Western civilization. There exists a well-developed sense of community among Western Christian peoples.
b) Language is second only to religion as a factor distinguishing people of one culture from those of another.The West differs from most other civilizations in its multiplicity of languages such as Japanese, Hindi, Manderin, Russian, and Arabic. The West inherited Latin from its past.
c) God and Caesar, church and state, spiritual authority and temporal authority, have been a prevailing dualism in Western culture. The separation between church and state that typify Western civilization have existed in no other civilization. This division of authority contributed immeasurably to the development of freedom in the West.
d) The concept of the centrality of law to civilized existence was inherited from the Romans. The tradition of the rule of law laid the basis for constitutionalism and the protection of human rights, including property rights, against the exercise of arbitrary power. In most other civilizations law was a much less important factor in shaping thought and behavior.
e) Historically Western society has been highly pluralistic and that was a distinguishing characteristic, the rise of diverse autonomous groups not based on blood relationship or marriage. These groups included monasteries, monastic orders, guilds, and a variety of other associations and societies. Most Western European societies included a strong and autonomous aristocracy, a peasantry, and a class of merchants and traders.
f) Social pluralism gave rise to estates, parliaments, and other institutions to represent the interests of the aristocracy, clergy, merchants, and other groups. These bodies provided forms of representation which in the course of modernization evolved into the institutions of modern democracy. They provided a vehicle for expanded political participation. Then movements for self-government developed in cities and spread forcing bishops, local barons, and other nobles to share power with the people. Representation at the national level was thus supplemented by a measure of autonomy at the local level.
g) Over time emerged a sense of individualism and a tradition of individual rights and liberties unique among civilized societies, even claims for equal rights for all individuals. Again and again both Westerners and non-Westerners point to individualism as the central distinguishing mark of the West.
These concepts, practices, and institutions have been more prevalent in the West than in non-Western civilizations. They are in large part the factors which enabled the West to take the lead in modernizing itself and the world. The expansion of the West has promoted both the modernization and the Westernization of non-Western societies. Today, the total rejection of modernization is hardly possible in a world becoming overwhelmingly modern and highly interconnected. Only the very most extreme fundamentalists reject modernization. The religious values, moral assumptions, and social structures of the non-Western societies are at best alien, and sometime hostile, to the values and practices of individualism. Even extreme proponents of anti-Westernism and the revitalization of indigenous cultures do not hesitate to use modern techniques of e-mail, computers, compact discs, USB devices, the Internet, and television to promote their cause. So modernization does not necessarily mean Westernization. Non-Western societies can modernize and have modernized without abandoning their own cultures and adopting wholesale Western values, institutions, and practices. In short, modernization means a great victory and achievement of Global Civilizational State on Earth.
Because of modernization, global politics today is being reconfigured along cultural lines and civilizations. And of course, Global Civilizational State is finally giving its historical place as the global solution to saving humanity, and all other lifeforms on Earth, from complete extinction. Peoples and countries with similar cultures are coming together. Alignments defined by ideology and superpower relations are giving way to alignments defined by culture and civilization. A civilization may also include people who share in and identify with its culture, but who live in states dominated by members of another civilization. Civilizations usually have one or more places viewed by their members as the principal source or sources of the civilization's culture. These sources are often located within the core state or states of the civilization, that is, its most powerful and culturally central state or states.
The components of order in today's more complex and heterogenous world are found within and between civilizations. The world will be ordered on the basis of civilizations or not at all. In this world the core states of civilizations are sources of order within civilizations and, through negotiations with other core states, between civilizations.
America is the land of freedom, equality, opportunity, the future, and is a distinct core-state civilization. Not so much ideologies, but economics and politics differentiate peoples of different civilizations. Nevertheless, cultures, ways of life, ways doing things have been the most distinguishing characteristics. Those characteristics have been defined by religion, language, ancestry, history, communities, ethnic groups, customs, nations, and also by major levels of classification being civilizations. In modern era, Western civilization, the West, is referred to the European-American civilization.
Part b) Commonalities between Asia and the West engendered and self-disciplined global citizens to prepare for life survival now and long after Earth has ceased to exist. |
Meaningful political integration with the EU bounded by Global Civilizational State, would in some measure counter the relative decline in the West's share of the world's people, economic product, and military capabilities and revive the power of the West in the eyes of the leaders of other civilizations. Whether the West comes together politically and economically depends overwhelmingly on whether the United States reaffirms its identity as a Western nation and defines its global role as the leader of Western civilization.
Instead of promoting the supposedly global features of one global civilization, the requisites for cultural coexistence demand a search for what is common to most civilizations. It is a search for a Global Civilizational State. In a multicivilizational world, the constructive course is to renounce global culture, accept diversity, and seek commonalities. There are core values which different ethnic and religious societies have in common.
The West, especially the United States, believe that peoples from the non-Western civilizations should commit themselves to the Western values of democracy, free markets, limited government, human rights, individualism, the rule of law, and should embody these values in their institutions. What is Global Civilizational State to the West is imperialism to the rest of the world. The West will continue to attempt to sustain its preeminent position and defend its interests by defining interests of Global Civilizational State . Through the World Bank and the IMF, and other international economic institutions, the West is attempting to integrate the economies of non-Western societies into a global economic system which it dominates.
Having achieved political independence, non-Western societies wish to free themselves from Western economic, military, and cultural domination. East Asian societies are well on their way to equaling the West economically. Asian and Islamic countries are looking for shortcuts to balance the West militarily. The global aspirations of Western civilization, the declining relative power of the West, and the increasing cultural assertiveness of other civilizations ensure generally difficult relations between the West and the rest of the world.
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Commonalities exist between Asia and the West. Whatever the degree to which humankind is divided, the world's major religions, Western Christianity, Orthodoxy, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, also share key values in common. A more inclusive Global Civilizational State can emerge gradually through the exploration and expansion of these commonalities. Peace in a multicivilizational world is the finding of commonalities: peoples in all civilizations should search for and attempt to expand the values, institutions, and practices they have in common with peoples of other civilizations. This effort would contribute to strengthening Global Civilizational State which is a complex mix of higher levels of morality, religion, learning, art, philosophy, technology, and material wellbeing.
Now, let us have a more specific definition and understanding of non-Western civilizations. Non-Western societies, such as those in East Asia, are expanding their economic wealth, political strength, military power, claiming their own cultural values and letting go those constrained on them by the West. Nations with cultural similarities cooperate economically and politically. For instance, East Asian economic success has its primary source in East Asian culture. Power has shifted from the predominant West to non-Western civilizations, and global politics has become multipolar and multicivilizational.
Having defined what was meant by a nation-state, and a core-state within civilizations, and to a great extent within Western civilization, a much different attitude toward life in society can be found in non-Western civilizations, especially in China.
China as a civilization-state has a history of several thousands years, and Chinese people lived on its soil and evolved its own unique civilization. The concept of a "civilization-state" was applied to mean that China was still faced with many difficulties when it was trying to make the transition from a civilization-state to a nation-state, and the Western-states blamed China's thousands of years of civilization for being a burden on its effort to build a modern state. In other words, being a civilization-state, China found it hard to evolve modern laws, economics, defense, education and political governance. Today's China has established an unprecendented modern state system which includes a unified government, market, economy, education, law, defense, finance and taxation. Yet the Chinese people still retains their many traditions associated with a civilization-state, and these traditions are playing a vital role today in China's success. China is a civilization-state, which is defined by its extraordinarily long history and also its huge geographic scale and social diversity. For China, unity is its first priority, and plurality the condition of its existence, and that is why China could offer Hong Kong "one country two systems", a model alien to a nation-state. The Chinese state enjoys a very different kind of relationship with society compared with the Western state. It enjoys much greater natural authority, legitimacy and respect, even though not a single vote is cast for the government. The reason is that the state is seen by the Chinese people as the guardian, custodian and embodiment of their civilization. The duty of the state is to protect its unity. The legitimacy of the state therefore lies deep in Chinese history. This is utterly different from how the state is seen by Western societies.
In China's long history, all governments are expected to show special concern for improving people's livelihood, tackel natural and man-made disasters, and cope with all the challenges posed by China's huge population and vast territory. It is unimaginable that most Chinese would ever accept the so-called multi-party democratic system with a change of central government every four years. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is not a party as the concept "party" is understood in the West. In essence, the CPC continues the long tradition of a unified Confucian ruling entity, which represents the interest of the whole society, rather than a Western-style political party which openly represents group interests. In China, political ideas and practices over the past millennia are the most important source of the Chinese perception of legitimacy. One could well apply the Chinese concept of "selection of talents based on meritocracy" to the Western society and question the Western concept of legitimacy. Without this legitimacy based on meritocracy, how could a regime be qualified to govern? How could a regime be accountable to its people and to the world?
As a modern state, China accepts the concept of the sovereign equality of states and prevailing conceptions of human rights. China is unique due to the many traditions and features originating from its civilization. This is also the key conceptual difference between a civilizational state and a civilization-state. The civilizational state represents an amalgamation of an old civilization and a modern nation-state. On the other hand, a civilization-state reflects the tension between the two. As a civilizational state, China is both old and young, both traditional and modern, both Chinese and global. At least eight features can be distilled from the civilizational state of China: 1) a very large population, 2) a vast territoty, 3) very long traditions, 4) a unique language, 5) richest cultural heritages, 6) a political system with Chinese characteristics, 7) a distinctive society, 8) a unique way of running an economy.
Within the Global Civilizational State of Western civilization, the United States is the first rotating strong leader of the nation-states, other member states would include Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Iceland, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, and perhaps other nation-states from Latin America or elsewhere in the world. All nation-states within the Global Civilizational State share similar cultural commonalities and core values. These nation-states also agree to developing close forms of economic and political integration to supplement their security collaboration in NATO. Political integration also mean being part of a Global Government. A statement on Governance, and particularly on core values by America, would be a necessary prerequisite to a Global Dialogue and meeting of the nation-states interested in forming the Global Civilizational State.
Within China development model, the main features of the civilizational state (population, territory, tradition and culture) all constitute China's greatest strengths. China has the richest human resources and potentially the largest consumer market; China has an unparalleled geopolitical and geoeconomic status; China has its tradition of independent thinking, and has the richest cultural resources in the world. China is a civilizational state generating its own standards and values and making unique contributions to the world civilizations. China's civilizational state has a strong capability to draw on the strengths of other nations while maintaining its own identity. The Chinese people have a deep respect of Nature and have applied the secular application of ethics and political philosophy to social, economic, and political governance. Chinese culture is more inclusive than exclusive, within the broad conceptual framework of the Confucian idea of 'unity in diversity". The greatest wisdom of a civilizational state is its long tradition of seeking common ground while reserving differences, and this wisdom is first reflected in the Chinese language. Chinese characters are commonly made up of various components, and the components often give a hint of the pronunciation and the meaning of the word, and they are structured in such a way that they often follow the principle of "seeking common ground while reserving differences". The Chinese language seems to underline the fact that seeking commonality from diversity is a trait of Chinese culture. The governance of a civilizational state follows the same logic, and if one can focus on seeking the commonalities of different interest groups, one stands a better chance of solving the tensions among them, whether it is a tension between regions, between enterprises, between social groups or between rich and poor.
A successful Global Civilizational State for all Life on Earth is on the horizon. Let us lead the world toward a Global Civilizational State. A Global Civilizational State leadership in which core states play a leading or dominating role is a global government type world of leadership. It is a leadership in which the exercise of influence by the core state is tempered and moderated by the common culture it shares with member states of its civilization. Cultural commonality legitimates the leadership and order-imposing role of the core state for both member states and for the external powers and institutions. In any given region where there is a dominant state peace can be achieved and maintained only through the leadership of that core state. Regional power becomes responsible and legitimate when exercised by core states in relation to other members of their civilization. A core state can perform its ordering function because member states perceive it as cultural kin. When civilizations lack core states the problems of creating order within civilizations or negotiating order between civilizations become more difficult. Where core states exist, they are the central elements of the new international order based on civilizations.
Part i) Morality and ways of doing business within Global Civilizational State. |
Modern morality and ethics are closely tied to the sociocultural evolution of different Peoples of humanity. Morality is therefore a product of evolutionary forces acting at an individual level and also at the group level through group selection. The set of behaviors that constitute morality evolved largely because they provided possible survival and/or reproductive benefits to increase evolutionary success.
Over ancient time to this day, morality in society made its way into our ways of doing business. So the set of behaviors that constitute Global Civilizational State ethic for a business also evolved largely because they provided possible survival benefits to increase evolutionary success. Consequently, peoples evolved socially to express emotions, such as feelings of empathy or guilt, in response to these moral behaviors. Humans developed truly moral, altruistic instincts. When looking across cultures of geo-cultural areas and across millennia, certain virtues have prevailed in all cultures, the major ones include:
wisdom, knowledge, courage, justice, love, truth, empathy, kindness, and social intelligence.
These virtues were not always incorporated into the ways of doing business because the 1% super rich businesses became corrupted, greedy, no longer in line with humanity's survival on the planet, and more interested in keeping most of the wealth, resources and power for themselves keeping the remaining 99% of the world population in poverty. But today, Global Civilizational State incorporates these virtues and proper behaviors into corporate citizen global ethics.
Global Civilizational State ethics for a business are about how we treat others and a commitment to respect every person humanely and with dignity. For this process to work, global citizens learn to forgive, be patient and compassionate, promote acceptance, open theirs hearts to one another, and practice a culture of solidarity and cooperation. Let go narrow differences between us all for the greater good of humanity and future generations.
Part f) Global crises need a sound Global Civilizational State leadership. |
Our world is facing crises of freshwater, food, deforestation, ocean health, and destruction of the global life-support systems. We need leadership in the protection of all our natural resources, in peril because of what we do and what that does to our planet. We are facing a fresh water crisis. We are facing a food crisis. We are facing a crisis over deforestation. And we are facing crises in our oceans. While carbon emissions from fossil fuels pollute the air, land and our oceans, we are facing the climate change crisis. Now is the time to press for a sound Global Civilizational State leadership.
We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and to grow strong caring communities in which we get more of our human satisfaction from caring relationships and less from material goods. We need to reclaim the ideal of being a democratic middle-class people without extremes of wealth and poverty. We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives. This means letting go a sense of ourselves as consumption machines. We need a Global Civilizational State leadership for all of humanity.
Now Global Community claims that all lifeforms are important and included as part of global ethics. It is not just about 'humanity survival' but about 'all lifeforms survival' we are fighting for. The treatment of all lifeforms provides a clear example of the practical value of global ethics. In the Western world (and in contrast with certain Eastern traditions) lifeforms other than human beings have long been excluded from the domain of moral concern. They have been bred up and killed for food and clothing, captured and dissected in the name of science, and sometimes hunted for pure pleasure. This treatment has been justified in several ways. Within the Jewish and Christian religious context, for example, it is taught that God created "animals" for human use, and so we are entitled to do to them as we please. Global Community condemns this behavior because each of us depends on the well-being of the whole, and so global citizens must have respect for the community of living beings, for people, other lifeforms, and plants, and for the preservation of Earth, the air, water and soil.
Wherever there are people, there will be conflicts, and Global Community ethics can help to resolve conflicts. Global Civilizational State proposes that such conflicts be resolved without violence and within a framework of justice. People must commit themselves to the most nonviolent, peaceful solutions possible. This is the pathway to global peace.
Past and present major civilizations are: Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Persian, South Asian, East Asian, Mesoamerican, Andean, Sinic (Chinese), Japanese, Indian, Islamic, Western, Orthodox, Latin American, Sub-Saharan Africa, Oceanian, Ukraine-Mongolian, Ancient India, and Russian.
Economic and political power must be used as a service to humanity instead of misusing it in ruthless battles for domination. Global Community faith can help to develop a spirit of compassion with those who suffer, with special care for the children, the aged, the
poor, the disabled, and the refugees.
So in addition to disagreements as to whether given civilizations are still alive or defunct, there is also discord as to which are parts and which wholes. Some civilizations are defined on a religious criterion, some on a geographic-regional criterion, some on an ethnic-national criterion, some civilizations are seen as independent, and others are seen as to be dependent upon other civilizations. While some civilizations covered relatively little territory, the extent of their influence nonetheless merits the term " civilization". The following list show most well known civilizations in the world.
Middle East
South Asia
South Asian
East Asia
East Asian
Europe and countries marked by European immigration.
Meso/South America
Latin American
Sub-Sahara Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Ukraine to Mongolia
Ukraine - Mongolian
Ancient India
In this paper we describe what are possible surviving solutions for Life on Earth, and even attempt to promote what a system of global governance consisting of a more meaningful union in the form of nine or more Global Governments. The Federation of Global Governments would be the place of meeting between Global Governments. A Global Government is concerned not only with economics and trade, but also with the environment, health, agriculture, energy, food, social, cultural and many other essential aspects.
The very first step of the Federation, and maybe the only one for several decades ahead of us, would be the approval of essential services amongst the participating member nations. We want each Global Government to take a larger share of responsibility of the specific region where it operates, and be more accountable to the people of that region, and to all life on Earth. The power of the Federation was de-centralized to give each Global Government a better chance to find the right solutions to global issues in its specific area. A Global Government can act faster and be more effective and efficient in the context of Global Civilizational State, this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities within each nation. Global Civilizational State becomes thus more fluid and dynamic. A global symbiotical relationship is created between nations and the Federation for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development. This is the basic concept that is allowing us to group willing member nations from different parts of the world.
As an example, the fates of the United States and of the West depend upon Americans asserting again strongly their commitment to Western civilization. At home, this means rejecting the divisive urgent need of multiculturalism. Internationally it means letting go the elusive and illusory calls to identify the United States with Asia. Whatever economic connections may exist between them, the fundamental cultural gap between Asian and American societies precludes their joining together in a common home. Americans are culturally part of the Western family; multiculturalists may damage and even destroy that relationship but they cannot replace it. When Americans look for their cultural roots, they find them in Europe.
As Western countries increasingly interact with increasingly powerful non-Western societies they become more and more aware of their common Western cultural core that binds them together. If North America and Europe renew again their moral life, build on their cultural commonality, and develop close forms of economic and political integration to supplement their security collaboration in NATO, they could generate a third Euroamerican phase of Western economic affluence and political influence. Meaningful political integration would in some measure counter the relative decline in the West's share of the world's people, economic product, and military capabilities and revive the power of the West in the eyes of the leaders of other civilizations. Whether the West comes together politically and economically depends overwhelmingly on whether the United States reaffirms its identity as a Western nation and defines its global role as the leader of Western civilization.
The most important parts of any culture or civilization are language and religion. Then a Global Civilizational State emerging would require a global language and a global religion. But this is not happening. Diplomats, businessmen, scientists, tourists, and the services catering to them, airline pilots and air traffic controllers, need some means of efficient communication with each other, and now do it largely in English. English is the world's way of communicating interculturally. The use of English is the intercultural communication, a tool for communication not a source of identity and community. Precisely because people want to preserve their own culture they use English to communicate with peoples of other cultures. The most widely spoken languages are English, Mandarin, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian.
As the power of the West gradually declines relative to that of other civilizations, the use of English and other Western languages in other societies and for communications between societies will also slowly erode. For instance, China has displaced the West as the dominant civilization in the world, English will give way to Manderin as the world's language. Social and political pressures increasingly lead to the more general use of indigenous languages, Arabic displacing French in North Africa, Urdu, the official language of Pakistan, and is also widely used in India and elsewhere, is supplanting English as the language of government and education in Pakistan, and indegenous language media replacing English media in India.
The increased interaction among peoples which includes trade, investment, tourism, media, electronic communication, is generating a common world culture. Improvements in transportation and communications technology have indeed made it easier and cheaper to move money, goods, people, knowledge, ideas, and images around the world. By increasing trade globally is unlikely to ease international tensions or promote greater international stability. Economic interdependence fosters peace only when states expect that high trade levels will continue into the foreseeable future, otherwise war is likely to result. Often people define their identity by what they are not. As increased communications, trade, and travel multiply the interactions among civilizations, people increasingly accord greater relevance to their civilizational identity. In an increasingly globalized world characterized by historically exceptional degrees of civilizational, societal, and other modes of interdependence and widespread consciousness, there is an exacerbation of civilizational, societal, and ethnic self-consciousness. The global religious revival, the return of the sacred, is a response to people's perception of the world as a single place, Earth.
Today the evidence-based argument for the appearance of a Global Civilizational State is really the result of the broad processes of modernization that have been going on since the eighteenth century. Modernization involves industrialization, urbanization, increasing levels of literacy, education, wealth, social mobilization, and more complex and diversified occupational structures. It is a product of the tremendous expansion of scientific and engineering knowledge beginning in the eighteenth century that made it possible for humans to control and shape their environment in totally unprecedented ways. Modernization is a revolutionary process comparable only to the shift from primitive to civilized societies that is, the appearance of Global Civilizational State . The attitudes, values, knowledge, and culture of people in a modern society differ greatly from those in a traditional society. As the first civilization to modernize, the West leads in the acquisition of the culture of modernity. As other societies acquire similar patterns of education, work, wealth, and class structure, the argument runs, this modern Western culture will become the new culture for Global Civilizational State . Modern societies could resemble each other more than do traditional societies because the increased interaction among modern societies may not generate a common culture but it does facilitate the transfer of techniques, inventions, and practices from one society to another with a speed and to a degree that were impossible in the traditional world.
A traditional society was based on agriculture; modern society is based on industry, which may evolve from the handicrafts to classic heavy industry to knowledge-based industry. Patterns of agriculture and the social structure which goes with them are much more dependent on the natural environment than are patterns of industry. They vary with soil and climate and thus may give rise to different forms of land ownership, social sturcture, and government. Agriculture depends on the construction and operation of massive irrigation systems and so does foster the appearance of centralized and bureaucratic authorities. Rich soil and good climate are likely to encourage development of large-scale plantation agriculture and a consequent social structure involving a small class of wealthy landowners and a large class of peasants, slaves, or serfs who work the plantations. Conditions inhospitable to large-scale agriculture may encourage the appearance of a society of independent farmers. In agricultural societies, in short, social structure is often shaped by geography.
d) Description of modern day civilization-states. |
Within a given territory, a civilization can exert significant cultural influence upon the included nations. The meaning of the term civilization has changed several times during its history, and even today it is used in several ways. It is commonly used to describe human societies showing a high level of cultural and technological development, as opposed to what many consider to be less advanced societies. This definition, however, is unclear, subjective, and it carries with it assumptions no longer accepted by modern scholarship on how human societies have changed during their long past. Over time, civilizations developed as an end product of social or political evolution. Many of the social forces that in the past were believed to inevitably lead to the development of cities and nations do not always lead to that result. The diversity of human experience seems too complex and vast for our concepts to fit reality perfectly. Each human society is shaped by its own unique set of circumstances.
Urban centers include cities and villages throughout the territory occupied by a specific civilization. Agricultural management and storage is important because it allows people to ensure their future livelihood, rather than just scrounge for food on a day-by-day basis. Irrigation management allows for the growth of crops, and in some cases, clean drinking water and even plumbing. Keeping global food production in alignment of human population growth involves balancing the costs of inadequate diets against those associated with exceeding the limits of sustainable agriculture. Those limits are set by: losses of farmland to other uses; diminishing opportunities for irrigation; erosion and degradation of soils; biological limits to yield increases; diminishing returns from fertilizer use; chemical pest-control problems; declining genetic diversity of crops and their wild relatives; depressed yields from increased ultraviolet-B radiation and pollutants; possible rapid climate change and sea-level rise; and a general deterioration of the free services supplied to agriculture by natural ecosystems. Dramatic declines in human fertility, ecologically sustainable agriculture, preservation of biodiversity, and revised socioeconomic policies are essential to preventing further reductions of Earth's long-term carrying capacity.
The need for defense soon led to the growth of governments. Governments organize and regulate human activity. They also provide for smooth interaction between individuals and groups. In the first civilizations, governments usually were led by monarchs, kings or queens, oligarchs, who rule a kingdom, or who organized armies to protect their populations and made laws to regulate their citizens lives.
Environmental problems have contributed to numerous collapses of civilizations in the past. Now, for the first time, a global collapse appears likely and global warming, overpopulation, overconsumption by the rich and poor choices of technologies are major drivers; dramatic cultural change provides the main hope of averting calamity.
In consequence of globalization, the new economic and political distribution
of power around the world has become very different then we were used to.
It has become very fluid, in perpetual motion and affected by global markets.
Giant new markets are forming all over the world. Competition is hardening.
National economies can no longer insure or guarantee rights of possession
on any property. National borders no longer mean protection, security,
cultural boundaries, resources ownership, political and economic control.
International market regulations try to control or ease the effects
of globalization. The effects are often devastating. With globalization
comes global problems such as:
* unemployment in industrial nations
The need to survive can put checks and balances on the rampant globalization
effects already raging like a virus in our world.
To survive what must be re-thought? Old ideas and values, traditions,
laws, ways of doing things must be re-evaluated and some left behind.
The choice is simple survival:
In the developed countries, a distinction must
be made between necessary and limitless consumption, between
socially beneficial and non-beneficial uses of property, between
justified and unjustified uses of natural resources, and between
a profit-only and a socially beneficial and ecologically oriented
market economy.
This 21st century is very crucial for humanity as it will determine our survival or not as a species and, consequently, the survival of the next generations.
The Biosphere is our world, our home. The lives of all lifeforms and plants on our planet deserve protection, preservation, and care.
Global Community proposes that all nations should have the same level of emissions per person (convergence) while contracting them to a level that is sustainable (contraction). A country such as the United States, which has only 5% of the global population, would be allowed no more than 5% of globally sustainable emissions. Such a move would represent a dramatic anti-imperialist shift since the US is at present responsible for 25% of carbon emissions. The powerful individuals and corporations that control nations like the US are not likely to accept such revolutionary curtailments of the wasteful system that supports them without a struggle. Already there is abundant evidence that they would sooner destroy the planet than let even a modicum of their power slip.
What is going on today is largely attributable to the failure of growth-based capitalism. We need to address the structural deficiencies in the existing system.
What would be the shape and fundamental goals of an expansive anti-capitalist movement against extinction and for environmental justice? It would have to commence with open recognition by the developed nations of the long history of ecocide. Such an admission would lead to a consequent recognition of the biodiversity debt owed by the wealthy nations of the global North to the South. Building on the demands articulated by the climate justice movement, the anti-capitalist conservation movement must demand the repayment of this biodiversity debt.
What would be the shape and fundamental goals of an expansive anti-capitalist movement against extinction and for environmental justice? It would have to commence with open recognition by the developed nations of the long history of ecocide. Such an admission would lead to a consequent recognition of the biodiversity debt owed by the wealthy nations of the global North to the South. Building on the demands articulated by the climate justice movement, the anti-capitalist conservation movement must demand the repayment of this biodiversity debt.
"Democratic socialism plus" advocates that the control and management of natural resources be under the control of the people. The 1 % super rich people worldwide who thrive within capitalism, must be overthrown. This new way of governing can be achieve through legitimate democratic means by voting in a party that represents this way of governing. "Democratic socialism plus" implies public owership, not private ownership of natural resources.
"Democratic socialism plus" accommodates dissent and opposing points of view. It ensures a society free from oppression and midnight knocks. It fights dictatorships and control of the super rich 1% of the world population over the natural resources on the planet which caused the planetary state of emergency crisis worlwide, an environmental crisis, a global warming out of control, a climate change crisis, a life extinction crisis, and a widespread life extinctions.
The life extinction crisis on Earth was caused by an economic system based on capitalism which promotes accumulation by dispossession, and ceaseless growth designed and calculated to encourage a higher yearly GDP that is destroying ecosystems the world over. The global socioeconomic system of capitalism is thus forcing us to work harder to surpass previous GDP consumption and population numbers until we have devoured everything that maintains life, ending up with a polluted, lifeless, and scorched planet. This system made it possible for 1% of people in the world, namely Transnational Corporations CEOs, and mostly global corporate America, to have as much wealth as half the world's population, with always the overriding goal for which maximal profits, and not the needs and welfare of future generations.
The primary goal of the developed nations must be to overturn the present expansionary economic system based on capitalism by fostering de-growth and creating steady state societies founded on principles of equality and environmental justice. Most importantly, nations that have benefited from burning fossil fuels must radically cut their carbon emissions in order to stop the climate chaos that endangers the vast majority of current terrestrial forms of life. What would be the shape and fundamental goals of such an expansive anti-capitalist movement against extinction and for environmental justice? It would have to commence with open recognition by the developed nations, especially the United States of America, of the long history of global ecocide. Such an admission would lead to the consequent recognition of the biodiversity debt owed by the developed nations to humanity.
Today, earquakes, cyclones and other natural disasters, as well as human made global destruction and disasters, require a rapid and efficient response from the world to help those in needs. All of this can be effectively accomplished when the organizational structure of the government of each nation-state includes a Global Ministry of Essential Services in government. We can all co-operate together better this way when all people are prepared and able to do so.
The quality of Earth governance is reflected in each local community worldwide. Global Community will show leadership by creating
a global civil ethic within our ways of life. Global Constitution describes all values needed for good global governance:
mutual respect, tolerance, respect for life, justice for all everywhere, integrity, and caring. The Scale of global Rights
has become an inner truth and the benchmark of the millennium in how everyone sees all values.
The argument for 'free trade' insists on that countries should specialize in certain products that they are good at producing and buy from other countries what
they are not good at producing, so that the economy is more efficient. What kind of efficiency is it, when the pieces of a product are sent
half way around the world to be assembled in a country with cheap labour, then shipped back to be sold? It may be profitable to some businesses, but it is a waste of time and energy
as well as resources, and moving products this way is not environmentally friendly and is a threat to the global life-support systems.
What kind of efficiency is that? Huge amounts of money are spent on marketing to get people to buy things that they don't need. Where is the efficiency in that?
Perceiving and understanding the human population in its role as a consumer is very important because consumers collectively spend
two thirds of a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). They buy and influence the purchase of an increasingly wide array of
products. Despite the fact that we are making consumer decisions in an emerging Global Civilizational State , people are still being taught
how to be "good consumers", when actually the word consume means, "to destroy, use or expend".
The enormous productive capacities
and market forces of the planet have been committed to satisfying human needs and desires with little overall regard to the
short-term or long-term future of life on the planet, or life in other nations or in future generations.
Global ministries are a very specific and useful type of symbiotical relationships on Earth. There are urgently needed. Global Community has been
promoting the formation of 51 global ministries for the proper governance of Earth.
Global ministries are world wide organizations just like the WTO for trade and therefore should have the same power to rule on cases as that of the World trade
Organization (WTO).
Global ministries are a very specific and useful type of symbiotical relationships on Earth. There are urgently needed. Global Community has been
promoting the formation of 51 global ministries for the proper governance of Earth.
A sustainable world can be built with the help of a very powerful entity: the human spirit. Community participation generates the energy needed
to sustain the planet and all life. Religious and environmental communities have formed a powerful alliance for sustainability.
The formation of global ministries is the most important event in human history.
Global Civilizational State values did not all exist at first during the early stage of human evolution. Most of them gradually developed over time. Today, it is not just about 'humanity survival' but also 'all lifeforms survival' on Earth we are fighting for. We need to create a Global Ministry for the economic sharing, production and distribution of resources on our planet. In fact, we need global ministries for the proper management of the most important global commons, those concerned with the global life-support systems, without which no one could survive on our planet.
Humanity sees the need to manage the world affairs in several aspects of our lives: energy, agriculture, environment, health, Earth resources, Earth management, security and safety, emergencies and rescues, trade, banks, speculation on world markets, peace, family and human development, water resources protection, youth, education, justice, science and technology, finance, human resources, ethics, global rights, sustainable development, industry, and the manufacturing and distribution of products. Global ministries will be given power to rule themselves in harmony with each other.
Consumption in developed and developing countries has risen much faster over the past decades than in the industrialized countries due to their high rate
of population growth, fast urban development, increased motorization and industrialization. Global Civilizational State is concerned with the sustainability of current levels and patterns of consumption and with the economic, political, personal, environmental, availability of resources, societal and spiritual impact of
excessive, run-away consumption. About 20% of Earth’s population account for 80% of the world's total consumption.
Consumers' rights impinge on the rights of other people living in Global Community . The right to choice is the consumer
right that refers to the right to have a range and variety of goods and services at competitive, fair prices and variable,
satisfactory quality. In order to assure choice in the developed country markets, governments have implemented trade laws to
facilitate cross border transactions and transnational corporations (TNCs) have set up business off shore so they can lessen the
cost of the production process. The goods that are available in the developed country markets are provided by slave labour, child
labour, sweatshops or in countries that allow the TNCs to forego adhering to pollution or ecological concerns and global rights in pursuit of profit. Labour rights are abused in efforts to earn more profits. This leads to
abhorrent working conditions, job insecurity and low living standards (all global rights). Consumers in developed countries have
been socialized to want more and more things to consume but have not been socialized to appreciate the impact of their consumption
choices on the human rights of other people; that is, they are not being responsible for their decisions.
* global dynamics, the state of the planet, and the differences of other cultures;
Consumers operate in an impersonal market economy where they make choices unburdened by guilt or social obligations;
they just have to be able to pay. But a typical global community consumer see himself/herself as part of a larger whole that is
affected by a collectivity of individual consumption decisions and has to question the global integrity of purchasing a product,
and will decide not to purchase at all if the integrity is being challenged.
Free trade encourages countries to change their economic infrastructures
to be in line with the free trade policies of the World Trade Organization(WTO). Many member countries have already prioritised economic growth over
social, environmental and human rights aspects. The WTO, foreign
corporations and world business leaders claim that free trade brings sweeping
democracy to all. They claim trade globalization is a forerunner of democracy
in nations where it is non-existent. Global Civilizational State does
not believe that democracy will automatically succeed in a global free
market. In fact, free trade is itself a flagrant abuse of democracy.
1. degradation of the environment through resource extraction;
Global Civilizational State is interested to enact renewable energy policies that: a) are consistent and long-term to allow industries and markets to adjust;
Global consumption is a very important aspect of sustainable development. Consumers
should be concerned with the impact of their decisions on the environment
but also on the lives, global rights and well-being of other people. Since
one of the key functions of families as a social institution is to engage
in production (selling their labour in return for wages) and consumption
(using those wages to buy goods and services), then the role of families
has impacts on sustainable consumption and development.Just as corporations have social responsibilities and so do consumers
in societies. Consumers are socialized to improve the quality of their
Earth environmental governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of sustainable developent and Earth management. All aspects are inter-related and affect one another.
A healthy environment is essential to long term prosperity and well-being of Global Community citizens. That demands a high level of ecological protection. This is the 'raison d'etre' of the Scale of Global Rights.
Primordial human rights are those human rights that individuals have by virtue of their very existence as human beings: to live,
eat, drink fresh water, breath clean air, and have shelter. These rights are separate categories than ecological rights, the right
of the greatest number of people, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and religious rights. Ecological and primordial human rights
are the only rights that have existed unchanged throughout the evolutionary origin of our species. Any major change would have
threatened our very existence. All other human rights listed here are rights created by human beings and can be changed depending
of new circumstances; they are not stagnant but are rather flexible and adaptive, and they can evolve. Ecological and primordial human rights
of this generation and of future generations are therefore much more important than any other human rights existing now and in the future.
In this way the Scale of Global Rights gives us a sense of direction for future planning and managing of the Earth.
Earth management is now well defined and becomes a goal to achieve. We no longer waste energy and resources in things that are
absolutely unimportant.
It has also become a necessity of establishing the Global Trade and Resources Ministry that will be assessing, compiling, managing and protecting Earth resources, and the Earth Court of Justice prosecuting cases involving crimes related to the relentless misused of the Earth resources.
Human‐induced climate change requires urgent action. Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes. The dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide. The evidence is well established: global warming is occurring. If no significant mitigating actions are taken, major disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.
From now on, building global communities for peace require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are several major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, overconsumption in developed nations, unemployment,
insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, fauna and flora species disappearing at a fast rate,
global warming and global climate change, global pollution, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of those problems.
All aspects are interrelated: global peace, global sustainability, global rights and the environment. The jobless are more concerned
with ending starvation, finding a proper shelter and employment, and helping their children to survive. Environmental issues become
meaningless to the jobless. In reality, all concerns are interrelated because the ecology of the planet has no boundaries. Obviously, as soon as our environment was destroyed or polluted beyond repair, human suffering is next.
The "Global Civilizational State Movement to Help" is showing us that humanity needs and wants are so destructive to itself and to all life on Earth that something significant must be done to protect this amazing life heritage, not just for ourselves but the next generations.
Over the last Century humanity has been depleting and degrading the natural capital of Earth, rich agricultural soils, its groundwater stored during ice ages, and its biodiversity.
Overpopulation and increasing per capita consumption are major reasons for the depleting of resources. Politicians and business executives are under the delusion that such a disastrous end to the modern human enterprise and institutions can be avoided by technological fixes that will allow the population and the economy to grow forever. People from Wall Street live a dream life. Our current way of life is unsustainable. We are the first species that will have to self-consciously impose limits on ourselves if we are to survive.
Can we really believe this world can go forward indefinitely, a few decades?
We are seeing the end of the era of cheap fossil energy, and there is no viable large-scale replacements for that energy.
It's time for us to come to terms with reality.
The stewardship
of the ecological base has to be given priority before the fulfilment of various economic and social wishes. All families need shelter, food, language, body of knowledge, certain skills, a source of income. Security of the home is an important aspect for any family and Global Civilizational State
it belongs to. Primordial human needs raise the question of interacting universal responsibilities. In terms of parenthood,
parents must raised their children mentally and physically healthy. It is a responsibility to do so. Which also means each local community must have an educational system to help parents raise the child. On the Scale of Global Rights primordial human rights and the protection of the global life-support systems and of ecological rights are on top of the Scale. They are the most important aspects on the Scale.
As global crises of all sorts further intensify, the Global Community may have no alternative but to show solidarity and help each other out of crises, and such solidarity can only be built on the basis of harmony and moderation, and on respecting the political and cultural diversity of this troubled world. A successful Global Civilizational State for all Life on Earth is on the horizon. Let us lead the world toward a Global Civilizational State.
Climate change is already affecting life on Earth, despite a global temperature increase of just 1°C. Nearly every ecosystem on the planet is being altered, and plants and all life forms on our planet are being so affected that scientists may soon be forced to intervene to create human-assisted evolution. The researchers say 82 percent of core ecological processes on land and sea have been affected by climate change in a way that had not been expected for decades. Temperature extremes are causing evolutionary adaption in many species, changing them genetically and physically. These responses include changes in tolerances to high temperatures, shifts in sex-ratios, reduced body size, and migration of species. Understanding the extent to which these goods and services have been impacted allows humans to plan and adapt to changing ecosystem conditions. We are simply astonished at the level of change we observed which many of us in the scientific community did not expect to see for decades.
Earth has long been waiting for a truly global governing
body based on universal values, global rights, global concepts and democracy.
We might as well start this new way of doing things creating process now, there is no longer any reason to wait. But then Global Civilizational State is already here.
As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. It requires a new sense of global interdependence and universal responsibility.
We must develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, globally, and within ourselves
throughout life. Our cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to
realize the vision.
Global Civilizational State has now a Vision of the Earth in Year 2024 and a sense of direction.
Global Civilizational State embarks on a new path in history, the inevitability of global societies living, sharing, and creating symbiotical relationships
interactively is, beyond doubt, that which we must confront. Our creativity today may influence tomorrow's socio-economic strategies
and contribute to the evolution of human societies - an evolution directed towards a global partnership and cooperation with each other for survival.
The United Nations failed to satisfy the needs of the people of the 21st Century. It has
never improved upon the old 20th Century ways and thinking. Its voting system no longer satisfy the 7 billion people on Earth.
The challenges are different and require a world organization up for dealing with the needs of all Peoples.
Global Civilizational State opposes environmental, economic, population and military warfares. Global Civilizational State was first to oppose any type of invasion of a people by another people. An invasion is either an environmental, economic, population or military offensive in which large numbers of combatants of one geopolitical entity aggressively enter territory owned by another such entity, generally with the objective of either conquering; liberating or re-establishing control or authority over a territory; forcing the partition of a country; altering the established government or gaining concessions from said government; or a combination thereof. An invasion can be the cause of a war, be a part of a larger strategy to end a war, or it can constitute an entire war in itself. Due to the large scale of the operations associated with invasions, they are usually strategic in planning and execution. Global Civilizational State has been witnessing such different types of walfares for decades. And now is time to stop all types of invasion no matter what they maybe.
Global Civilizational State vision to saving the world.
Developed economies have been emitting most of the greenhouse gases that had caused the global warming of our planet, climate change, rising sea levels, and today's environmental and life extinction crisis. Unlimited fossil fuel exploitation and production by the developed economies mean a commitment to greenhouse gases pollution. The United States of America has been by far the worst polluter and largely responsible for the crisis in the world today.
The extinction crisis was caused by an economic system based on capitalism which promotes accumulation by dispossession, and ceaseless growth designed and calculated to encourage a higher yearly GDP that is destroying ecosystems the world over. The global socioeconomic system of capitalism is thus forcing us to work harder to surpass previous GDP consumption and population numbers until we have devoured everything that maintains life, ending up with a polluted, lifeless, and scorched planet. This system made it possible for 1% of people in the world, namely Transnational Corporations CEOs, and mostly global corporate America, to have as much wealth as half the world's population, with always the overriding goal for which maximal profits, and not the needs and welfare of future generations. Capitalism has institutionalized a global ignorance, in which producers and consumers cannot know or care about one another, so that the pollution and human exploitation caused in the production and transportation of goods in the world has remained invisible and opaque to consumers. The combined effects of aggressive marketing, advertising, and planned product obsolescence has meant that the consumer’s oversized footprint is largely a consequence of the global power of this 1% so, in that sense, it is perhaps more accurate to speak of corporate global ecological footprints rather than the footprints of nations or individuals. In a nutshell, capitalism is responsible for the extinction crisis and, therefore, its defenders and endorsers, mainly the CEOs of corporate America at home and overseas, including their Chief Operating Officers, Board of directors, and Chief Financial Officers, should be brought to justice.
A new social structure based on economic and money power also arose. Rulers and an upper class of religious leaders, government officials, and warriors dominated society.
The demand of the upper class for luxury, fancy and expensive items, such as jewelry and pottery, encouraged artisans and craftspeople to create new products. As urban populations exported finished goods to neighboring populations in exchange for raw materials, organized trade began to grow. Because trade brought new civilizations into contact with one another, it often led to the transfer of new technology, such as metals for tools and new farming techniques, from one region to another.
A written language unites a people, and allows them to communicate ideas with one another. Writing was an important feature in the life of these new civilizations. Above all, rulers, religious leaders, merchants, businessmen and businesswomen, and artisans used writing to keep accurate records. Of course, not all civilizations depended on writing to keep records. The Inca in Peru, for example, relied on well-trained memory experts to keep track of their important matters. Eventually, the earliest civilizations used writing for creative expression as well as for record keeping. This produced the world's first works of literature.
Craftsmanship technology allows for the building of complex structures, tools, and art.
Significant artistic activity was another feature of the new civilizations. Architects built temples and pyramids as places for worship or sacrifice, or for the burial of kings and other important people. Painters and sculptors portrayed stories of nature. They also provided depictions, drawings of the rulers and gods they worshiped.
* poverty increases world-wide
~ entire countries in a state of starvation
* environmental degradation
* national interests of a country
changing and becoming more trade oriented and trying to go with the wave
of global trade
* international interests of a
country take prime importance
* in developing countries, national
debts constrict the institutions of the national state and contribute to
the destruction of the economic activity which, in turn, as the effect
of creating unemployment
* national currencies of many
countries are affected by national debts and contribute in destroying social
life, creating ethnic conflicts and civil wars
* the large corporation is becoming
larger and getting more power and control falls into the hands of a few
* globalization is another way of keeping
control on our lives in the hands of a few people
* with globalization, we have
no control and no say in our future and the world becomes a game played
by a few people just as it has alway been through history, leading to revolutions
and war
* with globalization there is no sense
of direction and meaning, no security for the individual, just a few people
getting richer and controlling us all.
* every man has the right to be able to provide for
his family
* people have the right to food
* children have the right to be educated
* the world has a right to clean healthy fields,
streams, meadows and mountains, water and breathable air
* resources can be helped to last indefinitely
The lives of all lifeforms and plants on our planet deserve protection, preservation, and care. Global Community disapproves of the limitless exploitation of the natural foundations of life, the relentless destruction of the biosphere, and the militarization of the space within and above the Earth's atmosphere. Global citizens must live in harmony with nature on and above the Earth's surface.
Several important causes of global warming, climate change, and the life extinction crisis on Earth, have given rise of an existential threat to humanity and much of Nature.
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, developed economies have been emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs) which created global warming and today's environmental crisis, and that makes the capitalism system responsible, and we must first change it.
By far, the nation that started, and still is pursuing the largest production of GHGs ever since WWII, is America. And America is largely responsible for the global warming of the planet and, therefore, the increase in the Earth’s surface temperature, the rising of sea level, climate change, and many other worldwide disasters. Unlimited fossil fuel exploitation means a commitment to GHG pollution over 16 times greater than the world’s present remaining Terminal Carbon Pollution Budget that must not be exceeded if we are to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise. America is to be blamed for the extinction crisis, and should pay.
The life extinction crisis on Earth is an environmental issue and also a social justice issue, one that is linked to long histories of capitalist domination over people, other life forms, and plants. The extinction crisis needs to be seen as a key element in contemporary struggles against accumulation by dispossession. This crisis, in other words, ought to be a key issue in the fight for climate justice. The 1% people have as much wealth as half the world's population, and are controlling all economies on the planet. They stand behind an economic system based on capitalism that has institutionalized a global ignorance, in which producers and consumers cannot know or care about one another, and in which the histories of all products will be lost.
It is now increasingly evident that only by sharing the world's natural resources more equitably and sustainably will we be able to address both the ecological and social crisis we face as Global Civilizational State .
The combined effects of aggressive marketing, advertising, and planned product obsolescence mean that the American consumer’s oversized footprint is largely a consequence and reflection of the global power of Transnational Corporations(TNCs), and more specifically corporate America. Global warming and climate change denialism requires shutting one’s eyes to obvious realities when the truth is that the Earth is warmer than it has been in 120,000 years. In that sense, it is perhaps more accurate to speak of corporate ecological footprints rather than the footprints of nations or individuals. Globalization has meant the distancing of cause and effect, source and sink, so that the pollution and human exploitation caused in the production and transport of goods has remained invisible and opaque to consumers.
How can further troubles not come into being when a vicious globalized capitalism system is in existence for which maximal profits, not people and their needs, is always the overriding goal? The global socioeconomic system of capitalism is forcing us to work harder to surpass previous consumption and population numbers until we have devoured everything that maintains life, ending up with a polluted, lifeless, and scorched planet.
Today, economic growth (measured as Gross Domestic Product) and value are seen as the same. Meanwhile, the actual value generated outside of market capitalism – the “care economy,” social labor, eco-stewardship, digital communities and protection of the global commons – are mostly ignored or considered as merely personal “values”.
Today, we have a dictatorship of one kind of value as delivered by the market system, which determines for everyone how they can live and what they should believe in.
And by far, the worst nation using this destructive capitalism economic system are the USA.
We need to recognize the
failure of fundamental systems, and to abandon the notion that what there is to do is recalibrate the institutions that structure our lives today. We need to realize that the way we thought things would work out truly is gone. Capitalism is at the core of this unsustainable system. It
gives rise to the high-energy/mass-consumption configuration of privileged societies.
We must set-up measures to stop speculators from benefiting from the misery of others, by punishing
corrupt politicians, and by collectively understanding that bankers are rich because we have placed our money in their hands. Ultimately, unless we
begin to see the world as a whole, in which
things are truly interconnected, our governments will continue their hostilities, oil resources will keep on decreasing, and when the time comes for us to
complain, we will be faced with the guns of the police
whom we have helped to create with the payment of our taxes.
Massive fossil fuel corporations such as Exxon, for example, have funded climate change denialism for the past quarter century despite abundant evidence from their own scientists that burning fossil fuels was creating unsustainable environmental conditions. Such behavior should be seen frankly for what it is: a crime against humanity and against all other life forms on our planet. We should not expect to negotiate with such destructive entities. Their assets should be seized. Most of these assets, in the form of fossil fuel reserves, cannot be used anyway if we are to avert environmental catastrophe. What remains of these assets should be used to fund a rapid, managed reduction in carbon emissions and a transition to renewable energy generation. These steps should be part of a broader program to transform the current, unsustainable capitalist system that dominates the world into steady state societies founded on principles of equality and environmental justice.
The main source of economic reliability in America was transferred over time from gold to dollars, specifically to US treasury bills. This major shift allowed the Federal Reserve to print dollars practically without limit (as seen in recent years with interests rates for borrowing money from the FED at around 0%), well aware that the demand for dollars would never cease, this also keeping alive huge sectors of private and public enterprises such as the coal industry, fracking industry, car manufacturing, food and farming industries, and most importantly the military industry which has always giving jobs to more than half of America's population. No wonder President Trump, and several USA Presidents before him, have been claiming the lowest unemployment rate because more than half of America population works for the war industry, the industry that has produced most of the greenhouse gases globally at the expenses of the global life-support systems. This set a course for a global economic system based on financial instruments like derivatives and other securities instead of real, tangible goods like gold. In doing this for its own benefit, the US has created the conditions for a new financial bubble that could bring down the entire world economy when it bursts.
The global economic system of capitalism, is forcing us to work harder to surpass previous consumption and population numbers until we have devoured everything that maintains life, ending up with a polluted, lifeless, and scorched planet. Capitalism is the system that can only lead us to our annihilation. Today's economic success of the USA was mainly attained by a work force educated to use fossil fuels in its entire myriad of uses and also by integrated workers in a system of contradicting values using competition as the regulator in a social setting that must also be cooperative to be social. To maintain a general satisfaction in a social system that’s driven and motivate with competition, endless growth is needed, but in a finite system it must end when resources are exhausted. However, we also have a double harmful and negative impact of competition worldwide, especially in America since WW II, that of pollution that impairs life and the carbon that’s heating the biosphere and acidifying the oceans, they would end life if the system is maintained to its exhaustion. It’s like been inside a spinning treadmill, the faster a few people run the faster each individual needs to run to stay in position. The wealthy people have successfully blocked any attempts to head off that stampede and are getting the benefits with little effort. To keep up with that momentum, society must take what it can, leaving nothing. Our options within the capitalism system is limited because competition entices and pressures us to keep doing more of everything or suffer the consequences of losing the little power we still have.
The power that controls this exploitive, chaotic violent world economy is with the 1%. The 1%, power comes from finance which’s depended on economic growth. Sadly the 1% dominates and controls the information services; it’s the only power that is able to disseminate the needed information to change our self-destructive way of life to an inclusive positive one. We need to show the 1% that they’re facing a dire situation in an overpopulate world that’s depleted of vital resources, in an unliveable hot and violent climate. They are likely to avoid continuing on that path as wealth can’t have any value in that unendurable social chaotic violence, when the economy goes from sour to putrid and as well the 1% may be an early victim of vengefulness. Without affordable oil we can’t produce the quantity of coal, gas, and pump the vital water that’s also needed to grow our food, it will curtail transporting all that stuff around the world. The difficulty will also be magnified by global warming which will need much more energy to counteract its effects. Global warming alone can kill us all.
One must understand that burning that vast store of carbon that nature managed to accumulate in the ground has never happen before, it will also release the carbon from the permafrost and methane hydrates that will produce a colossal positive feedbacks. To sustain life in those extreme conditions would require more energy but there will be less to share, especially with more people. There’s no certainty of how much time we have to turn the world economy from an exploitative one, the capitalisim system, to one that functions within nature, as a part of nature before it becomes irretrievable. The reason we are destroying our habitat thus ourselves is due to the competitiveness of civilisation and its intensification under capitalism, that competition is capitalism lifeblood and now it’s our foe.
This entire system of globalization, production and pollution off-shoring is driven by the profit-maximization logic governing transnational corporations, greased along by an ever-growing number of bilateral and global free trade treaties. Beginning in the late 1980s large multinational corporations, including those headquartered in the US, began a concerted effort to reverse declining profits by establishing cross border production networks (or global value chains). This process knitted together highly segmented economic processes across national borders in ways that allowed these corporations to lower their labor costs as well as reduce their tax and regulatory obligations. Their globalization strategy succeeded; corporate profits soared. It is also no longer helpful to think about international trade in simple nation-state terms. China – having colluded with global capital in turning itself into the ‘factory of the world’ – is bearing the lion’s share of globalization’s brunt. But at least China is getting rich as a result, right? Certainly there is an emerging wealthy (and superwealthy) class within China that is profiting from globalization, but it represents a minuscule fraction of the overall population. The mass of the workers who make up China’s labor and ‘bad-labor’ workforce are not benefiting from the country’s conversion into a TNC workshop: labor’s share of China’s GDP has been steadily falling since the late 1990s. For a high-end electronic product like the iPhone, less than 2% (about US$10) of the sales price goes to Chinese workers involved in its production.
Yet the anti-science, anti-Humanity, neoliberal and effective climate change denialist Trumpist leaderships of the US, Australia and Canada are wilfully committed to unlimited fossil fuel exploitation and huge, terracidal GHG pollution. Indeed US President Trump and Australian PM Turnbull have decorated their climate criminality with the false, moronic and oxymoronic assertion of “clean coal” – yet “clean coal” is akin to “consensual rape”. The deadly, immoral and unlimited GHG pollution by the US, Australia and Canada invites urgent global retaliation through Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and Green Tariffs.
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, developed economies have been emitting GHGs which created global warming and today's environmental crisis, and that makes the capitalism system responsible, and we must first change it.
We must reject capitalism biopiracy and imperialist enclosure of the global commons, particularly when they cloak themselves in arguments about preserving biodiversity. Most of all, an anti-capitalism conservation movement must challenge the privatization of the genome as a form of intellectual property, to be turned into an organic factory for the benefit of global elites. Synthetic biology should be regulated. The genomic information of plants, other life forms, and human beings is the common wealth of the planet, and all efforts to make use of this environmental commons must be framed around principles of equality, solidarity, and environmental and climate justice.
Although the yearning for peace is deep-seated, it has never been achieved during civilisation due to its competitive nature. If we keep capitalism, the ultimate in competitiveness, it will finish us. Peace can’t be attained with military force; one can’t fight for peace or for cooperation. Peace is now possible because we have to have it to survive. People have the intellectual and the emotional ability to work out the multitude of changes to enable us to be fully social and survive, if it’s our goal.
A legally imposed contraction of the fossil energy supply and a rapid global conversion to renewable energy is a necessary step toward saving our world, Earth. So what should Society do to avoid the worst impacts of climate change?
Capitalism is based on ceaseless compound growth that is destroying ecosystems the world over, the goal in the rich nations of the global North must be to overturn our present expansionary system by fostering de-growth . Most importantly, nations that have benefited from burning fossil fuels must radically cut their carbon emissions in order to stem the lurch towards runaway climate chaos that endangers the vast majority of current terrestrial forms of life.
Let us now define what economic system should be used to govern our planet. What would be best is a "democratic socialism plus". The "plus" means added essential elements for governing sustainably. For instance, people would have free health care, free education at all levels, and employment for everyone. People would control and manage natural resources at all stages: exploration, production, transportation, manufacturing and distribution. A Global Trade and Resource Ministry would be formed to look after the management of naturel resources worlwide.
Capitalism has institutionalized a global ignorance, in which producers and consumers cannot know or care about one another, so that the pollution and human exploitation caused in the production and transportation of goods in the world has remained invisible and opaque to consumers. The combined effects of aggressive marketing, advertising, and planned product obsolescence has meant that the consumer’s oversized footprint is largely a consequence of the global power of this 1% so, in that sense, it is perhaps more accurate to speak of corporate global ecological footprints rather than the footprints of nations or individuals. In a nutshell, capitalism is responsible for the extinction crisis and, therefore, its defenders and endorsers, mainly the CEOs of corporate America at home and overseas, including their Chief Operating Officers, Board of directors, and Chief Financial Officers, should be brought to justice.
Developed economies have been emitting most of the greenhouse gases that have caused the global warming of our planet, climate change, rising sea levels, and today's environmental and life extinction crisis. Unlimited fossil fuel exploitation and production by the developed economies mean a commitment to greenhouse gases pollution. The United States of America has been by far the worst polluter and largely responsible for the crisis in the world today.
Economic growth (measured as Gross Domestic Product) and value are seen as the same. Meanwhile, the actual value generated outside of market capitalism – the “care economy,” social labor, eco-stewardship, digital communities and commons – are mostly ignored or considered merely personal (“values”). Today, we have a dictatorship of one kind of value as delivered by the market system, which determines for everyone how they can live and what they should believe in.
Hence, with the dollar as world money the US gains an automatic borrowing mechanism giving it global policy autonomy denied other states. Given a current account deficit financed by savings of others in the world, US government spending on global militarization and other priorities can expand without “crowding out” private sector borrowing.
To become great again, the US parlayed the world’s largest national debt, its trade deficit, budget deficit, capital account deficit and savings rate deficit, into a position in the global driver seat through the dollar remaining global hub currency.
Unemployment in the USA is very low and the economy seems great only because the USA Government is having a 21 trillion dollars debt to create jobs and subsidize its industrial complex, especially its corporate military industry which actually employs more than half of America's population. This 21 trillion dollars is mostly obtained from China and handed over to the USA Federal Reserve to help America create jobs in America.
Naturally, the more the dollar was used in the world, the more America had the power to spend on the military. For the US, paying a bill of 6 trillion dollars (this is the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) has been effortless, and this constitutes an unparalleled advantage over countries like China and Russia whose military spending in comparison is a fifth and a tenth respectively.
The United States found itself in the enviable position of being able to print pieces of paper (simply IOU’s) without any gold backing and then exchange them for real goods from other nations. This economic arrangement has allowed America to achieve an unparalleled strategic advantage over its geopolitical opponents (initially the USSR, now Russia and China), namely, a practically unlimited dollar spending capacity even as it accumulates an astronomical public debt (over 21 trillion dollars). The destabilizing factor for the global economy has been America's ability to accumulate enormous amounts of public debt without having to worry about the consequences or even of any possible mistrust international markets may have for the dollar. Countries simply needed dollars for trade and bought US treasures to diversify their financial assets.
All nations should have the same level of greenhouse gas emissions per person. A country such as the United States, which has only 5% of the global population, would be allowed no more than 5% of globally sustainable greenhouse gas emissions. Such a move would represent a dramatic anti-imperialist shift since the US is at present responsible for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions. The powerful individuals and corporations that control nations like the US are not likely to accept such revolutionary curtailments of the wasteful economic system that supports them without a struggle. Already there is abundant evidence that they would rather destroy the planet than let even a modicum of their power slip away to save the world. Such behavior should be seen frankly for what it is: a crime against humanity and all other life forms on our planet.
We should not expect to negotiate with such destructive entities. Their assets should be seized. A legally imposed contraction of the fossil energy supply and a rapid global conversion to renewable energy, are also necessary steps toward saving our world.
There is a need to manage the entire process of using Earth natural resources. Because of the limited quantities of Earth resources to be made available for this generation and the next ones, and because of environmental, climate change, and world population concerns, there is a need to manage the entire process of using Earth natural resources. And we all know that the amount of oil left in the ground in the world has already passed its peak quantity. So why waste the oil on doing things we know are nothing but a waste of energy and often used for destruction and certainly will shorten the life span of the next generations. A Global Trade and Resources Ministry is needed to look after the management of Earth resources and trade at all stages: exploration, production, transportation, manufacturing and distribution.
Global ministries are world wide organizations just like the WTO for trade and therefore should have the same power to rule on cases as that of the World trade
Organization (WTO).
In today's Global Community it is important for our survival to cooperate globally on several aspects such as peace, security, pollution
in the air, water and land, drug trade, shelving the war industry, keeping the world healthy, enforcing global justice for all, eradicating
poverty worldwide, replacing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Global Rights, and entrenching
the Global Constitution as a way of life for the good of all.
( see enlargement )
( see enlargement )
( see enlargement )
Responsible consumption within Global Civilizational State means being aware of:
* the impact of consumption and production on the environment;
* notions of voluntary simplicity and conservation;
* the consequences of resource management decisions;
* a sustainable life style;
* the impacts of new and different technologies;
* the impacts of economic development on the integrity of both developed and developing local indigenous communities, infrastructures and natural environments;
* the impacts on human rights, political stability, societal well-being, cultural sustainability, familial well-being, quality of life and standards of living of other nations; and
* the impacts of a decision made by a family living in developed country to consume a particular good on the household subsistence, production and community activity of a family living
in a developing country; and be aware if that decision would affect poverty, potable water, food diversity, arable land, security
from war, education, communications.
In the Vision of Earth in Year 2024 , Global Civilizational State has shown that global energy consumption will rise by 60% due to population growth, urbanization, and economic and industrial expansion.
To meet demand, conventional fuels and technologies will impact badly on an already degraded environment, public health and welfare,
and global stability. World energy demand can be largely fulfilled by renewable energy technologies. There is however a strong opposition to change arising
from the fossil fuel industry and from governments of most oil-producing nations and major fossil fuel users.
There are significant advantages of shifting away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy and toward greater reliance on renewables. Decreasing the impacts of global warming
is certainly the most significant advantage. Global carbon emissions must be reduced at least 70% over the next hundred years to stabilize
atmospheric CO2 concentrations at 450 parts per million (ppm). The sooner societies begin to make the transition from fossil fuels to renewables, the lower will be
the impacts and the associated costs of both climate change and emissions reductions.
Other costs of conventional energy production and use are:
2. air, soil, and water pollution;
3. acid rain;
4. biodiversity loss;
5. fuelling of the war industry, and therefore a threat to peace and Earth security and, in consequences, a threat to the global life-support systems;
6. global economic losses due to natural disasters are in line with events anticipated as a result of global warming;
7. nuclear power is one of the most expensive means of generating electricity and is responsible for nuclear accidents, weapons proliferation, and nuclear waste problems;
8. political, economic and military conflicts over limited resources such as oil and fresh water become more important as demand increases;
9. reliance on fossil fuels create less jobs; renewables create four times more jobs; and
10. fossil fuels do not bring electricity in many developing countries but renewables can; no electricity means no access to education,
clean water, improved health care, communications, and entertainment.
b) provide access to the electric grid ;
c) educate and inform the public;
d) encourage individual and cooperative ownership of projects;
e) establish standards; and
f) incorporate all costs in the price of energy sources.
Global Community proposes to corporations that they take responsibility on behalf of society and people, and that they should pay more attention to global rights, working conditions and getting ride of corruption in the world of business and trade. We have developed a criteria, and we ask you to turn it into practice.
Global warming is real and so is climate change. Human activities are responsible to those events worldwide. There will always be uncertainty in understanding a system as complex as the world’s climate. However there is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring. Most of the warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities. The evidence comes from direct measurements of rising surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures and from phenomena such as increases in average global sea levels, retreating glaciers, and changes to many physical and biological systems.
Realizing that the world global economic development and use of global resources are out of control and forcing a complete collapse of Global Community, and realizing that international trade agreements are all obsolete and primitive, and that all those human activities by large are causing the destruction of livelihood worldwide and that of the next generations, endangering all lifeforms on the planet, putting in great danger all global ecosysytems, in short threatening the survival of all life on our planet, we need a complete turn around of our ways of doing things in business and trade, in global development and the management of global resources, and we must replace the United Nations by Global Parliament with the immediate action to form the Global Trade and Resources Ministry as promoted by Global Civilizational State . Other essential global ministries have also been developed and promoted by Global Parliament.
We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and fewer material goods.
We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives.
The world is in global crisis and a planetary state of emergency. We are exploiting our natural resources, minerals and fuels faster than we are gaining access to alternative sources.
We are polluting the natural environment faster than the environment can regenerate itself to reach the level suitable for human needs.
We are changing the global climate dangerously. Our attitude and way of life show a moral degradation toward
the existing forms of life on the planet. It's time for us to protect what is left to protect: life itself on Earth.
This was the reason for the creation of a planetary biodiversity zone.
Global Civilizational State has shown the benefits of biodiversity to humanity and hope this approach will motivate others to help create the zone.
Governments should follow through on the promises made in the Paris climate agreement, which aims to keep global warming below a 1.5°C threshold—although more scientists are sounding the alarm that even those pledges may be too little, too late. Time is running out for a globally synchronized response to climate change that integrates adequate protection of biodiversity and ecosystem services. It is no longer sensible to consider this as a concern for the future, if we don’t act quickly to curb emissions it is likely that every ecosystem across Earth will fundamentally change in our lifetimes.
By 2100, if nations continue to burn fossil fuels at the current rates, three out of four people will be at risk from lethal heat waves. And even if the governments of the world act on promises they made in 2015 and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, almost one in two could face the risk of sickness and death by intolerable heat. That is because, as the temperatures rise, heat and humidity begin to challenge human physiology. Humans are adapted to body temperatures of around 37°C. If humidity—the levels of water vapour in the air—go up with the thermometer, then people caught in a zone of extreme heat cannot adjust body temperatures by perspiration. And with every 1°C rise in temperatures, the capacity of the air to hold moisture goes up by 7 percent. People with no access to air conditioning or a cool breeze become at high risk. It happened in Europe in 2003, when an estimated 70,000 died. A heat wave in Moscow in 2010 killed around 10,000. And researchers warned years ago that under global warming predictions, more such extremes of heat would become inevitable by 2020.
For heat waves, our options are now between bad or terrible. Many people around the world are already paying the ultimate price of heat waves, and while models suggest that this is likely to continue, it could be much worse if emissions are not considerably reduced. The human body can only function within a narrow range of core body temperatures around 37°C. Heat waves pose a considerable risk to human life because hot weather, aggravated with high humidity, can raise body temperature, leading to life-threatening conditions.
Above all, people do not want to be told that the economic growth is not coming back. People don't want to picture that life will dramatically change as the oil runs out while the price for it and everything dependent on it will continuously rise. People don't want to question about whether the capitalism system of economics will cause further ecological ruin and social inequality as it plays itself out. Further, people don't want to consider that maybe they will be forced to change some of their life's major goals and the ways that they live in times to come due to a combination of factors, such as the coming energy power-down, climate change variables, diminishing resource bases and overpopulation. No, people, instead, want to rise up the socio-economic chain so as to be able to consume even more goods and, if they particularly adept at obtaining riches, maybe even be able to purchase a vacation home, a yacht, an RV or some other coveted treasure.
Instead, people simply want to envision that everything will get better overall in life after a spell. Yet, here we are all together stuck in a situation in which there exist seven billion humans all needing food, water, shelter and other things while increasing in number at a rate unprecedented in human history. All together, we're digging up and plowing every parcel of land on which we can manage to lay our hands. We're trawling and dredging every ocean and sea onto which we can stake our claims. We're damming every waterway that can be controlled. We're pumping and polluting the world's fresh water supply faster than it can be replenished, using up other resources in entirety, turning the Earth's oceans into acid, fouling the atmosphere, scarring the land with deep mining holes, blowing up mountains to extract their coal and, in exchange, creating mountains of trash. Simultaneously, we're methodically ripping apart the planet's forests at the rate of about one acre per second, destroying multitudinous species one after another, creating climate change on a scale that staggers the imagination, and generating explosions of radiation to blow into every outdoors nook and cranny in existence.
At the same time, we're warring with each other over resources between and within nations, and always, always ... insisting upon more things to own. The proliferation of wants and needs is limitless. So, we're demanding more food, more water, more construction for our ever burgeoning masses, more jobs and, especially, more spaces into which to fan out as we add millions of people each year, while simultaneously displacing other types of life whose environments we take over in the process. Meanwhile, billions are sunk in poverty largely due to having already exceeded their regions' carrying capacity and, as they did so, they often took the last trees with them, just as had happened on Easter Island.
At some point, something has to give. The pattern, the rapacious ravage, cannot persist indefinitely. Indeed, it won't do so because the resource base, itself, is largely disappearing across the globe. The ocean fisheries are depleting and expected to run out by mid-century. Climate change has brought pine and spruce beetles in such high numbers that they are eating millions upon millions of acres of trees and spreading out everywhere that they can, much like their human counterparts. Concurrently, methane is releasing from underwater beds and permafrost to join the carbon releases from humanity's use of fossil fuel from rich underground deposits that took millions of years to form, and that will be gone in the blink of a century's time. In relation, the looming climate change effects will be horrendous and will curtail many areas of human activities.
Yet, the main reason that the whole mess will be curbed is a simple one: infinite growth, whether economic growth or population growth, cannot continue indefinitely. Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist. Accordingly, one can envision that a crash is coming . In large measure, it's because environmental tipping points are on the way and, for those people in the worst locations for the collapse -- the desperation, conflicts and chaos will likely be horrific in scale and ferocity.
How could they not be when our governments worldwide and the status quo do not encourage our transitioning to a steady state economy, business based on regionalized commerce and a cooperative inclusive economic arrangement rather than out of control global competition, "democratic socialism plus" rather than capitalism? How can further troubles not come into being when a vicious globalized capitalism system is in existence for which maximal profits, not people and their needs, is always the overriding goal? Despite its desirably from many standpoints, how can an alternative scheme be put in place when it bumps up against the prevailing paradigm and the corporatists -- the powerful über-elites that control the gargantuan transnational companies and our fawning government toadies?
All considered, the best course of action, unless one is incredibly affluent, is to run for the hills -- almost quite literally so. Under the circumstance, it could be sensible to find a quiet niche somewhere in which there's already a community in place whose members have the appropriate skills sets, constructive understandings and a supportive intact surrounding environment so as to be able to create a largely self-reliant way of life. Even though such a change could be hard, the option of doing nothing different could become increasingly problematic in light of the further social and ecological breakdown that's assuredly on the way.
In order to build a sustainable global community, each individual, each local community, and national governments of the world must
initiate their commitment to Global Civilizational State.
Global Civilizational State was defined as a social, and political movement in the sense of having a
broad organizational structure and an ideology aimed at governing. The
environmental movement, within Global Civilizational State , expresses the
concerns of groups of people regarding depletion of water, clean air, climate change
aspects, degradation of land and other changes in ecosystems affecting
traditional patterns of natural resources exploitation . Global Civilizational State has taken the role of helping these groups in protecting and managing the
environment by coordinating their efforts.
Global Civilizational State is aware that religious beliefs, traditional customs and
standards could burden the sustainability of all life on Earth. They could
burden Earth society or any society forever, and holds individuals in a
straitjacket. We cannot accept that. No one can! There are choices to be
made, and we must make them. Cultures can develop and can go on developing.
Even religious beliefs may evolve. We are living now, and we are
able to create these changes. We are at least as bright, most certainly
brighter, than the people who were living thousand of years ago.
As far as Global Civilizational State is concerned, cultural and religious
differences cannot be a reason or an excuse or a pretext for not respecting
global rights including and most importantly ecological rights. Quite
the contrary, all kinds of cultures may promote global rights and especially
cultural rights. They are different in their achievements, but they are
equal in dignity where they are expressions of freedom. At any time
or in any given place, men, women and children use their culture to invent
new ways of making globalrights and ecological rights living realities. Diversity enriches us
if it respects the dignity of each individual, and if it takes account
of global and ecological rights as a whole.
Global Civilizational State has no intention of changing the status and privileges of state governments. In fact, state governments become primary members of
Global Civilizational State. Global governance can only be effective within the framework of Global Community. There is no such thing
as global governance through the work of a few international organizations such as the WTO, the EU, or the United Nations dictating
to the rest of the world. These organizations are heading in the wrong direction and are causing conflicts between nations, doing away with democracy,
increasing the gap between rich and poor, and creating a culture of violence worldwide, terrorism being a small example of what they can do. That is global leadership gone bad, based on greed, and is immoral. Global Civilizational State has put forward a different kind of global leadership, governance and management.
As Global Civilizational State begins to take on a much deeper kind of global leadership, one that earns more respect than envy and more gratitude than hatred, one that can catapult the whole planet forward into a future where war is no longer thinkable between nation-states and a legitimate and beneficial Earth governance is able to cope with global problems.
Earth governance does not imply a lost of state sovereignty and territorial integrity. A nation government exists within the framework of an
effective Global Civilizational State protecting common global values and humanity heritage. Earth governance gives a new meaning to the notions of
territoriality, and non-intervention in a state way of life, and it is about protecting the cultural heritage of a state. Diversity of cultural
and ethnic groups is an important aspect of Earth governance.
Earth governance is a balance between the rights of states with rights of people, and the interests of nations with the interests of Global Civilizational State, the human family, the global civil society.
Earth governance is also about the rights of states to self-determination in the global context of Global Civilizational State rather than the traditional
context of a world of separate states.
Effective Earth governance requires a greater understanding of what it means to live in a more crowded, interdependent humanity with finite
resources and more pollution threatening the global life-support systems. Global Civilizational State has no other choice but to work together at
all levels. The collective power is needed to create a better world.
Let us all work together to build a greater and most trusty Global Civilizational State .
Earth needs urgently a world system of governance.
( see enlargement )
( see enlargement )
Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for.
Politics and Justice without borders:
Global Political Parties
Earth governance at its best vs at its worst.
Causes of the global crisis which triggered the planetary state of emergency Causes of the global crisis which triggered the planetary state of emergency. (Investigative Report, press release.)
Global Civilizational State vision to saving the world.
( see enlargement Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for)
by Germain Dufour
May 12, 2010
Planetary biodiversity zone ( Part III ).
The global crisis that triggered the planetary state of emergency
Population warfare
Global Community Ministry of World Population.
Moratorium on world population and the fertility rate, and ending population warfare.
Overpopulation worlwide is a crisis. Everyone is responsible and are required now by Global Civilizational State to follow Global Law as defined and developed by Global Community.
Symbiotical relationships are needed today for the long term future of humanity and for the protection of life on Earth. Humanity needs to slow down significantly world population.
This 21st century is very crucial for humanity as it will determine our survival or not as a species and, consequently, the survival of the next generations. It is now increasingly evident that only by sharing the world's natural resources more equitably and sustainably will we be able to address both the ecological and social crisis we face as Global Civilizational State . This does not imply that a section of the world population whose idea of survival is to have many children and Global Community would see that they are given all social services needed for survival. No! There are global laws concerning procreation and everyone is required not to have more than 1.3 children per family in a given population. Global population warfare is not permitted, much like military and economic warfares in the world today. All other life species than human are also part of Global Community and their population will also be controlled for their own survival.
World population estimates from 1800 to 2100, based on "high", "medium" and "low" United Nations projections in 2010 (colored red, orange and green) and US Census Bureau historical estimates (in black). Actual recorded population figures are colored in blue. According to the highest estimate, the world population may rise to 16 billion by 2100; according to the lowest estimate, it may decline to 6 billion.
(billions, 2013 estimates)Most populous country
Most populous city
China (1,361,000,000)
Greater Tokyo Area (35,676,000)
Nigeria (173,120,000)
Cairo (19,439,541)
Russia (143,700,000;
approx. 110 million in Europe)Moscow (14,837,510)
North America
United States (317,996,000)
Mexico City/Metro Area (8,851,080 / 21,163,226)
South America
Brazil (201,032,714)
São Paulo City, Metro Area(11,316,149 / 27,640,577)
Australia (23,475,992)
(varies)0.000 004
(non-permanent, varies)N/A
McMurdo Station (1,200) (non-permanent, varies)
Population warfare definition: use of a very high fertility rate to conquer a nation, and that could mean as many as or more than 2.11 children per family. It is a form of cultural and/or religious aggression and invasion by having a much too high number of new born babies. For instance, there has been a rapid increase in population among Muslims to the extent that in fifty years all of Europe and North America are expected to be mostly Islamic. The influx of Latino immigration into the western states of the USA will also have the effect of a population warfare.
Clearly the environmental challenges facing humanity in the 21st century and beyond would be less difficult in a world with slower population growth or none at all. Population is a critical variable influencing the availability of each of the natural resources considered here. And access to family planning services is a critical variable influencing population. Use of family planning contributes powerfully to lower fertility, later childbearing, and slower population growth. Yet policymakers, environmentalists and the general public remain largely unaware of the growing interest of young people throughout the world in delaying pregnancies and planning their families. In greater proportions than ever, girls want to go to school and to college, and women want to find fulfilling and well-paid employment. Helping people in every country to obtain the information and services they need to put these ambitions into effect is all that can be done, and all that needs to be done, to end world population growth in the new century.
Reproductive health services can help. Voluntary family planning and other reproductive health services can help couples avert high-risk pregnancies, prevent unwanted childbearing and abortion, and avoid diseases such as HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, that can lead to death, disability, and infertility.
Comprehensive reproductive health services, especially care in pregnancy and childbirth and for sexually transmitted infections, are key to preventing disability and death and improving women's health. Better access to emergency care during childbirth and safe abortion services would also contribute significantly to lower maternal death rates. Family planning diminishes risks associated with frequent childbearing and helps reduce reliance on abortion.
An important obstacle to couple negotiation of contraceptive use
and protection from STDs including HIV is that most women have unequal
access to resources and decision-making. Yet women are more vulnerable
to the consequences of unplanned pregnancies and often HIV/STI's. For
these reasons, countering the prevailing gender stereotypes that
increase risky behaviors and decrease couple communication is a key
strategy for promoting good reproductive health.
Individuals, too, can help bring about a world that is more secure and more supportive of life, health and happiness. They can educate themselves on population dynamics, consumption patterns and the impact of these forces on natural resources and the environment. They can be socially, politically and culturally active to elevate the issues they care about. They can become more environmentally responsible in their purchasing decisions and their use of energy and natural resources. And individuals and couples can consider the impacts of their reproductive decisions on their communities and the world as a whole.
Population dynamics are among the primary underlying causes of forest decline. Poverty, corruption, inequitable access to land and wasteful consumption practices also influence the decisions of governments, corporations and individuals to cut and clear forests. The interaction of these forces is most evident in areas such as South Asia, Central America and sub-Saharan Africa, where poverty, rapid population growth and weak institutions contribute to forest loss and severe environmental degradation.
The dominant force in forest loss is growth in the demand for farmland. Subsistence agriculture is the principal cause of forest loss in Africa, Asia and much of Latin America. Slash-and-burn farming and other traditional techniques were sustainable for centuries when population densities were lower. Today they are a major factor, along with the expansion of commercial farms and livestock grazing areas, in the permanent conversion of wooded land to agriculture. The need to increase food production is expected to accelerate the forest-to-farmland cycle, especially in countries where alternatives for meeting this demand are limited.
A typical American uses 15 times as much lumber and paper as a resident of a developing country. Reducing wood consumption in the industrialized world is unlikely to stop forest loss in developing countries however, since most of the wood consumed comes from trees in the industrialized countries themselves. Nevertheless, the consumption model offered to the rest of the world threatens accelerated forest loss as both populations and economies grow in developing countries.
Population policies based on human development and the Scale of Global Rights offer the greatest hope for the future of forests. This is not an argument for population "control" but for the social investments that allow couples to choose when to have children and how many to have. Programs linking conservation activities with family planning services show promise for achieving both the sustainable use of forests and greater acceptance of reproductive health services.
The total number of people worldwide could still
double or even triple from today’s over 7 billion before stabilizing a
century or more from now. Women in most countries are still having
more than the two-child average consistent with a stable population
size. Moreover, so many young people are now entering or moving
through their childbearing years that even a two-child average would
still boost population size for a few decades until the momentum of
past growth subsides. Yet there is reason for optimism. The
combination of access to family planning and other reproductive health
services, education for girls and economic opportunity for women could
lower birthrates enough to stabilize world population well before a
doubling of today’s total.
Motivation, rather than differential access to modern contraception is a major determinant of fertility. Individuals frequently respond to scarcity by having fewer children, and to perceived improved economic opportunity by having more children. Economic development does not cause family size to shrink; rather, at every point where serious economic opportunity beckons, family size preferences expand.
A) Foreign aid conveys to the recipients the perception of improving economic wellbeing, which is followed by an increase in the fertility of the recipients of the aid.
B) Migrations from regions of low economic opportunity to
places of higher economic opportunity result in an increase in the
fertility of the migrants that persists for a generation or
The need is not to control population growth. Governments
cannot control childbearing and attempts to do so have sometimes led
to coercive approaches to reproduction that violate human rights. The
need is rather to expand the power individuals have over their own
lives, especially by enabling them to choose how many children to have
and when to have them.
Investing in education for girls helps them to contribute to their national economies–and to postpone childbearing until they are ready for a family. Providing credit and other economic opportunities for women creates alternatives to early and frequent childbearing. Finally, better access to quality reproductive health services directly benefits women and their families. These approaches increase human capacity, providing the greatest long-term return to societies, individuals and the environment. Moreover, they are likely to lead to an early peak in world population in the coming century.
Comprehensive population policies are an essential
element in a world development strategy that combines access to
reproductive health services, to education and economic opportunities,
to improved energy and natural resource technologies, and to healthyer
models of consumption and the "good life."
Policies to
decrease world population:
- delay reproduction until later in life
Delaying reproduction is important in influencing population growth rates. Over a period of 60 years, if people delay reproduction until they are 30 years old, you would have only two generations, while if you do not delay reproduction you would have three generations (one generation every 20 years).- spread your children farther apart
- to have fewer children overall
- government commitment to decreasing population growth
Create policies that help decreasing the number of children being born. Policies such as income tax deductions for dependent children and maternity and paternity leaves are essentially pronatalist and should be eliminated.- programs that are locally designed and that include information on family planning and access to contraceptives
- educational programs that emphasize the connection between family planning and social good
The vast disparities in reproductive health worldwide and the greater vulnerability of the poor to reproductive risk point to several steps all governments can take, with the support of other sectors, to improve the health of women and their families:
- Give women more life choices. The low social and economic status of women and girls sets the stage for poor reproductive health
- Invest in reproductive health care
- Encourage delays in the onset of sexual activity and first births
- Help couples prevent and manage unwanted childbearing
- Ensure universal access to maternal health care
- Support new reproductive health technologies
- Increase efforts to address the HIV pandemic
- Involve communities in evaluating and implementing programs
- Develop partnerships with the private sector, policymakers and aid donors to broaden support for reproductive health
- Measure Progress
More and more young people on every continent want to start bearing children later in life and to have smaller families than at any time in history. Likewise, in greater proportions than ever, women and girls in particular want to go to school and to college, and they want to find fulfilling and well-paid employment. Helping people in every country obtain the information and services they need to put these ambitions into effect is all that can be done, and all that needs to be done, to bring world population growth to a stable landing in the new century.
The main source of economic success in America was transferred over time from gold to dollars, specifically to US treasury bills, which allowed the Federal Reserve to print dollars practically without limit. Given a current account deficit financed by savings of others in the world, the US government spending on global militarization and other priorities were able to expand without limit. Naturally, the more the dollar was used in the world, the more the United States of America had the power to spend on the military. The US found itself in the enviable position of being able to print pieces of paper (simply IOU’s) without any gold backing and then exchange them for real goods from other countries. They simply needed dollars for trade and bought US treasures to diversify their financial assets. To become great again, the US parlayed the world’s largest national debt, its trade deficit, budget deficit, capital account deficit and savings rate deficit, into a position in the global driver seat through the dollar remaining global hub currency. This economic arrangement has allowed the United States to achieve an unparalleled strategic advantage over its geopolitical opponents and, has allowed a practically unlimited dollar spending capacity even as the US accumulates an astronomical public debt that is now over 21 trillion dollars. Most of this spending was used for its military, but not for the American health and wellness.