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Earth Community Organization (ECO)
the Global Community ![]() Dr. Khatam Murtazaev Tajikistan murtaza@khj.tajik.net ![]() for Discussion Roundtables 6, 9, 28, 48, and 49
Table of Contents | 1.0 Herbal Medicine of Kidney Stone Disease by Kh. Murtazaev, A. Murtazaev
Because of wrong and irregular meals stones are formed in some people’s kidneys, in the best case it results in unpleasant and uneasy bad feeling, but when it acquires a heavy form it pours out into kidney colic fits when sometimes lethal outcome may follow.
When it happens far from habituated places: in mountains, jungles, in a sea, in a desert there is no help to wait from anywhere and you ought to rely exclusively on yourself or on our Farther God.
But when a fit of disease catches you in a big city or town you address a doctor and it often precedes a subsequent surgical interference. In order to relieve the patient’s sufferings without resorting to a doctor or to somebody else and to carry stones away from the body there is herbal medicine method applied in Central Asia since ancient times. When you have a colic fit or in order to purify your body with prophylactic purposes and make stones disappear you should take inside from 5 to 10 cogs of cooked in water garlic, 5 gr. of horse-radish seeds. Warm water should be taken hereby, for an hour or an hour and a half, stones in kidneys will be minced and carried away from the body. Besides you may take inside from 5 to 10 gr. of the seeds of Nigella with honey and profuse drinking, it will also promote stones outcome nut the effect will be weaker than in the first case. We, from NGO "Ecology and Scientific-Technical Progress" experienced themselves the aftereffects of these methods and recommended them to other people suffering this ailment. Many people underwent this course under doctor’s supervision and their responses are splendid. The value of this method is in its being universal, inexpensive, it requires no surgical interference, and it is safe and ecologically pure.
S. Karimov*, Kh. Murtazaev**
* Khujand Scientific Center, 735714 Khujand, Tajikistan **Khujand State University, 735700 Khujand, Tajikistan
It is a well-known fact that mechanical properties of different bodies and materials depend on outward factor influence. For the ascertainment of solidity properties and life durability of the materials they are tested under different charges and emitted with a certain dose of radiation. We also conducted experiments on polymeric materials solidity definition on tearing machines under different stretching voltages with the speed of 50 mm/min.
For the research of **radiation influence on the mechanical properties of polymeric films they were subject to radiation emitting in the air, over water (in evaporations) and inside water with various doses in the range of 0.10*0.17 MHz and tested on tearing machines. We ascertained that when PM-1 films were radiated with **rays in the air the size of defects increased 1.5 times and solidity decreased. The same but a little less effect is observed under **radiation of the films over water (in evaporations). And under **radiation of the films inside water the size of defects decreases and solidity of the films increases. The formation of the high solidity structures in PM-1 films under their radiation inside water testifies to the fact that due to limited oxygen access to the amount of films the processes of radiation sewing take place. Therefore, we consider that under the radiation of PM-1 polymeric film inside water the processes of radiation sewing take place, but in the air the processes of destruction dominate. The change of the magnitude of electric solidity and specific resistance of PM-1 films are observed under radiation depending on dose and environment.
Kh. Murtazaev, A. Abdivaliev
Khujand State University, 735700 Khujand, Tajikistan NGO "Ecology and Scientific-Technical Progress"
Every novelty of scientific-technical progress has both positive and negative sides of its own. Radioactivity also refers here. What flattering words were used for calling it: atomic age, energy resource and etc. Many brilliant minds became laureates of Nobel prize who contributed into the development of the atomic science. Some dynasties and generations of scientists fell victims to this new branch of knowledge, e.g. the Curies family. At the present time our life is of no sense without atom, nucleus and its energy.
But as things usually stand, it has both negative moments. Here refers an augmentation of the number of cancer diseases related to radiation. In Northern Tajikistan due to intensified mining-geological elaboration of uranium deposits and uranium ores processing there formed a certain number of radioactive interments next to populated settlements. Owing to radiation aftereffects in the towns of Chkalovsk and Taboshar the number of cancer diseases and mortality among people related with uranium industry enhanced. The quantity of radiation victims in the towns named is in the range of 3-10 times more than in other towns of Northern Tajikistan. The quota of cancer patients is also higher than in other habituated places. All this witnesses that one should be extremely attentive and observe all rules of safety technique when working with radioactive stuffs. One ought to follow such well-know factors as: protection with time, protection with distance, protection with materials, protection with disactivation and etc. Radiation is neither seen, nor heard, we don’t feel pain, it is not tangible and so our senses always faultlessly telling where to await danger from are strengthless here and so one must work with dosimetric apparatus.
Kh. Murtazaev, S. Olov
The Tajik culture occupies a worthy place on the historical crossroad of various people and countries. The roots of this culture go far into the depth of the centuries pertaining to the pre-Gregorian calendar. One of the elements of every day culture and an inseparable part of life of the Tajiks described in the works of the medieval classics is a sandali.
The history and the creators of this remarkable thing are unknown up to now. But there are a lot of hymns consecrated to it by artists and composers, poets and writers. The main predestination of a sandali is to warm man, especially his most sensitive organs: a lower part of loins, feet and hands, because the latters have nervous ends very sensitive to cold. A sandali is arranged like a low table with four legs, its surface is covered with a board, the low part of legs is united with a stand for feet by a plank. Besides, there are arrangements for a poker, a dustpan, a jug, and a teapot there. The area of a sandali is 70x70 cm, the height reaches up to 70 cm. It is placed in a corner of a room, 70-80 cm from a wall in a deep small pit in the middle assigned for incandescent coal. Sandali is covered with a blanket and turns into a wonderful "arrangement" for warming a body in the sharp continental climate of Central Asia. When sitting at the sandali people are engaged in creation, cordial discourse, reception of guests, conducting festivities, in a narrow circle of people, they dream and make plans for future. Moreover, sandali has a medicinal function. At the present time they place sandalis even in modern multi-storied houses, because they give some warmth; people use also electrostoves, bulbs. The major predestination of a sandali is the preservation of clean air when warming feet and hands. People breathe fresh natural air, their bronchial system, lungs and other organs connected with atmosphere remain clean also. In spite of ancient history of a sandali its construction hasn't endured any transformations and it is used in its primeval state with the different people of Central Asia.
Kh. Murtazaev, A. Murtazaev
The reservoir of the Syr-Darya river located between the Turkestan and the Kuramin mountain ranges is a favorable region for biodiversity, it is famous for unique beauty and wealth. That’s why the conquerors penetrated here both from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south. On this earth in the boundaries of Northern Tajikistan due to the predatory attitude of the last conquerors many species of fauna dwindled (e.g. marmot, snow griffin, red wolf, eagles, Marco Polo sheep, gray varan, screwhorned goat) and some of them vanished at all (tiger).
93 % of Tajikistan’s territory is occupied with mountains. Due to the increase of the population the amount of arable lands has been growing. Besides, because of intense reclamation and elaboration of tapped reserves, their processing, the places of habitation of the most splendid species of fauna has been diminishing. Local residents also do their "contribution" using them for decorative, medicinal, social purposes. In spring*summer season the most beautiful species of a singing bird * that of nightingale * nestle in our region. According to the pronouncements of our classics and the utterances of old residents nightingale’s singing makes fresh your mind, ousts sorrow, raises up your spirits, prolongs your life. But their nests have been also lessening. We and our proponents, naturalists, enthusiasts from environmental protection society define rare vanishing species, voice through mass media, issue bulletins, conduct round tables, organize exhibitions, participate in marches, set warning and prohibitive signs, promote the creation of conscience parks for world-wide fauna protection, propagate their significance in nature, national economy and so contribute into harmonious co-existence of people and biodiversity.
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