Note of understanding
The author, Germain Dufour, was educated in a small french Canadian town called Sorel. His religious education was based on the Roman Catholic Church doctrine on faith and morals that it presents as definitive and infallible. The Church's hierarchy is headed by the Bishop of Rome, known as the Pope, who is the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church composed of the Latin Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches in full communion with Rome. The Church holds that Christ instituted the Papacy, upon giving the keys of Heaven to Saint Peter. Catholic doctrine has evolved over the centuries, reflecting direct teachings of early Christians, formal decisions of heretic and orthodox beliefs by Ecumenical Councils and Papal Bulls, and theological debate by scholars. The Church believes that it is continually guided by the Holy Spirit as it discerns new theological issues and is protected infallibly from falling into doctrinal error when a firm decision on an issue is reached. The doctrine teaches that there are two sources of revelation: Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, and that these are authentically interpreted by the Magisterium. Sacred Scripture consists of the 73 books of the Catholic Bible, consisting of 46 Old Testament and 27 New Testament writings. The New Testament books are accepted by Christians of both East and West, with only those who follow Luther putting them at three different status levels. The Old Testament books include some, referred to as Deuterocanonical, that Protestants exclude but that Eastern Christians too regard as part of the Bible. Sacred Tradition consists of those teachings believed by the Church to have been handed down since the time of the Apostles. Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition are collectively known as the "deposit of faith". These are in turn interpreted by the Magisterium , the Church's teaching authority, which is exercised by the Pope and the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, the bishop of Rome. Catholic Doctrine is authoritatively summarised in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The doctrine section of the Catechism is organised according to the Apostle's Creed. The Church also accepts the Nicene Creed. The Catholic Church holds that there is one eternal God, who exists as a mutual indwelling of three persons: God the Father; God the Son; and God the Holy Spirit, which make up the Trinity. Catholics believe that Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity, God the Son. In an event known as the Incarnation, through the power of the Holy Spirit, God became united with human nature through the conception of Christ in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Christ therefore is both fully divine and fully human. It is taught that Christ's mission on earth included giving people his teachings and providing his example for them to follow as recorded in the four Gospels. The Church teaches that through the passion (suffering) of Christ and his crucifixion as described in the Gospels, all people have an opportunity for forgiveness and freedom from sin and so can be reconciled to God. The Resurrection of Jesus gained for humans a possible spiritual immortality previously denied to them because of original sin. By reconciling with God and following Christ's words and deeds, an individual can enter the Kingdom of God. The Church teaches that God the Holy Spirit , God's Spirit, "proceeds" from God the Father and God the Son as a single origin, a belief generally accepted in Western Christianity and expressed in the Filioque clause added to the Latin version of the Nicene Creed of 381, but not included in the versions of the Creed, not derived from the Latin text, that are used in Eastern Christianity, including the Eastern Catholic Churches.
The Book of Revelation, often known simply as Revelations or the Apocalypse, is the final book of the New Testament and occupies a central place in Christian eschatology. Revelation makes use of symbolism and visions, mentions angelic mediators, has bizarre imagery, declares divine judgment, emphasizes the Kingdom of God, prophesies new heavens and a new Earth, and consists of a dualism of ages, in other words a present world and a world to come. In terms of being prophetic, the author of Revelation uses the words: prophecy, prophesy, prophesying, prophet, and prophets twenty-one times in these various forms throughout the text. No other New Testament book uses these terms to this extent. Most of the interpretations fall into one or two of the following categories: 1) futurist, which believes that Revelation describes future events (modern believers in this interpretation are often called "millennialists"); and 2) idealist, or symbolic, which holds that Revelation does not refer to actual people or events, but is an allegory of the spiritual path and the ongoing struggle between good and evil.
My symbiotical relationship with you
A. The teaching of the Soul 
- Definition of Faith.
- Teaching of the Soul.
- The Soul of Global Community.
- Global commons of Guiding Souls.
- Soul of Humanity.
- To be conscious of God.
B. The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship
C. Guiding Souls and God want to help us manage Earth 
D. The Divine Plan and the higher purpose of humanity 
- What is the Divine Plan for Humanity?
- The higher purpose for Humanity.
- Together we have what it takes to manage Earth responsibly and keep it healthy.
- The Soul of Humanity says...
E. Guiding Souls to serve God is a part of a new unifying religion of a modern symbiosis global society: Global Community Faith and Religion.
- Soullife, the Soul of Global Community.
- A short summary of theories explaining the origin of Life.
- Global Community Faith and Religion on the origin of Life.
- Divine Love and Divine Will helping Life to be formed.
- Guiding Souls guided the evolutionary process in small ways.
- Earth management becomes a spiritual and a natural process.
F. Is humanity as we know it today on Earth our final destination ?
G. Global Community teaching
H. Global Law 
Divine Law.
Nature Law.
The teaching of the Soul of Humanity.
The teaching of the prophet.
Global Law.
Golden Rule principle and societal sustainability.
Global Justice Movement for all life on the planet.
Abolish the business of conflicts and war.
Security for all life on Earth.
Be actively involved in applying recommendations from the scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ).
I. New Revelations, by God, delivered through Germain Dufour. 
J. God's Ten Commandments, delivered through Mosess. 
Volunteers listen, dialogue, encourage and organize. They are involved in several different sectors: education, environment, home and community development, social, industry, health, conflict resolution, resources, research, transportation, and office management.
Global Community volunteers website
Volunteering qualifications 
Volunteer's objectives 
Volunteer's program 
Current projets 
How to reach us 
Global Dialogue 2013 does not offer training for students. Volunteers from all ethnic backgrounds who are intimate with the needs and beliefs of the people in their community so that community work there will be welcome and successful. Volunteer candidates are expected to have:
· Several years of work experience
· Academic qualifications (Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, etc.)
· Good listening skill
· Committed to supporting the efforts of others
· A work methodology which promotes participation and exchange of ideas
· Skills in working and learning with other people from different cultures
· Good working knowledge of at least one of the following languages: English, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, German, Portuguese
Volunteers are people-centered and can play active roles in settling concerns between local communities and international organizations. We are inviting applications in the professions listed below:
1. Energy and Conservation Specialists
2. Environmental Lawyers
3. International Law Specialists
4. Sustainable Development Specialists
5. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialists
6. Biodiversity Management Specialists
7. Environmental Management Specialists
8. Rural, Urban and Global Development Specialists
9. Social Development Specialists
10. Office Management
11. Education Specialists
12. Database Specialists
13. Computer Specialists and Website Developer Specialists
14. Ecologists (land, water)
15. Wildlife Specialists
16. Commerce/Business Administration Specialists
17. Home and Community Planners
18. Economists and Statisticians
19. Local Resource Management Specialists
20. Development Planners
21. Socioeconomic Planners
22. Waste Management Specialists
Global Dialogue 2013 reserves the right to withdraw a Volunteer from an assignment and to change the conditions of each engagement.
Community-based initiatives would involve helping communities in areas such as:
1. Environmental: parks, open territory, streams
2. Snow removal
3. Polluted water
4. Property clean-up
5. Traffic easement
6. Vandalism
7. Noise
8. Respect for lawns, trees, and gardens
9. Greening of the community
10. Youth involvement
11. Recycling
12. Stopping erosion of good land
13. Re-stocking of lakes and rivers
14. Healthful projects to create venue for youthful play
15. Protection of very young from bullies
16. Dealing with community conflict
Help for Volunteers
Bring your idea to a Global Dialogue 2013 meeting. We listen. We discuss. We encourage. We assist.
What is your idea? Whom would it assist? What is your game plan (the workable steps needed)?
What do you need to see it through?
Benefit of Being a Volunteer
The satisfaction of being a person devoted to creating a community more comfortable for its inhabitants and knowing the helpful work he/she does is of use else where as well, as the success of their work becomes known.
To help Global Dialogue 2013 create and acquire knowledge and experience for the benefit of communities which can be applied in other countries, as well as in their own ~ a road map to recovery, so to speak, helpful to the entire planet.
A Global Dialogue 2013 Volunteer is an unsalaried person and will not receive subsistence entitlements or any other type of remuneration. A Volunteer brings hope and encouragement to people, proactively building partnerships and exploring responses to issues of global concerns.
The programme is open to anyone from the developed and developing countries. Global Dialogue 2013 needs qualified and motivated women and men to serve as volunteers in technical, environmental, economic and social fields.
Volunteers listen, dialogue, encourage and organize. They are involved in several different sectors: education, environment, home and community development, social, industry, health, conflict resolution, resources, research (nor for graduate students), transportation, marketing, computing, community-based initiatives, office management, and/or organizing the upcoming Global Dialogue 2013 .
Global Dialogue 2013 Volunteers Programme is a grassroots process aimed primarily at enabling women and men to dedicate a certain period of their lives to:
· The cause of sound sustainable development throughout the world
· Increase the participation of youth in development activities at the community level
· Making the Global Community a reality
Global Dialogue 2013 is dedicated to the creation of opportunities for all members of the community to change and contribute to the development process. Global Dialogue 2013 supports community-based initiatives in finding sound solutions to their own community development.
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