Introduction and Procedure
Listing of 2010 Group Discussions by email
A Group Discussion by email may be part of a Global Roundtable
Participate in Group Discussions by email
Issues of the Group Discussions by email
Summary of all comments and recommendations from participants
Concluding remarks drawn from the Group Discussions by email
For more information contact the Office of Global Dialogue 2010
Global Dialogue 2010 has already begun. Group discussion by email have started. You can participate now, today.
To see the work done click on a Group Discussion in the Listing of the Group Discussion by email.
This procedure has been effective and improved upon since 1985. Verify its use in 2008. 
Global Dialogue 2010 is being held all over the planet. Our website is used to relate results to everyone so as to continue the discussions with everyone else on Earth.
Participants may apply to lead a Group Discussion by email.
Here is how it works.
All Global Dialogue 2010 issues were listed in the issues section. 
Each Global Dialogue 2010 issue is connected to a Group Discussion by email.
Each Group Discussion by email may have one or more Global Dialogue 2010 issues and has an index such as this:
- Opening Remark by Leader
- Procedure
- Work from participants and authors with a summary or abstract of each work
- Comments and recommendations from Participants (by name and address)
- Summary of comments from Participants
- Summary of recommendations from Participants
- Assessment of results of Group Discussion by email and Conclusion
- Closing Remark by Leader
To connect with each Group Discussion by email click on a Group Discussion in the Listing of Group Discussion by email 2010.
Participants send their articles, research papers, email discussions, comments, videos and other works of art, recommendations, and results from a forum or a brain-storming exercises.
The work of each participant is entered in his/her individual FILE and
summarized in the Group Discussion by email section "Work from participants and authors with a summary or abstract of each work".
Participants send their articles, research papers, email discussions, comments, videos and other works of art, recommendations, and results from a forum or a brain-storming exercises.
The work of each participant is entered in his/her individual FILE and
summarized in the Global Roundtable section "Work from participants and authors with a summary or abstract of each work".
Send your work by email to
in the message area of the email (please no attachment unless necessary). Each email message should not be larger than 60 KB. Send
several messages but try to be within this limit. Only messages with email addresses shown under the Participants List will be read.
A summary of all comments and recommendations from participants will be made available here at the end of Global Dialogue 2010.
Concluding remarks drawn from the Group Discussion by email will be made available here at the end of Global Dialogue 2010.