Global 2000
Discussion Roundtables


1. Scheduling
2. Introduction and Procedure
3. Discussion Roundtables
* Social
* Environment
* Economic Development
* Availability of Resources
4. Discussion roundtable leaders
5. Summary of all Comments and Recommendations from Participants
6. Concluding Remark

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1. Scheduling

The World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development starts August 1st. The period August 17-22 is a time for summarizing results and August 22 is the closing of the World Congress. Proceedings will be written in September/October and will be made available on the website of The Global Community organization afterwards.

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2. Introduction and Procedure

The World Congress is being held all over the planet. Our website is used to relate results to everyone so as to continue the discussions with everyone else on Earth.

Their are 73 Discussion Roundtables divided into the four interacting blocks: Social(37), Environment(16), Economics(8) and Availability of Resources(12).

We have actively been searching for people who would qualify to chair each one of these four major systems. Their names will appear in the section "3. Discussion Roundtables Listing."

Leaders of the Discussion Roundtables are allowed to organize their sessions in their own town, university or home, wherever, as long as they assume all costs. Noone is being paid for their work and expenses. This is strictly on a volunteering basis and no money is available or will be available. You may also invite the public, experts and all Participants to your Discussion Roundtable. This is a grassroots process and everyone is invited.

Leaders were chosen. They do not have to do this. They may even up-out of this process at any time without penalties of any kind(let me know now if you cannot go on with this process). So please be understanding! We are breaking grounds with the World Congress and in the ways international conferences may be held in the future. Noone has ever organized a World Congress having people (including the general public) from all over the planet participating interactively from their own town, community, universities or homes.

Daily results of the Discussion Roundtables usually include comments and recommendations and are to be sent by email to
in the message area of the email (please no attachment unless necessary). This is for security reason as viruses could be attached to files. Each email message should not be larger than 60 KB. Send several messages but try to be within this limit. Only messages with email addresses shown under "Participants" will be read. If you need to use a different email address let me know first by phone.

All Participants are invited to send their comments and recommendations to the Leaders of their choice. Participants are required to communicate with their leaders of interest. You are required to discuss via email and send comments and recommendations to them. Leaders will relate to this website your comments and recommendations and summarizing results.

All Leaders are required now to send an Opening Statement related to their Discussion Roundtable. A Closing Statement should also be sent during the period August 17-22. These statements along with the comments and recommendations will be inserted in the space reserved to each Discussion Roundtable on our website at

All Leaders will contact (by email) paper submitters who have written Lead Papers within their respective Discussion Roundtables and ask for comments and recommendations. All papers must be reviewed. During the period August 17-22 Leaders will summarize results and email them as well.

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3. Discussion Roundtables Listing

Social Aspects

1. On well-being, the healthy family and the community
2. The role of families
3. Women's issues
4. Personal sustainable development pathway
5. Social development
6. Earth Charter
7. Aboriginal peoples
8. Human Rights
9. Quality of Life
10. Global Ethics
11. Genetic resources
12. Public discussions: listening to all voices
13. Eradication of poverty
14. Wars, armed conflicts, and violence
15. Earth management
16. Cooperation between developing and developed countries
17. Human health
18. Education and training
19. Spiritual values helping a sustainable future
20. Transboundary agreements
21. Disability and globalization
22. Human evolutionary development
23. Institutions for Environmental Governance: issues of Community Participation and Sustainable Development
24. International and interstate conflicts on the base of environmental stress
25. Social-economical problems of environmental refugees
26. Sustainable urban community development
27. Globalization
28. The Global Community: its objectives, the GCAC, the Charter, the grassroots process and the organization
29. World models to sustain Earth
30. Definition of Sustainable Development
31. Vision of Earth in Year 2024
32. The Scale of Values
33. A photo display presentation for interpreting sustainability
34. Dramatic play presentation
35. Implementation of Sustainable Development
36. Measurement and assessment of indicators
37. Population Pressure

Environment Aspects

1. Ecological protection and management
2. Sustainability of technological processes
3. Marine area management
4. Land management
5. Waste management
6. Energy management
7. Ozone layer protection
8. Global warming
9. Climate changes asessment and management
10. Air pollution
11. Water pollution
12. Measurement and assessment of indicators
13. Land Degradation
14. Environmental films to stimulate the emotional perception of ecological problems and motivate people
15. Ecological Education
16. Watershed Management

Economic Development

1. Global Economic Development
2. Risk analysis to measure sustainable development for large construction projects
3. Integrated system of economy-environment accounting
4. Financing sustainable development
5. Measurement and assessment of indicators
6. Sustainability and Global Consumption
7. Sustainability, lifestyle and global consumption
8. Sustainable Agriculture and World Trade

Availability of Resources

1. Resources management
2. Farming
3. Water resources protection and management
4. Measurement and assessment of indicators
5. Energy
6. Mining
7. Tourism
8. Forest Issues and Sustainable Forestry
9. Fresh Water Resources, Clean Air and Human Rights
10. Oil and Gas Industry
11. Manufacturing Industry, Consumption and Sustainability
12. Power Industry

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4. Discussion roundtable leaders

Global   2000

World Congress on Managing and Measuring
Sustainable Development

August  2000

Discussion Roundtables


1. On well-being, the healthy family and the community
Leader: Germain Dufour
Lead Papers

William M. Alexander, Mark Anielski, Ronald Colman, Erkin Dzhamanbaev, Galina Gutina, Nina Hrycak, Vladimir Ira, Anne M. Karanja, Natalia Knijnikova,ANITA KON,Igor N. Malakhov, Sue L.T. McGregor, Jose H. Moya, Yew-Kwang Ng, Anatoly Nikitin, Sofia Nikitina, Ahto Oja, Julia Pavlova, Helene Savard, Jeffery J. Smith, Colin L. Soskolne

2. The role of families
Leader: Germain Dufour
Lead Papers

William M. Alexander, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Ms. Julia Pavlova

3. Women’s issues
Leader: Heather Eaton
Lead Papers

William M. Alexander, Heather Eaton , Dr. Janet M. Eaton, Nina Hrycak

4. Personal sustainable development pathway
Leader: Dr. Gennady N. Karopa
Lead Papers

Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Elizabeth(Beth) Lange, Alexander Theodore Lopin, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Helene Savard, Leonid Shpigel, Dr. Colin L. Soskolne, Dr. Andrej Steiner, Andras (Andy) Tamas,Robert Unegbu

5. Social development
Leader: Karine Danielyan
Lead Papers

Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed, William M. Alexander, MALIK AMIN ASLAM, Dr. Allan Barsky and Bill Diepeveen and Maureen Wilson and Karen Hanna, Dr. Peter Bartelmus, William Belsey, Elena BIVOL,Dr. Alexander S. Bogolyubov, George Lutalo Bosa, Dr. Keith G. Brown, Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko, Ronald Colman, Karine Danielyan, George L. De Feis, Dr. John C. Dernbach, Nurgul Djanaeva, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery, Dr. Erkin Dzhamanbaev, Dr. Janet M. Eaton, Oleg Garms, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Mikylas Huba, Craig Hubley and Associates, Vladimír Hudek,Dr. Tao Jiyi, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Anne M. Karanja,Natalia Knijnikova,ANITA KON,Vera Koveinik, Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski, Dr. Vladimir Kremsa, Elena Krougikova,Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey, Vladimir Victorovich Lagutov, Oystein S. LaBianca (Ph.D) and Gary Brendel,Elizabeth(Beth) Lange, Alexander Theodore Lopin,Ngo Louga Madeleine, Dr. Ross Mallick, Tatiana Mamatova,Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Kulik Mikalai, Laszlo Miklos, Natalya Miroshnichenko,James Mwami, Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng, Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina, Beverly A. Paul, Ms. Julia Pavlova, Akim Rahman, Md. Hasibur Rahman, Dr. Richard C. Rich, Sergey Roganov, Dr. Vyacheslav Sharov, Alla Shevchuk,Dr. Colin L. Soskolne, Andras (Andy) Tamas, Dang Thanh Thuy, John Koffi B. Toguefai, Pavel Toma,Robert Unegbu,Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko, Valentin Yemelin,DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky

6. Earth Charter
Leader: Mirian Vilela
Lead Papers

Elena BIVOL,Germain Dufour, Anne M. Karanja, Mirian Vilela

7. Aboriginal peoples
Leader: John Koffi B. Toguefai
Lead Papers

Anne M. Karanja,Dr. Ross Mallick, Dr. Nazih Noureldin, Dr. Svetlana D. Schlotgauer, John Koffi B. Toguefai

8. Human Rights
Leader: Ernest Teye-Topey
Lead Papers

Craig Hubley and Associates, Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey, Tatiana Mamatova,Kulik Mikalai, Ernest Teye-Topey

9. Quality of Life
Leader: Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina
Lead Papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia,William M. Alexander, Ronald Colman, David Del Porto, Dr. Galina Gutina, Xiaohui Hao, Nina Hrycak, Vladimir Ira, Dr. A.Jagadeesh, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Ms. Maria V. Kryukova (Ph.D.), Elizabeth(Beth) Lange, Alexander Theodore Lopin,Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Kulik Mikalai,Natalya Miroshnichenko, Dr. Khatam Murtazaev, Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng, Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina, Anna Olofsson, Logan Perkins, Jeffery J. Smith, Valentin Yemelin and Marilyn Mehlmann,Douglas Worts

10. Global Ethics
Leader: Jim Christiansen
Lead Papers

Jim Christiansen, Ian G. Gilchrist, Dr. Hans W. Gottinger, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Ms. Manjula V. Guru and Dr. James E. Horne, Dr. Galina Gutina, Craig Hubley and Associates,Tatiana Mamatova, Dr. Holger Nauheimer, E. Mohan Reddy,Yuri Skochilov, Dr. Douglas Torgerson, Mirian Vilela

11. Genetic resources
Leader: Germain Dufour
Lead Papers

Ms. Manjula V. Guru and Dr. James E. Horne, Anna Olofsson

12. Public discussions: listening to all voices
Leader: Dr. Allan Barsky and Bill Diepeveen and Maureen Wilson and Karen Hanna
Lead Papers

S. Augustin, J. Katima, E. Kilawe & B. Lyimo, Dr. Allan Barsky and Bill Diepeveen and Maureen Wilson and Karen Hanna, George Lutalo Bosa, Germain Dufour, du Hamel, Ian G. Gilchrist, Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova, Cliff Haas,Craig Hubley and Associates,Joy Hyvarinen, Pr. Abdelmonem KAANICHE, Anne M. Karanja,Dimitra KITSIOU, Alexander Theodore Lopin, Tatiana Mamatova,Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Marin R. Mehandjiev (Professor) and Krassimira R. Mehandjieva, Natalya Miroshnichenko, Gauri Mittal, Dr. Holger Nauheimer, Dr. Richard C. Rich, Alla Shevchuk,Dang Thanh Thuy,Robert Unegbu,Douglas Worts,DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky

13. Eradication of poverty
Leader: Dr. Erkin Dzhamanbaev
Lead Papers

Dr. Erkin Dzhamanbaev, Ngo Louga Madeleine,Natalya Miroshnichenko

14. Wars, armed conflicts, and violence
Leader: Dr. Janet M. Eaton
Lead Papers

S. Augustin, J. Katima, E. Kilawe & B. Lyimo,Dr. Janet M. Eaton, Kun H. JOHN and Yeo C. Youn and Jae W. Park, Ngo Louga Madeleine

15. Earth management
Leader: Louise Dunne and Frank Convery
Lead Papers

George L. De Feis, Nurgul Djanaeva, Germain Dufour, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery, Dr. Janet M. Eaton, Dr. Karl Froschauer, Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova, Joy Hyvarinen, Vladimír Hudek,Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Dr. Tao Jiyi, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Natalia Knijnikova, Elena Krougikova, Ming Lei, Laszlo Miklos,Roland Prelaz-Droux, Md. Hasibur Rahman, BAHIRWA AMOS RUHONGORE,Dr. Svetlana D. Schlotgauer, Michal SKAPA, Jeffery J. SMITH, Dr. Colin L. Soskolne, Pavel Toma,Dr. Douglas Torgerson,Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko

16. Cooperation between developing and developed countries
Leader: Dr. Tao Jiyi
Lead Papers

Slav Akimov and Ozod Mukhamedjanov, Dr. Erkin Dzhamanbaev, Mikylas Huba, Dr. Tao Jiyi, ANITA KON, Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski, Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey, Natalya Miroshnichenko,Dr. Richard C. Rich,BAHIRWA AMOS RUHONGORE, Alexander Wegosky

17. Human health
Leader: Dr. Colin L. Soskolne
Lead Papers

Shawkat Ali and Ayesha Akhter and Md. Hasibur Rahman, Dr. Janet M. Eaton, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Nina Hrycak, Dr. A.Jagadeesh, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Ms. Maria V. Kryukova (Ph.D.), Dr. Khatam Murtazaev, Anna Olofsson, Usha Sekhar and Anil Agarwal, Dr. Colin L. Soskolne

18. Education and training
Leader: Dr. Alexander S. Bogolyubov
Lead Papers

Slav Akimov and Ozod Mukhamedjanov, S. Augustin, J. Katima, Oystein S. LaBianca (Ph.D) and Gary Brendel, E. Kilawe & B. Lyimo,Dr. Allan Barsky and Bill Diepeveen and Maureen Wilson and Karen Hanna, William Belsey, Dr. Alexander S. Bogolyubov, George Lutalo Bosa, Ludmila Ignatenko and Victoria Churikova, George L. De Feis, Michele Doncaster, Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk, Dr. Galina Gutina, Nina Hrycak, Mikylas Huba, Vladimir Ira, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Pr. Abdelmonem KAANICHE,Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Dimitra KITSIOU, Vera Koveinik, Elena Krougikova, Elizabeth(Beth) Lange, David S. Liebl, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Marin R. Mehandjiev (Professor) and Krassimira R. Mehandjieva,Gauri Mittal, Annick Monnerie, Dr. Nazih Noureldin, Helene Savard, Dr. Vyacheslav Sharov, Yuri Skochilov,Robert Unegbu,Douglas Worts

19. Spiritual values helping a sustainable future
Leader: Heather Eaton
Lead Papers

Heather Eaton , Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk, Dr. Galina Gutina, Alexander Theodore Lopin,Ahto Oja, Andras (Andy) Tamas

20. Transboundary agreements
Leader: Dr. Islam Israfil oglu Mustafaev
Lead Papers

Tatiana Mamatova,Dr. Islam Israfil oglu Mustafaev

21. Disability and globalization
Leader: Sue Nobes
Lead Papers

Sue Nobes

22.  Human evolutionary development
Leader: Germain Dufour
Lead Papers

Craig Hubley and Associates, Alexander Theodore Lopin,Leonid Shpigel
23. Institutions for Environmental Governance: issues of Community Participation and Sustainable Development
Leader: Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy
Lead Papers
Dr. Grigori Abramia, Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed, Shawkat Ali and Ayesha Akhter and Md. Hasibur Rahman, Keith Archer and Richard Roberts, Dr. Jyotsna Bapat, Dr. Allan Barsky and Karen Hanna and Bill Diepeveen and Maureen Wilson, Ayalneh Bogale, Milan Chrenko and Kamil Vilinovic, Ludmila Ignatenko and Victoria Churikova, Dr. John C. Dernbach, Nurgul Djanaeva, Valery Drouziaka, Ian G. Gilchrist, Min Guo, Xiaohui Hao, Mikylas Huba, Vladimír Hudek, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Kun H. JOHN and Yeo C. Youn and Jae W. Park, Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey, Vladimir Victorovich Lagutov, Laszlo Miklos,James Mwami, Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy, Dr. A.S.R.A.S. Sastri and V.P. Singh, Usha Sekhar and Anil Agarwal, Pavel Toma, Professor Madireddi Venkata Subba Rao,Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko

24. International and interstate conflicts on the base of environmental stress
Leader: Ramkumar Bendapudi and Professor Gerard D’Souza
Lead Papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia, Dr. Alexander S. Bogolyubov, Valery Drouziaka, Ramkumar Bendapudi and Professor Gerard D’Souza, Dr. Janet M. Eaton, Kun H. JOHN and Yeo C. Youn and and Jae W. Park,Tatiana Mamatova

25. Social-economical problems of environmental refugees
Leader: Elizabeth(Beth) Lange
Lead Papers

Nina Hrycak

26. Sustainable urban community development
Leader: Md. Hasibur Rahman
Lead Papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia,Shawkat Ali and Ayesha Akhter and Md. Hasibur Rahman, Dr. Brad Bass and Roger Hansell and Glenda Poole, Vincenzo Bentivegna, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Mikylas Huba, ANITA KON,Beverly A. Paul, Logan Perkins, Irina Proshkina, Md. Hasibur Rahman, Dr. Richard C. Rich, BAHIRWA AMOS RUHONGORE,Dr. Rajasundram Sathiendrakumar, Helene Savard, Usha Sekhar and Anil Agarwal, Yuri Skochilov, Dr. Andrej Steiner, Ernest Teye-Topey, Valentin Yemelin and Marilyn Mehlmann

27. Globalization
Lead Papers

Jim Christiansen, Stevan Dedijer, George L. De Feis, Dr. John C. Dernbach, Heather Eaton, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy,Dr. Tao Jiyi, Natalia Knijnikova, ANITA KON, Isabelle Lambiel, Faysal Abdel-Gadir Mohamed and Nimat Abdel-Karim Ahmed, Jose H. Moya, Sue Nobes, Usha Sekhar and Anil Agarwal

28. The Global Community: its objectives, the GCAC, the Charter, the grassroots process and the organization
Leader: Germain Dufour
Lead papers

Germain Dufour, Md. Hasibur Rahman

29.  World models to sustain Earth
Leader: Michal SKAPA
Lead Papers

Vassily A. Agaphonoff, Dr. Peter Bartelmus, Ronald Colman, Karine Danielyan, Dr. John C. Dernbach, Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita, Germain Dufour, Dr. Hans W. Gottinger, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Dr. Tao Jiyi, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Natalia Knijnikova, Elizabeth(Beth) Lange, Tonu Lausmaa, Ming Lei, Ngo Louga Madeleine, Igor N. Malakhov, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Kulik Mikalai, Michal SKAPA, Daniel Sotelsek

30. Definition of Sustainable Development
Leader: Germain Dufour
Lead Papers

Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Germain Dufour, Marin R. Mehandjiev (Professor) and Krassimira R. Mehandjieva, Mukhamedjanov Ozod, Daniel Sotelsek, DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky

31. Vision of Earth in Year 2024
Leader: Germain Dufour
Lead Papers

Germain Dufour, Andrew Owens,Md. Hasibur Rahman, Mirian Vilela

32. The Scale of Values
Leader:  Germain Dufour
Lead Papers

Mark Anielski, Germain Dufour, Dr. Khatam Murtazaev, Yuri Skochilov

33. A photo display presentation for intrepreting sustainability
Lead Paper: Michele Doncaster

Lead papers: Michele Doncaster

34. Dramatic play presentation
Leader: Dr. K.V. Bhanu Murthy
Lead Paper

Dr. K.V. Bhanu Murthy

35. Implementation of Sustainable Development
Lead paper: Ahto Oja
Lead Papers

Louise Dunne and Frank Convery, Ahto Oja, Dr. Katalin K. Zaim

36. Measurement and assessment of indicators of sustainable development
Lead paper: Germain Dufour
Lead Papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia,Mark Anielski, MALIK AMIN ASLAM, Dr. Peter Bartelmus, Dr. Keith G. Brown,Ronald Colman, Karine Danielyan, David Del Porto, Dr. ir. J.Dewulf and J. Mulder and H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons, Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita, Michele Doncaster, Alexey Drouziaka, Germain Dufour, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery, David S. Evans, C. Coulthard, I. Henderson, P. Jones, Oleg Garms, Dr. Anastassios Gentzoglanis, Dr. Hans W. Gottinger, Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Xiaohui Hao, Mikylas Huba, Vladimír Hudek,Vladimir Ira, Dr. A.Jagadeesh, Kun H. JOHN and Yeo C. Youn and Jae W. Park , S. Augustinand J. Katima and E. Klawe and B. Lyimo, Natalia Knijnikova, ANITA KON,Dr. Vladimir Kremsa, Elena Krougikova, Ms. Maria V. Kryukova, Van Lantz, Tonu Lausmaa, Ming Lei, Ngo Louga Madeleine, Igor N. Malakhov, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Marin R. Mehandjiev (Professor) and Krassimira R. Mehandjieva, Mr. Aubrey Meyer,Laszlo Miklos, Jose H. Moya, Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng, Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina, Vincent Otto, Roland Prelaz-Droux, Akim Rahman, Dr. C. Ramachandraiah, Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy, S. S. Sundarvel, Dirgha N. Tiwari, Pavel Toma,S.G. Patil* and L.B. Hugar* and M.S. Veerapur* and, J. Yerriswamy* and T. Cross† and A.C. vanLoon† and G.W. vanLoon†, Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko,DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky, Dr. Katalin K. Zaim, Dr. ZhongXiang Zhang

37. Population Pressure
Lead paper: Hasida Yasmin, MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque
Lead Papers

Hasida Yasmin, MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque


1. Ecological protection and management
Leader: Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko
Lead Papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia, Vassily A. Agaphonoff, Slav Akimov and Ozod Mukhamedjanov, Keith Archer and Richard Roberts, Dr. Jyotsna Bapat, Vincenzo Bentivegna, Dr. Alexander S. Bogolyubov, Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko, Ludmila Ignatenko and Victoria Churikova, Karine Danielyan, Nurgul Djanaeva, Alexey Drouziaka, Valery Drouziaka,Ken Dunsworth, Dr. Janet M. Eaton, David S. Evans and C. Coulthard and I. Henderson and P. Jones, Greg Hellyer, Alexander Heydendael, Jose Ferrer, Dr. Karl Froschauer, Oleg Garms, Ramaz Gokhelashvili, Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk, Dr. Galina Gutina, Shahidul Haque, MD. Hasibur Rahman and ,Hasida Yasmin,Craig Hubley and Associates,Vladimír Hudek,Dr. A.Jagadeesh, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Dr. Tao Jiyi, Kun H. JOHN and Yeo C. Youn and Jae W. Park, Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski, Elena Krougikova,Dr. P.K. Dinesh Kumar, Vladimir Victorovich Lagutov, Ngo Louga Madeleine, Igor N. Malakhov, Dr. Ross Mallick, Laszlo Miklos,Natalya Miroshnichenko, Jose H. Moya, Dr. Khatam Murtazaev, James Mwami, Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina, Anna Olofsson, Mukhamedjanov Ozod, Alfredo Quarto, Md. Hasibur Rahman, Professor Madireddi Venkata Subba Rao, Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy, Dr. Richard C. Rich,Professor Helene Savard, Dr. Vyacheslav Sharov, Alla Shevchuk, Michal SKAPA, Yuri Skochilov, Dr. Colin L. Soskolne, Dr. Andrej Steiner, S.S.Sundarvel, Pavel Toma, KYRYL TOMLYAK, Dr. Douglas Torgerson, Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko,Alexander Wegosky, Hasida Yasmin and MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque

2. Sustainability of technological processes
Leader: Dr. ir. J.Dewulf and J. Mulder and H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons
Lead Papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia, Khalid Aziz and Otto N. Miller, Dr. ir. J.Dewulf and J. Mulder and H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons, Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita, Germain Dufour, Xiaohui Hao, Dr. A.Jagadeesh, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Gauri Mittal, Vincent Otto,Irina Proshkina, Yiming Wu, Evgeny Zagorsky

3. Marine area management
Leader: Min Guo
Lead Papers

Min Guo, Alexander Heydendael, Dr. P.K. Dinesh Kumar, Alfredo Quarto, Dr. Islam Israfil oglu Mustafaev

4. Land management
Leader: Professor Madireddi Venkata Subba Rao
Lead Papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia,Dr. Jyotsna Bapat, David Barker,Vincenzo Bentivegna, Ayalneh Bogale, Thorkil Casse and Fabiana Issler, Ludmila Ignatenko and Victoria Churikova, Valentin Ciubotaru,Ronald Colman, Ken Dunsworth,Oleg Garms, Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk, Shahidul Haque, Alexander Heydendael, MD. Hasibur Rahman and ,Hasida Yasmin,Vladimír Hudek,Vladimir Ira, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Dr. Vladimir Kremsa, Laszlo Miklos, Dr. Khatam Murtazaev, Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina, Dr. C. Ramachandraiah, Dr. A.S.R.A.S. Sastri and V.P. Singh, Dr. Svetlana D. Schlotgauer, Pavel Toma, Professor Madireddi Venkata Subba Rao, Hasida Yasmin and MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque,Alexander Wegosky

5. Waste management
Leader: Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski
Lead Papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia, Dr. Brad Bass and Roger Hansell and Glenda Poole, Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita, Vladimír Hudek,Larisa Khomik, Alexander Khomik and Valentine Cherednichenko, Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski, Laszlo Miklos, Dr. Rajasundram Sathiendrakumar , Alexander Wegosky, Hasida Yasmin and MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque, Pavel Toma, KYRYL TOMLYAK,Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko,Alexander Wegosky,Valentin Yemelin and Marilyn Mehlmann,DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky

6. Energy management
Leader: Dr. A.Jagadeesh
Lead papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia,Khalid Aziz, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery, Jose Ferrer, Dr. Karl Froschauer,Ian G. Gilchrist, Xiaohui Hao, Dr. A. Jagadeesh, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Mr. Aubrey Meyer, Dr. Khatam Murtazaev, Larisa Khomik, Alexander Khomik and Valentine Cherednichenko, Irina Proshkina, Alfredo Quarto, Akim Rahman, E. Mohan Reddy, Dr. Vyacheslav Sharov, KYRYL TOMLYAK

7. Ozone layer depletion
Leader: MD. Hasibur Rahman
Lead papers

MD. Hasibur Rahman, Germain Dufour

 8.  Global warming
Leader: S. Augustin and J. Katima and E. Klawe and B. Lyimo
 Lead papers

Germain Dufour,S. Augustin and J. Katima and E. Klawe and B. Lyimo
9. Climate changes assessment and management
Leader: Joy Hyvarinen
Lead Papers
MALIK AMIN ASLAM, S. Augustin and J. Katima and E. Klawe and B. Lyimo, Dr. Brad Bass and Roger Hansell and Glenda Poole, Joy Hyvarinen, Isabelle Lambiel, Mr. Aubrey Meyer, Akim Rahman, Dr. C. Ramachandraiah, Professor Madireddi Venkata Subba Rao, E. Mohan Reddy, Hasida Yasmin and MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque, Dr. David E. Wojick, Dr. Katalin K. Zaim, Dr. ZhongXiang Zhang

10. Air Pollution
Leader: Van Lantz
Lead Papers

Dr. Anastassios Gentzoglanis, Xiaohui Hao, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Isabelle Lambiel, Van Lantz, Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy, Usha Sekhar and Anil Agarwal, Hasida Yasmin and MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque, Dr. Katalin K. Zaim, Dr. ZhongXiang Zhang

11. Water Pollution
Leader: Dr. Islam Israfil oglu Mustafaev
Lead Papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Larisa Khomik, Alexander Khomik and Valentine Cherednichenko, Dr. Islam Israfil oglu Mustafaev, Hasida Yasmin and MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque

 12.  Measurement and assessment of indicators
 Leader: Germain Dufour
 Lead papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia, Mark Anielski, MALIK AMIN ASLAM, Dr. Peter Bartelmus, Thomas J. Campbell,Thorkil Casse and Fabiana Issler, Ronald Colman, Karine Danielyan, David Del Porto, Dr. ir. J.Dewulf and J. Mulder and H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons, Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita, Michele Doncaster, Alexey Drouziaka, Germain Dufour, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery,Ken Dunsworth, David S. Evans, C. Coulthard, I. Henderson, P. Jones, Oleg Garms, Dr. Anastassios Gentzoglanis, Ramaz Gokhelashvili,Dr. Hans W. Gottinger, Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Xiaohui Hao,Shahidul Haque, MD. Hasibur Rahman and ,Hasida Yasmin,Greg Hellyer, Alexander Heydendael, Mikylas Huba, Vladimír Hudek,Vladimir Ira, Dr. A.Jagadeesh, Kun H. JOHN and Yeo C. Youn and Jae W. Park , S. Augustinand J. Katima and E. Klawe and B. Lyimo, Natalia Knijnikova, Dr. Vladimir Kremsa, Elena Krougikova, Ms. Maria V. Kryukova, Dr. P.K. Dinesh Kumar,Van Lantz, Tonu Lausmaa, Ming Lei, Ngo Louga Madeleine, Igor N. Malakhov, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Marin R. Mehandjiev (Professor) and Krassimira R. Mehandjieva, Mr. Aubrey Meyer, Laszlo Miklos, Jose H. Moya, Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng, Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina, Vincent Otto, Roland Prelaz-Droux, Akim Rahman, Dr. C. Ramachandraiah, Professor Madireddi Venkata Subba Rao, Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy, S. S. Sundarvel, Dirgha N. Tiwari, S.G. Patil* and L.B. Hugar* and M.S. Veerapur* and, J. Yerriswamy* and T. Cross† and A.C. vanLoon† and G.W. vanLoon†, Pavel Toma,Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko,Dr. David E. Wojick, DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky, Dr. Katalin K. Zaim, Dr. ZhongXiang Zhang

13. Land Degradation
Leader:  Louise Dunne and Frank Convery
Lead papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia,David Barker,Thorkil Casse and Fabiana Issler, Valentin Ciubotaru, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery, Ken Dunsworth,Ramaz Gokhelashvili,Shahidul Haque,Alexander Heydendael, Larisa Khomik, Alexander Khomik and Valentine Cherednichenko, KYRYL TOMLYAK,MD. Hasibur Rahman and ,Hasida Yasmin,Alexander Wegosky

14. Environmental films to stimulate the emotional perception of ecological problems and motivate people

Larisa Khomik and Valentine Cherednichenko

Lead papers(films)
Larisa Khomik and Valentine Cherednichenko

15. Ecological Education
Leader: Dr. Galina Gutina
Lead Papers

A.R. Bahirwa, William Belsey, Dr. Alexander S. Bogolyubov, Michele Doncaster, Dr. Galina Gutina, Larisa Khomik, Alexander Khomik and Valentine Cherednichenko, Elizabeth(Beth) Lange, Jose H. Moya, Dr. Vyacheslav Sharov, Yuri Skochilov, Dr. Andrej Steiner, KYRYL TOMLYAK, Alex Zagribelny, Inna Zhuikova and Denis Kolesnichenko

16. Watershed Management
Leader: James Mwami
Lead Papers

James Mwami, David Barker


1. Global Economic Development
Leader: Dr. Hans W. Gottinger
Lead Papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia, Vassily A. Agaphonoff, Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed, Mark Anielski, Dr. Keith G. Brown,Thorkil Casse and Fabiana Issler, Danny Cassimon, Jim Christiansen, Dr. Parzival Copes, Stevan Dedijer, George L. De Feis, Dr. John C. Dernbach, Dr. ir. J.Dewulf and J. Mulder and H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons, Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita,Professor Gerard D’Souza and Ramkumar Bendapudi, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery,David S. Evans and C. Coulthard and I. Henderson and P. Jones, Ian G. Gilchrist, Dr. Hans W. Gottinger, Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Xiaohui Hao, Vladimír Hudek, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Dr. Tao Jiyi,ANITA KON, Isabelle Lambiel, Tonu Lausmaa, Ming Lei, David S. Liebl, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Laszlo Miklos, Faysal Abdel-Gadir Mohamed and Nimat Abdel-Karim Ahmed, Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng, S.G. Patil* and L.B. Hugar* and M.S. Veerapur* and J. Yerriswamy* and T. Cross† and A.C. vanLoon† and G.W. vanLoon†,Roland Prelaz-Droux, Alfredo Quarto, BAHIRWA AMOS RUHONGORE, E.Mohan Reddy , Dirgha N. Tiwari (Dr. Eng.), Pavel Toma, Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko,David Wissink,Heinrich Wohlmeyer and Hermann Dissemond,Yiming Wu


2. Risk analysis to measure sustainable development for large construction projects
Leader: David S. Evans and C. Coulthard and I. Henderson
Lead Papers

David Barker, David S. Evans and C. Coulthard and I. Henderson, Ian G. Gilchrist, P. Jones, Dr. Karl Froschauer, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa

3. Integrated system of economy-environment accounting
Leader: Ming Lei
Lead Papers

Thorkil Casse and Fabiana Issler, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery,David S. Evans, C. Coulthard, I. Henderson, P. Jones,ANITA KON, Van Lantz, Ming Lei, Dirgha N. Tiwari (Dr. Eng.), Heinrich Wohlmeyer and Hermann Dissemond, Yiming Wu

4. Financing sustainable development
Leader: Germain Dufour
Lead Papers

Dr. Peter Bartelmus, Danny Cassimon, Kamil Vilinovic and Milan Chrenko, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery,Dr. Asylbeck Dzhamanbaev, David S. Evans, C. Coulthard, I. Henderson, P. Jones,Dr. Anastassios Gentzoglanis, Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng,BAHIRWA AMOS RUHONGORE,Risa B. Smith,Yiming Wu

5. Measurement and assessment of indicators
 Lead papers

Mark Anielski, MALIK AMIN ASLAM, Dr. Peter Bartelmus,Dr. Keith G. Brown,Thomas J. Campbell,Danny Cassimon, Ronald Colman, Karine Danielyan, David Del Porto, Dr. ir. J.Dewulf and J. Mulder and H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons, Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita, Michele Doncaster, Alexey Drouziaka, Germain Dufour, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery, David S. Evans, C. Coulthard, I. Henderson, P. Jones, Oleg Garms, Dr. Anastassios Gentzoglanis, Dr. Hans W. Gottinger, Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Xiaohui Hao, Mikylas Huba, Vladimir Ira, Dr. A.Jagadeesh, Kun H. JOHN and Yeo C. Youn and Jae W. Park , S. Augustinand J. Katima and E. Klawe and B. Lyimo, Natalia Knijnikova, ANITA KON,Dr. Vladimir Kremsa, Elena Krougikova, Ms. Maria V. Kryukova, Van Lantz, Tonu Lausmaa, Ming Lei, Ngo Louga Madeleine, Igor N. Malakhov, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Marin R. Mehandjiev (Professor) and Krassimira R. Mehandjieva, Mr. Aubrey Meyer, Jose H. Moya, Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng, Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina, Vincent Otto, Roland Prelaz-Droux, Akim Rahman, Dr. C. Ramachandraiah, Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy, S. S. Sundarvel, Dirgha N. Tiwari, S.G. Patil* and L.B. Hugar* and M.S. Veerapur* and, J. Yerriswamy* and T. Cross† and A.C. vanLoon† and G.W. vanLoon†, DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky, Dr. Katalin K. Zaim, Dr. ZhongXiang Zhang

6. Sustainability and Global Consumption
Leader: Ming Lei
Lead Papers

Vassily A. Agaphonoff, Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed,William M. Alexander, Mark Anielski, Elena BIVOL, Danny Cassimon, Jim Christiansen, Dr. Parzival Copes, Stevan Dedijer, George L. De Feis, Dr. John C. Dernbach, Dr. ir. J.Dewulf and J. Mulder and H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons,Professor Gerard D’Souza and Ramkumar Bendapudi, David S. Evans and C. Coulthard and I. Henderson and P. Jones, Dr. Hans W. Gottinger, Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Xiaohui Hao, Shahidul Haque, MD. Hasibur Rahman and ,Hasida Yasmin, Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, ANITA KON, Isabelle Lambiel, Tonu Lausmaa, Ming Lei, David S. Liebl, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Faysal Abdel-Gadir Mohamed and Nimat Abdel-Karim Ahmed, Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng,S.G. Patil* and L.B. Hugar* and M.S. Veerapur* and J. Yerriswamy* and T. Cross† and A.C. vanLoon† and G.W. vanLoon†, Roland Prelaz-Droux, Alfredo Quarto, E.Mohan Reddy , Dirgha N. Tiwari (Dr. Eng.),Professor Helene Savard

7. Sustainability, lifestyle and global consumption
Leader: Germain Dufour
Lead Papers

Vassily A. Agaphonoff, Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed, William M. Alexander, Mark Anielski, Elena BIVOL,Danny Cassimon, Jim Christiansen, Dr. Parzival Copes, Stevan Dedijer, George L. De Feis, Dr. John C. Dernbach, Dr. ir. J.Dewulf and J. Mulder and H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons,Professor Gerard D’Souza and Ramkumar Bendapudi, David S. Evans and C. Coulthard and I. Henderson and P. Jones, Dr. Hans W. Gottinger, Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Xiaohui Hao, Shahidul Haque, MD. Hasibur Rahman and ,Hasida Yasmin,Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy, ANITA KON, Isabelle Lambiel, Tonu Lausmaa, Ming Lei, David S. Liebl, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Faysal Abdel-Gadir Mohamed and Nimat Abdel-Karim Ahmed, Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng, S.G. Patil* and L.B. Hugar* and M.S. Veerapur* and J. Yerriswamy* and T. Cross† and A.C. vanLoon† and G.W. vanLoon†,Roland Prelaz-Droux, Alfredo Quarto, E.Mohan Reddy , Dirgha N. Tiwari (Dr. Eng.),Professor Helene Savard

8. Sustainable Agriculture and World Trade
Leader: Heinrich Wohlmeyer and Hermann Dissemond
Lead Papers

Ayalneh Bogale, Valentin Ciubotaru, Martha McMahon, Dr. A.S.R.A.S. Sastri, V.P. Singh, Heinrich Wohlmeyer and Hermann Dissemond



1. Resources management
Leader: Xiaohui Hao
Lead Papers

Vassily A. Agaphonoff, William M. Alexander, Khalid Aziz, Ayalneh Bogale, Dr. Keith G. Brown,Thorkil Casse and Fabiana Issler, Dr. Parzival Copes, Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita,Ramkumar Bendapudi and Professor Gerard D’Souza, David S. Evans, C. Coulthard, I. Henderson, P. Jones,Dr. Hans W. Gottinger, Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk, Ms. Manjula V. Guru and Dr. James E. Horne, Xiaohui Hao, Dr. A.Jagadeesh, Dr. Tao Jiyi, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski, Ms. Maria V. Kryukova (Ph.D.),Vladimir Victorovich Lagutov, Ming Lei, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Mr. Aubrey Meyer, Dr. Khatam Murtazaev, Dr. Islam Israfil oglu Mustafaev, James Mwami,S.G. Patil* and L.B. Hugar* and M.S. Veerapur* and J. Yerriswamy* and T. Cross† and A.C. vanLoon† and G.W. vanLoon†,Roland Prelaz-Droux, Roland Prelaz-Droux, Alfredo Quarto, Md. Hasibur Rahman, E.Mohan Reddy, Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy, Dr. Svetlana D. Schlotgauer, Hasida Yasmin and MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque

2. Farming
Leader: Ayalneh Bogale
Lead Papers

Ayalneh Bogale, Ramkumar Bendapudi and Professor Gerard D’Souza,Valentin Ciubotaru,Shahidul Haque, MD. Hasibur Rahman and ,Hasida Yasmin, James Mwami, Dr. A.S.R.A.S. Sastri and V.P. Singh, S.G. Patil* and L.B. Hugar* and M.S. Veerapur* and J. Yerriswamy* and T. Cross† and A.C. vanLoon† and G.W. vanLoon†,Heinrich Wohlmeyer and Hermann Dissemond

3. Water resources protection and management
Leader: James Mwami
Lead Papers

Larisa Khomik, Alexander Khomik and Valentine Cherednichenko, Dr. Islam Israfil oglu Mustafaev, James Mwami, Alfredo Quarto

4. Measurement and assessment of indicators of sustainable development
Leader: Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita
Lead Papers

Mark Anielski, MALIK AMIN ASLAM, Dr. Peter Bartelmus,Dr. Keith G. Brown, Ronald Colman, Karine Danielyan, David Del Porto, Dr. ir. J.Dewulf and J. Mulder and H.J. van der Kooi and J. de Swaan Arons, Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita, Michele Doncaster, Alexey Drouziaka, Germain Dufour, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery, David S. Evans, C. Coulthard, I. Henderson, P. Jones, Oleg Garms, Dr. Anastassios Gentzoglanis, Dr. Hans W. Gottinger, Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova, Dr. Tee L. Guidotti, Xiaohui Hao, Mikylas Huba, Vladimir Ira, Dr. A.Jagadeesh, Kun H. JOHN and Yeo C. Youn and Jae W. Park , S. Augustinand J. Katima and E. Klawe and B. Lyimo, Natalia Knijnikova, Dr. Vladimir Kremsa, Elena Krougikova, Ms. Maria V. Kryukova, Van Lantz, Tonu Lausmaa, Ming Lei, Ngo Louga Madeleine, Igor N. Malakhov, Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, Marin R. Mehandjiev (Professor) and Krassimira R. Mehandjieva, Mr. Aubrey Meyer, Jose H. Moya, James Mwami,Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng, Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina, Vincent Otto, Roland Prelaz-Droux, Akim Rahman, Dr. C. Ramachandraiah, Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy, S. S. Sundarvel, Dirgha N. Tiwari, S.G. Patil* and L.B. Hugar* and M.S. Veerapur* and, J. Yerriswamy* and T. Cross† and A.C. vanLoon† and G.W. vanLoon†, DSc. Professor William M. Zadorsky, Dr. Katalin K. Zaim, Dr. ZhongXiang Zhang

5. Energy
Leader: Dr. Khatam Murtazaev
Lead Papers

Khalid Aziz, Louise Dunne and Frank Convery, David S. Evans, C. Coulthard, I. Henderson, P. Jones,Jose Ferrer, Dr. Karl Froschauer, Ian G. Gilchrist, Xiaohui Hao, Dr. A. Jagadeesh, Dr. Gennady N. Karopa, Mr. Aubrey Meyer, Dr. Khatam Murtazaev, Irina Proshkina,Alfredo Quarto, Akim Rahman, E. Mohan Reddy, Dr. Vyacheslav Sharov

6. Mining
Leader: E. Mohan Reddy
Lead papers

Dr. Keith G. Brown,David S. Evans, C. Coulthard, I. Henderson, P. Jones,E. Mohan Reddy,David Wissink

7. Tourism
Leader: Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk
Lead paper

Dr. Keith G. Brown,Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk

8. Forest Issues and Sustainable Forestry
Leader: Thorkil Casse and Fabiana Issler
Lead Papers

Dr. Grigori Abramia, Thorkil Casse and Fabiana Issler, Ken Dunsworth, Oleg Garms, Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk, Ms. Maria V. Kryukova (Ph.D.), Alfredo Quarto, Dr. Svetlana D. Schlotgauer, Professor Madireddi Venkata Subba Rao, A.C. vanLoon

9. Fresh Water Resources, Clean Air and Human Rights
Leader: Germain Dufour
Lead Papers

Germain Dufour, Md. Hasibur Rahman, Dr. C. Ramachandraiah, Dr. Katalin K. Zaim

10. Oil and Gas Industry
Leader: E.Mohan Reddy
Lead Papers

Dr. Islam Israfil oglu Mustafaev, E.Mohan Reddy


11. Manufacturing Industry, Consumption and Sustainability
Leader: Professor William M. Zadorsky
Lead Papers

Professor William M. Zadorsky

12. Power Industry
Leader: Dr. Xiaohui Hao
Lead Papers

Dr. Xiaohui Hao

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5. Summary of all Comments and Recommendations from Participants

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6. Concluding Remark

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