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Earth Community Organization (ECO)
the Global Community
Global Dialogue 2004

Student Sessions

Students from all over the world are asked to send us an original design and definition of what they think the Global Community and Global Dialogue 2004 should encompass or would include or be like. Prizes will be given to the best projects. Prizes will be awarded for best designs. Prizes will be awarded during the Friday, August 18, 2004, Awards Ceremony.
Criteria for Student Submissions

Students of all levels (school, college, technical, university) are invited to participate in theGlobal Dialogue. They are asked to produce any creative work of their vision of what Global Dialogue 2004 can accomplish ~ in the fields of zoology, biology, on history, on geography, on social and political sciences, on agriculture, energy, earth sciences, communications, wilderness, pollution, on the water supplies of the world, poverty, employment, social justice, human rights, business and economy, availability of resources and so on. Read the file on ISSUES to obtain the complete listing of topics. Prizes will be presented at the Global Dialogue 2004 Friday, August 18, 2002 during the Awards Ceremony and the Chairman’s Address.

Student Sessions

Global Dialogue 2004 welcomes the participation of school, undergraduate and graduate students. Special arrangements for students include discounted registration fees, special housing blocks, sessions sponsored by the Global Dialogue 2004 Honors Program, and space at the meeting site for an informal Student Centre.

All sessions listed in the Call for Papers are open to submissions from students. The three paper sessions and the roundtable session sponsored by the The Global Community organization Honors Program are organized by student members and are thus listed as "Student Sessions."

Student session organizers work under the same guidelines as Regular Session organizers and are subject to the submission criteria, deadlines, and program policies listed in the Call for Papers.

Section Sessions

These sessions include formal paper-reading sessions, refereed roundtable sessions, and informal roundtable sessions.

All Section program activities are subject to the submission criteria, deadlines, and program policies listed in the Call for Papers. All sessions will be one hour and 45 minutes in length, unless noted otherwise.


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