Politics and Justice without borders The theme of Global Dialogue 2015 is: Global Community Faith in God's Spirit, Soullife, helping the formation of Life in the Universe.
SoulLifeandGermain DufourSpiritual Leader of Global CommunityProphete of God August 2014 ![]() Global Community Faith in God's Spirit, Soullife, helping the formation of Life in the Universe. Artwork by Germain Dufour January 6, 2008 ( see enlargement ![]() Note of understanding The author, Germain Dufour, was educated in a small french Canadian town called Sorel. His religious education was based on the Roman Catholic Church doctrine on faith and morals that it presents as definitive and infallible. The Church's hierarchy is headed by the Bishop of Rome, known as the Pope, who is the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church composed of the Latin Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches in full communion with Rome. The Church holds that Christ instituted the Papacy, upon giving the keys of Heaven to Saint Peter. Catholic doctrine has evolved over the centuries, reflecting direct teachings of early Christians, formal decisions of heretic and orthodox beliefs by Ecumenical Councils and Papal Bulls, and theological debate by scholars. The Church believes that it is continually guided by the Holy Spirit as it discerns new theological issues and is protected infallibly from falling into doctrinal error when a firm decision on an issue is reached. The doctrine teaches that there are two sources of revelation: Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, and that these are authentically interpreted by the Magisterium. Sacred Scripture consists of the 73 books of the Catholic Bible, consisting of 46 Old Testament and 27 New Testament writings. The New Testament books are accepted by Christians of both East and West, with only those who follow Luther putting them at three different status levels. The Old Testament books include some, referred to as Deuterocanonical, that Protestants exclude but that Eastern Christians too regard as part of the Bible. Sacred Tradition consists of those teachings believed by the Church to have been handed down since the time of the Apostles. Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition are collectively known as the "deposit of faith". These are in turn interpreted by the Magisterium , the Church's teaching authority, which is exercised by the Pope and the College of Bishops in union with the Pope, the bishop of Rome. Catholic Doctrine is authoritatively summarised in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The doctrine section of the Catechism is organised according to the Apostle's Creed. The Church also accepts the Nicene Creed. The Catholic Church holds that there is one eternal God, who exists as a mutual indwelling of three persons: God the Father; God the Son; and God the Holy Spirit, which make up the Trinity. Catholics believe that Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity, God the Son. In an event known as the Incarnation, through the power of the Holy Spirit, God became united with human nature through the conception of Christ in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Christ therefore is both fully divine and fully human. It is taught that Christ's mission on earth included giving people his teachings and providing his example for them to follow as recorded in the four Gospels. The Church teaches that through the passion (suffering) of Christ and his crucifixion as described in the Gospels, all people have an opportunity for forgiveness and freedom from sin and so can be reconciled to God. The Resurrection of Jesus gained for humans a possible spiritual immortality previously denied to them because of original sin. By reconciling with God and following Christ's words and deeds, an individual can enter the Kingdom of God. The Church teaches that God the Holy Spirit , God's Spirit, "proceeds" from God the Father and God the Son as a single origin, a belief generally accepted in Western Christianity and expressed in the Filioque clause added to the Latin version of the Nicene Creed of 381, but not included in the versions of the Creed, not derived from the Latin text, that are used in Eastern Christianity, including the Eastern Catholic Churches. The Book of Revelation, often known simply as Revelations or the Apocalypse, is the final book of the New Testament and occupies a central place in Christian eschatology. Revelation makes use of symbolism and visions, mentions angelic mediators, has bizarre imagery, declares divine judgment, emphasizes the Kingdom of God, prophesies new heavens and a new Earth, and consists of a dualism of ages, in other words a present world and a world to come. In terms of being prophetic, the author of Revelation uses the words: prophecy, prophesy, prophesying, prophet, and prophets twenty-one times in these various forms throughout the text. No other New Testament book uses these terms to this extent. Most of the interpretations fall into one or two of the following categories: 1) futurist, which believes that Revelation describes future events (modern believers in this interpretation are often called "millennialists"); and 2) idealist, or symbolic, which holds that Revelation does not refer to actual people or events, but is an allegory of the spiritual path and the ongoing struggle between good and evil.
Paper Submitters Review the Submission Criteria in the Call for Papers 1. Papers must reflect original empirical or theoretical research or major developments in previously reported research. Papers are not eligible for inclusion if they have been read previously at the World Congress or other professional meetings; if they have been published prior to Global Dialogue 2014 or accepted for publication before being submitted to organizers for consideration; or if they have been modified in only secondary respects after similar readings or publication. 2. Only completed papers, not abstracts or letters of intent, may be considered by session organizers. 3. A paper may be submitted to no more than two session. 4. All paper submissions must be accompanied by the Submission Cover Sheet. 5. In case of dual submission, authors are required to notify us of this fact and to list both session topics. 6. For any one paper, authors are limited to submitting the paper to one Regular Session topic only. 7. Authors choosing to make dual submission of a paper must indicate the order of priority of this submission on the submission cover sheet. 8. Any individual may participate in up to two program sessions
however, an author may offer only one sole-authored presentation. Please
note that Refereed Roundtable presentations are counted as authorships.
Submission Decisions Organizers have been instructed that submission review and
acceptance decisions must be accomplished in a timely manner. Submitting
authors will be notified of the disposition of submissions shortly before
the deadline of submission. The deadline will be known this summer.
Presenter Obligations Once you have received an acceptance notice, you have several important obligations: · submit your abstract and paper
by the submission deadline
What are the expectations from the Participants and Leaders of the Workshop Sessions during the Global Dialogue?
![]() Global Dialogue 2014 is being held all over the planet. Our website is used to relate results to everyone so as to continue the discussions with everyone else in the Global Community. Participants may apply to lead a Discussion Roundtable(s) and/or a Workshop Session(s). Leaders of the Workshop Sessions being held all over the world and in Nanaimo and Leaders of Discussion Roundtables on the Internet are allowed to organize their sessions in their own town, global community, university or home, wherever, as long as they assume all costs and responsibilities. Noone is being paid for their work and expenses. This is strictly on a volunteering basis and no money is available or will be available. You may also invite the public, experts and all Participants to your Discussion Roundtable or Workshop Session. This is a grassroots process and everyone is invited. Leaders may also be chosen from the Participant list. Leaders do not have to do this. They may even up-out of this process at any time without penalties of any kind (let me know now if you cannot go on with this process). So please be understanding! We are breaking grounds with the Global Dialogues and in the ways international conferences may be held in the future. Noone has ever organized a Global Dialogue having people (including the general public) from all over the planet participating interactively from their own town, community, universities or homes. Daily results of the Discussion Roundtables and Workshop Sessions usually include comments and recommendations and are to be sent by email to globalcommunity@telus.net in the message area of the email (please no attachment unless necessary). Each email message should not be larger than 60 KB. Send several messages but try to be within this limit. Only messages with email addresses shown under "Participants" will be read. If you need to use a different email address let me know first by phone. All Participants are invited to send their papers, comments and recommendations to the Leaders of their choice and they may send them also directly to the Office of Global Dialogue 2014. Participants are required to communicate with their leaders of interest. You are required to discuss via email and send comments and recommendations to them. Leaders will relate to this website your comments and recommendations and summarizing results. All Leaders are required to send an Opening Statement related to their Discussion Roundtable. A Closing Statement should also be sent during the period August 17-22, 2013. These statements along with the comments and recommendations will be inserted in the space reserved to each Discussion Roundtable and Workshop Session on our website. The list of participants who have sent research papers is shown on our website. If you are planning to send a research paper do read the section 'Expectations from those sending research papers', and the section 'Call for Papers'. Research papers and other information will also be copied on our website in the 'Participant Listing' section. Follow the link. All Leaders will contact (by email) paper submitters who have written Lead Papers within their respective Discussion Roundtable and Workshop Session and ask for comments and recommendations. All papers must be reviewed. During the period August 17-22 leaders will summarize results and email them as well.