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Earth Community Organization (ECO)
the Global Community
Global Dialogue 2004

New Age Civilization of the 3rd Millennium:
the age of global co-operation and symbiotical relationships
A Vision to Caring for Life and Earth

August 1 to 31, 2004


Proceedings of the new Global Dialogue 2004 will be made available after the conference in August 2004. Publication of the Proceedings on the website of Global Dialogue 2004 will depend on the availability of sponsors and donations. Global Community WebNet Ltd. has been the only sponsor so far and will not be able to continue paying for all expenses.

Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2004 will follow the same format as was used for the August 2000 global dialogue. We are showing here the Table of Contents of Global 2000. These sections can be made available to anyone who is interested in reading them.

Table of Contents of Global 2000

Universal values and global concepts
Explanatory Notes
Vision of Earth in Year 2024
73 Discussion Roundtables
Scale of Values
Benchmark for the 21st Century
Earth Flag
Charter of the Earth Community
A sense of direction for humanity

Proceedings show the aim, goals and objectives, and theme of the Global Dialogue 2004. The uniqueness of the event, the benchmark to be set for the 21st Century, the scale of values to be used for assessment, the measurement method and assessment of global indicators, the recommendations of policies for the management of global changes, the brainstorming exercises, reviewing of the research papers, discussions, and comments and recommendations obtained from are clearly outlined on the website. The Vision of Earth in Year 2024 is also shown in the Proceedings. 

A plan and strategy to ensure a sound future for Earth will also be included in the recommendations. 

The Proceedings provides a detailed description of the papers, discussions and events. Proceedings for Global Dialogue 2004 will be made available shortly after the conference in August 2004.

Proceedings of the previous Global Dialogues are examples of what you should expect.

In the Proceedings of the World Congress, you may access the results of the 73 Discussion Roundtables organized into the four interacting quality systems: Social (37) , Environment (16), Economic (8), Resources (12) by clicking 'Roundtables' in the menu shown. The 'Roundtables' section shows four new sections: Social, Environment, Economic Dev. and Resources. You can click any of them to access the results of the 73 Discussion Roundtables: brain-storming exercises, Vision statements, comments and recommendations, research paper reviewing, and results of the discussions during the World Congress in August. All these results were summarized together. If you wish to get all details then you must access the index of the Final Program as shown above here.

The 'OVERVIEW' is a summary of the World Congress. This section has over 400 KB of text. The OVERVIEW describes in a summary form all the 280 research papers and results from the discussion roundtables. It includes everything that was sent to us and done during the World Congress. It shows who said what and when during the World Congress. Names are given and can be related to the information shown in the Participants section.

Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2002 are also made available on our website. Along with the Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2000, they form a basis for the coming Global Dialogue 2004.

A survey on the Scale of Values and how you can participate in developing it has been described in Scale of Values

All other sections are self explanatory.


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