The reason why Global Dialogue 2010 is so important to humanity has been explained in the Introduction to Essential Services.
As a first step to every participant it would be best to read the Introduction.
Results from previous Global Dialogues have showed us that the governance of Earth through global cooperation and
symbiotical relationships was the only possible option for a large population such as the Earth's population, and so, to help
achieve this goal we have developed the Global Constitution
and the
Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act
to govern ourselves as Member Nations of the Global Community Earth Govewrnment (GCEG).
Previous Global Dialogues also thought us that there were several universal values and global concepts connecting all communities and
societies to each other. And we found that
proper Earth management is a necessity and requires all peoples to unite and actually manage the planet.
Local and global policies needed to be developed and implemented by
global communities. Every person on Earth is now responsible for this very important
duty. The time for action is now - positive and constructive
actions to sustain Earth.
Global Dialogue 2010 is being held all over the planet. Our website is used to relate results to everyone
so as to continue the discussions with everyone else in the Global Community.
Building global communities require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are several major problems: conflicts and wars,
no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, human activities,
as population increases the respect and value of a human life is in decline,
protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate,
global warming and global climate change, global pollution, deforestation, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage,
and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global
communities for all life on the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of the above problems.
Global Dialogue 2010 has the mandate to conduct and implement positive and constructive actions all over the planet.
Actions for the good of all as per the Statement of rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities
of the Global Community citizens. The Statement was first developed during Global Dialogue 2002 and further improved ever since. Now is time for action.
Global Dialogue 2010 is a grassroots process involving everyone as part of the Global Community, the Earth
Community, the human family. Participants from all sectors and walks of life will describe and
explain the actions they have performed in their own homes, communities
or in any other place on the planet. Everyone is responsible for the proper
management of Earth and therefore everyone is invited to submit
research papers, vision statements, results of brain-storming exercises,
comments and recommendations.
Global Dialogue 2010 is well on its way. We have received excellent
abstracts, and papers have already been submitted.
We have a large number of articles already published in our Newsletters
and every issue discussed during the past several years are now part of Global Dialogue 2010.
The Participants List
is another way to access the research papers submitted. Original papers cover most of the important issues. Several
Discussion Roundtables are in the
process of being organized. The final deadline for submission of individual
abstracts and papers, videos, presentations, panel discussions and workshop
proposals, facilitated groups, and of photographic, poster and dramatic
displays dealing with pertinent themes, and students' creative work
is March 24, year 2010. Make sure you include recommendations, policies
or workable sound solutions in your abstract and Paper. Read the criteria
for submission in the Call for Papers.
There are no registration fees required from anyone. When you submit a paper you must fill and send us the Paper Submission Cover Sheet.
We are asking members of the the Global Community
and all participants in Global Dialogue 2010 to submit any of the following
- Criteria of what makes 'a global community'; criteria of what makes a nation, a State; criteria to create a new nation, a nation-state, and to dissolve one.
- Having created a global community, a nation, or a state, how would we integrate the
Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act
into the basic social structure.
- Having created a global community, a nation, or a state, how would we have
the people accepting an ever closer Earth Government
among them and living a global life as per the Global Constitution
- Actions for the good of all as per the Statement of rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of the Global Community citizens.
- Results from discussions on issues.
Issues from previous Global Dialogues are included as issues of Global Dialogue 2010.
Issues of Global Dialogue 2006 are mainly concerned with the
Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act
but all other issues of Global Dialogue 2006 are also included here.
Issues related to Global Dialogue 2005 with theme 'the Global Constitution' are found at the Main Index of the Global Constitution.
You may also participate in editing the 28 Chapters and Preamble of the Global Constitution.
The Global Constitution is found at:
So far, throughout the year 2006, we have accomplished an enormous amount of work all of which to the benefit of humanity. Global Dialogue 2006 has been
a success of great work and co-operation amongst all Global Community citizens from 130 Nations. The approval of the Global Constitution by
Global Parliament will benefit us all in the decades to come.
Global Dialogue 2010 is a continuation of this great work. We want everyone to participate.
Submit your work for Global Dialogue 2010as per the OVERVIEW of the process
Submit a group project
Send us your own short version of the Global Constitution. It has to be developed from the actual
longer version approved by Global Parliament.
Depending on the level of participation, we may have different categories for this special project.
Global Parliament will be reviewing all proposals.
During the Ceremonies of Global Dialogue 2010,
special Award
will be given to the group with the best short version.
- A research paper(s) as per scientific
criteria described in the Call for Papers;
your paper is a publication
and will appear in the proceedings to be published shortly after the conference
in August 2010. Abstracts will be published in the Final
Your Vision of Earth in year 2024;
we are referring you to the World Congress on Managing and Measuring
Sustainable Development - Global Community Action 1 for
more details on how this may be accomplished.
Results of brain-storming exercises
on issues (see list of all issues).
The design of an Earth flag;
a campaign to create an Earth flag is going on right now and I call upon
and encourage students from all over the planet to participate in the design
of the Earth flag. It will be their first unified achievement. Children's
education is also part of the theme for this global dialogue. There is
a need to train the next generation in the skills of collaborating in the
future management of global changes, which will be vital to survival. Students
of all levels (school, college, technical, university) are invited to participate
in the Global Community project of developing a shorter version of the Global Constitution.
Students are also asked to produce any creative work of what the Global Community
can accomplish to sustain life on the planet ~ in the fields of zoology, biology, on history, on geography,
on social and political sciences, on agriculture, energy, earth sciences,
forestry, communications, wilderness, pollution, on the water supplies
of the world, poverty, employment, social justice, human rights, universal
values, global concepts, business and economy, availability of resources
and so on.
Comments and recommendations on ideas
proposed so far and on research papers to be submitted; we want to hear
your opinion and views.
Positive and constructive actions
in sustaining life on Earth. These are actions learned from the previous Global
Dialogue or new ones. Participants from all sectors and walks of life will describe
and explain actions that they have performed in their own homes, communities,
business places or in any other places on the planet. Depending on whether
we find a sponsor to promote the Global Dialogue we hope to be able to
present your videos, CDs or other productions on our website.
Articles for publishing in our
Newsletters and making them available on the Internet. Newsletters will
be posted on Global Dialogue 2010 website (see 'Current News').
sure you specify that it is an article for the Newsletters and not a research
The role of education in building Global Communities for all life.
Global Dialogue 2000,
the World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development - Global Community Action 1, focussed on a Global Community Action Plan to bring together
all grassroot movements and civil society to the building of Global Communities for all life on Earth. Global Dialogue 2010 will make this Global Action Plan a reality
by calling upon educators a humanitarian service for the education of this generation on the goods of building Global Communities for all life.
How to motivate women to postpone childbearing later in life and have less or no children.
Comprehensive population policies may be derived from aspetcs such as:
* societal family image,
* community rights, 
* population health, 
* poverty, 
* scarcity of resources and drinking water,
and the
* destruction of the global life-support systems and eco-systems of the planet.
A global development strategy that combines access to:
* reproductive health services,
* education and economic opportunities, 
* improved energy and natural resource technologies,
and to
* healthyer models of consumption and the good life. 
Making use of the Global Information Media (GIM)
in shaping the Global Community for all life on Earth.
How can the societal family image be changed to motivate women to postpone childbearing later in life and have less or no children.
The development of community rights focussing on global responsibility and accountability of everyone and the community towards decreasing population growth.
The integration of Global Citizens rights, responsibility and accountability
into the basic social structure of a global community, a nation, and a nation-state.
The integration of the Statement of rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities
into the basic social structure of a global community, a nation, and a nation-state.
The management of population health.
Obtaining a strong commitment from all Peoples to achieve a negative average annual population growth rate.
Implemented through the Global Community with built-in mechanisms for optimum input and
oversight guaranteed to all member-states, the Global Community offers a practicable starting point for achieving: 
(a) a healthful, sustainable environment for every global community citizen,
(b) universal health care, publicly supported,
(c) education for all based upon individual capability,
(d) creative/productive employment for every global community citizen, and
(e) post-retirement security.
The Global Community is inviting you to participate in the formation of global symbiotical relationships between communities, nations, businesses, or a combination of them. This can be accomplished through
the formation of global ministries. The formation of global ministries is the most important event in human history. Humanity sees the need to manage the world affairs in several aspects of our lives: energy, agriculture, environment, health,
Earth resources, Earth management, security and safety, emergencies and rescues, trade, banks, speculation on world markets, peace, family and human development, water resources protection, youth,
education, justice, science and technology, finance, human resources, ethics, human and Earth rights, sustainable development, industry, and manufacturing products, etc. Global ministries will be given power
to rule themselves in harmony with each other. The Global Community is calling for the immediate formation of the:
Global Health Ministry,
Global Education and Training Ministry, and
Global Social Services Ministry
All nations and every person on Earth live a life as global citizens
The Scale of Human and Earth Rights replaces the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a guiding tool to dealing with one another
Global Laws of the Global Constitution become universal and well used
Obtaining a strong commitment from all Peoples to achieve a negative average annual population growth rate
Adopting and actively practicing the new way of doing business
Competition wil only be good when corporations, the business world, has accepted the new way of doing business and obtained the
Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship.
Over its long past history trade has never evolved to require from the trading partners to become legally and morally responsible and
accountable for their products from beginning to end. At the end the product becomes a waste and it needs to be properly dispose of. Now
trade must be given a new impetus to be in line with the global concepts of the Global Community. You manufacture, produce, mine, farm or
create a product, you become legally and morally responsible and accountable of your product from beginning to end (to the point where it
actually becomes a waste; you are also responsible for the proper disposable of the waste). This product may be anything and everything from oil & gas, weapons, war products, to genetically engineered food products. All consumer products. All medicinal products! All pharmaceutical products!
Adopt policies to decrease world population:
Delay reproduction until later in life. Delaying reproduction is important in influencing population growth rates. Over a period of 60 years, if people delay reproduction
until they are 30 years old, you would have only two generations, while if you do not delay reproduction you would have three generations (one generation every 20 years).
Spread your children farther apart.
To have fewer children overall.
Government commitment to decreasing population growth.
Create policies that help decreasing the number of children being born. Policies such as income tax deductions for dependent children and maternity and paternity leaves are essentially pronatalist and should be eliminated.
Programs that are locally designed and that include information on family planning and access to contraceptives.
Educational programs that emphasize the connection between family planning and social good.
The vast disparities
in reproductive health worldwide and the greater vulnerability
of the poor to reproductive risk point to several steps all governments
can take, with the support of other sectors, to improve the health
of women and their families:
Give women more
life choices. The low social and economic status of women and
girls sets the stage for poor reproductive health.
Invest in reproductive
health care.
Encourage delays
in the onset of sexual activity and first births.
Help couples prevent
and manage unwanted childbearing.
Ensure universal
access to maternal health care.
Support new reproductive
health technologies.
Increase efforts
to address the HIV pandemic.
Involve communities
in evaluating and implementing programs.
Develop partnerships
with the private sector, policymakers and aid donors to broaden
support for reproductive health.
Measure progress.
Participate in Global Dialogue 2010 to help humanity find solutions.
More and more young people on every continent want to start bearing children later in life and to have smaller families than at any
time in history. Likewise, in greater proportions than ever, women and girls in particular want to go to school and to college, and
they want to find fulfilling and well-paid employment. Helping people in every country obtain the information and services they
need to put these ambitions into effect is all that can be done, and all that needs to be done, to bring world population growth
to a stable landing this century.
We follow God's Plan, the Will of God, His New Revelations we were given just a few years ago, and His Soul of Humanity
in guiding us ahead
As was with previous global dialogues, Global Dialogue 2010 will also have people from all
over the planet participating interactively from their own homes, global communities,
universities or other community sites. The Internet and email will be used
to communicate results and Proceedings. But this time we will also have
a physical site for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and a period for
summarizing results during August 17-22, 2010.
Those sending a research paper please do read also the section on 'Expectations from Participants sending a Research Paper.' 
Become a member of the the Global Community, the Global Community. Be a LEADER.
Participants may apply to lead a Discussion Roundtable(s) and/or a Workshop Session(s).
Leaders of the Workshop Sessions being held all over the world and in Nanaimo and Leaders of Discussion Roundtables on the Internet
are allowed to organize their sessions in their own town, global community, university or home, wherever, as long as they assume
all costs and responsibilities. Noone is being paid for their work and expenses. This is strictly on a volunteering basis and no money
is available or will be available.
You may also invite the public, experts and all Participants to your Discussion Roundtable or Workshop Session. This is
a grassroots process and everyone is invited.
Leaders may also be chosen from the Participant list.
Leaders do not have to do this. They may even up-out of this process at any time without penalties of any
kind (let me know now if you cannot go on with this process). So please be understanding! We are breaking grounds with the
Global Dialogues and in the ways international conferences may be held in the future. Noone has ever organized a
Global Dialogue having people (including the general public) from all over the planet participating interactively from their own town, community, universities or homes.
Daily results of the Discussion Roundtables and Workshop Sessions usually include comments and recommendations and are to be sent by
email to
or in the message
area of the email (please no attachment unless necessary). Each email message should not be larger than 60 KB. Send several
messages but try to be within this limit. Only messages with email addresses shown under
will be read. If you
need to use a different email address let me know first by phone.
All Participants are invited to send their papers, comments and recommendations to the Leaders of their choice and they may send them also directly to the Office of Global Dialogue 2010. Participants are required to communicate with their leaders of interest. You are required to discuss via email and send comments and recommendations to them. Leaders will relate to this website your comments and recommendations and summarizing results.
All Leaders are required to send an Opening Statement
related to their Discussion Roundtable. A Closing Statement
should also be sent during the period August 17-22,
2010. These statements along with the comments and recommendations will be inserted in the space reserved to each Discussion Roundtable and Workshop Session on our website.
The list of participants who have sent research papers is shown on our website. If you are planning to send a research paper do read the
section Call for Papers
Research papers and other information will be copied on our website in individual files. See the ' Participant Listing ' section
to connect with thoses files. Follow the link.
All Leaders will contact (by email) paper submitters who have written Lead Papers within their respective Discussion Roundtable
and Workshop Session and ask for comments and recommendations. All papers must be reviewed. During the period August 17-22
leaders will summarize results and email them as well.
Global Dialogue 2010 starts now on the Internet.
You do not need to wait until August 2006 to participate.
Participate now, today!
Here is how the process works. Submit your work for Global Dialogue 2010as per the OVERVIEW of the process
The period August 17-22 is a time for Workshop Sessions to be held in Nanaimo and all over the world,
and a time for summarizing results, and August 31 is the closing of the
Global Dialogue. Unless we have sponsors and donations, proceedings will be written in September and made available on this website afterwards.
The hope that we can create an Earth Society, a sustainable society,
composed of sustainable communities, is not new. What's new is that we are doing
it. It is no longer a talk, a hope or a concept. It is a reality! Sustainability
is no longer a concept it is us, all of us, now, today. Human beings
have the capacity to continuously adapt to their nonhuman environments by means
of social organization. This is why the People aspects have been included in the
definition of sustainable development. This is why sustainable development is
essentially not about just the environment and
economic development, but it is also about people. We the Peoples
of the Earth
will find ways to protect and improve the delicate balance between human
activity and our natural life support system. We are now working together, all
of us, all Peoples on Earth, to keep our planet healthy, productive and
hospitable for all human beings and living things.
We have created the Global Community, the Earth
Community Organization (ECO), the Human Family, the Earth Society, (different names for the same organization) with the
mandate of managing Earth. The Global Constitution was about
establishing the foundation for a sound global governance.
This is an opportunity for thinkers from all countries to pool their ideas, brain-storm their concerns and search for universal solutions to the problems at hand. The world surely will never be the same again. Collective human intellectual power will reach every country for the good of all.
We estimate that so far the Global Community concepts have made contact by 'ricochet' with at least a billion people throughout
the World. Again by the effects of 'ricochet' and chain reaction after
creation of new thoughts we will touch the hearts and the minds of the billions of people on Earth. This will happen very quickly.
Most likely within a year.
The Global Dialogue has broken new grounds in several other ways.
The Global Dialogue has broken grounds not only in the number of interested participants but also in its new global dialogue and theme on
"Actions for the good of all as per the Statement of rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of the Global
Community citizens."
Global Dialogue 2010 has broken grounds in its limitless well of new thoughts. We have created (and still thousands more to come) new
thoughts, concepts, ideas, ways of doing things to sustain Earth throughout the coming decades. During the past thousand years
humanity has lived with the "life program information" transferred into the brain via two ways: our genes, and education and
upbringing. The mechanism of biological information protection did the rest. We are lock, stock, and barrel
with the old stock. In a way! Today our species is evolving to rid itself of the old thoughts that is threatening its future and
survival. This is a survival reaction and is very real. Our species will accomplish the evolutionary leap within a generation. Our
consciousness will evolve rapidly. We will reach levels never imagined before. We will get much closer to God and God to us as we are
parts of God's consciousness.
It was time for us to scrutinize our values and old thoughts. We did. We are here to help humanity get rid of these old thoughts
or at least the emotions attached to them. We have to reach
very deep in ourselves to succeed in this process. Old thoughts and the emotions attached to them are parts of our very deep self
and will not let go easily because of the mechanism of biological information protection. The next step is the creation of new
thoughts, thousands of them. Healthy thoughts! The kind that will sustain Earth. Remember what we have been asking you all along:
from the experience in your life and local community tell us:
* Why are you important to this "Global
* Why is it important to you?
* What do you like about it?
* What bothers you about it?
* Anything need to be done?
* What is really good there?
* What is very very important?
* What is not so important?
* What is not good?
* What is needed to keep the good things?
* What could make them even better?
* What could you do to keep the good things good?
* Could they help get rid of bad things?
* What unimportant things need to go?
* How could you help get rid of these things?
to sustain the Global Community, humanity and all life.
This is an ongoing process and will continue for as long as humanity exist on Earth.
This process helps humanity to think clearly and globally. Your research papers, brainstorming exercises, vision statements,
discussions, comments and recommendations will be reviewed.
They will give us a sense of direction and purpose. The end product also include universal values to connect us together as we are all belonging to
the Global Community.
raison d'etre of the
Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) and of
the Global
Community organization is to find sound solutions to sustain Earth
in this Century.
Scale of Global Rights

was developed achieve this goal. The Scale
contains six (6) sections. Section 1 has more importance than all other sections below, and so on.
Concerning sections 1, 2, and 3, it shall be Global Community Earth Government highest priority to guarantee these rights to Member
Nations and to have proper lesgislation and implement and enforce global law as it applies.
Section 1. Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems
Section 2. Primordial human rights
- safety and security
have shelter
'clean' energy
a 'clean' and healthy environment
drink fresh water
breath clean air
eat a balance diet
basic clothing
universal health care and education, and
employment for all
Section 3. The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations
Concerning Sections 4, 5 and 6, it shall be the aim of Earth Government to secure these other
rights for all global citizens within the federation of all nations, but
without immediate guarantee of universal achievement and enforcement. These
rights are defined as
Directive Principles, obligating the Earth Government
to pursue every reasonable means for universal realization and implementation.
Section 4. Community rights, rights of direct democracy, and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically
Section 5. Economic rights
(business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities)
and social rights (civil and political rights)
Section 6. Cultural rights and religious rights
The Scale was made an integral part of the Global Constitution and of our way of doing things as a government, the Global Community
Earth Government. The Scale is guiding us on the right path to survival.
We have the responsibility of managing Earth. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for an
effective global governance based on global concepts and the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. The
has proposed the creation of several
global ministries for the management of Earth (energy, agriculture, environment, health, Earth resources, Earth management,
security and safety, trade, peace, family and human development, water resources protection, family and human development, water resources protection, youth, education, justice, science and technology, finance, human resources, ethics, human
and Earth rights, sustainable development, industry and manufacturing products, etc.).
Now we are asking you to keep in touch with all of us and the
organization. Participate in Global Dialogue 2010.
May the DIVINE WILL come into our lives and show us the way.
May our higher purpose in life bring us closer to the Soul of Humanity and God.
Germain Dufour
Project Officer and Chairman
Global Dialogue 2010

Contact Information
Telephone: 250-754-0778
Postal address: 186 Bowlsby Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9R 5K1
Electronic mail:
