
Many people who are preparing papers to present at the World Congress ask us for general guidelines. Criteria for Paper Submission and guidelines have been defined in files such as Call for Papers and Paper Submission Criteria. Please read the files.

To put it as simply as possible, we hope your field of interest will have been thought through on four (4) levels:

1. How does it affect the lives of people?
2. How does it impact upon natural resources?
3. What will it do to the environment?
4. How will it improve the economic development?

The basic "measure" you might consider is what :

1. What is very important?
2. What is important?
3. What is less important?
4. What has to be let go?

The reason for these statements lies in the fact we must be ready to abandon traditional ways of dealing with things to achieve a sustainable development. Getting rich at the expense of everything else is no longer the acceptable way to go. Over the decades, projects and actions which ignored everything except their own interests have a history of failure and human misery.

Our particular approach at the World Congress is to emphasize how to best harmonize interacting impacts upon human beings, use of resources, economic growth and environmental needs.

If possible try to show how your field of interest influences all four areas. Your Paper will likely be followed by discussion as delegates seek ideas they can use in their own countries.

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