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Global Dialogue
Earth Community Organization (ECO)
the Global Community

Professor M. Yunusov Muzafar
The Republic of Tajikistan

for Discussion Roundtables 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 26, 28, 35, and 49

Table of Contents

1.0    Spreading of heavy and toxic metals on Sogdiyskaya region area, by M.M.Yunusov, N.I.Bezzubov, Z.A.Razikov, B.G.Faizulloev (Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan)
2.0    Appropriateness of spreading of the artificial radionuclides in the Nothern Tajikistan, by M.M.Yunusov, N.I.Bezzubov, V.V.Perelyaev, Z.A.Razikov, B.G.Faizulloev(Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan)
3.0    The method of dialysis extraction of metals for the solution of ecological problems, by M.M.Yunusov, Z.A.Razikov, N.I.Bezzubov, V.V.Perelyaev, B.G.Faizulloev (Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan)
4.0    Radiation situation in Sogdiyskaya region, by M.M.Yunusov, Z.A.Razikov, N.I.Bezzubov, V.V.Perelyaev, B.G.Faizulloev (Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan)
5.0     APPLIED PACKAGE PROGRAM "ECOLOGY OF UNDERGROUND WATER, by Yunusov M.M., Koptelov V.P., Razikov Z.A., Koptelov A.V.
6.0    Article 6

Spreading of heavy and toxic metals on Sogdiyskaya region area

by M.M.Yunusov, N.I.Bezzubov, Z.A.Razikov, B.G.Faizulloev
Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan

For the purpose of estimating of spreading of heavy and toxic metals on the profiles located in the different areas of Sogdiyskaya region the sampling of soil and vegetation was carried out. The samples were analysed for 32 elements by the method of the spectral analysis were isolated groups of elements, the contents of which are considerably isolated on the total background both in profile and region and much more higher than the world mean value too. Among them you can separate one group common for soils and vegetation^ including V, Mo, Cu, Ag, Bi, Pb, Zn. For botanical samples in addition Mg, Mn, Sr, Ba are isolated. The characteristic feature of these elements is their anomaly formation solely in the ashes of vegetation, where as in soil they are distributed practically uniformly through the whole region.

For the dimensional distribution characteristic of elements the generalized function of the rated concentration was used. It was defined that different objects of observation - soil and vegetation should be studied independently and according to the complex of factors of the ecological significance of the obtained results should be estimated.

The most pronounced anomalies are concentrated in Minzarvatkaya valley. The main factor of the pollution is the boom of chemical elements by the constant and temporary water flows, the catchment areas the contents of Pb, Ag, Zn, ten times as much as the exceeding of the background meaning and permissible concentration limit for the soil. Close interconnection between the contents of elements-pollutants in the ashes and the existing water-supply regime of the root system of vegetation is marked. In the case of involving the areas into the agriculture requiring irrigation should be expected their accumulation in the agriculture products in the concentrations exceeding the permissible concentration limit.

At the same time the areas with the exceptionally low cotents of the complex under research of elements-pollutants both in soil and in vegetation have been found out. Such kind of territories must become the objects of monitoring for the subject of tracking for the ecological purity preservation.

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Appropriateness of spreading of the artificial radionuclides in the Nothern Tajikistan

by M.M.Yunusov, N.I.Bezzubov, V.V.Perelyaev, Z.A.Razikov, B.G.Faizulloev
Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan

The main artificial radionuclides coming into the natural medium from different sourses and leading to the global soil pollution are cesium-137 and strontium-90. As the result of researches carried out the data characterising the main appropriateness of the distribution of these radionuclides on the territory of the Nothern Tajikistan have been got. It was determined, that the main role belongs to the hypsometric mark of the place of soil sampling. In the plain area with marks of 150-400 m their contents do not exeed 0.8kBr/m2. With the increasing of the height the contents of cesium-137 and strontium-90 are growing , reaching the maximum of 2.5-3.1kBr/m2 at the elevation of 1000-1500 m for the Kurama mountain ridge of 1500-2500 m for the Turkestan montain ridge.

Such a distribution of the radionuclides is explained by the fact that their contents in soil are caused by the radioactive falling out and closely connected with the differences in distribution of atmospheric rainfalls and the dominant wind direction.

Abruptly expressed effect of orography on the distribution cesium-137 and strontium-90 is marked. Within the seperated elevation belts the largest contents are characteristic for the tests picked out in the wide mountain valleys with considerable area of the water head, sloping topography and developed mountain and plain vegetation.

Within the researched territory only in the area with the maximum quantity of rainfalls the soil pollulion approaches that of global, being 3.3-3.58kBr/m2 for cesium-137 At the rest part the level of the pollution does not exceed 0.5-0.8kBr/m2. On the whole the distribution of the artificial radionuclides into the radiation phon, depending within the limits from 8mcR/per hour to 40mcR/per hour does not exceed 20-25 percent.

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The method of dialysis extraction of metals for the solution of ecological problems

by M.M.Yunusov, Z.A.Razikov, N.I.Bezzubov, V.V.Perelyaev, B.G.Faizulloev
Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan

The method of dialysis extraction of metals was tested on the tail pond Digmay 10-12 km to the west of Gafurov and 7-10 km to the south of the Sir-Darya river.

Experimental works using the method of dialysis extraction of metals were carried out for the purpose of:

- defining of the circle of chemical elements on which the tail pond can cause potential ecological threat to the enviroment on the most dangerous mobile forms of elements;
- to find out the possibility of defining of area pollution round the tail pond by the ways of migration of the polluting components.

In the course of experiments were used the element receivers from the alimentary celophane (volume about 150ml), filled with 1 H nitric acid solution. The element receivers were set on 4 main profiles with the interval between points of 20 m; on two profiles were set higher at the slop of the cup of the tail pond, on two profiles were set lower, the 5th profile (background’s) is located outside the tail pond. Analysis of the solution from the element receivers was carried out after 20-24 hours exposure by the spectral analysis emission method for 13 elements concomitant to the uranium mineralization (Ni, Co, V, Cr, Mo, Pb, As, Zn, Be, U, Zr, Cd, Hg).

As the result of the work it was defined that:

- Ni, Co, V, Cr, Mo, Pb, As, Zn, Be, U are referred to the potential elements-pollutants, the concentration of which in the solutions of the element receivers considerably exceeds that of the background’s; - the analysis of the elements of the profiles enables to control the direction of the migration of these elements;
- the method of the dialysis extraction reflects the sufficient effectiveness, proof and economic expediency in solving the ecological problems.

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Radiation situation in Sogdiyskaya region

by M.M.Yunusov, Z.A.Razikov, N.I.Bezzubov, V.V.Perelyaev, B.G.Faizulloev
Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan

The necessity of the estimate condition of the radiation situation in the north of Sogdiyskaya region is caused by the fact that in given region there is a large amount of various deposits and ore-bearing minerals, differing by the increased contents of the natural radionuclides. Here is located one of the enterpises of the nuclear fuel cycle at which mining and processing of the radioactive raw materials had been intensively carried out.

The reseach work resulted in coming to the conclusions that the background data of gamma-emission vary within the natural landscape from 12 to 18 mcR/per hour on the plain area to 15-40 mcR/per hour on the mountain area. The total specific activity of natural radionuclides equals to 300+ 40 Bk/kg on the submountain region.

Both on plain and on mountains there are areas with anomalous data of gamma-emission and activity of natural radionuclides. They are connected with the outcrops of radioactive ores and technical and gene pollution caused as the result of mining and processing of the radioactive raw materials-heaps of poor ores, tail ponds of the concentrating factories and hydrometallurgical plants, sanitary and protective zone of the working tail pond. Within these areas the gamma-emission reaches 250-300 mcR/per hour, and the specific activity of the natural radionuclides is 1200-2000 Bk/kg.

According to the results of the research there have been made the maps of distribution of the radiation background and activity of the natural radionuclides, covering the territory of the areas with anomalous data and there are developed recommendations concerning standardizing of the radiation situation in the case of technical and gene pollution of the area by the radioactive stuff.

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by Yunusov M.M., Koptelov V.P., Razikov Z.A., Koptelov A.V.

The problem of underground water protection is one of the most important and an integral part of environment preservation. Its urgency has invreased recently due to the real danger of operating and projecctive water boards as a result of filtration into water carrying layers, openned reservoirs of technogen components - contamination kept in sewers of agricultural and industrial sites, in solution of tail tanker, burial places of liquid wastes, rangers of underground lixiviation.

Solution filtration and accompanying physicist - chemical processes causing the migration of components - contaminations occur in complex mountain - geological conditions. Herewith, estimation and forecasting of ecological situation, aim at carrying out of nature preserving actions which is possible only on creation of constanty operating mathematical model describing migration mechanism in the terms of functioning of sites pollution.

Appiied package of programs titled "Ecology of Underground Water" Catried out by authors materializes task - solving startegy of component composition, forecasting of underground water, region disclocation of an object for a free time moment starting from its operation.

It includes the following:

— matemathical ambience /environment model/;
— matemathical hydrodynamics model;
— matemathical model of components - contamination migration;
— adaptation means of package to concrete mountain - geological conditions and regimes of objects functioning on each frpm components - contaminations;
— graphic means of results reflection of matemathical modeling.

The base of matemathical model 0f environment are algorithms and programs allowing on data testing of bore holes to define numerical value of water - physical features of sorts /filtration factor, active porosity, etc/ in free point of space of modeling water carrying horizon.

Matemathical model of hydrodynamics uses Darsy's law - indissolubility flow equation in private derived and given restrictions/water proves impenetrability, flow imperturbability on infinity, liquid is inert and incondensable, layer is not draned, filtration features in the given point are unchangable within time period/.

Depending on data availabile and required accuracy, three model modification are designed : for uniform - anisotropic ambiences; vertical - heterogeneous /flaky/ atabiences; completely heterogeneous ambiences.

Hydrodinamics modeling is in determination of velocity field of flow filtration in space of water carrying horizon ; moving particles path calculation (elementary jbjects) of sulution depending on working mode of objects /bore holes, tail tankers, water boards, ets/ and hydrogeological conditions. The model ensures solution of stationary (regularity of objects working mode) and non - stationary tasks of filtration and is used for structure determination of filtration flows, interaction feature of objects - contamination with water boards; area determination and povution volume on evaluation cul accepted (projected) action on environment protection.

The base of migration model of fixed microcomponents and radionuclied are composed on equation solving in private derived, describing mass transfer in macroscopic system (as a macroscopic system current tube is accepted, space features of which are formed as aresult of hydrodinamics solving tasks) and kinetics interaction of components taking into account their capacity features on the given component.

Migration modeling is in determination of component - contamination at free point of space of water carrying horizon at free moment time starting from object functioning. Adaptation means of package to concrete objects ensures high degree of modeling, result convergence with actual data and includes the following :

— determination algorithm of optimum values of anisotropies destribution of water - physical features of environment on average minimum of square - law deflection of its calculation and actual values on bole holes testing ;
— determination algorithm of optimum values of selectivity factor /function of saline composition of solution/, mass transfer factor /function of thickness of diffusion layer and active surface of sort particles /sort capacity on the given component/ function of initial concentration geofiltration mode, mineralogical sort composition /on average minimum of square - law deflection of calculated changing curve of component concentration within time period from actual in watchpoints.

Means of graphic reflection of modeling results ensure shaping on display with further printing:

— geological cuts on any given profile, as well as maps of planned distribution of water physical features on any given "cutting" /level/ of horizon ;
— gidrodinamic schemes, reflecting filtration flow structure taking into account macro - and micro dispersions, changing dinamycs within time period of front spreading of technogen solution in space, disregarding physicist - chemical processes of interaction solutions with sorts, influece area of water boards ;
—hydrogeoecological maps highilighting the front at the most possible concentrations of analyzing component - contamination both, in plan and in the cutting of modeling horizon.

Presented applied package of programs has been approved at uranic deposits of Central Asia (South and North Bukinay, Karamurun) worked off by underground method of lixiviation in a set of the program "Modelling lixiviation of process".

This brought satisfactory results off modeling and actual data of working off.
Fig.1 describes the program scheme .

Currently adaptation of applied package of program is being held at Russian's deposits /Malinovsky and Hiagdinsky/.
Authors are assured that the applied package or program will be materialized for setting environment problems at industrial enterprises of Republic of Tajikistan.

Article 6

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